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I would characterise my reviews as honest and polite. I try to approach each item as a writer and a reader. I keep writingML to a minimum as it is distracting to me. I am starting to experiment with templates, having never really used one before now -- please bear with me while I try to find one that suits my review style! I always try to be constructive, positive and encouraging in my reviews.
I'm good at...
Reviewing poetry, focusing on emotion, flow and imagery. I have a particular passion for short poetry.
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Dark, Emotional, Experience, Nature, Personal, Psychology
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Erotica (unless it's tasteful and non-clichéd!), Fanfiction, Religious, Sci-fi, Supernatural, Young Adult
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I prefer, and am most confident, reviewing poetry. But I do sometimes review short stories, essays and articles etc.
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Erotica (unless it's tasteful and non-clichéd!), Fanfiction, Young Adult fiction, novels or novel chapters (unless I know you very well!), horror items rated above 18+ (though I am happy to review other genres with higher ratings), anything featuring vampires, anything written in "text speak" or any non-static or non-book items (except in special circumstances).
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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Harry ,

I enjoyed reading this poem. It has an important message and I like the casual, almost chatty tone you use to get your point across to the reader. I found it a very interesting poem too. I like the rhyme scheme and I think it is quite creative in places.

I feel that the rhythm in this piece is a little awkward because of the way you sometimes break the lines. Also, this has resulted in some weak end words, such as ‘and’, ‘be’ and ‘are’. But you use some strong words at the ends of lines too which work effectively. I particularly like the use of ‘voracious’ and ‘tenacious’ in the fourth stanza.

I really enjoyed the last stanza and I think this part is probably my favourite! I especially like the wit in the final line. Thank you very much for a fascinating read.


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Review of Cloud Imaging  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Ms.Magi ,

I enjoyed reading this descriptive poem. The imagery is beautiful and there are some very striking language choices. I’m not familiar with this form so I appreciate the explanation. I might have to give it a try some time! Some of the wording was a little confusing for me and I found it hard to find a meaning, for instance this line:

‘Hiding in lightning shadows’

But otherwise I think this is a beautiful piece of writing with a great rhyme scheme and lovely flow. I particularly like the first two lines. They grabbed my attention and made me want to read on. Thank you very much for an enjoyable read.

~ Ghostranch

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Review of Letting Go  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello ElizabethHayes-DaughterofIAM ,

I found this to be a very peaceful poem with some beautiful imagery. The tone and style is quite simplistic, making this an easy read. I think the flow is wonderfully smooth and your language choices are lovely. I particularly liked:

‘as evening shadows dance’


‘I take a moment to reflect
upon the lake of emotions
I call my heart’

Wow! I love that part!

I can’t really relate to everything in this poem on an emotional or personal level because I’m not spiritual and do not pray. But I think you convey your emotions well to the reader and I love how you describe finding comfort in nature here:

‘A soft breeze
comforts me’

That is something I can connect to!

I think this poem has such eloquence and I enjoyed reading it. Thank you very much for sharing it.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello ShiShad ,

I’m reviewing your item as it was selected as one of the Simply Positive group’s required reviews. But I must confess, I don’t know much about writing song lyrics and I know even less about country music! Please forgive my ignorance. I hope my comments will be of some use, even if they just give you a good laugh!

This seems to be a simple love song and it is very romantic. I really liked this part:

‘While the moon hovers over star-crossed lovers’

I love the imagery in this song. I particularly like how you described shooting stars as silver fountains. It’s beautiful! I like the chorus but I can’t help but think this should be left off the end of the lyrics. It would be quite a nice touch (in my opinion) to end the song as you started it!

Thank you very much for an enjoyable read and congratulations on winning 4th place in the contest.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Dr M C Gupta ,

I love haiku! It is one of my favourite poetry forms and I really enjoyed reading yours. As the form is so restricting, I think it really pushes a writer to think about every single word. I like the first two lines of your poem. As for the last line, someone once told me that traditionally haiku shouldn’t contain season words such as ‘summer’ etc. Instead, words that hint at the season should be included. I don’t know if this is correct but I always prefer to read (and write) haiku, which do not include season words. Anyway, it’s just something to think about! (If you want to that is!)

Thanks for an enjoyable read.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Roari ∞ ,

What a fantastic idea for a story! I love the idea of a female pirate! I enjoyed reading this piece and I really like the characters. Charlotte and Rosey are particularly well written. I like the description of Rosey’s arrival and how you start to show what kind of person she is through her dialogue and other people’s reactions to her, rather than just telling the reader. There is also a developing sense of what kind of person Charlotte’s father was too and he seems very interesting!

I personally would have liked a little more description in this story. I was curious about the setting but I found it hard to picture it. Also, there seemed to be a lot of background information which sometimes slowed the pace in my opinion. I don’t really have any suggestions for that though! I suppose as the story is still being written, it’s hard to know what you’ll need and where to put it!

I think you are developing an interesting story and I’d certainly like to see where you take this. I’m curious about who James is! And of course I’m wondering what is going to happen next. I think this could be a very exciting story!

Thanks for a great read.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello ~Sue~ ,

I’m not used to reviewing lyrics at all and I have never written any myself but I hope my comments are still worth something!

I really enjoyed reading this item. It seemed to start out as a simple love song, with someone reflecting on how they met their love. Then it changed! And it broke my heart! I love the last two verses. They’re full of emotion--sadness, regret, passion etc. I like the chorus too and when it comes after those final verses, it really hit hards.

Thank you very much for sharing this. I only wish I could hear the tune!


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello NickiD89 ,

I enjoyed reading this non-fiction piece. I love the light and humorous tone and you really brought this family scene to life for the reader. I like the opening paragraph--it grabbed my attention and made me want to read on to discover why everyone was laughing uncontrollably.

I love the broccoli/zucchini discussion--it made me smile. But the whole coughing/choking part almost read like a horror story to me! But then I do have a very real phobia of choking, so perhaps that’s why!

I liked the humour in the paragraph beginning ‘I sprang from my chair…’ and this part made me laugh out loud:

‘I was racing the vomit's arrival, and in the panic lost track of the next installment of my plan.’

I love the last line of this piece too. It reminded me of all the times I’ve laughed with my family like that. Thank you very much for a great read.


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Review of Pause the World  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello ShellySunshine ,

I really enjoyed reading this emotional poem. The title is captivating and immediately made me want to read on. I can relate to this piece too--there have been so many times when I have longed to be able to pause the world (or at least slow it down!)

I know punctuation in poetry is a personal thing, but sometimes you use it and sometimes you don’t. I think maybe it’s a good idea to be consistent--either choose to use punctuation or decide to remove it (on the end lines anyway!) Of course this is just my opinion.

Overall I think this is a beautiful poem that seems to be written from the heart. I like the last stanza best. It is filled with emotion and really has an impact.

Thank you very much for a great read.


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Review of Stacy Lynn  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello JudyB ,

What a beautiful poem and wonderful tribute to your friend. She’s so lucky to get such a dedication! I enjoyed how you rhymed twice in each line--it gives a nice flow and makes this fun to read out loud. But of course it is the emotions that make this a powerful poem. Your appreciation and love for this person is conveyed clearly to the reader. It's refreshing to read something so light-hearted and full of joy. I think it's a really sweet poem!

Thank you very much for a great read.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello Harry ,

I really enjoyed reading this light-hearted poem and I think you tell a very charming tale! I absolutely love the rhyme scheme of this piece--it almost seems to take on a life of it’s own if that makes sense. I think it is really strong and rhyming ‘weekly’ with ‘uniquely’ is just inspired!

I struggled with the rhythm in this piece. Sometimes your use of enjambment helped with the flow but in other places it seemed to disrupt it in my opinion, for instance the fifth stanza. But I’m not sure what to suggest. Also the uneven line lengths maybe cause a bit of trouble with the rhythm. I'm not sure!

I think you tell a good story with this poem and I like the ending. I thought it was very sweet and it made me smile.

Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review of I Wonder  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Diane ,

I have to admit, when I first read this poem through, I didn’t get it. Then I read through a second time and suddenly a meaning came to me. I have no idea if my interpretation is correct but it absolutely broke my heart.

This seems to be a poem about guilt and regret and asks the question ‘what if?’ I love the dance metaphor you use in this piece and I think the last line has such an impact. Though it’s a short poem, I think you get the emotions across to the reader brilliantly. I particularly liked this part:

‘So I said no, and shut the door,
choosing to save myself.’

It’s so revealing, so brutally honest (if this is based on a real experience that is). What a tough choice to make and I really get a sense of that from this poem. I think this is a powerful and poignant piece of writing. Thank you very much for a truly thought-provoking read.


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Review of Coffeepaw  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Coffeepaw ,

This is such a sweet poem but kind of sad too. I love cats! Though unfortunately I don't have any anymore. Yours sounds absolutely adorable. I think this is well written free verse with lovely imagery--I can picture this cheeky cat helping him/herself to your coffee etc. I particularly liked:

'Perched on the chair arm, dipping your paw deeper and deeper into the glass, staining your
white fur pink.'

Beautiful writing!

I also liked:

'Your raspy tongue dragged across my scalp'

It reminded me of a cat I used to have that liked to lick people's hands. She had a raspy tongue too though we referred to it as her sandpaper tongue!

The ending is rather sad--I think the last line has such an impact, making this a poignant piece of writing.

Thank you very much for a great read.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Isylia ,

I enjoyed reading this dark and intense poem. I can really relate to this piece, especially the second and third stanzas which seem to resemble my life at the moment! Your language choices are quite striking--I particularly like the first stanza, which I think is very creative. The last stanza too is powerful. I like your use of alliteration, especially in the third stanza. I think it helps to give this poem a nice flow and a good strong sound. But most of all I like the emotion in this piece. I think it is beautifully expressed--you draw the reader into the pain and sadness, making this a poignant read in my opinion.

Thank you very much for sharing it.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Mr Zaborskii ,

I enjoyed reading this poem and I think it is an unusual piece of writing with a very distinct style. I've certainly never read anything like it anyway! I'm not sure I understood all of what you are trying to convey but I felt that gave this piece a mystical feel. I love the fifth, sixth and seventh stanzas--I think they are beautifully written and the subtle rhyme works really well. I especially love the last line of the seventh stanza which has left me with wondering who these three people are and what has happened between them. This piece has a good flow though the shorter lines disrupt this. I get the feeling this was intentional though. I think it worked quite well as it left moments for me to stop and think about what I had just read! I think this is a creative and beautiful poem.

Thank you very much for a great read. It was refreshing to read something so different.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Joy ,

I enjoyed reading this free verse tribute to the American flag. I’m not American, so maybe this poem doesn’t have as much of an impact on me as it would for a patriotic American citizen, but it was still a good read in my opinion. I think it has a wonderful flow and some nice imagery. I especially liked this part:

‘White clouds, blue sky,
and red stripes of dawn’

I think this is very creative. I also liked:

'My flag cascades
from each pole,
with a rush of dazzling light,'

Just beautiful!

However, I found some of this poem hard to follow. I love the alliteration at the end of the second stanza but I wasn’t entirely sure what you meant here. And this part confused me too:

‘A show of mercy,
its tenderness urges
a presence of heart
and mind;’

Are the words ‘mercy’ and ‘tenderness’ describing the flag? I’m afraid I got completely lost at this part!

Although some of the meaning was lost on me, I did enjoy reading this through several times just because the flow is so easy and the words read nicely together. I think the emotion of this piece is very well expressed and conveyed clearly to the reader.

Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review of Broken Heart  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello ABChristianDEFG ,

I think this is a very poignant poem and I’m sure it is something most people can relate to. Who hasn’t had their heart broken at some point! I think the rhyme scheme in this piece is good and helps the flow, though sometimes this becomes disrupted. I think this could be because of the uneven lines. I’m not sure! I know you probably didn’t focus on the rhythm when writing this emotional piece.

I noticed a couple of other things. In the first line, is it necessary to write both ‘Never’ and ‘ever’? This might read more smoothly written like this:

‘Never again will I be the same’

What do you think? Of course it is just a suggestion. Also, in the last line, I’m not sure ‘manged’ is a word. Please forgive me if I’m wrong! Did you perhaps mean ‘maimed’?

But overall I think this is a strong poem. You convey your emotions well to the reader. This part in particular tugged at my heart:

‘I guess a guy like me isn't good enough for a girl like you’

It’s really sad. And I’m sure it isn’t true!

Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello JACE ,

I really enjoyed reading this interesting, well written tale. I liked the straightforward style and the easy pace, which helped to keep my attention throughout the piece. I particularly liked this part:

'Call me strange, weird, whatever, but I like winter.'

I can really relate to this as winter is my favourite season. Though I have never experienced a winter as extreme as the ones you describe!

I noticed several errors and/or typos. But I'm sure you'll catch them with a careful edit. Also, I felt there were a couple of awkward sentences, for instance:

'Throughout fall to early winter, one of my chores was to split and stack wood for the kitchen wood stove and our livingroom fireplace in that wood shed.'

I had to read this through several times before I could get my head around it. I'm not really sure what to suggest. But I'm sure you can come up with a simpler way of saying this, which reads more smoothly (if you agree with my point of course!)

Also, the last sentence confused me a little. I wasn't entirely sure what you meant.

But overall I think this is a sweet and charming story. I loved the paragraph beginning with: 'Looking back on this time in my life,' It's very heart-warming! Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello NickiD89 ,

I think this is such a charming and heart-warming tale! It’s short but very sweet. I liked your description of the four seasons in the first paragraph and this part in the second paragraph:

‘After the ceremony, there was a lot of arm-grabbing and steadying of each other as they skated to the cars,’

It made me smile. But I absolutely loved this part:

‘The mugs of hot coffee and warm, fresh-from-the-oven pumpkin bread shared with family, with the pristine winter wonderland outside the kitchen window, is a memory I sometimes think is my own.’

What incredible writing. The description of the coffee and warm bread is mouth-watering and the description of the scene outside the window is just beautiful. You create such a cosy and familiar atmosphere with your words. I almost feel as if I were there too!

I like the last paragraph too. It sums everything up very nicely and I like that you include the recipe. I’d try it out if I weren’t so useless in the kitchen! Thank you very much for sharing this. I really enjoyed reading it.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Thayamax ,

This story absolutely broke my heart! It's beautifully written and full of emotion. I've read it through several times and each time I welled up at this same part:

'"No," I lied, brushing away the tears. "It's just that you remind me so much of my mother. She's gone now, and I miss her so much.'

Wow this really has an impact.

I think this is a powerful piece of writing and I am going to remember it for a long time.

Thank you very much for sharing it.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi ~WhoMe???~ ,

I really enjoyed reading this short story though I have to admit, it left me totally confused!

I love the descriptions in this piece. I particularly like this:

'It was here Crayola drew her muse for creating new crayons. There was every color for the painter's palette out here in the wilderness.'

I think these lines are very creative. I think the description of the silence in fifth paragraph is great. It is quite creepy in a way and I felt like I was there experiencing it too. I think you built up the suspense very well. I also adore the description of Winter, in particular this part:

'it was the last hurrah of father winter as he headed off into the mountains, taking his breath of snow and bristling cold with him.'

Just brilliant! (Should the words 'father winter' be capitalised?)

I felt the opening paragraph could be a little sharper as some of the words (Summer, sun, day) get a bit repetitive. It seemed unnecessary to me to state it was the first day of Summer as in the very next line you write:

'as Summer made her way into our lives.'

Which is a much more creative way of saying what you have just said, if you get what I mean!

In the fourth paragraph, the use of the word 'view' in two sentences in a row impedes the flow in my opinion. I personally felt these two sentences were too similar and would suggest cutting one or perhaps combining them somehow. I also found the shift from first person to second person in this paragraph (and the previous one) a little distracting.

But overall I think this is an enjoyable and interesting story with some fantastically striking descriptions. Thank you very much for sharing it.


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Review of I Was A Tiger  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Harry ,

I think this is a very heartbreaking poem. As a conservationist, zoos and animal parks etc are topics that come up on a regular basis for me. On the one hand is the argument that many zoos are valuable to conservation and doing good work and research in this field. On the other hand is the argument of whether it is ethically right to cage wild animals and put them on display.

This poem clearly shows what can happen when humans interfere with nature in this way. I like the unusual way you tell this poem. I thought it was interesting and had great emotional impact to tell the story from the tiger's perspective.

I thought the rhyme scheme was quite good in this piece, though sometimes I felt there was a bit of stretch to keep it. For instance this line:

'My wall's height wasn't right - too low instead.'

The word 'instead' doesn't seem right to me and makes this read rather awkwardly. I'm afraid I have nothing to suggest though! I really struggled with the rhythm in this poem too and stumbled over the lines a few times. Perhaps making the lines more even could help to improve this?

I felt some lines were strangely worded. For example:

'Instead I was on exhibit; so I mauled a keeper's arm.'

I can't quite see the connection myself. It seems rather odd. Of course that is jut my opinion.

Overall I think this is a very emotional and creative poem. I especially liked this line:

'I no longer have life, but I have freedom at least.'

It's really sad. I liked the last five words of this poem too. They are simple, to the point, sum up the whole tragedy in a way and really have an impact for that reason.

Thank you very much for sharing this interesting poem.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Diane ,

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cringe when reading this! So I went with both! What a great story. I love the casual style it is written in. It gives it a nice easy pace and made this an enjoyable read. I think my favourite part is probably Matilda's relaxed response to the situation. It really made me laugh. I think the ending is fantastic too.

Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review of Reject  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi again!

I'm back to review another poem that really tugged at my heart!

I think this poem is beautifully written and the emotion is conveyed effectively to the reader--I was really drawn into this piece. For the emotional impact, I particularly liked the last stanza. It's absolutely heartbreaking.

As usual when reading your poetry, I'm in awe of how wonderfully your free verse flows! The third stanza is an excellent example of this, particularly this part:

'I thought what we shared could last forever.
I was a fool. I was wrong.
You just used me to fill a gap
until someone else came along.'

Again, another thing I have noticed about your writing is that you usually establish a natural rhythm and use subtle rhyme to great effect. This poem is no exception. I think it has a strong sound and flow. It's powerful too. In other words, I think it is perfect!

Thank you very much for sharing it.


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Review of The Dream  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Jaye P. Marshall ,

I enjoyed reading this dramatic and well-written story. I loved the descriptions in this piece, particularly those relating to the seasons, such as:

'Outside, the moonlight sparkled on the new-fallen snow. The creek was still there, sleeping beneath its glistening blanket.'


'As the weeks slid into months, the winter snows gave way to the deep mud that accompanied the spring thaw.'

I think these descriptions are absolutely beautiful.

Whilst I didn't think that the dream would become a reality (i.e. the child drowning), I couldn't see where you going with this at all. I liked that I was kept guessing right up until the end!

Thank you very much for sharing this story. I thought it was a great read!


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