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1,747 Public Reviews Given
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I would characterise my reviews as honest and polite. I try to approach each item as a writer and a reader. I keep writingML to a minimum as it is distracting to me. I am starting to experiment with templates, having never really used one before now -- please bear with me while I try to find one that suits my review style! I always try to be constructive, positive and encouraging in my reviews.
I'm good at...
Reviewing poetry, focusing on emotion, flow and imagery. I have a particular passion for short poetry.
Favorite Genres
Dark, Emotional, Experience, Nature, Personal, Psychology
Least Favorite Genres
Erotica (unless it's tasteful and non-clichéd!), Fanfiction, Religious, Sci-fi, Supernatural, Young Adult
Favorite Item Types
I prefer, and am most confident, reviewing poetry. But I do sometimes review short stories, essays and articles etc.
I will not review...
Erotica (unless it's tasteful and non-clichéd!), Fanfiction, Young Adult fiction, novels or novel chapters (unless I know you very well!), horror items rated above 18+ (though I am happy to review other genres with higher ratings), anything featuring vampires, anything written in "text speak" or any non-static or non-book items (except in special circumstances).
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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ ,

Wow! What an original little tale you have here! I think this is a very imaginative piece of writing. I enjoyed the casual style and tone that it is told in--it gives this story a nice easy pace in my opinion. Tara fascinated me and I love her nickname! Though I have to admit, it took me a while to get that joke! *Blush* Although from the dark side herself, I thought she was feisty, had attitude and was, therefore, immediately likeable.

I found this story quite humorous and completely captivating. This was my favourite part:

'Dark fairies prey on the souls of the lowest form of human existence, thus, we actually do society a favor.'

This really appealed to the dark and sarcastic side of my humour!

I wasn't expecting the clever twist at the end, so it was a fantastic surprise for me. Thank you very much for sharing this unusual story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (5.0)
This group is amazing! I've always found reviewing really hard and a bit of a chore if I'm honest. But this group makes it so much fun and I feel really encouraged! I love being a member. There isn't much more I can say except:

Thank you very much!


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Review of Please Choose Me  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Diane ,

I enjoyed reading this sweet story and I found it rather emotional! I think you really brought Jeremy to life and I cared about him practically from the start.

I think this short story is well written. I liked the description of Mariana and how she stands out. I usually don't care much for descriptions of the clothes characters are wearing, but I liked how there was a point to the description in a story for once! (I hope you get what I mean! It was just a small detail I noticed!)

I also think you built up the suspense really well. I felt like I was there waiting with Jeremy. I thought when he burst into the office was a rather poignant moment and I loved Mariana's kind and composed reaction. I think that was probably my favourite part. I felt sure she would want to adopt him after that and I'm rather angry that it has been left open and I don't know what happened!

Thank you very much for sharing this moving story.


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Review of For I love  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Joy ,

Sorry! I forgot to use a Simply Positive group signature. Thanks for letting me send this review again! *Smile*

I really enjoyed reading this emotional poem. The message is powerful and inspiring and I think you have conveyed it beautifully to the reader. I think the first two stanzas are strong and filled with grief, pain and maybe even anger. I found the remaining stanzas softer and uplifting. I think there are some striking language choices in this poem that really have an impact. The third stanza in particular stood out for me.

Thank you very much for sharing this poignant poem.


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Review of For I love  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Joy ,

I really enjoyed reading this emotional poem. The message is powerful and inspiring and I think you have conveyed it beautifully to the reader. I think the first two stanzas are strong and filled with grief, pain and maybe even anger. I found the remaining stanzas softer and uplifting. I think there are some striking language choices in this piece that really have an impact. The third stanza in particular stood out for me.

Thank you very much for sharing this poignant poem.

Review of Firelight  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Love & Luck ,

Wow this poem may be short but it is very effective! The language choices are beautiful and create some striking images. You seem to have put a lot of thought into each word and I think this poem has very a strong sound. I love the gentle rhyme and think this really helps with the flow.

The first two lines are my favourites! They are just gorgeous!

Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Legerdemain ,

I found this short story to be a very intense and gripping read. I was swept through it at such a pace, getting more and more nervous! I think you have built up the suspense brilliantly. The imagery is very striking. I particularly liked this:

'My headlights create a lit tunnel through the groping branches of the trees'

I can picture it so clearly!

In my opinion, this story could use some sharper language choices, especially in the first paragraph where you use the words 'darkness' and 'deep' twice each.

Also, I wasn't sure about the phrase 'wink out'. Doesn't the word 'wink' describe the image you are trying to create, making the word 'out' rather unnecessary?

Maybe some of the words/phrases are a little bit jaded, for instance the description of the increased heart rate and adrenaline. However, I do really like these parts:

'In the lower edge of my vision I can see my chest heaving'

I thought that was pretty creative. And this:

My throat tightens on an unspent scream.

I enjoyed this story and I found it extremely creepy! I like the last line and I think it really has an impact.

Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Jumping Fences ,

I think this poem is absolutely stunning. What a creative piece of writing. I'm not very good at interpreting meanings, so I'm a bit reluctant to say what I think this is about. But is seems tragic to me.

The only ‘gripe' I have is a really tiny thing! The word ‘and' gets a little bit repetitive and many seem rather unnecessary to me. If I'm being really picky, the word ‘you' does as well. For instance in the third verse, which I feel could be a little sharper. Of course this is just my opinion.

But overall, I love this poem! I think it is very creative and original. The last part is my favourite. I think it is beautiful and it has such an impact.

Thank you very much for sharing this. I know it is something I'm going to want to read again and again!


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Review of Dream Catcher.  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Gothic Angel gone ,

I enjoyed reading this powerful piece of writing and I can really relate to it as well. The emotions are beautifully and clearly expressed and they draw the reader in, making this a very poignant read.

The final part of this prose piece is just...wow! I love it! It's so wonderfully creative and original. It really moved me.

Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful piece of writing.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

I really enjoyed reading this sweet and sentimental poem about the place you call home. It mostly has a good rhythm and the rhyme scheme is excellent. I love how the fifth line of each stanza is slightly modified; I think this works really well. I also like how you give extra emphasis to the word ‘HOME' by capitalising it.

I noticed a couple of errors/typos: I believe the first word of the fifth stanza should be capitalised and the first word of the sixth should be ‘I've'

Overall I think this is simple yet effective poem. The emotion is conveyed really well to the reader. I particularly enjoyed the fourth and fifth stanzas; I think the flow is wonderful here. I love the image you have created of the setting sun reflected in the pond too. I think it's really beautiful!

Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review of Remember When  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a poignant poem. I think it is beautifully expressed and it really tugged at my heart! I especially loved the middle stanza. I think it is striking and creative. For this reason it really has an impact, in particular this part:

‘Remember when our little ones
Soon joined our dance on tiny feet.
We waltzed to music from our hearts'

Just wow! I wish I had written that!

I really like the abcbdb rhyme scheme (I might have to try that myself!) The rhythm is also excellent. But mostly I just enjoyed the emotion in this poem and how you conveyed it to the reader.

Thank you very much for sharing this.

Review of Peephole  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a really sweet poem with a lovely message about the power of friendship. I interpreted this as a poem about learning to trust someone. Am I correct? I think this piece has a really great rhyme scheme and a good rhythm.

I can't say I'm very keen on the first line. I personally don't like it when poems begin with ‘And' or ‘And so'. It makes me feel like I've walked in on the middle of a conversation if you get what I mean. It leaves me wondering what was said before. Of course this may have been your intention!

I really enjoyed the first and last stanzas, but I feel the middle stanzas could be tightened or strengthened. Is there any particular reason why the third stanza has eight syllables when the rest have seven? (Except for the third line of the fourth stanza). I thought it affected the rhythm a little bit.

In the second stanza, the third and fourth lines seem a little clumsily worded in my opinion. I'm not really sure what to suggest, but I'm sure there's a better way of saying this!

Overall I really enjoyed this poem. Your language choices are very effective and I think you approached a common subject in a creative way. I especially love the message of this piece and the way you have conveyed it. I think the last stanza in particular really has an impact.

Thank you very much for sharing this. I hope my comments are of some to use to you!

Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really enjoyed reading this sonnet. I cannot say I get ‘caught up' in the message exactly, but I certainly like the way you have conveyed it. The rhyme scheme in this piece is excellent. The rhythm is good too but I feel it slips in a few places. For instance, this line:

'I had in mind a hope always tacit'

Some of the poem seems to be written in perfect iambic metre, but some like this line, are not quite there. I am still learning when it comes to metre though, so please forgive me if I'm wrong! I don't know whether you wanted it in metre but I feel if you were to tighten some of these lines, it would improve the overall flow of the poem and keep to the sonnet form. Here is another example:

‘I want to change my direction anew'

I'm afraid I don't have anything to suggest for either line. But I noticed the rhythm of the closing couplet could be improved by shifting some of the words:

Instead of:

‘Lord, I seek pardon, please forgive my sins'

How about:

‘I seek your pardon, Lord, forgive my sins'

What do you think? You lose the word ‘Lord' at the beginning of the line but I don't think it lessens the impact. And for the last line, how about:

‘And please make sure that Satan never wins.'

But of course this is all just my personal opinion. Take only what is useful to you, if any of it! Overall I think this is a good, strong poem. I particularly liked the first stanza.

Thank you very much for sharing this.

Review of My Love For You  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is such a sweet poem and I love the way you have presented it! It has a good rhythm and an excellent rhyme scheme. I think you convey your emotions to the reader really well and that makes this a rather poignant read.

I thought a couple of the lines were strangely worded, for instance:

‘I can't wait to hear your voice through my phone.'

Would this make more sense to say ‘on the phone'?

Also this:

‘I never want to be that person once more.'

Perhaps this would read more easily as:

‘I don't want to be that person anymore.'

What do you think?

But overall I think this is a very emotional poem. I particularly liked the last stanza. It's lovely and made me smile! Thank you very much for sharing this.

Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really enjoyed reading this emotional poem. I think it is very cleverly written. It has a good rhythm and rhyme scheme that makes it fun to read. I like the way you take the reader through your emotions, firstly bewilderment, then sadness and finally ending the poem on a happy and inspiring note. I love the message of this and the way you have conveyed it. I particularly liked the fourth and fifth stanzas because of the almost playful tone. I also really enjoyed the penultimate stanza where we fully realise what has been going on!

Thank you very much for sharing this. I thought it was well written, sharp and told a great story in a very creative way.

Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is so beautiful. I love it! I only recently learned about the dodoitsu form and I really like the way you have linked three together. (In the third line of the third stanza, there are eight syllables, when I believe it should be seven. Please correct me if I'm wrong!)

I love the emotion in this poem. It's such a sad piece. I particularly liked this line:

'Roses crumpled, eyes, moistened,'

It's beautiful and poignant. I like the way the last line of each stanza is slightly modified. I think it is very effective.

I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you very much for sharing it.

Review of Mama Said  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a powerful and emotional poem. It has an important message and I think the way you have conveyed it is very creative. It's full of sadness, reflection and realisation. I really enjoyed the language in this piece. I especially liked:

'Heavy doors clang shut
On my cell, and on my life.'

It's an effective and dramatic opening and it really grabbed my attention!

I think the short lines and simplicity works well to get your point across. It really has an impact. Thank you very much for sharing this. I enjoyed reading it.

Review of Forever  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is an interesting poem. It is very emotional. I think the anger and sadness are conveyed very well to the reader. The pacing is excellent; I like the short, sharp lines. It makes each one stand out and effectively enhances the expressed anger. I particularly liked these lines:

‘Blood boiling and mind-numbing pain
Knuckles through the wall’

I think they really have an impact.

I had trouble with the first two lines. They are quite clumsily worded in my opinion and don’t read naturally. I would be tempted to reword them or remove them altogether. But of course, it’s your poem and this is just my opinion!

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this poem. Thank you for sharing it.

Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this! The rispetto form is very restricting, but you have told a great, if rather shocking story within the confines of the structure. Although I’m still learning when it comes to meter, it seems perfect to me and the rhyme scheme is flawless too. I like the last two lines best, purely because of the impact they have. I gasped in shock! Congratulations on winning third place in the Stretch with this.

Thank you for sharing it.

Review of box of hope  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a sweet poem. I like the message and the creative way you have conveyed it. However, your sentences are a little bit confusing, for instance:

‘Nobody can be perfect
and yet I wanted to be one.’

This would make more sense to me if you removed the word ‘one’ in the last line. The fourth line confuses me for the same reason.

But overall I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing it.

Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have to tell you, I just read this and it made me cry. Perhaps it’s because I’m overtired and feeling emotional! *Blush* But more likely, it’s because of the excellent way you have expressed your emotions and the message. This part particularly got to me:

‘We really cannot fathom what someone is or has gone through when we look at them.’

It’s so true and so sad.

And this moved me as well:

‘How dare we judge someone simply by what we see?’

As did this!

‘Like a hot iron… a momentary sizzling, yet the pain lingers.’

I love the way you have described that feeling. I could go on quoting my favourite parts, but I’d probably end up quoting the whole thing!

This piece has such a great message. It’s a common message but you have made yours stand out; I think you have conveyed it with style!

Thank you very much for sharing this. I have a feeling I’m going to be coming back to read it again…and again!

Review of Sea of Bliss  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really enjoyed reading this poem. Your rhyme scheme is excellent. The flow was mostly good, though it falters in places. For instance, this line:

'The wind was subtle at first,'

This reads better for me when written like this:

'At first the wind was subtle'

But of course that is just my opinion. There were a couple of other places where the rhythm was uneven for me, especially in stanza one. Stanza two happens to be my favourite! I love the language choices; they are very striking and create a clear image.

I think this is a simple, yet very effective piece of writing. The tone is beautifully serene until the last line, which is quite jolting! However, I'm guessing that was your intention? I like the effect, this ending is rather poignant.

Thank you for sharing your poem. *Smile*

Review of A Mother's Lesson  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think this is a good poem. You have conveyed the message and expressed your emotions really well. I like the progression in your poem, how in the first stanza the mother (you?) realise that you have hurt your son. Then the next stanza explains why, and I particularly like this line:

'I guess it’s hard to cease being the "mommy" in me.'

It's sweet and quite poignant in a way. The third stanza, the resolution, is my favourite. I think it's a nice ending.

I noticed a couple of errors/typos in the second stanza:

'Ever wanting hold your hands as you cross the street.' - Should the word 'to' be before the word 'hold'? Also, should 'hands' be 'hand'?

'you just want share;' - Should this be 'you just want to share'?

I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing it. *Smile*

Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like your poem. I'm not from America, nor have I ever been, so I probably can't comment on the message you have conveyed, but I like the way you have conveyed it. This poem mostly has a good rhythm, I like the short, sharp lines; I think they have quite an impact. I have one small suggestion, in your description, why not say which government your poem is about? Just a thought! I enjoyed reading this poem and I think it takes courage to express something like this.

Thank you for sharing it. *Smile*

Review of Sonnet I  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I think this is a great sonnet. I only recently attempted to write my first sonnet so I'm no expert, but I think you have kept to the form brilliantly, except for this line:

'The girl who's feared for showing her naive joy.'

It has eleven syllables instead of ten. Perhaps remove the word 'her'?

I really enjoyed this and I found it to be a very captivating piece of writing. Thank you for sharing it. *Smile*

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