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1,747 Public Reviews Given
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I would characterise my reviews as honest and polite. I try to approach each item as a writer and a reader. I keep writingML to a minimum as it is distracting to me. I am starting to experiment with templates, having never really used one before now -- please bear with me while I try to find one that suits my review style! I always try to be constructive, positive and encouraging in my reviews.
I'm good at...
Reviewing poetry, focusing on emotion, flow and imagery. I have a particular passion for short poetry.
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Dark, Emotional, Experience, Nature, Personal, Psychology
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Erotica (unless it's tasteful and non-clichéd!), Fanfiction, Religious, Sci-fi, Supernatural, Young Adult
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I prefer, and am most confident, reviewing poetry. But I do sometimes review short stories, essays and articles etc.
I will not review...
Erotica (unless it's tasteful and non-clichéd!), Fanfiction, Young Adult fiction, novels or novel chapters (unless I know you very well!), horror items rated above 18+ (though I am happy to review other genres with higher ratings), anything featuring vampires, anything written in "text speak" or any non-static or non-book items (except in special circumstances).
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Review of Dark Visitor  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon ,

I am one of the judges of the "Invalid Item contest. Thank you very much for entering round 2.

Wow! This is quite a tale. The first line is very striking and made me want to read on. My attention was held until the end, despite this being a fairly long and complex piece. (I have concentration issues so I don’t usually make it to the end of poems this length!) The imagery is great and the language choices are strong. I like how you have taken the very common theme of a lost love and approached it in an original way.

I like the structure of this poem. The rhyme scheme is pretty strong. But unfortunately the rhythm wasn’t quite there for me. I’m not sure what to suggest apart from reading the piece aloud so you can find the uneven parts. The first lines of stanzas two and three are too similar in my opinion. Also, I didn’t quite understand what you meant by ‘A vision...’ What vision?

In the fourth stanza, I think the third line reads better as ‘No prayers or incantations, nor arcane medicine’ rather than using the word ‘not’ twice. Of course this is just my opinion!

There are a few awkward sentences, for example the second line of the final stanza. To me this makes more sense as ‘she struggled to catch her breath’. The use of the word ‘being’ is quite weak in my opinion, and hints of filler, as does ‘she felt herself...’

But overall I think this is a wonderful poem. You tell a captivating story and the ending is fantastic. Thank you very much for a great read.


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And proud Paper Doll Gang member *Bigsmile*
Review of LIFE  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Puja ,

I am one of the judges of the "Invalid Item contest. Thank you very much for entering round 2.

I think this is a nice poem with a lovely message. It seems to have been written from the heart, making it a poignant read. Some of the metaphors are wonderful and really got me thinking. I particularly like the last two lines of the first stanza, though it took me a while to get my thoughts around this part!

I like the structure you used and the repetition works effectively and doesn’t become overwhelming, which I think can sometimes happen. I like the rhyme scheme though a few of them sound quite forced and therefore stick out, for example ‘forest’ with ‘purest’ and ‘monster’ with ‘foster’. The flow is quite nice but I stumbled in a couple of places when reading aloud. The second line of stanza two, for example, seems to be one beat too short, which throws the rhythm. There are a few other places where the rhythm is uneven. Maybe reading the poem aloud could help you find these parts? One other thing, the last two lines are awkwardly phrased and are confusing. I didn’t understand what you were trying to say here. As this is your conclusion, it really needs to have an impact! Can you rephrase this part? Is there a simpler, clearer way to get your point across?

I really enjoyed this poem. I think it is an emotional, heartfelt and inspiring piece of writing. Thank you very much for a great read.


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And proud Paper Doll Gang member *Bigsmile*
Review of Pleasure  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello JACE

I really like this! I think it is nicely written and I love the twist at the end. It amazes me that a 55 word story can have a twist! I have written a 100 word story before and that was difficult enough! So I am full of admiration that you have pulled off telling a strong, decent story in just 55 words. If I was being picky I might say that some of the descriptions in the first part are a bit cliché. Some fresh and striking language choices could give this piece even more impact. But I really do think it is strong and enjoyable as it is. Thank you very much for a great read.


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And proud Paper Doll Gang member *Bigsmile*
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Just an Ordinary Boo! ,

This is such a fun poem. Scary of course but a good laugh too! I admire you for trying something new and writing outside of your comfort zone. You really pulled it off. I love the descriptions, especially the third line and all of stanza two. The word ‘denizens’ is a very effective and clever choice of word. It brought to mind words like ‘dentist’ and ‘dentures’! I do not know if this was your intention. Perhaps it is just my warped mind making weird connections!

The rhythm of this piece is quite nice and the rhyme scheme is good. It seems you have often inverted natural phrasing to fit the pattern/structure. Sometimes this works well--I absolutely love ‘call and beck’! Sometimes it doesn’t work so well--I found the first line of stanza three and the first line of stanza four particularly awkward.

Overall I really enjoyed this. I love your originality. Thank you very much for a great read and a laugh.


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And proud Paper Doll Gang member *Bigsmile*
Review of Calling  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello GhostX ,

I am one of the judges of the "Invalid Item contest. Thank you very much for entering round 2.

I love poems, like this one, that show sometimes the fewest words can have the most impact. I think it is very clever and the writing is sharp. Every very single word has obviously been chosen carefully. It is an effective piece that lingers in the mind long after reading.

A couple of things stood out a little bit in my opinion. Firstly, I think there should be a comma after the word ‘feel’. I’m not entirely sure about this, so sorry if I’m wrong! Also, I think the word ‘Crying’ should begin with a lowercase ‘c’ in keeping with the rest of the poem. Or maybe begin each line with a capital letter? It probably doesn't really matter but I do believe it is a good idea to remain consistent.

Overall I think this is a wonderful piece of writing. Thank you very much for sharing it.


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And proud Paper Doll Gang member *Bigsmile*
Review of Bound  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello T. Williams ,

Wow! I think this is a wonderfully original and imaginative story. Your ideas are incredible and I found this piece fascinating. The characters are very intriguing. I like that you leave a shroud of mystery around them, never really letting the reader in on who or even what they are. I like it when a piece of writing gets me thinking like this! I love the emotion in this story and enjoyed the mystical, almost grandiose tone that works so well when tackling the huge subject of love.

One of the main issues for me when reading this was that there was very little ‘showing’ and lots of ‘telling’. I got a little ‘slowed down’ by all the details at the beginning of the story. I tend to prefer stories that ‘show’ the action, if you get what I mean. I feel you do this more towards the end of the piece, and I enjoyed this part of the story the most. I liked that you gave the characters dialogue near the end, and felt this increased the pace of the story.

I also noticed a few errors or typos:

In the eighth paragraph, I think ‘breath’ should be ‘breathe’.

In the ninth paragraph, in the sentence beginning ‘He told her of the void...’, I think the word ‘he’ should follow the word ‘profoundly’.

In the tenth paragraph, I think the word ‘had’ in the sentence beginning ‘Turning to face him...’ should be ‘hand’.

I think you have an extra word in the opening sentence of the fourteenth paragraph. Do you need to cut out the word ‘the’?

In the eighteenth paragraph, I think that should be ‘beloved’s’.

Thank you very much for sharing this creative story. I really enjoyed reading it. I hope you have found my review helpful but please let me know if you need me to clarify anything.


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And proud Paper Doll Gang member *Bigsmile*
Review of Introduction  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello Dana Williams ,

I think this is an interesting introduction to the articles about your disability you plan on posting. You state that you want to inspire people by telling them about you and your experiences, which is very admirable! You certainly leave the reader wanting to know more! But that creates a problem in my opinion. I was left quite frustrated after reading and felt that I hadn’t really got much out of this piece. I almost felt cheated in a way! I realise you plan to add more essays and articles, but it might be a good idea to tell people what the disability is in this introduction. Then people will be able to decide more easily whether or not they want to read on. I think it is important that an introduction does just that, introduces a subject. You start to do that but I think you just need to expand it a little bit in places.

Also, some of the sentences read quite awkwardly, especially the sentence beginning ‘I started doing this because...’ I am not entirely sure what you are trying to say here so cannot make any suggestions.

One last thing, there are a few spelling errors or typos in this piece, so it could really benefit from a careful edit in my opinion.

But overall I think this could be a fascinating piece, which will probably make more sense once you have posted the articles. I hope my review has been helpful. Please let me know if you need me to clarify anything. Thank you for sharing your work.


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Review of Narcolepsy  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello greenevegiebeast ,

This is an unusual poem about something I do not know much about. I find it hard to relate to this as my problem is the exact opposite--I cannot sleep! However, for that reason I found this poem very interesting.

I think the rhyme scheme in this piece is good and the rhythm is quite nice. The main ‘issues’ for me were some of the phrasings and meanings. For example, I did not really understand what you were trying to say in the last two lines of stanza one. The phrasing is quite awkward here in my opinion. Is there a clearer way to get your point across? I realise the lines you have used fit the structure well, but sometimes letting form dictate how the message is conveyed doesn't always work effectively. I hope that makes sense! I’m afraid I also couldn’t get my thoughts around the ending, though I desperately wanted to! One other thing, it might be a good idea to either use punctuation consistently or remove it from all the end lines.

But overall I enjoyed this poem, particularly the second stanza.. Thank you very much for sharing this. I hope you have found this review helpful but please let me know if you need me to clarify anything.


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Review of Token Open Hearts  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello AdamAnt ,

I really enjoyed this poem. I’ll admit I couldn’t follow the first couple of stanzas during my first read through, so needed to look up a few words! *Blush* But once I had grasped the meaning, I enjoyed this poem even more. (However I’m afraid I still cannot get my thoughts around the first line of stanza two).

I particularly liked the fourth verse. I think it has a great rhythm, your meaning is clear and I love your use of assonance in the second line—it just trips off the tongue! I noticed one typo, in the third line of stanza two, I think that should be ‘wait’.

Overall I think this is an interesting piece of writing. Thank you for a great read.


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Review of A boy now a man  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Wolfsister ,

I do not write lyrics so I am never entirely sure how to review them. I’ll give it a go though! I found this to be a very emotional piece of writing. You tell a captivating and poignant tale and I particularly like the chorus, which has a nice flow. I couldn’t determine any particular rhythm when reading the verses, however. I’m not sure how important that is in lyrics but it did make it hard to imagine this being set to a tune! Overall I think this is a nicely written piece. The ending really has an impact. Thank you very much for a great read.


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Review of Sad Melody  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello TheGyrumBard ,

I am reviewing this as a member of the Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers group. I have to admit, I find it hard to review items like this because I am not a religious person. I suppose I just find it hard to connect on an emotional level. Having said that, I can appreciate that this is a well written piece of writing that I imagine took a lot of time and effort. I really like the opening of this poem. It captured my attention and made me want to read on.

The metre/meter is an odd one! I’ll have to take your word for it that you used this particular syllable count! I’m curious why you chose to write in this structure? I think having such uneven lines disrupted the flow in places. Also, sometimes it seems lines have been stretched to fit this structure, for instance the seventh and eighth lines in the first stanza. I just found this part awkward and wasn’t entirely sure that it is possible to have more than one second chance! To me this reads more naturally written as: ‘if you get a second chance/will it be granted by the true King?’ Of course this is just my opinion. As for the rhyme scheme, I didn’t even notice it until I read the poem through a second time! I think it works very effectively in places.

Overall I think this is a strong poem and I enjoyed reading it. I particularly like your subtle use of alliteration throughout. Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Dave ,

I really enjoyed this poem. I am absolutely fascinated by this form and I know how challenging it is. My cleave poem took ages to write! I think you have done a great job here, of getting all three poems to flow well. Your use of alliteration really helps with this and gives the piece a strong sound when read aloud. Overall I think this is a well written, interesting piece of writing. Thank you for a great read.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Sickasten ,

This is an entertaining and light-hearted account of a family road trip and holiday. I like the casual, chatty tone, which really drew me in and kept my interest. There are several grammatical errors in this piece, most noticeably the lack of capitalisations. The dog’s name should be capitalised. As should any words after a full stop (period). So I think this tale could be strengthened with a careful edit. You might want to rethink the second sentence as it seems incomplete as it is.

Overall this is a fun piece of writing and I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you very much for a great read.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Koyel~writing again ,

I think this is a lovely double haiku. This happens to be one of my favourite poetry forms though I usually prefer traditional haiku. Having said that, I think you have done a great job. There is a lot of emotion packed into this short piece. The first line is very striking and drew me into the poem. I was eager to read on. I love the idea of the last line too but it reads a little awkwardly in my opinion. I think this is because you have had to cut the word ‘the’ before the word ‘scent’ in order to fit the syllable count. Maybe using: ‘Just the scent...’ works? What do you think?

Overall I think this is a strong and poignant piece of writing. Thank you very much for a great read and congratulations on winning the contest.


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Review of Heading Away  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello chaoticmind ,

This seems like a good start to a story. I like the opening/introduction and I think you have effectively conveyed the emotion that the father was feeling to the reader. His opening speech is interesting and grabbed my attention. I wanted to read on and find out why he was talking to his son like this. I like the beginning of the first chapter too. I can imagine how anxious the character is feeling at this moment.

I have a few suggestions for this story. In the third sentence, the word ‘glance’ doesn’t seem right in my opinion. The son is being told to slow down, but glance implies a quick movement. Perhaps something like ‘look around’ would be more suitable? The sentence beginning: ‘Everything seemed in the colors...’ reads quite awkwardly. What are you trying to say here? Could you express this more clearly?

I noticed a few spelling errors, for example ‘sensitvity’ should be ‘sensitivity’ and ‘mystrical’ should be ‘mystical.

Overall I think this is a good piece but it could be stronger. It just needs polishing up a bit and a careful edit in my opinion. Thank you very much for sharing it.


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Review of Conflagration  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon ,

Wow! This is a very dark poem. I found it pretty disturbing. Part of me wanted to stop reading for that reason but I was entranced! Each stanza seemed to pull me deeper into the horror. I like the tone of this piece. It is eerie in a subtle way, which works effectively to unsettle the reader.

I think the form works well too. The aabb rhyme scheme almost makes it read like a creepy chant. I think you could increase this effect even more by working on the rhythm which is a little uneven in places. In some lines it seems you miss a syllable or a beat, which throws the rhythm, for example the second line. The only things I can think to suggest is adding the word ‘here’ after ‘still’, (which hints of filler!) Or maybe say ‘still linger...’ but that sounds a little odd, I think.

Lines three and four of stanza two read very awkwardly in my opinion. I can’t think what to suggest for line three. I’ve tried rephrasing it but I can’t seem to get it to flow smoothly. I think the word ‘every’ is the main problem in this part. In the fourth line, it reads better to me if the word ‘dead’ follows ‘pronounced’.

There are a few other places where I stumbled because the rhythm isn’t quite there. Or sometimes I found I had to emphasise words unnaturally to fit the rhythm. You might be able to find these parts by reading aloud. Try to just read it ‘naturally’, without emphasising where you think/want the stresses to be and hopefully you’ll see what I mean! But I’m not an expert when it comes to metre and I have this problem too. Just let me know if you want me to point out every single one that I found! But sometimes I wonder if it’s just a pronunciation issue!

A couple of other things, in the first line of the second stanza, I believe that should be ‘lying’ not ‘laying’. In the fifth stanza, should this be ‘hours’ rather than ‘hour’?

Overall I think this is a strong piece of writing. I love the ending though it freaked me out quite a lot! It is very effective. Thank you very much for a great read.


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Review of Heart poem  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello ookamishi ,

What a visually stunning, unique and appealing poem! It certainly grabs attention and is wonderful to look at. I like the content too. The first part is creative and sweet. I like the subtle alliteration. The word ‘fragment’ seemed a little odd to me when describing hair though. Perhaps ‘wisps’ works better? I’m not sure! Then you could substitute ‘black’ with ‘raven’ to ensure the line stays a similar length. Of course this is just a suggestion!

I feel your message got a little lost in the second section. I couldn’t see much of a connection to the first part. Also, some of this reads awkwardly and I think that’s because you use punctuation inconsistently. It might also be because you have written the poem to fit the structure, and some of the phrases have been forced to fit in with this.

But overall I think this is an interesting and striking piece of writing. Thank you for sharing it.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Hello Katasha ,

This is an interesting and unusual piece! I don’t think I have reviewed something like this before and I’m not entirely sure how to go about it. I think the tips you give are good. A few of them could be useful to someone trying to let another know how much they like them. Or maybe somebody trying to add a little spice or excitement to their relationship would find some of these helpful.

For me, these ideas are not exactly romantic. They may be flirty, playful, exciting or fun, but that doesn’t make them romantic. Of course this is just my opinion, but it did prevent me from connecting with this piece on a personal level.

A few other things: I believe ‘low cut’ should be ‘low-cut’ and ‘your’ in the last sentence of the first paragraph should be ‘you’re’. I think the sentence I just mentioned is a little clumsy. It is quite long and reads awkwardly. Could you cut parts of it or use two sentences here? This could work if you develop the ideas a little a bit, I think. Is there a missing word between ‘all’ and ‘looking’? This would make more sense to me as ‘all whilst looking...’ or ‘all the while looking...’

Overall I enjoyed this. I think if you developed some of the ideas and sharpened some of the sentences it could be a neat and effective piece of writing. I like the ending and I think it has an impact! Thank you very much for sharing this.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Destiny ,

This is such a sad and heartbreaking poem. I felt so sorry for the poor little child who desperately wanted to please her parents but they just made her think that she was bad and worthless. Of course no child should ever have to go through this. I certainly hope this isn’t based on a real experience. You have done an excellent job of conveying the emotion to the reader.

The simplicity of this piece works effectively in my opinion by giving it a childish, child-like ‘feel’. This makes it even more heart-rending. I like the rhyme scheme, which is solid and safe. The rhythm is mostly nice but I feel it slips in a couple of places. I think you have done quite well with using stressed and unstressed beats to get a good rhythm when each line is read separately, but the uneven line lengths seem to negatively impact the overall flow. It might be a good idea to use a consistent metre.

But overall I think this is a nicely written, poignant piece of writing. Thank you very much for sharing it. I hope this review has been helpful but please let me know if you need me to clarify anything.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello W.A. Cumberland ,

This is a lovely poem! I like the simplicity and the gentle tone. You have effectively conveyed your emotions to the reader; it is clear that this person is very special to you. I particularly enjoyed the opening stanza of this piece. I think it is beautifully written and pretty creative.

I like the structure at the beginning but couldn’t help thinking it would have been nice if you had kept this consistent throughout the whole poem. Is there a way to begin the fourth and fifth stanzas with ‘It never’ as well? The first line of the fourth stanza doesn’t seem quite right in my opinion, especially as you state you love this person earlier in the poem and towards the end too. Did you perhaps mean ‘I had never been in love’? I got a bit confused here!

Overall I think this is a nice, heartfelt piece of writing. Thank you very much for sharing it.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Daizy May ,

I think this is such a lovely, well-written poem. The rhythm and rhyme scheme are perfect. But it is the message and emotion of this piece that I enjoyed the most. I like the questions you ask. They gave me something to think about! I love the structure of this piece too. I like poems that end as they began because I think it gives them a nice ‘rounded’ feel, if that makes sense. Thank you very much for sharing this. I think it is a sweet, light-hearted piece and it made me smile.


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Review of My Father's Hands  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon ,

I am one of the judges of the "Invalid Item contest. Thank you very much for entering round 1.

I really enjoyed this poem and I think you have used the prompt well. There is so much emotion in this piece and that makes it a poignant read. I love the first line. It grabbed my attention and made me want to read on. I also really like the first two lines of stanza four. I think this part is beautifully written and it gave me something to think about.

I think the rhyme scheme in this poem is good. The rhythm in the first stanza is fantastic but then it becomes a bit erratic in my opinion. Sometimes this is because extra syllables creep in, for instance the third line of stanza two. This line might work better if you removed the ‘and’ and just added a comma after ‘strong’. But that might be stretching it a bit! Perhaps just finding a way to rephrase this particular line is the best option. If you agree with me of course! The last two lines of stanza three made me stumble too but I’m afraid I don’t have anything to suggest for this part. There are a few other awkward parts in my opinion. Maybe reading this poem aloud could help you find these?

But overall I think this is a beautiful, heartfelt piece of writing. Thank you very much for a great read. I hope you enter round 2 of the contest. *Smile*


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Review of Father and Son  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello Sticktalker ,

I am one of the judges of the "Invalid Item contest. Thank you very much for entering round 1.

I enjoyed this poem. I think it is sweet and the simplicity works very well and makes this an easy, fun read. I really like the structure of this piece. It is rather different and I think the rhyme helps with the overall flow. I think the first stanza is my favourite; you have used the prompt well.

A few things stuck out a little in this poem in my opinion. Firstly, stanzas one and two seem to be saying the same thing, just in different ways. Could you make each part a different, separate ‘idea’? Or could one stanza be removed? The first line of the third stanza seems a little odd to me. Is the man holding out a finger or is he holding the baby’s finger? You repeat the word ‘holds’ in the third line of this stanza; could you vary the vocabulary a bit? Maybe ‘grips’ or ‘clutches’ could work? One other thing, the second line of the final stanza seems a little strange in a poem entitled ‘Father and Son’!

But overall I think this is a lovely poem. Your description implies that you don’t write poetry very often and don’t have a lot of confidence in your ability. But I don’t see why! I think this is a really good piece of writing and I hope you will write more poems! I also hope you enter round 2 of the contest. *Smile*

Thank you.


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Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is another wonderful idea for a group and I am very proud to be a part of it. I think review groups such as this one give people like me, who find reviewing very difficult, the motivation and encouragement to actually do it! I like that this particular group focuses on reviewing, encouraging and helping newbies.

I really admire all that you do for this online community! *Smile*

Thank you.

Review of Like a Glove  
Review by Ghostranch
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Goldie Kadell ,

I have to admit, it took several reads of this poem for it to grow on me and for me to actually ‘get’ it. But I’m so glad I took the time to read it several times though because I think it is lovely! There are some quite creative moments in this piece. I love the use of the words ‘promise’ and ‘compromise’ in the second stanza. It’s very striking. I like the last two lines a lot too. I think this ending really has an impact.

I have a few suggestions that you can take or ignore as you please! I cannot make sense of the fourth line. What do you mean here? Is there a clearer way to get your message across? In the third verse, might it work better to italicise the word ‘so’ to emphasise it rather than writing out ‘sooooo’? I’m not entirely sure! I found the extended version of the word quite endearing if I’m honest! In the following line you repeat the word ‘so’ and it sounds awkward to me, especially as it’s close to the first time you used the word. Could you cut the second ‘so’?

I hope you find this review helpful but please let me know if you want me to clarify anything. Thank you for sharing this poem. I really enjoyed reading it.


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