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Review of Gracious Death  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Dave, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of reflections on life and death, using gross blank form.

Aromas from the kitchen bring fond memories of children's laughter. Too soon fate swept him away. Abruptly, cancer came and brought pain upon his soul until the Angels took him to heaven's grace. Our family members gather in that house to share grief and fond regard for him.

Gross blank form is used in this poem. Rhyme is sprinkled throughout your poem. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Intuey, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of a friendship made with a new kid on the block.

The new kid wears silly socks and he's always late. He walks home alone, shuffling his feet. I told him to call me on the phone. We got together and played. He said he prayed to the Lord to bring him a friend. Now they have a friendship.

The title of your poem is appropriate, "New Kid on the Block". I enjoyed reading your poem. There is an underlying tone of appreciation by both boys. Areas for improvement: N/A.

Rhyme pattern with couplets is consistent. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Blue Windows  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Blue Moon, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of love.

You look out the window, see her standing there. You watch the cars go by as you wait for her. You're looking at the moon, wondering if she thinks about you. You pray for her, wishing she belongs to you. Through this blue window, her love belongs only to you.

The title of your poem is appropriate "Blue Windows", like seeing through rose tinted glasses, which might be not exactly true. I enjoyed reading your poem, although there was too much repetition for my liking. There is an underlying tone of dreaming. Areas for improvement: Think about your repetitive thoughts. Are these necessary?

Unrhymed verse. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of An Epic Conflict  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Spidey, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public reviewing pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of an epic conflict.

Your poem speaks of her preciseness and your cloudedness. Your personalities conflict with each other. Finally, your individual natures cancelled each other out.

Your title is appropriate "An Epic Conflict" and describes what the conflict of your poem is. I enjoyed reading your poem. There is an underlying tone of discernment. Areas for improvement:N/A.

Unrhymed verse which makes a good point. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of hbar, the ogre  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Pat, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This acrostic poem paints a picture about a great reviewer.

Your acrostic poem speaks of some reviewers being ogres, except for one reviewer who encourages other poets with humor. He's professional and helpful.

The title of your poem may be appropriate. It is difficult to say. Why do you call the reviewer an ogre? He's one reviewer who is not an ogre. I enjoyed reading your poem. There is an underlying tone of appreciation of the reviewer extraordinaire. Areas of improvement: N/A

Rhyme is sprinkled throughout the poem. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi.Jatog, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of the poet's thoughts of spring.

Nature creates forsythias to combat the gloom of winter. When winter ebbs, you look for the red broom to sweep the steps. On the back porch, beauty appears, the bride and you are the groom.
On the swing sunlight appears and growth takes place as the overcast disappears.

The title of your poem is very appropriate. "When Forsythias Bloom" combats winter. I enjoyed reading your poem. There is an underlying tone of happiness and anticipation of spring. Most memorable: sweeping the steps with the red broom. Areas of improvement: N/A

Rhyme is consistent. Description is vivid. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Raw Fear  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi G. B. Williams, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the. public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This Unrhymed verse describes the poet's feelings as his son is rushed to the hospital a few days ago.

You have a million symptoms of fear as your son is taken to the emergency room. A voice inside you says it's time you fight or flight. You're immobilized and your brain will not process to get you to move. Cold sweat trickles down your back. Chills course through your body out of anxiety. Your heart palpitates. The news can't be good. They're taking too long. The doctor notifies you that your son is okay. You got him to the hospital just in time. You feel that you're going to pass out. Tears stream down your cheeks as you wet your pants.

The title of your poem is appropriate "Raw Fear". I enjoyed reading your poem and sat on the edge of my chair with fear too. The underlying tone is panic. A rea for improvement: N/A.

Unrhymed verse is effectively used. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Chris, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This love poem describes the meaning of happily ever after.

My interpretation of your poem: Happily ever after is a fairy tale. Death will end every scheme; This is sad but true. You can deny it if you wish. Happily ever after might end in 50 years. Happily never after is closer to the truth. Remember marital vows say until death do us part. Death will eventually break our hearts.

The title of your poem "Happily Ever After" is appropriate and highlights the main point of your poem. I enjoyed reading your poem. It gave me food for thought for the English language. There is an underlying tone of discernment. Most memorable: Happily never after is closer to the truth. Areas for improvement: N/A. See minor Suggestions below.

Rhyme pattern is consistent. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.
Stanza 2: only exists above. I felt this line was driven a little by meaning.
Stanza 3: until death do us part NOT until death do we part. I felt the use of us would be more official and more like the marital vows.

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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Tim, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .
Pride and Playfulness" is fairly appropriate. Your title sounds a little like the book "Pride and Prejudice".
This poem was inspired by the poet's loss in bowling league.


You say you're humble, but you know results come to those who work everyday. You won't admit it, and you hide your pride so your pride won't take a hit. You got where you are because you're convinced you're a star. Pride makes you soar, so don't be afraid to admit you're prideful.

The title of your poem "Pride and Playfulness" is fairly appropriate and has the same ring as "Pride and Prejudice" and there is some similarity. The book openly admitted pride. Your poem attempts to hide it. Playfulness refers to the bowling league you've had losses in. I enjoyed reading your poem and the idea that you think a person should admit that he's prideful. After all, that's what got you results. There is an underlying tone of tentativeness in your attitude, trying to decide how you feel about pride. Most memorable: You feel you got where you are because of your pride. Areas for improvement: N/A.

Your rhyme pattern is consistent. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Hole  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Jimbo, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture about loss.

The title of your poem Hole" is fairly appropriate. You could add some creativity, eg "Hole in my Hear".

My interpretation of your poem: You're out of my sight and I'm out of my mind. The years are not kind. How can I go on when my heart has a hole?

I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.
I think you meant heart has a hole NOT heart is a hole.
Did you mean: Memories of you save me from the rain NO memories of you umbrella me from the rain.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Youth is a Leaf  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi R. J. Simonson, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem speaks of the similarities between youth and a leaf.

The title of your poem is appropriate and a metaphor "Youth is a Leaf". I enjoyed reading your poem and found your use of language, eg the use of gerunds, was interesting to read and different from the norm. There is an underlying tone of appreciating nature and human beings too. Areas for improvement: N/A

My interpretation of your poem: The leaf is young and tender, clinging to the caregiver. It gets larger, stronger and proud, but still clings like the swaying wind. Thinking the world is unexplored and it will never change, but suddenly one day the tree is forever gone and the leaf is no longer green.

Nice use of simile, eg lIke the swaying wind. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of A Writer's Lament  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Kenzie, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your articles, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This article discusses how writing mechanically can crush the heart and soul of the writer.

The title of your article "A Writer's Lament" is appropriate. When you evaluate that sadness strikes at the true writer's heart and soul. I enjoyed reading your article and found it both painful truth and joyful humor. Your words softened the blow with humor. There is an underlying tone of truth. Most memorable: heart words vs. composition by computer. Areas for improvement: N/A.

Well-written from the heart. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Balloon Flight  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Fyn, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of memories riding through the mists in a hot air balloon.

The air was still as if poised on the moment. The balloon was aloft. The morning mists swirled beneath you. Birds flew beneath you. Rising on the wind you soared heavenward 2,500 feet. A time honored toast of champagne occured then you landed. Your souls were still in the air.

The title for your poem is appropriate, simple and to the point. I prepared myself for one glorious presentation of poetry. I wouldn't change a thing except minor error (?) in Stanza 2. See below. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your poem. The underlying tone is ethereal and heaven sent. Areas for improvement: N/A. Most memorable: the whole poem.

Unrhymed verse. Fine imagery, eg simile: air was still as if poised on the moment. Metaphor is used wonderfully well, eg. a country quilt. Vocabulary chosen is perfect. Description is vivid and expressive. In Stanza 2 you used the word beneath twice. That disturbed my reading slightly. Only minor error (?) I spotted. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of ...and Fred.  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi HuntersMoon, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of a day in the life of a five-year-old girl.

In the morning she patters down the hallway and jumps in bed with Mommy. She cleans her room and puts her toys and books away,. Some days they go shopping. Daddy gets home at dinner time. He swings her in the air, and sits her in her chair. After dinner they make sure the kitty is fed. At bedtime she gets into her Jammie's, says her prayers and she and Fred, the teddy bear get good night kisses. Then it's sweet dreams for Fred and her. This poem is whimsical.

The title of your poem is appropriate "...and Fred". Fred is an appendage and goes wherever his five-year-old bear caregiver goes. You don't know who Fred is until the last stanza. You can only suspect! I enjoyed reading your poem. It is so much like the point of view of a sweet young five-year-old. There is an underlying tone of jades ire to experience life and exploe the environment. Most memorable: Daddy swinging her in the air. Areas for improvement: N/A.

Rhyme pattern is consistent. was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel


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Review of i was here  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Marlow, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of the young generation's voive of oppression and madness.

The voices of freedom are madness, oppressed so that young generations are given the title of King for moving a pebble. They rip language and do time's job of change. They scribble gibberish for no point. They remove our past and burn it. Your comment: Again I ask, please leave me be,

The title for your poem "I Was Here" is appropriate, meaning you were there before the madness of the young generation. I enjoyed reading your poem and found it grabbed me to make sure I was aware of what is going on with the young generation, ripping the language and burning it up. Most memorable: the whole poem is memorable. There is an underlying tone of panic in your poem.

Unrhymed verse is effectively used. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Rainstorm  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi KatVon, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poem, which I found on the review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem is a canvas for painting a picture of your friend, who was born to be a rainstorm.

Your friend was born to be a rainstorm. Your friend's voice is heard throughout the night; His song is sung like falling raindrops. The world ran for cover when he opened up his skies, so he made his thunder silent and learned to bite his rainy tongue. Then he gave life with endless sun. The leaves turned brown and dry. They wished his presence hadn't been taken for granted for he can't be controlled. Nothing beautiful would ever grow if it wasn't washed with rain.

You have used personification effectively, and refer to the rainstorm with human tendencies, i.e. he becomes a friend of yours. The title of your poem is appropriate, "Rainstorm". You could add a creative hint, eg the title perhaps could be "Uncontrolled RAINSTORM". I enjoyed reading your poem, and felt focus was necessary, so I could understand your message, i.e. the many facets of a rainstorm. There is an underlying tone of your poem of mystery which made me wonder what would happen next. Most memorable: how considerate, to create a silent rainstorm. Areas for improvement: N/A

Rhyme is sprinkled throughout your poem. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Brittany, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem describes a Christmas shopping experience.

We rush around with no rhyme or reason, trying to get Christmas shopping done, and complain of going out in such weather. Weary shoppers shout and push in the malls. What happened to heaven from above? The family with the Christmas manger has stolen my parking space outside this store. It's the helpers who collect money, stand and jingle their bells who you're thankful for. They're what Christmas is about.

The title of your poem is appropriate, but it seems you could give more of a hint by calling it "Christmas Bell", describing that you are delighted with those helpers who ring their bells, collecting money for the needy. I enjoyed reading your poem and thought it accurately shopping at Christmas. There is an underlying tone of panic in the stores of shoppers trying to meet deadlines. Most memorable: The complaining and yelling of all weary travelers. Areas for improvement: N/A

Rhyme is consistent and pleasant. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Scars  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Canterback, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem describes some issues in society.

You have had pain and problems; you've seen love turn its back. A sky full of stars reminds you the world is hiding scars. There are veterans without roofs over their heads. We care for soldiers while the wounded aren't fed. The richest dress and dine like kings while children starve. What if we're invaded, we kill innocent lives. What is the purpose of education if we tell them what to think? Maybe if we take a chance to learn about scars not just our own, maybe we could learn our planet is our home.

Thr title of your poem "Scars" is appropriate. It tells about the hurt which has left a healed wound which still leaves evidence: the scar.

I enjoyed reading your poem and felt concern for my country and finally my planet. There is an underlying tone of worry over the problems we on this planet face. Most memorable: We care for the soldiers when the wounded aren't fed. Apparently, we haven't learned yet the consequences of war. Areas of improvement: This poem is lengthy, but not much of it is excess baggage. A sad tale is lamented. N/A

Rhyme pattern is consistent. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of What Do I Have?  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Pony Tale, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem describes the adventures of the poet and a horse she thought was hers.

You had her gallop then circle in the yard. You gave her carrots and she cantered. She taught you how to ride, but she wasn't your horse. She belonged to Des not you. She's gone now and the track is clear. You thought Lil' Floss was yours. No one taught you how to lose a horse.

The title of your poem is appropriate, but it could be more creative., perhaps "What Friend Do I Have?" I enjoyed your poem, and found myself grieving like I felt you were when you decided Lil' Floss wasn't yours. The mare belonged to Des. Areas for improvement: N/A. Most memorable: When you thought the mare belonged to you.

Very nice rhyme pattern which is consistent. Good flow of words. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Isolation  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
H Leaf, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem describes the poet's interpretation of the meaning of isolation.

Your poem is written in a most interesting fashion. You say you have befriended isolation. She's not the worst friend and she's not the best friend either. You don't fear isolation; you are isolation. You have nothing and you feel nothing.

The title of your poem is appropriate, simply "Isolation". I enjoyed reading your poem. If this is a form poem, it would help the reader if you summarized the components of the form. If it is not a form poem, I think you have overdone the repetition of the poem. A little repetition challenges the reader to think and it gives your poem an appealing cadence, but it can be overdone easily. This is an area for improvement: Re-work the repetition. Most memorable: I feel nothing for I have nothing.

Unrhymed verse. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of The Magical Day  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi BooksThatHook, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review two of your journal entries, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This letter is a journal entry by a ten-year-old boy who is lonely and calls himself fat.

Bruce, you say in your journal entry that you are a fat kid and most everyone in your class at school calls you names because you are overweight. Wallace and you were in baking class together. You became friends when you discovered how much you had in common: both the youngest in your families, both loved reading and Will Smith. Wallace, it turns out, was the most popular boy in the class and he invited you to his home. At school the kids teased you again, but this time Wallace told them to stop it. You never had anyone call you a name again after that.

Your title is appropriate for your journal entry., as it was "A Magical Day" when you made friends with Wallace the day he stood up for you and the kids quit calling you names.

I enjoyed reading your journal entries. I always like reading the bottom line honesty of journals., especially when there is a need for this openness to correct something, in this case bullying.
There is an underlying tone of happiness and relief from a burden of bullying.

Areas for improvement: N/A

Well-written. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Strangers  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi T.L. Finch, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This love poem speaks of two lovers in love forever.

They are two lovers, an attraction too strong to sever. Their love lifts their souls; they are side by side forever, comforting all the ugly fears. With grave markers, they are bound together even in death.

It seems to me that "Strangers" is not an appropriate title. They are lovers, not strangers.

I enjoyed reading your poem and felt it was an uplifting poem of the transition of what happens to love over a lifetime, until later in life companionship and spirituality are more important.

There is an underlying tone of inquisitiveness.

Your rhyme pattern is lovely and consistent except for stanza five. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of That Happy Place  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Fetered Poet, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem paints a picture of that happy place, now in jeopardy.

You see simple things, smiling faces and laughing sounds when love erases chains. The title of your poem is appropriate: it speaks of that happy place. I enjoyed reading all of your vivid and expressive description. You decide your happy place is not necessarily so. You let loose the happy place and seal with doubt. It is now in jeopardy. Areas for improvement: N/A

Your free verse poem is sprinkled with rhyme, very pleasantly so. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of The Marsh (Haiku)  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Starwriter, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the. public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem describes music made by the reeds in the marsh.

This poem is a lovely Haiku. I enjoyed reading the variations of your Haiku with one stanza starting at the beginning and the other starting at the end. The picture visualized is quite lovely. I can just imagine reeds singing in a chorus. I lived near a gol course where reeds in the marsh really did play a tune and sang a song. There is an underlying appreciation of nature's talent. Most memorable: reeds singing an orchestrated song. Areas for improvement N/A.

I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.
splendor NOT splendor
Did you mean sings NOT songs?

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Looks So Good  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Tim, I am GerMac, affiliated with Power Reviewers Group. I am here today to review one of your poems, which I found on the public review pages. Please use my suggestions as you see fit. My comments are opinions only. .

This poem describes the happiness and appreciation you have for your beloved.

You are inspired by the unusually cold and wet weather to go to the mall to find a good deal. You thoroughly enjoy and appreciate your beloved as well as her appearance.

Your title is appropriate and speaks of positivity and everything looking good from your perspective, especially your beloved. There is an underlying tone of happiness and appreciation. I don't see any areas for improvement. N/A. Most memorable is your description of your beloved's appearance and your cleverness of staying dry by going to the mall to find a good deal. I enjoyed reading your lovely thought.

Rhyme is sprinkled throughout your poem. I was not distracted by errors in language usage, grammar or punctuation. This comment is a disclosure, stating errors are not obvious. If they exist and are not mentioned, they are not noticed.

Thank you for sharing.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

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