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Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
A lovely episode, I especially liked the description of the characters going to the countryside for a break. The surroundings sound lovely and I liked the description of the flowers and the pony - all very picturesque. Jennifer is a spirited girl wanting to do things like fling the moonstone in water so it can't be reached. The thoughts of the two women as they're torn between the two loves in each of their lives seemed very credible. It also reminded me how Jane Austen heroines have to choose between different love options.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
I wonder if the women will succeed in forgetting the troublesome but attractive gypsies... There are always new surprises in this story. The characters are well written and I love how detailed and real this story feels.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
The bit about Zalita signing a funny rhyme to wake the gypsy men and then the wolf adding to her efforts by wetting on Manolito's shoe was hilarious! Vicki and Bill will be surprised when they turn up late. These gypsies always spell trouble...
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (5.0)
A beautifully empowering children’s story. I loved the message that if girls have courage they can achieve anything which makes this an inspiring fairy tale. It was well crafted and written to appeal to the understanding and vocabulary of children. Well done!
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (5.0)
This story captured my attention due to its vivid descriptions. The details about the appearances of the house and furnishings breathed life and interest into them. The settings were both beautiful and eerie, rather like this story. I liked how the view of Stephanie progressed from being wary of Beatrice who she'd heard termed 'crazy' to her befriending Beatrice and trying to help her. The idea of Beatrice living in the shadow of her parents wearing Victorian clothes was sad, yet I'm pleased she was so devoted to her artwork and that Stephanie cared enough about it to preserve this memory of her. This aspect was heart-warming in this bitter-sweet tale.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Having Zalita misunderstand what 'cool' means as it's a modern word was funny. Zalita is a pretty name. This sounded an amazing party, what with the colourful gypsy setting and the Halloween creatures - werewolves, witches, vampires...
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
I’m pleased the gypsies are back - they are a lot of fun even if they mean trouble. I like the way the contrast to the respectable gentlemen Bradley and Miles. Also I like the gypsy names. The shopping trip in Bath sounds wonderful, the modern girls are going to wish they could bring their lovely Regency dresses with them if they return to the present day.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A gripping and well written read. The story is set to become one of action and the main characters were likable and relatable. Niflheim is the name of one of the worlds of Norse mythology but this story seems set in the modern day which was an interesting juxtaposition.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (4.5)
A lovely poem. It strikes me as both very personal and something that others can relate to and learn from. The poetic form was well done and it looks like you've taken some thought over this.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
The description of the picnic sounds delicious. If Jennifer wanted to stay with Bradley for two days then they certainly wouldn't have been short of food! The mysterious wolf keeping a watch over them and the hint that the wolf is linked to the gypsies adds mystery and suspense. I like how you built on this idea in a funny way by having Jennifer wonder if Calin turns into a duck if one of the gypsies is a werewolf! A wereduck is certainly an unusual idea...
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
A lovely blog series, so informative and it looks like you spent time with this. I enjoy a lot of these books and movies too but some I haven't looked at so it has given me lots of ideas of things to check out!
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved this poem - powerful, moving, encouraging and uplifting. The image of the speaker of the poem being stolen and having forgot who they were before they found God and His uplifting presence to make them brave was perfect. The title is nice and caught my attention.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
I love the episode with the goat - haha!!! I'm glad the goat is forgiven and taken care of. Jennifer has landed herself in hot water with the two guys after her - it's funny the same blonde kisses them both. The modern girls are managing to get entangled in a lot of trouble, romance and fun in their Regency adventure!
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
I just love ball scenes and I'm so glad you included another one. They have a lot of potential for characters to meet and romance and drama to happen, as well as being beautiful to write about. I like the name 'Mr Trumble' and the description of him as a dancing toad is hilarious! I like how the girls contrast their modern lives with Jane Austen's time and reading what they miss about modern life.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
I like the opening of this chapter where the girls look at the handmade quilt - it just goes to show how every household item had to be made with such love and time spent upon it in the Regency era. I like the visit to the dress shop and how that the women chose showed a lot about their characters. Also the fact of having the werewolf prowling outside adds suspense...
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (5.0)
This reads very well, it's interesting to read it again and see the revisions that you've made to improve this chapter. It grabs the interest of the reader and makes them want to discover more about the plot and characters. I look forward to reading more.
Happy writing!
Review of WAR HORSE  
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (4.5)
An interesting use of the theme of a War Horse and its connotations with Michael Morpurgo's famous book of the same name (which I love and why I was attracted to read this). I found the analogy between war horses and the corporate world, showing it like a war with all its cruelty and pitfalls, was thought-provoking. The poetic structure worked well and I particularly liked the line 'The bearer turned to a burden' and the ending where the horse who sacrificed so much dies abandoned (as many horses did in WW1).
My only thoughts were that perhaps the poem might be a little longer and the analogy explained in more depth, unless you are writing to a word limit? Also, there are no apostrophes needed in either of the 'it's' which should be 'its.'
Review of October  
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
A very appropriate poem to read at this time of year. The poem reads well and has a lovely flow to the words. The images you included perfectly encapsulate October. I liked the focus on the pumpkins and magical Hallowe'en elements.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
A great episode, nicely done dialogue and lots of excitement. The gypsies, vampires and werewolves are a novel inclusion in a Jane Austen world and keep the reader interested as they can't guess what might happen next. Jennifer wanting to knock Calin over the head with a chamber pot made me laugh! Certainly a novel and unpleasant weapon to use!!!
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
I love how fast this story moves, it keeps me guessing what will happen next. The party with the gypsies is a colourful idea and reminds me of a dance in a gypsy camp I saw as part of a ballet. The vampires and wolf were a surprise and I wonder will be happening next now they're in the story!
In one place I think you meant 'spat' instead of 'spit' in this line: 'Megan's eyes spit fire.'
Review of Forest Nymphs  
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (5.0)
A beautiful image conveyed effectively in a few short lines. I imagine that it was quite hard to fit the Tanka poetry format as it requires the poem to be condensed. My favourite line was: 'symphonic red and gold' because I found the likening of autumn colours to a beautiful piece of music original and vivid.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (5.0)
A powerful blend of fantasy and natural imagery. The sunflower reminds me of a kind of Evil Queen character from Snow White, except that the punishment she faces goes beyond being punished herself to having her people who are the ones who truly make her queen by obedience, taken from her. The idea was very original and would make a good allegorical tale told to characters in a fantasy novel.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Haha, I love the ending of this where the troublesome goodies are discovered! Brilliantly plotted, an entertaining and enthralling episode.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: E | (5.0)
An excellent tale written firmly in the character of Sam, I could defiantly 'hear' his voice as if he was talking to his daughter as I read it out. The names of the children, description of Bag End with its curved passageway and larder and the word choice that you used was spot on in evoking a sense of life in the Shire. I found it an interesting choice to make the tale of how Aragorn and Arwen married into a tale told by Sam to his daughter rather than something that was presented directly to the reader. I liked the story telling feel to this very much.
Review by HollyMerry
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A gorgeous poem, I love the magical imagery that you have connected with nature. Powerful deities like Apollo and Mab often feel in closest communion with us mortals in places of beautiful natural scenery like the waterfall that you describe. I like how you weave in Gaelic words and place names.
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