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Review of My Souls' Journey  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a good poem. There's a beat to it with with quite a few rhymes used. This added an energy when reading it. I couldn't lock in a rhyme scheme so there was a little bit of an on edge quality when going through it. I kept wondering would this line rhyme with the next or will it start a new couplet or triplet. It had a good refrain going too which made the poem fun to follow along with and all the more powerful when the refrain was broken. The capitalized line was a nice abrupt stop that makes the reader take a deep breath. There were also some great word descriptions in this. Describing the soul as a damaged tree, ruined, peeling the paint etc all inspire impressive visual images in the reader's mind. Nice work on this. *Smile*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like how this poem takes a basic activity that people barely give any thought toward such as putting on a shirt and elaborates upon it. For me as a reader I found myself visualizing the action and thinking alongside about the shirts I've worn and the feel of them as I was reading. Being able to capture a simple action so thoroughly with verbal description is the sign of a good poem.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really like how this poem makes a comparison between Writing and Cooking. *Smile* It is pretty impressive how the sentences are set up to give the reader two visual images at once. I wound up picturing the activities of preparing a meal and writing a story simultaneously. The choice of words in this poem was excellent using words typically associated with cooking (chop, bake, boil, garnish etc) to link them with the activity of writing. Beautifully done!
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Bigsmile* I like this poll a lot. I'm really happy to see my favorite monster is currently ahead in the votes. The list seems to have all the classic monsters on it. I was trying to think if any of my favorites were left off the list (maybe Mummies and Succubi) but regardless this was really fun to take. I definitely recommend others try it out. *Smile*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a Great poll. As a Science Fiction and Fantasy I recognized most of the options on this list. I still have to read Terry Pratchett but the rest are classic series for me. I wound up choosing Middle Earth myself due to my love of Lord of the Rings. I'd be very surprised if anyone winds up picking Panem. Anyway I really enjoyed taking this poll a lot. Thank you very much for making it.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Ok... my last review on behalf of the NAG Showcase. *Smile*

This was a fantastic story. I can tell that it was meant for a younger audience but it was really imaginative. The setup is good and it has a sort of legend feel to it with prophecy, a magical weapon and a young hero. It's an interesting incorporation of Greek Mythology making the special weapon the Sword of Orion. I thought that the description in the story was very well done. The environment of a seaside village was easy to visualize as was what the sea monster appeared like and the young heroes' abilities.

The fight against the sea monster was very exciting and you could picture the tension leading up to it and visualize how the battle took place from the vivid description. The fight itself was amazingly fast and it seemed to go by in the blink of an eye but it still had an intense feel to it. I think what helped to set up the tension was the way Nathan interacted with his family before the fight.

Anyway, really nice story. I hope that the audience that it was intended for enjoyed it. ^_^
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another review on behalf of the NAG Showcase. *Smile*

This was a very good story. I like that it shows that you shouldn't judge people from what you hear about them. This story was written really well. It's pacing was good and the dialogue was written very well giving readers a really good sense of all the characters in the story and what is happening just from what the characters were saying.

Following the story from Jessie's perspective I was just as surprised as she was The Witch of Creek Manor (Gladys) was completely different from what she was expecting. A lot of credit goes to the way that Gladys was depicted. She came off as a kind old lady completely destroying the image of the witch that I had in my head beforehand. I think that the pie she offered to Jessie helped a lot in setting her up as a nice person and shattering expectations. It was a great bit of subversion.

Anyway, this was a very well written work with an unexpected ending. I enjoyed reading it a lot. Thank you very much for writing.
Review of You Did What ??  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Congratulations on being selected for the NAG showcase. *Smile*

This was a really funny story to read. It's great to read stories where you are left to deduce what is happening. I was wondering what mistake could Larry have possibly made as I was reading this and reveal at the end was priceless. It was really clever that you set it so readers would be able to figure out what the mistake was without having to spell it out for them.

The characters and personalities in this were a lot of fun. I could picture the personality of the executive and Larry from their interactions. You did a great job depicting how angry the CEO was versus how nervous Larry was about his job really setting up the scene. You could picture both characters really well from your description of them. The comedic timing of this short was excellent. It was perfectly built up leading into the final moment of the story.

I don't think that it could have been delivered any better. This one easily ranks 5 stars for me. Great job writing this story. *Smile*
Review of Jack Frost  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a really good poem. It has a lot of excellent visual imagery. ^_^ I could picture the cold very well. Jack Frost is the perfect personification of winter and this poem beautifully manages to simultaneously evoke visual images of the title character having human characteristics (i.e. shaking hands, homeless, sitting etc) as well as the character being a metaphor for winter itself. Very nicely done!
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This one is too rich for my blood. I managed to solve 4 clues and that's about it. The clues are way too out there for me but maybe more experienced crossword enthusiasts would appreciate them. I consider myself a beginner and I was really struggling. I think I have a pretty decent knowledge of the internet but found this really hard. The clues border the fine line between Wildly creative to Mind Bogglingly Frustrating. I thought 1 across was brilliant (Another form of life..clever!!) but there were clues that were way too out there for me. For example I was able to get 3 across based on the language portion of the clue but I'm still confused about it. How does Lion's Go is a million ghost connect with HTML? For the clues I couldn't solve...I was left blinking at my computer perplexed ex. "The medicine is worse than the cure to reach out to other servers on the internet"...huh??

In any case it looks like a good puzzle that requires a lot of thinking and a innovative mind to complete. Kudos to the creator for making this!

Puzzle Ranking:
Challenge: Moderate to Hard
Fun Factor 7/10 Enjoyable but some of the wilder clues may make you wish you had some aspirin on hand!
Review of Pokemon  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Woo Hoo! I have to say that it's really great to see a Pokemon Crossword on the Site. It definitely takes me back to when I was playing this game series. I wasn't sure that I would be able to solve this one because there are so many Pokemon out there but you kept the clues simple enough that even the more casual fans of this series could be able to complete this. For me it was the perfect amount of challenge. I also really love the tagline...it was a great homage to the series. Thank you very much for making this. *Smile*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a cool crossword. I love mythical monsters and this puzzle has a really nice variety of them in it. The clues are great. 8 across made me laugh. It took me awhile to figure out the basilisk one. I always thought that thing was a lizard. It might be better to put the word reptile instead of snake (though apparently it could be both). I was able to solve most of this one though I was completely stumped on 1 down. ^_^; What is another term for the Loch Ness monster? Incidentally Loch Ness is spelled with an h not a k and the word dinosaur seems to be misspelled as well (unless that's a part of the clue that I'm missing ^_^;). In any case it's a good puzzle and I really enjoyed trying it. Thanks very much for making it.
Review of Animals II  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a great puzzle. When I clicked on it I expected clues to just be about animal physical features but somehow you found ways of incorporating a variety of topics (music, literature, pop culture, history etc). The challenge was right for a beginner like me making me have to think some before getting some of these answers. (I'm really glad I was able to solve one all the way through for a change ^_^) The clues are great. I was confused a bit about the yellow submarine one trying to think of the individual musicians who wrote it and then I slapped my forehead when it dawned on me that you wanted the name of the band. Awesome job making this...it was really fun!

Review of Weekly Goals  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I've been coming to this forum for about a year now and it's really been helping me a lot both with with my professional and extracurricular goals. Just getting my goals into writing and looking over them at the end of the week to see what I was able to accomplish makes a difference. I feel that I am more focused and can attribute a lot of my completed goals to wanting to check them off on Friday. I'm really happy to say that it's become a part of my routine to reorganize myself here at the beginning of the week and come back to evaluate myself at the end of the week as well.

Looking over the goals other people have posted. It really looks like this forum helps them too. I've also learned how to organize myself better from seeing the way that other people share their goals here. I try to encourage all my friends to post here as well to help them organize.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for creating this forum and helping me and so many other writers accomplish the goals that they want. It really makes a huge difference. *Smile*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was a really fun puzzle to do. It tests an Avatar fan's knowledge really well with clues dealing with information that any fan of the series would know as well as more obscure references for hardcore fans of the series. I consider myself a moderate fan of the series and while I came close I wasn't able to solve the puzzle completely. (Even with Google helping me I got stuck on 18 across) I still really enjoyed taking it though and I smiled at reading some of the clues.

A slight warning for people attempting this puzzle. Clues in it deal not only with the Avatar cartoon series itself but the spin-off comic series "The Search" as well. In addition to that some of the clues are out of date. I'm guessing that this puzzle was created before the search was completed because more recent information reveals that that the answer to 9 across is not quite accurate. Regardless l give this puzzle 5 stars because it was very well put together. I definitely recommend it for avatar fans to try. ^_^
Review of Anime Shows  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This word search was awesome! I love anime and this puzzle had all my favorite ones listed. I really enjoyed playing this puzzle a lot. With quite a few anime titles in this puzzle it offers a really nice challenge. *Smile* Definitely worth a 5 star ranking.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This poll is really great for Horror fan covering a nice range of horror choices. I love the classification that each type of story. I think It covers the different types of horror stories that are out there really thoroughly. In the end it came down to Vampire and Ghost stories for me. While I ultimately went with vampires, it wasn't an easy decision for me. Anyway, I liked this poll a lot. It was very fun to take. *Smile*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a great poll. I love Supernatural series but have to admit that there are a lot of stereotypes out there and its good to see that someone else noticed that too. I only wish that some of the choices weren't jammed together. Human hunters who fall in love with the monsters they hunt/act inhumane really should be separated. I have to admit that I tend to have a soft spot for supernatural romances but seeing the stereotypical hunter act crueler than the monsters they hunt really annoys me tremendously. I'm guessing the squeezing the choices together was just done to get every stereotype in. ^_^; I totally cracked up at the Hunter whose fighting equipment cost more than they should be able to afford option...it really is true. Anyway this is a really nice poll and I enjoyed taking it. *Smile*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great Poll!! I love the Star Trek Captains. I thought for sure that Kirk was going to landslide this but its really nice to see that the majority of voters agree with me about Captain Picard. I like Sisko too and Archer isn't so bad. I'm not such a fan of Janeway. Having discovered the Star Trek Poetry contest recently I'm really enjoying finding all the various Star Trek items and reading them. It is really nice to see that there are a lot of them. ^_^

Thank you for an awesome poll. *Smile*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this crossword puzzles a lot. As a fan of Glee it was really fun for me to do. You picked good clues for the characters. I wasn't able to solve every one but I did get a lot of the leads. The clues that really stumped me were behind the scenes information involving the writers and chreographers.

Spelling the names were also proving to be a bit of a challenge. I couldn't figure out how Brittney spells her name and I'm really glad you put Karofsky in a different clue otherwise I don't know if I would have got him. I also forgot who has OCD on the show. ^_^;

Also one thing that you may want to look into is that the crossword grid wasn't displaying correctly for me when I was using it. That might be a technical glitch with my computer and not anything on your end though. I think I might try it again later this time using Google as my friend for some of the background information.

Anyway, I still give it 5 stars based on the concept and the set of clues you used. I did really enjoy working on this puzzle a lot. Thank you very much for creating it. ^_^
Review of Harry Potter poll  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow...this poll was made five years ago before the end of the series. Really cool!! I just took another Harry Potter Character Poll on this site and voted for Dumbledore both times. I love that wizard...he's really cool and powerful. I'm surprised neither poll on this site offered an option for Snapes. I guess that he wasn't well liked. ^_^; Anyway, this was a really great poll and it is nice to see what everyone's character preferences are...thank you for making it.. *Smile*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow...Great Story. I can definitely see why this won. It was really good.I loved the narrative style a lot. You can really tell a lot about Junior just by the way he talks. His choice of words and the way that he adds in his own views to the story...it really makes it seem like we are seeing the world through his eyes. I think that it worked a lot better than if the story was told in a straight fashion. Not only is there a scary element to this story, the way Junior describes things add a comedic element too. I love the way that he casually throws things in; downplaying arson and cutting someone's brakes as pranks. There is the sense that he is manipulating the readers but at same time the narrative allows them to figure out what is going on. It was really very well written. I also really liked the title picture too. Those eyes were definitely really eerie. Anyway I really enjoyed reading this one very much. Thanks very much for writing it.
Review of Anime/Manga Fan??  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great Poll!! I'm a big anime and manga fan. It's nice to see that most voters enjoy it too. I like the other choices you put too. The no comment option is fun. I would be very surprised if someone picked the "what are those?" option. *Bigsmile* Anime and Manga are becoming more and more popular now. Thanks very much for making it. ^_^
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