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Review of WDC is 23!  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Nicely Crossword. Great set of creative clues and WDC related words. It definitely targets the Writing.com audience. I am surprised I was able to solve this one through especially with the member clues. It means I've been on this site way too long. The most challenging one was "A few words Here and There"... Poem didn't immediately come to mind. I really enjoyed taking this. Excellent puzzle!!
Review of Entropy  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)

This short story describes a moment really well making it very easy to visualize. I feel like I am in the car with Terry. As the snow is falling around her. The 3 paragraphs describe a lot learning where the character works and what interests. It could be a good lead in for a larger story. It seems to end very abruptly but it is enough to showcase a strong writing style and the ability to depict a scene. With class exercises, it would be interesting to know if there was a prompt to get a sense of the goal behind the short scene. Even if the assignment is freestyle I feel it would help the reader appreciate this piece more. You may consider adding an author's note section at the bottom describing this.

In any case, Really nice writing!!

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews

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Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)

These are good suggestions. You may want to include some tips on how interactives are setup. One of the most important things when setting up the interactive early on is to choose the options carefully. The first chapters have more options then later chapters so it is important to take advantage of them early. Don't waste choices by adding only 2 options in Chapter 1.

Another thing to keep in mind as an owner is you have to be willing to add to your interactive. The rate of return is low. People will add 1 chapter to a story for every 5 you put in. It is important not to be discouraged.

I love the 4th and 5th recommendations. It is always better to write with a friend and planning is always a great idea.

Great set of tips!!

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews

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Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

The comedy is strong with this one.*Smile* Though its advertised as a lousy poem. It seems to be 5 minutes well spent and definitely made me smile. You managed to even fit in a rhyme scheme.

Some of the rhymes feel like they are so bad they are good i.e. grudge-l. I admire the bravery in using them.

For poetry I recommend keeping track of the syllable count to make your work pop out more. Example cutting the syllables down in line 8 would make it sound better i.e. "her cudgel went straight for my head" though that may take more time to think through.

Also a really nice touch listing Gothic and Horror/Scary as the Genre. It made it so much more funnier when I found out what the poem was actually about. Well Done!

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews

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Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

First off I really like the title. It gives a nice visual image to the reader almost immediately and made me want to view its contents right away. This is a very complex poem leaving the reader to follow a story going through the stanzas. It really does an excellent job capturing the emotions of the narrator. As a reader I got the sense that she settled in an unhappy marriage. I can't tell if the lover she is dreaming of has passed away or has just gone down a different path than the narrator.

The dreams described give some vivid visual images of a life that could have been. I think there some powerful images revealing the narrator's hopes/laments such as the house shopping and the wedding band. It gives me a sense of sadness while reading it.

In terms of style the poem has a soft flow to it with a light rhyme scheme that makes it easier for the reader to enjoy. It is a really good poem that I enjoyed reading. *Smile*

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think I read this story awhile back when you first shared it but I never reviewed it originally. This is a great story and it was an interesting twist having Soi Fong from Bleach become Naruto Godmother. The story was described very well and captured the essence of the characters depicted. I think Anime fans will recognize that characters personalities as their portrayal isn't wildly different from how they normally act in their anime. Soi Fon in particular seems very much like her character. This was an exciting read with some fast action scenes. The story works well as a short but as I mentioned over e-mail, it does leave the possibility open for a continuation in the future. It is interesting to look back at this story considering it was written before the anime ending.

One slight editing recommendation in the story description at the top Naruto's father should be spelled Minato.

Other than that. Really great writing. *Smile*

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for entry "Current Frustration
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I can relate to the frustrations voiced in this entry a lot. I wish I was able to write more and at a much quicker pace. Sometimes I feel like there are not enough hours in the day. The fact that you are even attempting Nanowrimo is impressive. I am nowhere near ready to take on such a task.

I feel this entry covers the prompt it was written for very nicely capturing a sentiment that a lot of people (especially on this site can relate to) really well.

Congratulations on completing I Write enter the second decade as well.

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Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I am a big science fiction fan as well and love to believe that the chances of life in the universe is good. In one of my Astronomy courses in college it was required to read two books Rare Earth and Here Be Dragons the search for extraterrestrial life in the universe that argued opposite points of whether sentient life on other planets was possible. You make a good argument that the sheer amount of galaxies and planets leaves a lot of possibilities for sentient life out there. It is a nice thought provoking article that tackles the prompt that it was written for really well.

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for entry "Salinity
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is another great article with a lot of really interesting information. It is really fascinating that the Nyoongar people separated that area cycles into 6 seasons that way. They seemed to take dryness into account. It is very sad that the land was destroyed like that and has never fully recovered.

In terms of the writing itself. This is a very well written article. It a very specific prompt that was given and this article covers the topic perfectly drawing on the writer's own experience and research and described in a way that grabs readers' attention and educates them.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "The Queenly Mask
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
My political knowledge is limited so I wasn't familiar with Julia Gillard prior to this. I watched the accompanying speech in the comments... she is a powerful speaker. I am from the United States where there is a lot of frustration with our current politicians who are in a political deadlock. It is interesting to see Australian politics are similarly divided. Your analysis of the Me Too movement's effect on politics is accurate where there are noticeable changes but there is still a lot that of growth needed. An example in the U.S. that was in the relatively recent news is one of our political representatives Alexandra Ocasio Cortez speaking on the issue after being referred to with a sexist slur by another representative. There are some changes that are there but it is really clear that there is also much that could be improved.

I think this article captures the prompt it was written for really well. Best of luck with the contest. *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Bunga Pine
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very informative article. Bunja (Bunga? Bunya? guessing multiple ways to spell it) pine is new to me. It seems really interesting and the description and trivia makes it seem like something that is tempting to taste. The recipe sounds very good as well. It seems within my limited cooking ability to make. If I can find the key ingredient... maybe I will give it a try. Thank you very much for sharing this information and recipe.

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for entry "My Cat and Me
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Bigsmile* Nice Poem. It is a good combination of rhymes and emoticons. The latter of which were picked perfectly for this. It seems to fit with the Creature Feature theme it was created for quite nicely and captures the spirit and traits of the animal it focuses on really well. There is a nice ABCB rhyme scheme going on in the poem. It had a good rhythm to it and the syllable count seemed close making it fun to read through. Thank you for writing. ^_^

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Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just want to thank you for putting together an amazing adventure GERVIC🐉Hiccup H Haddock III . This was really well done and I had a lot of fun participating in it. Even when I was scrambling towards the end to finish this in time I was having a blast completing this. The presentation for this was amazing. The way that the worlds were set up were very well done with some beautiful artwork and images linking the works together. I really loved the interludes that that fairy trinkets provided as we completed the adventures and the trinkets we received were a great reward for being able to complete each activity. They really inspired me to dive right into the next segment upon completing a task.

In terms of the activities themselves, the designs/theme for were really good and they offered the perfect level of challenge giving the people participating in this a sense of accomplishment upon making it through them without being too frustrating. I feel like I am a stronger writer having gone through this adventure. Once again thank you for making this and if there is a second season of this, I hope to be able to go through it again.
Review of The Return  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very creative interpretation of the prompt. This story had dark comedic feel to it. A voodoo priestess is definitely not someone that readers would expect to see getting asked to accept a return. I have to admit I'm left wondering what the lead character was hoping for purchasing the curse in the first place. I'm wondering what the initial interaction was though it is clear there was a poor choice of words involved.

Anyway this is a great creative, clear and concise story that is told in the limited amount of words that Micro fiction allows. Nice writing!

This review was completed as part of: "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Repetitive  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nicely written! The dialogue is a strong way to present a story and it is very effective in the first half. The motivations of the two characters talking to one another were very clear. We had one character about to do something dangerous and the other trying to talk the first character out of it. It was an exciting hook.

I had difficulty understanding what was happening in the second half of this... when the quotations around the dialogue began disappearing beginning with: ...so why bother? Was the lack of quotes meant to mean that the line was communicated through the character's mind.

It seemed like a god intervened.

The computer lines were also confusing as well and I couldn't quite get what they meant. My best guess is that the characters were inside a simulation set on repeat doomed to repeat the events.

I don't know if this is a completed story yet but if it is still being developed I recommend trying to clarify what is happening in the second half of the story if you are not already in the process of updating it. It would make the story a lot stronger. I give this story 5 stars based on the strong opening but it seems like it still may need some work.

Best of luck with your writing!

This was reviewed as part of "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this blurb. As a huge fan of the fantasy genre, I would definitely love to read this story. I know some Celtic myths and the ones I read are very entertaining. It seems like it has a lot of things that I would enjoy... dragons, shapeshifters mermaids and fairies.

It really is a great hook that pulls in the reader. I think readers would be very excited to see the novel this was written for from this synopsis. I will be on the lookout for the Brownies of Velmoran trilogy in the future. Thank you very much for sharing this.

This was reviewed as part of: "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice short story. It depicts a good friendship where it is clear the two characters know each other well. You know the friendship has a lot of trust when one friend is able to rant pour out all her worries to the other one and get good advice. The characters in this are relatable and likable. I find myself sympathizing with Doris because I have had to listen to a lot of rants from friends in my life but to be fair I've done my share of ranting to my friends on my end too. There is a very realistic quality to Jennifer. I like that she is not able to recognize that some of the things she points out apply to herself but is able to acknowledge them when her friends points them out to her. It seems really human. Nice writing!

This story was reviewed as part of: "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of So young.  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I've been doing a lot of reviews this week so I'm coming across a lot of poetry forms that are new to me. The Rictameter is definitely one of these. The Syllable count for this is cool to try. The format of the poem winds up giving it a nice shape to it with the longest line jutting out through the middle. The poem itself definitely hits an emotion chord with the girl's life being cut short. I think the fifth line of this "robbing her of any sort of future" is the strongest just because the ten syllables used flow smoothly. Nice writing and thank you for introducing me to a new style of poem. *Smile*

This was reviewed as part of: "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem definitely puts the reader in the mindset of the character. It is nice to that the reader gets to follow along on the journey with him. The character undergoes a lot of growth in this from wanting immortality, obtaining it, getting bored with it and wishing that he didn't have it. I guess is always greener on the other side. The strength of this poem is that writer is able to convey the characters thoughts really smoothly as they gradually transition to the exact opposite of what the narrator originally wanted. When you look at the beginning and end of this piece, it is a nice contrast between the two mindsets the character had.

This review was written for "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

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Review of Project Cana  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
The short story is very well written. It works as a Flash fiction piece but I feel it could easily be expanded to a much larger story. You capture the setting of lab and scientist testing his invention very well. I can feel the tension and pressure of John trying his best to get the invention working in front of the audience. It was a fun ending with reveal of the purpose of the product. I sympathize with John a lot in this. Things really go smoothly when you are presenting them for an audience. ^_^;

The title of the project and story is great choice. I like the biblical reference. Nicely done!

This was reviewed as part of "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ice Cream Truck  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I was wondering what a story titled Ice Cream truck was doing in the Horror category. I had a really ominous feeling when reading this and then sure enough... yikes. This poem flows very smoothly right until the intentionally abrupt cut off and the rhythm works very well. The are some great description in the poem particularly with the heat and the ending scene. I also like the description as the ice cream as "winter for my mouth".

There was one segment of this poem that cause a little bit of confusion as I was reading it through it due to ambiguity...

The sun beats on my tousled hair
As I run out to meet the truck
It turns my neck and ears to flame

For a second my mind went to the truck turning the character's neck and ears to flames. I had to reread the segment to realize the narrator was referring to the sun.

In any case great twisted poem and nice writing!

This was reviewed for "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like the storyline behind this poem. It was a pretty exciting read with a good premise. I feel like the story could be expanded a little bit more. The reader could be given a some more information about the character's relationship with his wife and what makes them special enough that he should get a do over. The ending also feels a little abrupt as it completes after the description of what the do over entails. I don't know if more is planned for this poem but I recommend adding to it.

On the poetry side...There is some great description going on. The description of hell is well written and the reader is able visualize it strongly from what the author writes. Well done!

This review was written for: "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Parents  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem cover the aspects of parenting very well. You have to acknowledge that being a good parent isn't easy. It takes a lot of hard work. I like ideals it highlights that good parents pass on (i.e. knowing the difference between right and wrong).

The strength of this poem is that it causes the reader to think about the subject matter. I am very close to my family so I really connect with this poem and the respect that parents are due. They do a lot for us. This was a free verse poem so there no exact rhythm to it, however it flowed really well. My favorite segment was the opening stanza with the 3 lines using "and" as a conjunction in the middle. It was nicely written!

This was reviewed as part of "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
I liked this. This was a sweet story. The situation is set up really well and its easy for the reader to follow what is happening and understand what was going on. I felt the tension of the interview sympathized with the lead character who was trying to adopt as she told her story. The segment involving the prospective mother answering how she thought a child should be treated was heartwarming. There are some great subtle to touches in this that were fun to see. I liked the distinction given when interviewer mentioned that "This would take awhile" that she was saying it unkindly. I gives her a more human touch to her rather than just an antagonist role. Also I liked the gentle moment where the husband comforted his wife as she struggled to discuss her background. It was very well written!

This was reviewed for: "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

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Review of All Hallows' Eve  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This type of poetry form is a new one for me. I'm familiar with couplets as a rhyming scheme but I didn't know there was a term for 6 of them put together. That is really cool. This poem is really nice. There is some great imagery a nice macabre feel to it that fits in with the title. The word choice in this was really good and first two words immediately give the time and setting of the poem. I love the dark imagery used such stripped limbs gallows and Spirited Goblin crows. They were spooky to imagine. *Smile*

The rhyming couplets allow this poem to flow smoothly so it was easy for the reader to follow along with and enjoy this. Nice Writing! *Jackolantern2*

This was poem was reviewed for: "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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