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Review by StephBee
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Best of the Rest Contest Review.

*Reading*THE FORUM

The forum hosts the Angel Army review forum.


I liked the opening graphic. It's very eye catching and appropriate to the theme of the forum. It's a very interactive review forum and I liked the fact so many members of the WDC Community are so active in it. I also liked the incentives offered for reviewing.


The rules were clearly stated and easy to understand.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


Great use of WDC ML and graphics! Good luck with the Best of the Rest contest!

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Best of the Rest Banner
Review by StephBee
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Best of the Rest Contest Review.

*Reading*THE FORUM

The forum hosts the author's 55 word contest.


I thought it was very sweet to bring back the 55 word contest inspired by Bandit's Mama


I thought the rules were clearly stated and easy to understand.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


Good use of WDC ML in the contest. If anything, I might suggest adding a graphic in the introduction to catch attention. Good luck with the Best of the Rest contest!

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Best of the Rest Banner
Review by StephBee
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Reading*THE STORY

A young man confronts an older woman who has been robbed.


I really liked the characterization in his story. Our protaginist is offered a chance to change in the story, but it's his decision whether he will or won't.


This is told in the first person, mainly from the narrator's perspective. Good job with POV narration. Past tense is used appropriately.



I liked the slow reveal of the narrator's personality as I continued to read. By understand his makeup, the decision he makes at the end of the story makes sense and is consistant to the characterization. Two thumbs up.


There were just enough decriptions to set the time/place. I felt like I was there in the alley with the narrator.


I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvemnt. The story shines by using the first person perspective to tell it.

Keep writing!

Reviewed by:

Another signature - Terrace Gardens

Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Reading*THE STORY

Kate anticipates meeting Todd at the airport.


I really liked Kate's characterization in this story. She's a little nervous, a tad bit apprenhensive, anxious, and happy all at once.


This is told in the third person limted, mainly from Kate's perspective. Good job with POV narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


Kate, (main)

Again, the characterization of Kate is very strong here. She feels a lot of emotions and takes the reader on the journey.


There were enough descriptions to set the time/place. If anything, the author can expand on this, especially by touching on the five senses.


I thought it was appropriate to the story.


I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. A nice character driven vignette.

Keep writing!

Reviewed by:

Another signature - Terrace Gardens

Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Reading*THE STORY

Lucius Civilis is a young Roman nobleman who is recently elected Tribune. He then sets off for an adventure in Gaul with the Army.


Well, I was totally addicted to the HBO series, "Rome," and that's why I took a look at the story. I thought the author did a good job with action/adventure scenes.


This is told in the third person mainly from Lucuis's perspective, however there are brief occasion where POV shifts within a scene. Shifting POVS can be confusing to the reader, so I might suggest sticking strictly with Lucius's perspective. Past tense is used throughout, but I did notice one spot where the tense switched: "An old man in the centre of the Assembly stands up and addresses the anxious candidates." I might suggest:

"An old man stood up in the centre of the assembly and addressed the anxious candidates."


Lucius (main) Sextus, Caepio

Lucius is ambitious, but he also wants to do well. He follows orders and does all that is required of him and is rewarded for it. The reader understand his ambitions.


If anything, I think the descriptions could be expanded on. When, during the Roman empire does the story take place. Who is the emperor during this time. I think brief description of the political climate would help to set the scene including time and place. Also, touch upon the five scenes. The author could really have fun with this during the action scenes. What does fear smell like, for example.


I might suggest an edit for spelling and punctutation.


Suggestions as noted above. I think you've got a good first draft here and with future edits, you'll have a great story.

Keep writing!

Reviewed by:

Another signature - Terrace Gardens

Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Seamus reacts to killing the English soldier and prepares to run away with his family.


I thought this was a good follow up chapter to #1. The sequence of events seemed logical and the chapter ends with a good hook, encouraging the reader to read on.


This is told in the third person limited, mainly from Seamus's perspective. Good job with narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


Appropriate to the story. It moves the story forward in a logical manner. It also allowed for the author to do more "showing," in this chapter.


Seamus (main) Treasa

In this chapter, Seamus is forced to make a decision, and he does. Once on the path, he follows through, but the reader senses his unspoken regrets as Seamus prepares to leave. His development and growth is very good.

Treasa is good in her supporting role and stands by Seamus as a good wife would.


There was enough to set the scene. Again, this is a category that could be expanded on, by using the five senses.


I might suggest an edit for punctuation. An example,
as written:

She sat bolt upright, "Connell" she said urgently.

My suggestion: She bolted upright. "Connell!" The exclaimation point implies the urgency in the previous mention dialogue tag.


Suggestions as noted above. Also, the use 'all right' didn't quite seem to be the most appropriate word choice in the following sentence:

As he closed the door behind him he could see Treasa with Connell in her arms confirming his status of 'all right".

All right doesn't seem to fight the tone of the words. I might suggest: As he closed the door behind him, he spied Treasa with Connell in her ams. Thank God the baby was fine.

Overall, a good chapter. Nice focus on "showing" more as opposed to "telling" in this chapter.

Keep writing!

Reviewed by:

Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

A look at life in Ireland through Seamus's eyes. In this chapter, Seamus's family is attacked by an English solider.


I liked how the author started with a "wide view" of the Irish countryside then narrowed it in onto Seamus's cabin and his family.


This is told in the 3rd person mainly from Seamus's perspective. Good job with narration.

I only have one comment here, and it's only a comment, but I might consider rewriting this chapter using Seamus in the first person. A couple of pros to this:

*Note1*It would involve the reader more, and allow them to really get into Seamus's head. It would be just that much more personal.

*Note1*It would also "show" more of the chapter as opposed to "telling" it.

Past tense used appropriately.


A lot of professional editors are always harping on "show vs tell." Some of the things they look for is "show me," don't "tell me," and start with action to involve the reader. In that regard, the first chapter is a straight telling of what happens through Seamus's perspective. Now, I really liked the opening paragraphs, how the author opens wide and narrows down, but after that, I would get into the showing aspect of the chapter. Once Seamus goes out to tend to the sheep, a bulk of the middle could be cut out and the author can go into Seamus hearing the screams of his wife. In this scene, I might suggest using dialogue to show Seamus's anger and hate as he sees what is happening to his family. Have the soldier speak and further goad Seamus into action. By showing this pivotal scene, as opposed to telling it, the reader will feel that much more for Seamus's plight. Mind you, these are only suggestions, nothing more.


There is none, but the author can really make this chapter and the story shine by adding some. Research authentic Irish accents and incorporate that into to the story to make it that much more authentic to the reader.


There were enough to set the scene of Seamus's land, but that's it. The time is not set. I can guess maybe it's set in 1840's Ireland, but I would incorporate a little description so as to nail that down for the reader. Also, try to incorporate the five senses into your description. And example here might be the English solider smells - he stinks of surprise and stench as Seamus interupts him.


Seamus, (main)

A lot of the focus is on Seamus, and the reader gets to know his internal conflict very quickly because the author tells them. In that regard, my suggestion would be to show us his conflict. Show us the scene where he talks with his wife about his concerns, and how torn he is about honoring her wishes, while staying true to his land.


The opening starts off well. I might suggest looking at the paragraph that starts with "From his immediate vantage point..." I would suggest an edit here for mechanices. For example spell out the numbers, "five," instead of 5. I think the word "he" is missing between "and was."

Check the structure here: "He saw the English soldier hit Treasa and her crumple to the floor in a heap;" I might suggest: The English soldier hit Treasa with an open hand across the cheek. She crumpled to the floor, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth." You can see my additions get a little more graphic, so as to evoke the reader's sympathy.


Suggestions as mentioned above. While I have a lot of suggestions, I liked the whole idea of the story. I love historical period pieces and that aspect of the story appealed to me a lot. At the end of the chapter, I wanted to read on to chapter two to find out that happens. Mind you, my suggestions are only that, suggestions, nothing more.

Keep writing!

Coffee Cup 2007 Review signature
Review of Harry Potter 7  
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading*THE POLL

A poll about how fast you'll read Harry Potter 7.


With Harry Potter #7 less than a month away, it's a good way to amp up the excitement.


I might suggest an edit for spelling. "serries" should be "series."


Suggestion as mentioned above. A good, revelvant poll!

Keep polling!

Coffee Cup 2007 Review signature
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading*THE POEM

This poem is about a looking into a mirror, evoking Alice in Wonderland.


I absolutely loved the first stanza. I felt a little off kilter. Good job bringing that feeling out. Nice use of metaphor.


This is a free form poem with with the 1st and 3rd lines rythming. The meter flows well.


I might suggest an edit for punctuation. I did not spot any spelling mistakes.


Suggestion as mentioned above. I liked the visual the poem evoked.

Keep writing!

Coffee Cup 2007 Review signature
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)

This article highlights some of the author favorites here on WDC.


The article is about sharing and the author shares some of her favorites on WDC. It's a great source of information about the WDC Community.


I might suggest an edit to check the links. for example, #987697 is not an image.


Suggestion as mentioned as above. This is a great way to share your favorite and promote the community.

Reviewed by StephB

Coffee Cup 2007 Review signature
Review of Generosity redux  
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Reading*THE POEM

Something good can happen from a failure.


I liked the hope and optisim the poem implies.


This is a free from poem with no apparent rythme scheme. There is no meter.


My only suggestion is try to make the last time into a rythming couplet. I think that would augment the poem structure. Overall, nice expression.

Keep writing!

Reviewed by StephB

Dimitri and Sharon
Review of Gracie  
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Review from the Sandbox.

*Reading*THE STORY

This is a tribute to a cat named "Gracie."


I liked how the author shared Gracie's life with us. I developed a sense of a fun and playful cat who was sweetly loyal to her owners. That made Grace real to me.


This is told in the third person limited by the author. Good job with POV narration. Past tense is used effectively.



Gracie was a sweet cat who took some time getting used to her new home, but once she was, she truly enjoyed her world. I really felt the characterization of Gracie in this piece.


They touch upon the essence of the Gracie. The tone of them are humble and respectful, and that's what kept me interested. I wanted to find out more about Gracie the cat.


I did not find any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. A really nice story about Gracie. Thanks for sharing with us.

A review signature
Review of I Saw Jesus  
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Review from the Sandbox.

*Reading*THE STORY

This is a personal story where the author finds Jesus in his life.


This was an incredible, moving experience for the author and it was heartwarming to read it. I hope other can find inspiration in it.


This is told in the first person by the author. Good job with POV narration. Past tense is used effectively.


I did not spot any spelling mistakes. I might suggest an edit for punctutation. Also, I might suggest an edit to catch repeative phrases. These phrases slow down the reader and makes for a choppy sentence.

Example:My mother had gone to bed, and I was bored, so I decided to go back to my room. As I went toward my room, I felt Satan's presence, as I had a few times before.

I might suggest: My mother had gone to bed, and I was bored, so I decided to go back to my room. As soon as I entered, I felt Satan's presence.


I might also suggest spacing between paragraphs here on WDC as it makes for easier reading on the eyes. I liked the tone/voice of the piece as it was easy to identify with the writer, and my suggestions are more technical in nature. Thank you for sharing such a poignant moment in your life.

A review signature
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Reading*THE STORY

A fan fiction ending based on the play, "Romeo & Juliet."


I thought this was a sad, yet appropriate way to end the story, with Romeo & Juliet feuding. I think a lot of people would like to see them beat the odds and run away together, so this ending was brave to switch it up like that.


This is told in a "lonesome dove" perspective where the POV shifts between Romeo and Juliet in the scene. It's not usually recommended by a lot of editors because it can be disconcerting for the reader, but it works well in this short piece.

Past tense is used appropriately.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. A sad spin on the tragedy of Romeo & Juliet.

Reviewed by StephB

** Image ID #1174937 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Reading*THE ESSAY

The essay takes a look at Othello the play and "O" the movie by Tm Nelson, 2000.


I thought this was a good, honest critique of the movie. The essay did a good job relating the themes between the two pieces.

The author points out the similiarties and difference between Shakespeare's Othello and Nelson's "O." "O" is an updated version of the play.

The essay is easy to read and understand.


I did not spot any spelling mistakes, but I did find one punctutation mistake. "...and deceit function as a structure for for both.." Just put one period after both.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Shakespeare fans will like this.

Reviewed by StephB

** Image ID #1174935 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox Contest Review.

*Reading*THE STORY

Jario and Alice share a conversation, catching up on the recent events of their lives.


I loved the title of the story. Not only is it very catchy, but it's very intriguing. I thought alchemy was a clever word choice as opposed to chemistry.


This is told in the first person by Alice. Good job with POV Narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


The dialogue is appropriate and drives the story.


Alice & Jairo

Alice has a lot of strength to her character, not only phyiscially, but emotionally. Jairo is the one friend she can share her weaknesses with.


There were no uneven or choppy sentences. I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. The opening 3 paragraphs were intriguing and held my interest. Again, clever word choice with the word "alchemy." The word count was listed in accordance with the rules.

Good luck in the contest.

Reviewed by StephB

Blue ribbon banner for contest.
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox Contest Review.

*Reading*THE STORY

Chuck's friend, Harley, has a hobby of collecting animal bones.


The story was well written. I loved the characterization. It was very rich. The first 3 paragraphs had me hooked.


This is told in the first person by Chuck. Good job with POV Narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


The dialogue is sharp and crisp, moving the story forward well.


Chuck (main) Harley

Chuck is compelled to be loyal to Harley who is a bully. It's a friendship begrudingly given, but one I can totally understand and I think others will to because we've all been there in our awkward pre-teen years.


There were no uneven or choppy sentences. I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. I loved how the author captured the narrator's voice in the story. It was very authentic. The word count was listed in accordance with the rules.

Good luck in the contest.

Reviewed by StephB

Blue ribbon banner for contest.
Review of The Learning Tree  
Review by StephBee
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Best of the Rest Contest Review


The folder focuses on providing information for the more technical aspects of writing.


This is a very informative folder, especially for aspiring writers. There's a lot of good tips to be found. It's a good place to reference if a writer/author has a technical question. I went ahead and bookmarked for me.


The introduction is brief, yet concise. The folders appear self explanatory.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. A really good reference folder.

Good in the Best of the Rest Contest.

Reviewed by StephB

Best of the Rest Banner
Review of Here, My Alter  
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Review from the Sandbox.

*Reading*THE PROSE

This is the narrator's thoughts and opinions on love and how he takes it to a deeper level.


The writing definately embodies a "prose" style, which reminds me a little of Shakespeare's style.

I loved the word play and expression in this piece. I thought the paragraphs starting with "Romantic love is not love at all," was a wonderful expression of what "romantic love" truly is.


To be honest, there is some punctutation missing from the prose which, to me, disrupted the flow of the piece. I don't know if the missing punctutation was delibrate, if so, I might suggest using either elipses or a dash to connect thoughts.

Again, a clever write with a rythmic flow. Well done.

A review signature
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Review from the Sandbox.


The folder houses the opening chapters of the author's novel, "The Millennium Potion."


I liked the whole organization and layout of the folder. It was easy to read the chapters and follow the story.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


The introduction is an effective tease to the story and peeks the reader's interest.


I have no suggestions for improvement. A well organized folder.

A review signature
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Review from the Sandbox.


Athenais learns that Ragnar, her lover, has played her in the hopes that she'll be sympathetic towards the colonists.


I thought this was a very tight, concise chapter. The action flowed well and the characterization continues to be developed in a very interesting manner.


Past tense is used appropriately. This is told in the third person limited mainly from Athenais's perspective. Good job with narration.


The dialogue is crisp and sharp, even capturing dilects and accents which add to the characterization of the character talking.


No comments here in this chapter. The chapter shows quite well what Athenais is feeling and thinking.


Athenais (main) crew, supporting

Athenais feels played like a fool and she's a little mad about that. While she eventually makes the decision the reader wants her to, getting there puts the reader on the edge of their seat.

I feel like Athenais is a very complicated character and we're getting to know her slowly, but as layer after layer peels off, the discovery is worth it.

(Just a note: Did you know Louis XIV's most passionate love of his life was also named Athenais?)


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences. Technically, the chapter is well presented.


I have no suggestions for improvement. As an opening chapter, it works well to heighten suspense of the novel. I, as a reader, want to keep reading.

A review signature
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Bard's Hall Contest Review.

*Reading*THE ESSAY

The author reflects on her mother's actions.


This was a very well written introspective essay. I liked how the author was able to show her mother through sets of eyes. (so to speak) Nice focus on "doing the best I can with what I have."


I did not spot any spelling/punctution mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I might suggest spacing between the paragraphs here on WDC to make it a little easier on the eyes. A nice, reflective essay.

Good luck in the contest!

** Image ID #1256154 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Bard's Hall Contest Review.

*Reading*THE ESSAY

The author recounts her childhood memories of her mother.


This was was a nice peek into the author's formative years and how her mother was an influence on her. It was written in a very easy, engaging writing style.


I did not spot any spelling/punctution mistakes, but I did note a choppy sentence. At the end of the opening paragraph, there seems to need some type of puncutation to smooth out the sentences. I might suggest:

I know each, hill, plain, mountain, desert and field like I would know an old friend and I am comforted by them when I am on my way - on my way to see Mom.

It still gives the emphasis while smoothing out the technical aspect of the writing.


Suggestion as mentioned above. A nice, heartfelt read.

Good luck in the contest!

** Image ID #1256154 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Parable/Fable Challenge Review.

Thank you for entering my parable/fable challenge in the April 25th Short Stories Newsletter.

*Reading*THE STORY

Simon is scolded. (to write anymore would give it away.)


I thought this was a tidy, compact story.


I enjoyed the dialogue and I thought it moved the story forward well.


This is written in the third person mainly from Simon's perspective. Good job with narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. After reading this, I took away the thought that "it's very true - youth rarely took the time to learn all the facts and even less often asked for advice from those who were older and wiser."

Keep writing.

Coffee Cup 2007 Review signature
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Parable/Fable Challenge Review.

Thank you for entering my parable/fable challenge in the April 25th Short Stories Newsletter.

*Reading*THE STORY

A wicker basket full of items that need mending are looking for a change.


I loved how the author brought the different items to life with their own unique voices. The loved the sock, the beret, and Blackie.


I loved the dialogue! It moved the story forward well.


This is written in the third person omniscient. Good job with narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. After reading this, I took away the thought that "change doesn't necessarily have to be a bad things. It's good to be flexible." Great voice!

Keep writing.

Coffee Cup 2007 Review signature
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