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Review by StephBee
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox Contest Review.

*Reading*THE STORY

Robert goes off to fight for the Union during the Civil War in an attempt to make life better for his Mama.


The ending really brought the story full circle. Good tie in to the start.


This is told in the first person by Robert. Good job with narration. Past tense was used appropriately.


Robert, (main)

Robert is caught up in the idealism of going to war. Once he experiences, his world shatters from war's horrors. We see his fears, hopes, and desires in this short story. The characterization is the strongest element of the writing.


The dialogue moved the plot forward. Nice blend of narration & dialogue.


It was a good start to the story. They held my attention.


There were enough to provide the setting. I might suggest using a little more, touching on the five senses. Really paint the day of fighting that made Robert lose his mind.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


Suggestions as mentioned above. Your story fit the prompt of the contest (historical fiction) and the word count was posted in accordance with the contest rules.

Good luck!

Blue ribbon banner for contest.

Review by StephBee
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, this is StephBee with a Best of the Rest Review.

*Reading*THE FORUM

The forum hosts the author's fantasy contest.


I liked the prompt. It was simple, and easy to work with. The contest offers great encouragement in the form of good prizes.


The rules are clearly posted.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Good use of opening graphics and WDC ML.

Good luck in the contest!

Best of the Rest Banner
Review of Trees  
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading*THE POEM

This is a nature poem about trees.


I'm such a sucker for nature poem. I loved how you framed the poem. Your opening line really grabbed my attention. Good job with description.


This is a free form poem. There is no established meter.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Very creative!
Keep writing.

Reviewed by StephB

** Image ID #1091374 Unavailable **
Review of No Regrets  
Review by StephBee
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Reading*THE STORY

Penny has to make a important decision. It's one that hasn't come easy to her.


I liked how you used exposition to show Penny's conflicting feelings. Good job. It works well in the flash fiction format.


This is told in the third person limited mainly from Penny's perspective. Good job with narration. Past tense is used effectively.


Penny feels comfortable in staying with what she knows until she becomes uncomfortable. Then it's "then what?" Good job tackling conflicting feelings.


I might suggest a light edit for spelling. "bunch" should be punch.


I have no suggestions as it is a flash fiction with a word count. A good character vignette. Keep writing.

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

** Image ID #111142583 Unavailable **
Review of ~I'm Coming Home~  
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Reading*THE STORY

A woman makes a complicated decision.


There's a lot of good characterization in the space of 297 words. Two thumbs up. *Thumbsup*


This is told in the first person. Good job with narration. Past tense is used effectively.


Miss Rivera finds a young baby who needs attention. There are a multitude of choices for her to make, but whatever she does decide to do, she's got to be able to live comfortably with it. The characterization is strong and effective here.


I might suggest an edit for punctuation. Tip: Put the period inside the quote.


There's a word count so description suffers a little. There's enough to paint the scene and that's what is important.


I have no suggestions for improvement. This story was written for a flash fiction contest with a word count. Again, great characterization.

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Another signature - Terrace Gardens
Review of Clarence  
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox Review.

*Reading*THE STORY

After commiting himself to a relationship, Clarence realizes things aren't what they seem.


In the teaser, it states, "based on events in the 1990's." and I thought it was an accurate accounting. The story reminded me a little of the movie "Philadelphia," when there was so much confusion about those who admitted to being in a gay/lesbian relationship.


This is told in the third person limited, mainly from Perina's perspective. If anything, I might suggest a edit for narration. The 2nd paragraph switches to first person, which you can if you want, but you have to tighten it up a little and make it obvious. For example: There's nowhere for me to go. I don't belong in this world. I don't fit in. Use italics to set Clarence's thoughts apart from the 3rd person narrative. Past tense is used appropriately.


They were a decent start to the story. Again, I think you can tighten this up. By using the italics to switch POV narration, you actively incoroporate the dialogue of Clarence's thoughts and subutly draw the reader in.


This is mostly narrative. Dialogue is used in mini-flashbacks.


Clarence, (main)

Clarence buys into the confusion that being gay brought in the 1990's. He's clearly torn between embracing his life and the expectations of his parents. He's complicated, sad, and his final actions are heartbreaking.


I did not spot any spelling or punctuation mistakes.


Suggestions as mentioned above. A solid characer driven story.

Blue ribbon banner for contest.
Review by StephBee
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Bard's Hall Review.

*Reading*THE POEM

The poem tells the story of a group of boys which decide to take on another group after Jimmy's sister is accosted.


I liked the story. It was simple, yet it was something a lot of people could relate to - that high school gang that decides to take on another one.


This is an epic poem with no apparent rythme scheme. There's no set meter.


I did not spot any spelling mistakes. I might suggest using punctutation.


Suggestion as mentioned above. A good, concise story. Write on!

** Image ID #1256154 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Best of the Rest Review.

*Reading*THE POLL

The poll asks members of the WDC Community where they are from.


The poll had a good focus on diversity, accenting the positive.


There's one question, easy to understand.


I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Good use of graphics and WDC ML.

Best of the Rest Banner
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Best of the Rest Review.

*Reading*THE FORUM

The forum houses the author's signature shoppe.


I liked the gift tickets idea. That would make a nice prize in a contest or just to give as a gift.


There are plenty of original signatures for you to choose from.


I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Nice opening graphic. Good use of WDC ML.

Best of the Rest Banner
Review of Tin Heart  
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading*THE STORY

A tin soldier goes on the hunt for a flower.


I loved the easy flowing writing style here. It grabbed my attention immedately.


This is told in the first person by the tin soldier. A line break is used to switch narration - good job. Good job with POV narration overall. Past tense is used appropriately.


Tin soldier (main)

He was very likable and I was with him on his quest for the flower. *Thumbsup* Good characterization. You really brought him alive.


There were no uneven or choppy sentences. I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. A good, yet sad ending. Keep writing!

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Review Signature

Review of Darrell Abbott  
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show off Your Best at the Sandbox Contest Review.

*Reading*THE ESSAY

A nice tribute to Darrell Abbot from Pantera.


The opening was great. It told a nice story of how Darrell bought a guitar for a young boy who couldn't afford it.


This is told in the third person omniscient. Past tense is used appropriately.


They were a great opening. The story catches and holds reader's interest.


Darrell is indeed a breath of fresh air in the stale world of rock n roll drug and alcohol abuse.


I did not spot any spelling or punctutation mistakes, but in a couple of places I spotted a choppy sentence or two.


I have no suggestions for improvement. The story fit the prompt of the contest. Word count was listed in accordance with the contest rules.

Good luck in the contest!

Blue ribbon banner for contest.
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Best of the Rest Contest Review.


The folder hosts the author's contests/auctions that she hosts on WDC.


The contests looked to be fun and I liked the fact they were community orientated.


The introduction was simple, yet effective. The graphic is eye catching.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes.


I have no suggestions for improvement. The folder helps to organize the port and it looks to be current.

A fun folder!

Best of the Rest Banner
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Reading*THE STORY

Leena is disappointed when she doesn't get a good grade on a school project that she worked hard on.


There's a nice fluidity to the piece. It's easy to read. The reader comes to route for Leena, and it's a situtation that a lot of young teens and adults can identify with.


This is told in the third person limited by Leena. Good job with narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


Leena, Professor Rands

Leena is a girl who likes to daydream, yet firmly believes she's put forth the effort to earn "green" on her paper and she's naturally disappointed when Prof. Rands marks it red. Her actions afterwords feel natural. I thought the name fit the character well.


The descriptions are enough to set the time/place of the story. If anything, you could probably expand on this.


There's a nice blend of dialogue and narration. The dialogue moves the story forward.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. The ending was surprising, unexpected, yet the build up made it appropriate.

Keep writing.

** Image ID #1174923 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Reading*THE STORY

A young native American falls in love with a wolf.


Great voice in here! You capture the essence of the characters well. Very romantic.


This is told in the third person limited, mainly from Gold Aspen Leaf's perspective. Good job with narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


There's a good blend of dialogue and narration. The dialogue moves the story forward.


Gold Aspen Leaf, Many Hands, the wolf.

I loved the names chose for the characters. Subtle, yet realistic and a little telling about the characters. The names mean something as you read the story. Excellent choices. I came to know Gold Aspen Leaf's motavations well. She's a well drawn out character. The character's clothing choices are very delibrate and helps enhance who they are.


The descriptions are enough to set the time/place of the story. If anything, you could probably expand on this.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Well done!

Keep writing.

Reviewed by:

** Image ID #1174923 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Reading*THE IN & OUT

The in & out houses the author's guestbook.


It appears to be very interactive and fun. I loved seeing the community involvement here.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes in the introduction. There were no uneven or choppy sentences. If anything, you could probably expand it a little more - talk about how long you've been on WDC, what about WDC appeals to you, or you could add a graphic. Just suggestions, nothing more, as this really is a matter of personal preference I think.


Suggestion as mentioned above. A really fun guestbook.

Reviewed by StephBee

** Image ID #1284499 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Seamus gets help from a local priest.


The plot/pacing of the story is moving very well. The events are logical. It's a good progression of the story. Nice hook on the end. The characters are interesting.


This is told in the third person, mainly from Seamus's perspective. Now, there is a point where it switches to the prient's perspective for a couple of a paragraphs and it's a very subtle switch. Still it had me a little confused because I was in Seamus's head. Past tense is used appropriately.


There's a nice balance of dialgoue and narration. The dialogue moves the story forward well.


There's enough to set the scene of the church and Gerard's home. You could expand on this if you wanted by touching on the scenes. Smell is a good one. What did the church smell like to Seamus, for example.


Seamus, Treasa, Gerard

We find out more about Seamus here and his family. It's a nice growth of Seamus's character development. Treasa and Gerard play their supporting roles well.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. This is a good read that has me intrigued. Hook transitional hook at the end of the chapter.

Reviewed by StephBee

** Image ID #1284499 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (5.0)

A photo album with pictures of the host's grandsons.


Sherri, they're adorable! I love Landon's picture with the balloons. You need more.


I did not spot any spelling or punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Thank you so much for sharing, Sweetie.

Keep taking photos! hehe

PS - I had no idea you were published! Congrats. I'll order one of your books.

Reviewed by StephBee

** Image ID #1284499 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Seamus and Treasa make their way toward the Irish coast.


I thought this was a "powered down" chapter, which was nice in that it focused on character development and hardships which is something readers can identify with.


This is told in the third person, mainly from Seamus's perspective. Good job with POV narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


There's a nice blend of dialogue and narration. The dialogue moves the story forward.


Seamus, Treasa

Treasa reveals an unexpected surprise. She's a real go-getter in this one, suffering her hardship well. Seamus is very supportive.


I did not spot any spelling or puncutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. A good chapter. Plot and pacing progress naturally.

Reviewed by StephBee

** Image ID #1284499 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Seamus sells his flock to Aidan and prepares to leave for America.


I thought it was a good chapter, naturally progressing on the previous ones.


This is told in the third person mainly from Seamus's perspective. Good job with POV narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


The dialogue shows what's going on in the story, moving it forward well. If anything, I might suggest trying to incorporate more accents in the dialogue to give the body of work a little bit more sense of authencity.


Seamus, Treasa, O'Briens

The characterization of Seamus brings out his fears and misgivings, as well as his hope. Good job. Treasea and the O'Briens work well in the supporting role.


There's enough to set the scene (time & place) If you wanted to expand on them I think you could. The plot is one that will get the reader's attention, and a little extra description will really take the reader to another time and place.


I might suggest a minor edit for punctutation. I did not spot any spelling mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


Suggestions as noted above. They're minor, but I think if you incorporate them, it will make the piece shine. This is a very interesting story.

Coffee Cup 2007 Review signature
Review of The Hunt  
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Reading*THE POEM

A poem about a vampire on the hunt.


I loved the descriptions used in the poem. They brought the hunt alive.


This is a free form poem with the last two lines of each stanza rythming. There is an established meter which flows.


I did not spot any spelling mistakes. Good use of punctutation in the poem.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Two thumbs up! Well written!

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Another Review Sig
Review of The Touch  
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Reading*THE ESSAY

An essay about the thrill of a touch.


I loved the expression used in the piece. It's very sensual without being overly graphic.


I did not spot any spelling or puncutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Well written.

Keep writing!
Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

** Image ID #1061810 Unavailable **
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox Contest review.

*Reading*THE ESSAY

A how to look about fitting into a different culture.


I liked the personal tone of the essay. It was easy to read.


The personal nature of the opening kept me reading. They held my interest.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. I liked the story about learning Spanish. I agree that unless you submerge yourself, language learning can be difficult.

The essay fit the prompt (how to/advice). The word count was not listed in accordance with the contest rules.

Good luck in the contest!

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Blue ribbon banner for contest.
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox Contest review.

*Reading*THE STORY

Ziti solves the mystery surrounding the two Ernesto Juniors.


I liked the realistic twist. Stuff like this sure does happen. I thought Ziti's partner, Laura, was perfect in her supporting role.


I thought the personal nature of these paragraphs were intriguing. They held my interest. I especially liked "I pined for nicotine, but settled for caffeine." That made Ziti real to me, as I think a majority of us do the same pining.


This is written in the first person by Ziti. Good job with narration. Past tense is used appropriately.


The dialogue moved the story forward well. It kept me guessing.


Ziti (main) Laura

Laura is a great supporting character. A bit naive, innocent, and believing. Ziti is able to take her observations a step further. He's a good, "personal" detective, able to read more into people then just the surface. Both characters were interesting.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. Good job with explaining the twist.

The story fit the prompt (detective). The word count was not listed in accordance with the contest rules.

Good luck in the contest!

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Blue ribbon banner for contest.
Review by StephBee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox Contest review.

*Reading*THE ESSAY

An essay with "how-to" advice for those looking for love (in some of the wrong places.)


I liked the tone of essay. A bit tongue-in-cheek, a bit satircal, a bit comical as there's a little truth to everything mentioned.


The tone is light and easy to read. They held my interest.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. I thought this was a comical look at those who looking for love in some of the wrong places.

The essay fit the prompt (how to/advice). The word count was not listed in accordance with the contest rules.

Good luck in the contest!

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Blue ribbon banner for contest.
Review by StephBee
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, it's StephBee with a Show Off Your Best at the Sandbox Contest review.

*Reading*THE ESSAY

An essay with "how-to" advice about writing.


I loved the pratical advice. It was up front and honest.


I did not spot any spelling/punctutation mistakes. There were no uneven or choppy sentences.


I have no suggestions for improvement. I wish every writer had a copy of this by their side as they wrote. I loved the advice offered. I wholeheartidly concur!

The essay fit the prompt (how to/advice) and the word count was listed in accordance with the contest rules.

Good luck in the contest!

Reviewed by StephB from the Sandbox.

Blue ribbon banner for contest.
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