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Review of - Silenced -  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)
It seems to be very good effort of the poet for speaking for the silent. And this shows even silence also has an impact that can be judged from writer's words. This stanza is most clear and impactful. Vety good emotions and only some people are blessed to be sensitive enough to them.
"Silenced by material poverty.
Silenced by fear.
Silenced by worry.
Silenced by guilt.
Silenced by survival"
An effort to create an awareness on the pain of somebody who can't speak.
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#1272851 by Not Available.

Review of Motherache  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (5.0)
The lines exhibit deep pain and emotion. The lines do not seem to be a writing only but seems to be coming from the heart of a mother longing for motherhood. My heart really cried while reading this poem. Same things happen to many people in the world but few are sensitive to the emotion embedded in them and only these are the few individuals who keep love and peace live on earth. The author seems to be one of them.
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#1274107 by Not Available.
Review of gods little lambs  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh! this is a very beautiful expression of love for our kids. The love seems to be dripping out of the poem. Eyes get filled with emotions while reading it.
The emotions that tears cause.
#1268898 by spaul

Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.0)
These lines of the poem express that his strong faith in god and prayer healed his friend.
"Did you realize that it was God's love that
Had cured you then, and miraculously brought you
to your feet and me to my knees.
Then I breathed another prayer of sweet relief
Thanking God for sending his son just
...In the nick of time!!!

Nice expression and seems to be true.
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#1274107 by Not Available.

Review of Cancer Ridden  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)

The author has very emotionally and rightly expressed the situation of his uncle who lived with cancer rather than "die of cancer".
Very nice expression in these lines of the uncle's patience and tolerance is described:-
"Then when he left he seemed so still,
So lifeless, so peaceful, so restive.
He left this life without saying goodbye
For he knows he is only gone to be with God".
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#1275025 by Not Available.

Review of soulmate  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)

The poem shows great love toward's husband (of author)perhaps. An emotional and love filled writing.These lines
" I love you with all my heart,
I will never let you go away,
you're the meaning in my life,
in my life you'll always stay".

show that how the writer feels her existence co-existing with her husband's. may your life be filled with love and affection always.
Review of My Love For You  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.0)

Overall the poem seems good and the lines in the end
"I will never hurt you,
The way I have in the past,
I swear to you my darling,
The love I give to you will last"

express deep love for her husband. Nice words.

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#1275731 by Not Available.
Review by spaul
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

The story is infact touching and creates interest whether based on reality? The lines:-
“Come with me” Manoj ordered ignoring the four purses of money being held out to him. He put the children in a taxi and then got in himself.

“Drive”he ordered.

leave a heaviness on mind and the situation disturbs. Good writing that reaches reader's heart and mind.

Don't go on the rating, it's beyond rating. Please read it, it also has something to do with India.
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#1272851 by Not Available.


"Invalid Item

Review of Please Say Hello  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)

I liked it very much. What an idea to invite others to your port. And these kinds of flashes help keeping the sites fresh and interesting.The words:-
"I have seen Guest Books on other people's site. I then thought what a wonderful idea, so I copied. Now I am a copy cat".

Add beauty to the copy and make it new.

Don't me mislead from rating, read this peace:-
It is beyond the limits of rating.
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#1272851 by Not Available.

Review of sad forest  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (3.5)

The poem is good but the i being small looks like a mistake. it should be corrected, however the matter is appealing a lot. (i should be I)
"will i ever find myself
in this dark forest
forever unable to see
the beauty of the world
the one that i love
will not help me see"

what do you think?

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#1274523 by Not Available.

for i have not asked
existing is not same as living
i can't live for.....
i don't exist."

Review of Malaise  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.0)
The lines:-
"Anything physical perishes in time
Psychological pain is etched in the mind and will remain for life"

are most impressive and true.

"The physical pain can never match the emotional sting " is also true but we can overcome emotional stings by positive attitude ofcourse. Nice writing.
Review of Love and Dishsoap  
Review by spaul
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

The stanza:-
"would walk through hell for you
And stop halfway
To reflect on how much I love you
And to pick up milk and bread from the store
I can wash away your sins
And the laundry
I'd find you at the depths of the ocean
And my heart"

Puts a cry in the eyes of reader and,
smile on lips
Better to make potato fry and enjoy the chips.

Good writing. I liked it.
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (5.0)

Very useful,nice and detailed info for pet owners has been provided. Nice to see a serious article on this site about pets.

The very first heading of the writing i.e.
"Does your Dog Suffer from this Potentially
Fatal and often Undiagnosed Disorder"

creates interest and so one has to read the full story. Nice job.

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#1274592 by Not Available.
Review by spaul
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

The words of this poem offer so much of the support to the patient. Where medicine fails the prayers may work and also works the love of well wishers. To every disease, there also is an emotional aspect which gives the courage to the patient to fight against disease. It is infact a poem that conveys inspiration.
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#1275025 by Not Available.
Review of Insults  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)
"The Insults will never fade
But the tongues will".

This is true that insults will never fade,
But those who do insults will definitely fade,
and also their impression and existence.

It does not matter the insult had any impact on the bearer's mind,
But it does matter ultimately,
that there is deterioration of the personality of those who enjoy insulting others.

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#1272851 by Not Available.

Review of I am  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.0)
It is a cute little poem. I found it a good expression of what a person may be at heart but it may be so that he or she is not professionally so.This holds true for many people who may in professions like medicine, engineering etc, but also are writers, painters, singers etc. at their hearts and do not get enough time to come up with the display of their hobbies.

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#1272851 by Not Available.

"Invalid Item
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)

I read this interesting article about existence of God. I am also the person who does not believe in God superstitiously but I believe it scientifically. I am working on a hypothesis which proves it scientifically. It is a rough draft yet, but very soon I will write the final one and will post it soon on this site too. You have done a good job by showing the courage to write on this topic.
Review of Painful Memories  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.0)

But still we have to move forward. It is better to be with the meomories, but not get stuck. It is of course painful but the positive way is to move forward with the pain. We should look toward the people who are less blessed than us but still live happily. I think this is the message that this poem is conveying to me. Nicely written.

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#1273815 by Not Available.

Review of A Childhood  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.0)
A sweet peom conveying the childhood memories.I think There are only some people who can remember and express childhood memories in a clear cut way .This poem depicts such expression. Nice work but ends early. When one starts enjoying, it ends. And this end tells how interesting it was?
Review of Reflection  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked the flow of this poem very much. Very few words infact are describing and explaining the whole scenario and this expression in the limited words is the real beauty of poem.

Last stanza:-
"Tomorrow I'll be the sky again;
But tonight, I'll be the moon again.

What will be, will be.
What will be, will be.
What will be, will be.
What will be, will be.


is the perfect exmple of this style
Review of EARTH ANGELS  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (5.0)

I will say the lines written, the rythm, lyrics, images, the style of mentioning, everything is just beautiful in this article.

This stanza:-
"Earth Angels are rare; I know I’ve been blessed.
I thank God every day for mine.
They’ve eased me when I’m most stressed.
With them by my side, I’ll be fine."

seems to be the best part of poem.

Review of Illusion  
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem is sounding good but in me opinion i should have been I, otherwise reading as language mistake. But if we see the message inside, it is so wonderful and nice. For those who read with heart, spellings never bother, when the message is beautiful, mistakes also seem to be modifications.
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)
The emotions and love expressed for the grandpa in this poem is just great. The poem seems to be full of honest love for author's grandpa. Also it seems like a song with good lyrics to me. In my opinion author should present it in the form a song also, this way the poem will become more touchy.
Review by spaul
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great, a small number of words trying to explain a big philosophy. The art of saying things this way is appreciable but I think little more impact is required to make it more understable.Here I would like to add time nto only tries, but actually steals the lives.
Review of Memories Unmade  
Review by spaul
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
The live-oaks mentioned in the writing have been given importance and interest. The person in it has tried to discuss the concepts of timelines sitting besides the oak trees. The psychology of tree has also been tried for discussion in the writing. I think the whole thing will come out to be more interesting in the complete novel.
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