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Review by spidey
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi Jeff masquerading as Deadpool

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

Cute poem! *Laugh* I loved the last line! I wasn't expecting it!

I like that the poem comes across as vivid and beautiful, yet has a lighthearted, delightful tone to it. I think it's a nice interpretation of the photo prompt!

I really found this to be quite descriptive and vivid! I have never been skiing, but I can certainly imagine what it's like after reading this! Thanks! *Smile*

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

I couldn't help but notice the lack of punctuation (except for the question mark at the end). I know not every poet likes to use punctuation, but I find that it helps the reader identifying intended pauses or tones. Just a thought. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Good poem! Thanks for sharing this! I enjoyed reading it!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Puzzle Passion  
Review by spidey
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi there Little Birdie

Welcome to Writing.Com! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! *Smile*

This is my review for "Puzzle Passion . Was this written for a contest? Did you get it in by the deadline? *Laugh* I just thought it would be a funny link if this was written for a contest.

Overall Thoughts:

I like George, the main character. I think it's difficult to create a connection between the reader and the characters with so few words, but you've managed to do it! I think it's his desperation and determination that I identified with. Nicely done!

I think you set up the story very well. I really loved the part with the puzzle pieces sticking to his forehead and the interaction between George and the tiger. Nice touches!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not.
(In reference to any grammar/spelling suggestions these are suggestions made with my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

I didn't notice any grammar/spelling errors. Good job!

*Bullet* Of course, I have to suggest that there be more. I can't read something so well written that is so short and not suggest more! Of course, the length decision is totally up to you, the author! *Smile*

*Bullet* If George tends to miss deadlines, I have to wonder why that is. When his Mom tells him about the model airplane contest, he rushes out to buy a model airplane, so it would seem that it's not a slow start that causes his tardiness. Is it that he doesn't know much about whatever the contest requires? Like did he spend most of the previous month learning how to put together puzzles and that's why he missed the deadline? I guess I'm just wondering why he misses deadlines. Again, it's up to you if you want to give that information to the reader! Just wanted to give you my thoughts as a reader. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.0 - I enjoyed this short story! Keep on writing! *Smile*

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
"Noticing Newbies [13+]
"Reviewing @ Writing.Com [E]
"Content Rating System (CRS) [13+]

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Beautiful! I think anyone who has felt love or wished to feel it will connect with this poem! *Heart*

I like the form you've used here. For me, rhyming can be distracting from a poem's message, and I like your choice to not adhere to a strict rhyme scheme. The use of stanzas breaks up the poem nicely and makes it nice to read.

I also enjoyed the use of repetition to reinforce your theme. Personally, I like when it changes a little, though. For instance, if the last stanza started with "Love is the feeling" instead of "Love's like the feeling." I think it could help give a resolution to the poem perhaps. Just a thought, it's up to you, of course! *Smile*

Good poem! Keep on writing! *Smile*

~ spidey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Healing Hands  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nice poem!

I'm not familiar with the form, so I looked it up with that handy link you included! Thanks! *Wink*

I like your word choices! With rhyming poetry, I often see "easy" rhymes, but you've picked some unexpected ones, and I enjoyed that!

Even without the explanation in the intro, I could have guessed a general idea of what the poem is about - people who care for and tend to those who are hurt. I think pretty much everyone can relate to this poem and its meaning. A great tribute! *Smile*

A very nice read! Thanks for sharing, and keep on writing! *Smile*

~ spidey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by spidey
Rated: E | N/A (Unratable.)
Wow, this is good!

I love reading poetry, and it can feel tedious sometimes sifting through the flowery prose or the very strict rhyme schemes and formats to get to the poems that just feel good to read, you know? This is one of those rare ones for me. *Smile*

It feels like a stream-of-consciousness poem to me, like the speaker is talking aloud to themselves and the reader gets to listen in. We can get the general idea of what's going on, but it feels like there's a deeper issue or meaning. I liked that!

I love the repetition of the "time to go" phrase, and I also enjoyed the use of questions. For me, it enhanced the reading of the poem.

Great use of punctuation!

Well done! Keep on writing! *Smile*

~ spidey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Poetry Terms  
Review by spidey
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Great quiz! This really tested my memory from college, and you had some tricky answers in there, I think! *Wink*

Loved your quiz! I think viewers can learn a lot from it! The great thing about it, too, is that a lot of poets probably already use some of these devices without possibly even knowing it! Now they can learn the technical term for their writing! It can also give poets a lot of good ideas for their poetry, to help expand their typical boundaries when writing.

I think good quizzes test our knowledge and great ones also teach. This is a great quiz! *Smile*

Thanks for creating it!

~ spidey
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Weirdone-Back in the games

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

Wow, what a story! I found this to be thought-provoking and quite engaging!

I love the tone of the story. I could almost hear the grandfather telling his story! Well done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

while the children played cowboys and Indians,
I believe "cowboys" would be capitalized, too, in this instance.

"The older one looked a little embarrassed.
A typo, I think - the quotation mark at the start of the sentence isn't needed.

Jesse raided the body for every cent, it was carrying,
I don't think a comma is needed here

My Rating

4.0 - Great story! I enjoyed reading this!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Swaggy  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Cherry Mac

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

What an interesting folk tale! I really felt like I was immersed in another culture while reading this! You've done very well to set the scene here and invite the reader into the life of this one character. Well done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

A few day's trek through the Australian bush
I believe it should be *Right* A few days' trek

What time will you be leaving Pros?"
I believe a comma is needed after "leaving"

strapped into place by too strong belts.was the sleeping bag his mother had stitched for him.
A typo probably, the period between "belts" and "was" isn't needed.

After three hours he reached Manildra and shortly afterwards branched off into the bush to hike along the creek, He was doing well, making good progress, walking steadily at a comfortable pace.
A run-on sentence. I suggest turning the comma after "creek" into a period and starting a new sentence with "He."

He like it when Ben called him Pros.
like *Right* liked

When he threw a potato into the fire he knew that it would cook in it's jacket
it's *Right* its

My Rating

4.0 - I think the story could use some polishing, but it is an enjoyable read! Well done!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Cherokee Rose

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

This story almost read like a tall tale itself! *Laugh*

This definitely kept me guessing until the end! I enjoyed the fact that I couldn't tell how it might end! Well done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

It feels like there is a lot of dialogue and not much description in the story. I suppose that fits well with the "tall tale" theme, but it kind of took me out of the story a little bit. The conversation between the brothers got a bit repetitive with the constant argument about Bigfoot. I just didn't feel a brotherly connection between the two boys and I didn't feel a big emotional attachment to the story.

My Rating

4.0 - A good story that kept me guessing! Thanks for sharing this!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Visitors  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Quick-Quill

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

What an interesting and inspiring story! I loved that this folklore tale had a moral to it!

I have to say that I was very intrigued by this story, and couldn't wait to see how it turned out! You do very well to engage the reader and create an interesting and engaging story! Good job!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

The limousine made plowed a path in the deep snow
This sounded awkward to me. Perhaps if either "made" or "plowed" was removed, it would sound clearer.

Sam felt the tires grab the road the car moved safely to the end of the ramp.
Feels like a run-on sentence, with two independent clauses combined without a conjunction. Perhaps:

Sam felt the tires grab the road, and the car moved safely to the end of the ramp.


Sam felt the tires grab the road as the car moved safely to the end of the ramp.

Then you’re prayer was answered.
you're should be *Right* your

I guess I was more hungry then I thought.
then *Right* than

My Rating

4.0 - Good story! In my eyes, it could use a little polishing, but I enjoyed reading this! *Smile*


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Gaby ~ Way behind!

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

What a neat story! I was totally engrossed throughout and couldn't wait to see how it turned out!

I had to read the story several times, because on the first read, I found myself wanting to rush through it to see how it ended! I think you did very well in grabbing the reader's attention and creating a gripping story! Well done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

We'll go to my house and I'll make us some coffee while she get's your scarf.
"get's" doesn't need an apostrophe.

Honestly, I thought there would be more to the ending. I don't know why, but I had a foreboding feeling, like something spooky was going to happen, but it ended up much differently than I thought it would. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I just wanted to give you one reader's reaction. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Good story! I enjoyed reading this!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi fyn

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

Great story! This had such a distinct feel to it, it felt like such a real group of people, like a real future that could happen, and I think your excellent use of dialect worked so well in creating this successful story! Great job! *Smile*

I also loved the tie-ins to our culture and history. Well done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

So they be all cautious-like til they be know they be safe.
For some reason, I felt that it should read "til they be knowing they be safe," but the ultimate choice is yours.

In the same paragraph:
The be happy to hear
I think "The" should be they

If I were pressed to come up with any other suggestions, I'd say that this felt more like a narrative than a short story (though a narrative does fit nicely with the "Folktale" aspect of the story).

My Rating

4.5 - Excellent piece! I really enjoyed reading this!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Fingerprints 2  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Moarzjasac !

This is my review for "Fingerprints 2 [E]. Thanks for emailing it to me! *Smile*

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* I've been having some rough days lately, missing people who aren't physically in my life anymore, and this beautiful poem helped cheer my mood. Thanks for sharing it! *Smile*

*Bullet* I loved the whole fingerprint theme! And I love how you include its inspiration in the intro! I think most people can relate to this poem.

*Bullet* Great form! I tend to find rhymes a little distracting, and I think you've made a great choice here.

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

I found no errors.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* The only suggestion I could give is to add more! *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - Such a nice poem! Thanks! *Smile*

Resolve to Review Contest  [E]
Let's see your best in-depth review! Weekly Review Contest
by spidey

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Starbucks  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Maryann !

This is my review of "Starbucks [E].

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* I love acrostics & I love Starbucks! I think it's really cool that you wrote this about your first visit to the first Starbucks! I think you captured the atmosphere perfectly! Very descriptive! I love how you involved the senses with the smells and tastes. It made me feel as if I were there with you!

*Bullet* I like that you include the workers, travelers, etc. I think it really makes the poem accessible to many types of readers. It appeals to those who are regular patrons as well as those who may have never visited a Starbucks store and to all types of coffee drinkers (and non-coffee drinkers, too!). Well done!

*Bullet* Great use of font color, too! Love the photo! Just helps set the scene!

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

I found no errors! Great!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet*One thing I find limiting about the acrostic form is that it can end up reading like a list of statements, rather than a poem. I think that's mostly the structure, though, as it tends to force the writer to adhere to it. For me, it could have felt more flowing. As it is, it feels a little choppy to me, but that's just one reader's interpretation.

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing it!!

Resolve to Review Contest  [E]
Let's see your best in-depth review! Weekly Review Contest
by spidey

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Starbucks  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Maryann !

This is my review for "Starbucks [E].

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* I love acrostics & I love Starbucks! I think it's really cool that you wrote this about your first visit to a Starbucks, and where better than Seattle! I think you captured the atmosphere perfectly! Very descriptive! I love how you involved the senses with the smells and tastes. It made me feel as if I were there with you!

*Bullet* I like that you include the workers, travelers, etc. I think it really makes the poem accessible to many types of readers. Though this is told from the point of view of someone's first visit, it appeals to all types of coffee drinkers (and non-coffee drinkers, too!). Well done!

*Bullet* Great use of font color, too! *Wink*Love the photo! Just helps set the scene!

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

I found no errors! Great!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* One thing I find limiting about the acrostic form is that it can end up reading like a list of statements, rather than a poem. I think that's mostly the structure, though, as it tends to force the writer to adhere to it. For me, it could have felt more flowing. As it is, it feels a little choppy to me, but that's just one reader's interpretation.

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing it!! *Smile*

Resolve to Review Contest  [E]
Let's see your best in-depth review! Weekly Review Contest
by spidey

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Silver Fox  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Dennis Cardiff !

This is my review for "The Silver Fox [13+]. I found this item using the new Random Review tool! *Smile*

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* Wow, this really packs a punch! I'm honestly astonished at how well this poem affects the reader in just a few stanzas. It definitely made me feel something. My reaction was mainly remorse. Even though I wasn't there in the situation, I felt as if I could be, and I wondered how often I was near someone who needed help and was unaware. This poem made me want to be a better person, to look out for those around me.

*Bullet* Love the form! If this were a more "traditional" form with a rhyme scheme, there's no way the tone would come across so well! Even the indented lines added to the disjointed feeling of the poem, in my opinion. It's a jarring theme, one in which I think you intended the reader to examine themselves and their feelings toward others. I think you've done quite well to do that. Great job!

*Bullet* The repetition is great. Not only does it reinforce your theme/message, it also reflects the feel of the poem, as I can imagine an inebriated bar patron repeating themselves. Good choice!

*Bullet* I also like the use of a gray/silver font here. It fits perfectly! And thank you for the explanation at the end of the poem. That enhanced the poem for me and made me understand your intentions all the more.

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

I saw no errors here. *Smile*

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* I try really hard to come up with at least one suggestion for everything I review, but it's really tough with this one. I find myself wanting more, but I fear that adding more to this poem would detract from its power and effectiveness. Perhaps a sequel? I'd like to think that "The Silver Fox" had a happy ending... even if that wasn't the case, I think it could help to have some closure here, perhaps your guess as to what happened next? Just a thought. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

5.0 - One of the best I've read in some time! Absolutely deserves its awardicon! *Smile*

Thanks for sharing, and keep on writing! *Smile*


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Awardicons Survey  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great survey! I'd be interested in the results or some thoughts on the results once you get a good amount of replies! I've always thought it strange to be able to "buy" Awardicons in raffles/auctions (unless you buy them to be given to a deserving item of your choice).

Best of luck with the survey! I hope you get lots of useful responses! *Smile*

~ spidey
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Julia Quinn !

This is my review for "Can't Forget : Chapter One [13+]. Thanks for the review! I wanted to show my thanks by reviewing something of yours! *Smile*

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* I think almost anyone can relate to this! It brought back memories of what it was like to be a young adult looking for love and happiness. *Smile*

*Bullet* I like how the story starts, where it talks about their last kiss, hug, etc. It really made me want to know what happened between them! I really got the sense that the two people belonged together and I wondered how they came to be apart.

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

You seem to not use an apostrophe at all in this (cant instead of can't, Im instead of I'm, etc.). It's a little distracting for a reader.

I met him at a kmart
I believe "kmart" should be capitalized *Right* Kmart

7:oo o clock,
You don't need the "oo" if you have o'clock after 7.

There are quite a bit of errors in your story, just typos mostly. I had a teacher tell me that our eyes can skip over typos easily when we read on a computer screen. He suggested printing out writing and reading it from the page, and I've found that helps me. Just a suggestion. *Smile*

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* Your writing is very direct, which can be nice, but it can also create a distance between the story and the writer. Personally, I think the writing here could use a little more description to make the reader really visualize the action. For instance:

I walked into the store, and I was crying.

Instead, you could say something like, "Tears were falling from my eyes as I entered the store," or something like that. It's your story, you can write it however you want! I've found in my reading that when a story is descriptive and visual, it really pulls me in.

*Bullet* Usually when you start dialogue, it should start a new paragraph. When you have back and forth dialogue within a paragraph, it can be hard for a reader to follow.

*Bullet* In your email you said you're a new member (Welcome to the site!! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!) and that you want to become an author. I think one of the best pieces of advice I've heard from published authors is to read a lot. Read the types of writing you're interested in writing to get tips on how you can improve your own work. I think we all have room to grow when it comes to honing our craft (even published writers!), and one of the best ways to do that is to study other writing and to keep practicing ourselves! If we do that, we'll all continue to get better!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

3.5 - This is a good solid start! I think you have a good start to pull the reader in and get them interested in your book. Just keep on practicing, reading and writing! You'll have a gem of a piece in no time! *Smile*


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Venus Transit  
Review by spidey
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi ridinghhood-p.boutilier

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

Wow, this poem really struck me. Usually if I finish a poem and think, "Huh?" it's a bad sign. With this one, though, it just made me like it more! I like that I don't get exactly what's going on here. It feels like I'm getting a glimpse into someone else's world. It makes perfect sense to them, and it might be a bit mysterious to me, but it just feels right.

I love the tone of this poem. I like how you make it feel really personal by adding names and places. I like that you took a fairly generic photo and managed to make it a very specific moment. Nicely done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

My only suggestion would be to make this a bit longer. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted more! *Smile*

My Rating

5.0 - I loved this!


Review of The Menace  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Plume

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

Great word choices! I feel like you really paint a scene with depth in this one stanza. You do well to capture a moment here. Very well done!

I enjoyed the form, too. I think it fit the subject matter very well.

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

With just five lines, I couldn't help wanting more! You've done so much with just five lines that I wanted to see more of the story. I felt like I just got a glimpse into another world, and I couldn't help wanting more! *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Nice poem! I enjoyed this!


Review of Friends  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi An apple a day....

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

How delightful! I love how you've captured the beauty and sorrow of the image prompt and then end it in such a happy ending! I really felt emotionally connected to this poem!

In general, I tend to find deliberate rhyming to be a little distracting, but in your poem it felt natural and helped the flow of the poem. Nicely done!

Great title! It fit perfectly!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

It's really hard to come up with a suggestion for this poem. If I was pressed to say something, I'd say that it could perhaps have a little more depth or something to make it feel more unique or personal, just something small to make it have just a little more. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

4.5 - Great poem! I really enjoyed this! *Smile*


Review of Canine Memories  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Prosperous Snow celebrating

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

Vivid & touching! Great imagery here! You describe the scene in such a beautiful way that I could see it in my mind while reading. Nice job!

I like the progression through the poem as it tells a story. Nicely done!

I also enjoyed the last stanza. It felt like a perfect ending to the poem!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

as the played in the waves.
I believe "the" should be *Right* they

My Rating

4.5 - Excellent poem! I really enjoyed this! *Smile*

Review of ODE TO WDC  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Oldwarrior

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

I love the message of the poem! I've never tried other writing sites, but I can imagine that WDC is definitely the best out of them! What a great ode to our fave site!

I liked the delightful tone here, which works well with the rhyme scheme. It creates an almost whimsical feel that makes it a nice, easy read. Well done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

I’ve been away, too distant shores, seeking acclimation.
Upon first reading, I thought "too" should be changed to "to" but then I realized it makes sense both ways. Still, that could create some confusion for readers.

A small thing - I get that the poem relates to the prompt image due to the references to the beach and sands, but the focus of the image is a dog, and I just didn't see the prompt as vividly in your poem as I thought I should. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Great poem! I enjoyed this! *Smile*

Review of Missing My Friend  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Yellow Rose

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

Delightful! I love the almost whimsical tone of the poem which ends on a sad but sort of upbeat note.

Your rhyme scheme was consistent throughout the poem, which made it very enjoyable to read. It has a good rhythm which makes the poem flow well.

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

There was part of me that wanted to know more behind the story! I felt like this just skimmed the surface of the beings within it, and I couldn't help wanting to know more!

This is probably just me, but I found the bigger font and color a tad harsh on the eyes. Again, probably just me. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Lovely poem! I enjoyed this. *Smile*


Review of No Longer  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi NickiD89

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

I loved the repetition in this poem! For me, it really connected to the image of the ocean, as the waves rush in and out endlessly. Well done!

I like how you captured the sadness in the image. When I first saw it, I thought it looked a bit somber, and I could feel that in your poem, too.

I thought you captured a really great tone here, one of near desperation and hopelessness.

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

I try really hard to come up with at least one suggestion for everything I review. After reading your poem several times, the only suggestion I could come up with refers to this line:
Hello! Hollow sound

The exclamation point after "Hello" seemed like it doesn't quite fit in with the somber tone of the poem. For me, I sensed a hopelessness in the poem and the "Hello!" almost seemed like a cry for help that I don't think the speaker was capable of feeling. Just one reader's thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

4.5 - Excellent poem! I enjoyed reading this. *Smile*

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