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1,195 Public Reviews Given
1,627 Total Reviews Given
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I attempt a well-rounded review where I look at the item from a writer's and reader's perspective. I'll tell you what I liked and what I think could be strengthened. I like to think I'm a courteous and helpful reviewer.
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attention to detail. If there's a typo, I'll find it!
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Sci-Fi, Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Drama, Satire, and more
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Romance, Religion, Sports
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Short Stories, Poetry, Essays
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Novels (I just don't have that much time)
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There is very little I won't review. Try me! *Smile*
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Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Koyel~writing again

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

When I first saw the prompt image, I thought the scene had a hint of sadness to it, and I think you've captured that quite well in your poem!

Great form! As far as I can see, you've stuck to the form very well. Good job!

I love the repeating line. It captures the tone and feel of the poem nicely.

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

The only suggestion I can think of is that I didn't easily picture the poem in my mind while reading, as it didn't come across as particularly visual. That's fine if it's not what you wanted, but I couldn't help feeling like the poem could have just a little more depth. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Very nice poem! I enjoyed reading this! *Smile*


Review of Shadow Walks  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi fyn

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

What a beautiful & touching poem! I love how this tells a story around the photo prompt. I particularly enjoyed the poem upon the second read. Very well done!

Such beautiful imagery! It really paints a picture in the reader's mind that I think would be very clear even without the photo prompt!

Great use of form & font color. Fits the poem perfectly!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

I try really hard to come up with at least one suggestion when I review and this was my only thought on improvement with your poem:

"He would run away
and then back, much
like the waves, pulled and pushed"

For me, the words "much like the waves" isn't quite needed. I think the reader would get that connection without the phrase. Or perhaps if it was worded something like, "mirroring the waves" or something like that, it would seem a little less obvious. Honestly, I don't think this is much of an issue at all, and it really doesn't detract from the poem. Just tried to come up with something to suggest. *Smile*

My Rating

5.0 - Wonderful poem! I really enjoyed this! *Smile*

Review by spidey
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

Very beautiful imagery and quite touching! I love how this poem illustrates a harmony and connection between all life.

There is a theme here of permanence contrasted with change that I think fits the image prompt very well! Nicely done!

I also liked the use of the color font. It fit very well!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

My only suggestion has to do with capitalization in the poem. It just seemed a tad inconsistent to me, where some words (like "Paw" in the first stanza and "Meets" in the second) had capitals when they didn't start a new phrase, but others weren't capitalized. I just couldn't find a pattern or reason some words were capitalized. Just a personal preference, I guess, but it distracted me slightly from the very beautiful poem.

My Rating

4.5 - Beautiful! I really enjoyed this!


Review of New View  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Kotaro

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Overall Thoughts

A fun poem! I loved the inclusion of science! I have an amateur interest in physics, so I really appreciated your allusions here. *Smile*

There is a nice contrast here between the theme of infinity (the photo never being lost) and the theme of change. I really enjoyed that!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

I personally found the rhyme scheme to be a little distracting, but that's just a personal preference, I think. It didn't distract from the theme of the poem, which I enjoyed, but for me, it disrupted the natural flow of the words just a little bit. Just one reader's thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Very nice poem! I enjoyed reading this! *Smile*


Review of the other side  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Rhyssa !

Overall Thoughts:

I thought this was hilarious! I laughed out loud several times while reading this short story. *Laugh*

I think a lot of it just caught me by surprise. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I really enjoyed reading this twisted fairy tale!


Your titles, ratings & genres fit the story well. Good choices!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

So, back track to about a week ago.
I believe "back track" should be one word *Right* backtrack

*Bullet* My only other suggestion would be to possibly make a series of these. I think I'll check out your portfolio to see your other work. This has definitely intrigued me, and I love your writing style here!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - A devilishly delightful fairy tale! I am guest-Editing a Comedy Newsletter in a few weeks, and I think I'll add this as one of my "Picks" so others will enjoy it, too! Good luck in the contest!

Thank you for entering the contest in my newsletter, "Contests & Activities Newsletter (April 18, 2012)! I've attached your 1,000 gift point prize for entering, and thanks for sharing this story! I truly enjoyed reading it! *Bigsmile*

Good luck and keep on writing!

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of Emma the Emo Emu  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Sandy B. !

Overall Thoughts:

Such a cute tale! I loved reading this! It's a great children's story, as it teaches a lesson in a fun way. I like the repetition, too. A really great children's story! *Smile*

I really liked the variety of birds you've included in the story! It makes it rather educational for children, I think.


Your ratings and genres are perfectly chosen for the story!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

I bet if you jump from it’s roof
it's *Right* its

*Star*My Rating*Star*

5.0 - I thought this was a great children's story!

Thank you for entering the contest in my newsletter, "Contests & Activities Newsletter (April 18, 2012)! I've attached your 1,000 gift point prize for entering, and thanks for sharing this story! I truly enjoyed reading it! *Bigsmile*

Good luck and keep on writing!

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of Movie Talk  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Maryann !

Overall Thoughts:

I just wanted to say that I really love this forum! I don't often get to go to the movies these days, but I really love reading about them! I've been keeping an eye on this forum for quite a while, and I thought it was about time I expressed my appreciation for it!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* I don't have any suggestions for this forum. I think it's perfect! It allows visitors to post and/or read at their convenience. It's a great meeting place for film lovers!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

5.0 - An excellent message forum! *Smile*

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi there LoloKrazii

Welcome to Writing.Com! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! *Smile*

This is my review for "The Drumming Sound

Overall Thoughts:

I love the theme of this poem! I really think most people have felt this exact thing, and you describe it so well! I could almost feel what was happening in the poem. Nicely done!

I like how you use senses, sound in particular, to really help the reader feel what you're describing. Good job!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not.
(In reference to any grammar/spelling suggestions these are suggestions made with my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

It's louder than sirens,louder than bels,Sweeter than heaven.
bels *Right* bells
(I also think the line after the comma was meant to be on the next line)

Hotter than hell.
hell *Right* Hell
(I believe Hell needs to be capitalized when it's referred to as a place.)

It starts when your around,
your *Right* you're
(contraction of "you are")

It's such almighty sound.
Sounded a bit awkward to me, perhaps It's such an almighty sound.

I think it's your heart beat
heart beat *Right* heartbeat

*Bullet* You could even use other senses here, too, to further enhance the imagery you've presented. Just a thought. It's up to you, of course. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

3.0 - A very nice poem that I think most readers can relate to. I certainly did. *Smile*

Keep on writing!

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
"Noticing Newbies [13+]
"Reviewing @ Writing.Com [E]
"Content Rating System (CRS) [13+]
Review of Transformation  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there Bastet

Welcome to Writing.Com! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! *Smile*

This is my review for "Transformation

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* What a beautiful poem! I'll admit, I have a big fear of bees, but this poem helped me see their beauty and importance in our world. *Smile*

*Bullet* I love the alliteration you've used in this poem! These particular lines were a pleasure to read:

A heavy hair curtain hung over a hive

Only the wind’s word and the secret buzzing

I also like the form you've used here. Personally I think a rhyme scheme can take away from the natural rhythm and message of a poem. I like the more free-form verse here. Also, great use of punctuation!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not.
(In reference to any grammar/spelling suggestions these are suggestions made with my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

*Bullet* My only suggestion would be to choose a genre other than "Other" for this. Perhaps "Poetry" would fit better. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - Great poem! I enjoyed this very much. *Smile*

Keep on writing!

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
"Noticing Newbies [13+]
"Reviewing @ Writing.Com [E]
"Content Rating System (CRS) [13+]
Review of Trick or Tweet  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Tom Buck !

Overall Thoughts:

Wow, this is an incredible and terrifying tale! I don't normally read such long stories (maybe that's my dependence on tweets and statuses!), but I read this in one sitting. It's so gripping! I just couldn't look away from my screen!

I think you've captured our world perfectly here, our growing dependence on technology and the way we embrace every new advance. I found this story to be very realistic, almost too realistic, as it ends up being really scary to think this could actually happen.

Great tone and point-of-view choices! I couldn't help comparing this to "disaster" type movies that are released, where the focus tends to shift toward government or military control. I love that you keep this in the perspective of an average person caught up in what's going on. It also makes the story even scarier, because the reader identifies with the narrator/main character.

The amount of detail you give is perfect. The story gives just enough detail to keep it realistic without getting too technical and risking losing your audience.


I'm not a huge fan of the title, which is my only qualm with the entire piece. It's just that "Trick or Tweet" obviously makes me think of "Trick or Treat," which makes me think of Halloween. This story doesn't have anything to do with Halloween that I could see, and for some reason, that made the title seem out of place in my mind. Just one reader's thoughts. *Smile*

Your ratings and genres are appropriate for the piece. *Smile*

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* I try my hardest to come up with suggestions for everything I read, as I think it's very rare to find absolute perfection in a written work, but I honestly can't find anything else to comment on or to suggest to make this a stronger work. This is an excellent story! I recommend trying to get this published, and it would also make a great film!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

5.0 - Brilliant! I absolutely loved reading this. Thank you for sharing it! *Smile*

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of a zombie hangover  
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Poetry Zombie Horde  
Rated: 18+ | (1.0)
** Image ID #1805805 Unavailable **

Hello Rhyssa !

Awesome!! I love it! It's so terrible!

This part was delicious:
I love how the poem tells a story and the rhyme scheme fits perfectly. I always admire a poet who can rhyme well, as it's a big struggle for me.

and knew—only a nutter
would catch the eye of one who’d rose
from eating from the gutter


I'd *Ax* this part:
I wouldn't change a thing! *Pthb*

Great, descriptive poem that is absolutely horrible. *Pthb*

~ spidey
Review of at the drive-in  
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Poetry Zombie Horde  
Rated: 13+ | (1.0)
** Image ID #1805805 Unavailable **

Hello Rhyssa !

Supremely disgusting poem! *Sick*

This part was delicious:
My favorite lines:

to eat the heroes—eyeballs and all

that precious brain containers watch

This poem definitely makes me rethink going to a drive-in! *Shock*

I'd *Ax* this part:
I wouldn't change a thing! It's horrible just like it is!

Great, terrible poem! Loved it! *Smile*

~ spidey
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Poetry Zombie Horde  
Rated: 13+ | (1.0)
** Image ID #1805805 Unavailable **

Hello Buckley !

Wow, how terrible! *Laugh*

This part was delicious:
I thought this was really funny, and I liked the conversational tone of the poem.

Great rhyme scheme!

My favorite line: Look at those meaty cheeks *Laugh*

I'd *Ax* this part:
I wouldn't change a thing! It's perfectly awful as it is!

Blech! Terrible poem! *Bigsmile*

~ spidey
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Poetry Zombie Horde  
Rated: 13+ | (1.0)
** Image ID #1805805 Unavailable **

Hello Cobwebs-In-Space Reindeer !

Ugh, how terrible! *Bigsmile*

This part was delicious:
I love the use of movie titles!

I loved this line: Now I, Zombie, walk too!
(Did you know that "I, Zombie" is the title of a zombie flick, too?)

I loved the orange font, too!

I'd *Ax* this part:
Nothing! This is perfectly dreadful as it is!

Terrible, awful, icky poem! *Sick* *Bigsmile*

~ spidey
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Poetry Zombie Horde  
Rated: 18+ | (1.0)
** Image ID #1805805 Unavailable **

Hello Maryann !

Wow, this is bad. Like, really, really bad. *Sick* *Laugh*

This part was delicious:
Love the limerick form! It fits perfectly!

I'm going to think twice about going to a 3-D movie now... It's true that it's entrancing, and you never know who might use that to their (undead) advantage! *Shock*

I'd *Ax* this part:
I wouldn't change a thing! The last line of the poem is a little choppy, but I think that's intentional. *Wink*

Great, er terrible, job! *Bigsmile*

~ spidey
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Poetry Zombie Horde  
Rated: 18+ | (1.0)
** Image ID #1805805 Unavailable **

Hello Maryann !

This line says it all: You have to love it

This poem is gruesomely terrible, and I loved it! *Bigsmile*

This part was delicious:
I liked the play on colors, red and green. And Sloppy when they eat *Laugh*

I'd *Ax* this part:
I wouldn't change a thing! It's perfectly dreadful as it is!

Loved it! Totally deserves one star! *Bigsmile*

~ spidey
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Strength in Numbers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi there Kid Miracleman

Welcome to Writing.Com! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! *Smile*

This is my review for "Avoiding Responsibility

Overall Thoughts:

I loved this! You grab the reader from the start. The very first sentence pulled me in and made me want to continue through to the end.

Excellent writing! There is a definite tone to this story. I think the choice of first-person point-of-view was a good one. It definitely helped the tone for me as a reader. It also helps emphasize the division between the two characters.

Great descriptions, excellent vocabulary. Grammatically, everything I read was spot-on, which made for a great read!

I really enjoyed the humor in this, too! It's consistent throughout the story, and the end made me laugh. *Laugh*

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not.

*Bullet* I'm not totally sold on the title of the story. This is just one opinion, but "Avoiding Responsibility" makes it sound like the narrator/main character knows exactly what's going on, but is avoiding the issue, whereas the story itself shows him being totally ignorant of the situation. Perhaps this was your intention, though. If so, then by all means, keep the title the same. *Smile*

I see that this is a contest entry (by your genre choices). Perhaps you could include a link to the contest?

*Star*My Rating*Star*

5.0 - Excellent! Thanks for the great read!

Keep on writing! *Smile*

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
"Noticing Newbies [13+]
"Reviewing @ Writing.Com [E]
"Content Rating System (CRS) [13+]
Review of Preface  
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Strength in Numbers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there Andrea J. Harvey

Welcome to Writing.Com! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! *Smile*

This is my review for "Preface

Overall Thoughts:

Intriguing! I definitely want to know more about this story!

You do well to bring the reader immediately into the story, and I like that this starts hours after the actual story. It really makes me want to know what happened!

Great last sentence!! It's a great contrast. You start with beautiful, positive imagery of nature and then end with the negative statement, "I wish I could forget." This creates a nice conflict which entices the reader. Nicely done!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not.

*Bullet* My only suggestion would be to add more! I want to know what happens next (and what happened before)!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.0 - I'm giving this a 4 out of 5, only because it feels incomplete. Your writing is descriptive and grabs the attention of the reader. I'd love to read more! *Smile*

Keep writing! *Smile*

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
"Noticing Newbies [13+]
"Reviewing @ Writing.Com [E]
"Content Rating System (CRS) [13+]
Review of The Dam Town  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Richard Briley Jr !

I wanted to thank you for your review, and you asked for a look at this story, so I thought I'd send my thoughts. *Smile*

Overall Thoughts:

Your rating needs to be changed. Use of mild profanity here requires a 13+ rating. See "Content Rating System (CRS) [13+] for details on WDC's Content Rating System)

*Laugh*! This made me laugh, particularly the end! I love the puns used here!

I liked the bits of history you've included here. They really help shape the story and give the reader a good sense of what's going on and a feel for the setting and background. Well done!


Great title & intro! They certainly catch the eye of the reader.

As stated above, your rating needs to be set to 13+ to accurately reflect the content of the item.

Great choices for genres! They fit very well!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

This unique name, came about years ago
I don't think the comma is needed here.

After many years the towns leadership
towns leadership *Right* town's leadership

He then looked at me and said, "The fine is $75.00. What, your honor I haven‘t even been given a fair ....!”
If the "What, your honor" line is the main character speaking, and not the Judge, then you need to start a new paragraph with new a new set of quotation marks, like this:

He then looked at me and said, "The fine is $75.00."

"What, your honor? I haven't even been given a fair ...!"

(I believe a question mark after "honor" is needed, and I'm not certain, but I think "honor" might need to be capitalized since it is a title.)

*Bullet* In the second paragraph, you have "townsfolk" (one word) and then "towns folk" (two words). You might want to choose one and stick with it, to provide consistency.

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.0 - A good, comical story! I enjoyed this very much! *Bigsmile*

Keep on writing!

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review by spidey
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Kenzie !

This is my review for "Yellow and Blue Makes Green [ASR].

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* So beautiful! I love how this is presented, with the colors and images. It helps emphasize your point quite well! Great job!

*Bullet* I particularly liked the last paragraph. I think it makes a great deal of sense, and it also expresses the very point it presents - a melding of ideas to create a new, unbreakable one. You took the offerings of a friend and combined them with your own, to create your finished idea!

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

I noticed no errors. Great job!

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* My only suggestion would be to offer examples of how the colors swirl together, how some situations would require the strength of one over the other, and how they compliment one another. I think using real-life examples might help illustrate the idea even further. Just a thought. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - An excellent piece! Keep up the great work! *Smile*

Review of Masks  
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Strength in Numbers  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi miblu (away) !

This is my review for "Masks [ASR].


*Bullet* Great imagery here! I especially liked the opposition in the last line, "Pushing at Fate's Pull." It created a really good image in my mind, and helped drive the theme home. Good work!

*Bullet* I also like your use of capitalization to emphasize key words and ideas here, particularly "Masks." Good choice!

*Bullet* Great use of repetition, too! For me, it helped unify the poem and move it forward. Your use of repetition works really well here for me.

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

I found no errors! Great job!


The title definitely caught my eye. Simple and direct. Nice!

Your ratings are chosen well, though I think you could use a few other genres if you wished to do so. Perhaps, "Personal," or "Relationship," or even "Philosophy." That's up to you, of course. *Smile*

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* My only suggestion would be to add more! To me, it feels like you just touch upon the true issue here. You present it to the reader well, but I'd love to see more depth, more of a look into these themes. I suppose I liked this so much, I just wanted more! *Bigsmile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.0 - Great work! I hope you add more. I'd love to see your other work, too. Keep up the great writing! *Bigsmile*

"Invalid Item

won in an auction
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Strength in Numbers  
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Hi Exusia !

This is my review for "How to Survive a zombie attack [13+]. I found this item on "Please Review. I'm a big fan of zombies, so I just had to check this one out. *Smile*

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* Very funny stuff here! I'm guessing you've culmiated this knowledge through watching a lot of zombie films or playing zombie games. I like that this has a comical tone to it, especially the list of the order of deaths.

*Bullet* You include a great deal of zombie common knowledge here that I think will entertain those already acquainted with zombie mythology (like me), as well as educate those who might not be aware. Well done!

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

How to Survive a zombie attack
Capitalize *Right* How to Survive a Zombie Attack

If your reading this then chances are that their has been a outbreak of the undead, or that your just simply bored.
Both "your"s here should be *Right* you're
(you're = contraction of you are)

a step by step guide
step by step *Right* step-by-step

Now in most instances theirs a order
theirs *Right* there's (contraction of "there is")

(however if he survives about half the group, then the rule is disbanded and he is subject to other deaths.
"however" should be capitalized, and you're missing a closing parenthesis

Then Comes the stupid guy the checks out the weird moaning
"Comes" shouldn't be capitalized, and I think "the" should be "that."

The quite one will probably not die, because their probably craaaaaaaaazy.
quite *Right* quiet
their *Right* they're

There were a lot more errors throughout this story (too many for me to list here). I'd suggest taking another close look at your item. I find that if I print it out, I can find errors and typos much easier than reading on a computer screen. Also, you could try finding a review forum which specializes in line-by-line reviews and edits.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* In addition to the grammatical typos & errors, I think this item could use a little more formatting or some more formal structure. Perhaps you could include titled or underlined subsection titles. You have several areas of information, and I think they could be categorized for your reader's ease.

*Star*My Rating*Star*

2.0 - I think this item has great potential. It's an entertaining and interesting premise, and I love the comical tone. You obviously know a lot about zombies and how to survive an attack. For me, the item could use some clearing up regarding grammar and structure.

I enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing it!

Keep on writing! *Smile*


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Crazy Room  
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Strength in Numbers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Manixander !

This is my review for "Crazy Room [E]. I found this item on "Please Review

Overall Thoughts:

*Bullet* From your intro, I'm assuming this really happened to you. Your emotional and descriptive writing here makes me feel that this is based on truth, too. I'm sorry you went through this, but sharing your feelings on it might help you deal. It can also connect you to your readers who might have gone through something similar. In any case, your emotion shines through in this expressive poem.

*Bullet* I found your writing to be very strong and descriptive. Great juxtaposition here:

Our hearts scream as we sit.

To me, this one line illustrates frustration and emotion very well. It juxtaposes "screaming" and "sitting," two opposing words, one aggressive and the other passive. Great choice!

*Bullet* I also like your use of the pronouns "we" and "our." It creates a solidarity amongst those who have experienced this, and it also opposes the "you" pronoun well here.

*Bullet* I like the rhyme scheme here. I tend to shy away from rhyming (whenever I write it, it sounds forced to me), but I can appreciate it when it's constructed well. Good job!

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

Will our minds ever be free.
I think a question mark after "free" might be more effective here, as I read this line like a question.


I like your title & intro. They give good information to the reader, and I think they set the tone well for the poem.

You use "Other" as your item type here, when I think "Poetry" would fit better. I also think it could help readers find your poem easier.

Your ratings are appropriate. *Smile*

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* One of your rhymes took me out of the poem a bit. In stanza 3, you rhyme "hand" with "found." While it's not necessary to have true rhyme all the time, when you use it consistently through the rest of the poem, one inconsistency really stands out to the reader. It's completely up to you, but you might want to consider revising to keep the rhyme scheme consistent.

*Bullet* Use of the word "thy" in one line ("Moulded by thy hand,") confused me a bit. In my experience, "thy" is used when referencing a deity, or it's used to create a more old-fashioned tone (in sonnets, for example). Who is "thy" referencing here? I wasn't sure. Is it the same as the "you" in the previous stanza? I'm not sure it fits, but again, that's up to you. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.0 - Great poem! I enjoyed reading this, and I thank you for sharing your work. *Smile*


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Mother  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Fadz !

I wanted to thank you for reviewing my Writer's Cramp entry, and I thought what better way than to review yours! *Smile*

Overall Thoughts:

Ah, poetic justice! I thought this tale was rather clever! I like the way you give subtle clues to the reader throughout, and even if the reader can manage to guess the end, it's still an entertaining read.

I think you do very well to portray the main character. In such few words, I was able to get a really good idea of who she is and how she might react in given situations.

I also liked how your portrayed both mothers in this story. I think I know a few like them and their actions and words made me giggle.


Great title and intro! I like that the title can refer to more than one character in the story.

Your ratings & genres are chosen well.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* I'd love a sequel to this! I know you're limited here with a word count, but I'd love to see the next scene!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - Great story! I enjoyed reading this. *Smile*

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review by spidey
In affiliation with Strength in Numbers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi PoeticFox !

Overall Thoughts:

What a good idea for a poetry group! I tend to like more non-traditional, experimental poetry so this group is right up my alley. I'll definitely check out the poetry of this group's members, and if you'd like, you can direct them to my new plug page:
 Modern Poetry  [ASR]
Submit your poetry that doesn't quite fit in the mainstream.
by spidey


Great title! It definitely made me interested in the group.

Your ratings are chosen well. I do think you could use more genres. Perhaps, "Writing," "Writing.Com" and/or "Community." Up to you, of course.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

In your intro: THis group is mean
THis *Right* This
mean *Right* meant

THis group is for the nextgenration of poets
THis *Right* This

Email me if you wish to joi or if you want someone to reveiw your work
joi *Right* join
reveiw *Right* review

*Bullet* You might want to include what might be expected of members who wish to join (for example: Are members required to submit work? to review other members' work?)

*Bullet* You could also use WritingML to spice up the group's page a little if you wished. Try looking at some other groups to see how they set up their pages to present a friendly, inviting atmosphere for viewers. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.0 - Best of luck with your group!

I'm linking this group on my plug page, "Modern Poetry [ASR], which focuses on non-traditional poetry. Although the In & Out only accepts links to non-traditional or experimental poetry, I wanted to include a list of links to all types of poetry groups. *Smile*

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
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