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Review of The Key  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi NickiD89

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

Great story! This has all the elements of a successful story, and I found it touching and emotional. I like that Samantha's original assumptions about her birth-mother turn out to be wrong, and I thought the end was particularly touching.

Excellent writing! This is polished, detailed and well-written, which made it quite enjoyable to read. I could clearly picture the story, especially the setting. Nicely done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

*Bullet* I try to come up with at least one suggestion when I review, and I had a difficult time with this one. *Smile* The only thing I could see strengthened is Samantha's character. How old is she? I couldn't quite tell from the story. Also, she seemed a little too average to me. I wanted something that showed her as a unique person, something to really connect me to her as a character. Perhaps even some quirk or hobby, something that makes her stand out a bit more. Just a suggestion. *Smile*

My Rating

4.5 - An excellent story! Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review by spidey
Rated: E | (2.0)
Hi lynjs

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

I love the idea of this story - a second chance at life to put right the path that led astray. Cool theme! What I liked in particular was your unique take on a classic idea. It's like It's a Wonderful Life in a new light.

I liked Victor! He was a nice contrast to the usual St. Peter we tend to read about at the Pearly Gates.

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

*Bullet* First, I have to suggest you add extra spaces between your paragraphs. For your readers who are viewing on a computer screen, it's much easier on their eyes. *Wink*

However, there no regrets.
missing word *Right* there were no regrets

this pier with the bellowing grey-blue clouds
I think bellowing should be *Right* billowing
(bellow means to make a deep, hollow sound or to shout in a deep voice; billow means a rolling mass or a great wave)

and man at a desk, Victor.I think a word is missing, perhaps *Right* and a man at a desk

Not my lie, so don’t look at me.
The word "my" here threw me off. It makes it seem as if the name Victor is a lie, just not the narrator's lie.

I told Lee with his lack luster want of me to leave.
lack luster *Right* lackluster

He was painting the sea and it’s wonders.
it's *Right* its
(it's is a contraction of "it is" while its shows possession)

*Bullet* Have you heard the writing advice, "Show, don't tell"? To me, your writing in this story shows the reader information, instead of showing it. In the first half of the story, you tell the reader about the main character's life, how she let everyone make decisions for her. Instead of telling this to the reader, why not try showing it, perhaps in a flashback or start the story with an interaction between her and another family member, before the car accident. Another example:

During a trip to the Atlantic Coast, I met Jerry. He was painting the sea and it’s wonders. He often painted in the off season. He felt that the sea and the beach took on a different look with the change in seasons. He wanted to capture that look.

This is the scene where she meets her second husband. Why not write it as a scene, describing the details of their meeting? What did he look like to her, what did they say to one another, etc. If you describe these scenes in more detail, it can bring the reader closer to the story, creating an emotional connection for the reader to the story. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

*Bullet* So at the end of the story, she and Victor become angels? I didn't really get why Victor became an angel. Was it because he influenced her to make the right decisions? It wasn't clear to me.

My Rating

2.0 - Good base for a great story. You've got a great theme here, an original twist on a common idea. For me, the story could use some work and more detail to draw the reader in. I enjoyed reading this.

Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review of The Lake  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hi Emily Feliciano

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

A very touching story with a bit of a spiritual/fantasy twist. I like the story this tells, of a girl coming to terms with the death of her father, of her reuniting with her mother. I enjoyed the connection you made at the end, where the mother and daughter went through similar experiences (though very different at the same time) to deal with their loss. I think that enhanced the connection between them. Good choice!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

Before I could ponder it's mystery anymore,
it's *Right* its

your great-great-great-grandfather built this lake.
How does one person build a lake? I understand that there are man-made lakes, but did this man oversee its construction? I was unclear on this. (Upon further reading, I see that this is explained, at least partly. I think it might be a good thing to show that the main character wonders this, though, so it doesn't appear to be an oversight by the writer.) Just my thoughts. *Smile*

Grabbing the ores,
ores *Right* oars

never again be able to enter the spirit world again.
Using the word "again" twice here isn't necessary. You might want to only use it once.

as I found my fathers.
fathers *Right* father's

*Bullet* I suggest adding spaces between your paragraphs. For those of us reading on a computer screen, it's much easier on our eyes. *Wink*

*Bullet* Also, you should start a new paragraph when starting new dialogue. Just a simple formatting issue.

*Bullet* You do a lot of "telling" rather than "showing" in your story. While it's not necessarily incorrect to do so, it does distance the reader from the action of the story. For instance, your first paragraph tells the reader that the main character's father died and she doesn't speak. I think this could also be shown by a scene where she interacts with another character, perhaps her mother? Her mother could speak to her daughter about their upcoming trip, about the girl's silence (when she obviously wouldn't respond to her mother's words), and even her husband's death.

My Rating

2.5 - A good story, though I do think a little revision could strengthen this story. You've got a great message here, and I enjoyed reading this very much.

Thanks for sharing your work and good luck! *Smile*


Review of Deadly Dreams  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (1.5)
Hi Dorianne

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

A clever mystery. I like the kitten in the story. For a woman who feels all alone, it would be a great help to her (and give her strength) to identify the danger in her life. Good choice!

Unfortunately, your entry was edited after the deadline. According to the contest rules, that disqualifies you from receiving a prize.

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

Here is a chair that I think is comfortable.” said Dr. Paula Mansfield
Change the period here to a comma. This same grammatical error is repeated throughout your story. You might want to take a closer look at your dialogue and fix these accordingly.

Lucy remember that after they married,
remember *Right* remembered

“I taped you conversation with Dr. Mansfield last week.
you *Right* your

*Bullet* Your dialogue seems a tad formal. It's not a good idea to write exactly the way people speak, but being too formal can stand out, too. It can take the reader out of the story a bit. You might want to consider revising. Reading it out loud can help you to hear the writing and make a decision on the tone. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

*Bullet* There are several places where you "tell" the reader information, instead of "showing" it to them. While it's not incorrect to write in this manner, it does tend to distance the reader from the story, and it makes the tone even more formal. For instance, one of your sentences:

turned to see a little black stray kitten that had been dumped, run across the path.

How did she know the kitten was a stray, one that was dumped? You could describe the kitten to the reader so they can draw this information for themselves.

*Bullet* I couldn't help feeling a bit confused by the end... The reader follows Lucy's perspective during the whole story, and then it shifts suddenly to her husband's. This is a bit disorienting. I also found the end a tad unbelievable. I think you might want to build up Lucy's suspicions a little more... Have her question her husband and have him reassure her. Something like that, perhaps. It was difficult for me to believe that he couldn't tell the difference between a human and a mannequin at the end. And how did Lucy tape the conversation? Why did Justin want to kill his wife? What did her dreams have to do with the story? How was the husband involved with the psychiatrist?

My Rating

1.5 - A good base for a great mystery, but in the end, I was left with a number of questions. I think with a little work, this could be a great, suspenseful mystery. Actually, I think it could make a great novel! Keep writing!

Thanks for sharing your work. *Smile*


Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Mara ♣ McBain

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

Excellent first paragraph! Your writing is so descriptive. It sets a great tone for the rest of the story.

This was almost painful to read - that's how well the grief comes across in your writing throughout this story. Very well done!

I also think that having the main character be a writer adds a particularly horrific aspect to the story, as many of your readers will be members of WDC, also writers. To think that this could happen to each of us (which feels more likely due to the chosen profession), makes the story more impactful on the reader, I think. Good choice!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

Your title:
In a Moments Breath ...
I believe "Moments" should be *Right* Moment's

In your intro:
gut wrenching
My dictionary says it should be hyphenated: gut-wrenching

*Bullet* I try my best to come up with at least one suggestion for everything I read. I had a difficult time coming up with one for this story, but here it is - This story feels a tad incomplete, which I think was your intention. Somehow, though, it just felt to me like it should be just a little bit more. I'm not sure what exactly you could add . . . but it felt like this was just the beginning of a larger story.

*Bullet* One question I had: Who called for help? The main character is interrupted while performing CPR by medical professionals, but I wondered who alerted them when she said she was all alone.

My Rating

4.5 - An excellent story! Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review of The Lake  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Hi EarthenAura

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

A creepy story that explains one girl's fear of a lake. I think your dialogue is pretty believable. I'm assuming the main character is in her early teens? I could definitely get a good sense of her personality and voice through your writing.

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

Your story changes tense several times, even within one sentence:
I laid down on the couch to try to take a nap.
(laid is past tense; try is present tense)
I suggest taking a close look at your story and editing to keep one tense throughout the story.

I knelt on the edge of the dock and, with the edge in a death-grip, I peeked over the edge.
Using the word "edge" three times in one sentence felt like a bit much. While it's not incorrect to repeat words, it can stand out to the reader and take them out of the story. You might want to consider revising.

*Bullet* I'm not sure if "Activity" is the right genre for this story. I think that genre is generally used for activities like polls, surveys, crosswords, etc., not short stories. It's up to you, though. *Smile*

*Bullet* I didn't feel like I got a great sense of the main character, besides her tone and how she felt about her mother. What does she look like? Does she have any hobbies, anything she enjoys in life (in comparison to her fear of water)? I couldn't help wanting more detail about her.

*Bullet* In general, I think the story could be strengthened by slowing it down a bit and adding more detail. If you do that, it could be even more dramatic and suspenseful as the reader wonders what is going on. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

2.0 - I enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review of Misunderstood  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Hi capt_maverick

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

Interesting "fan fiction" tale - a retelling of the origin of a famous movie character. I had a guess about the identity of the main character/narrator toward the end, and I was happy to see he was just who I thought he'd be. Cool! *Smile*

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

But overtime I knew it was because of me
overtime *Right* over time

I hide so no one would see me for weeks.
hide *Right* hid

*Bullet* I couldn't help feeling a lot of detail was missing here. The most exciting parts of the story are just glanced over. You give almost no detail about the narrator's interactions with people. I would have liked a lot more detail in this. Just a suggestion. *Smile*

*Bullet* Since this story is so well-known, you might want to consider adding a new perspective or some kind of new idea to the story to make it your own. I love that you tell the story from the boy's point-of-view, but I think you could take it even further. Make the reader really identify with him, then reveal who he really is. That's just one suggestion, but I really think you could strengthen the story by adding some kind of new element to the story.

My Rating

2.0 - A good base for a well-known story. For the story to be truly successful, in my opinion, you'll need to add more detail and perhaps make something unique to your retelling of this well-known mythology.

Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review of Crossing Styx  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi L.V. van Efveren

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

Normally I don't like the inclusion of "you" as a pronoun in a story (addressing the reader, like in your first sentence: "a half-hour drive will take you there"), but in this case, it works really well! It brings the reader into the story and makes it even creepier. Good choice!

Great description! I love the soft, eerie tone of the story. It has a bit of desperation in it, and I loved the ending, too! Great writing!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

I latched on to his arm
I think "on to" should be *Right* onto

until he resurfaced some way away.
This sounds a little awkward. Perhaps, "until he resurfaced some distance away." It's your call, of course.

as he fought his way forward, further and further away from me.
I believe "further and further" should be *Right* farther and farther

*Bullet* I was a bit unclear on this line:
In my right hand I hold his ring, in my left, the pennies for the ferryman.
I get the pennies part (payment for crossing the river Styx), but I didn't get the ring part. What ring? Is there something I'm missing?

*Bullet* I had no idea the main character/narrator was a girl until the line, "He refused to be bested by a girl." For some reason, before this I assumed the narrator was male. Perhaps you could include something that identifies the gender earlier? Just a thought.

*Bullet* I have to wonder if some readers aren't goign to fully understand the end. I'm not sure if you could make it clearer without compromising your writing here. I don't think the end needs to be spelled out for the readers exactly, but I still wonder if some might not get it.

My Rating

4.0 - Great story! I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review of Redeemed  
Review by spidey
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Shannon

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

I love your intro! I think it gives the reader an idea of what to expect, and perhaps prepares them for the horrific themes in this story.

Very vivid detail. I found this to be quite suspensful and horrific. I kept having to slow my reading down. I wanted to race to the end to see what was going to happen. Good job!

I also like the use of lyrics to emphasize the action of the story. I hadn't heard of this band or the song before, but it seemed to fit quite well. Good choice!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

*Bullet* I'm having a difficult time coming up with any suggestions. Your writing here is polished and presented quite well. I try my best to come up with something to suggest, though, so here it is: Something about the ending bugged me a tiny bit. She seems to have a change of heart, which I understand. She believes she's doing the right thing, listening to the words of her mother, but suddenly changes her mind ("Oh, God. What have I done?"). Why exactly does she change her mind? Does she truly believe she's done something wrong? Is her worry grounded in spiritual reasons (worry over the moral decision to take another life), or more earthly, perhaps because she'll go to jail or be without a family? I was curious about that.

My Rating

4.5 - An excellent story! Thanks for sharing and good luck!


Review of First Kiss  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Tree Hugger

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

What an adorable story! As someone who has fished since she was very young, I could identify with several viewpoints in this story! I found this a delight to read. You have a good amount of detail, and I think most readers can identify with this story. Well done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

Grace sat back on her heels as she watched the tiny girl drop her line into the lake for the very first time. It seemed like just yesterday that her son Kurt walked onto the dock for the first time.
You have the phrase "first time" in both of these sentence (and the word "first" appears in the next sentence, as well). While it's not incorrect to repeat words like this, it does stand out to the reader. You may want to consider revising.

*Bullet* My only other suggestion concerns the main character, Grace. I couldn't tell her age from the start of the story. For some reason, I pictured her being younger. Then all of a sudden (to me), she was a grandmother. Perhaps this is just my own reading and assumptions, but you might want to consider making her relative age a little clearer early on in the story. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Great story! Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi StephBee

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

Excellent, concise writing. You do very well to convey a lot of detail and action using just enough words. I found your writing to be clear and straightforward, which matched the story perfectly.

I love how you used the image as inspiration for your story. This one wasn't predictable and it stood out to me. I found it interesting and it kept my interest throughout. Nicely done!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

Soon after the war ended, the Soviets true desires came to light.
I believe an apostrophe is needed here *Right* Soviets' true desires

Despite all the Soviets attempts
Same with this one: *Right* Soviets' attempts

especially in Berlin where only a physical, concrete wall might be the only thing that would keep those unwanted out.
You have the word "only" twice here. While that's not incorrect to do so, it stood out to me. You may want to consider revising.

My name was Alstair Kent and I was British officer

There might be a word missing here. Perhaps "a" in between "was" and "British."

I tumbled over and over, and ribs felt as if they'd been pricked by a knife.
I think the word "my" should be inserted in between "and" and "ribs."

*Bullet* My only other suggestion would be to add more to this. To me, it felt a bit like a scene in a larger story. I'd love to know more about the main character, and his experience in the war. I think giving even more detail about Cpt. Alstair might draw the reader into your story even more. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Great story! Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review of Breaking News  
Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi SaintLee

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

Wow, what a witty tale! I love the language in this. You've certainly captured a particular tone here, and I really enjoyed it. Clever puns and very well worded. Kudos! *Smile*

I kept wondering where the prompt was going to fit here. I was almost certain it wouldn't, but then there it was! Good job coming up with something clever and unexpected!

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

I found this line confusing:
After receiving a bad review from one of his blogs the night before, this gentleman of limited mental means let the rage inside build to the point of going one blog too far.

How can you get a bad review from a blog? From a blogger, maybe? Or did he get a bad review of one of his blogs? Maybe I'm missing something here *Blush* but I wanted to let you know I was confused.

concerned onlookers and nay sayers
nay sayers *Right* naysayers

One thing remains for certain in this strange tale of what’s that in whose who...
whose who *Right* who's who

*Bullet* I'm not sure this fits into the "Short Story" category... It's written as a newspaper article and you list it as "Other," so I'm guessing you don't believe it's quite a story, either. While the "story" does have a beginning, middle, and end, in my opinion it doesn't fit the short story requirement of the contest.

My Rating

4.0 - Very clever entry! Thanks for sharing!


Review by spidey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Tania

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

Good characterization through dialogue. Right from the start, the reader is given information about each character through their interaction and dialogue. Instead of coming out and saying, "Sammy is afraid of water," or "Amber wanted to help Sammy with her fear," you show this through their actions and dialogue. Well done!

I love how descriptive this is, how you show Sammy's emotions. I think the first-person point-of-view was a great choice for this! I could feel the anxiety in Sammy. I'm not afraid of water myself, but I could understand what it feels like through your writing. Very descriptive. Good job!

Loved the end! I was worried it would end with one of those "it was all a dream" endings, but I was very happy with the dark ending. *Smile*

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

"Come on, you can see it perfectly," She said hooking her arm in mine.
"She" shouldn't be capitalized.

"You okay?" She asked with a crease in her brow.
Same with this one. She *Right* she

"It's okay. I promise its not scary," she said after notcing I wasn't lying beside her.
its *Right* it's
notcing *Right* noticing

My stomach was still churning, but knowing that Amber was there to help me, gave me that little bit of courage
Remove the comma after "me"

"Good," I heard amber say beside me.
Capitalize "amber" *Right* Amber

My heart beat was getting faster.
heart beat *Right* heartbeat

I felt a flash of hot pain in my finger tips
finger tips *Right* fingertips

*Bullet* My only other suggestion would be to make the story even darker. Add some very subtle clues earlier on to hint at the dark ending. I think that could increase the amount of suspense in the story. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

My Rating

4.0 - Great story! I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing and good luck! *Smile*


Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi fyn

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Thanks for entering!

Please remember that you should NOT edit your entry until judging is over and the winners have been announced as per the contest rules.

Overall Thoughts

Awesome first paragraph! Such great imagery! It really grabbed me and set me up for the rest of the story. Very well done! *Smile*

This is such an emotional, touching story! I really felt it, and I felt emotionally connected to the story and your writing. You've got great images and ideas here. I loved watching the geese grow and mature and the idea of birth vs. berth. It's subtle touches like these that make the story such a success, I think.

I loved the idea of a person being connected to water. I've also felt this strong connection, as I'm sure many have, too. I think this is an excellent theme, and many readers will relate to it.

These are just my thoughts. Feel free to use or disregard these as you see fit.

Punctuation - I'm fairly certain quotation marks (" ") are grammatically correct to use around dialogue, instead of what look like apostrophes as you have here.

The first sentence didn't quite sound right to me:
The first time we saw the property was a grey, overcast kind of day.

To me, it would sound better if the word "it" was placed after the word "property," but it's up to you, of course. *Smile*


The shelves were full of my books and nick-knacks.
nick-knacks *Right* knick-knacks

Hope was as fleeting as the sun rise,' I said.
sun rise *Right* sunrise

My Rating

4.5 - An excellent story! Thanks much for sharing your work, and good luck! *Smile*


Review of Itchy  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi An apple a day.... !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "Itchy [E]


*Bullet* What a delightful, comedic poem! I like how lighthearted this is, and I think many can relate to it. *Laugh*

*Bullet* Great form! I love the rhyming couplets! It works very well with the subject matter.

*Bullet* The use of repetition adds to the comedic tone and unifies the whole poem. I think you've covered just about every aspect of "Itchy" here! Great job!


Simple title & intro, tells the reader basic info about the item.

Genres & ratings are appropriate. I love "Nonsense" as a genre!

These are just the suggestions of one reader. The ultimate editing decision is up to the writer, of course. Feel free to use these or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* My only qualm (and it's a small one) with this poem, is the line:

Itchy fingers do trouble make.

I personally don't like skewed syntax like this, as it sounds off to me. I know plenty of poets write like this, and it's in no way "wrong," but it's a personal preference of mine. If this were my poem, I'd find another line and another way to rhyme, but it's totally up to you. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - Great poem! Thanks much for sharing! *Smile*

As yours is the only entry, you've automatically won! I did really enjoy this poem, and I thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of An Hourglass  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi An apple a day.... !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "An Hourglass [E]


*Bullet* I love the strong & personal tone to this poem. Using "I" statements like this makes it feel very personal to the speaker of the poem, and the declarative statements gives the tone strength. Nicely done!

*Bullet* I like the form. This reads almost like a list of simple statements, but it comes across in a rather poetic way. The combination of those two is a difficult thing to accomplish, but you've done it very well here. Kudos!

*Bullet* I love the use of repetition here, too. Repeating words like "interlock" and the phrase "grains of sand" really worked for me in this poem. Good job!


Great title & intro! The repeated phrasings and words really tie in with "meditation" from the intro. Nice touch!

Your ratings & genres are well-chosen and appropriate. If you wished, you could use additional genres, such as "Personal," "Nature," "Experience," and/or "Emotional."

These are just the suggestions of one reader. The ultimate editing decision is up to the writer, of course. Feel free to use these or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* I have to suggest that you consider adding more. I enjoyed this so much that I really found myself wishing there was more. To me, it seems like you have a beginning and an end here, but no middle. I'd be interested to see more. *Smile*

*Bullet* It may seem cliche, but I also thought it might be interesting to shape the poem like an hourglass by centering the text and using longer lines at the start and end with shorter lines in the middle. That would totally be up to you, though. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - Excellent poem! I really enjoyed this!

Winners will be announced soon. Best of luck, and thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of Recovery  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi An apple a day.... !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "Recovery [E]


*Bullet* A simply beautiful poem. This exudes a "gentle" tone, which fits the prompt perfectly. I could definitely feel the gentleness of the words as I read. Well done!

*Bullet* Good form! I like that the first and last lines are short, with a more descriptive, longer middle line. It felt perfect for the poem.

*Bullet* Your word choices create the perfect tone here. Using words like "wind" and "kindly" help create this tone. Good writing!


Great title & intro! They captured my interest and made me want to read on.

Your ratings & genres are well-chosen. You could choose more genres if you wished, like "Environment," and/or "Emotional." It's up to you.

These are just the suggestions of one reader. The ultimate editing decision is up to the writer, of course. Feel free to use these or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* My only suggestion would be to add more. I really felt like I got just a touch of what this is about, which is fine if that's your intention, but I couldn't help wanting more. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.0 - Great poem! Thanks for sharing your writing!

Winners will be announced soon. Best of luck, and thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Sandy !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "Angel With Broken Wings [E]


*Bullet* A beautiful, inspirational poem. I love what you're saying here. I think many can relate to this, and perhaps they can find comfort in it, too.

*Bullet* This has such a gentle feel to it, but one that is very strong, as well. The Angel's voice is so confident & friendly that it conveys this strong, gentle tone. Nicely done!

*Bullet* Interesting form. I did enjoy the rhymes (though I found the rhyme scheme to be a little inconsistent). For me, they added to the strength of the poem.

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

No where to turn, only to go back where I been
To me, it would sound more grammatically correct to insert the word "have" between "I" and "been."

Also, "No where" should be one word *Right* Nowhere


Good title & intro! They let me know what the poem was going to be about.

Your ratings & genres are also appropriate.

These are just the suggestions of one reader. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* First, the form seemed inconsistent to me. Unless I'm missing something, like a particular form that you're following, the rhyme scheme shifted around quite a bit. I spent too much time trying to find the rhyme scheme that it shifted my attention from the subject of the poem. For me, I prefer a consistent rhyme scheme.

*Bullet* You have a number of "characters" in this poem - You have the speaker, the angel, and God. Yet you use "I" for all of them, in my understanding of the poem. This got a tad confusing to me. I'd suggest editing to clarify each. For instance, with these lines:

Where do I begin? For I want to be spared
Believe, Believe, A voice echoes
For I will lift the burden you bear

You have two "I" speakers here that are different characters. To clarify, you may want to use italics or even quotation marks to mark the dialogue spoken by the "voice." Like this:

Where do I begin? For I want to be spared
Believe, Believe, a voice echoes
For I will lift the burden you bear

See how that can make it clearer to the reader? Just my thoughts, of course. *Smile*

*Bullet* One last suggestion - You may want to give a thought to punctuation in this poem. For me, punctuation can really affect the flow of a poem, as well as signalling to the reader where you intended thoughts to end and begin. Try experimenting with punctuation to see how it can affect your own reading of your work. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

3.5 - A solid poem. For me, the strength here is what you're saying. You do well to convey a great theme in a strong, yet gentle way (something that's not easy to do!), though I think a little work could be done to how you're presenting this. For me, the format could be strengthened just a little. I did enjoy reading this, and I thank you for sharing your work! *Smile*

Winners will be announced soon. Best of luck, and thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of Delicious  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi jaya !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "Delicious [E]


*Bullet* Wow, great word choices! I love the elegance of the poem, a gentle, sophisticated tone created by your excellent word choices. Words like "translucence," and "inanities" really affec the tone here. Well done!

*Bullet* I love the form! The irregular stanzas and non-rhyming fit the theme perfectly. To me, that kind of non-form fits with a nature theme very well. I also like the one rhyme (place and grace). Normally one rhyme like that would stand out to me, but it seems to fit nicely here. Nice choice!

*Bullet* Beautiful imagery, too! I could clearly see and feel everything this. Wonderful!


Great title & intro! I like that you combined "delicious" with nature here. It's not what I expected, but it fits so well.

Your rating is fine. You could also use "Nature" as a genre, if you wished to do so.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* I honestly can't think of a suggestion for this poem, and I've really tried. This is perfect!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

5.0 - Excellent! Thanks for sharing your work!

Winners will be announced soon. Best of luck, and thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of Wafers (A Tyburn)  
Review by spidey
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hi Koyel~writing again !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "Wafers (A Tyburn) [ASR]


*Bullet* A cute, delightful poem! I love the lighthearted tone of the poem. I think many can relate to this. *Smile*

*Bullet* I researched your form, tyburn, and you follow it exactly. I love the addition of the rhyming words, and the repeated use of them. For me, that added another depth to the poem, which I enjoyed. Good job!


Good title & intro - they give direct information about the poem to the reader, by providing the form & theme.

Your genres are well-chosen, though instead of "Other," as a 3rd genre, you could perhaps use "Experience." Using as many genres as you can (that fit your subject) will help others find your poem while they're browsing genres.

Your rating can be changed, lowered to E, if you wished to do so. There's nothing in the poem that would require a higher rating.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* My only suggestion would be to add more. I enjoyed what you had here, and I suppose I just wanted more of what I enjoyed. *Smile* Maybe you could add more stanzas to add even more depth to the poem? Just a thought. *Smile*

*Bullet* You may also want to include a brief explanation of the Tyburn form. It's not necessary, of course, but it can help your reader understand why you wrote the poem the way you did. Also, you might be teaching someone a new form of poetry!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

3.5 - Great poem! Thanks for sharing your work!

Winners will be announced soon. Best of luck, and thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Puja !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "The Evil Foreshadow [E]


*Bullet* You've done very well in capturing the essence of "portent" in this poem! There's a good deal of suspense here, one that leaves the reader left wanting to know what's going to happen. Good job!

*Bullet* I like the rhyme scheme here. It creates a nice rhythm to the poem. Well done!

*Bullet* I also like the negative tone to the poem, and how you create such a negative side to the word "portent." Though portents often are a foreshadowing of a tragic or negative event, they don't have to be negative. You've gone a step further and labeled the forshadowing itself as evil, which I found very interesting. *Smile*

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

to take away hundreds of breath!
Technically "breath" should be plural ("breaths"), though I understand why you kept it singular, so it would be a true rhyme. Still, it stood out to me.

Rapid rain drops Heavy and huge,
I don't know why "Heavy" is capitalized here. Perhaps it's an oversight?


Interesting title! It caught my attention and it sets up the poem well for the reader.

Ratings & genres are appropriate, though you could choose more genres if you wished to do so. Adding more genres will make the poem more easy to find for others who are browsing genres. I'd suggest "Nature," "Tragedy," and even "Suspense."

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* Some of your spacing seemed a bit off. First, I don't think the double spacing is necessary, but that's up to you. I think you have a few extra spaces between some words, too. You might want to take another look over your poem as it appears on the site.

*Bullet* I couldn't help wanting more of your poem, more detail & depth. You have such an interesting premise here, the "evil foreshadow," one that I've not seen anywhere else, but for me, it seems like it's only an introduction. Perhaps you could compare the foreshadow to something else? Or talk about its past as a portent of destruction? Also, only natural disasters are mentioned here? What about man-made events? You've really got me interested here! *Bigsmile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

3.5 - A good poem! I love the idea of this poem! Thanks for sharing your work. *Smile*

Winners will be announced soon. Best of luck, and thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review by spidey
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Lou-Here By His Grace !

Thanks for your *almost* entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
I thought I'd take a look at your poem, even though it was posted after the deadline. After reading it, I just had to send a review!
This is my review for your poem, "Martha Jane Cannary-Burke [18+]


*Bullet* So cool! When I posted "calamity" as the prompt, I wondered if anyone would touch on "Calamity Jane," but I certainly didn't expect a history lesson on the person the nickname is based on! I found this to be very interesting! I love how you combine history with imagery to make a very successful poem!

*Bullet* Great form! I love the lack of rhyme, yet you have a structure with the centered lines & separated stanzas. Fits with the character of "Calamity Jane" quite well, I think.

*Bullet* I also enjoyed the repetition of that first stanza. As Martha's history is revealed and the stanza is repeated, it takes on new meaning for the reader. Very well done!


Excellent title & intro! Grabs the reader's attention and gives good information.

Rating change required! This needs an 18+ rating, as you reference violence and include the word "kill" in here. Please up the rating or edit your poem so the current rating is okay.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* None! I love this just as it is!

*Star*My Rating*Star*

5.0 - Such a great poem! I think this deserves an award, truly. I see by your handle that you're nearing the end of your membership, though. Would you like an awardicon for your poem, or gps? I'd very much like to award you for sharing this poem with me. *Smile*


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review by spidey
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hi Violet Rising !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "=The vicious day of the cherry bees= [18+]


*Bullet* I can honestly say I've never read anything quite like this, and that's a compliment! This is quite creative, and you certainly seem to have a way with words here.

*Bullet* I like your characterization and the way you describe the characters, the way you show them to the reader.

*Bullet* Again, creativity abounds with your repetitions, sounds, and punctuation. You certainly set a unique tone with this, one that I enjoyed very much.

(These are suggestions with regard to my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

Since much of poetry is about breaking the rules, I can't be certain whether your "errors" here are intentional or not. If they are, feel free to ignore my suggestions here. *Smile*

*Bullet* Punctuation. Punctuation belongs inside quotation marks. For instance:

that he is an expert to this state”.

should be:

that he is an expert to this state."

*Bullet* Your tense shifts quite a bit here, and again, I'm not sure if this is intentional. You switch quite a bit from past to present tense and back again. It gets difficult to follow the "story" of your poem here.


Excellent title! I definitely wanted to read this one after seeing the title. *Smile*

Good picks for your ratings & genres, appropriate and fitting.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* Okay, I have to ask: Is this poetry? It's listed as a poem and entered in a poetry contest, but to me, it reads more like creative fiction. That's just one reader's interpretation, but if you're wanting people to accept this as poetry, you may be pressed upon to alter its format to fit more of the standard poetic form. That's not saying you'll be required to do that - you're the author, it should have any format you wish. I'm just letting you know that you may end up facing opposition with this one. *Wink*

*Bullet* I'm guessing that it's your intention to be vague & mysterious with this poem, but honestly, I hadn't a clue as to what was going on here. I do like pieces that baffle me, but I think you may want to make the "story" a tad clearer in this. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

3.5 - A rather interesting, unique piece. I enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing your work!

Winners will be announced soon. Best of luck, and thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of Find Me  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Papillon !

Thanks for your entry in my contest, "Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest [ASR]
This is my review for your entry, "Find Me [E]


*Bullet* I love how personal this poem feels. I'm not sure if this is about you, but it feels like it is. It comes across as a very personal struggle. I think, though, that many can also relate to this, too.

*Bullet* I loved this line:

Sent my valediction to yesterday

The other lines in your poem are fairly straightforward ("I'm standing . . . ," "I'm fighting . . . ," etc.), but this one stood out to me as very meaningful and potent. I would have liked to see more lines like this in your poem. *Smile*


Nice title & intro. They give good information to the reader and pulls them into the poem.

Your ratings & genres are appropriate, though I would list this as "Poetry," rather than "Other." Members may be able to find your poem more easily if it's listed under the "Poetry" item type.

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not. *Smile*

*Bullet* Like I said above, I'd love more lines like the first line of the second stanza. For me, many of your lines are straightforward, "telling" statements, which is fine. It gives information directly to the reader. For me, though, if I want to feel what's being said in a poem, I need more sensory description and more emotion conveyed through lines like that one I pointed out. If you are planning on revising, I'd suggest looking at those "telling" statements and see if there's a way you can "show" those lines & emotions to the reader. Just my thoughts. *Smile*

*Bullet* You may also want to think about using punctuation in your poem. I know a lot of writers shy away from it, particularly in poetry, but I feel it can really help the flow of a poem. Try experimenting with punctuation on your own, and read the poem aloud. See how it can affect your reading with different punctuation marks. Again, the ultimate choice is yours, of course.

*Bullet* My only other concern is that I couldn't see a clear connection to the prompt. This round's prompt was "calamity," and I couldn't see an obvious inspiration in your entry.

*Star*My Rating*Star*

3.5 - Great poem! Thank you for sharing your work! *Smile*

Winners will be announced soon. Best of luck, and thank you for your entry!


review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
Review of A Taste of Autumn  
Review by spidey
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there TheNung

Welcome to Writing.Com! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! *Smile*

This is my review for "A Taste of Autumn

Overall Thoughts:

This item caught my eye due to its intro - "A poem dedicated to my late grandmother." I recently lost my grandmother, so that line grabbed me right away. I'm very glad I took a look at your poem, as it touched me. I found it very thoughtful and beautiful.

I love the form of this poem! I'm a big fan of free verse, and I like how you use spacing to influence the flow of the poem. It's a great read! I hope to read more of your poetry soon! *Smile*

These are just suggestions. Feel free to use them or not.
(In reference to any grammar/spelling suggestions these are suggestions made with my understanding of grammar/spelling rules. If I'm mistaken or missing a regional difference in usage, I apologize in advance.)

*Bullet* My only suggestion would be to take the creative spacing even further. I think it added a great touch to the poem, and I'd love to see more! Just my thoughts. *Smile*

*Star*My Rating*Star*

4.5 - An excellent poem! I'm very glad I came across this today. Though it has a somber tone, it did bring a smile to me as I remembered my own grandmother. *Smile*

review sig by Ye Olde Curiosity & Magick Shoppe
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