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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

May 9, 2006 lllllllll

Take the word sweetness and define it. Then read EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE from blue suitcase, poet, Becky Simpson.

Truly a lovable tribute to those in the title? Yes.

A poem that grabs at the heart? Certainly.

Hey don't read me, click this one and go for it.

Cordially, TEFF
Review of SLAM!  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
May 9, 2006 llllllll
Carried forth on Sponsored Items, contest host, Cappucine offers a look into a traditional Writing.com poetry competition.

SLAM! is open to all members, whose interset let's hope is peeked as this one sports a stunning amount of generous prizes.

So, here we go a rhyming ... la diddy da, la diddy da ...

Best to all takers. Take the look see by clicking on above. YOU could be the real, really talented, finalist winner.

Cordially, TEFF

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Best of the Best  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

May 6, 2006llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Colors for this contest are brilliant.

A poetry contest for WC members, that seems as easy as pie. Choose from the port and post on.

Host, WC member ???? provides a rule list and a very generous prize pool.

So, Saturday afternoon, and you're out of the garden and into on-line mode, right?

So enter one of your best, dear poets.



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Say ... well looky here. Well, I'll be. Here's one I found under a rock, next to a nest of bunnies, and a ton of trout tasty nightcrawlers in my garden.

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)
May 6, 2006
An interesting observation comes your way with CHOOSING IS THE DIFFERENCE from the keyboard of fellow WC member, Mc Young.

E.g. This morning, or yesterday, Writing.com staff / support gang chose to gift Teff her sixth reviewer's badge. Luck or hard work?

Mostly from the right to choose, we also see in Mc Young's premise choices and chances to better our writing, to seek higher incomes, aid neighbors, address faults, love the kiddies.

But you are correct, Mc Young and what you write in this short composition definetely needs to be said and explored by all. Thank you.

Cordially, TEFF

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.5)

May 6, 2006

Can poetry actully adhere itself to the reader sometimes? If so, DEATH WAS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN by Writing.com poet, Mdstryker is one of the clingy ones.

Not only does this poet offer up a wonderful title, but hooks the reader completely with the refrain.

"Death was a beautiful woman
Who danced upon my skin
She placed her lips upon my face
And then she danced again." writes mdsyker.

See what I mean? Now that's poetry!

Cordially, TEFF

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday

All welcome.
Review of The Black Binder  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
lllllllllllll April 28, 2006
Good morning, Shredded Rose. Sincerely hope you are well, haven't shared an hello lately.

This group of poems is well worth the long look-see, for here titles such as:

and SUNSHINE ... all beckon the reader to enter into this folder of well written, enjoyable poetry.

Good Job!

Hope Spring lights warmly upon you, dear.

Cordially, TEFF

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll April, 27, 2006

WC author, stormdrac posts on Auto Rewards a story which includes a chase scene. FOR A COFFEE HOUSE FICTION CONTEST (which one dear?) yet a work in progress, as the author finishes with --- Unfinished.

Okay, so this we have. Ready to edit lingo is in the intro. Okay, this we have.

Of the untitled item, a flash fiction, we do not have a title, so there's the first thing to do, name it.

Then, of all things we find concrete evidence tied to good writing. BECAUSE
in the hook paragraph, stormdrac sets the pace, outlining what readers may expect in the topic of run-away slave.

Namely: " ... death to indefinite solitary confinement ..." comes off as a very good line, actually.

Coupled with "fierce demanor ..." there is much potential from this piece, so far.


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#960972 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

April 27, 2006 Good Morning! Askpaddy, it was very nice to hear from you again this top of the morning, early. And I am very pleased to know you are from the wonderful story capital of the world, namely: Ireland.

Well on with this review for PERSONAL SHOPPER. In sum, a man must shop in the ladies department for outfits for his aunt who abides in a "residential home." Splendid enough starter plot. BUT when knickers go three for the price of two, the first person narrator finds a comeuppence just might be around every skirt rack.

Best to you, in all your writing endeavors here and abroad, of course.


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#934458 by April Sunday
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Well, hey thur pardner, so we meet again over Chapter Two.

A to you questions --- Nonboring.

So romance in the air for Jake.

Violet Blue. Oklahoma, USA.

Here comes Chapter Three, click, click.

Nice! Interesting. But where's the crime time?

Okay, waiting in the wings, dear novelist.


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 Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!  (18+)
Criteria for Cordially from MS TEFFs REVs sent
#945969 by April Sunday
Review of Wee Davy  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)
April 22, 2006
Somewhere in Ireland in (?) 1900 there was a kiwi black boot. Okay ... Wee Davy and Rose Mary Murphy sittin in a tree --- k-i-s-s--i-n-g ...

Ah well the short stories keep a-comin. Is Paddy really used atall in Scotland or Ireland, Pat?


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#934458 by April Sunday
Review of Sticky Kiss  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)
Askpat's out here again being revved by the best. Hi!

Anyways, HAPPY EARTH DAY 2006!


Ladies converse about Paul, when Emily returns from Eng to ???

Gabfest worthy. Telling a story in dialouge only is hard to do. Me I wanna see the High Country, NC ... ah well

Thanks! Good semi-setting.

Are there recipes handy?

Best Spring, my friend.

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#952447 by Not Available.

Suggest Modesta Gamble, Midget Judge series on above.

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

April 14, 2006

MONDAY MINISTERS from WC author, askpaddy is an excellent piece.

Perhaps consider small case for cakes and buns.

Likewise in your headline, maybe all caps. With lord, try the capital L.
Hey all easy to fix.

Sum: The champion men of the cloth get together over coffee and sweets to meet and greet. Mayhem ensues after character's religious M O's are described. When one of them suffers a head injury at the hand of Jesus, watch out!

Very well done, A fun read in comedic genre.

Looking for comments here on:

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#952447 by Not Available.

Thanks and Happy Easter!
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

April 8, 2006

Since something is amiss in this one, a tale of setting, a story of realistic days when the author tells us not much occurs in the desert ... readers must wait.

Wait for those cop cars, the "sirens."

Never fear Part Two is on the way for:

 Summer in Death Valley Part 1  (18+)
A new draft. Apr. 25. Reviews wanted. Good and Bad. Paying 1000gps. Boring? Interesting?
#1090158 by C. Patrick

Grammar --- fine
Vocab --- keeps interest

AND, now listen here Patrick, -- what in the world did this guy do? Or didn't he do it yet? So, the hook is thrown out and this revver wishes to read more.

Cordially, TEFF

"Invalid Item
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

April 6, 2006

Today an idea, tomorrow a song. yesterday the story behind this song.

Above is the semi=theme of songwriter/ poet/ author HOLLAND KAT, who now tells the ins and outs of getting a song on-line, onto publication status.

Links are provided for the curious. The song itself was written for a leukemia patient.

Offering hearts and minds, Holland Kat tells us where to find folks whom need aide in trying, heartbreaking times.

Thanks, Kat. We can see here on WC where these kind things in our daly lives spell appreciation for your efforts in sharing this with other members.


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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

April 5, 2006

Holland Kat is all about what it is today as this Writing.Com author/ member takes writing a few steps in a different direction.

Dedicating lyrics and links for THE SHOEBOX POEM/ SONG to a child victim of a serious illness, members can even sample the sounds of this touching piece by clicking on the proper sites.

Holland, dear you do a good job with the forlorn rhyme in lyric form. May your words serve to stand for this family who will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts as a true gift of time.


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Review of The Ragman  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

When readers here at Writing.com read, Barb an author with a vivid way with words, allowing the King's English to jump out from the page, they may sit up and take notice.

In THE RAGMAN look for mind opening references to an age old proffession once evident on American streets and byways. Gone now like the ice wagon, Barb's RAGMAN sports the horse of "advanced age." Pulling a wagon that has a ___________ machine "cantilevered" ofF the rear of the wagon. Up to readers to click onto THE RAGMAN to fill in the blank.

Uhuh. Take: Cantilevered. Okay, Webster, please. Canteen, canter, Canterbury Tales, Canterbury bells ...

Ah, Cantilevered. See what I mean.

Barb that is one decent word. Thanks.

Nice read. Interesting input with this one. Americana on the doorstep. Say has anyone seen a real-live milkman lately?

Sincerely, Teff keeping it real

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Birthday Party  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)
<> <> <>
"I always wonder if poeple are silent because they don't hear or silent because that's how you disagree without standing out." Is a line from BIRTHDAY PARTY. Posted here on writing.com from author/ member, Jess Sheepa.

During this article you will meet the gang at the office, Jared, Janet, laughing, telling jokes.

But beside the coffee machine what exactly is not funny?

Ah hah! Read this one and see for yourselves, dear members, authors, poets, guests.

Cordially, TEFF

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Moonbeams  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)

Already with the love poems, all in the early morn. Finding them is fun, reading about love, even better.

With MOONBEAMS, author/ poet, tutlemoon approaches the genre of romantic poetry with a four-liner.

Easily understood, good details, grammer firm. As the saying goes: rhyme on!


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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of John  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Barbs: For once an item of non-ficiton renders this reviewer/ author nearly speechless.

What is presented in this item set in Minnesota is the saddest of the sad, a loss of a son. While our first instinct is to say, this can happen to anyone, we can never overlook a life lived.

The author presents this stable life from the art classes, to the doctor's clinic to the hospital bedside.

Barbs, you do the entire world a service with your courage and love ... by writing it for us and sharing the trials of illnesses which have no certain cures.

Bless you all.

Cordially with appreciation,

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Review of Sunset  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Dear Expand Your Mind:

May I please offer you a very personal thank you for this picture. It is a perfect conclusion to a hard day of short story revision, writing and partial r/ r/ r-ing today for this humble reviewer/ author (moi.)

God Bless this marvelous sunset, planet Earth and all its inhabitants.


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Wow, is Law & Order on already? Where does the day go. Happy Spring, WC!
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)

Here we go round the merry-go-round with WHICH TYPE OF REVIEW DO YOU PREFER, a poll item from author/ member/ pollster
Jenn L Sullivan.

 Which type of review do you prefer?  (E)
Do you prefer honest advice? Baseless compliments? Gifts of money? Let us know here!
#1001436 by Jenn L. Sullivan

Jenn, believe it, Teff tried one of these once. Most folks preferred the answer of Meat & Potatoes Review. My item was about Fluff Revs. So similiar thoughts float between us, Jenn L Sullivan. Mine (the Teff Rev Poll) long since deleted, having taken enough slack and unsavory revs.

Still here on WC, the word itself, a review is in and of itself not exactly a real review. Which is also addressed in:
"Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!

The unsatisfied quest for how to review, what to expect in a review, etc, etc, is an ongoing subject for many writers/ members as well as readers, raters and revvers.

Your poll is fine, lives up to most of your intro. Overdone, constant compliments in a rev are startling sometimes. We see the likes of: brilliant, lots of I likes, I thinks, I might change ... not always in those specific words of course.

And as readers, writers, authors we still strive on and on to do our best. As authors we write reviews. Sure, we get really neat-o thank you notes, I know I do.

What is not mentioned often enough is promo for the author. In order that others visit his/her/ portfolio.

Another objection, and this is personal, Teff likes to see the author's name used in a review on PRP. Then readers and reviwers and fellow authors hear the name, see the names, remember the name, and maybe decide to read that particular pen name.

Similar to a short story or a chapter. When one starts out and says the character's name more than a few times VS he / she or YOU.

Public Reviews is for the public. So maybe, just maybe, without marking in your poll, MISS JENN L. SULLIVAN, the latter, actually naming writers of the many fine items found on our fair website .... might be thoroughly considered to be noted inside a basic review, instead of "YOU" and authors's names written during reviewing by ALL.

Cordially, TEFF slinging the helpful hints.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Not too many writers out there with enough guts to take on the Trail of Tears.

 Spires of The Moon  (E)
About the Trail of Tears
#1084626 by T.L.Finch

As many members may already know, T L Finch falls far ahead of gutsy writers' hopes with his oustanding commandeering of history.


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Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

So a here's take on dialogue in A LESSON IN DIALOGUE from jv2222.

A teacher teaches a class and students interact with the lesson.

Title met, summing this flash fiction item.

In the piece there is a sentence starting with: "Today, like any other day ... _________ (the character) strode through ________.

Unwilling to supply the blow-by-blow, JV2222, thus the blanks. So readers will read the piece for themselves, increasing your views. Feeling, in the vein that summing a story too much, readers may overlook the entire read. Even unwilling to correct in correct mode as this copy & paste of items often results in less views. An opinion.

So with the use of "today", do you not think that past tense or past perfect tense are inaccurate?

The item continues in past tense.

Anyway this is only a suggestion. Try present tense throughout then a story moves licketysplit. Also an opinion.

Granted for the sake of sound, the subject matter of tense is puzzling, hard to fathom and in some degree hard to decide.

Hey, JV --- Good Luck with this one.

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Review of Up a Tree  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

UP A TREE is a poem from the pertinent pen of Pogacsas, listed on Auto Rewards. Over 1,700 items linger on this Writing.Com spot for reviewers, readers and authors to both post, and enjoy.

The lines of this poem tell it like it is for the genre to comes full force in the realm of poetic expression.

Especially like: "Uplifted from the woes of men ..."

Fine pen, fine read. Thanks, P.

Review of Gadfly  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)
<> <> <> March 21, 2006, SPRING

Blue suitcase, John-Ashen offers GAD, a poem that takes readers of this poem for a surprising ride.

With the opening lines:
"I am not a pilgrim
I just hopped the train of thought ..."
(Classic for sound and rhyme!)

Reading on provides entry into a venture that maybe all writers seek from time to time.

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#924641 by Not Available.
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