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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Ms Terra Godding:

Your poem, WHERE THE WIND HAS BEEN was pointed out to me by Writing.Com poet, T L Finch, who also admires your efforts in the art of poetry here.

Speaking of, or to the wind is what the poem is about. Listening to the wind is an artform this writer explains quite well. While few of us could bring justice to such a subject and undertaking, this poem says it all.

The Teffom Pick of the week.
A MUST READ for poets.


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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Readers, authors, reviewers, members or guests ... are you looking for a stretch in satire genre?

If so ... visit LITTLE EVERYVILLE CHAPTER THREE from the port of Casual Writer ...

Where you will find "eggheads" and "Yeah-Butts" to your heart's content ....

IN "A land where the special exceptions believe they can stir up newer ideas ..."

Fine work, interesting & entertaining.


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Review of Baptism of Rain  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Becky Simpson, is it possible to outdo yourself? BAPTISM OF RAIN may be your best poem to date.

The refrain you offer fits so well between the stanzas. Your bright presentation is a welcoming sight on a snow laden day.

Love the line: "When emotions run high and touch the sky."

Five Star poetry right here, members, guests, authors, poets, readers.

Thanks for this one, Miss Becky.

Cordially, Teff seeks upgrade soon.

 Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!  (18+)
Criteria for Cordially from MS TEFFs REVs sent
#945969 by April Sunday

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

FEB 10, 2006

Enter the unknown recipient (she/her) who receives a box of chocolates in an ornate silver box.

Glide along as items of confection disappear "down the throat" each admired appropriately one by one.

Ah, the gorgeous picture of the candies. Enticing.

The "raspberry cream" mmmm, MMMM!
"freshly picked" on a "hot summer day."

Yawsa! for the "orange" filling."

Then "oatmeal" & "tap water." You learn tap water is two words.

At the grand fine, the author's e-mail, asking what you thought of these fine, gourmet choc-o-lates.

Great Buxton!

Hats off for: CHOCOLATE AND THE FIVE SENSES. Marvelous presentation, especially with the bold.


Hand me the Hershey's will ya please? Oh, thank goodness we have some. Whew. Did someone raise the thermostat?

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Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

With: A MESSENGER IN RAGS, author, Redtowrite offers an informative piece complete with lingo for the subject. Honesty seems to come to the fore in this emotionally charged rendition.

A character, first person narrator finds an old friend. She offers a helping hand.

The last line really is the best line.

Quote: "We live in a tragic world and there is grace all around us."

Well worth the look see.

Teff says --- "Good ONE!"


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Review of Tulips  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Phoenix Dragon Fire, nice pen name, BTW, your poem TULIPS rings. It shows the scene on a sunny street, with tulips abloom.

Thanks for this one, Phoenix.


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Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

New member, Mythsilver offers SECRETS THAT YOU SHOW on Read-A-Newbie Page. Here we may choose from over 2,053 items from our latest members.

This poem is a finely written item, grammar correct.

However, if only one secret was outlined, perhaps there would be more to go by, sink the teeth into. But sure poetry is oft lightly presented.

Favorite line: The garden lives within you /// nuture it to grow.

Rhyme on!

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Sigs by Esprit
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Dear Kath,

Hope you will put up with the familar salutation to this letter.

Your item: ADDING ROSES TO A DAISY MARRIAGE is well titled. The action is there, the theme is adhered to and the genres are met. Yikes up to this humble reviewer to go back up there, scroll away and change this flash fiction essay to a four star.

Teff is a pushover for pelicans, a leftover from my NC days.

Good job, hon. The family in question comes alive as excitement reigns.

Heavens to Betsy, doll. A real live bear? Don't see those every day of the week.


Friends cut a tree in the Blue Ridge Mountains, NC
#920697 by April Sunday

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

While most writing websites offer freedom of press to all, WC also offers a chance to explore passages from the bible.

The intro for this item, by Soldier of Light informs readers: "God tells signs of the end times."

A link for earthquake info is also listed in the item.

While many people from all walks of life, may cadge many different opinions on iterpretation for biblical quotes or passages ... this author enters the foray with a knowing tone.

Welcome to WC! Enjoy the site.


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Review of Life Down Tundra  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (1.0)

Jorgey's item: LIFE DOWN TUNDRA is incomplete. The item merely contains a list of gggggggggg. Uh, gee whiz, dear member. Add to this one and give me a call.


Don't worry MAYBE a rev/rate/reader will boost this to a 4 star without a doubt. I'll think about doing the same whenever it is seriously complete and four star worthy.
Review of We still March  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Absolutely, dear author, please "march on."

Websites across this fair and gracious land can take a bite out of this poem for the time is ripe to listen very carefully to what this poem portrays.

Millions, millions, millions from all walks of life, from sea to shining sea, from 2001 to 2006! Go change this awful thing! Don't worry the media can't deny it! TEFF voters from both parties already march side-by-side. This is FACT! This poetry endeaver is true!

Thanks for this one, dear poet, Spencer Smith.

Words and rhymes hit home in ------->

 We still March  (ASR)
A protest song written in response to a songwriter saying protesting is on the decline
#1063780 by Ric The Woolicane

"Invalid Item

And writers, or new members there is a need for more of these as WC is a world wide site. Carry on.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

<> <> <> <> <> <> <>
With the non-ficiton works of author, Abdul Ismal, readers from all backgrounds are offered an opportunity to sit back and take a long look, if they choose to research further. Or to consider what the journalist presents to them in UN SECURITY COUNCIL WILL IT REFORM?

Questions follow this read, pondering goes on and on in OUR counrty and around the globe. It is not the little folks like us, you and me that can make changes. We're turned aside at every turn because men in high office do not vote their conscience. Sad but very true.

Which brings up the daily quizz for some, is this democracy in action. No.

Well, have the good day, and Sir, please write and post on! Thank you.

Cordially, TEFF

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1041702 by Not Available.

New Title, same little old me.
Review of Lost Love  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

This author, Ann Chiles includes the subject of her poem in the intro. Seeing LOST LOVE's intro, topic, identification tells readers exactly what this poem is about. Anne surely pours into the eight line poem, searing words which if readers know the subject appear quite sad. Maybe for some women ... bringing tears to the eyes.

Difficult subject handled well.

Precisely, TEFF
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

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This is a fun item! It is to the point, nothing racy, nothing too hard. Sure, this humble revver bombed out. Doing material crossword puzzles, Teff usually uses a pencil, for the sake of erasing often. Or you can write light with a Bic.

Neglecting to scroll up and down, for time's shortcuts, is not the same as crosswords in local newspaper. The home of most e-crosswords is a place we can improve our vocab online. See NEA, or NY Times Crosswords.

Sometimes in reviews for essays or short stories, Teff the trend setter may say to try as an author to chose the correct word, as if you are doing a crossword puzzle.

And magically, wallah! Now, lucky us ... We can view crossword puzzles made by members on WC. We can make our own. Teff always wanted to see one on Nursing, hoping RN teachers might be able to impart the lingo a little easier. Imagine the fast fill-in arriving in Med school along with an instant diploma on befuddlement, an endowment meant for the making of any crossword.

Doing them is one thing, making them another. But hey ... good luck to all who venture into this brand newie -- game.

And if you are game, have fun. Try not to untie your shoe laces and feed the cat at the same time, is one suggestion.

lllllllllllllllllllllll Sidebar: Teff takes many weeks to finish a simple daily crossword. These things take time, ladies, authors, gentlemen, kids, guests. Be brave and be patient is perhaps sound advice. lllllllllllllllllllllll


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Review of Fairy Dreams  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

 Fairy Dreams  (E)
A special poem written especially for my beautiful daughter, Sierra.
#1054870 by Barbe

Barbe's intro and complete, correct use of caps tells us at once this Jan 7 c-rite is ready. Looks grand to read in print format.

Barbe, as a new WC member, FAIRY DREAMS joins 1,770,372 posted items on WC.

FAIRY DREAMS falls into a possible classic poem for children's genre with a great deal of storytelling class.


TEFFE says Touching.

Review of priority  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Jan 9, 2K6

Good morning, Mime.

Welcome to WC. Here and there on your portfolio how to's you might want to re-examine your item's type.

These brief sentences, although, important to boost parental vs offspring differences, as seen by the author ...
PRIORITY is not, dear Mime, a short story. (If so flash fiction better watch its back. If they change the definition of the flash, this is one short story writer (moi) who contemplates a long ski trip. Kidding.)

Hey, if you need any help negotiating or posting, just send me the E.

Liked your intro. If stories are unfinished members often write: Work In Progress, at end of item.



 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1041702 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Last PIrate offers STALKER IN MY WINDOW VIEW a well crafted poem about a ghost of sorts.

With the last line, writer beware for maybe this fellow is everywhere.

Best week ahead, keep warm while this reviewer suggests you --- Rhyme On!

Precisely, TEFF
Review of Mesothelioma  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)



MESOTHELIOMA, ASBESTOS POISONING, READ ALL ABOUT IT in this item from The Critic says Happy New Year.

Important as this article is, the foundation of the writing itself flows without a single snag.

Headers in bold, a Congress with an agenda to release the response and blame from the Fortune 500 list.

Soldiers in Iraq exposed to asbestos.

Love this quote: "Tier 2" companies spent $145 million ... peddaling the FAIR bill to Congress ..." (FAIR == Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act)

And tourist to New York, NY, please beware. Imagine yourself a NYFD employee working Sept 12 until the job was done.

Read this one and start praying is my first suggestion.

Critic, dear author, thanks for the heads up and the impressive biblio you provide here. If you were giving a lecture to a class, your behaviorial objective is clearly met.


Cordially, TEFF
Review of The Web  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)


THE WEB by T L Finch strikes the heart & mind with a surreal moment. As if one were alone, the odds of life in the forecast, the future held at bay. Due to the strength of the beauty and durabilty we find in nature's spider web.

Very well rhymed, a touching fun read.


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#1041702 by Not Available.

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Dear Elderling, Your prologue for THE LEGACY OF VAHN VANGUARD sums up an outline or a first chapter yet to come with finesse.

Very well done.

Cordially, Teff

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1041702 by Not Available.
Review of Quiet?  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

With QUIET, Ash, you can do one of several things.

Try to organize a bit.

I like the start with the fire first. That's the best place and is the hook paragraph to hook the readers.

The discussion with Mom about going camping needs a tad more clarity.

Next predicates are killing me. There's too many woulds in this one. So try to shorten where you see fit.

Next a few misspells, staring. Re-do the spell check.

Plot good. However, the quiet guy in the class is this the narrator?

If so, reorganize and take your time with the post climax and classroom parts.

PLOT is very, very good. Thus four star rate on New Year's DAY!!! WWWWWEEEEE!!!

Visit here, if you like, thanks.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1041702 by Not Available.

Precisely, TEFF
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

From plans for life or plans for ? in the intro of CIRCULAR PERSPECTIVE by plasmapal the odd thing, although rhymes are in place and hit in the right spots ... The odd thing is we find the finish line with a "wake" for ourselves. Ouch! How can one sum all of another's life in 8 lines anyway?

Suggestion: Perhaps, add more or change intro.



 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#938484 by Not Available.
Review of Wasted...a haiku  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Actually X, Teff fears this review may be longer than the poem.

WASTED ... BY X talks of childhood missed. Perhaps you're still working on it, sounds like a topic brewing.

Welcome to WC with a Very Happy New Year.


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Review of Reverie  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

BPark's REVERIE has an original flavor in the affect what we are used to reading, being it left to right or subject, predicate, object, the author explores sounds and verse.

In a pleasing way the poem is delivered and then when you read it back, heavens does it ring!!!

Very GOOD!

Thanks, welcome to WC, Happy New Year!


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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Teff's reaciton to the final line of ORANGE JUICE AND POP TARTS is ... "oh please."

Perhaps the author of this essay might visit cooking genre on WC to find a balanced breakfast.

However, goings on at Arlingon High are nevertheless off to a pretty good start from new member, Ditto.

Potential noted with 3 star rate.
Correction needed at "had stolen"
Item needs paragraph breaks.


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Home for VALID badges, contest wins & ribbons -- THANX TO ALL! & IMAGE Collection ...
#1047564 by April Sunday
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