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Review of Inheritance  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Hello there Words Whirling 'Round
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review *Angelic*

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering our October Horror Prompt. *Ghost*

Initial Impressions:

The reader is drawn into a tale based on historical reference to witch trials. This particular place was not in the notorious Salem Massachusetts fame but one of the many other towns where trials for witchcraft took place. This town is in Ipswitch. (Loved the fried clams at the famous old Clam Box, there! *Wink*)

Now this "witch" is curious about the mesmerizing spells attached to Dougie's great-great uncle!

Further Discoveries:

The reader is made to understand that the journals found describe how the power is used and Dougie was certain he could learn to use them to his benefit.


Who was speaking?

There are no tags and it didn't seem to flow naturally enough to quickly attach the voice to each line, here.

“Changed my mind, party invite still on?”

“Great! CU in 20”

Further Observations:

A couple instances of POV caused me to pause.

Example: "“Do what?” Dougie asked innocently. "It was your idea." But he definitely looked guilty to Rina."

How would he know that she thought he looked guilty?

Parting Thoughts:

There was some fine creepiness around the journals that hooked the reader.

The ending was satisfying to the reader as nobody wants a self-serving controlling Dougie running around vulnerable young ladies.


Good horror fleshed out at the end. Rules and prompt followed.
Suggestions as noted above would help make this story smoother to the readers.

Well done!

Until next time -- Fright on! *Smirk*

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

Hello there dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review! *Angelic*

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering the October Contest. *Grave*

Curiosity Level?

My curiosity was piqued over the essence of families of that town were trying to thrive undisturbed and apart from any societal norms that would destroy their perfect lifestyle.

What I liked?

I like the way the families were prepared to battle outside evil forces to protect their way of living.


The story followed the prompt, their was a definite horror-creepiness shown at the end.

The rules were followed and word count shown.

I did not notice any blatant errors in grammar and spelling.

What would I have liked?

This story begs to be fleshed-out a bit more. I believe, with the amount left on word count you could have utilized, you would have been able to bring more suspense building up to the ending. It seemed rather rushed -- cut short, just as you pulling the reader into the story.

Parting Thoughts:

This was a great idea for setting-up horror. It just needed a little more developing of characters and plot so that the reader could picture the scene clearly along with the characters involved.

Thanks again for entering the contest. *Smile*

Until next time--write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello there SandraLynn Team Florent!
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering our Cop Shop Mystery prompt in September. *PoliceCar*

What Did I like?

*Check*I like the way you set up the characters into the position to solve the mystery.

*CheckY*I like the big reveal!

*CheckB*I even enjoyed the amusing thought of picturing Old Mrs. Stone coming clean with the embarrassing truth.

What Made Me Pause:

I wish the prompt was at the bottom of the scintillating sentences -- and they were, by the way. Perhaps within a dropnote so it wouldn't distract from the mystery solving. After all, your part of it was what is the important part. YOU did all the work solving the mystery. Thus, it should be up front. Just sayin'. *Angelic*

Rules Followed?


*Police* You solved a mystery in exactly 20 sentences
*Police* You identified the birth mother, those involved with the baby switching, and the switched baby.

*InLove2* I loved the amusing ending and the fact that Mrs. Stone is the birth mother of Mayor Writon!

Good job!

Until next time--write on OR should I say"Writon?" *Laugh*

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello there, Christopher Roy Denton
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering the Cop Shop Mystery! *PoliceCar*

Oh, Bob -- say it ain't so? *Shock2*

*Shovel* You managed to dig up some real dirt that needed to be buried in Bardstown and never divulged publicly. Yes, it's true that a fire can burn what is printed--but what about what is imprinted between hubby and wife?

Rules Followed?

*Police* You followed the rules and solved the mystery in 20 Sentences only.

*Police*You brought the characters alive so that the reader can picture who the switched child is and who gave birth to him.

*Police* You unlocked the secret of the whole baby switching crime of years ago in Bardstown.


Yes, the mayor's name was made to bring the WDC "write on" words to life. However, the spelling in the story is Mayor Writon not Writeon. The reason was to not confuse readers into calling him Writee-on. *Shock2* Just a tiny error that hit my eyes while reading through the story. *Wink*

Not that it matters for the sake of the contest, I wonder if you noticed the Founder's extra long name actually had the initials "WDC" in the middle names.*Ha*

Parting Thoughts:

*Grave2* Such a scandal should this be if the truth ever leaked out. However, the family ancestry tree will become an interesting oddity for the generations to come! *Laugh*

Well done! *Shovel*

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Hello there Jeff
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review! *Angelic*

I am also reviewing this item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering our Cop Shop Mystery prompt in September. *PoliceCar*

What I liked:

I liked the twisted genealogy that brought the Astors to Bardstown! Great creative force concocting this scenario.

Rules Followed?

Yes, you managed to solve the mystery in exactly 20 sentences.
*CheckO* You fleshed out the characters so the readers could follow along about...
*CheckGr* Who was the baby switcher/s
*CheckY* Who was the baby's birth mom
*CheckG* Who was the switched baby.


This of what it would do to Bardstown, if news of this terrible baby-swapping travesty were made public!

Sounds a bit off;

Perhaps you mean to say: Think of what it would do to Bardstown, The line seemed to be repeated above this particular line.

Parting Thoughts:

You did a fine job jumping in and solving this terrible baby switching crime of the past. You also added humor and humility as "Five" preferred to be considered just a remote descendant of Bardstown's founder. *Police*

Well done! *PoliceCar*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Hello there, ♥Hooves♥
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH

*Shamrock* Ireland, music, jewels and clouds ...this folder has it all.

*Dog1* There's also a place for my favorite WDC pet, "Boo" not that I don't love "Hooves," too! *Cow*

You have a well-organized folder of creative things that will appeal to all readers.

I always enjoy your stories and poetry of Ireland. I felt like I was actually there, and hope to go there one day. But I wan tto thank you for giving me a taste of Ireland. Boo is so precious, as well as Hooves. Perfect characters to narrate a story!

*RingsGold* Top it all off with silver and gold, and you have brought to life a jewel of a folder filled with all things precious!

*Music2* Music is the connection to everyday life and memories and dreams.It heals and soothes.

Love it all! *HeartO*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Fantasy Garden  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello there, Princess Megan Rose 22 Years
You are receiving a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH

*PaintBrush* This is a beautiful folder, Megan! I love the images that cover fantasy, royalty and all things that make the imagination bring a muse to life on a page.

*Fairy3* The fairies, goddesses, and princesses, too. It is a fabulous dream come true for the young and old, as well. You put the magic into everyday life and let your readers escape for a few precious moments of "what ifs." What if I lived in a palace? With fantasy, we can all be there front row and center. Such is the pen of an author and a wonderful muse to bring it all together.

Lovely! *Witchlegs2*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there Schnujo's in the Falklands
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH
Review! *WitchHat*

I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Random REad & Review click. *Bigsmile*

*Brain2* This was an enthralling drive in that Ford Escape! I felt the road beneath me, the feel of great suspension, the softness of the seats. Then, I got hungry from the aroma of French Fries. I felt the steering wheel's ridges and how comfortably my fingers grip the leather covering. I see the road ahead, and behind in the rear view mirror. And, yes, the taste of those salty fries does linger. I even heard the sigh released from the driver's lips!

Yup, All senses got the treat! *GemT*


She places the whole thing in her mouth against her incisors and molars, immediately grinding the fried potato to a mushy, salty/sweet mess in her mouth.

Repetitive. You can rework this around to avoid repeating "in her mouth."

Parting Thoughts:

I loved this read. It was short, yet filled with something that each of the senses could capture to its delight.

Well done! *CupcakeO*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello there LegendaryMask❤️
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the random Read & Review.

My First Impressions:

When I saw your title and brief description, I knew I was going to get in here and read it. I love old movies and the memories they bring to us who have enjoyed some of those preserved theaters in our youth.


A marvelous theater, heavy velvet drapes, a stage, the aroma of popcorn, laughter, especially during that particular John Wayne flick. Memories galore!


This is a prose-poem telling a wonderful story about life in youth and the love of movie theaters. The story is a narration about the old woman watching the movie theater from across the street. She is thinking about the old days. Ahh, reminiscing!*HeartB*

The Form, Rhythm, Rhyme:

This as a free verse story-poem. It has good balance, and holds the reader's attention. There is no particular rhyme pattern. However, it has a smooth flow, which is important when keeping the melodious flow in free verse. It's not just a lazy way to do poetry, it is a challenge to make free verse have a rhythm that completes the feel of poetry.

Nicely done! It me right to that movie house. I could actually see the old woman standing on the other side of the street thinking about the old days. *GemG*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Mastiff
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH
Review! *WitchHat*

I came across your while perusing the Public Review page. *GlassesP*

I have to agree with all of that! It is a fun and wild party sometimes being on WDC. It's amazing that 20 years have already passed since its creation! Many of us find it a second home. *Home*

Hey, we've got dragons and fairies, dogs, cats, wolves and witches too! How could it not be diverse?

Nicely done poem in a very succinct package of words. You did really well within 4 lines and 20 syllables. Plus, one of my favorite words is woven within to the point of bold type and bright green just so I don't miss it. "Eclectic"

*PenG* And, if that was a prompt word -- it fit nicely into the whole them of the poem.

Good job, carry on! And good luck with your contest entry!*PartyHatBl*

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Winter's Child  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello there Prosperous Snow celebrating
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review! *Angelic*

I am also reviewing your item because I found it on the Public Review page, and the title caught my interest! *Smile*

*Wind* I'm a winter child, too, although I'm in February. But I loved reading about such a special birthday, the night before Christmas. The light of saving grace was shone upon you. I could feel the love, faith and spirit woven within the lines of your poem.

Loved this Part:

"Long star filled nights
comfort, inspire and ignite
my soul's banked fires."

*Wolf* Simply beautiful There's a feeling of awakening reading this. Yet it brings some sort of peace within. I felt the mood of the poem brought that spiritual flair to it that makes a reader pause and contemplate their own birth time on the calendar as well as what unknown meaning it has for each of us if we just stay quiet and ponder it.


Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello there, Paul
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I am also reviewing your item because I saw it on the Public Review page when I was doing some Group crediting. I didn't get right to it, but held it in my tabs so I could come back to it.

*HeartBroken* This gripped my heart so deeply. I felt the sting of tears forming in my eyes. What a brave and loving thing you have done for your beloved wife.That had to be the most difficult hours of your life!

*Bandage* It's much easier, I suppose, to call in the paramedics and let them take her away and try their mechanical means of keeping her alive for how ever long, dragging the ticking clock of death slowly.

*Bird* It was a very precious moment you shared with the readers. You put her feelings ahead of your wishes -- to call in for help. She had made up her mind and wanted you by her side, not strangers. She wished for your hand to be her strength when moving to the other side of this corporal life.


"I was to [too] old to understand,"
This typo does not take away from the poem itself. I cannot rate down for it. I think this is excellently written poem from the heart, and, its deep spirit shines through.

I really loved the refrain used throughout the poem:

"I always did what she wanted"

Further Observations:

I could feel your struggle, the pull of pain, guilt, anger. All of it came through handily within the lines of this touching poem.

Parting Thoughts:

The ending wrapped it all up with love an and respect and honot of God, asking for forgiveness for anger towards Him. It's a very natural reaction -- a flaw of being human. We look for someone or something to blame for our pain.

Your conclusion was excellent. Thankful for having her in your life for all those years. Thankful for your children and grandchildren. It all comes together, and God knows that it is your true feelings after the pain subsides.

Beautiful and touching poem! *Angel*

Warmest Regards,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Misty  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Hello there QueenNormaJeanGreeneggs&vegham
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest Thank you for entering our August Pet Dialogue prompt! *Dog1*

It is indeed a "Dog's Life!"

Misty just wants to have fun. She doesn't understand that her human has work to do and she must cooperate with the schedule the family is on. Misty has other ideas. of course. *Ha*


Your dialogue gives the reader an idea of Misty's personality. Misty loves to play ball. And loved Sammy! *BabyGirl*

That was a cute addition to the story having Misty talk about his "puppy" which was his human baby. The interaction between those two is precious.

*Thought* I guess if there's something I would have liked to see, is a bit more back and forth between Misty and the human that was a bit more scenarios and descriptions. A way to show us readers Misty's personality rather than telling with shorter dialogue. A little more story within the dialogue I guess I'm trying to say to extend some of the scenes.

Rules Followed?

Yes, it was pet dialogue. *CheckP*
The word count was placed. *CheckO*

Parting Thoughts:

This was an entertaining look into the life of a doggy named Misty and the home and family where she is loved.

Nice job!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wanna play?  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Hello there, WakeUpAndLive️~scary 2024
This is a "The WDC Angel Army Review!

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering our August Pet Dialogue contest!

My Initial Thoughts:

This is going to be a story about a dog with a mind of its own.


The dog sort of plays hard to get by not responding to the human's call. After all, humans aren't easy to train.


Arie, a dog on a mission of playing outside and answering nature's call. *Dog1*

Cute! *GreetR*

What else would I add?

I think there was a little more room to add to the dialogue. There could be more antics with Arie and the human. This would help the reader really get Arie's personality characterization down. Arie is a star and moments could be captured to leave the reader remembering the pet long after leaving the page.


Prompt was followed handily! I just wish there were more of the dialogue.

Nice job!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello there, SandraLynn Team Florent!
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review! *Angelic*

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering the Pet's dialogue contest in August.

First Impressions:

Indeed a job for a cat. After all what cat doesn't want to chase a mouse? Her human expected as much. *Mouse*

Further Observations:

Ahhh, SmiLing had a mind of her own. Her dialogue with her human was easy to follow, clear to the reader and allowed us to know her personality. *Cat*

Characterization of the Character:

SmiLing is a spoiled, independent cat with a nonchalant voice responding to her human. She is vane, pampered beyond words and makes her human beg for her attention to the little detail of chasing the mouse. In other words, she is the perfect cat! *Laugh*

Parting Thoughts:

I really enjoyed MiLing's personality. You've brought her voice front and center. She is loved and spoiled and that's how it will be in that home!

Good job!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Stolen Birthday  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello there Charity Marie - <3
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review! *Angelic*

*Die3* I am also reviewing your item because I was looking for some lighthearted birthday items to review for my task in "a Mod-o-Poly Celebration!.

*DragonflyV* I found this item both charming and adorable. I so remember those days when my daughters were young and thrilled about their impending birthdays. It seems the girls were more involved in making sure everything was set and ready for them. My son, just knew it would be special and left all the preparations to Mom.

*ButterflyG* I could picture my youngest daughter, Hope, and how she was so curious about gifts, and cakes and colors as the theme. Elizabeth made me think of her when I read it.

*PaintBrush* It is a flash fiction, big story picture with fewer words, but the reader gets it.

Nice wrap up with the added humor when the little girl was surprised to see rooms empty of gifts for her birthday. *BurstP*

We all know why, now!

Nicely done! *Bee*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Fall Poem  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello there, Beholden
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review! *Angelic*

I ran across your item when I was crediting some Public Reviews! I'm happy I did. *Bigsmile*

*TreeFall3* Fall has always been a welcoming season for me in New England. The cool crisp air, the scent of apples and cinnamon wafting from the kitchen, the gateway to the holidays!

I've also enjoyed the cold hand of winter, the first snowfall, the hot chocolate in hand while decorating the Christmas tree *MugG*

*Snow5* Yeah, well, I'm done with that! I also suffer from the wrath of arthritis stabbing my joints when the cold season comes. After one particular winter, we threw some luggage in the old SUV and headed South. Didn't know where we'd end up, but wouldn't stop until it was sunny and soothing warm.

Now, life as a snowbird suits me fine! *Bird*

*Violin* Loved your free verse. It plays like and orchestra that lulls the reader in with a sweet melodious tune of the string section. Then, bang! The percussion section storms in and brings us to the harsh realization that the kindness has ended. Fierce frigid finger of winter points an icy dagger in our direction and with it comes the pain.

*Beach* So happy to be away from it all during snow shoveling season! Once the foliage finishes its full autumn bloom, it is but a memory in my rear view mirror as I head South to where the sun awaits.

Beautifully done, and captured my sentiments exactly! *TeaBr*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Violets  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there, T.L.Finch
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review! *Angelic*

*Witchlegs1* I came across this item when I was crediting a public review. It got my curiosity because I love violets.

Violets are the flower of February, my birthday month, to match the amethyst birthstone, I imagine. But I always thought that violets are to often underrated. *PoseyV*

They are beautiful, early risers as spring approaches. I love how they pop-up in many places added a sprinkling of color after a long winter's nap. *Grass*

Your poem perfectly gives them the honor they so deserve in nature. They are tiny, yet detailed, brightening up what ever backdrop they share. The are romance and memories. *HeartV*

Nicely done, with imagery that makes a reader fill in the blanks with her own experience and admiration of the simply violet.I wouldn't change a word. *FlowerV*

Until next time--write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Cursed  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Hello there, billwilcox
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review! *Angelic*

*Grave* What dragged me into your story?

I ran across your story on the newsfeed. It was a while back, I read it right away with the full intent of getting this review in. So now, after the life's interruption delay, here I am. *Ha*

Initial Thoughts:

"fading flashlight" snap of a "dead branch"shadws ..."alive and menacing" not to mention "running for their lives"

*Bats* With teasers like that in the brief introduction above the story, how could I not take the bait? *Smirk*

*Think* Does Snooping Pay?

Perhaps the guys thought of it more as exploring than snooping or spiritual trespassing, but nothing good can come out of disturbing an old Indian burial ground. However, a shiny new object was liberated by one of the guys. *Ha*

Fright in the Night!

*Sword2L* Yup, crime doesn't really pay. It definitely disturbs one's sleep. Things that go bump in the night, fading light, while running for your life over tough terrain -- this really paints vivid and frightful images for the reader. *Shock*

*Witchlegs1* My favorite Scariest Part:

"They left the structure the same way they entered, on all fours and closing their eyes to keep any stray branches from scratching them. It was at that time, Jesse felt the most vulnerable, half expecting something to grab him and pull him back in"

Okay, this hit me with super panic fear of suffocation. Having to crawl into a small opening already hit my claustrophobia. Not knowing what lies beyond the crawl, or how long one would be stuck in such a vulnerable position, or how quickly one can escape, all makes the heart beat faster. Great fear inducer that makes this reader cringe! *BareTree3*


Will the real Jesse please stand up!


"Jessie Spinone "
"Jesse felt a chill,"

It appears he is given the name "Jessie" in the beginning of the story, but then as the story progresses, it becomes to "Jesse."

Light Focusing:

"but it was so dark, he had to focused [focus]it on the ground to keep from falling. Luke ran next to him."

Parting Thoughts:

Bill, this read is a chiller-thriller! Your story comes alive and reaches the reader to the core. It has mysticism, horror and youth getting in trouble, done in a classic Stephen King manner. Really fine story, well-developed, well described, characters that could be imagined in the mind's eye, and location, location, location! Woods, gnarly trees, grave sites, trinkets and symbols ... Vulnerable guys who are curious, yet dumb. Never crawl into anything unless you know what's at the end of the tunnel.


Racing heart and beads of sweat -- one of your finest spine-chillers yet! *BareTree*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Toe in the Water  
for entry "Blog for the Bard
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Hello there Beholden

This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
review! *Angelic*

I'm reviewing your blog because you entered it into the "The Bard's Hall Contest for the June Blog/Journal prompt. Thank you for entering! *Bigsmile*

I loved reading your entries about your travels and life in South Africa. I enjoyed your interest in art and painting, and loved meeting your wife in the blog. I got a laugh out of the whole Kindle book electronic download to your computer and how you had been unsuccessful bringing the book into view, yet your wife could get it on her computer, and bypass the "Unavailable in your region" which only seemed to apply to YOUR computer. *Laugh* Of course having to pay for the book, again, is a true waste of the original digital points accrued from Amazon Prime.

*Delight* Your dad was truly dedicated and did well in S.A. up until retirement. He sounds like a person who couldn't "just retire" and continued to work part time back in England. I can see why his was given the title "a good man." He raised a fine son, after all!

*Pthb* Yeah, poetic terms and strict forms -- not my cuppa, either. I write what I feel where poetry is concerned.

You did a great job holding my interest, and even going above and beyond past the minimum requirement of entries.

I enjoyed viewing into a part of your life. *StarY*

Thank you for sharing!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Kingdom  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello there, ♫~ Kenword~♫
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I am also reviewing your item because you entered it into the "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering! *Bigsmile*

Things I loved about your Blog:

*Turntable* I loved the feel of days gone past. It's a nostalgic view of more innocent times, life in black and white so to speak. Perhaps even a "Pleasantville," feel, except this is for real. Leave it to Beaver childhood memories fill my mind.

*Hourglass* You have so much experience and knowledge to share, both in faith and in years of living along with military service and service to God.

What Could be Improved:

*Tools* Truthfully, this is a blog filled with information and it introduces us to YOU, your life and times. However, being on the judging end of reading the entries, I would suggest breaking up the entries a little better. I think they got very lengthy and it became harder to to get through them. Some of these entries could be ended with "to be continued tomorrow." I'm not saying they are wrong to be long, just that you would get more readers if you broke them up and focused on a particular issue in each of them.

*InLove2* The whole girlfriend attraction as a young boy was so precious! My heart sank as your parents told you you couldn't go to the party. More on the subject could follow in another entry. Hit the highlights for a contest, expand on another entry. Keep your readers wanting more rather than giving them all the answers in one entry.

*Thought* That's basically the only flaw I found with your blog. I loved all you had to offer us, I just found it became fatiguing after the first few entries. Had they been split in thirds, even, they would move faster and you would have actually had a month's worth without effort, let alone just the 10 required, plus more to keep it going through the next month. You never know how many days or months you can continue until you manage your blog size.

Wow, I liked Loved:

*Video* The added nostalgic photos, videos, music embedded within. They were priceless additions to go along with your descriptions of youth and growing up in the fifties and sixties.

Nice Job! You put a lot of effort into this and it is noticed by me. *Quill*

Until next time--blog on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello there, ruwth
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
review! *Angelic*

Thank you for entering the Blog/Journal Month of June at "The Bard's Hall Contest.

*Delight*I had an interesting romp through your entries, and although some hit on days that were pretty slowed down due to antibiotics working and the lack of energy left behind. However, that in itself does share a part of a person's life. We are not all energetic and filled with great subject matter or even the desire to want to write an entry about that day. The thought taken from it is that we do have those days and it's something worth mentioning. It makes it as real as life is.

My favorite part:

Oh, my, I have to say I loved the whole idea of buying a house sight unseen at a tax sale. Absolutely guaranteed to bring with it surprises.

Living in an antique money pit, myself, I really enjoyed the stories about living in a dilapidated house. I hope there will be more updates on that story. How cool of you to tackle this on your own and with a fine purpose of bringing in the New Year by spending New Year's eve inside the house to give tribute to your mom who passed away on a New Year's eve.

YOU are a strong woman in faith and in character.

Good job!

Until next time--blog on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello QueenNormaJeanGreeneggs&vegham
This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama
Review. *Angelic*

I am reviewing your blog as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering the Blo contest in June! *Bigsmile*

I want to thank you for inviting me on your porch and giving me a birds eye view of your life and times within the peaceful beauty of Montana. I loved it!

I got to meet some Town folks, and enjoy many things about the tourism attractions of your area. As I commented on one of your entries, I lived in Wyoming -- it made such a lasting impression on me. A beautiful part of a space on earth!

I also responded to the disappointment of no parades for the Fourth or fireworks. No sooner had I finished and sent my comment off to you had I heard that familiar "boom." Yes, our little hamlet thumbed its nose at the big cities with their no celebrations due to Covid. The wonderful thing about the fireworks here on my hill -- I can see them from MY PORCH! There's nothing like a porch is there? *Painting2*

I enjoyed reading your blog. I'm especially happy that both of your eye surgeries were successful. May you enjoy many hours of reading and blogging.

Good job! *Quill*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Pray For America
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Hello there Prosperous Snow celebrating This is a
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I am also reviewing your blog entry for the June contest at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering.

I enjoy your blogs with their informative bits of knowledge shared about your faith. You help your reader to understand the teachings and celebrations "Bahá'í Faith."

You also touch upon loving humanity, we are all in the human race and that's where the truth lies, the faith and a charitable heart and pure as we are in spirit and soul.

Many things to ponder as a reader goes from one page to the next. It reveals to us that we must work harder at understanding and having more tolerance. After that, understanding then love for our fellow human being will follow.

Nice job! *Quill*

Until next time--blog on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello there AnnaNotherthing
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH

I am also reviewing your blog as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering the June Blog/Journal month! *Bigsmile*

I enjoyed reading your blog entries. You were very engaging with your tone and added humor as well as interesting everyday matters. The coffee pods to pod or not to pod, that is the question. *Laugh* I think after years of whatever coffee pot fad was out there from one drip pot after another then onto the French Press, each would quit working after one year, or after going through a few French Press pots the inevitable break of each glass carafe, I decided to go back to the electric percolator. I'm sticking with it--still working after a couple years of use and on. *Bigsmile*

Loved the interesting choice of your username and handle. I change my handle during certain times of the year but not as constantly as many on the site tend to do. It matters not as handles are here to do with as we please --withing e-rating of course!

Cats training adults*CheckGr* Re-Google-tration (love that title!) for finding one's ancestry, all fun reads, informative and engaging! Good job!

Until next time--blog on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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