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Review of Dragon Fire  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Just Because I Want To Review from"JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM CLOSED 4NOW!

This package consists of two reviews and a cnote.

davbenet Sends this message with your package:
Thank you so much for your participation in "Invalid Item *Heart* Enjoy the reviews!

Dear jadelette

*Burstp*A tale of survival and dreams, this is an action packed story set with fierce surrounding and a foe who shows no mercy. Flame verses city, this is the hopes and dreams of one being dashed.

*Burstg*This is riddled with many great descriptive sentences. I was able to picture this clearly as if watching it on film. Great job!

*Burstb*~towards~ represents directional movement or action of time. In speech many people like to take the action words and give them an added syllable "s" to help propel them forward. Already being a word of action, this effort is unnecessary and leads to creating a slang term. This terminology then transfers into our writing. Now, if the piece of writing already contains slang terminology throughout the piece, then this would be acceptable, if not, then I would alter the word to the proper form, as I suggest with this instance. This also happens with forward, afterward, inward, downward, backward, outward, and beside, to name a few. The exception to this is that the British do add the "s" and in so doing are correct for their proper language. So if this is a British writing, then please disregard the comments as coming from this ignorant American *Wink*

Going over the first three paragraphs, I found these editing mistakes with punctuation. Reading through this story, I found quite a lot of sentences with major comma use, where there should have been separate sentences. If you are still editing this piece, I could refer you to someone who could help with this.

~For a few moments[,] an...
~blackness of a chill Autumn['] night...
~Most of the village slept[.] The only...
~It had been a busy night[,] and ...
~ Mina staggered[.] Her...
~her eyes temporarily blinded by the sudden light[.] Her ...
~ her sleep[-]deprived mind...
~to check on her well being[.] She was barely...

Overall, a nice piece that needs a bit of punctuation editing. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this and would like to see a follow up on what the two characters do from here.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation

Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just Because I Want To Review from"JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM CLOSED 4NOW!

This package consists of two reviews and a cnote.

davbenet Sends this message with your package:
Thank you so much for your participation in "Invalid Item *Heart* Enjoy the reviews!

Dear Showering Dutchessbarbie.

*Burstg*A wonderful acrostic poem, sparked from the writings of another. This poem looks to boost the spirit and offer words of encouragement and help.

*Burstb*A very well written piece. I could find nothing to add, change, or suggest, to help improve upon this piece.

*Burstp*I am not sure what happened with the image you wanted to use to make this into a cnote, but I actually found several that it would look good with. I will include links here for your perusal:


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation

Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just Because I Want To Review from"JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM CLOSED 4NOW!

This package consists of two reviews and a cnote. This is your final review.

davbenet Sends this message with your package:
Thank you so much for your participation in "Invalid Item *Heart* Enjoy the reviews!

Dear Itchy Water~fictionandverse
A short free verse poem about past memories
#1817765 by Itchy Water~fictionandverse

*Burstp* I was hoping to find something with little or no reviews, and did just that, in a folder titled something similar. How convenient. It is always nice to find an organized port, psst, don't look in on mine just yet.

*Burstg*With free verse poetry the author has much creativity, and can use many devices to illustrate the image they are trying to create. One such device would be lack of capitalization. For this poem, I see the lack of capitalization as a metaphor for sadness, or unhappiness. However, I is capitalized, so there definitely is self respect within the poem.

*Burstb**Burstg*Not many authors, or readers, give much thought to placement or alignment, when it comes to poetry, though this is another device. It is my thought that something as simple as where or how you place a poem on the page, can add to its imagery. Poetry is up to the interpretation of the reader. What a poet writes, and the message a reader gets isn't always the same, especially when using metaphors. That being said, aligning a poem to the left of a page may imply unification; all is right in the world. Centering an item so that all the lines are askew, based upon the character count, can have the meaning of chaos and turmoil in life or emotion. Though keep in mind, this is just my personal feelings on the subject, and not all will agree with this. Though, it does give one something to consider.

*Burstv* Overall I enjoyed this poem. It says so much about photos. Some look at photos as something cherished and take many to try to capture the moment in time. Others, as they randomly collect photos, throw them in a box and rarely if ever glance back. I can relate to this poem rather well.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation

Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just Because I Want To Review from"JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM CLOSED 4NOW!

This package consists of two reviews and a cnote.

davbenet Sends this message with your package:
Thank you so much for your participation in "Invalid Item *Heart* Enjoy the reviews!

Dear Itchy Water~fictionandverse
Poetic Form & Other Poetic Resources  (E)
Poetic Form Resources
#1790765 by Itchy Water~fictionandverse

*Burstp*I have never come across an index of such depth on poetry. The variety of sources and counter sources, included with other sites as well as author static items, was surely a surprise. This must be very useful. I am going to bookmark this into a special file for referencing. I know of one other who, if they read this, will most likely do the same. Having poetic information at your fingertips, who could ask for more?

*Burstg*I did notice that there is no rating for this item. I would suggest putting a rating on it. If you need referencing as to, what to rate it, please refer to "Content Rating System (CRS). Though personally, I think an E rating would suffice.

*Burstb*Overall, this is a wonderful referencing library of information, that is updated on a regular basis. Thank you.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation

Review of Review Template  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
HelloJoey's So Hot He's Melting ,

I am dropping in today, with a review for you, from "Gang's Monthly Review Board. The thoughts, ideas, and suggestions are my own, and meant to encourage and express my personal views. I hope you get something out of this review, even if only to find out whether or not I liked this short piece.

Having a variety of templates, to some degree, has always been my style, however, I tend to cater each review to the item I am reading, in conjunction with the template.

I like how the title is, well, exactly what it should be, an alluring factor. I don't want to say too much more, for I feel that it is a superb tool, that is used to the best of its ability. I did give you a huge smile, each and every time I read this.

What a unique image used to represent the group of which you affiliate a lot of your reviews to. Is this from the musical, Singing in The Rain? It could be, but I am not certain. The shower coming down, doesn't seem to be adversely affecting the actor, so that is good. The shower is one that helps to make the scene. The wave of the characters is very creative. I have tried to create a similar style with one of my programs, but have been unsuccessful so far. Perhaps maybe I should reference the manual to find out how to do it right *Smirk*

I also read things several times before doing a review, but have never thought to read their bio. To me, that clouds what is being read. I read the item as if it created itself. I know not who, what, when or why, but only the end result. That allows me to view it solely on its own merit. I can have zero preconceived notions when doing it this way. Sometimes I even don't look at the author's name, or the subtext directly under the title. Perhaps I am missing out on some vital lessons from the information I could learn from a bio. I might have to give it a try on my next run through.

The only grammatical issues I noticed, were:
~will haunt me the remaineder of my days.
~my reviews, even to say [,] “Joey...
~But Writing [However, writing] is now my...
~a review from me[,] I guarantee...

Overall, I think this is a great insight as to how you review. The fun way you begin telling of your unique style grabbed my attention, and held it throughout the whole article. I learned quite a bit about how courteous and respectable you are. A great asset to this wonderful community.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
multi group sig by b.meridith

ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams

*LeafBr* You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*LeafG* First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on the input of others.

The Creature (2nd. Twisted Tales)  (ASR)
It carefully made its way through darkness. (Honorable Mention Halloween Scary Story C.)
#1813038 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams

*LeafO* A story of terror and suspens,e as a young child, afraid of the dark, is shut in his room for a nights sleep, only to be awoken by a strange presence.

How do we handle our fears? Do we tackle them head on, ignore them, or hide from them. Each is a unique way to deal with the situation, however, finding what works best for the individual, isn't always easy. Ollie has to find the strength to stand up to this creature all on his own.

*LeafR* I didn't notice any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. The story flowed well and was easy to comprehend.

*LeafY* Overall, this was a good and interesting piece. It made me stop to think about my fear of the dark, and the various ways I have tried to force myself to deal with this fear.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation
Review of Getting By  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
whome designed

Mara ♣ McBain

*LeafBr* At first, I simply saw this as a love tale. I don't want to spoil what it did become, but suffice it to say, I was pleasantly surprised.

*LeafG* The title sums this up rather well. How many of us struggle to make ends meet? The day to day grind sometimes wears on the soul. This is the tale of one mother and her fight for survival.

Getting By  (18+)
An unemployed single mother struggles to make a better life for her daughter.
#1789891 by Mara ♣ McBain

*LeafO* I especially like when a story or contest entry links back to the contest itself. This allows the reader to further evaluate any restrictions or regulations put on the item. Broken links, though not in this case, can be replaced by brief descriptions.

*LeafR* I have been in tight spots before. Ok, I am there now, and one thing that I could totally relate to, is the constant stream of math going through your mind, juggling the numbers, trying to find the best fit.

*LeafY* I liked how this story plays out. I was pleasantly surprised, for it wasn't the direction I thought the story would head. Overall, there were no notice of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. The tale was told with ease and was one I could relate to on a personal level in places.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation
Review of Adriana A to Z!  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
whome designed

Mara ♣ McBain

*LeafBr* I will be reviewing "Adriana A to Z! for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this poem. Remember, I am but the reader, the poem is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*LeafG* First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on the input of others. Having won five reviews at "WDC Birthday Ice Cream Social 2018"   by Pat ~ Rejoice always! , along with many other goodies, you have been so patient and understanding with the delivery. That, along with many other factors, was the reasoning for such a large award on that last item. I am glad it surprised you *Wink*

*LeafO* I knew the two of you, Adriana Noir and yourself, were good friends. Other than that, I didn't know too much about her. I have had more interaction with you than her. Our paths hadn't crossed too much, other than the rare occasion. Thanks to this acrostic based poem, I have some secret material to add to my arsenal. I now know, a little more of her, and look forward to getting to know her better.

*LeafR* I see this as a no-holds-barred, all out free for all, announcing to the world, some pertinent facts about your friend. You have such high opinion of her, that sharing these attributes of hers, and allowing us to get to know her, through you, is something you were willing to honor her with.

*LeafY* the poem was well thought out. The acrostic format was followed quite well, and easily. There were no lines that seemed to have been thrown in just to fit the format, the format fit the poem. Great job!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation
Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E
WhoMe??? Designed


*LeafBr* You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*LeafG* First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on the input of others.

One Too Many--a Tale of An Aging Chick  (E)
Blog Contest Entry Day 6, One Too Many (prompt)
#1808351 by Pat ~ Rejoice always!

*LeafO* A wonderful story that could also work as a metaphoric piece. This tale of three friends, and the short term disability of one, as she sprains her hip (can you sprain a hip, or is it hyper extend, or bruise...sprain doesn't sound right), could be the tale of leadership and grooming someone to fill in when needed.

*LeafR* One small technical issue, other than that, I couldn't find any editing points for this wonderful story:

Taking a deep breath, she asks, "Are you okay, Hun?

*LeafY* Overall, this is a wonderful story that gives great imagery into the actions, as well as shows the bond of friendship the three share. The cohesion of the group is evident with the talk of a temporary replacement, or fill-in.

The story was easy to read. It held great rhythm as it progressed down the page in a chronological thought process. I could see time slipping as they talked, and how the topic progressed. Great job!

The link at the bottom is now invalid, so you might think of simply replacing it with a description only. *Wink*

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation
Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Zen Garden  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
whome designed


*LeafBr* You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*LeafG* First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on the input of others.

 Zen Garden  (E)
Peaceful garden.
#893730 by Legerdemain

*LeafO* I found this poem to be everything the title promises. The words came to me from a voice just above a whisper. With a slight wind outside, I could picture the image described above as if viewing a tapestry being described.

*LeafR* The formatting of the poem is complimentary to the scene created. I envision the star and reader as the border of this zen garden. The verses in between are the fine design raked into the sand, creating a tranquil environment.

*LeafY* I could find nothing wrong with this poem. It is written well, with great attention paid to detail. The image created by this poem is serene and soothing to the soul. Thank you.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation
Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
WhoMe??? Designed

I will be reviewing "The Anniversary of My Previous Birthday for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this poem. Remember, I am but the reader, the poem is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How did I come across your piece?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest. Thanks for entering!
I am always excited to be a judge, because I get to see all the different ideas that come from the same concept. Each entry is as unique as the individual.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
From the title alone, I knew I was in for a ride. This gave me the impression that there was a twist involved, and I was excited to see just what that would be.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the main protagonist?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
I simply fell in love with the main character and her train of thought. I could find myself relating to this on a personal level.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*What impact do the secondary characters have?*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
The secondary characters, or better yet, the friends, are what make this whole story so fun. The concept of the party, as instigated by the friends, becomes the centerpiece for the theatrics, much like a wedding starts out small and intimate, then escalates to something much more, due to others who wish to be included.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
The pace and flow of the story was quite in cohesion with the sequence of events. I could easily picture the events as they happened, in fact, viewed myself as the main character.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Are there any technical issues I want to query?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
I didn't notice any technical errors. The grammar, spelling and punctuation, all appear to be in order from what I can tell. The story was easy to follow and one that held my attention the whole way through.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"New Year's Bash

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Berserk  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
WhoMe??? Designed


*LeafBr* You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*LeafG* First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on the input of others.

Berserk  (13+)
A clown can only take so much...
#1382016 by Jeff

*LeafO* Great imagery created. By the time the clown is swarmed, we can already feel he has been drug down to a weary state. He is edgy, tired, and sick of dealing with the ins and outs of his job.

*LeafR* While reading this, I could find myself sympathizing and relating with the character. How many times have I gone through my day, only to feel as he does in the end. I loved the ending by the way...don't want to give it away, but it was superb.

*LeafY* This is a well written piece. I could find no spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, or story flaws.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

"Fall Festival Invitation
Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of WHY SHOULD I?  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with Reviewing Reviewers ~ ON HIATUS  
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are being reviewed by "Reviewing Reviewers ~ ON HIATUS [E]! Feel free to check us out to find out our purpose on Writing.Com.
Contemplate Simply Positive & Reviewing Reviewers multi-sig.

With sadness in your heart, your words pour forth down the page. Great emotion seeps through each and every line as a friendship is severed. I can feel the heartache as your words paint a tapestry of color that runs read with the blood and ink on this page. The ink color chosen helps to create the overall image of death to this relationship.

I didn't notice any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. This poem, centered on the page to further illustrate the chaos and turmoil of this event, weeps for the loss, but also makes a bold statement by saying "enough is enough".


With the first line, the voice of the poem is beginning to see with clear eyes, just what their trust has gotten them. The reality begins to sink in as the injustice of another sets into place, clouding the relationship.

Where once trust resided, the voice is lost and unsure. Wanting to still love this person as they did, they WANT to trust and believe, though, they are seeing that they shouldn't.

Depression and gloom begin to set in as the voice crawls into its cave of darkness, no longer buoyant with laughter and a thirst for life.

Your paranoia is what got us here, that is what the voice retaliates with, finding its voice again and declaring with emphasis, this friendship is nothing to be played around with. You accept me as I am, at face value, or don't, but games will no longer be tolerated.

With parting lines, the voice showcases that this is how it is, and you will miss the point, however, this IS the point. You made your choice, so be it.

I liked how we could see where the voice of the poem is tortured, wanting to harbor the same feelings. Wanting trust and friendship to remain, and yet, realizing, that it simply can not be.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of The Winner  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

The Sun SmilesOn Small Valley

*Leaf* It is always a pleasure to stop by and review the work of a friend. I am stopping in today however, due to the fact you won a prize at the above mentioned raffle. It was a grand birthday celebration, and I have found myself swamped in delivering the prizes. Please forgive the brief delay in executing the final distribution of the three reviews you won.

*LeafBr* It isn't easy writing fifty five words, all different, and in so doing, create a comprehensive short story that is worthy of mention. You have attempted to do just that with this great little tale. It captures a special memory in time for a young lad.

*LeafG* The only word repeated is the young man's name, John. I think that this could be remedied by altering it to MR. Abbey. This would show familiarity with the judges, as if this was a home debate competition, and also eliminate the one repeated word.

*LeafO* Congratulations on winning second place with this entry. I really enjoy the way I view this as a memory. Do you think we all recall memories like this? Small tidbits of emotion and energy that can be called up with a short picture and description? That is what this reminds me of.

*LeafR* I didn't notice any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. This is well written, and worthy of the status it received in the contest.

*LeafY* Overall, a wonderful entry. The rules and regulations of the contest were followed rather well. The emotion of the moment is captured with great detail for something so short. Great job!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

The Sun SmilesOn Small Valley

*Leaf* It is always a pleasure to stop by and review the work of a friend. I am stopping in today however, due to the fact you won a prize at the above mentioned raffle. It was a grand birthday celebration, and I have found myself swamped in delivering the prizes. Please forgive the brief delay in executing the final distribution of the three reviews you won.

*LeafBr* Upon seeing this activity, I was excited and filled with a surge of energy, until I got down to the forum, and noticed that this has been closed for about a year now. I find myself wondering if this will be re-opened, and which story I would like to share. This looked as if it was a fun filled room, with many stories to make you laugh.

*LeafG* Due to, well possibly, the fact that this is a closed forum, there are a few broken links. If that was cleaned up a bit, and then this was re-opened, what a joy this place could bring.
 Practicing the Laughing Stuff  (18+)
An Exercise for Comedic Stories.
#702501 by The Sun SmilesOn Small Valley

*LeafO* Though this is currently closed, I got a good couple of smiles, reading back through some of the submissions. *Wink* If time constraints aren't an issue, are you considering opening this up again? If not, will you? Please get back to me on this issue. I am genuinely interested.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)


*Leaf* It is always a pleasure to stop by and review the work of a friend. I am stopping in today however, due to the fact you won a prize at the above mentioned raffle. It was a grand birthday celebration, and I have found myself swamped in delivering the prizes. Please forgive the brief delay in executing the final distribution of the reviews you won. This will be review four of five.

*LeafBr* I have read this several times in the past, and still passed it up for review. I don't know why I was hesitant back then to review this for you, it is an honest insight into you and your past dealings with this site. It gives a grand introduction into how you found this community, and sustained your love for writing through various resources.

*LeafG* I think it very inventive the way you were able to use bottle caps to pay for computer time. That must have saved you quite a bit. Sometimes when we have fewer resources, we can come up with creative and inventive ways to find a way to reach our goals. It looks to me like you are someone who knows how to do just that. When you set your mind to something, you can achieve amazing things.

*LeafO* With a word count added at the bottom, I would almost hazard to guess that this was originally written for a contest.

*LeafR* I like the vivid picture of excitement you create when telling the story. I think the ending sums up how you felt..."magical Autumn"...what a pleasant way to describe a memory.

*LeafY* Overall, this is well written. The grammar, spelling and punctuation appears to be in order. The events are sequenced so the reader can follow the timeline with ease of navigation, and the ending sums up the story quite well.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of FOREVER  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]♥♥♥♥♥
A signature for Jenny, love Riot.


Simple Dykie

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing. I will be reviewing "FOREVER for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this poem. Remember, I am but the reader, the poem is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*Burstp*~towards~ represents directional movement or action of time. In speech many people like to take the action words and give them an added syllable "s" to help propel them forward. Already being a word of action, this effort is unnecessary and leads to creating a slang term. This terminology then transfers into our writing. Now, if the piece of writing already contains slang terminology throughout the piece, then this would be acceptable, if not, then I would alter the word to the proper form, as I suggest with this instance. This also happens with forward, afterward, inward, downward, backward, outward, and beside, to name a few. The exception to this is that the British do add the "s" and in so doing are correct for their proper language. So if this is a British writing, then please disregard the comments as coming from this ignorant American *Wink*. As more time goes on, words like this are creeping into the dictionaries. On a recent online search I have found varying definitions and acceptance of this usage.

*Burstg*I have found in reading, that if there is too much extra spacing between paragraphs, the eye begins to wander. At least one space between paragraphs is necessary in order to allow an eye break for the reader, however, much more than that becomes a distraction.

*Burstr* I found this to be a very thought provoking piece. A machine left behind to watch, learn study. Is it a tree, what does it look like. This is never given to the reader, it is left to their imagination. The story is that of the conscious state of this machine, and it retelling its mission here, and what it has learned.

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that, this is well written and thought out. It reflects on life and death, as well as the after life concept. It is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, to the best that I could tell. The story is thought provoking and makes one stop to ponder the world we live in and what it means to live.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Home  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
whome designed


*LeafBr* With tears in my eyes, and mixed emotion, I read and re-read this story. A beautiful piece on friendship and family that will tear at the heartstrings and give some time for pause. I can leave this story, and come back, yet it sticks with me. This is heartache. This is love. This is family.

*LeafG* This story is very well written. It shows great attention to detail as if the author is merely writing down events as they occur.

Home  (ASR)
Lunch with a forgotten stranger (entry for 2/10/09 Writer's Cramp)
#1526996 by Writer_Mike

*LeafO* I had no difficulty in reading the story. The grammar, spelling and punctuation were all in order. The only problem came, when reading the end, choking over the large lump in my throat at the final sentence.

*LeafR* This touched a personal chord with me. Having watched both grandparents suffer through similar situations, this brought back many painful memories.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Jesus  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
WhoMe??? Designed


*LeafBr* You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*LeafG* First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on the input of others.

 Jesus  (ASR)
My love song to the One who saved me from myself and loves me to the end
#188159 by Stallion

*LeafO* A beautiful song. I tried not to reference the lyrics, with the melody you provided. I wanted the song to stand on its own and not the music of another. Well, that is how I read it the first couple of times. Then, since I can't carry a tune myself without the actual music, I had to go find the music, without the lyrics. However, to get the words in the right place, I had to listen to the original a few times. So you can see, you have kept me busy this morning. After all, it is only a little after 2 am. ( I did all of this earlier, before work, and hadn't sent the review yet)*Wink*

*LeafY* A religious tune with a great message. Finding your way in life, is better than wandering aimless and without purpose. This is a pretty tune that puts thanks and praise where it belongs.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Your Today  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
whome designed


*LeafBr* You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*LeafG* First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on the input of others.

Your Today  (E)
Living each day by seeing the small things that mean so much to life.
#1806399 by Cairylee

*LeafO* I have seen many variations on this concept of a poem, and I must say that this one is rather good. The voice of the poem takes on the task of divining to us, as to why we should live for today, and how today is a present, a gift to us. To me, this poem is not original in concept, it is original in delivery, and I like that. It expands on

*LeafR* ~Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is necessary for this piece. Though without it, the message is still there, it just isn't as strong. The ending verse punctuation is good and consistent, however, I feel added punctuation would behoove the poem.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from additional punctuation.

*LeafY* Overall this is a great poem. The message is delivered with a new twist and puts a different spin on the picture. The rhyming is spot on, with great cadence. Keep up the wonderful work.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Covered Trails  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
WhoMe??? Designed


*LeafBr* You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*LeafG* First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on the input of others.

 Covered Trails  (E)
Classic love poem for all kinds of love of all ages.
#1808023 by silvermoon14

*LeafO* An uplifting poem of love and caring between two people, this rhyming delight put a smile upon my face. I must agree that the subtitle does say it well, when it states that this poem will transcend time.

*LeafR* If destiny, is your fate, then what happens to free will? This is just a thought that comes to mind. Something many will and have debated. This poem makes me think of this, in the end. Who determines we are meant to be? What if we disagree? The terminology is used so often without much thought. Sorry...off on a tangent...caffeine added, back to the review...

*LeafY* The message I get is that undying love is declared in this poem (I rhyme, to carve the path home to me)The voice of the poem is so bold as to display their love in ink on paper for all time and eternity and witness. The proclamations and declarations given are bold and strong, giving off the impression that the recipient may be the weaker of the two, perhaps the more emotional.

*Leaf*Overall this is a well written piece. It brought subject to hand for debate, as well as declared love for the ages. A great piece of rhythm and rhyme that rang true in cadence throughout.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of The Dialogue 500  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Jay's debut novel is out now!

*Leaf* Here is another example of a wonderful activity. Though not the originating leader or host of this page, you have given credit both to the person who began this, and the person who then passed the torch on to you. Another activity with longevity and great participation.

*LeafBr* I like the way this starts out with some humor and whit. There is great character in the voice used for the beginning of the rules and regulations. This shows talent and spunk.

*LeafG* As far a delivery, or linking regulations go, what about pony express? You didn't rule that one out. Now if I could just find a rider to deliver that....hmmm...

On a more serious note, I commend you for posting a way for those unschooled in the process, to learn how to link their item for entry.

*LeafO*under the subheading of OTHER THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND
~towards~ represents directional movement or action of time. In speech many people like to take the action words and give them an added syllable "s" to help propel them forward. Already being a word of action, this effort is unnecessary and leads to creating a slang term. This terminology then transfers into our writing. Now, if the piece of writing already contains slang terminology throughout the piece, then this would be acceptable, if not, then I would alter the word to the proper form, as I suggest with this instance. This also happens with forward, afterward, inward, downward, backward, outward, and beside, to name a few. The exception to this is that the British do add the "s" and in so doing are correct for their proper language. So if this is a British writing, then please disregard the comments as coming from this ignorant American *Wink*. On a side note, I have come across many who either disagree or agree with this line of thinking, to about a 50/50 viewpoint. I have come across dictionaries online that do now say that TOWARDS is also acceptable, your choice, this is merely a comment...

on a side note, have you noticed more and more slang terminology creeping into the dictionary? Or maybe, just online dictionaries...another thought to ponder...

*LeafR* The rules and regulations are easy to follow. Though, I will say there is a lot of red bold and I found that a bit detracting, just my taste though. I was wondering if you had considered guest judging?

*LeafY* Overall this is a wonderful activity. It continues to prosper with entrants many years after its inception. The prompts continue to flow and the awards and rewards of both writing and recognition are forthcoming. This latest round alone, I saw 8 contestants, though at least two were already disqualified, if only because of the post heading, it didn't read ENTRY, as specified. I noticed the group funds were a bit low, so I will stop in and make a small contribution to help along, if only for another round or two. I wish I could do more, but at the moment, well lets just say I wish I could.(membership renewal and all).

Keep up the great work. I will be checking in from time to time.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Jay's debut novel is out now!

*Leaf* Hello dear friend. I want to first THANK YOU, for the recognition above. It was very humbling and pleasing. It isn't very often that I drop in to review an item, only to find my name or handle mentioned somewhere on the page. It was a surprise and made me smile, something very appreciated.

*LeafBr* I am dropping in today to fulfill a package obligation of which I donated to the above mentioned auction. I apologize for the delay in doing so, real life stepped in and robbed me of my time, enthusiasm, and desire to communicate, especially through reviewing. I have made a quick recovery from that hectic month, and am back in full swing. Though it is no excuse, it is the truth, and you deserve an explanation for the lack in expedition of your promptly paid prize package won.

About that package, you have won the following:

2 reviews
a merit badge
a mystery sig

This is the first of two reviews. I hope you find them encouraging and helpful, if only to see whether or not I liked your activity.

*LeafG* Starting with the banner of choice for this wonderful activity, I must say that the image itself is a huge representation and example of what to expect from this in and out. Using three word phrases in conjunction with a few images, all in black silhouette, the image tells about the activity with great creativity.

*LeafO* The founding notation is a huge marker of the success of this activity. It deserves a color or symbol all of its own. I would suggest centering this under the image, bold and in a purple or green, to offset it from entry rules and regulations.

*LeafR* The rules and regulations are clear and concise. (It has taken me many, many, many reviews to get that word spelled right on the first try...c o n c i s e...all without word check *Smile* The layout of the activity is easy to read and the display is appealing to the eye.

*LeafY* Overall I am pleased to say this is a great activity. Sadly enough, I am not sure I have ever participated, and will remedy that in a moment. This looks to be fun, and obviously from the longevity of it, many others agree.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
whome designed

~A.J. Lyle~

It is with great pleasure I come to your port for a few reviews. You may have noticed a couple of other items popped up in your email today, and wondered why. I am here to fulfill a package for you that you won at
"Invalid Item.

Package #3
3 reviews
a merit badge
a mystery sig
an awardicon

Imagine my surprise, when I stopped by to visit this morning, and found this new activity fresh and ripe for reviewing. Created just a few days ago, this is something that many have not seen yet. I hope this public review brings you many participants.

*Vine2**Leaf**Vine1*Leading off with a warm sig has a header, created by kiyasama,
Newbie Welcome Wagon  (ASR)
Do You Enjoy Reviewing NEW Members to Welcome Them to WdC? Earn Goodies for Your Reviews!
#1814944 by River

starts off with a bright image that is inviting and welcoming. I would say this image compliments both the message and the spirit of this activity.

*Vine1**Leafo**Vine2*A variety of color is sparsely used to showcase key elements of this activity. The color highlights areas of interest and importance, making this an easy forum to navigate and explore.

*Vine2**Leaf**Vine1*Though sponsored by a group, no group membership is required in order to participate in the reviewing activities. Many will find the joy in an activity that is open to the public in just this manner.

*Vine1**Leafo**Vine2*To encourage and support those who make reviews for newbies, this activity is set up to recognize them for their deeds. With review recognition, GPs and other goodies to earn, through reviewing, this looks to be a fun activity.

*Vine2**Leaf**Vine1*Overall, I found this to be a great new activity. Fresh off the press, this is clean, clear and concise, with easy navigation, making it a cinch for newcomers to navigate, as well as veterans.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Bright Eyes  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo*
leader sig for sp and tuws


*Burstg*As the winner for the package I donated, you will be receiving 2 reviews, a gift certificate to my shop, and a merit badge. I am excited to get started. There are so many great authors whom I have not really had the time to review, simply because I am off participating in some other activity at the time. I am glad to have this chance, in care of "Invalid Item , to stop by and do a review for you.

Bright Eyes  (E)
Those big brown eyes captivate, fascinate.
#1814601 by jaya

*Bursto*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstg*I must admit, from the opening of this poem, I knew the topic of this was either a puppy or a baby. Who else would have those adoring brown eyes you can't say no to? The tip off was the ANGELIC eyes...couldn't be a pup, too much mischief there.

*Bursto*I found this poem to be very descriptive. A clear and concise image was painted, creating a tapestry of love.

*Burstg* The grammar, spelling and punctuation all appear to be in order.

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that this is well written and a great accomplishment in writing.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
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