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Review of Black pelican  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Reviewed by WhoMe???

~ A very good poem, metaphoric and with great imagery. The only comment I could find to help with this would be on punctuation. Overall this is a great poem, however I felt punctuation would benefit this piece. Other than that, the spelling, grammar, are all in order.

~Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is necessary for this piece. Though without it, the message is still there, it just isn't as strong.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from punctuation.
Review of I know that house  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Simply Positive WhoMe???

Beautiful memories are shared. The punctuation is not quite consistent, though it does help with what is there. the commas add to the pace and flow. This is a wonderful piece of poetry. I liked the imagery created. I could find no error with this poem. A few words give away the fact that this is written in a different country from me, due to the spelling. Nothing wrong with that.

This was a very good poem.
Review of My Psalm  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Simply Positive WhoMe???

Needing something to do while he took a shower...I didn't want to run water for the dishes...I thought I would drop a quick review or two. Upon this decision, I opened scroll and saw you lurking about. You mentioned a nap, and not wanting to fall asleep in scroll while lurking, so I figured you would be a good candidate for a quick drive by review.

I read this and found it free of flaw. This is written from the heart and with great reverence. A nice artistic piece, that left me wondering if you were a gardener, due to some of your word choices.

Keep Writing.
Review of Regret  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Roxie Designed

This is one of the most steamy, hot filled poetic pieces I have read. For some reason, reading between the lines, I was able to discern a whole relationship in such a short piece. This fact, or fiction, filled piece left me with the feeling that there could be a future for the two, if only other sacrifices were to be made.

The decision to abstain was a mutual one, and now the mutual feelings of regret or WHAT IF now kick in. I see this as a reflection back on the whole and not concentrating on the one fact.

This is a tale that had me smiling all the while wondering...WHAT IF
Review of True Love  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Reviewed by WhoMe???

Dear HarryPotter ,
I will be reviewing "True Love for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this poem. Remember, I am but the reader, the poem is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How did I come across your piece?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
I saw you in scroll speaking of someone abusing the auto reward system and came to see what they had read. The points weren't what I was after, and I thought I could offer you, I hope, the type of review you were looking for.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
True love, a concept to be described much like the scent of a rose, as selective as the person making the description and unique to each person. The title with the cry for help left me wondering whether someone needed help with the poem, or if that was part of the story and allure of the piece up for review.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the main protagonist?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
The voice of the poem is wrapped in a cocoon of love and tranquility. It drips from each and every syllable of the poem.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*What impact do the secondary characters have?*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
The second character is the recipient of the affection. The shared emotion is what keeps the fires burning.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
I feel the pace of the poem is too fast. It could be slowed down by breaking this into many verses with a space in between each. I see this as about four separate verses for this poem.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
With the opening line I was disappointed. When one thinks of sinking, they don't think of sinking out. If you sink in, how do you sink out...you can't though I get what you are trying to say, the opening line is week and therefore you have already lost your audience. Sink is to fall, thus you need a rise. I would suggest perhaps reworking the first verse (yes first, since I also think this would be better represented split into several verses).

The rise and fall of your chest,
as we breath in unison,
your body wrapped in mine,
pulling me deeper into your grasp.

Your chest sinks in and out,
As we breathe in unison.
Your body wrapped up in mine,
Pulling me deeper into your grasp.

*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*My overall thoughts:*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*Overall this is a decent poem, however I feel that the emotion isn't properly conveyed due to the listed items above. A lot gets lost due to word choice and overcrowding. Draw out the emotion by elongating the poem.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of It's A Girl!!!!!  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Signature tag for whome???
A wonderful forum full of great friends all delivering a special message of love to be spread through your family at this joyous time. With a sweet poem to grace the page of Sheridan's welcome home party, the celebration is well deserved and welcomed. It is always great to see such support and friendship all coming together during times like these.

It has been a few years now since the inception of this forum. Sherridan is growing big and may one day come visit this sweet page. What a memory this will be for you.
Review of Interactive Art  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Simply Positive WhoMe???

I am coming to you with a review, being directed here by our wonderful leader of "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers. This item as well as four others from different new authors has been selected for review by our group members. I hope you enjoy the reviews and find them useful.

I really enjoyed this story. this short piece, written for a prompt kept my attention through to the end. I was surprised at the outcome. Not what I expected for the ending. I like surprise endings, and this one delivered with ease.

"Interactive Art Is a short story that I would recommend to others. The mystery and intrigue will capture your attention and hold you strong through to the end.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Signature tag for whome???

Going down the page, it is harder and harder to find anything in your port I have not already read. Time to get you back into writing. I simply adore these pictures. The babies have grown since then, and here we see a glimpse of their innocence and youth, forever captured in time. You should write a poem to go with each picture...that should keep you busy.

Landon, oldest of them all,
watches so the others don't fall.
Silently gazing from the floor,
wanting the babies to play some more.

Time will come
and they will play.
The silence saved
for another day.

Love ya big sis
Review of SECRET PATH  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A signature for Jenny, with love from Riot.

I will be reviewing "SECRET PATH for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this poem. Remember, I am but the reader, the poem is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How did I come across your piece?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
Well, I came by, because you had won some reviews in an auction I held a while back, and in going down the line, yours was up next. I must say though, it took me quite a while to find something of yours I have not reviewed yet. It took so long that it became time for bed, and I had to leave the computer on so as not to lose the item.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
I never envisioned the type of path being traveled from the title. Though, the title does compliment the poem. I imagined, originally, a path through a garden.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the main protagonist?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
The main character or voice of the poem has some thinking to do. The secret path is actually a garden in the depths of herself, where nobody can follow. She searches from within for the answers. She is strong, yet we all have a weakness.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*What impact do the secondary characters have?*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
The secondary character is the changing point. It is through his guidance and help that she finds her way back from that slippery slope she was falling down.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
The rhythmical rhyme helped to set a pace that was easy to follow and a joy to read.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
Inner conflict is hard to judge. The resolution is finding the path that best suits the individual and directs them back to a place they can grow and once again become a better person. This can be judged in many ways.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*Thoughts on the ending:*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
Once a certain path has been traveled, you can't go back. Nothing will be the same. Attitude, demeanor, ever human emotion and sense that was felt at the time, will have changed, preventing the same exact experience.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
I could feel the troubled soul as they traveled the path alone. The emotions were of loss and dispair. Finding the answer while on the path, can be related to a light being turned on in a dark dungeon.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*Outstanding questions or issues:*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
None, this is well written and a wonderful piece.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Are there any technical issues I want to query?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
I didn't notice any to comment upon.

*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*My overall thoughts:*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*
This is a wonderful poem. One of which I enjoyed reading many times over. It made the search for this item well worth the time and effort.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Eagle  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A rain puddle for groups!

A most brilliant poem of love and remembrance, this piece brought tears to my eyes. I didn't need punctuation for the voice of the poem to speak to me. It cascaded down the page in sorry and mists as the memories unfolded in rhythmical patterns.

I liked how the story was told through the eyes of another. It gave great meaning and depth to the act that was played out.
Review of Angel  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (4.0)
A rain puddle for groups!

From the best I can gather this is about death and following or being led by an angel to what awaits after. I read this several times over, and whether it was just my mood at each time, or the distraction of so much space in the poem, the deeper meaning eludes me. Perhaps it was the for-mention that there was a hidden message, that ruined it for me, I truly could not say.

I did find the words beautiful. They seemed to roll of the tongue, though they would not whisper the meaning.

Too much spacing in a poem or story can be a distraction. That is the case for me with this poem. Other than that I feel this is well written.
Review of Wake Up Call  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Legerdemain creations

They say, from the mouths of babes, and this short story puts that in use quite well. This is one of those moments when mom and dad are glad that nobody else is around, but hopes that the conversation isn't then brought up again later in front of company.

I found an odd choice of wording in the opening sentence. I am not sure I would consider a young child as sturdy. To me, sturdy, didn't compliment a warm body at all. Also, what does this adjective have to do with the story anyway, other than to lengthen it by one word. I feel you can omit this and the sentence structure becomes a little more sound.

Other than this one little word, I found the rest of the story both humorous and well written. The punctuation, grammar and spelling all appear to be in order.
Review of He Cannot Breathe  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Peek!  It's WhoMe!

A poem of great raw emotion. This wonderfully written piece had my throat constricted tight as I stood by the graveside experiencing this along with the voice. Vividly told, this tale is one that others can relate. Having had a similar encounter and experience, I see the grey of the day accompanied by the smell of fresh dirt so thick that it feels you yourself are suffocating.

In a time such as this, emotions and feelings tend to run in wild directions. To me, what I gained from your experience, was a glimpse at a wonderful poem. The emotion is well describe and the reader is able to feel them and empathize for they become the voice of the poem.
Review of Fate  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Roxie Designed

A wonderful poem of great debate and thought provocation. I think you could draw out the poem and thoughts of the reader by breaking the poem up into several verses and adding punctuation. Here is how I read your poem. No harm intended:

Oh all the things
that could have been,
if only there'd been
a shift in the wind.

All the potential
and possibilities untapped,
because we went right
instead of left.

We wonder of all the greatness
that may have awaited,
or all the great tragedy
we may have abated.

If fate's twisted hand
did not cruelly ordain,
that this is the position
where we must remain.

Though these are your exact words, by adding the punctuation and space to the poem, the reader is forced to think about what is being read. There is length given to the poem, helping to bring the reader along on the journey through life with you, and wonder along with you, about Fate, and the What If's, that could have been.

Overall you have a good poem. I simply think that an altered format such as the one suggested, could improve the experience for the reader. Though, these are my opinions only. You the writer have the ultimate decision...left or right?

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Anything For Love  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
from lonewolfmcq

A wonderful poem on unconditional love. Written in freestyle form, this poem travels the page speaking of a love so intense that all negativity is diminished. Genuine and pure, this is a love many dream of ,but most seldom ever attain. This is well written in a unique three line verse. I feel this poem would be better showcased in a centered format. This helps with the visual stimulation for the reader.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Signature tag for whome???

Having only seen her in two of the films, her role as Eliza is one of my favorites. I was very pleased to have stumbled upon such an interesting fact based sheet on a wonderful actress. She is loved and adored by many still today.

~I liked the different pictures chosen to accompany this piece. A wonderful tribute.

~Will you be updating the fact sheet? Did she marry, is she still alive, did she have children, what about her as a person verses her as an actress? I think these items as well would prove of interest to many readers.

~The poser creation is a good reflection on Audrey.

~Overall some great facts. I learned something today from reading this. Thank you.
Review of To the Death  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
My design for me

Dear Jeff ,
I will be reviewing {item: } for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this poem. Remember, I am but the reader, the poem is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How did I come across your piece?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
After a long night at work, I came home to a wonderful email about the last review. I couldn't help but see the excitement and enthusiasm in your message, concerning items in the Historic District Folder. Well, there were two items, and I had only reviewed one. I still owed you a review, so I cruised around your port a bit and still found myself back here at the beginning. Might as well start where I left off.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
The title encompasses exactly what I expected to find, two enemies facing off. I expected a fierce battle between enemies who knew one another so well that the fight would be interesting and draining for them both. I got exactly what I envisioned. Here there was great action and reaction from both characters. The sequencing was like a dance between partners. Very well executed.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the main protagonist?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
Hayden is our hero. He has braved much and sacrificed even more. Tired beyond exhaustion, he takes on his nemesis as if today they had scheduled a duel to settle their differences. He charges in as if his strength is at full potential and his wounds are healed. His determination and resolve are commendable.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*What impact do the secondary characters have?*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
Reiko is ever as cunning as Hayden. Two rivals couldn't be better matched. Opposites of each other, Reiko is as devious as Hayden is determined. Reiko becomes the thorn that Hayden must remove.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
The action packed story is full of blow to blow physical contact. The movement and action of each character is well placed and easy to follow. The fight sequence is well choreographed and one that is believable due to the circumstances each character brought to the fight.

*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*My overall thoughts:*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*
Overall this is a well told story. A story I would like to see revisited, for I see a book with this one. This story is an easy chapter in the on-going struggle between the two characters. This is well told and kept my attention.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Aftermath  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Birthday Surprise

Dear Jeff ,
I will be reviewing "The Aftermath for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this poem. Remember, I am but the reader, the poem is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How did I come across your piece?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
I am reading this now, because I can't sleep. That is the simple truth of it. After a long day of yardwork, and spending time with Curt, I find myself unable to sleep. Of course, these aren't my usual sleep hours, so that may play a part in it. I came across this piece in searching for something I had not read or rated in your port. You having won two reviews from me in my auction, are probably expecting a review or two by now. So here is one...

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
Before reading the subtext, my initial reaction to this is that there is definitely a battle which took place. Then with further reading this becomes a given. I anticipated something much different. I expected a story of weary hunters relaying their tale of how they finally conquered their enemy, or how the vampires once again found a brief interlude before the next hunters were sent out after them. In place of this, I found a tale of much more depth and sincerity with great emotion and strength. This is a tale of life, and how even the dead can feel.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the main protagonist?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
Kara had isolated and protected herself for so long, that once she did let her guard down, she lost herself in the feelings and emotions that over swept her. Her strength in yearning for that contact, or bond, finally is what in the end became her worst enemy. She let her guard down to once again live, and it became the death of her soul forever.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*What impact do the secondary characters have?*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
I feel David was an integral part of the story. Not only is he the love interest, but he is what breaths life into death. His outlook on life and the relationship they shared are what gave Kara the visions she had once lost. Her feelings and emotions were once more restored to her.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
This short story is well told. The sequencing is right on time with great pace. Everything is revealed as it should be. I didn't have any problems with following along. I could see the easy transition from what just happen, to the retelling of how it happened and why.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
Though question is given to the hunters finding her, it is an afterthought, for David and his demise is forefront and foremost in her mind. Perhaps a parting shot about it not mattering now that David is gone. Life without him is not worth living. Though, in the end, this is what the story says.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*Thoughts on the ending:*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
A great way to show the ending, instead of telling. I feel that the way the end comes about, shows the true bond and the life the two had together. The emotions she found, the life she lived while with him, all came down to nothing without him.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
The emotional depth of the story is well placed and forecast. It is easy to see by the conclusion the depths of emotions running through the story.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*Outstanding questions or issues:*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
Irrelevant, since this is so well written, nothing came up, other than...WOW, WHAT A GREAT STORY!

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Are there any technical issues I want to query?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
The use of but to start sentences is a downer with me, and here are a few of my standard thoughts on the subject...
Starting a sentence with a conjunction, but, or, and , creates an incomplete sentence for the reader. These three words are coordinate conjunctions used to joinsentences or part of sentences that have the same grammatical status. Though the use of conjunctions to start sentences is becoming more of a norm in today's writings, it is still frowned upon in many writing circles. When used with slang terminology, the use of conjunctions to start sentences is a commonality. I have now come across two main circumstances where this happens repeatedly. The first is when the writer is putting to print exactly as they speak, and the other is with addressing or speaking to or for a younger audience.

*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*My overall thoughts:*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*
Overall this is very well written. I loved the story and even read it two more times, simply for fun. Why would I read such a tragic tale three times? Why for the dramatic appeal that is why. The depth of emotions are very well illustrated in action and that is hard to find in many writings.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Signature tag for whome???

With so many beautiful images to choose from, it is hard to pick just one. I found so many delightful goodies I could get to spread cheer and smiles around the community. Having many to choose from at affordable pricing is a bonus to those in need. Thank you.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Birthday Surprise

A beautiful email and webpage set up to brighten the day, and send prayer for a speedy recovery. Who wouldn't want to come home to find this beauty in their port?

I found the colors simply stunning and the graphics a soothing touch. This is a very creative and wonderful tribute.
Review of Beaten Down.  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Birthday Surprise

Dear Tilly Boscott ,
I will be reviewing "Beaten Down. for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this story. Remember, I am but the reader, the story is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How did I come across your piece?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
This is currently listed at "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers"   by Simply Positive as one of the five items up for review by our group members. We hope you receive many helpful reviews on this item.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
My preconceived ideas upon reading the title, were that I would be reading about someone down on their luck. This does not come close to the tragedy I found within the context of the story.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the main protagonist?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
With feelings of being rejected, beat down, and kicked until there is nothing left, the protagonist has become a shell of the person they once were. Hope has been given up and there is nothing left as far as this main character can see.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*What impact do the secondary characters have?*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
The secondary character is the one who has caused the protagonist to suffer. This character is the instigator of the emotions now running rampant.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
I feel that so much is in this short piece, releasing such strong emotions that the steam and anguish are let out in a WHOOSH at the end. It is like a steam engine that comes barreling in and does not slow down as it enters town. Get out of its way or be crushed.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
The emotion and imagery are well defined. We get a clear picture on what is going on. The ending was quite shocking and not what I was expecting. I did imagine that she would overcome in some way, though many do give up hope in these instances.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*Outstanding questions or issues:*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
Often, before the person gives up hope, a timeline of repetition would have been established. Somehow listing that after many years, this is where she is today and how she feels. The only timeline we have is it has been over a week. I feel a bit more time would be needed to break someone to this degree, thought I could be wrong. It depends on the strength of the person to begin with.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Are there any technical issues I want to query?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
~I would end the sentence with the word nasty and start a new sentence for the question.
~Points To Ponder:
Starting a sentence with a conjunction, but, or, and , creates an incomplete sentence for the reader. These three words are coordinate conjunctions used to joinsentences or part of sentences that have the same grammatical status. Though the use of conjunctions to start sentences is becoming more of a norm in today's writings, it is still frowned upon in many writing circles. When used with slang terminology, the use of conjunctions to start sentences is a commonality. I have now come across two main circumstances where this happens repeatedly. The first is when the writer is putting to print exactly as they speak, and the other is with addressing or speaking to or for a younger audience.

*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*My overall thoughts:*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*
Overall, this is well written. It should have a timeline to represent a struggle for power over her selfworth....as in...it has been over a year ,,,,ten years,,,etc....
Other than that I liked the way so much was fit into this tragic tale.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Poisoned Words  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Birthday Surprise

Dear Captain Carousel ,
I will be reviewing "Poisoned Words for you today. I hope you can gather some useful information from the review, even if it is just to find out whether or not I enjoyed reading this poem. Remember, I am but the reader, the poem is yours and you alone can decide if anything should be altered. I can merely offer my advice and opinions on what I am reading. My intentions are pure, to never do harm, only offer my opinions and views on what I am reading.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How did I come across your piece?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
"Invalid Item sent out an email and link, and for the first time ever, I am responding in kind by reviewing the items listed, or at least will attempt to. I have started with your review, and we will see where time directs me from there.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
The actual title grabbed my attention. I envisioned a letter of venom and hate from an ex-lover or spouse, that is, until I read the subtext. The subtext says it all. The tabloids and the rumors and gossip they spill full of half-truths and distorted views on the life of someone they do not know personally. This gave me a clear picture on what to expect.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*How do I feel about the main protagonist?*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
So is the main protagonist those who buy the tabloids and read them, or those that fuel the tabloids, like the paparazzi? This gave me something to contemplate and think about.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
To me the resolution is to not buy or view the magazines. Without readers, there is no revenue. It would take a mass movement of people doing this, but it is possible. Unfortunately too many read this junk.

*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*Thoughts on the ending:*Vine2**Flowerb**Vine1*
We do need a new hero in today's society. Someone or something to put our backing into. We need a goal as a nation, or idea to fall behind. Something to unite us once again. These are the thoughts that this poem put into me.

*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*
Each verse is composed of alternating couplets which compliment each other without seeming forced or inappropriate for the subject matter.

*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*My overall thoughts:*Vine2**Suitheart**Vine1*
Overall, I feel this is a wonderful poem. It is thought provoking and well written.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Wishing you a wonderful day, full of sunshine and warm smiles with hugs*Vine2**Flowerv**Vine1*

Legerdemain creations
Written in a color to help stay within the Halloween Celebration, this orange piece reveals the inner joy felt when Halloween comes along. This focuses on the joy of others and represents well the inner you.

Someone who finds the joy in others happiness is truly someone who is big hearted.
Review of WHY I LOVE WDC  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
my creation

Some great imagery and dedication to some wonderful people in this vast community. This is a tribute as to some of the select reasons you frequent this site.

Written years ago, this list puts members actual names and therefore is free of broken links.

A sweet tribute. Spoken from the heart.
Review of Dark Spaces  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
My first creation

After reading this, I need a bit of time out and solitude. Yes, sometimes we lash out without thinking of the consequences of what we are saying, or well, without thinking at all. Words are painful at times, and I fear this is one of those times. Let me rethink that thought. I had to stop and re-read this a few times, as all great poetry should be read three or four times.

This isn't about the harsh words as a catalyst. This is a tale of the words as an entity awaiting the greatest opportunity to strike.

This is a well written poem. I found it thought provoking and mood setting. I had to step back and analyze what I was reading and my reaction to it.

Very creative and well done.
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