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Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo*

Signature tag for whome???

Rose Miavirre

*Confettibl*As one of the winners at the "WDC Birthday Ice Cream Social 2018, you have selected to redeem your points for a prize. Having chosen my package from "Flavor of the Day~Prizes & Scores , it is my pleasure to stop in and give you :

*Confettio*First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on input of others.

*Confettibl*Living in Washington state myself, I see this bond forming with this story. The rain does effect many people. Often times, it is brushed aside as lack of vitaminD. The depressive state many get into with the day after day grey skies does seem to have a contagious effect. I like how the story mirrors this part of reality.

*Confettio* I found this to be an interesting read. The grammar, spelling and punctuation all appear to be in order. The believability is about an eight on a scale of one to ten. The character actions and motivations seem to be pure and coincide with the storyline quite well.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo**Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo*
*Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo* *Poseyo* *Tulipo*

Simply Positive!

My Real Life

*Confettibl*You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.
 An introduction of sorts  (E)
In which I introduce what this is all about.
#1812277 by My Real Life

*Confettio*First of all, let me Thank You, for allowing us to review your work. Remember that reviews are the opinions of those reading, and ultimately, the choice is yours on whether or not you choose to alter your item based on input of others.

*Confettibl* With so many members coming and going from the site, by this article alone, it is hard to determine who you are or would have been. Apparently you had an original account, hopefully no longer active since you have this one, and we get to try to figure out who you were. A prize has been offered to the first one who guesses who you were by your previous account. Is this set up as an in and out somewhere in your port? Or does the person guessing simply email you?

*Confettio*You have selected a title to be known as, Prophet, yet this isn't your handle, or user account name. I find myself curious as to how people will come to know you by this name.

*Confettibl* A small hint is given about your identity, but only so far as to tell us where you live. Nice little accent added at the end *Wink*

*Confettio* Overall, I feel that, this is an introduction of sorts to a journal. This should prove to hold some interesting tales. I look forward to reading more from this port and author.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Simply Positive!

Itchy Water~fictionandverse

*Burstb*You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp*Written with an alternate rhyming scheme, this fun filled poem delivers a message and tells a story. With the exception of the third and fourth verse, all rhyming couples were a direct hit. With these two verses, appearing in the middle of the poem, it could be just a stretch is enough to make the poem work. Now this was not troubling or difficult to understand due to this, it just made me stop later to review it. Most likely this was done deliberately.

*Burstr* ~Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is necessary for this piece. Though without it, the message is still there, it just isn't as strong.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from punctuation.

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that, this is a well written poem.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Signature tag for whome???

Summer Wind is Healing

*Burstb*You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.
You Poetry Reviewers  (13+)
A Satire For People Who Take Poetry Reviewers too Seriously
#1804470 by Summer Wind is Healing

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp*The first thing that I noticed, was that this is a free-style piece, poking fun at those who review poetry with a fine tooth comb, and those who take the reviews so seriously.

*Burstg*I got a good laugh and smile out of reading this poem. I could see this happening over and over. It has been discussed many times too, in open forums.

*Burstr* Using punctuation to guide the reader along, this poem cascades down the page reprimanding those that stop in to review poetry as if they know everything there is to know on how the author wishes to portray the thoughts and images.

*Bursto* Remember, poetry is to interpretation, and we all see our own vision.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Mystery Meat  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Signature tag for whome???

Eli Crow

*Burstb*You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp*The first thing that stuck out was the run-on sentence to open this short static item. The more I read it though, the more it seemed to fit in with the style this is written in. It is as if the words come out jumbled and in a hurry, because the host of the words is too busy to stop, they have other things on the mind.

*Burstg*Though I neither liked, nor disliked any particular piece, the Donnor like actions are well placed in the italics to offset it from the story, and I liked how that was displayed. It showed that there was more going on than the eye could see. This was a good tool for delivering the punch.

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that this is a well written piece. For the length of it, I didn't notice any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors that needed addressed. There was one grammar issue, but with reading and re-reading this, it fit as it was with the piece, as if being used as dialect.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
leader sig for sp and tuws

Beck Firing back up!

*Burstb*As one of the winners for a review package. I get to stop by and visit my friends. When you review for groups and are entered into so much, you often spread yourself thin, and friends sometimes get neglected. It sometimes gets taken for granted, that they have stuff in their ports too that need reviewing. I am glad for the opportunity to stop in and read your poetry on behalf of "Invalid Item

The Problem with Grocery Shopping  (E)
My observations that certain people do not know the "rules" of grocery shopping.
#1377381 by Beck Firing back up!

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp*I chose this item to review, for the title. Working in the retail business at a rather large grocery chain, and having done so as a career for over 20 years, I was curious at what this article would entail. Needless to say, I found myself laughing and agreeing with the technical advice being given this customer.

*Burstg*I did find that this should apply now to also, the younger shoppers, who just don't care. Not all young shoppers, just the ones with the entitlement attitude. You know, the one where everything should be given to them as a free pass, they have the right away because they are who they are, type attitudes.

Upon reading this fun and informative piece, I found myself wondering if a follow up article would be seen. I think I would enjoy that.

*Burstr* The only error I found, was a small technical one:
~(even though ithey shouldn’t)...an extra letter jumped in for the ride.

Other than that one small instance, all other grammar, spelling, punctuation and comprehensive integrity, are intact.

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that, this was well written. Not only did I get a good laugh, but I felt the instructions were sincere, and good ones to follow.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
leader sig for sp and tuws

Beck Firing back up!

*Burstb*As one of the winners for a review package. I get to stop by and visit my friends. When you review for groups and are entered into so much, you often spread yourself thin, and friends sometimes get neglected. It sometimes gets taken for granted, that they have stuff in their ports too that need reviewing. I am glad for the opportunity to stop in and read your poetry on behalf of "Invalid Item

 Beck's Thinking of You Shop  (E)
Thinking of someone and want to let them know it? Check out this shop!
#1472832 by Beck Firing back up!

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp*I chose this shop, so that I could do a public review on it, and hopefully draw some more attention to it. So many times, people find one shop, and seldom look for another. By adding a link to the shop in this review, I hope to draw some new business your way.

*Burstg*What I liked about this shop is that each image is a total new idea. Though they all represent a thank you, there is such variety in each form, that either male or female could use this shop and walk away fulfilled.

*Burstr* The prices are reasonable. Put together so that there is group pricing instead of individual pricing, this shop is very affordable, with great workmanship.

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that, this is a nice shop the deserves more attention. I hope this review brings more your way. The images are nice and unique, combined with affordability. Great job!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of RAIN  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Signature tag for whome???

Short and sweet, this wonderful poem follows the format, as listed with the poem, to the letter. Delivering an outlook to the future, this short three lined, 11 word poem shows an optimistic look to the future.

Some may read this and think that tomorrow can't be better than today. Others will see this as a great day, and tomorrow can only be better. With poetry such as this, I think the image is basically up to the reader and their frame of mind at the moment.

Overall this poem fits the format. Punctuation and spelling are in order. The image created is simple, and yet, left up to the imagination. Quite the clever piece.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Suitheart**Suitheart**Suitheart* A Review For You in connection with "WDC Birthday Ice Cream Social 2018 [E]*Suitheart**Suitheart**Suitheart*
A signature for Jenny, love Riot.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)


Itchy Water~fictionandverse

*Burstb*You have been selected for review by me, due to your participation and point redemption at the Ice Cream Social Event. I have already posted the raffle tickets you won and am now on to the two reviews. The sigs will have to wait until I hear back from you, or until I have a bit of time today to nose around your port. I want to find something both suitable and enjoyable, for you. I hope you find the review useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing. Thank you for taking the time to create this contest.

*Burstp*So, I have now reviewed this item three times...and lost it due to chrome not finding the website issues...so here goes a fourth...I will save more often *Wink*

One of the first things that come to mind, is that this was created back in June, before the release of the added emoticons. With so many new choices, I found myself wondering if the umbrellas would remain, or be replaced with flowers?

*Burstg*One of the most interesting things I find with this contest, is the judging criteria. Allowing for freedom of form, this contest will judge you, not only on grammar, punctuation, and prompt usage, but also on the style you choose and how you use it. What I mean to say is that if you choose Haiku, your poem will be judged on whether or not you follow the rules of the form, or if you take certain liberties. Many contests do not take this in to consideration.

*Burstb*Being a daily contest, this puts a lot of work on the host of the item. Assistant judges are welcome, and encouraged to step forward.

The rules are well lain out. The imagery is calm, and yet enticing. I find this contest a welcome atmosphere of excitement.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Dear Gretel  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)

Simply Positive!

A.S. Hendra [Job-Searching]

*Burstb*You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp*The opening paragraph reads true and well. It is only when we, the reader, get to the second paragraph, that the wording begins to dance around and jumble with the thought of the sentence.

~opening sentence second paragraph...how could Gretel see???as in "as you can see..."
~"lots of lots of the others"...a little repetitive. How about" there are a lot of others here".
~"a thenew home'...
~how does one obtain new relatives, other than through marriage? If this is the case, should the significant other also be mentioned?
~last line of the second paragraph...or so I hope...either they make you feel, or they don't ...I would suggest...instead of the last four words, change them to " or maybe it is my imagination."...just a thought...

~Things aren't the same without...word in bold is missing from the sentence...
~exaggerating exaggerate ...
~holds me back....omit the "s"...

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that, this is an interesting read. There are several errors that need addressed. That, or if these technical issues are meant to be in the letter, a subtext after the writing, explaining this, would be beneficial to reviewers.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of June 3--Waiting  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)

Simply Positive!

Nikola~Ugh Summer!

*Burstb*You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Review Forum . That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp* I see this as the opening to a book. We now know a bit of background, lets see where this adventure will lead. Will Dana run off with Bobby Joe? Or will his music be enough for now to take her on a magic carpet ride.

*Burstr* The spelling, punctuation, and grammar, all appear to be in order. This is well written and detailed in such a way that we have a nice background piece with which the novel opens.

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that, this is a great introduction to a novel. One can't help but feel they are off on an adventure as the doors to the center are opened.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Road Trip  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥
A signature for Jenny, with love from Riot.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)


Sandy B.

*Burstb*You have been selected for review by me, due to your entry into "Invalid Item. I have been asked to help out in judging this round. I hope you find the review useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing. Thank you for taking the time to enter the contest.

*Burstp*This is a wonderful poem of rhyming clarity. Imagery of a memorable family trip is brought to life with this fantastic poem. I liked how the punctuation added proper pause for reflection, for the reader. A great piece of artistry.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥
A signature for Jenny, love Riot.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)


Sandy B.

*Burstb*You have been selected for review by me, due to your entry into "Invalid Item. I have been asked to help out in judging this round. I hope you find the review useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing. Thank you for taking the time to enter the contest.

*Burstp*One of the first things I noticed about this quaint story, is the added and extra spacing. I found this distracting and left it hard for me to focus on the story alone. My eyes wanted to wander...I would suggest tightening it up so only one space was between paragraphs. This keeps the reader focused on the story.

The story is a cute reflection. It jumped around too much for me though. It starts out talking of red desert, and jumps into lush creek beds...there is no transition, and it didn't fit for me.

*Burstg*A few places I found that could use another look over...

~patiently[for] waiting their turn...
~In the distance[,] stood two hills...
~she could not bare bear to stay...
~Finally[,] they reached...
~and gnarled[,] and crooked...
~touched the bottom[,] even...
~Their strength as they hit the ...[their doesn't work to describe the falls...substitute something along the lines of The strength of the falls...]
~Eventually[,] it was time to...

*Burstb*~towards~ represents directional movement or action of time. In speech many people like to take the action words and give them an added syllable "s" to help propel them forward. Already being a word of action, this effort is unnecessary and leads to creating a slang term. This terminology then transfers into our writing. Now, if the piece of writing already contains slang terminology throughout the piece, then this would be acceptable, if not, then I would alter the word to the proper form, as I suggest with this instance. This also happens with forward, afterward, inward, downward, backward, outward, and beside, to name a few. The exception to this is that the British do add the "s" and in so doing are correct for their proper language. So if this is a British writing, then please disregard the comments as coming from this ignorant American

*Burstgr*Overall, this is a nice story. The imagery created of the family playing at the falls was of a happy moment in time that can be relaxing and memorable.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Simply Positive!

Summer Wind is Healing

*Burstb*You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers. That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp*~Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is necessary for this piece. Though without it, the message is still there, it just isn't as strong.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from punctuation, if only in the aspect of directing the reader on pause for dramatic effect.

*Burstg*A sad tale of unrequited love. Great imagery is detailed through the metaphors.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of White Twilight  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (3.5)

Simply Positive!

*Burstb*You have been selected as one of the lucky authors to be spotlighted at "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers. That means that this week, many of our group members will be by your port to review this item. We hope you find the reviews useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing.

*Burstp*An interesting poem. The vagueness of each verse keeps the reader guessing as to who or what is going on. Making the reader delve into each line and search for the answer as to who and what the poem is about.

*Burstg*With a comma, and then again capitalization in the same line, it reads almost as if someone gave direction to alter the format, and the two became intertwined. The capitalization does not fit the punctuation and is confusing for the reader.

*Burstgr*Toward the ending, there is repetition with the conjunction and. This caused me to pause, interrupting the flow of the poem. I would suggest a comma and omitting the first use.

*Burstr*Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is necessary for this piece. Though without it, the message is still there, it just isn't as strong.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from consistentpunctuation, accompanied by proper capitalization.

*Bursto* Overall, I feel that, this is an intricate poem that is very elusive. It requires much thought and is very demanding of the reader.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of SNOW  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥
To an amazing woman. Love, Justine.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)



Itchy Water~fictionandverse

*Burstb*You have been selected for review by me, due to your entry into "Invalid Item. I have been asked to help out in judging this round. I hope you find the review useful, if only to find out how well this particular item is received. Sit back and enjoy the feedback and attention. You deserve it.

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing. Thank you for taking the time to enter the contest.

Without reading the subtext underneath the title, I began reading the poem, which I mistakenly assumed was a short story. Not having read the top portion completely, I began to wonder why this was so jumpy...then it dawned on me, and I scrolled back up to see what I was reading...silly me.

This is a poem, an alphabet poem to be exact. A fun filled story, put into poetic format, where each new verse begins with the next letter in sequence.

True to form this poem flows down the page in correct formatting with the style selected. I did wonder however, if this would be better displayed with each letter put into bold, or another line of spacing between each verse. Doing this would better offset the chosen poem format.

Overall, this poem created quite the scene. I could picture the family, hot and cramped, getting edgy from so much travel, only to awaken at the sight of all of that snow. I once was privy to witnessing the looks of friends and their young children, when we took them to see snow for the first time. A memory, I too, will always cherish.

This poem captures the spirit of both family and event as it delivers a wonderful entry for the contest. A great piece of writing.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Simply Positive!


*Burstb*Lucky you, it is me, back again. "Run for the hills", and "hide your port", I am here to review and visit with you. I love to stop in and peruse, to see what you have for me to read. I often go from piece to piece and then run out of time for the review. Today however, I am stopping with this first item...okay, third...yes I already read two others, and one I had already read and reviewed before...great piece. I love the Bard's Tale...

*Burstv*You may have noticed there is a celebration in progress. How better to celebrate, than to review some of your friends, or someone you have never met. I consider it an honor to have found your port and this great piece of writing. How did I come to be in the neighborhood? Good question...I was visiting in scroll and happen to go look for another member, and saw your name, decided to stop in..

*Burstp*I have actually, fortunately, never run into any circumstances as these, yet find them quite humorous. I like that about your writings. I can always find genuine emotion within your work. This story is one that feels genuine and delivers great imagery to the reader. I didn't notice any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. This is well written and a joy to read.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Wind of Change  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
New Group Leader Sig
A wonderful poem of change and the metaphors of life that often help induce it. This is a good freestyle piece that captures the emotions well.

Sometimes something as simple as where an item is placed upon the page can help to determine how it is interpreted. Poetry is up to the interpretation of the reader. What a poet writes, and the message a reader gets isn't always the same, especially when using metaphors. That being said, aligning a poem to the left of a page may imply unification; all is right in the world. Centering an item so that all the lines are askew, based upon the character count, can have the meaning of chaos and turmoil in life or emotion. Though keep in mind, this is just my opinion, I am but a novice when it comes to poetry and its teachings. I personally feel that this poem would benefit from being centered, helping to give off the illusion or feeling of the chaos of change.

~Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is necessary for this piece. Though without it, the message is still there, it just isn't as strong.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from punctuation.
Review of One In A Million  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1805438 Unavailable **
This is a wonderful poem, full of great sentiment and inspiring acts. The thoughts behind this are genuine and showcase a great spirit.

~Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is necessary for this piece. Though without it, the message is still there, it just isn't as strong. There are periods at the end of each verse, however, I felt there was some need for commas as well, within the verses. Just my opinion being stated.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from consistent punctuation.

Overall this is a good free-style poem. I didn't notice any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors, though I did feel more punctuation was necessary. You can't really fault punctuation in poetry, it is up to the author's discretion. *Wink*
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ldyphoenix creations

Though possibly written as a cathartic piece, during a relationship, this is a very good visual. I felt the emotions were true of a new found relationship, or one where the ties were strong. The strength of the love in this piece was withstanding and a good testament to the bond shared.

I liked how the time showcases the events and broadens the image. I remember feeling sleepless and like this when I first began my fairytale journey. Thank you for the memories.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
sp review image
A well written poem on love and loss, relation and life. With an alternate rhyming scheme, this is sure to pull at the emotional heart string.

~Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is not a necessity for this piece. Though with it, this could be a whole new experience for the reader.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from punctuation.
Review of Kite Tails  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Simply Positive WhoMe???

I must say, this is a very well written story. As I read this, I grew more and more excited. I live in Washington, and have a fiance who also has a liking for kites. I wouldn't say he has an obsession nor fetish, as is the case with this tale, but I was excited to read this and share it with him.

I was just getting ready to call him in to read this to him, when I got to the end of the tail. I had never heard of a Shaggy Dog, and got quite a good laugh from this piece.

This, as I said before, is well written. I was caught up in the story right away. Finding relevance and a base of relation, I was swept away in the tale, excited to share it with others. In the end, I got a great laugh with the author, at my own expense.
Review of Onward  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
sp review image

As I read this piece, I was stuck between images. I had Aliens, and Star Trek both playing before my eyes. I wasn't sure which would prevail if any. To credit the author, this turned out to be an original, it was only my brain correlating the experience.

This is a well written piece. It gives great insight with some of the character building, as well as drawing vivid imagery for the reader. I was quite able to differentiate what was going on quite well.

I liked how this was a piece, not on what had happened, but on the mission. Keeping the focus on what lie ahead, and not on what could not be done.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
A rain puddle for groups!

An interesting story of solving problems or puzzles, and trusting in another. There were several grammar issues that gave me pause and detracted from the reading experience.

~It was early in the morning, when Thomas woke up and decided to read the news and drink his coffee after breakfast in his garden.
The opening sentence is a run-on sentence, joined together by the conjunction and. You want the beginning sentence to attract the reader, capture their attention and spark some interest for what they are about to read.

~He realized a weird bird singing.A major part of the sentence is missing, creating a grammatical error for the sentence. There are several directions this sentence could go:
He realized there was a weird bird singing.
He realized a weird bird was singing.
Now, the whole WEIRD bird thing totally throws me off to start with. I would suggest:
He realized there was a bird singing, he had never heard before. There was something about the bird that was strange. (this gives a sense that there was something different about the bird, all the while creating a clearer picture for the reader)

~until he reached to a cave
So how far did Thomas go...did he follow the bird down to the beach where there was a cave? Or perhaps up the trail behind the house, to a hidden cave, Thomas had never noticed before. Some sense of time needs to be given to be believable. Now also, the grammatical sense of the sentence... to a cave...altering this could fix both problems in one...until he reached a hidden cave, at the top of the hill behind his house. One he had never noticed before.

~reached to a huge wall.

Overall, I get where this story was trying to go, but feel that it got lost on the way. Perhaps the restrictions placed on the writing, like in some contests which require word counts, was a little much for this story. This is a story that needs more time and background, as well as description and detail. More details alone would improve on this word count bound story.

I like the overall story concept and would like to see this enhanced some more.
Review of Nine  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
sp review image
A review for you in conjunction with "JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM CLOSED 4NOW, purchased for you by {susuer?:joycampbell} with the following message: "For you awesome participation in the power raid".

A fun filled poem of rhyming couplets, this had me glued to my seat awaiting the outcome. I love to read and write in rhyme. It is always a blast. You however, take rhyming to the next level and give us a tale much like a bard.

A great poem, of which I could find not only no error, but nothing to point out I could help with. Greatness, all rolled up into one superb poem. Keep writing. I enjoy these.

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