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Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
For WhoMe. Love, Riot.

Another great piece of writing in reference to that strange sounding treat VEGEMITE. I first found it mentioned in Daizy's little trial, then followed her link to see what more I could find. In rhythmical fashion, I get to hear, about this treat, held oh so dear, down under. This is well written. The spelling, grammar and punctuation are all in order. This is a compelling poem which has me curious about this delicacy, ALMOST to the degree that I would consider searching this out to try for myself.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
For WhoMe. Love, Riot.

This is a wonderful and fun look at trying something new. Daizy my friend, full of adventure and excitement, wanted to partake of a special delicacy shared by a friend. Going out of your way to find the necessary tools for this journey, your taste buds were in for a new experience.

This is a well written short piece that includes a great link to a friend's article as well. I commend you for trying something new.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1752657 Unavailable **
** Image ID #1735523 Unavailable **
Not all who wander are lost.

Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame
Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the J.R.R. Tolkien Fan Package!
This package includes many things, one of which is this review from the "Invalid Item!

Dear Just an Ordinary Boo!

A wonderfully written spiritual letter, this is a personal piece. Including links for those of us who do not follow the same path as your faith and religion, so that we may have a better understanding of what this letter of forgiveness is truly speaking of.

~a laughable thing[.] Walking is faster if legs...
~ But, Lord, Swine Flu has already
Points To Ponder:
Starting a sentence with a conjunction, but, or, and , creates an incomplete sentence for the reader. These three words are coordinate conjunctions used to join sentences or part of sentences that have the same grammatical status. Though the use of conjunctions to start sentences is becoming more of a norm in today's writings, it is still frowned upon in many writing circles. When used with slang terminology, the use of conjunctions to start sentences is a commonality. I have now come across two main circumstances where this happens repeatedly. The first is when the writer is putting to print exactly as they speak (as is the case here), and the other is with addressing or speaking to or for a younger audience.

~ live a short walk away But, I...
live a short walk away[,] but I...

~Today, two people got sight[.] Two got a new life,[.] She celebrates that her mother...

~bright colours and rich silks[.] I gape at the...

~Only you are always there[.] You do not come and go.

~ nearly 36 hours of work[,] and I needed...

~ It made me wonder and question[.] It made...

~ Forgiveness[,] not for my ideas...

For the most part, this is very well written. Some of the sentences were a bit lengthy, though, I felt in this case it was appropriate for the subject matter. The emotions running through this personal piece are very charged. I could feel the voice inflection coming through this writing.

Overall, a great spiritual piece. I for one, do not question your devotion, or the path you have chosen. I commend you for sharing this very personal piece of writing. It is written from the heart. You come across as a very caring and loving person, in your writings, as well as in your correspondence.

I for one appreciated the links to further educate me to some of the referencing I am foreign to.

*Heart* Want to spoil your favorite author? Buy them a package to show your appreciation! *Heart*
"Invalid Item
Write on!
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Daizy May
~*Star*~ First Impression:
I see a cartoon knocked flat on her back with big XX's for eyes. She was knocked cold from the frozen, musical keys that dropped from the porch eves as she banged on them with the shovel. Creating a symphonic tinkling, the crescendo was in the final act as the last icicle fell prematurely from the vibrations of all the others, hitting our warm musician on the head, and putting her down for the count.

~*Star*~ Characterization:
The icicles take on a life of their own as they play music and become a symphonic beauty to hold.

~*Star*~Any editing comments:
Nothing noticed. The spelling, grammar and punctuation are all in order, creating a unified story of 55 words or less. A start, middle and finish leaving a complete tale of comedy.

~*Star*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing and artistic skills!
Multi sig from Sherryb

Review of Bike Riding  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
** Image ID #1752654 Unavailable **

The opening sentence of this short article had me both laughing and cringing at the same time. Taking the step that I myself have yet to do, you have decided to take charge of your life. The opening sentences not only serve as a warning, but express humor as well.

~Just like riding a bike[.] You never really forget.”
~But better to blame them than to...

Point To Ponder:
Starting a sentence with a conjunction, but, or, and , creates an incomplete sentence for the reader. These three words are coordinate conjunctions used to joinsentences or part of sentences that have the same grammatical status. Though the use of conjunctions to start sentences is becoming more of a norm in today's writings, it is still frowned upon in many writing circles. When used with slang terminology, the use of conjunctions to start sentences is a commonality. I have now come across two main circumstances where this happens repeatedly. The first is when the writer is putting to print exactly as they speak, and the other is with addressing or speaking to or for a younger audience.

I found this to be a great story. I was able to share in the experience of someone else, and find that this has been inspirational in getting me motivated.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]♥♥♥♥♥
A signature for Jenny, with love from Riot.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)


Lilith M. Blackwell

A wonderful story, and one I can relate to as well. I had a very similar story, the year before last. I think this story is well written. The one complaint I have in conjunction with this story is that the holiday is consumer pushed as well. Though, what holiday isn't?

*Star*Editing Points:
~But the coffee was damn good and I wasn't about to let four screaming children ruin it.
*Note1*Point To Ponder:
Starting a sentence with a conjunction, but, or, and , creates an incomplete sentence for the reader. These three words are coordinate conjunctions used to joinsentences or part of sentences that have the same grammatical status. Though the use of conjunctions to start sentences is becoming more of a norm in today's writings, it is still frowned upon in many writing circles. When used with slang terminology, the use of conjunctions to start sentences is a commonality. I have now come across two main circumstances where this happens repeatedly. The first is when the writer is putting to print exactly as they speak, and the other is with addressing or speaking to or for a younger audience.

*Note2*place a comma after the word good...

~Well, they're your kids, David."
Well. They're your....

~He had this knack for secrecy, I'll give him
He had this knack for secrecy. I'll give him...

~The man knew me, I’ll give him...
The man knew me. I'll give...

Overall I felt that this was such a great story. I can relate to it on a personal level, and feel that the emotions are well expressed.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Faith fight  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A fractal signature for Whome.

You have the opportunity to help one person change their life forever, what do you do, and why?

The title of this freestyle poem "Faith Fight" , illicts thoughts of spiritualism and religion. Upon reading this, I found that I couldn't understand what was being said. Was it me, or the poem. I couldn't seem to concentrate on the poem as a whole, so I stepped away. When I returned, the same thing, no concentration, so I turned off all outside stimulus, and let the poem speak to me. I read it time and time again. Finally, the poem found its voice for me.

To me this is a poem of the earth sacrificing to give us life. Us, being the humans, animals, microbes and more that inhabit this earth. The earth is the one sacrificing itself for others.

~the last verse, second line, I wasn't sure if the word was entered correctly... "fuggy"?

Overall a good poem. Its freestyle form adds to illustrate the voice of the earth being carried through the wind.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A fractal signature for Whome.

A forum that represents the most generous gift of giving, an anonymous group spreads cheer and goodwill throughout the site. This is the place where site members can go to thank this great group "The Mystery League.

Working anonymously, the group members spread reviews, encouragement, gps and more to show members appreciation and encouragement.
Review of A Teacher's Poem  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (4.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers [E]♥♥♥♥♥
A signature for Jenny, love Riot.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)


R.L. Blanchard

Many questions a teacher may ask concerning students, this poetic piece reminds me more of a prose than a poem. Here is one reference to why I would say this "Prose vs Poetry. Written with great thought and concern for others, this is a tribute for one who cares.

The third line was worded awkwardly for me. Was this meant to be a question or statement?

With the six line, I would suggest trying something else to start the sentence with. Avoid beginning a new sentence with a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so). Coordinating conjunctions should be used for connecting between items of the same class within a sentence. In formal or academic writing situations, in particular, they should not be used to introduce a new sentence.

Overall some good thought and points to ponder. Anyone with a heart that teaches will be able to empathize and connect with this piece.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of A Single Rose  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1752660 Unavailable **

An interesting concept of a poem. The personification of the rose as it shivers gave me the impression of a cold spring. The sun refuses to shine, yet the roses decide to come out early despite the cold. Once doing so, they are left to the elements as Mr Sunshine hides, wanting a bit more of a hibernation before coming off of vacation and having to shine on an almost daily basis for summer.

I like the way the poem does a full circle. It puts the emphasis on the rose and makes it shine even brighter.
Review of Strays  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1752657 Unavailable **

A wonderful story that moved me emotionally. I strongly urge you to tuck this one away for a rainy day. This short piece has the potential to launch a novel. With this being the first page in the book, I don't know how anyone would be able to put it down.

One thing stuck out, and that was the word Touch *Questionbl* is this suppose to be touche? The e should have the little mark above it, but I don't know how to do that...

Overall a wonderful story. Great job, and good luck.
Review of Strays  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1752661 Unavailable **

To build character, a background must be given. This is a short piece on the character of a memorable person. An uncle takes in his niece after she loses her parents. To me this was an emotional reading. The highly charged moments between the two characters is described as can only be truly experienced through reading, other than through reality. This is not something that can easily be showcased in film, without a lot of time wasted and meaning lost.

Though this short piece is written for a contest, this is a strong basis for a story or novel, one I would enjoy reading.

~Cass, feelings got hurt and neither of us were was willing to say we were wrong.
(The was form is possible in informal, familiar conversation.)
(The were form is correct at all times as long as a subject and a verb agree in number and person)

~with someone that who only cared about the government check...
Use who or whom to refer to people, and that or which to refer to nouns that indicate non-humans.

~That wasThose were my first two years...
Subject to verb inconsistency. A subject and verb must agree in number and person.

~going through a lot right now[,] and it's...

~ I know you left.
He didn't leave though. The boys were already in Foster care, and were offered a chance to go home...he chose to stay, not the same as leaving...In reading this, I was a bit confused the further on I got. Each time I re-read this part, something didn't fit right.

Who is this cop who has finally found a reason to survive, and how will Cass save him from himself? This is a short story that would make the book worth reading time after time. In reading this piece I wanted to see what would happen. This is great character buildup and I wish you luck in the contest.
Review of Yours To Hold  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
** Image ID #1752655 Unavailable **

The subtext doesn't fit the story. In the story, he will miss her. Physical attributes are described with great detail. If he hadn't noticed these before, he wouldn't be remembering them now,

There was one sentence which had a repetitive use of the word that, to the tune of three times.

~caught my attention[.] It was the...
~ the 3rd grade[,] and I laughed ...
~No, she was in fact[,] in...
~The girl I turned down...

Starting a sentence with a conjunction, but, or, and , creates an incomplete sentence for the reader. These three words are coordinate conjunctions used to joinsentences or part of sentences that have the same grammatical status. Though the use of conjunctions to start sentences is becoming more of a norm in today's writings, it is still frowned upon in many writing circles. When used with slang terminology, the use of conjunctions to start sentences is a commonality. I have now come across two main circumstances where this happens repeatedly. The first is when the writer is putting to print exactly as they speak, and the other is with addressing or speaking to or for a younger audience.

An average short piece due to technical editing points, this short story is a life's lesson in cruelty and remorse.
Review of The Garden  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1752657 Unavailable **

A moment of pure joy and bliss is shared as this moment of rapture erupts before us in this poetic piece.

I found the grammar, spelling and punctuation all to be in order.

Well written with a vision of spring for the forecast, this bright and cheery moment put some sunshine into my day.
Review of CRADLE ME  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1752654 Unavailable **

I came upon your item through the "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers. Each week there are new items placed there from new members of the site. I was pleased to stumble upon this great poem there.

I suppose I was looking for something involving a couple or a child, with the word cradle in the title. It is funny how easy it is to form preconceived notions from titles.

I feel that the voice of the poem is alone and sad, looking for that special someone to complete the package.

Point To Ponder
~Sometimes something as simple as where an item is placed upon the page can help to determine how it is interpreted. Poetry is up to the interpretation of the reader. What a poet writes, and the message a reader gets isn't always the same, especially when using metaphors. That being said, aligning a poem to the left of a page may imply unification; all is right in the world. Centering an item so that all the lines are askew, based upon the character count, can have the meaning of chaos and turmoil in life or emotion. Though keep in mind, this is just my opinion, I am but a novice when it comes to poetry and its teachings.

Overall this is well written. The lines compliment each other, punctuation was in order, and the subject matter was sound.
Review of Before 8 November  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1752659 Unavailable **

A wonderful rhyming poem of love and destiny. If destiny and fate, where does that leave freedom of choice or free-will? I found this romantic poem to be one of soul-mates who have already made their choice to be true to each other through time and all eternity.

A thought provoking poem that is well written. The grammar, spelling and punctuation are well in order. The subject matter is sound and fits well for the contest. Great work!
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1752654 Unavailable **

Greetings Bikerider

~*Star*~ First Impression:
Fairy tale endings are hard to come by these days. Andy worries about what he will find at the high school reunion, but must go to find out. His nervousness and anticipation have been building for years. Will he be disappointed once again?

~*Star*~ Characterization:
Andy, in his response to the letters, shows great characteristics. He has a strong moral code and has loved only one girl. Though he may have lost her once, he wishes her well, and now, only wishes to see her once more.

~*Star*~Any editing comments:
~through high school[.] We were...
~we agreed that when I came home[,] I would bring...
~assumed she was married[,] and I didn’t...
~Fidgeting as I dressed[,] I wondered...
~floated in the warm arm air...
~step toward her[,] and we hugged...

The dialog between the two characters is intense, yet realistic. The stammer, or stutter of Andy isn't well portrayed and could use some work though, to show his nervousness.

Overall a great story with wonderful utilization of the prompt.

~*Star*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing and artistic skills!
Ldyphoenix creations
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1752658 Unavailable **

Greetings jaya

~*Star*~ First Impression:
The first impression I get is of a family outing where grandparents with parents have gathered to witness a competition event of grand character and intelligence. This is a match of chess, with opponents of varied ages vying to win the ultimate challenge. At such an early age, sweet Sofia illuminates the contest with her concentration while playing each game. To her it is about the game, and not the ultimate contest. Each win is a victory of its own.

~*Star*~ Characterization:
I can see proud grandparents smiling from the sidelines as they watch their granddaughter with pride and prejudice.

Sofia is a pillar of strength and yet her seamless effort gives her a radiance as the joy of the game lights up her face.

~*Star*~Any editing comments:
I didn't notice any grammar, spelling or punctuation comments to mention. The prompt is well used and compliments the poem.

"Luck Of The Irish Auction [E]

~*Star*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing and artistic skills!
Ldyphoenix creations
Review of Looking Back  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A signature for Jenny, with love from Riot.

♥♥♥♥♥ Reviews Won In Auction ♥♥♥♥♥

This is review #2 of 2 won by you in an auction.

Hello Mara ♣ McBain

Brief Summary:
In looking at this follow-up letter, I can see you have accomplished quite a lot in the previous year. Sometimes it takes an evaluation like this to truly see and appreciate all that has transpired through the past year, or set of goals.

Editing Comments:
~New Year's resolutions[,] I think...
~ weeks of January[,] I managed a...
~It was this[,] I was thinking of this...
~I've wrote written fifteen short stories...
~When I cringed this morning[,] I thought 2010...
~opened my eyes[,] and I am amazed...
~Once again[,] it highlights the finer...

I may not be dead on with some of the technical aspects of the review. I would suggest checking with other sources before changing anything.

What I liked about this piece:
I liked that this was a follow-up piece. It keeps things in perspective when you go back and analyze things to see what has truly transpired. At first glance things do not always appear as they are, but when going over line by line, it is seen just exactly how much you have accomplished. GREAT JOB.

Thank you for sharing your creative writing. I encourage you to do more.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

♥♥♥♥♥ Thank You ♥♥♥♥♥
Review of Dracula Essay  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers [E]♥♥♥♥♥
A signature for Jenny, with love from Riot.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)


Shay Crews

A classroom assignment with twists to a well known story, this creative piece gives us a new look on an old legend.

~married only but a fortnight[,] and he...
~he promised fiercely[.] His brows...
~ In my mind[,] I could see him laughing...
~heart that once was[,] only knows...

I would suggest adding spacing between paragraphs and speech, so as to allow for easier reading. Without the breath of space, when staring at a computer screen, the words tend to blend together after a bit of time.

Overall a decent story. How did it do for the assignment?

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review of Lonely  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A signature for Jenny, with love from Riot.
I found this to be a sad tale of the number one and how it seems to stand alone in all things. For me, this is where I see myself once my fairytale ends, as in life, all things do. This made me want to reach out to the voice of the poem letting them know how precious they are and how even one has greatness to share with others. There are so many ways to bring life into the lonely number, though I fear this is speaking more of family and loved ones, there are other options as well. Adopt a family. Donate time at the library to read children's stories once a week... become a big brother or big sister... *Stop* I am preaching here, time to get off the pulpit and back to the subject at hand, this poem.

This poem brings out the sense of sadness and isolation. Sometimes we aren't single by choice, that is just how the hand played out. This poetic piece captures an emotion and makes you want to embrace the voice of the lonely poem and shower them with love.

~Some will tell you that punctuation is needed in poetry. Others will argue that it is not needed and makes no difference. Still, there will be those who say it is up to the particular poet and the poem itself. Personally, I feel that the way the verses flow down the page, that punctuation is necessary for this piece. Though without it, the message is still there, it just isn't as strong.

For me, I use to write poetry without any punctuation. Somewhere down the line someone gave me sound advice, and it made sense to me. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is the direction from the author to the reader. Use it, or don't, to your heart's desire and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, if using it, be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from punctuation.

~Sometimes something as simple as where an item is placed upon the page can help to determine how it is interpreted. Poetry is up to the interpretation of the reader. What a poet writes, and the message a reader gets isn't always the same, especially when using metaphors. That being said, aligning a poem to the left of a page may imply unification; all is right in the world. Centering an item so that all the lines are askew, based upon the character count, can have the meaning of chaos and turmoil in life or emotion. Though keep in mind, this is just my opinion, I am but a novice when it comes to poetry and its teachings.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]♥♥♥♥♥
To an amazing woman. Love, Justine.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)


Aaron - Stormwielder

In reading this prologue, I then went on with the story for the next two chapters. I am not sure if SPECIAL is the word you are looking for. Perhaps we are wanting to LEAVE OUR MARK ON LIFE or maybe we want to be FAMOUS. Those are a few alternatives. I too think this is lacking something, but without reading the whole story I am not sure the direction this should go. I will have to delve into that at a future time.

Take the story of a man called Ernest Rutherford for example...would he be calledsomething else? I would suggest : The story of a man by the name of ...

Starting a sentence with a conjunction, but, or, and , creates an incomplete sentence for the reader. These three words are coordinate conjunctions used to joinsentences or part of sentences that have the same grammatical status. Though the use of conjunctions to start sentences is becoming more of a norm in today's writings, it is still frowned upon in many writing circles. When used with slang terminology, the use of conjunctions to start sentences is a commonality. I have now come across two main circumstances where this happens repeatedly. The first is when the writer is putting to print exactly as they speak, and the other is with addressing or speaking to or for a younger audience.

Overall I found this merely average. The concept seems right on the verge, though not quite enough to grab me and drag me into the story. I like how the ending offers a choice, but feel the last three words are more important than most of the rest of the prologue.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]♥♥♥♥♥
To an amazing woman. Love, Justine.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)



A sad tale of love and friendship that will now live on only in memories. With the loss of the departed, this funeral viewing is etched in her memory as the goodbye she never expected.

The opening sentence is incomplete. I see with this piece a poetic poem or prose in the making, and with some of the sentences I question whether or not this was the intent. As a paragraph or two, this doesn't seem to be quite ready for publication. There were many sentences with editing changes that need made. Also, when starting a short story, you want a leading thought to grab the attention of the reader. You almost have it with the existing sentence, only the sentence is incomplete. (the affection and the love did what/where what/made you feel???)something is missing.

~every thing[everything](one word) became so much more...
~I took in my surroundings[.] I was not...
~same world we had been in[.] I couldn’t...
~I couldn’t be[.] It was...
~colourful and alive[.] It was
~Shrinking in on myself[,] I gently...
~lightly along the tulips[.] The velvety...
~ by the tulips, it’s message spoke loudest...
~I rested [on] my forehead...

Overall I felt this was slightly above average. The short segment in time is defined in brevity, however there is nothing that makes this jump out and capture my attention. There were several editing comments that once corrected would increase the overall rating of this item. A good start to a great piece of writing. I would gladly come back and re-rate this upon further editing.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Image #1642111 over display limit. -?-
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
lonewolf Designs

A well written piece with great humor and wit, this comedic piece added a bit of a laugh on a dreary night. I added it to the "Simply Positive Review Forum in hopes that others would have a smile or two designed specifically for them, from you.

Much laughter and many smiles will be born from reading this. I am thinking, upon reading this, that perhaps I should subscribe to this newsletter. This may be just what is needed to brighten some days.

Editing Comments:
~ lack of sleep[,] or that...
~ and in my post[,] I added ...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful laughter and smiles.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You in connection with "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]♥♥♥♥♥
To an amazing woman. Love, Justine.

(hover your mouse over the intro to view the details)



Reading this now, at a somewhat seasoned age, I can see the humor and the delight in this little prank. Now had I read this in my late teens early twenties, I would have joined ranks with Liz and together we would have come up with a doozy in retaliation.

In my early years, I would jump, scream, and go into hysterics if I thought a spider was on me, and that happened quite often for some reason. *Rolleyes*

Somehow or some when, the dramatical tantrums left. There are still traces, but I don't think I really miss them.

~of five girls, not that that...
~ that is relevant[,] but I just...
~ Of my four sisters[,] I'm probably...
~ I was on the early shift[,] and she...
~ brush and some cardboard[,] we set...
~ Well, beggars can't be choosers[.] It would have...

~manoeuvring vs. maneuvering spelling typ?
~But However, she did let me live!
Starting a sentence with a conjunction, but or and , creates an incomplete sentence for the reader. These three words are coordinate conjunctions used to joinsentences or part of sentences that have the same grammatical status. Though the use of conjunctions to start sentences is becoming more of a norm in today's writings, it is still frowned upon in many writing circles. When used with slang terminology, the use of conjunctions to start sentences is a commonality. I have now come across two main circumstances where this happens repeatedly. The first is when the writer is putting to print exactly as they speak, and the other is with addressing or speaking to or for a younger audience.

Overall I feel this is a terrific piece of writing. The story was humorous and entertaining. I was able to sympathize with Liz at the same time laugh with the voice of the story. Job well done!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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