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A journey through life, complete with life lessons!
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*NoteB*Thank you Wanbli Ska,
for this beautiful gift of poetry!


I share with you here,

some lessons through life,

and from some old wise ones.

Even children and animals have been my teachers.

These experiences that we go through in life

are meant to teach us something.

To help us grow spiritually. Be grateful for them...

give thanks, for they are all needed.

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May 11, 2010 at 9:51pm
May 11, 2010 at 9:51pm
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Tell me...What is the 'American Dream'?
Is it something that you only dream of from a magazine ad
you have seen?

Life called me off, and of course, I had to answer the call! I'm back for now though. Sometimes I am forced to participate in life. I know it may sound funny to some of you, but in truth, I sometimes step back and just become the 'witness' so to speak, or a viewer, just watching, like I were watching a movie. This is how I choose to 'live' these days. I don't get upset much these days. I have learned to listen quite well, and just observe. I have found 'peace' in this way.
When I look out there and look back through time, I see we, as a society, really haven't evolved too much. There is much irony and too many Hippocrates. Take America, for instance. You have those who originally came over escaping from religious persecution, and yet forcing others to believe as they do. You have people today, who have come here to what you call America and in getting comfortable, they attempt to tell those others who were born here in the land of the so-called 'free', that their children shouldn't be allowed to pray in school, and you can't pray at work...heck...perhaps we need to just eliminate praying altogether, eh?! And why is it that I have to believe what you believe? Why can't I believe what I choose to believe?... I hold honor and respect for everyone to allow those who 'believe' in something or even SomeOne, their beliefs. Can we all not allow everyone theirs?
There has become an erosion of 'morals'. You all remember those, don't you? I know those role models that are posted on these sports magazines, and magazines in general, have turned out to be a bunch of cheats, drunks, druggies...need I go on?! Is it no wonder children are killing children..turning to drugs, and have no direction?! There is confusion within the mind of a child. Violence, according to the television, seems to be normal. From my observation, it seems we need a rebuilding. We need to start with a good foundation...Get back to what seems to be missing in the life of so many these days. ...begin there! We need to not start out there, but within. Perhaps a spiritual intervention is needed. We can pray for that...or are we not allowed?*Confused*
Gee...I am back just a few hours and already I am ranting! HA! *Laugh*These are just thoughts shared...nothing more...nothing less. I'm guessing I've been forced to watch too much television these past few days, and the result becomes this.... *Wink*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ Love this song!
May 6, 2010 at 11:49am
May 6, 2010 at 11:49am
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Once standing tall,
Life complete
Wither away
To be born
Another time
From seeds you shed in your youth.

A beautiful morning really...snow has been falling, and it's left a beautiful blanket all around. It almost seems like there is a silence that is deafening. In this moment, as I sit here, I am reflecting on yesterdays events...how lovely it was...the Sun was shining so bright. The air was cool, but not chilling. I had some things to do, and decided to sidetrack myself here and head on over to Wyoming to visit my friend Laura there in NewCastle. A nice ride, but I noticed going through Hell's Canyon, that there was such a huge forest fire a few years back that left it almost bare, but if you look real close....through the ashes that still remain there, you can see new life. It was a reminder to me that even through the ashes of a disaster, there are seeds of opportunity. There is a balance in all of life...including yours. There is gain...there is loss. People do not like to deal with loss, however. I guess it stems from the ego, but just like in nature...things are taken away for a reason and in its own good time. There are universal laws that goes for everyone and everything.
If you think about it...people, in general do not really like to grow old. They do everything they can to remain young. These are just natural cycles of life...in all of life, and we have to accept it. Embrace it even. Believe it or not...you are protected in this Plan and rather than kicking and screaming through life's cycles and it's natural events of loss and gains, it may be better to let go and find a calm within you through the knowledge that everything is as it's supposed to be. To say it plain and simple...I am dying, but so are you (I know that's a harsh reality for some to read that)...I remember someone said to me a while back when we heard the news of an elder getting the news of only 6 months to live..."So what do you do when you are told you are dying?" My response was..."You continue to live!...so why not live in this moment, for that is all you are guaranteed...Now.
Wishing you peace in these moments given. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
May 5, 2010 at 10:49am
May 5, 2010 at 10:49am
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There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
~ Maya Angelou

The snow came and went yesterday, but tomorrow it promises to return. Today, however, the sun is shining as bright as ever! *Delight* I don't know if it's really cold out, but the weatherman says it's suppose to only get to 50 today. Never trust the weatherman though. You'd be surprised around here with the weather. It can turn at the drop of a dime. Life is good, however, no matter! *Bigsmile*
And speaking of life being good. I received an email questioning me on that...all I can say is Attitude. I could be on my death bed, but I will always tell you that life is good. If I remember correctly, it was Deepak Chopra, in his book entitled, The Way of the Wizard who makes mention that 'intentions, compressed into words enfold magical power.'
And well...speaking of...I happen to have been able to read a story of one of our authors here on WDC. It had such an impact on me upon reading it, I'd like to take the time and recommend it for you. If/when you receive the time, please give it your time. It has been written by our dear PlannerDan (no blushing over there Dan!):

 Invalid Item 
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#1668384 by Not Available.

This story has been my reminder that I really need to get back to writing( amongst other reminders that it brings to mind when reading it). I have just had so much happening in life lately, but there is an unfinished story I need to complete before I die. I am determined to get it done.
Okay...as you were! Make the best of this day that has been 'gifted' to you. Enjoy your moments....*Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
April 30, 2010 at 5:28am
April 30, 2010 at 5:28am
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What we are doing to the forests of the world
is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing
to ourselves and to one another.

~Mahatma Gandhi

I believe in 'balance' in all of life. It is so with the universe. You can see it...night and day, life and death, etc. While I can sit here and share beauty that I witness around me, I also see the ugliness caused by mankind.


And well...no finger pointing to the President of this place you call America, because in truth, he has others behind him pulling his strings and 'advising' him. Yet, these companies...these countries that keep taking from Mother Earth and wounding her and the innocent inhabitants like the finned ones(the dolphins, etc) and the winged ones(the seagulls and other birds)...mankind will reap what they have sowed. I don't know about Mother Earth...but if I were her, I would have had 'enough' by now. And not to sound like Ms. Gloom and bring about a picture of doom, but it's getting to that time now, people better get themselves right for it is becoming too late.

It's 3:00 am and I have been awakened with this from a dream I had, and although I can not sleep because of it. I feel good in the knowing that I hold honor and respect for what is all around me. It is a 'gift' I have never(not intentionally anyway) taken for granted. Each sunrise that I have been allowed to witness...each Eagle that I see soar up high...my deer friends...receiving this opportunity to sit in and send this out there into the universe, through such a great device called, a 'computer'. I am grateful for the gifts .... Including you! Find peace this day! *Heart*

Something to remember this day....
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
April 28, 2010 at 10:36am
April 28, 2010 at 10:36am
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If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs,
"The bark on the tree was as soft as the skies."

~ Louis Sachar(Author of Holes)

Yes...a 'good' morning here...hope the same for you all there!!! Life is good...remember that! *Delight* I thought this morning to just share some images I took while my guests were here visiting. Such beauty all around...is it any wonder, my heart feels such peace?! Your surroundings help...the rest is in your mind, and as my selected 'gift' of song for you this morning suggests, Just look into your heart, my friend, and that will be the return to your 'self'...the return to innocence. My thought anyway.
The above photo I took and turned into a black and white. It just looked infinite to me. It was taken in Custer State Park...just about three-miles from where I live.

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And speaking of where I live...as you drive along 16 and just enter into the town of Hill City(population 780..too crowded if you ask me! *Laugh*), coming in from Rapid City...off to the right, near the Visitors Center, this is what you see...it is sooo serene and picturesque.

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...and speaking of 'home'...this is(soon to be 'was') my road home. I just thought to share a bit of the Black Hills with you all here. Perhaps it will bring some a bit of peacefulness. This is my wish for you this day!!! May you always have 'enough'. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ A Good 'Reminder' For All This Day Within This Song!
April 27, 2010 at 12:01am
April 27, 2010 at 12:01am
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Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

~ Howard Thurman

Finally got the opportunity to bring my guests to Mt. RushNoMore! Ironically, we were over at Laura's last night and what comes on the television, but America, The Story Of Us..It was on the History Channel. As we sat there, I heard my friend Susan say with a smile, "I am soooo proud to be an American...Look at how hard we struggled to get where we are?" I didn't say anything...Chad chimed in, "That George Washington was a smart man...he was a great leader." I didn't say anything...but what I wanted to say(and if any of you really get a chance to view it...please do) was,that what this story, so far confirms is that without the Indians of this continent...those who came here, never would have made it. What I wanted to say was this country was founded by thieves, smugglers, and deception. I say this not to offend anyone, but read between the lines when you view it. It shows Jamestown being settled and farmed by a thief who stole the tobacco that was grown there. Let's see...there was John Hancock who smuggled wine and other things into the Boston Harbor there, and Good ol' George Washington who is known for not telling a lie, but he was the biggest deceiver...He had the biggest spy ring going, which helped him to defeat the Brits. I found irony with the people who settled in Plymouth, who had escaped from religous persecution, yet to get what they needed from the Indians, they agreed to kill another Indian tribe who had done nothing to them, and on top of it all...looked at Native people as heathens because they did not worship as they did, and so sought to shove the word of God down their throat and become like them. Did you knowww that it wasn't until 1978, that the Native people of this country called America were actually allowed to practice freely their beliefs(what some call 'religion')...I honestly thought it was 1972, but when I looked it up, it was 1978. My memory must be fading...(blame it on getting old, I guess). *Rolleyes* But well...getting back to these founding fathers...they were are known as 'heroes'. I guess they can be seen this way by some.
Do you want to know who I think is a hero? That man who ran to the rescue of the woman that was being attacked, and he was left to die after being stabbed by the attacker. He laid there dying, while people walked by. Sad how this man attempted without fear, to help another human being, but noone bothered to help him(instead one passerby snaps a picture of him with his cell phone and walks on) and because of this selfishness by others...he died.
Well...I am sure many will not remember this...it was actually difficult for me to find this story to share, so I am guessing it isn't as important as who was the latest hussy in Tiger Woods life?...I guess, Ralph Waldo Emerson was right when he said:
A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.

Wishing you peace in your moments given~ *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ Beautiful message within this song.
April 24, 2010 at 8:26pm
April 24, 2010 at 8:26pm
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A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart,
and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

Well...my guests are still here. Sad to say, the weather has not cooperated with their vacation time here...yet...without saying it...they seem to be having an enjoyable time. And well...back to the weather...some things we have control over...and some things we just don't....and a further thought to that would be...that which you can control...you do..that which you can change...you change...that which you can't...you just have to learn acceptance. Gee...so much to learn in a lifetime and not enough time to do it! *Laugh*
Hope you all have been having some beautiful weather...I will say...the grass is very green here! *Bigsmile* Someone mentioned snow for Monday...<oh my ears> I really hope it's not so...but so sad to hear the news of the tornadoes in Mississippi there. Has anyone heard from Debi Wharton? And well...need to get off this computer here...my time is up, as my guests are back with me. Wishing you all peace in your moments there! Enjoy this weekend! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
April 18, 2010 at 9:28am
April 18, 2010 at 9:28am
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The simple things are also the most extraordinary things,
and only the wise can see them.

~ Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)

A beautiful morning here..Rain falls and with it comes a song. I listen! It began by a few taps on the roof, and then the drops of rain began to pick up in chime. Pretty soon all earth resounded in harmony and here I am with you. Singing a song...
Speaking of songs...don't know if you like the Moody Blues. They have always been one of my favorites...this song, I gift for you, in particular is a 'favorite'. As I think back on the many concerts I have seen of theirs...I never really thought of the Moody Blues as a 'band;, but moreso an Orchestra! There lies meaning within every song, and this one...well, I saw an interview where John Lodge, who wrote this, shared the fact that it just came to him one day as he sat down to have dinner. I can relate to that, because there are times when something whispers through me of things I need to know or even relay to the world. Although it may sound strange to some...this is how it works. I believe some call it an 'Inner Voice.'...I have a Christian friend who thinks it's the 'Holy Spirit' that brings 'tidings' to the world through what some refer to as 'instruments'. Within this particular song, there lies a 'message'. Paul McCartney was another one who, on the Beatles Anthology video said:
I just woke up one morning with this tune in my head, and I thought...I don't know this tune...or do I?...So I went to the piano and found the chords to it....
And so he played it for his friends and said, "What's this? It's got to be something...I couldn't have written it because I just dreamed it." And I believe it was either the song 'Let It Be' or 'Yesterday' that was born.
In truth, there are alot of people recorded throughout history that had the same experience..Mozart was one..St. Theresa was another. The list can go on and on, but I honestly believe that everyone has this in them, if only they opened themselves up more and did a little fine tuning.
I am wishing you peace this day...in these moments given. Never take a one for granted..for you are only guaranteed this moment...and may you always have 'enough'. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
April 17, 2010 at 9:12am
April 17, 2010 at 9:12am
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A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes.
Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine.
A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside.
A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull.
Give him your heart and he will give you his.
It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated,
have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not.
As I wrote that farewell column to Marley, I realized it was all right there in front of us,
if only we opened our eyes. Sometimes it took a dog with bad breath, worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see.

~ John Grogan

Helloooooooo people!!! *Bigsmile* I thought to share this quote above with you...really, what more need be said, as it speaks of a 'truth'. Only to add that in my own life here...I will be house hunting this weekend. Not much pickings around here in Hill City. I have inquired about two houses here, but it seems they have been taken. I could go for low housing, but I'd still be paying about $430 a month. I can't see doing that if I can get a little home for $500. Although in the low housing, the utilities are included. Still..I don't know. I have an appointment to see a home down at the edge of Custer State Park this morning. Stay tuned!!!
You all have a wonderful weekend where you are!!! Remember: Life is Good!!! *Heart*

My 'Gift Of Song For You This Day~
April 15, 2010 at 1:04pm
April 15, 2010 at 1:04pm
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Please don't confront me with my failures
I'm aware of them.

~These Days(song written by Jackson Browne)

Thought to take some time from things here. I was looking over some blogs when I saw Ask for what you want 's blog with mention of the song from which I just quoted above.
I remember way back now when I was living in a 'fantasy' world...meaning I was living a life that most would just dream of, the jolt I had in my life. You see, I made the difficult decision to divorce my 'then' husband, and since money was his 'god'..I left, what some would call a cushy life. It was then I came to realize that once I gave up a comfortable lifestyle complete with limos, yachts and houses all over, including the Virgin Islands, that those who called themselves my friend, seemed to have abandoned ship. I realized that in truth, my true friends were not many, but I was lucky enough to count them on one hand. Sad to really come to that realization, but it was a 'truth' I had to recognize. I learned from that and I am thankful for the lesson.
So when Joe, The Asking Boy placed that song out this day on his blog, it brought to mind what I know in my heart to be a truth even though it held something a little different for him.... for me, it serves as a reminder that in tough times those who were there with you when you were on top, quickly abandon ship once they see it sinking. And so these days...I keep very few close...I can't say I have any enemies, but if I did...I'd keep them even closer. *Wink* And as another thought this day...it's amazing to me how so many will be quick to point out your weaknesses, but never give you praise for your strong points...whether that be a friend or family.
Here's wishing you beauty in your day there!!! May you always have 'enough'. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ And 'Thanks Joe' for making my song choice today! *Delight*

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