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A journey through life, complete with life lessons!
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*NoteB*Thank you Wanbli Ska,
for this beautiful gift of poetry!


I share with you here,

some lessons through life,

and from some old wise ones.

Even children and animals have been my teachers.

These experiences that we go through in life

are meant to teach us something.

To help us grow spiritually. Be grateful for them...

give thanks, for they are all needed.

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April 14, 2010 at 11:36am
April 14, 2010 at 11:36am
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Everything really is equal.
The Creator doesn't look at me
any better than He looks at the trees.
We're all the same.

~Janice Sundown Hattet, SENECA

I got through the last two weeks with working an extra job to just get myself back in front here, when reality hit me and I realized I need to pack because the cabin has been put up for sale. *Sad* I had to get with the packing for my own self, thus the reason for my absence in the past few days.
I guess it was sometime last week, however, after I finished my second job for the last time, and I was driving home in snow that had been falling throughout the Black Hills here. I swear, it can be 70 one day, and a blizzard the next! *Laugh*...I saw ahead of me the driver sort of hit his brakes quick, and I saw a young deer run towards the woods on my right...with the mother falling behind and she dropped on the side of the road. She was trying so hard to get up, the young deer child was waiting by the forest edge looking at its mother...almost like saying. "Mom, I don't want to leave you." I got up close enough and pulled over...she was really trying to get herself up...The baby looked at me and ran into the woods but within view of me and it's mother, as I kneeled down and tried to comfort the mother by stroking her and talking to her. I phoned the police..didn't know who else to phone and upon arriving she had become calm enough...don't really know if she just was sooooo tired of struggling or if it were my comforting her...but when the trooper had arrived, She gave a bit of a struggle again and became calm. I told the police officer what I witnessed....the driver in the car ahead of me, either didn't see the deer or just thought it would pass before he got up on it...I had seen it crossing. Sometimes people daydream and all of a sudden something happens like this. Regardless, the car didn't stop, but as the trooper said, it didn't damage the vehicle enough obviously so that may be a good sign for the mother because her wounds may not be so serious internally. Regardless, he called a veternary clinic that deals with these sort of things...help was on the way. I thought, in my mind that perhaps he would have just taken his gun out and shot it, but instead he offered to help. They tranquilized the young deer and the mother and brought them to the clinic, and then I am told they will go to a refuge for rehabilitation or until the mother is well enough to be released.
I actually attempted to write of this in this blog after it had happened, but my anger would have showed of that other driver who just kept driving on. The thought ran through my mind that this person obviously didn't think the deers life was worth stopping for...Instead, man thinks he is the center of the universe...that he is superior and holds worth while an animal or other part of nature isn't. I am here to share with anyone today that we all come from the same root...we are all equal in the eyes of the Creator. Your worth, nor the worth of that animal or tree is not established by another human, but by the Creator.
There are laws we must live by...and no man has made them...they are 'spiritual' laws. These are the laws that all life must go by. Even the plants and animals live by this. In order to understand these spiritual laws...we must understand 'spirituality'...the best way to understand it, is living it!!! Just my thought shared today. Wishing you peace in your moments given! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
April 10, 2010 at 10:21am
April 10, 2010 at 10:21am
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The disciples were absorbed in a discussion of Lao-tzu's dictum:
"Those who know, do not say;
Those who say, do not know."
When the master entered,
they asked him what the words meant.
Said the master, "Which of you knows the fragrance of a rose?"
All of them indicated that they knew.
Then he said, "Put it into words."

~ Anthony DeMello, One Minute Of Wisdom

Hope life is treating you good! Today is my day for catching up on everything I neglected for two weeks. One happens to be the grocery shopping....another is cleaning. Happy to say I am finished with the second job! I made it through!!! Tired...but a little bit richer in the pocket. *Delight*
After last night's dumping of five more inches of snow...today presented itself with a bright ray of sunshine streaming through my window to ease me out of bed here, and so...here I am!!! *Bigsmile*
I learned alot from being around a group of working people these past two weeks...strangers as I began my temporary job, but no longer. I've learned that there are people who just have to be the alpha....they have to be the top dog and never equal. They have to be the one who 'think' they know everything. I've learned there are people, that...no matter how good they have it, will always look at the cup as half empty. There are those who, no matter how much you try to show them the light...they prefer to live in darkness and because of that, will always be lost.
Life is good! When I see a young boy stuck in an electric wheelchair, and he can't move his legs. I know I am blessed....so are you!
Here's wishing you peace in your moments! *Heart* Count your blessings...not your woes! *Wink*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
April 8, 2010 at 1:29am
April 8, 2010 at 1:29am
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Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment,
are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment.
There is a hidden meaning behind all events,
and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.

~ Deepak Chopra

Returned home pretty late this evening...but well...that's the way it goes. It attempted to snow again today...the nerve!!! I thought it was spring! *Confused* Guessing it's just South Dakota for you! Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60's! Stay tuned!
When I returned home, I was greeted by the 'children'...they seemed a bit hungry, so I quickly placed some apples out. I haven't seen them in a few days here. Anyway... Trying to get myself comfortable, I turned on the television and went to turn towards the bedroom to get my pj's out, when... what did I hear on the television???!!!!.......The advertisement of the newest show on tvland called, "First Love...Second Chance"! *Shock* I shouted, "Noooooooooooo...quick! I need to change that channel...I can't stand to hear this commercial." I then did an about face and ran(practically fell over myself) towards the channel changer. I mean really...who needs to be reminded of that one true love...that first love that ended and you have to live with it for the rest of your life with regrets. Not me!!
Nowww...don't get me wrong...I know things happen for a reason. You come together for a reason, you serve that purpose and then you and that other go on. Yet, how can you just forget about it? Do you ever forget about it? I suppose the way we had to end it was disturbing for both of us. It was unfinished, I guess you could say. I was forbidden to ever see my first love again...and no matter how much he tried...no matter all the letters he wrote and phone calls he made, he was never able to reach me because I never got them. Sort of reminds me of that movie, The Notebook...Did you ever see that?! Another movie I can't watch! *Rolleyes* Gee...now that I think of it...I think I've been traumatized! BAHAHAHA *Laugh*
We actually did meet up when I was down in Louisiana two years ago, and it was as if we never parted, but you know what?... As luck would have it, he shared with me that he was married, and although he told me he was unhappy in his marriage and asked me if I would wait for him to leave her, I suggested he finish what he started with the woman he married. I shared that there could never be anything with us but friend, for I hold honor and respect for marriage, and couldn't be the one to step in to be the 'other' woman. I spent the time with him catching up on old times, but in the end...we both knew it would never be. He confessed He was afraid of leaving her because he would lose everything, and I just gave a gentle smile of understanding, although I left with the thought in my head that he lost more than just material things when he attached his soul to them as he had. I won't ever look back again after this, as I reflect on it now (It was that darn commericial...I hate that commercial!)...oh well, it gave me something to write about! HA!
I believe it was our dear Alfred who said in someone else's blog, You're a fool, only if you fall in love with the wrong guy. I don't know about that. Is there ever the 'wrong' person? I believe we are in another person's life either in the capacity of teacher/or student. We always come away with something and we should be grateful, no matter how the relationship turns out. We need to be grateful for that lesson. My thought this night anyway.
Okay well...my warm milk is gone...I drank it all, and now it is time for bed over here. I've tired myself out typing.*Laugh* I look forward to tomorrow...it's a new day...a new creation. I only wish it were Friday! *Laugh**Wink*
Enjoy your moments given over there!!! That is all we are guaranteed! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
April 6, 2010 at 11:12pm
April 6, 2010 at 11:12pm
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Others have seen what is and asked why.
I have seen what could be and asked why not.

~ Pablo Picasso (Pablo Picasso: Metamorphoses of the Human Form : Graphic Works, 1895-1972)

This quote chosen this night, reminds me of my first year in college. When I say my first year was just a waste, it was! I remember I took a Psychology course, during that first year anyway, My major was English...Psychology minor. Oh mannn...what a first year of college! HA! I'm laughing because as I look back...it was a joke. I really should have been more serious instead of those parties and dates.*Rolleyes* Anywayyyy...I remember it was coming to mid-terms. I hadn't shown up for this psychology class for, just about the entire semester...(perhaps making it four times, if that!). As I walked into the class...knowing I had a mid-term test coming at me. I resigned myself to just accept the fact that I was going to fail that course for that semester. The teacher handed me and the others, as we walked in, our tests and told us to take a seat and begin the test immediately. As I approached him, he said, "Ohhh...look who's here? Glad you could make it...Do you think you can pass this test?" I said with somewhat embarrassment, "I'm gonna try!" He turned and said, "Have a seat...and I'll tell you what...if you can pass this test, I will pass you for the entire year, how about that?" Well...In my mind, I knew that wasn't going to be happening, but well..looking for a seat, I took the first one available. It didn't matter to me where I sat...I wasn't planning on cheating, and I was convinced there was no getting around this failure of a grade. As I nestled in, and got my pen out, I took a look at the test. It held one question..."Why?"...I thought for a moment and said to myself, "Why Not?!" I decided to make that my "final" answer and just go for it. It took me, not even a minute to finish the test...the professor was shocked I got finished so fast, whereby everyone else in the room was sitting there sweating bullets, and struggling to find an answer..perhaps wondering if they missed something in their texts there that they studied from. The way I figured it...I had nothing to lose. I handed him my paper and proceeded to walk past him, when I heard..."Just a minute, Miss Guthrie..." Oops! I thought...here comes the hammer. "Is this your answer?" I sort of laughed and said..."Well...it's the first one that came to mind." He marked the paper and handed it back to me. An "A"! Whooo-hoo! Wasn't I the brave one..? Wasn't I just bold? And wasn't I just free not to step foot in that class room again because he promised me a passing grade for the entire year. It was after that, I decided to pay more attention, and hang out in class. I actually learned a lot from that day on. I ended up switching my major to my minor and minor to my major that year!

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Night~
April 6, 2010 at 1:09am
April 6, 2010 at 1:09am
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Thus on a naked tree-limb, blasted
By tardy winter's whistling chill,
A single leaf which has outlasted
Its season will be trembling still.

Let's see...got home here about 9:00. A Long day, but a good day regardless. It snowed...rained...snowed again...rained again...sun came out..."oops...here's the snow again." That kind of day! *Laugh* Nature knows what it needs, even if we want sunshine all the time. She needs nourishment. Amazing how a tree standing alone can withstand 80 mph blowing winds, yet still stand strong even after the wind storm. So too, there are times in our lives where we need to be as strong as that tree. You have to have that confidence in your own ability to be able to stand alone...or to go it alone sometimes...to stand strong despite the treacherous storm we may be facing or may have just gone through. Just my thought this night. Wishing you peace in your moments given. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ Reminds me of where I grew up!
April 4, 2010 at 11:24pm
April 4, 2010 at 11:24pm
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Eagles soar, while seagulls get sucked into engines.
Don't be a seagull!
*Laugh*~ Quote by... Guess Who?!

Time for bed over here, for dawn comes early and it's another week of working those (now) two jobs. And while I am reminded that our dear sister and friend, NOVAcatmando is starting her 12 week training for this cancer walk, I thought to honor and support her by 'gifting' her this song to take along with her on her way. I know you can make this journey...heck...you already have and you survived! *Delight* I just want to take this time and let you know how very grateful I am, and I know others here as well, that you have survived cancer and 'gift' us with your presence, even in this way...on this computer. I acknowledge you as...not just my friend...my sister, but a beautiful spirit filled with light who has so many more miles to go in life. May we all be so lucky to walk beside you, for you are loved! ((((((((( *Heart* ))))))))))
Wishing you all peace in your moments...keep smiling over there...I'm watching youuuu!!! HA! Catch up with you all soon.

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Night~
April 4, 2010 at 10:03am
April 4, 2010 at 10:03am
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Teach only love, for that is what you are.
~A Course In Miracles

Let's see...a lonnnng time ago..(back in the 70's), there was a play that came out on Broadway that I had the opportunity to see as a teen. Jesus Christ SuperStar. Did any of you ever receive the chance to see it on Broadway? It was truly a good play. A play, I will never forget. Beautifully done, in my opinion. And so, I thought that since it was a good day for it..(only appropriate) I would place this song out for a great Man...a great Prophet...to give honor and respect.
And finally...today, I am just going to give this a day to rest. It was very draining in Ceremony last night. Hope you all have a 'peace~filled' day, this day! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
April 3, 2010 at 6:43am
April 3, 2010 at 6:43am
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When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows
that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch.
That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things
without which humankind cannot survive.
Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war,
and justice that proves more powerful than greed.

~Mr. Rogers

The week was just a tad hectic, but...as always...I got through it. Don't we all?! *Wink* Just one more hectic week to go!!! Life is good!! *Bigsmile* Today I will be over helping Laura pack some. Then...ceremony tonight. I will keep you all in my prayers. A Happy Easter to you!!! You knowww...I don't know if any of you got the chance to see the History Channels show, "The Real Face of Jesus"...I thought it was quite interesting. It's coming on again this evening if I saw that right. You might find it interesting as well, if you haven't viewed it. There's another good show I have seen twice now, so it must be a series. It's on NBC (If I remember correctly) and called, "Who Do You Think You Are?" About people digging into their ancestry. Quite interesting, I thought. And well... I hope the Easter Bunny doesn't bring you any rotten eggs! *Laugh* Enjoy your moments given! May you find peace at this time and keep it always! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ Thought It Only Appropriate For This 'Holi-day' Time! *Bigsmile*
March 30, 2010 at 9:17am
March 30, 2010 at 9:17am
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Life is just like a train , with different people,
different stops and different destinations..
and they have no idea who the driver is.

~Photo Taken in Hill City here.

Going to be a bit busy for these next few weeks. Aside from my original work here, I was asked by Laura last night if I would do her a favor and cover for her on a house-cleaning job she is supposed to do on Thursday (April 1st). She will be moving some things over to her 'new' home in Wyoming. I told her I can do that for her, but besides that, I just took on a "temporary" second job(for just two weeks) working for the town. I am taking this all on figuring it will help me have a bit extra money, and I may just be able to figure in a year's membership here on WDC in my budget. *Bigsmile* Life is good!!! Keep smiling over there...I'm watching youuuu!! *Wink* *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ I just love this song! Love the words in it!
March 29, 2010 at 11:11am
March 29, 2010 at 11:11am
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A gorgeous day here, and I am feeling so much better! *Bigsmile* Life is good!! I think this day I will get myself in gear and go walking...Today's mind-thinking: Walk like you have somewhere to go! *Wink* This is my thinking this day!!! *Bigsmile* Then I will get back into some work here!
And well...Love One Another! It is said that this is the "Golden Rule". It is so important for us to support each other, for this is part of loving one another. When you see another struggle through life, it is my thought that they should not be overlooked, but looked upon to see where you can be of help to make their life a bit easier. It's not so difficult to do really. Perhaps your own life experience from the road you have been down can be shared, and you never know...it may help them avoid those boulders. Try not to 'judge' ...you don't know the road they have been on with all those crooked paths, and all those jagged rocks, for if you did...perhaps it is then you would only stand there and hold only praise.
I'm going to leave you all with another Maya Angelou...It is entitled,
The Hater

A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their
time trying to make you look small so they can look tall.

They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever
good enough!

When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters...

That's why you have to be careful with whom you share your
blessings and your dreams, because some folk can't handle seeing
you blessed...

It's dangerous to be like somebody else... If God wanted you to be
like somebody else, He would have given you what He gave them! Right?

You never know what people have gone through to get what they

The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they
don't know my story...

If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you
can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too!
We've all got some haters among us!

Some people envy you because you can:
a) Have a relationship with God
b) Light up a room when you walk in
c) Start your own business
d) Tell a man / woman to hit the curb
(if he / she isn't about the right thing)
(e) Raise your children without both parents being
in the home

Haters can't stand to see you happy.
Haters will never want to see you succeed.

Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be
on our side.

How do you handle your undercover haters?
You can handle these haters by:

1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are

2. Having a purpose to your life: Purpose does not
mean having a job. You can have a job and still be

A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be.

Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you.

3. By remembering what you have is by divine
prerogative and not human manipulation.

Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live...when its your
time to leave this earth, you 'want' to be able to say, 'I've lived my
life and fulfilled 'my' dreams,... Now I'm ready to go HOME!

When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters, 'Don't look at
me...Look at Who is in charge of me...'

Watch out for Haters...BUT most of all don't become

Nowwww...go get your walking shoes on and make like you have somewhere to go!!! Life's waiting for you! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ Remember This Song?! Showing My Age Now! HA!

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