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A journey through life, complete with life lessons!
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*NoteB*Thank you Wanbli Ska,
for this beautiful gift of poetry!


I share with you here,

some lessons through life,

and from some old wise ones.

Even children and animals have been my teachers.

These experiences that we go through in life

are meant to teach us something.

To help us grow spiritually. Be grateful for them...

give thanks, for they are all needed.

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June 14, 2010 at 10:57am
June 14, 2010 at 10:57am
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America will never be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

~ Abraham Lincoln

Flag day...hmmm...what does it mean? BTW...I happen to feel these words by President Lincoln so many years ago, holds 'truth'. Something to think about anyway.
And you knowww...I know there's 'flag etiquette', but obviously there are some rules that people...companies... nor the government bother to stick to...examples:

Just mentioning is all....And well...Wishing you a beautiful day there! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
June 13, 2010 at 9:36pm
June 13, 2010 at 9:36pm
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She waited for the train to pass. Then she said, "I sometimes think that people’s hearts are like deep wells. Nobody knows what’s at the bottom. All you can do is imagine by what comes floating to the surface every once in a while."
~ Haruki Murakami (Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman)

Rain...Rain...and more Rain the past few days! BTW...I thought to share this photograph with you, of the 1880 train on it's way up to Keystone, SD. It was just getting ready to pour, but the sky didn't open up until I got a few shots taken. I was grateful! *Delight* I have to say it was quite a busy weekend for me. Laura had given Austin a surprise birthday party Saturday. It went off well. He loves the photograph taken of her, and received quite a few gag gifts. It was his 40th!
While I was at this party, I got to observing some people there. It got me to thinking about people and relationships. Do people know what a 'proper' relationship is? Why is it that people(man or woman) feel the need to control and have power over someone? Can someone really have power over another? Or is this an illusion created by a person and the other person gets to believing it because it is drilled into that other so much? Another persons dominating personality perhaps. *Confused* I've heard it said that it isn't the 'going on' that matters, but how we look at what is going on. Taking it further...the meaning we care to give it...dunno...What do you think?..Any thoughts to share? I can share even further that there is only One that holds power over me, but it isn't a human being.
Personally, I am thinking that there is only One relationship we need to focus on. After establishing that relationship and working on that, we can extend it outward to base our relationships with others from that One relationship. If we establish other relationships based on that One, then there would be no need for power and control. Thoughts...just thoughts.
Wishing you peace in your moments given~ *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
June 10, 2010 at 11:30am
June 10, 2010 at 11:30am
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....Birthday coming soon, for our dear NOVAcatmando ! It won't be long until she will be heading off to Colorado to participate in the Cancer Walk sponsored by Avon! *Delight* And I say, *Balloon2* "Happy Birthday Dear Catherine!"*Balloon3*...for it's another year...another day of being cancer free! *RainbowL**Heart**RainbowR* I keep you in my prayers.
Other things to look forward to.......the movie, Toy Story 3 will be coming out! I just loved one and two! Looking forward to part 3 to come out. There's always a message within those...if you listen carefully. And well...Life is good! Everyone get out there and walk like you have somewhere to go!!! Good Excercise! *Bigsmile* *Balloon1**Balloon4*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
June 9, 2010 at 12:58pm
June 9, 2010 at 12:58pm
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You have to take risks, he said. We will only understand the miracle of life fully
when we allow the unexpected to happen. Every day, God gives us the sun--
and also one moment in which we have the ability to change everything that makes us unhappy.
Every day, we try to pretend that we haven't perceived that moment, that it doesn't exist-
-that today is the same as yesterday and will be the same as tomorrow.
But if people really pay attention to their everyday lives, they will discover that magic moment.
It may arrive in the instant when we are doing something mundane, like putting our front-door key in the lock;
it may lie hidden in the quiet that follows the lunch hour or in the thousand and one things that all seem the same to us.
But that moment exists--a moment when all the power of the stars becomes a part of us and enables us to perform miracles.

~ Paulo Coelho (By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept)

Back when I was...ohhhh...guessing I was about thirteen years old...I remember a few friends of mine and me getting up wayyyy before the sun came up and decided to go down to the beach and watch the sun come up. Of course, I was in a strict household, so I had to sneak out my bedroom window and make a run for it with my friends. We got down to the beach just in time...it was still dark, but yet you could see light in the horizon over the ocean there. I climbed up in the Life Guard's seat with another friend...we all took our seats for the show! It was almost like different stages when I viewed it. First, that straight line of light in the horizon, then a different array of colors...there it was! As it slowly, but suddenly appeared....and then.... A big, huge ball of flaming red, orange...oh mannn...it was such a magical moment! I have never forgotten that. To not only see, but also hear the sounds of all of nature...that is a true blessing! And as I sit here and recall this in my minds eye, I recognize the fact of who the real provider is...and the blessings I have been given in my life. Life is good!!! *Delight* Magic moments...did you have any?! *RainbowL**RainbowR* Surely you must have...what were they? Thinking on it...I've had so many!!! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
June 8, 2010 at 10:48am
June 8, 2010 at 10:48am
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In the beginning were the Instructions...
One of these Instructions was to live in a good way
and be respectful to everybody and everything.

~Vickie Downey, Tewa/Tesuque Pueblo

Every so often, I see a quote from something that rings 'truth' in my heart. In my mind, it gets filed away for a certain time when it seems necessary for those words to come forward and unto the world. The above quote is one!
You see...we all know in our hearts how we should live in harmony. And if there is harmony...there is peace. Wouldn't you agree?! Yesterday I mentioned about nature being the greatest teacher and that is, in truth, our university where we can go and learn(or relearn) what was actually etched in our hearts before we even came to journey on this earth.
While nature still holds that connection and lives in harmony...mankind seems to have forgotten. Mankind seems to be lost and searching for those instructions, but in truth, they need not go very far...
Wishing you all peace in your moments given, and may you always have 'enough'.....*Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ A little different but a beautiful message...
June 7, 2010 at 11:32am
June 7, 2010 at 11:32am
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What we really need to learn is how to live life.
We are provided that learning through Nature's University.
We all should go!

The more I participate in life, the more I witness the turmoil people go through. My life wasn't always easy. It isn't always now, but whenever I get the feeling my life is off-balance, and too many things seem to be coming at me too fast. I stop everything and go out into nature's university where lessons and examples are all around. Not only will it help you learn, but it will also help you heal.
Now that the warmer weather is upon us, I think I will go out and take advantage of this living university! You might try it...it can be refreshing! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
June 5, 2010 at 9:06pm
June 5, 2010 at 9:06pm
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I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.
And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

~ Jack Handey (Deepest Thoughts: So Deep They Squeak)

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Fort Hayes...do you remember the scene in the movie, 'Dances with Wolves'? I don't remember if I ever shared the photos of it, so thought this night to place them out. I actually got to see the movie and liked it very much. But I have to say...there is a longer version of this movie and as I understand it...it is more complete of the story from the book it was taken from.
It seemed like a bit of an odd day today, in that, the weather was odd...it was cloudy...sunny...cloudy...ohhh!...wait now..this is South Dakota!!! What am I talking about??!! This is normal!!! *Laugh*
You knowww...I got to thinking about all this war, destruction to Mother Earth and all that stuff you are witnessing on television...Just think though...if we all held honor and respect for all of life, especially one another, none of this would be present. Just a thought that came to mind this day! Honor and respect...not really a big effort to make, is it?! It starts there within and then you extend it out there! Easy!!...Should be anyway! *Confused*
Let's see...what else?...Laura and Austin will be coming over for a visit tomorrow from Wyoming! It will be great to see them and have their company!
And well...Okayyyy...as you were over there!!! Carry on with your weekend! Make it count! *Bigsmile* *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ Pretty Song By Brooks & Dunn.....
June 3, 2010 at 8:34pm
June 3, 2010 at 8:34pm
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We are not rich by what we possess
but by what we can do without.

~Immanuel Kant

Not much time this night...I have to get ready for a photo shoot this evening in Nemo. My day actually started out quite busy. A visit to the doctor was the topper, I suppose. I've been suffering with Heart Palpitations recently...for the past three days, it was ongoing. Still had to work, however, and think it took it's toll on me. Soooo...the doctor ordered an EKG, and a bunch of blood tests to be done for my thyroid...my heart... and prescribed me some high blood pressure medication because it was a bit high when I went in. As you all know, I have had alot on my plate lately and I believe it took its' toll.
And well...it was Tecumseh, If I remember correctly, who raised the question:

Sell a country? Why not sell the air, the great sea, as well as the Earth?
Did not the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?

This came to mind this day as I listened to the news updates of the tragedy that continues to go on out in the Gulf of Mexico. So much damage done...so much can never be repaired. Let us Pray, for I don't see this world getting any better...man's greed holds a firm grip. It's like a flu coming on, that will only get worse. *Heart* I also received a call today from dear Laura who was telling me that she got paid today and found that her boss deducted money from her pay. She's been working as a cashier at a local convenience store over in Wyoming there. I guess she had made an error(but she don't know what it is, other than a copy of an EBT receipt she had rung in) and he decided to take the Eighteen Dollars out of her pay. I don't believe they could do that unless it's ordered by the state or by the Federal Government. I told her it was news to me...I mean...what do I knowww...I know Indian Law, but heck if I know White man's law! Go ahead...ask me anything about Treaty Rights!*Rolleyes**Laugh* I gave her the thought that she should really look into investigating that. I don't believe they can actually deduct something like that out of your pay. Anyway...Wishing you peace in your moments...may you always have 'enough'.

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
June 2, 2010 at 8:41pm
June 2, 2010 at 8:41pm
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One of the things the old people taught me about the spirits was to never have a doubt.
~Wallace Black Elk, (Lakota)

Back in the day...many years back now...I remember driving on this road you see in the above photograph, and trying to dodge all the potholes. The rez was like a war-zone, complete with roads filled with potholes that you constantly had to dodge. It was sort of funny in a way. And if it wasn't the roads you were dodging, you were sometimes dodging bullets or wagging tongues. There seems to be the mentality of the likeness of crabs in a box...one would try to climb out and the others would drag that one down.
I have a friend, who I call 'friend' now, but we weren't friends a long time ago. He comes from a great family of Wakan Wicasa's (what whites call, Medicine Men) and great warriors. I remember working for his uncle at the tribal office and he once told me, 'Everyone knows he can be a great Wakan Wicasa, but he'd rather drink, and because of that, he won't be given anything. He had a young son he was raising in a house filled with rats and drunk brothers, as well as his mother and father (they were such sweet Elders). No matter, he loved his son, and he cared for this baby(his son) the best he could despite the conditions.
One night, one of the brothers came to me and pleaded with me to come help them because he was drunk, mad and taking it out on this 2 year old baby. I didn't hesitate...I hopped in my Jeep Cherokee that I had at that time, and went to the house. It was dark and they had no electricity, I didn't really know what I was going to do but I just knew I had to get the baby out of there. The moon light shown through the window of the room I heard the noise in, and I could see a silhouette of what looked like a rag-doll being thrown across the room they were in. Coming from the next room, I could hear the Elders yelling in Lakota for him to stop...he was thinking crazy. All I could think of was that I needed to get this little one out of there. I jumped on this drunk man and yelled for one of the brothers to take this baby and go get help...as I ran to leave he caught me by my hair and swung at me, hitting me in the ear. The loud ringing in my ear and the pain I felt was bad, but I knew I was alive still and I had to get out of there as well, but if I only had shorter hair, for you see he pulled me by my hair again and started hitting me. I quickly had to try to calm him, but there is no reasoning with a drunk. As he was going to get his knife I ran into the room with his mother and father, but he came after me...jumping behind his mother...he caught me in the leg and cut me. His mother and father screaming at him...he finally got the notion to take my car(which had my keys in it) and go find his son. As he was going he said he was going to run it off the butte with his son in it too. I knew I had to find a way to get help...his brother who had originally taken the child came back(why I don't know, other than he too was too drunk to know better)...I heard my car go and quickly told the brother he needed to get me to a house with a phone. We ran through the prairie grass down towards the White River to a house in the distance with lights on (Civilization I thought with relief...but if I could only get there). It was soooo dark, you couldn't see much in front of you, but then we both saw the head lights of my car coming up over the butte and heading towards us. His brother told me to hide...but where, I wondered...at that moment I asked Tunkashila and the spirits to help me...hide me. I threw myself down into the tall prairie grass there and just kept still...I could see the headlights and just held my breath and remained still. His brother kept running towards the house we had originally headed for. I could hear the car stop and him asking, 'where is she?' He was fuming I could tell...his anger was more a rage now...as I heard him go into that house and yell at them asking if I was there. I should have stayed right where I was, but decided to head back to that house where the elders were to see if I could get them out. It was really a night of horrors...he did catch me again in the house...his brothers hiding me under the bed...I finally decided he'd kill them all for hiding me, so I just came out from under there, especially after saying he would kill the baby too. I couldn't bare it.
I told him to take me and leave the baby. He picked up his double barrel and took me for a lonnng walk out past the White River and into the Badlands. He held the gun to my chest and even pulled back on it, and as he did that, it was like something came over me...a calm...I knew I wasn't alone, I calmly told him that he didn't really want to kill me...killing me would only destroy him more...I can not remember all that was said on that dreadful night, but as someone said, 'mannn, you could sure talk your way out of a paper bag.' It really wasn't me...I assure you...I had help. But to share with you the 'gifts' this man had if he had just put down the bottle, he made circles around me as I was talking with him and at one point he said, 'You know Wia, I could make the wind kick up if I want to and circle around us.' And with that...he did...the wind which was null, kicked up and whirled around and around us. I remained calm even then. Somehow he conceded he didn't want to kill me..I convinced him to go back and sleep it off. He did, but the next day, he felt horrible about what he had done and knew I would no longer be there to help him and his family. He had a respect for me when he was sober and a love, but drinking would bring the devil into him.
It took me years to get over that. I ended up getting custody of the baby...The elders asked if I would take the baby(their grandchild), and the babies father was sent to prison for a while.
I believe he learned from that...he did stop drinking and since that time had tried to seek forgiveness in his own way. I chose to make him my 'friend' again because I knew he really regretted what he did. Everyone else would not forgive him for bad things he had done and remind him of his past(even today people are this way with him), yet I feel that it is who you are now that really matters and what you can become today that really counts.
Today, he tries to help people whenever he can, by holding ceremonies and sweats for those in need. He no longer has doubts of his 'gifts' given to him. He is a healer and a good soul. I love him as a brother and as a 'friend' today because of his decision to put down the bottle and be who he was meant to be....A SunDancer...a Healer...A Warrior for the Oyate(people), and a real friend. I 'gift' this song today because he would always listen to this song and say it reminded him of me. For you, My 'Friend'...I know you'll be reading this! I am proud of you, just so you knowww! *Heart*
I want you all to know that I don't place this out to stone nor condemn him. In fact, I hold honor and respect for this man...for I want to relay the thought that everyone can change if they really want to, and they can be the best at what they are 'gifted' despite the doubts planted along the way, if they trust the Creator. We both agree that I was placed in his life for a reason...it wasn't to 'change' him, but moreso to show him a different way and to lead him to where he needed to be. He too, was in my life to help me...he taught me 'forgiveness'. In my view, this 'friend' is a fine man and I am happy he is in my life today.

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
June 2, 2010 at 12:11am
June 2, 2010 at 12:11am
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The man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning,
accepting the kinship of all creatures, and acknowledging unity with the universe of things,
was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization.

~Luther Standing Bear, (Oglala Lakota Sioux)

Where have I been?...What have I been doing?...Where do I begin...? Let's just say I have been busy Photographing for a good cause. Up in Hill City here, there has been a Western Reenactment, and I was asked if I would photograph the shows. I accepted and decided to donate my time and photos to get donations in for the Children's Miracle Network. Alot of donations were made...the cowboys in the reenactment signed the photos and it helped to bring alot of money in for the Children's Miracle Network. The little girl in the photograph is one who has had a bad start in life with her health and one who has had help from the Children's Miracle Network.
And while this was going on...I had company come and stay for a few...just so many things really. Interesting how life works though...one night, I was having dinner out at a Mexican Restaurant with my 'friend', and at another table, was a couple. We just started talking...got to talking about what has been happening in the Gulf of Mexico lately...the world in general. Come to find out that her husband and I grew up within blocks of one another and even went to the same high school. Nowww...isn't that what you call, a 'small world'!!! They live in Texas now, but we were originally from the same neighborhood! I recommended WDC to them, so hopefully, they will get the chance to get some of their own stories created and come and say hello here!
I did manage a 'Inipi' Ceremony, and it was pointed out to me that I have alot to accomplish on my journey in life, and time is running out. I have renewed my membership here on WDC, so guess I will be around for another year at least...Or as long as the Creator permits and we have agreed on. Life is good!!! My thought this night... Get out there and utilize your moments given, for you never know when your time will be up, and you will be called 'Home'. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~

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