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A journey through life, complete with life lessons!
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*NoteB*Thank you Wanbli Ska,
for this beautiful gift of poetry!


I share with you here,

some lessons through life,

and from some old wise ones.

Even children and animals have been my teachers.

These experiences that we go through in life

are meant to teach us something.

To help us grow spiritually. Be grateful for them...

give thanks, for they are all needed.

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March 28, 2010 at 12:52pm
March 28, 2010 at 12:52pm
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I am convinced that most people do not grow up...
We marry and dare to have children and call that growing up.
I think what we do is mostly grow old.
We carry accumulation of years in our bodies, and on our faces,
but generally our real selves, the children inside,
are innocent and shy as magnolias.

~ Maya Angelou

Don't you just love flowers in bloom? That sweet, fresh fragrance in the air. I took this photograph of this beautiful magnolia while I was in Gettysburg, PA. A real interesting place to go if you plan on a vacation. Educational as well. I enjoyed it!
And well..a phone call this morning that frankly, I have been avoiding from a friend of mine down south, asking me if and when I would be moving south again. With Laura now moving over to Wyoming, and not depending on me to stick around here, I may just be doing that. Jury's out still! *Laugh* Terrible to say, but I am feeling like a sailboat out in the middle of the ocean waiting for the wind to come in and blow me where I should be. *Laugh* I know I've told a friend that before...it's very true. The question: "Should I stay or should I go" keeps going through my mind with each passing day.
A conversation with my friend reminded me that I have honored my mother by doing what I have done here, and perhaps I need to honor my father by moving back south since he was from the south there, for I can not deny nor ignore any part of me. To deny a part of me is denying the whole of me. My thought anyway. I suppose it's just the 'give-away' of things and starting all over againnn. Do I really feel like doing that againn?! Stay tuned! HA! *Laugh*
And well...been sort of taking it easy the pass few days. It seems I may have come down with a stomach virus. It will pass. I just don't get sick too often, and when I do...well...it really hits me I guess. *Frown* Laura seems to think it was the clam chowder I had. Don't knowww! It's supposed to be a beautiful day here though....sunny, and around 60. If only I felt a little better. Well...there's always tomorrow! You all have a beautiful day there. Make the most of what has been given to you...it is your 'gift'! *RainbowL**Heart**RainbowR*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ One of my favorite songs! *Delight*
March 27, 2010 at 12:58pm
March 27, 2010 at 12:58pm
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No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true.
~ Walt Disney

Warning!..A long one!*Frown* Although the weatherman is calling for rain here this day, it's looking bright and sunny outside. I don't knowww. We shall see! Regardless, I will be home taking it easy.
The dinner at Alpine Inn was very good the other night...the company as well, although I felt a bit uncomfortable at being the 'third wheel'. I almost felt like I should have gone out in the street there and found someone to sit with me at one point, yet it was a night well spent with the news from Laura and Austin moving in together. Now I knowww Laura reads my blog, and I don't say anything I wouldn't tell her in person. After I heard the news, in a way it didn't surprise me because I felt it was sort of moving a bit fast there, but on the other hand, my insides were tossing and turning and vibrating (not good, my spirit said to me). Yet, it is not for me to tell another what to do in their life. I say this alot but it is a 'truth'...Every man's(or woman's) way is their own. Who am I to tell anyone what to do in their life?! A person can ride only one horse at a time, afterall. As I sat there and looked at them both with a (somewhat) understanding smile, and being brought back to my senses after hearing her say, "Aren't you going to say anything?" I paused and told them both I was happy for them if they felt it was right for them. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder if it was a bit too soon. Laura is still getting over a marriage that was, what she called, a 'Nightmare'! Why not give yourself some time? You knowww everyone needs time to grieve. And although her husband isn't dead, the marriage is. There is grieving, IMO, that needs to be done. This was what I relayed to them both.
The other night I had some things come to me in the form of a dream, and although I can't place them all out here in one blog entry, I will...throughout my blogging here on WDC, be placing them out. One that comes to mind is 'Grieving'.
Getting off Laura just for a bit...back when I was a little girl, I lost my parents. My mother died when I was at the age of two...I didn't have a chance to bond with her or even get to know her. My father died not too far after that...just a day after my seventh birthday, and to top it all off, my brother died shortly after that (about nine months later). I was an orphan who never really was given the time to grieve. Children need that! We all need that...no matter the loss, whether it be a death or ending of a relationship. Now while I don't usually place things out in public about myself...I will, if I feel it will help another person in life.
I believe in 'Cause and Effect'. I am, who and what I am because of what has happened in my past. I was raised in the deep south there, Florida. I felt always that something was missing, and I held an emptiness and fear in my heart all the time. Fear of rejection, fear of losing someone, fear of never being good enough, fear of being beaten....The list can go on and on! I swore when I grew up that I would put together a place where children would feel only love. I had a choice while I was growing up believe it or not....I had a choice as to how I would deal with this. What my outlook on what some deem as such a 'tragic' life, could possibly be. I could have chosen the road to drugs, drinking..perhaps crime and held hatred and resentment in my heart, but instead I realized that even the 'negative' you could learn from, and life is what you make it to be. I chose instead compassion. I didn't really know what family was, although I had some real good friends whose families gave me a glimpse to what it might be like. I didn't really have anyone to teach me how to cook, sew or manners. Religion only came through the private schools I was sent to, as directed in my father's will. For him, it was vital for me to get the best education I could. Education will not only open doors for you, but you will be able to open doors for others. I remember my father telling me that. It was actually very prophetic. Yet, even before I went to these schools and was forced to wear a beanie on my head when I went into mass with my class, I knew spirituality. I knew there was some Source withIn me and around me that was guiding and protecting me. That love was there, and this was the Ultimate Love that everyone thirsts for. It's there within us all, but I think, now that I am older, I've come to realize that we sort of get away from it...we tend to get sidetracked, but always It is there for us.
There were alot of emotions I went through in my lifetime because of this loss that I felt in my heart. There were times growing up when I questioned why things had to be this way...why did I have to go without my parents, and feel the humiliation I did as a child in school when they would have everyone doing a mother or father's day project, and the children would point out to me that I didn't have any parents and asked what was I making it for? I was an orphan, as I was called. I knew I wasn't really wanted in the home I lived in. I was told often enough that if it was up to them, I would be put in an orphanage. I was told I was ugly and would never amount to anything. Yet, something inside of me told me not to ever give up and just wait...
As I grew up many people crossed my path...sometimes I questioned why a rabbi would take the time to talk to me...I was a Catholic going to a Catholic school! Why was it that Brother Ron hushed me up in Religion class and told me to keep my hand down and not ask any questions..they were 'stupid questions'. I met a Muslim who became my friend. He asked me if he could pray in my living room every day because it was close to his work. It was through these people, and many others who crossed my path, that not only benefited me, but also my children because my children in growing never felt a sense of difference between any human being. There were no lines drawn and all were welcome in our home.
If you get the chance to look back on the many quotes I place here in my blog, they all apply to my life(perhaps your too) and the lessons I have learned. For instance,
We should regret our mistakes and learn from them,
but never carry them forward into the future with us.
...by L.M. Montgomery there. I could add to this, that we should never regret our past. We can learn from it, yet we should never carry the past forward into the present with us. For if we do, we will never go forward, and we will only live with the ghosts of the past.
alfred booth, wanbli ska said something in his comment to my last blog entry..he said,
my mother would say to me "I love you, but I don't really like you."
Unfortunately I learned, for lack of any other role model, to imitate most of her bad habits. Thus when she looks at me, she sees the reflection of what she probably doesn't like in herself. But that's not justification for such a cruel phrase to a child, even an adult one.
Accepting our faults is part of love. The hardest part.

Like I mentioned, Even the 'negative' we can learn from, even if it is how not to be! Let's hope now on your journey through life, you have come to see this for yourself. And I totally agree that when she looked at you there was something in you that she saw that she didn't like seeing because it was within her own self...perhaps it was a reminder to her of something in her life she resented. As for accepting our faults, I believe it is 'part' of love, but it is also part of 'forgiveness', and this is something we need to hold in our hearts, not just for ourself, but for others also. As a thought, a child who resents what their parent did in the past, and who doesn't talk to their father or mother for, however long, and decides to allow the parent back into their life, need not go back on the past with them, but let it go. Love and forgive now. Not just that parent, but for your own self. There will be no peace until all the pieces are together. Another quote I placed out but heck if I know who said it! *Rolleyes*
I need to say, alfred booth, wanbli ska ...you are the Mannnn!!! You are such a shining star, and I bet you don't even realize it!!! I truly love this person you are! What you place out, you have no idea the beauty that beholds it.
Okay well...enough of this talk..I think I have held you all up long enough. Enjoy your moments given, for that is all we have...this moment! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
March 25, 2010 at 10:52am
March 25, 2010 at 10:52am
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Love is the absence of judgement
~ Dahli Llama

It is a good day!!! The sun is shining, the deer are gathered and grooming each other. I took a walk yesterday through town. It just looked so peaceful and inviting. It seems there is life coming back to this town...people were walking around....guess they had the same idea I did! Now that the good weather is coming in, I will have to take more walks. I really need to do that more. I'll be sure to take more photographs of this town here and share it with you all. If you ever receive the chance to come to South Dakota, remember the best part is the Black Hills here in the Western part of South Dakota! *Bigsmile* Okayyy...well I might seem a bit prejudice in that statement, but it is my opinion anyway!!! I live, afterall, in the heart of the Black Hills here! *Delight*
And well...word has it that I will be going out to dinner tonight with Laura and Austin...it seems I have been invited to be the third wheel! HA! *Laugh* We'll be heading to the Alpine Inn here in Hill City.

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Be sure to make the best of this day 'gifted' to you. Enjoy your moments there!!! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
March 24, 2010 at 12:00pm
March 24, 2010 at 12:00pm
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Every human being, I don't care who they are,
possesses a guiding compass.
The challenge in every persons life,
is reading their heart's compass
and finding what it points to.

A beautiful morning here in the Western part of South Dakota... I hope it is just as beautiful there for you! After reading our dear ShellySunshine 's blog entry this day..the above thought was only appropriate to share here with all who may read it. For, whenever I place anything here, it serves me as my own reminder. A 'thought' for my own self to ponder. There isn't anyone who can tell another which way they should go in their life. Every man(or woman's) way is their own. Which brings me to realize that I really need to get with the program, and write that short story I have meant to enter into the quotation contest here on WDC. I will! I will!!
And well...nothing much else to share here...I think this quote is 'food for thought'...speaking of thoughts...any thoughts on it? How does it place in your own life there?
Another thing to share here...I was asking Wanbli Ska aka alfred booth, wanbli ska about how to write a 'haiku'. I will have to attempt that soon, but I did try my hand at a 'Lune' poem. I will share it here with you all, but my question on a 'Lune' for all you 'Masters' in poetry, is it just three lines, or can it be longer? I most certainly am not the poet! *Confused* I do try, however.
And on a final note*...no, the photo of the truck was not Winters(my 'friend'! He's got a Blue 387 Peterbilt)...It's just a truck I happened to see that had a trucker with the right idea...a hammock underneath his rig there! I thought it made for an interesting photo.

 Contemplating Life  (E)
A Poem in Lune Form~ Thirteen syllables that are arranged in 5/3/5 format,
#1604275 by SummerLyn Guthrie

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
March 23, 2010 at 2:35pm
March 23, 2010 at 2:35pm
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Some things don't last forever, but some things do.
Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out
and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down on the corners and peering in close,
hoping you still recognize the person you see there.

~ Sarah Dessen

Today's world is so fast paced...Hurry to get there, Hurry and get that done! I call it a "Microwavable Society", whereby everything is quick...including love. Love now seems to be microwaved, in that, a person can go on a date, and after the first date they are thinking 'love'. Well..I love people, don't get me wrong, and I can, from my heart tell you all that I love you as a brother or sister in spirit, but I can not fathom the idea that a person can meet another and automatically it must be love...they are talking marriage and all that lonnng time stuff.
My thought this day....slow down...there is something waiting for us to discover. Something out there waiting for us to find. Smell the flowers. Don't you know that even Roses smell different from each other? You can't come to know this if you don't take the time with them. So tender to the touch they are! Such beauty for you to behold. Maybe there's an herb you need to discover?...Milk Thistle! Good for the liver, and stabilizes your blood sugar, your insulin levels.
Take time to find your song in life! The old ones say that we each have a song to sing. This is why we are here on this earth...find that song! Sing it through your life. If you don't know it...ask and you shall receive. Pray and you will get your answer. Even the trees have a song...listen to the wind...you'll hear it's song. You can't do this if you are going full speed! Take time this day!
And well...let me take this time to wish you peace in your moments given. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
March 22, 2010 at 11:04am
March 22, 2010 at 11:04am
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Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth;
oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and
recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before
you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you
Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that
never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing everyday that scares you, Sing.
Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes
you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.
Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults;
if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…
the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives,
some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.
Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children, maybe you won’t,
maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…
what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either ~
your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s.
Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it,
or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own..
Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get,
the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

~ Baz Luhrmann

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
March 19, 2010 at 10:48am
March 19, 2010 at 10:48am
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We should regret our mistakes and learn from them,
but never carry them forward into the future with us.

~ L.M. Montgomery

I bet some of you were saying..."Where did she go now?!" *Laugh* Well...like I made mention...sometimes no matter which way you think your life should go, there is always SomeOne else holding the Master Plan...and sometimes we sort of get pushed off our original course for one reason or another. So too with me. Laura's mom needed help packing and with her move back to Texas. I think I can qualify now as a 'professional' packer! HA!
Okay well...sad news about Sandra Bullock. You knowww...I don't really get into the life of 'celebrities'. Every man's(or woman's) way is their own. We all have our road to walk if you know what I mean, but this really got to me about her husband having been unfaithful and tipi creeping with that tattoo model or whatever she is. Sad...just sad! Is anything Sacred anymore?! Does anyone hold honor and respect for anything anymore? It is a reminder to me that changes are happening, and it isn't looking pretty in this world. Alot more changes to come! Stay tuned...and whatever you do...be prepared!!! I say this not because of this one incident.
Stop, Look and Listen!!! to all that is happening all around. Ray Charles could see with no help from Stevie Wonder, that things are happening and changing all around us. We are being duked by our own Government..our own loved ones...the list is going on and on. Spiritually, people need to reconnect. This is my thought. Even an alcoholic can be spiritual. The important thing is to learn from our mistakes. Mistakes aren't our enemy...they are our friend!!! When we learn from our mistakes made, we gain wisdom. When we gain that wisdom, we feel peace and therefore love. From that love, we learn forgiveness, and I am not talking about forgiveness of others, but our own self. I am sure you have heard it said that in order to love another, you have to love yourself..well, so too with forgiveness. In order for you to forgive another, you must first look within and forgive the imperfections you find there within your own self. Ultimately, if you can find that forgiveness for yourself, then it is you know that the Creator had already forgiven you! You are, afterall, only human...born to make mistakes.
And well...I know I have missed a few birthday's here...Z.˚rz and our dear sister and friend, Iowegian Skye come to mind for starters! ((((((((((((((( A Happy Life for you both and anyone else I may have missed! *Heart**Gift2**Balloon3**Balloon2* ))))))))))))))))))...and I suppose I can extend that out to all of you!!! Take this day and find peace...feel joy! For that is all we have time for in this life time...there is no time for anything else...Feel good...not bad!! Okay...as you were!!! Enjoy your moments given! (That's an order!*Laugh*)

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
March 11, 2010 at 7:28pm
March 11, 2010 at 7:28pm
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Myyyyy have they grown! I have more, just haven't downloaded them yet, but I thought you'd like to see how they have grown up! I remember when he only had small horns. Ha! He's a big boy now!!! Can you tell...I'm proud of them! *Bigsmile*

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My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ Great message in this song if you listen to it! *Heart*
March 10, 2010 at 9:01pm
March 10, 2010 at 9:01pm
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We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

~Marianne Williamson

Attempting to catch up on blogs today...I can't say I failed, for I at least tried. Snowy day here in the heart of the Black Hills, yet the sun managed to show itself, even for a little while. Life is good! *RainbowL**RainbowR*
I did run across a few blogs that stand out in my mind at this moment. One is our dear Budroe . It appears he is starting up a contest and I thought to bring it to light here, in case some of you may have overlooked his blog! I know sometimes I miss a few here and there...it's easy to do.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1651977 by Not Available.

Another that stands out for me this day is our dear ShellySunshine . Will you all stop over there and give our sister a hug and encouragement, for she has come such a long way in this class that she is taking, and I do believe she is winding down now...she's almost there. I know she must be tired of it all. I mean...raising a family(might I say she is a fantastic mother!), keeping house, keeping her social life and still juggling with class. She is so loved here on WDC by so many...perhaps she just needs to hear it again!!! We lovvvve youuu dear Michelle...and we truly appreciate you as a beautiful soul sent to grace our presence with your presence, even in this way! *Heart*
There's a quote I have to share with you from another sister of ours...our dear Veritas . At the very start of her blog she writes:

Descriptions are meaningless.

That says so much...really!!! For all we have become are numbers and labels. As a thought, if someone were to take ten people who knew you, and asked to tell something of you...describe you. "Well...so and so" they would say, "he's a man, hard-working, a avid hunter, a good father, doctor...blah, blah blah blah." All these would be labels used to describe this soul, but in truth...these are just that, labels. Getting down to the core of who you really are actually goes deeper than I can even say here. In thinking on it..perhaps we are nothing and all. I mean...every part of the universe is within us, but if we step back from the picture...perhaps we are mere illusions? Just a bit of 'food for thought' here. I mean...how do we really knowww?! Okay I won't go too deep into this! HA...
I want to take the time this night to thank you all for allowing me into your world, even for a moment. By reading and commenting in my blog, and allowing me to read and comment in yours. I truly enjoy what is shared amongst us.
Wishing you peace-filled moments there! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Night~
March 10, 2010 at 12:23am
March 10, 2010 at 12:23am
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There’s no race, no religion, no class system, no color,
nothing, no sexual orientation that makes us better than anyone else.
We are all deserving of love.

~Sandra Bullock (in her acceptance speech for an Oscar)

Helloooo People!!! Remember me?! I feel like I was gone much longer than I actually was, but well...life called me in a different direction and had to deal with life offline. It happens! *Wink*
And well...it was not really a bad thing...some good came out of it and I say, if you can take that moment for another in life, even if it throws you off your own course for a bit, it was worth it. It was, and here I sit!
Lesson for today!....Beware of those coming to visit and bearing gifts. One of my neighbors who has been complaining through the grapevine about me feeding the deer showed up at my door today with a Red Velvet Cake! I could tell she was there to spy and see if I was feeding the deer still....she received her answer when they gathered around her as she was leaving. I invited her to feed them some apples. After a few 'no''s she fed the most friendliest one...who gently took it from her hand as she does with me. I do believe I may have silenced her and given her a new appreciation...we will see! It's sad that people have nothing more to do in their life then to complain about something that really is not doing harm to them, nor anyone else, and whose day is made by waiting for the mailman to show up so she has someone else to talk to in her lonely life. I've decided to make her my friend regardless, and invited her for dinner this night. She accepted and left full and happy I might add. I sent her home with supper for tomorrow as well! During the time we visited, however, she was asking me a whole lot of questions, as old people sometimes do(this one especially! HA!) She wanted to know what I did for a living..if I had family...if I mind living alone...what religion I was...what race I was. I didn't want to add to her prejudices(people around here are very prejudice), so I turned the questions on her and simply gave her thoughts as she spoke. I told her that I really don't like to be pigeon-holed into one of anything, whether it be a religion or a race, and 'family' to me could be those deer out there and my plants in here that keep me company and depend on me to give them proper nourishment and water. In the scheme of all things, we are really all 'family' anyway. We are all connected. I shared that with her.
Mitakuye Oyasin(We are all related)...for me, these are the most powerful words one can say in Lakota. (I didn't tell her that, or she would have found me out *Laugh*, for I can surely pass in both worlds...it's better for her not to know anything about me!) If only people on this earth would see that we are really all brothers and sisters. From the same tree with the same root! I say to you that if you do not like me or another person for whatever reason...you probably do not like a part of yourself..for there I am...a part of you...just another leaf off the same tree, perhaps just from another branch. My thought this night anyway. *RainbowL**Smile**Heart**RainbowR*
And well...It's not like me to not stop in my day and give thanks to the Creator...sometimes... throughout the day I will do this, but at least once a day I do. Now, I want to take the time and give 'thanks' and appreciation to the 'Anonymous', kind human being who 'gifted'...not just me, but others who actually look forward to reading this blog..more time here. It's that 'ripple' effect again...Amazing how you go to help one person, and in retrospect, you have no idea you are helping others as well. This was pointed out to me by a friend who I had the good company of one evening this past week, when I made mention of this kind gesture...this compassion shown. (((((((((((((( Thank youuu!!! I am grateful!!! *Heart* )))))))))))))))))
Z.˚rz man! Don't think I don't know it's your birthday coming up!!! You will be the birthdayyyy boyyyy!!! *Bigsmile*...okay..I believe I've blogged enough tonight. As you were!!! <salute>*Bigsmile**Heart*

My 'Gift' To You This Day~

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