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A journey through life, complete with life lessons!
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*NoteB*Thank you Wanbli Ska,
for this beautiful gift of poetry!


I share with you here,

some lessons through life,

and from some old wise ones.

Even children and animals have been my teachers.

These experiences that we go through in life

are meant to teach us something.

To help us grow spiritually. Be grateful for them...

give thanks, for they are all needed.

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May 25, 2010 at 9:39am
May 25, 2010 at 9:39am
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Forget not once this journey is begun the end is certain. Doubt along the way will come and go and go to come again. Yet is the ending sure. No one can fail to do what God appointed him to do. When you forget, remember that you walk with Him and with his Word upon your heart. Who could despair when hope like this is his? Illusions of despair may seem to come, but learn how not to be deceived by them. Behind each one there is reality and there is God. Why would you wait for this and trade it for illusions, when his love is but an instant farther on the road where all illusions end? The end is sure and guaranteed by God. Who stands before a lifeless image when a step away the holy of the Holies opens up an ancient door that leads beyond the world? ~A Course In Miracles

I notice there seems to be a 'lack of' these days...lack of people participating in blogging, writing and even just lack of interest. I know life has been busy for me. Life is happening again offline and I feel that since it is so quiet here on WDC, I will take the opportunity to take care of life here. I am also thinking that if it keeps up being so slow, perhaps I will quit blogging altogether and sign off of WDC come July when my extended membership expires. Wishing you always peace in your heart...once receiving it, help it remain there. May you always have 'Enough'. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
May 22, 2010 at 10:43pm
May 22, 2010 at 10:43pm
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When 'God' joins two people together,
there is a light that shines forth from those two souls.

I've been to many Christian weddings where the preacher would say during the ceremony, "What God has joined together, Let no man put asunder." Surely, you've heard that! Well...I have come to believe that it may hold a different meaning than most people would think. Just 'food for thought here'...when two people come together in marriage that brings two souls together(not just to make it legal), I think perhaps, although it holds a definite 'truth', no man can come between the two unless their journey together is finished. Because...to me..if two people come together in 'Love'..it is not by chance, but the Creator destined the two souls to be together, not necessarily forever, but either for spiritual growth...perhaps to bring other spirits into this realm or for another reason. And if you believe this (because nothing is by chance really!), then it is that you can also accept that no one person could come between the two. They would be together regardless, unless the Creator wills it to be otherwise.
And so...how about those who are in a marriage and the two sort of outgrow each other, or a better way of saying it..they grow apart...it sort of reminds me of a branch on a tree...if you look at that branch, you can see that the smaller branches will go this way and that way on that one branch. It happens, and in my view, when two souls who grow apart, the light in their hearts that once shined so bright, grows dimmer. Can the marriage be saved? Only 'God' and they know that, for I believe that sometimes outside interference plays a role in it..perhaps mother-in-laws...financial problems, etc. Whatever it may be...the two, in my opinion only, need to be aware of what the wedge is that is causing them to grow apart, and make a decision to do what they can to overcome what is pushing them apart. If they think about it...they allowed this to happen. Perhaps it is wise to look at what brought them together in the first place. Remember the first time you both met...keep that in your heart...the children that were brought into this world with the breath of life that couldn't have happened if you both didn't have that spark..that light. Then ask yourselves...can the light that is dim in my heart grow brighter and be rekindled? Can the light in that others heart grow brighter again? Communication is a key. Yet, sometimes no matter how hard you try...if it is not in that other, and it is no longer the Will of the Creator for you to be together and grow...you may need to part your ways, but with honor and respect for a marriage that was, and be grateful for the two of you coming together for whatever reason it may have been for. Just my thought upon reading a friends thoughts this day. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You~ I felt this was an appropriate song...one of my favorites really...
May 20, 2010 at 10:21pm
May 20, 2010 at 10:21pm
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Eagles Can't Be Hawks,
And Hawks Can't Be Eagles.

I said this to a friend just recently, because it's a true statement. You can't be something you are not. You are, who you are! One should never be ashamed of that either, because it is my thought that you were placed in the 'vehicle' you are in and you have become the person you are now, for a reason. As Eckhardt Tolle states in his book entitled, The Power Of Now...You are here to enable the divine universe to unfold, that is how important you are. And I don't know if I really should have placed that into quotes because I am not sure if that is the exact quote, but it goes something like that and I believe it. Just think...you are so important in this completion, because without you...part of the puzzle would be missing and it just wouldn't be complete. Don't let anyone establish your worth. Only 'God' can establish that, and you are just as important in this Master Plan...so essential...you have worth! You are important!
I remember when I was young...I always felt different. People sort of treated me as 'different'...sometimes I felt like I was an 'alien' or something. When I was younger the children stared more so because they knew I hadn't any parents...others asked me if I was Hawaiian or part Chinese because they thought my eyes were different. When I grew into my teens, I was told I always had a good tan, even in the winter(I did live in Florida though, but my skin has a more olive or reddish tone). I dated a guy in my teens who, I remember made me feel good about myself for the first time in my life. He would gently take my chin and move my face towards his and with a smile say..."You have the most beautiful eyes! Let me look into your eyes!" I didn't really feel comfortable about looking someone in the eye, and I would say, "Why do you keep staring into my eyes!" I always felt some sort of shame, and try to look away. He'd say, "Because the eyes are the window to the soul and I want to see your soul....It's beautiful!" He made me see through all the darkness that people held me in and had me believe in myself, that I really had nothing to be ashamed of. I was who I was, no matter who I was and who my parents may or may not have been.
Bottom line is that I, like you, are a 'spirit' of the universe. A 'spark' of life, just like those stars you see out there at night. And I, like you, will assure the unfolding of this Master Plan set down by the Source from which we all derive, not only by who and what I am, but also by what I contribute throughout my life....whether that is producing life or breathing life back into another with mere words or even a smile.
We are each 'unique'...each of us holds a 'gift'. Take as an example, alfred booth, wanbli ska or NOVAcatmando ...they each possess the 'gift' of poetry. Through their words in poetic form they can relay beautiful messages that can aid you and me in some way. So I turn it out to you and give the thought to recognize your 'gift'( you have a 'gift'!) and share it with all that you can. Be proud of who you are and have become despite what you may have had to pass through to get to where you are now, and remember...your choices are yours, noone elses! *Smile* *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
May 18, 2010 at 1:08am
May 18, 2010 at 1:08am
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aka St. Moriah Cemetery up in Deadwood,SD. It is the place where many a cowboy or outlaw has been laid to rest...or dug up again and reburied! Ha! *Laugh* Seriously I say this because this particular cemetery where Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, Seth Bullock and even Potato Creek Johnny are buried now, was not the original resting place for them.

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Wild Bill's Gravesite...this bronze statue has just recently been added. As I made mention...they have been reburied here. Due to progress and housing development, they ended up digging up the original gravesites and moving them up to St. Moriah Cemetary aka Boot Hill. Alot of the houses that are sitting where the original burial site was for these outlaws and others...the owners are still finding bones of people. What a scary thought!...Talk about hauntings...!

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This above is Wild Bill Hickok's and Calamity Jane's grave site there up on Boot Hill.

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My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
May 17, 2010 at 9:37am
May 17, 2010 at 9:37am
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It's time. If you are to walk the path of heart, then it is time...

All I can say is...If not now, when? If not me, who? Do you remember when you were growing up...you admired another kid...just the way they talked or something about them that you may have wanted to imitate? I think everyone looks at another person in life, and there is always something that they find in another that perhaps they like and sometimes they imitate. Yet, this is not 'you' if you try to be like that of another. Many people go through life and ask...'but who am I'?...They feel lost in life. The best one can do is to look within and follow the path of the heart. Just thoughts placed out this day as 'food for thought'! Enjoy your moments given.

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
May 16, 2010 at 3:36pm
May 16, 2010 at 3:36pm
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The Dresser with the face in it! Oh mannn...I can't believe I forgot to add the image here in my last blog entry. *Laugh* Anyway, this is the photograph of the dresser I found on the second floor hallway. After taking the picture and looking at it, I saw the face there on the right.

The tour actually began in the basement where 'Seth' said it was quite active. I will say that when you get down to the bottom of the stairs there, you can certainly feel something there, and in this image you can see an orb near the bar's mirror there. Below is a photograph of the piano that sits there with its bench. It is said that a little girl Sara likes to sit there. She pulls pranks especially when they are blowing up the balloons for the various functions they have. He was sharing the fact that they had a large amount of balloons they were waiting to take upstairs and the employee went upstairs for a bit. When she returned back down, all the balloons were gone...after a few days they finally found the balloon hidden in a room that was locked...noone had the key but the owner.

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While we were down there, the tour guide was showing us the original foundation. He told everyone, "If you place your hands on these stones you will get vibrations..." my friends who came with me immediately looked over to me as if I told the guy to say it. *Laugh*

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All in all it was quite an interesting night. If you ever have the chance to visit Deadwood, SD, you might add this to your list of places to go.
If interested, here is a link to the history and legend of the Bullock Hotel.
Wishing you a beautiful day this day! *Heart* Tomorrow I will have to share the photographs of Boothill Cemetary where Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane is buried.

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day
May 15, 2010 at 11:24pm
May 15, 2010 at 11:24pm
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Last night a few friends and I went up to Deadwood here in South Dakota for a 'ghost' tour at the famous Bullock Hotel. The hotel has had so many strange happenings that even Unsolved Mysteries featured it. I have to say that I do believe it is haunted. I only wish I could give you larger size images here, but well...these will have to do. Above is a view from the second floor to the entrance way of the hotel itself.

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The tour was hosted by Seth Bullock *Wink* and as he was showing us around from the basement to the third floor, I was taking photographs. In this particular image is an 'Orb'. Now I took quite a few photos, one after the other, as I kept snapping pictures, this one showed an orb.
Then...as he had been talking about the history of the hotel and the spirits that are said to be wandering around (including him)..he made mention of room 211 down the hall, and as he was getting on with another area of the second floor, I thought to keep taking photos of the hallway leading to room 211. At first there was nothing, but as I snapped a photograph and was going to go on with the narration of this tour, I saw in the corner of my eye a black image, and thought to quickly snap another shot. Here, I got, what looks to me as an arm dressed in black.

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I was admiring the furniture of the hotel, and thought also to take photos of the beautiful antique furniture. When I took a photo of this particular one on the second floor, I got more than what I bargained for...If you look there is a face to the right drawer. The narrator, in showing everyone there, told us that he was happy that I caught the face, because people have seen faces either in the mirror staring back or around it. He thinks it looks like Theodore Roosevelt who has been seen lately there because he was a close friend of Seth Bullock. I don't knowww...what do you think?
And well...don't want to bore you with photographs galore. I took about a hundred photographs of this place and found alot of interesting things there. The Hotel has asked me to give them copies for their hotel. I told them I would be happy to.

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~ Such a beautiful song this is...
May 14, 2010 at 12:20am
May 14, 2010 at 12:20am
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Some feelings sink so deep into the heart that only loneliness can help you find them again.
Some truths are so painful that only shame can help you live with them.
Some things are so sad that only your soul can do the crying for them.

~ Gregory David Roberts (Shantaram)

Have you ever pushed life's events of the past so far back in your mind's memory that you almost forget that it actually happened, or that you can't believe you actually did that what you have pushed into darkness, and subtly comes into light? Oh mannn...I was reminded of the shameful things I did when I was younger. All I could do when I was reminded, was ask myself..."Wow...did I really do such a thing?" My answer..."Yessss...you did, you silly bird!"
We've all been there...done that I am sure, but getting down to the core of who I am now, I can't believe I would be so heartless. I believe I was to some degree. Let me get into what led up to this memory coming to mind.
I had gotten off the computer here this morning, and got into my car ready to venture up into the hills, but Noooooooooooooo!!*Smirk*...the dark clouds had suddenly appeared and all around me was gloom. I'm not pointing any fingers or anything <cough>but a friend of mine and yours assured me I was going to be getting sunshine, but Nooooooooo!!!...anyway, immersed in a depressing feeling that the dark clouds all around me brought, my phone rings...it's my 'friend' who we call 'Winter' calling to ask me if we are still on for getting together for his birthday. I have learned in my life that it's sometimes best to get the worst over with, and I shared with him the fact that I didn't feel it was going to be better at another time, if any, for us to get together. He seemed to get the feeling that I was 'blowing him off' (as he said), and I stepped up to the plate to say...'well....I just don't feel it would be a good idea, I don't feel we will be getting any further in this relationship and what time I have in my life, I don't like to waste it.' Heck if I didn't hurt his feelings. I didn't mean it the way it may have come out. I didn't mean to imply that he was a 'waste of time'. I just don't believe in leading anyone on.
Which brought up the memory of shame! *Worry*
Spring time...My third year in college, last semester...I had been dating a guy for years, and every day we would spend our time together. Mutual female friends from college....asking if I am going to join them(females) in renting a place down at the beach that summer. Difficult for me to say yes, but I so desperately wanted to have some 'fun' with my friends, so I said..'I don't know...we'll have to see what happens.' I knew the guy I was dating wouldn't be happy with me going down without him...what was I thinking?! So what did I do? I arranged an argument with him...He was mentioning that he had to prepare for next fall, as he was in medical school and I took it as an opportunity to break up with him. What did I say?..."I think you need to find yourself!" Oh my gawwwd! *Shock* We broke up...I went down for a week and expected he would be waiting for me when I got back...Nope! His sister introduced him to a girl and he told me that he thought maybe I was right...maybe he needed to find himself and be sure of what he wanted in life. I was devastated...I knew I had shot myself in the foot and there would be no healing.
I attempted everything to get him back, including trying to get him jealous. An older guy(about 6 years older)asked me out...he was really smitten with me, so much that he asked me after 6 months to marry him and my attempt to get the other guy jealous was in accepting his proposal. I knew deep within it wasn't right, and I was only going to hurt myself in the end. When the guy found out I was engaged(I cleverly made sure it got back to him! *Wink*) he asked me to break it off and shared with me it was me who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with...I stood tall and proud...and in a revengeful way, said..'Nope!'
Well...to make a lonnnng story shared short, the guy who proposed played guitar and one night he came over and asked if I'd listen to a song he wanted to sing for me. All the time I am trying to figure out a way to break this engagement off because I knew I was really going to botch my life up if I didn't. He sat on my sofa next to me, and began strumming and singing 'Annie's Song'. Soon the tears began to flow and flow and ...I was crying. Ohhh he really thought he had touched my heart-strings with this 'gift' he presented me with. He stopped singing and with a gentle smile said softly, "Ohhhh I made you cry...well, I just wanted to share how I feel about you is all! I love youuu!" And the water-works started flowing more. He touched my face and wiped away the tears asking, 'What's wrong?!' This guy had no clue what was about to hit him!...I burst out with the truth. I killed this guys ego..I killed his feelings...I killed his heart. I felt horrible (for one evening, but felt better the next day*Wink*)! What a horrible thing I had done.
Sometimes it's good to go back and see your mistakes and allow them to serve as a reminder for you, either not to do such things again, or have them not be done to you again. Sometimes 'truth' can hurt. After that, I made a radical change in my life. I swore not to live in unhappy circumstances, and instead make the changes necessary, if necessary, because living like that was not bringing me peace of mind nor joy. I have found that there are many who would conform to a life filled with unhappy circumstances simply to have security amongst other things they imagine themselves to need from out there or from someone else.
I think our life's joy comes from being adventurous and taking chances. These encounters with new experiences seems to feed our spirits. I have learned that joy doesn't emanate only from relationships. The Creator has placed it all around us. It is in everything and anything we might experience. You just have to be adventurous enough to grasp it. Some just fear being alone. I personally can't think of anyone else I have come to feel comfortable with more than with my own self and the places that I surround myself in and around. It has gotten me to a point where I know 'me' better and can actually feel joy and peace of mind. Just thoughts shared this night!!!

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~No...I can't place out Annie's Song! I laugh hysterically every time I hear it!
May 13, 2010 at 10:09am
May 13, 2010 at 10:09am
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All the stones that are around here,
each one has a language of its own.
Even the earth has a song.

~Wallace Black Elk

The sun in shining here! *Cool* I need to get out there and soak up as much as I can! *Delight* Better not get the suntan lotion out just yet! *Wink* Life is good!!! Just one meeting today and I am free for the entire day, so I thought perhaps I would get out and take a walk up on Harney Peak, if there isn't too much snow there. Perhaps go looking for some stone people, or just hear the voice of Mother Earth. I know some of you might think it crazy, but in truth, every tree, every plant, every rock is very much alive. If you pick up a stone sometime, take a good look at it and you will see a face on that stone. Some look grumpy, some happy. Close your eyes and hold it in your hand...listen. These stone people are old and wise...they have wisdom to share with you if you listen.
And well...Better get going here...*Bigsmile* I am wishing you to enjoy your moments given, and may you always have 'enough'. *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
May 12, 2010 at 5:07pm
May 12, 2010 at 5:07pm
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Love is the very essence of life.
It is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Yet it is not found only at the end of the rainbow.
Love is at the beginning also, and from it springs the beauty
that arched across the sky on a stormy day.

~ Gordon B. Hinckley (Author)

Did you ever get the feeling you need to be somewhere else? It may sound weird, but my 'spirit' keeps telling me it's time to go. Lately...I am guessing for the past few months, I have had the feeling I should be somewhere else, yet I have no idea (yet) where that place is.
And well...snow is falling here. It's been falling since last night, and I am guessing we now have about 8 inches of snow on the ground, but I know the sun will shine again, and all of this white stuff that is probably well needed will be melted in no time. partyof5 assures me that sunny skies are heading my way. He would knowwww...he lives not too far from me. I am holding him to sunny skies coming my way with a temp of 65-70!...If not, partyof5 I'm sending truckloads of this to your front yard! *Laugh**Wink*
Ohhh...before I forget...my friend, Mack Jimmie from the Choctaw Rez down in Choctaw, Mississippi left me a message the other day reminding me of a movie that is coming out(should be out now) called, Casino Jack. http://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2010/05/jack-abramoff-a-dc-scandal-ma...
It's about the Jack Abramoff scandal we took part in defense of the Native Tribes being ripped off. You may find it interesting. Gee...I really need to give him a call! *Confused*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~

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