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Rated: 13+ · Book · Environment · #1392154
A modest journal.
My life's ups and downs...
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November 30, 2009 at 6:58pm
November 30, 2009 at 6:58pm
Monday, November 30, 2009

         I hope and pray something or someone significant touched your life today in a big way.

         My day was gloomy, overwhelming, and irritable. I was most certainly not someone to hang with.

         I forsake gloominess and irritability. Though I am weak, He is strong... so I will not be overwhelmed another moment.

         If God is for me, who can be against me? Though I fall, I shall arise and proclaim the goodness of the Lord. His mercies endure forever. His banner over me is love. He is my strong tower, my refuge, my ever-present help in times of trouble. He is my hiding place.

         Have an inspired evening.
November 28, 2009 at 8:33am
November 28, 2009 at 8:33am
Saturday, November 28, 2009

         Happy Saturday!

         I have found that being alone too much is self-imposed isolation. The more I am by myself, the more self-centered I become. I began to wallow in isolation, stew in my own juices --- becoming more and more bland. Communicating with others of like mind, seems a competition all about "me." Because I've become my dwelling place, my place of occupation and preoccupation, which has become my easiest point of reference. Sharing about yourself, attention-seeking is boring --- even to others living in isolation.

         The solution? Confess your sin and repent. I believe spending more time with family and friends is a good step --- if you're still tolerable. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. =)

         When young, I had a large circle of friends brought together by extracurricular activities. Just being in class with others, opened up friendships.

         Encourage yourself by focusing on Thanksgiving, not the disappointments. Quiet time alone is less damaging in small doses.
November 27, 2009 at 8:23am
November 27, 2009 at 8:23am
Friday, November 27, 2009

         Good morning. It's the day after Thanksgiving, aka Black Friday. =)

         My mother got her new computer and is ecstatically optimistic. She and dad were at Best Buy at 4:00 a.m., and the line to get into the store was a half mile long. They saved $300 and met a really nice young man who was happy to help them get everything needed to set it up. Mission accomplished, they're on their way home!

         I am a little down this morning, feeling sorry for myself -- alone. As I lay in bed this morning encircled by a heating pad, a trickle of tears began streaming from the corners of my eyes down the sides of my face. At that precise moment my telephone rang like church bells chiming. My mom with computer in tow was excited... joy and happiness came flowing through her voice, like a child on Christmas morning. All my sadness floated away. =)

         I took a really long walk yesterday. By the time I got home my hips and groin were so sore, I was ready to break-dance. =) As I began my walk, I kept thinking... a little further, a little further. Yet when I finally met my intended mark and began the trek home, the pain in my hip joints and lower back were on the rise. I began hoping someone... anyone would pass and offer me a ride. More determined than ever to be done with this tiresome jaunt, I finally made it home, staggering into the door like a drunk. Then slipping into my back brace, I collapsed onto the sofa.

         My good friend, Carmen, invited me for Thanksgiving dinner, along with her husband, sons, and a few other close friends... such a kind-hearted, charitable person she is... truly a God-send to me.

         Now, I'm off to read my bible, encourage myself and communicate with my God.

         Take care and have a wonderful Friday.
November 25, 2009 at 5:40pm
November 25, 2009 at 5:40pm
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

         I've had a genuinely pleasant Wednesday. The firm I work for was gracious enough to pay us today instead of Monday, the 30th --- which should have been our normal payday. They also let us go at 2:30 p.m. --- so everyone had the perfect opportunity to do any last minute grocery shopping.

         Happy Thanksgiving!
November 23, 2009 at 7:27am
November 23, 2009 at 7:27am
Monday, November 23, 2009

         It was rainy here last night --- one of those soft drenching rains. All the plants seem to be smiling this morning. =)

         Gotta' go get ready for work. Happy Monday!
November 21, 2009 at 7:13pm
November 21, 2009 at 7:13pm
Saturday, November 21, 2009

         I awoke early, fed my sweet kitties and washed my hair. I then took a bike ride to Starbucks, talked to my mom, read some and returned home... in time for the cable guy. He arrived at 9am and switched out my modem. I had forgotten to put a reminder on my cell phone, but by the grace of a loving God who cares about every little part of my life, I was where I was supposed to be at just the right moment.

         Then I sat on the porch to embrace the morning in my hand-me-down, spruced up, hunter green cane rocker --- reading scriptures, feeding my soul. As I went inside and glanced at the clock, my mind was drawn to Yoga, starting in just one hour. I high-tailed it to the gym for a good workout and a round of Yoga.

         Driving home, I decided to stop by my daughter's (though I knew she was sleeping after working the night shift). My grandson, Cody, was eager to go bike riding with me. After our drive back to my apartment, we rode our bicycles to the pier, stopping and resting here and there along the way and at a playground... At the pier, we parked our bikes and rode up and down the glass elevator, hitting every stop and every shop. The grand finale was The Pier Aquarium. Since Cody is a fast-moving five year old and goes through stores like a marathon runner, it took some coaxing to get me there. Cody is five and gets in free; but it's $5.00 for adults ---- well worth it if you can take your time and not race through. Cody was good and kept his speed down to a slow jog. At The Pier Aquarium you may touch a variety of crustaceans as well as a multitude of variant starfish. When I pointed out an eel, Cody was curious whether it was electric ---- and wouldn't stop pestering me about it until I asked. Not electric, it was a green moray eel, large and fascinating nonetheless.

         Cody and I bicycled home. He set up my chess set, then the checker set --- not into either game but proud to show me he could set them up. Amazing to me since I never knew about chess or learned chess until I was in high school. He asked if he could have my set. (One day, maybe, but not today... He couldn't find his bicycle helmet before we left his house and had to use Tyler's.) We had a short talk about putting away things after using them --- with a strong emphasis on the chess/checker set he so desperately wanted. He promised he would take good care of it. Then I asked about the cards I'd lent him to play with at Joey's wedding. He had no idea where the cards were and couldn't even remember whether they actually made it to the wedding. Finally, he was satisfied to leave with a rubber ball, he bounced and bounced, proudly catching it with one hand.

         When I took Cody home, he fell asleep in the car. I so wanted to carry him in the house but he said, Meemaw, you don't have to carry me in. I sure wanted to but was not sure I was strong enough. Cody is a big boy ----- soon to be six.
November 21, 2009 at 6:35pm
November 21, 2009 at 6:35pm
Friday, November 20, 2009

         A BIG Happy Birthday to my eldest sis... just 18 months ahead of me. =)

         It was a good, yet slow day for me at work. I'm not sure what is going on there... My boss left early, while I spent my remaining hours updating pleading indexes and watching the clock.

November 19, 2009 at 6:20pm
November 19, 2009 at 6:20pm
Thursday, November 19, 2009

         Could it be I'm ready ---- spiritually ready ----- for a drastic and yet gleeful change in my life?

         When we ignore warning signals, they get bigger and bigger until we can no longer ignore them. That's where I am at this moment. Finally, getting it.

         I hope to always be part of this site-wide group of individuals. May God Bless Writing.Com to the extent that it is undeniable and must be professed.

         God bless you as you begin to wind down your work week. I, for one, am thankful for Fridays... always, every week.

         The slave is set free every Friday---to dream, to dance, to laugh and play.

         May God bless my world, my realm of influence, my realm of degradation and humiliation, my realm of understanding and being understood, my realm of wisdom and knowledge --- not only on my behalf but on behalf of those whom You have placed in my path in this world and in the world to come. Amen.
November 16, 2009 at 12:18pm
November 16, 2009 at 12:18pm
Monday, November 16, 2009

         I'm well, and it is well with my soul. Saturday night while feeling depressed, alone and isolated, the Holy Spirit surely whispered in my ear: Make your home a Sanctuary for Me. [Surely I've been watching too many crime dramas and murder mysteries.]

         I cleaned my apartment all afternoon Saturday and am determined to make it a Sanctuary for Him. Surely, this will help me stay focused on Him and make Him feel more welcome in my home.

         May God Bless you with a nice Monday.
November 14, 2009 at 8:49am
November 14, 2009 at 8:49am
Saturday, November 14, 2009

         Good morning. May I say the weather is delightful in Saint Petersburg this morning.

         As I listen to the sound of hounds echoing one another, I consider my neighbors. They might well benefit from watching a few episodes of THE DOG WHISPERER... though I won't be the one to tell them so unless a precise, opportune time arises. Otherwise, I might run home licking my wounds. Why are we so often on the defensive? A sign of the times, perhaps?

         Well I have a warm shower awaiting me. Have a very pleasant day.

         May the gong of pride be renounced, confessed, let go; and may the softness of sweet humility cause you to glow in His peace.

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