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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
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February 15, 2024 at 7:37pm
February 15, 2024 at 7:37pm
Today was a long day with almost nothing accomplished, as per usual.

I had a technician come today to evaluate me for my insurance. She called me at eight am and says "My eight oclock appointment is in the hospital so do you mind if I come in about ten minutes?" Mind you, she woke me up. I did a ten minute flight of the bumble bee throwing my hair in a pony tail, taking my meds, cleaning up dog poop, grabbing some coffee and trying to wake up. I was there at the door to let her in. Everything went fine but she couldn't answer my questions because she was outsourced by my insurance, she doesn't work for them. Oh well. I found out my health is semi-fine anyhow.

David went out for the night and I need my meds done so I guess I got to do them myself. Loads of fun. Hopefully I'll be able to make sense of his system and I won't screw it up too much.

Let Cindy try to a DP bookmark yesterday and she totally messed it up. I had to start over from scratch to fix it which meant scraping off the diamonds that she put any where she wanted because she couldn't see the numbers. Oh well. We'll deal with the fall out later. I did do one bookmark and a wind chime before that.

I haven't taken time to write other than scratch a few notes for 15 minutes twice today. I really need to take a day to write instead of spending most of it in the craft room. It just seems like when I take time for crafts it is okay but when I take time to write I'm violating some code that says that isn't important and other things are more important like hanging out in the living room watching TV. Go figure. Maybe I should sneak my writing into the craft room.........

Right now I got to go work on my meds and then go to bed.
February 14, 2024 at 10:48pm
February 14, 2024 at 10:48pm
Didn't realize clubhouse was doing anything for Valentine's Day until I got there. We had cafeteria style for lunch (spaghetti, which was free) and played Bingo. I won a Sally buck in Bingo and everyone got a little baggie of candy and goodies. I can't say it was fun but it was fair.

All I wwanted to do afterward was come home and sleep. No such luck. Cindy showed up just after I did. The mail came in and I got the DP bookmarks and pictures I ordered. We all went to the craft room and I got crowded in by Cindy and had to rearrange my space to accomodate her. Not fun at all. She was trying her darndest to do a bookmaark but I think she might of screwed it up. I haven't taken a close look at it yet. Oh well. I told myself it is hers now so iif she wants to do it other than the way it is plannned then sobeit.

There is so much I need to do but I am just too tired to moove. Not to mention I keep getting the hiccups and every inch of my body is hurting. I forced myself to do too much today and now I'm paying for it.
February 13, 2024 at 5:39pm
February 13, 2024 at 5:39pm
Valentine's Day. Let's get this over with, both the day and this blog entry. V day is just another of those holidays made up by the greeting card and commercial society industries to get us to spend money on another nothing holiday. Okay, so it is supposed to promote love and rememberance of the feelings two people have for each other. For me it is nothing but heartache.
When we had those cute little cards in elementary school and you would make this great little box to collect them in..... you know what I got? If I was lucky I got six cards and those were torn in half. Of course the teachers would wag their fingers at the students and talk about how we should care about all of the class members equally.All I got to say is PTTTHHHBBBB!!!!! It didn't stop them from doing the same thing next year or writing vulgar messages and putting those in my box..... Later years didn't change much. I didn't get given a rose on V day. I never got a present.

I told my friend Jersey about my Parkinson's Disease today. He was very concerned. His brother is in the later stages of it. I shake. I wake up unable to move. I hurt all the time. I don't know what else it could be.

Cleaned my room today. I couldn't stand it any more. Still going to be a pip getting to the closet. There's also a bunch of stuff I threw over there. Found the notes and couple of stories for my anthology I want to write. What does that make? IF you count that as a novel, it's about nine. I found the notes to my dystopia story the other day and another novel I can't think of right now. I decided to keep out what is mostly developed into a full story and am sending all the notes I have on writing, my Writer's Digest Magazines, and most of the ones that are just prompts really to the basement.

I have two bins that slide under my bed. One is full of writing things. The other has some writing, but most of it is coloring projects. I have been painting pictures the past couple of days and decided today to turn back to my diamond painting.

Things are getting better. I just hope I can keep it going in a positive direction.

February 11, 2024 at 6:41pm
February 11, 2024 at 6:41pm
I am so geeked up!!!! I went searching through bins today and found my notes to "Nezoom Musings"   by Mousethyme ..... I thought they were gone forever!!! I can't believe it!!!! All of my notes on the language I created, the list of species I did.. not to mention rough drafts of chapters.....

I found them in a portfolio folder along with some other things I have to go through.....

Awesome. That's all I can say. I found a bunch of notes on a Dystopia story I started scratching bits on. It's very complicated but I think I can pull it off....

I just had a thought. What if I've already spent too much time on RoE and THTW? I've been working on them since I was twelve years old. that's 34 years. Sometimes when I think about how long I've been writing without even being close to being published I feel like giving up all together.

I think I'm going to turn my attention to what is pulling at me to be written. Trying to force myself to finish what I don't really feel like working on is giving me blocks.

I'm going to be too busy tomorrow to write. I have my usual run with Sally, my case worker, then I have to see Jacob, my therapist, then I have a dentist appointment. I'm going to be leaving the house at nine and probably won't be back until at least two. I'll have to see about getting some change before I get to CMH. David gave me a $20 yesterday.

Blessed Be Everyone.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

Thank you Ledgerdemain for creating this wonderful signature.
February 9, 2024 at 5:46am
February 9, 2024 at 5:46am

I have a friend who is obsessed with The Beatles. There isn't anything he doesn't know about them. Let's get a couple of things straight. 1) My friend is convinced beyond any shadow that Yoko Ono broke up the group. He loathes her. 2) his name is John and while growing up people in his life likened him to Lennon. He would rather identify himself with McCartney.

My own obsession is with David Bowie. Now my knowledge of Bowie is not as extensive as John's on The Beatles, but I know a couple of little known facts..... Anyways that's my answer to the prompt.

I have been semi-illl for a few days. Just run down and not wanting to do anything, especially write. I just have no inspiration for anything despite the many prompts here on WdC. I want to write. I want to do other things. All I seem to be able to get myself to do is Diamond Painting and none of that seems to be coming out right. I'm hoping the one I am working on now will. It is a wall mural of a waterfall that Terry wants to hang in the living room when it is finished. I'm hoping to get a frame for it.

I think a lot of my depression and apathy stems from the fact that I am broke. I know everyone wishes they had more money. I just have things that I need for my room and to get done that need monetary assistance. I also guess I am going to have to pay someone to get some things done in my room.

My room is a disaster area. There should be crime scene tape around it as the aftermath of some tragic event. I can barely move around in here. I've got a small path going from the door to the bed. I have to play ninja monkey to get to my closet to get clothes. It's amazing I can get to things in here. I swear I'm going to break my neck trying to find something in here.

Something will eventually be done. I just don't know when this miracle will happen.
February 6, 2024 at 9:04pm
February 6, 2024 at 9:04pm
Reading my favorite authors makes me feel different ways depending on what genre and subject matter I am reading. While reading how-to books on writing, for example, I feel like a student in a classroom or lecture hall. When I read my Laurell K Hamilton Anita Blake novels I feel like I'm a friend tagging along on her adventure.. When I read Danielle Steele I feel as a fly on the wall wondering who is going to fall for who when. Finally with my Stephen King or Dean Koontz novels I am on the edge of my seat wondering who is going to survive.

I love reading a variety of things as much as I enjoy writing them.

I've been wondering all day if I am going through my RoE novel all wrong. Most stories like it tell the story through the antagonist (the killer) and the protagonist (usually the PD). RoE tells the story through the protagonist (who is the falsely accused) and the PD. The POV characters are the falsely accused girlfriend and the head of the PD. It just keeps feeling like it is going in circles or something to that effect and I've hit a dead end. ..... I really need to start over from the beginning again and do a rewrite putting in some more details I've come up with that will help move the story forward. I also need to add in some more details that foreshadow what is happening in Book 2: THTW.

I always have too many irons in the fire and I am so overwhelmed I can't get myself to work on any of them. To make matters worse I am constantly thinking of more things I should be doing.

Right now I'm going to take a break from writing and do some reading tonight. I'll get back to writing tomorrow after I see the doctor coming to evaluate me for my insurance in the morning.
February 5, 2024 at 8:46pm
February 5, 2024 at 8:46pm
I have never felt as valued as I do here at WdC. I am told constantly by someone or other member on here that they are grateful I am just me. I try to help and be here for everyone though sometimes that is a daunting task. You all do one thing for me though. You get me away from my reality....

If anyone remembers, I came to one of the WdC conventions. I felt the way someone said. "You look like you're ready to run out of here like a scared mouse." M nickname back then was mouse too, and I think I was going by the name Kristy Mouse.....

I met one of the loves of my life through here and ended up living with him for three wonderful years in Missouri. I regret that I left him but I couldn't deal with his family.

I was a different person in those times. I was a child still though I was in my late 20s early 30s. I think even older. All I know is I was an immature self centered little brat until about a year after I came to Port Huron and I was introduced to DBT....

Now? Now I am more of a person of my word and care a great deal about my fellow human beings. I know who I am and what I want out of life (though some of it I probably will never have).

WdC has been here for me as well and helps me to keep the one thing I know for sure at the forefront: I am a Writer. I can not go a day without writing something. My writing is my life.

Been wondering if, just for shitz and giggles, I should post my erotica stories to my portfolio. To me they are quite good, even now about four years later. I just wonder though. Their inspiration is from some resources that might put them under the category of fanfiction. I'm afraid someone will recognize my characters; then again, maybe they won't. I'll have to reread them before I post them.

February 3, 2024 at 11:29pm
February 3, 2024 at 11:29pm
I have two Dragons so far in "WDC Dragon Vale"   by GERVIC 🐉 WDC Dragon Vale . It's fun but I doubt if mine are going to grow very fast.

I am doing "Habit Heroes "   by 🌸 pwheeler - love joy peace again this month. For it I said I would do two reviews this month which I did on the first.
I also said I would enter two contests this month. I just wish you got experience in Dragon Vale for just entering. I never win.

I pulled out my offline notes to "Rage of Envy Rewrite Project"   by Mousethyme . That's about as far as it got. (insert whining here)

I printed off a bunch of promising looking prompts and some writing instructions from my emails. I really hope that if I don't get any more inspirations for RoE, that I will be able to write something from one of these.

I've been aching so bad and I'm tired all the time so I am not really getting anything done. I've even slacked off on working on my diamond painting. Terry calls it working on my beads but that isn't really what it is.

I almost did a "I want to write but I don't know what to write" montage again just to be able to say I wrote something.

I need to pull out my notebooks and start keeping those up again. It may be jut scratching notes but it is writing.

I should put meditation on Habit Heroes next month. I've gotten away from that lately.

Well I get plenty to do so I'lll catch up again tomorrow.

February 2, 2024 at 11:51pm
February 2, 2024 at 11:51pm
cleaned my room a bit today. couldn't take it any more. I put my clothes away as best as I could

I'm falling asleep and really don't know what to say.

Started a new diamond painting on Wednesday. It is going a lot better. That last one was a major pain in the butt. Terry still wants to give it to Ed's daughter.

I have to quit. I can't keep my eyes open.
February 1, 2024 at 8:38pm
February 1, 2024 at 8:38pm
The time has come to talk of times, of resolutions and goals and frivilous things that do not rhyme........

Don't ask me where I am or where that came from because I haven't the foggiest notion.......

Terry allowed Bill to let me have some of his homemade THC tea. Its supposed have helped me with my pain (man does it ever) and stop the jerky-shakiness of my Parkinson's disease. The only thing my doctor has me on is requip for my RLS.

I'm trying to decipher whether what I am feeling is just lack of rest (I usually take a 2-4 hr nap in the afternoons. I couldn't today because our little Cindy -lou-who decided to come spend the day.) the tea, or my mind flipping out like it thinks it should be doing on the tea. believe that over thinking like this is what goes into the paranoia when smoking ......

It just occurred to me, saying that ____________ is now legal, at least in some places, does that change its rating? I mean it used to fall under "illegal drug use" .... Now in some places it is actually referred to as "taking prescribed medication".....

I don't know. I questioning whether or not I should even save this entry. It is a highly controversial subject in some circles. I don't even remember what rating I gave this blog or if it should be heightened. With the people in my house now this is going to be an ongoing thread in here.

Okay I feel like I'm coming down off the initial buzz. Time to mellow out and watch some TV.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

Thank you Ledgerdemain for creating this wonderful signature.

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