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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
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March 24, 2024 at 8:06pm
March 24, 2024 at 8:06pm
I went to the porch twice today looking if the mail came in. Today is Sunday. In my defense , I wasn't awake.
I'm not the only one who was off though. The first time I went out Jaylin was on the porch and said he hadn't seen it yet either.

I should of wrote today. I should have read today. I should have done something more productive than laying around thinking about what I want to do. I wonder if it's because I have so many things I could do I am severely overwhelmed.. That could be it.

Then again there are the things I am avoiding like the kitchen. There is no counter space in there because of all the stacked up dirty dishes. I can't get to the coffee pot. I threatened to stop making coffee this morning. This spawned a house meeting because Terry said something to Bill about it. She made it sound like David was the one complaining. I was told to voice my complaints to David, not Terry, and that I could be doing more to help..... I said I would help more if I could tell what was clean or dirty. Then I might be willing to rinse dishes and put them in the dishwasher......Right now though in its current state I can't stand to even go in the kitchen...

Not to mention that the water cooler is out of water, again.

I still have a headache and feel light headed. The only thing that helps is laying down and trying to remain calm...trying not to think. Everything still aches and the arthritis strength tylenol is not working as well as it once did, I feel flushed and hot. My blood pressure is up. My sugar level has been good, surprisingly.

I did straighten my room today and took the garbage out. It was looking semi-okay. At least you can see the carpet. There's still things here and there that need to be straightened. It is just that I get everything put away....except for the stuff that I set aside to work on...usually some bit of writing......then when I get done I am exhausted and want to lay down. I push all the stuff I was going to work on off my bed and lay down. There it sits on the floor.

Someday I'll be organized enough that everything will be neat and tidy.......Yeah, uh-huh, sure.
March 23, 2024 at 5:24pm
March 23, 2024 at 5:24pm
Been sleeping most of the day again. I just felt sick to my stomach to where I could barely eat. Been checking and my blood pressure has been out of whack. It's mostly running high and I haven't told anyone in the house but I'm having chest pains that are radiating down my right arm...... I'm hoping it is just Angina which my Dad had for years before his first heart attack.

Actually I had a good reason for sleeping today. I was up from 3:00am to 6:30am working on my room because I couldn't sleep. I got most of my wall hangings up and got rid of some of them. The ones that have taken their places are much better. My room is really starting to look magickal. Plus it is organized and neat. You can actually see the floor.
I still need to clean out more of the closet and put some other things away but it is looking quite well.

Soon I will start taking better care of me. I still need to go get those x-rays done that my doctor ordered. I should shower more often. We have a bidae now attached to our toilet. It's fun to use and more sanitary according to David.

I got Temu credit for those metal signs I accidently ordered thinking they were books. I'm still upset about not getting more books for my craft. I have other things though that are helping me learn more about it and who I am as an eclectic witch.

I'm still tired and I'm constantly light headed. Oh well. Things will progress. That you can be assured of.

We still have snow but at least it isn't coming down any more. You know what they say, in like a lamb, out like a lion.

David took Prince to get his shots today. It was just us girls at the house. It didn't last very long.

I'm all over the place tonight.....I bought fabric quilt blocks to use to clothe my naked idols. I played with it a little but I haven't gotten down to working on them yet. Also bought rope to lower my hanging spider plant so I can water it. That's done.

Now I forgot what else I was going to say.... must not have been important.

March 22, 2024 at 9:05pm
March 22, 2024 at 9:05pm
Yesterday was supposed to be the first day of Spring..... and what do we get up to today? A foot of snow on the ground and more coming down.......

My crochet group was canceled because of the snow.
schools were closed.
Bill and Jayelyn were off work.

The weather got to me as well. I was hurting so bad I could barely walk but of course I still had to take care of Terry and Prince. I kept getting up, doing what I had to for Terry, and crawling back in bed. I tried to go out in the living room chair and I made it for a while; long enough to start coloring a picture. It don't matter because I have no place where I am going to put it in my room. Most of my wall space is taken up and I haven't put any of my wall hangings up.

I got my goddess and god idols in the mail yesterday. Got teased because they are naked. I plan on putting something over them I just don't know what yet. I got my crystal ball in the mail today. It's not as big as I wished it would be but it is sufficient to fulfil the purpose. one of these days soon I am going to have my shrine set up proper and it is not going to be cluttered with other things.

Haven't done anything for my writing other than jot notes on what I'd like to do with my stories. (Sometimes those notes aren't very nice) I really would like to schedule writing time and stick to it but I just can't with the constant interruptions here.

Haven't done anything for my health either. I try to drink water but I don't want to eat and lately I am choking down my pills because I really don't want to take them either. At least I got David setting up my morning pills the night before so I can take them in the mornings instead of three in the afternoon (or later).

Still nauseous. Still burping eggs. Still hurt all the time. At least my tongue and throat aren't as bad now. I'm going to keep cleaning my mouth with the medicated mouthwash Terry gave me cause it always feels like there are sores in there.

so there is the life of the mouse in a nutshell. Not really too much going on as per usual.

March 21, 2024 at 7:53pm
March 21, 2024 at 7:53pm
Hey all,

Spent most of today stuck in the living room as Cindy had come over.

Finally went to my room when Terry kept accusing me of being awnry (just not so nice a word) so I laid down. Did leave my door open so if anyone wanted me I was readily available. ...

Don't remember today's blog prompt. Must not have been something I was interested in.

Cindy and I did go to the Dollar Store. Got some wood cleaner for David to clean furniture. I bought a coloring kit with dual ended pencils and some paint markers. Also got some little packets that you add to bottles of water.

Went downstairs looking for my crocheting stuff; mainly yarn. Didin't find any of it. Now I can't find my hooks either and I know they were here yesterday. And people wonder why I hate moving things around..... The yarn is probably in the craft room but I am not digging through there. That room is totally destroyed right now and getting worse by the day. Of course it has to be our room that accumulates all the junk that no one knows where else eto put it.

Terrry wants to take a shower now which is another room that got destroyed today because they were attaching a bidae to the toilet. ..... Did not accomplish what was intended.

March 20, 2024 at 7:51pm
March 20, 2024 at 7:51pm
I got most of the bedroom done today. Got all the clothes that I am keeping in the dresser or hung up. That was cool.

Things are disappointing though. We haven't gotten any mail in three days. We got packages via UPS or FedEx, but no regular mail. It's strange for us. We've even gotten nothing but flyers and junk mail but we always get something. There's no explanation for it. We've even gotten mail for a resident in the garage before. It's just plain weird.

I'm still sick. my throat is killing me and my ears ache. I've got a headache that was giving me blurry vision off and on. my sinuses are draining. Everything is stiff and tingly. My pain is beyond words throughout my body. I should probably call the doctor and see if they can call something into the pharmacy or something. I've been gargling with medicated mouthwash for three days. My tongue still burns once in a while but as long as I don't mess with the thick white coating on it I can eat some things.

Not much else I can think of. All I want to do is sleep. Hopefully things will go better tomorrow.
March 19, 2024 at 10:15pm
March 19, 2024 at 10:15pm
I hurt too much yesterday to do muuch more on my room.
finally got my mail sent out though. Right now I really donn't need anything else to do but I bought a book of stamps so there is really no reason why I can't participate in Snail Mail Group now other than having a ton of other things to do.....
Any ways Sally and I did that and then went out for breakfast.
That was the extent of what I got done on Monday.

today the dressers and bookcase came in. I was so full of Anxiety I was shaking. Luckily Bill took care of most of it. Had to move the printer and change around the plants but things are good.I just don't know how I'm going to water them.

Everything is still so crazy in my room but Terry said I had to lower my expectations of what I can get done in a day. I got a lot done though. Now it is just a matter of figuring out where to put all of it. It'll be easier once the closet is cleaned out.

I'm hot. my nose keeeps running. my tongue hurts and is swollen a little. my throat hurts. I've been having angina. it hurts to eat. I think I've got thrush and it is spreading........I csn't get in to see my doctor anytime soon though so it'll have to work its way through my system.

My feet have been bothering me too. They're peeling a lot and I had to cut excess skin off one heel.

My Parkinsons is not doing me any favors either. my muscles have been going weak lately.

I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

March 17, 2024 at 8:51pm
March 17, 2024 at 8:51pm
Even though I do believe in magick, coincidences, and wishes, the only luck I believe in is someone being struck with bad luck; especially for an extended period of time. I used to say if it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all. I think that luck is more of a superstition in nature, and I don't believe in superstitions or conspiracy theories.

Spent today moving stuff around in my room getting ready for Tuesday. I hope the dresser fits where I have planned and the bookshelf isn't too tall. No one has touched Terry's room yet and I'm not doing it. I'm sure you can imagine how my body feels after doing my room.

It decided to snow again today. What fun. I still don't know what I'm doing with Sally tomorrow. I want to be able to relax but I don't think that is going to happen. I'm going to go to the mail store on Electric and see if I can get my packages mailed. It should be interesting. One of them was supposed of been picked up by FedEx. ha ha. One is supposed to mail for free through UPS but I don't even know where that one is. No matter. I'll just do what I can and hope everything comes out all right.

Bill mounted my TV, put my curtains up on my shrine, and mounted a hook to hang my spider plant. I don't know how I'm going to water it I'll figure something out.

The birds were moved out of my room today. That was awesome. Hopefully Don will take them or we can find some place that will in the near future. The food I've been giving them for a week now is wild bird food, not parakeet food and the bottom of the cage hasn't been cleaned in a couple of months. Add to that we got field mice coming into the house now and you'll understand why I need to get rid of them.....

Hoepfully things will go better tomorroww
March 16, 2024 at 11:10pm
March 16, 2024 at 11:10pm
The Horror newsletter makes me beg the question: what truly is mundane to someone with the imagination of a writer? To my creative mind, the whole world is my playground......

There's a mindfulness exercise that asks you to create something that doesn't exist. Once you know the object in every detail, you are to picture it existing in the real world.....Say your object is an alien fruit that is oblong and black with big purple splotches. Then you picture that fruit sitting in the grass under a tree in the park. Or you could have it sitting in a corner of your bedroom......
Anyways that exercise taught me how I could add anything to this world that I wanted for a story. After all, isn't that what makes it fiction?

Things are going okay. I've been trying to get my room ready for the dresser and bookshelf to be delivered on Tuesday. It is a very slow process, and I am going to have to move some things into the Dining room for a short period of time until I get organized afterward. I've already decided I am not helping with Terry's room until after her dresser is in place. Someone else can move stuff around to make room.

I asked Bill and he is going to help me get my TV mounted on the wall and get my curtains up over my shrine tomorrow. I'm not going to be able to get my wall hangings up until after that and after the dresser and bookcase are in place. I might have to get rid of some of them I have so many now.

Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do on Monday. Sally and I made plans to check out this new store. I have stuff I need to take to mail out and I really should get some stamps.

I don't know if I should be part of the Snail Mail Group anymore. I haven't been able to send stuff out like I wanted to when I first joined. I love sending snail mail but I just haven't had the postage. There are lots of groups I belong to on here that I don't really participate in.

My head is starting to swim again. I haven't been coming on here that much because my port is semi-confusing. I have things in my favorites that I am not active in any more. Some I don't even remember putting in my favorites....it makes it hard to find the stuff I do want to see and use.

Oh well, life does go on, such as it is.

March 15, 2024 at 8:40pm
March 15, 2024 at 8:40pm
Hiyo......Khola the Mousethyme here with your nightly report.....

Called Habitat this morning to see if they delivered..... Yes, for a $50 fee per load. Went there with Sally (who showed up late as usual. She thought our appointment was for 11:30) and picked out two dressers and a bookcase (one dresser was for Terry). Then went to CMH. Had my appointment with Jacob; all we did was change my plan to include Crochet. Found out that crochet lasts until 3:00 pm. Ok, fine. Went to crochet group and got a kit containing hooks, stitch counter, stitch markers, scissors, measuring tape, and other goodies (I think). That was cool. Also gave me a skein of white yarn. It's haard to work with white as it is and the yarn itself was thick and fraying. I sat there for almost two hours crocheting granny squares. Not that fun. I'm going to find my yarn and and some patterns and challenge them next week to teach me how to follow a pattern and make something other than afghans.

Came home and all I wanted to do was go to bed. Of course, I couldn't because I had to take care of Terry.

Not much else really happened. It was Friday so tomorrow is Saturday and will be a slow day.

Have to clean the rooms and get them ready for the furniture delivery on Tuesday. Shouldn't be too bad.

Please send good thoughts for Terry. She is getting better. She went to the doctors yesterday and got her stitches out. They gave her some light exercise to do with her arm and the physical therapist came and gave more suggestions....

Send good thoughts that this furniture works out.

The most relaxing space for anyone should be their bed. It is where you rest and recharge yourself for your next adventure. It should be conducive to sleep without difficulty. If there is then there must be something that needs to be addressed.
Right now where I'm at I can't help it, but I have this nasty habit of doing things in my bed. Getting on the computer, reading a book, writing notes for my novels, writing my novels. A bed, according to the experts, will tell you that your bed should only be used for sleep. Don't go to bed with plans on doing something else. You may be tired and say "I'll only work on this for a minute" but that minute turns into hours quickly.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

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Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

I am a mouse and a witch.....
March 13, 2024 at 6:26pm
March 13, 2024 at 6:26pm
Got three more books that I ordered in the mail yesterday:
          How to Write an Awesome Novel.....
          Character Keeper
          1,000 Character Reactions

I have a busy CMH day coming up on Friday culminating in Crochet Group. Going to be fun... I'm hoping to get a bookcase and dresser for my room. I'm going to pick them out Friday but I'm hoping I can delay delivery until Monday. I'm hoping they have some kind of delivery service otherwise I'm not going to be able to get them.

All of a sudden I'm getting tired. Probably because I don't want to help bring in groceries.

May write more later.

David insisted on bringing the groceries in to show us before putting them away. Terry was sleeping and I couldn't have cared less. Besides, I was reading....

Does anyone else just want to copy someone else's idea? I mean, tweak it a little to make it your own but still...... I don't think it would be plaguerism... just unethical.

I wish I would stop hurting so much. I make plans for the next day only to cancel them in the morning because I hurt so bad. I feel a little better after I get up and move around but not good enough to go out or to tackle any of the home projects I want to get done......

I wish I'd stop being sick too.....I am getting hot and nauseous especially towards the end of the day. ....

I'm going to take a shower and go to bed.....

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

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