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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I have read your family prose "The Moments I Hold Dearest", and giving you a review would be an honor. I am not a review professional, however, I will do my best with my feedback on how your family prose made me feel.

It's hard to tell yourself that you are proud of being you. Some think that we only think about ourselves and nobody else. It's not true, but that's what people think. It's sad for them to think they know it all.

It's okay for us to think of ourselves as well as other people, also. I know I used to put people first instead of myself. When I found people taking advantage of my generosity, I quit putting them first all the time. It's somewhat selfish, but we are important as well.

I encourage you to keep on writing. Writing helps us to deal with things better than we would have otherwise. I look forward to hearing more of your family prose. When it comes to families, they sometimes think it's bad to put ourselves first before their needs and wants.

I hope you have blessings of good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of piece of art  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I have read your monologue "Piece of Art" and will gladly give you a review. I am not a review professional, however, I can give feedback on how your monologue made me feel.

Love at first sight or glimpse is quite a remarkable thing. Your heart begins to flutter, your smile becomes bigger, your emotions become happier, and you feel like you're on top of the world. Yes, your loves, or loves can be like that. When you find yourself in love, you are certain that it's the real deal, only to find that your heart gets broken. Sometimes you get your answer about why it happened, and sometimes you don't. It's a tough call.

Don't give up on love. I added my version to a song "One Bad Apple". The words are as follows:

One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch girl. My added version goes like this:

One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch girl. You can have one bad apple, five bad apples, ten bad apples, fifty or more, but there's always one good apple.

Even though I can be devastated by heartbreak, my added version helps me to remember that all men are not bad. Whether it's a young boy, girl, man, or woman, there's always one good one out there who will love you for who you are.

I want to encourage you to keep on writing. I look forward to reading some more of your work.

I hope you will have blessings of good memories, friendships, good health, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this in their lives.

Keep believing in yourself. Keep smiling.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Truth Arrested  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I read your short story "Truth Arrested", and I will gladly give you a review. Even though I am not a review professional, I can give you feedback on how your short story left an impression on me.

What you said happens to be the truth. She was saying that her man doesn't take s*** off of her. You also said she couldn't be with a man who takes her s***.

Your story, at the end, went as follows:

After the separation of feelings, she thought, comes the rest of your life.

What the third line above says is that they don't take s*** off of anybody. It's a wonder how two people can exist together when they don't take each other's s***. It's hard to decide if it would be good or bad in a relationship. They may not believe anything that's said when they talk with each other.

I encourage you to keep on with your writing. It was interesting for me to read. I look forward to reading some more of your material.

I hope you have blessings of good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to follow you during your lifetime. Everyone deserves this in their life.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Find A Yellow Car  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I have read your short story about family "Find A Yellow Car", and I will gladly do a review for you. I am not a review professional, however, I can give you feedback on how you short story made me feel.

It's easy to get caught up in things that we forget what's more important than working all the time. Society keeps us busy. When kids are involved, we need to take time to give attention to them. They grow up too fast. If we don't pay attention to them, we will miss out on the pleasures of growing up.

Your story was a joy to read. It made me want to participate in the game of who can find a yellow car first. You get points when you spot a yellow car first. It sounds like a lot of fun to play.

When I was a kid, I played the same game, only this one was with Volkswagens. Whenever you would see one, you would slap someone on the shoulder and say Slug Bug. I remember how much fun it was.

I encourage you to keep on with your writing. It made me smile when I read your story. Keep up the good work.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, friendships, good health, love, and happiness during your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Bad Manners  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I have read your story "Bad Manners", and I will gladly do a review for you. Even though I am not a review professional, I can give you feedback on how your story made me feel.

Your story was all about people staring at you. An eerie feeling that is for sure. I can relate to what you said. A young woman came up to the counter where I was working and had a pierced ring in her nose. It was the first time I've seen someone like this. I tried not to stare, but, I couldn't help but stare a little bit. It looked freaky to me.

At the beginning of your story, you mentioned you had a gun. I am very proud of you for not having it with you. All the staring you kept getting from people. you could have easily taken it out and killed someone for doing just that, staring. It doesn't take much to set people off.

I encourage you to continue on with your writing. You have good writing skills. You expressed well what you went through in your body because of the stares you kept getting. I wonder what it was they kept staring at you for. It may have been nothing at all. But, then again, it might have been something on you, but, they were probably afraid to talk to you about it. Who knows? You can continue your story with a happy ending.

I hope you have blessings of joy, happiness, good health, good memories, relationships, and love. Everyone deserves to have this for their entire lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Youth  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I reviewed your short story "Youth". I am not a review professional, however, I can do my best to give you feedback on how your short story has impacted me.

It's tough to get older. I am 67 years old. I find the years going faster and faster. I wasn't concerned about my age before, but, now I am a bit. It's not about my age so much; it's if I need to go in the hospital for some reason, I am afraid they won't let me back out. I was taught to take one day at a time. I've heard sayings like: "The Old Grey Mare Ain't What She Used To Be". Growing old has its aches and pains. It gets lonely when your family and friends have passed away. Especially, like me, I didn't have any children, so I wonder who would want to take care of me.

Remember that you are special and loved. Don't give up. Even though it may not seem like it, there are better tomorrows.

I encourage you to keep on writing. I look forward to reading more of your stories. It's good to share our memories with each other.

I hope you have blessings of good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last the rest of your life. Everyone is deserving of this. Keep smiling.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good morning and hello to you!

I read your story "A Dream's Gotta Say Something", and I will give you a review. I am not a reviewing professional, however, feedback on how your story has impacted me is something I can do.

I enjoyed reading your story. Sometimes, it can be scary to have a bad dream. Dreams can say many things to you. When you awaken from a dream, it can seem like it's reality when it's not. Having to sleep with a gun by your side is scary enough since the gun could end up going off on you while you're sleeping. The results may not be a pretty one.

I don't care for guns myself. Too many crimes have been committed because the wrong people get a hold of them. Too many criminals take the lives of too many people. Innocent people often get killed also. It's senseless to carry guns. The guns are not the problem, it is the people behind them; who get too carried away. My dream would be to have a gun that wouldn't harm or kill people. This would be lovely.

For the right reasons, guns are okay. When I grew up, my dad had three guns. I didn't touch them because he explained what would happen if I were to play with them. I never questioned his reasoning for what he said; I just knew not to touch them. I was so glad about that.

I prefer that good dreams would occur in people's lives. They can put your creativity and imagination to work for the good. There wouldn't be any worries about dangerous things happening if we were all friendly.

I wish you well with your writing. I encourage you to write about the betterment of the lives of people.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this. I look forward to reading good stories from you.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, and good morning to you!

I read your story "Too Young to Burn", and it's up for review. I am not a reviewing professional, however, I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

In your story, there's a lot of chaos going on. I think there are too many expectations put on young people these days. They make them grow up way too soon. Whatever happened to the days when kids could be kids and enjoy their youth? Kids need to have fun in their life; they shouldn't have to take on the responsibilities of an adult. When I grew up, we could stay up at night playing in our yards and were safe doing that. Neighbors looked after neighbors. We didn't have to worry about crime. Those were the days. There were no drive-by or school shootings where I grew up.

I want you to know that you are special. Life throws us in a loop. It's so confusing when we hear the news. We don't know the facts when hearing our politicians talk about issues. Everyone seems to want money. They care about themselves and not other people. The voice of politicians can be scary. When we tell the truth, we could be threatened with our lives. It isn't fair; we should be able to talk freely about things without harming others.

I grew up in a rural area. I didn't worry about things; I felt safe. One day a neighbor of ours murdered his wife. One young man, a teenager, was shot and nearly lost his life, while two other young teenagers got a bullet wound in the shoulder. I was seventeen years old when this happened in my life. It took a toll on me. I felt like I was robbed of my youthfulness. I didn't have to testify in court, thanks to my dad, but the man who did this threatened to go after anyone who was a witness to the crime. I suffered a lot through the years until I was fifty years old. I am now 67. I still suffer from this incident. With the help of medication and the faith I have in Jesus, I can go on with my life, but the memory of this incident still lingers on with me.

Don't give up. I have overcome a lot of obstacles in my life. I am grateful for this. I learned from the experiences I've gone through. I feel like I can help people get through their pain by sharing my struggles with them.

I encourage you to keep writing. Keep striving toward your dream. Do not think badly of yourself, think good thoughts. There is a saying that my first ex-husband said to me. It was: You Can. You Will. You Wait. You'll See.

Keep the above words to heart. I keep those words in my heart.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Hello, and good morning to you!

I have reviewed your draft "The Introduction to Caleb". I am not a reviewing professional however, I can give you feedback on how your draft has impacted me.

"The Introduction to Caleb". Caleb's character is interesting. It's not easy to find your voice, however, once it's found, things begin to shape up in your life. I'm curious to know what Caleb's voice will be. Will Caleb's character be good or bad? Will it be about a love relationship? Will he find one or will he be heartbroken? Will he be a singer? Will he be a detective trying to solve a mystery? or, Will his character be one of intrigue?

I look forward to learning more about his character by reading your story. I encourage you to keep writing. You are off to a good start. Keep up the good work.

I hope you will be blessed with good health, friendships, good memories, love, and happiness to last a lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this. Lots of luck writing your story.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Transformation!  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I am reviewing "Transformation!" for you. I am not a professional reviewer, however, I can give you feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

Your poem was short but said a lot. Your words were expressed well. I am impressed. Sometimes the shortest things we write take a while to figure out. There is a lot of meaning to your words. I'm guessing you pondered on this one for some time. I can relate to what you wrote. I am thinking of self-publishing some books. I am not familiar with what it takes when I have them ready to sell, but, in the end, it's the pen that keeps on working for me since it's my passion to be a writer.

I encourage you to keep writing. It made me feel good to read your poetry.

I hope you will be blessed with good health, friendships, good memories, love, and happiness. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I read your story "Folded Red White and Blue" and am thrilled to give you a review as requested.

As an eight-year-old boy, your teacher instructed you to burn the American flag because it touched the ground. You did as you were told. It's very admirable of you not to call your teacher a jackass as your sergeant instructed you to do. Sending the flag back to the sergeant was a nice gesture on your part. He told you to dust off the American Flag and fly it with pride. I'm sure he appreciates getting the flag to put into his pocket. You should be proud to be an American. Even though things are chaotic these days, and the military is put down for what they do, don't let that dissuade you from being an officer. They are there to protect us. I don't care for war but grateful for what they do. I don't like to see lives lost, even the innocent ones, because of war. I am optimistic that we will have peace in our world once again.

My nephew retired from the Army in February of this year, 2024. He was grateful for deciding to serve in the Army; it helped me become a better person because of it. He was the director of the band in the Army. I am proud of his accomplishments. He is now the General Manager of a theatre in Kentucky. He is happy about that. Alex Miller, who sang in American Idol, will be one of the performers when it opens up. This is exciting!

Thank You for the honor of reviewing your story. I enjoyed reading it. Reviewing more of your stories in the future would be great!

I hope you have good health, friendships, thoughts, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good morning to you!

I read your story "To the Moon and Back, Chapter 1", and am reviewing it for you. I am not a professional reviewer, however, I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I found your story interesting. Taking off from Earth to go to a new planet "Gliese 667Cc" sounds like an exciting adventure. It would be terrifying to me since I am afraid of heights and traveling at fast speeds. Being high up in space to see the magnificent views of our universe and beyond is a marvel. Being confined close together in small quarters would be claustrophobic. Don't get me wrong. I love to look at pictures of space, but the thought of being so high up in the sky would drive me bonkers.

When arriving at their destination, it was thrilling for the daughter at first, but then, the novelty of it seemed to be fading. According to their dad, this would be their new home if everything checked out to be safe, such as clean air, water, etc. The dad wanted his kids to bring back samples, and, if anything were to go wrong, be there for them. Being on a new planet would seem boring to me; it would seem lonely.

I encourage you to keep writing. Your story kept me intrigued. I look forward to reading more of your stories.

I hope you are blessed with good thoughts, excellent health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Addict  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, and good morning to you!

I reviewed short story "Addict". I am not a professional reviewer; however, I can give you feedback on how your short story impacted me.

Your story touched me. It's easy to fall into an addiction of laziness. It doesn't have to be because of alcohol or drugs. There is another name for it: Loneliness. I have been through this battle have been through two marriages and divorced both of them because of verbal abuse. My second husband had addictions of smoking, alcohol, and drugs. He ended up losing his life because of those addictions. He smoked in the house. I had to breathe in the smoke. My health was affected as a result. I was so stiff I could hardly move. There was a chiropractor who was able to get me back into shape.

I want you to know you're special. Don't give up. I admire the courage it took you to share your story. There are many people who feel the way you do, but it's due mostly to alcohol and drugs. I encourage you to keep writing. Take time out to read a good book; this will take you to a better place for a while. It's a means of escape. It's okay to give yourself a hug. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are. Don't let a bad day get you down. Don't let it ruin the talent you have.

I hope my review is helpful to you. I hope you are blessed with good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

I am looking forward to reading more of your stories.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good morning to you!

I reviewed your short story "The Love of Nature". I am not a professional reviewer, however, I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

Your dream of nature is spectacular! You describe the ideal scene for someone to dream about. You have written your story well. I love the sound of birds tweeting, butterflies flying gently by, seeing a bright blue beautiful sky, beautiful green grass, the morning sun greeting me with a kiss, and the smell of roses and other pretty flowers. Smelling the fresh air around us would be the best to go out in.

The last part of your story reads as follows:

Suddenly waking up, she realized it had all been a dream! She looked out her window, expecting to see the blue sky and the green grass. But all she saw was a grey sky, with columns of smoke rising into it, and a city where all the houses were crammed together. And there was not a single green in it! It was so irritating. "Oh, when will any of my dreams come true?" she sighed.


It's rough waking up from a dream and seeing smoke all around you with houses all crammed all around you. I can feel the emotions behind this one. Yes, it would be irritating to see.

Life is what it is. It is too bad dreams don't come true soon enough. Cling to your dreams and remember how great it was. Remember, dreams can come true. First of all, have faith that it can happen. Even if it is for a moment, bask in that memory for a fulfilling and wonderful day.

I encourage you to keep writing. I enjoyed your story. One thing about fiction, we can go back reminiscing about a time that's a reality in your dreams. It's a nice way of escaping the drudgery of a gloomy day.

I hope you have blessings of good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I reviewed your short story "My Secret Hideout". I am not a professional reviewer, however, I can give you feedback on how your short story impacted me.

Your short story had a lot of Umph to it. When a neighbor had a vicious dog that tried to attack a child, I would've been upset. It was nice that she noticed that a dog was tied in the yard to a chain. She offered to help the lady take care of the dog. It wouldn't cost her any money. Your short story was clear to me. I enjoyed reading it.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future. You used your words carefully. Neighbors should be helping other neighbors out.

I hope my review was helpful to you. I hope you are blessed with good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this in their lives.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am reviewing your poem "Paint the Pain Away". I am not a professional reviewer, however, I can give you feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

Your poem reads as follows:

If light can fill the dark, then why can't I paint the pain away?




Twisted flames of dancing colors.

Winding bright tendrils of black.

Clawing and reaching, yet never grasping.

The sky folds from blue to nothing.

Yet here I stand and stare,

Reaching into the unknowns for something that will never exist in my mind's eye,

Or the minds of they.

They! Oh they who gape with clouded souls and scorching tongues!

Screeching out the pain of today and the blood of tomorrow.

As the moon cries and the sun fades,

Here we lie in the fullness of emptiness.

With nails that bite and teeth that scratch,

Their eyes are open,

But they can no longer see.

Left behind are hearts that can only bleed.

But if one can simply brush over the brokenness of day,

Why can't I paint the pain away?

In your poem, you expressed a lot of pain. You painted the picture of pain well. The emotion behind it was real. I could feel it. Pain can make you feel like it won't go away. Medications can help some, but not completely. It would be nice if we could paint the pain away. With each brush stroke, the colors would brighten up a day. It would be great if this could be done.

I encourage you to keep writing. I look forward to reading more of your poetry.

I hope you are blessed with good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Mandy and Josh  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing the first chapter of your story "Mandy and Josh". I am not a professional reviewer, however, I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I enjoyed reading your story. Is this the beginning of a book? I think it would make a good screenplay also. It's amazing when two people can get together even if they weren't so cool in high school. It's not nice to bully someone because they don't like them. It made me feel good inside when Josh stood up for Mandy and ended with them walking to school together. One doesn't know when the love of your life enters into yours. Opposites do attract even when people don't see how it could happen. True love can be the start of a nice romantic relationship. It's important not to give up. Remarkable things can happen right before your eyes. You will find the right man or woman to sweep you off your feet. This will happen when the timing is right. This can happen when you least expect it.

I encourage you to write. I look forward to reading more of your story.

I hope you have blessings of good health, friendships, love, and happiness following you throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this in the life. I hope my review has left you with a smile on your face.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of This old dog  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am reviewing your poem "This Old Dog". I am not a professional reviewer, however, I will happily give you feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

I can relate to your story about your dog dying. I saw two of my dogs get run over by a drunk driver. Both dogs passed away and the driver laughed at me for it. I didn't think I would stop crying. I can feel the tears behind your poem. Losing an animal is like losing a good companion. The loss is much greater sometimes.

If it's any consolation, remember the good things about your dog. Your dog wouldn't want you to go into isolation because of their death. Your dog was a devoted friend and confidant. They have unconditional love. There's a way of putting your dog's memory at a funeral home. This may be a way of healing for you.

It was sad about the loss of your dog. Thinking of your wonderful memories with your dog can bring a smile to your face. I hope my suggestion will be of help to you.

I hope you are blessed with good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

I encourage you to keep writing. It is therapeutic to do so. Writing has helped me a lot when I went through difficulties in my life. After you write them down, you can decide whether to throw your letter or story away or keep it. It takes courage to share your story with the public. You will find other people sharing their stories about their pets, too. Hearing other people talk about the wonderful memories of their pets will be of comfort; you will know that you're not alone.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Aftermath of War  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing your poem "Aftermath of War". I am not a professional reviewer, however, I can give you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

The followings stanza of your poem reads as follows:

Grey skies, hollow eyes;
there is nowhere to be.
Rain pours, on a pile of corpses;
nothing left to see.

Chaos roams, no way home;
only fields & rives of blood.
Nothing gained, nothing earned except;
ashes, dust, and mud.

Men are meek, their future bleak;
with nowhere to hide.
No choices, options or escape;
the laws of darkness one must abide.

In a palace, faraway from this bloody mess;
negotiated the kings.
Unaware, unaffected of the consequences;
the war always brings.

They roamed, feasted, they danced & they pranced;
they debated to and fro.
All the while the cost of war;
continued to grow.

In the end, a deal was struck;
a trade was made.
That was when everyone realized;
what they had paid.

A mother, waited anxiously for her son;
a lover yearned eternally for his amour.
Children longed for the return of their heroes;
while fate laughed at the poor.

In the end, it is only a vicious cycle;
with winners no one cared for.
The only thing that remains the same;
is the aftermath of war.

I believe your poem was very well written. It is true about the aftermath of war. I feel the same way. I ask myself, "Who really wins in a war?" It's horrible that so many lives are lost, even the innocent ones. What is purpose of that? Men go to parts of the world to fight to keep our country safe. Some get back home, while some lose their lives to safe us, but, their life wasn't saved. This is a tragedy. Their life is taken away at a young age; they haven't been able to enjoy it.

I was told that all men love to fight; this is why we have wars. I say that there are bad women also. I tell them that there are good men and good women int the world; they are not all bad.

I encourage you to write. You expressed yourself well. I am glad you shared your story. I am thankful that I was able to read it.

I hope you are blessed with good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have that.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Capitalizing  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I just read a chapter of your story "Capitalizing" and am reviewing it for you. I am not a professional reviewer, but I am happy to give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

The first chapter of your story talks about your fears. Getting out your guitar and singing in front of everybody was a fear you had to overcome to be able to perform again. You didn't want to do it for money. To hear people singing along to the songs the Beatles sang was delightful. In the 1960s the Beatles were a popular group attracting many crowds. I was a fan of the Beatles then, and to this day, I still love their songs. They had one song named after me "Anna". I am 67 years old, and, you would think I was too old to enjoy these songs. They refer to the songs of my generation as the Golden Oldies. These songs made you happy; I called them feel-good songs.

Everyone has a different way of conquering their fears. Telling myself to get out there anyway, restored the confidence in me that I had lost. I felt better about doing things, knowing I had accomplished what I had set myself up to do. It gave me the strength to do it again the next time. When I took a speech class in college, my stomach seemed to turn into knots; I felt sick inside. It was because I was so nervous. Once I got in front of people to speak, the knots inside my stomach would disappear; I no longer felt sick. Everything was fine after that.

I enjoyed reading your story. It brought joy to my heart and smiles to my face, today. It was a refreshing experience.

I encourage you to keep on with your writing. The more you write, the better you'll be with writing. You are doing great!

I hope you are blessed with good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves that.

Anna Marie Carlson

Review of Rainy Days  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am reviewing your story "Rainy Days". I am not a professional reviewer, but I am excited to give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

The first paragraph of your story reads as follows:

Where do I even begin? There is something about the gloom and the gray of rainy days. The way the droplets patter against the window panes. The overcoming need for a blanket and cup of coffee -- perhaps a nap? Sometimes if I'm lucky I'll spot a few hummingbirds flitting about, trying to find shelter while their colorful bodices glow like jewels in all the wetness that encompasses the essence of a lazy Sunday.

I love to watch hummingbirds glitter about gracefully while eating and looking at me as if they are talking directly to me. My mother also loved hummingbirds.

I find it interesting in the last paragraph and sentence which reads as follows:

Staring out at the gloom and the gray, I am happier than ever. Yes, as the roars of nature call to me, my heart sings along. I wonder if the dogs hear it, too. Is such a call too massive that they can't help but flee? Are the feelings too great? As the sky turns black and electricity crackles through the air, I can't help but stay.

Thunder tears through the town and rumbles the ground -- should I hide, too?

When the skies are gloomy and gray, I tend to get depressed more quickly. When I hear the thunder roar and the lightning strike, I get scared that I will get struck by lightning. When I hear the roar of the thunder, I cringe a bit and jump. I fear that the lightning will strike the house and cause a fire.

I am happy to know you feel the happiest at this time. How do you do it? I encourage you to keep up with your writing; Overall, it was a great story.

I hope you have good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

I hope my review put a smile on your face.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of WHO ARE YOU  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am reviewing your story "Who Are You?" I am not a professional reviewer, but I am honored to give you feedback on how your story has impacted me.

Speaking for myself, reading or seeing a horror story is not my favorite thing. You have written this story well. I would suggest you double-space between paragraphs. This would make your story easier to read. Looking for a professional editor who can help you with punctuation and grammar would also help make your story better and easier to read.

The last part of your story reads as follows:

Am I going on the wrong path? She thought and looked down at her quivering devilish hands. Will everything be the same? She questioned. Unfortunately, there was no one to give her answers. Well...I can't do anything about it, but that bitch deserves it. I will not let her destroy my reputation or life unless I do it myself. No one is going to decide how I live! She slid down and sat on the cold floor. Although it was wet, it was adherent. She didn't care and gave up on the exhaustion. At the same time, she felt relieved. I am the one who is going to decide whether I live or die. No one can get in my way. No one...Knock Knock Fuck.

I would suggest deleting the second word Knock. Rather than say Although it was wet and adherent, say, Although it was wet, it was adherent. She didn't care and gave up on the exhaustion. At the same time, she felt relieved. Also, it would help to get yourself a professional reviewer who can help you with punctuation and grammar. They can help your story flow better to make it easier to read.

I can tell you put a lot of time into writing your story. Even though the story was scary, I want you to know that it was well-written and detailed. It must have been scary for you to write this.

I encourage you to keep up on your writing. Though this is a scary story, I hope there is a happy ending.

I hope your life is filled with good health, friendships, love, and happiness. Everyone is deserving of this. I am rooting for your success in writing.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing your story "1. The Code of Honour". I am not a professional reviewer, but, happily, I can give you feedback on how your story has impacted me.

The following parts of your story are read as follows:

If it's not right, it's not honour just by default. You have to get what should not be wrong and keep it right from then on, especially for strategic value. If what you choose and cause is strategic. The Bosses and ranked officers will protect you if everything you do is strategic. You are worth it because the longer you live, the better position they have. The power play advantage, the better position, the allies instead of enemies, the profitable hour. From their sights, you have worth because everything you do is advantage. Because of that, you have the right to live. You are protected because of your strategic value. Strategic value and honour are two different terms that mean the same thing. This all makes sense. You have worth because you have honour.

I have some minor suggestions or corrections to help make your story easier to read. Honour should be spelled, Honor. Rather than saying, If what you choose, say Suppose you choose. Rather than saying the better position they have, say your better position. Rather than saying everything you do is advantage, say everything you do is an advantage.

Your story was very interesting to know. It made a lot of sense. I didn't think of it that way. To say strategic honor and value are two different terms that mean the same thing was good for me to learn. You have worth because you have honor. These are words of wisdom.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. These facts would be good for others to learn. I enjoyed reading your story. Keep up the good work.

I hope you have blessings of good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am doing you a review on "Awake Before the Birds". I am not a professional reviewer, but, I am thrilled to give you feedback on how much your story has impacted me.

I am up early in the morning and most of the night. I get inspired to work on a story or read a book and forget to stop.

Your story reads as follows:

The next morning, Winnie awoke to the sound of silence.
The air, still.
As if waiting for permission to breathe.
A world, frozen.
Only to be thawed by Winnie's newly conscious presence.
She didn't intend to wake before the birds.
Yet here she lies, resting in the pieces of tranquility before the life of day begins anew.
Swaddled by her sheets in a way that makes her miss her mother.
Pinned by the first rays of the sun.
Not yet existing.
Is this peace?
No people, no worries, not yet any intentions or ideas.
Swallowed by her mattress.
Free-floating in a nothingness that is that is somehow everything.
Is this freedom?

I would ask that you find yourself an editor. There are a few minor things that can be done to improve it. An editor can proofread your work and offer suggestions with the right spelling and grammar to make your story easier to read with the right punctuation. I know this works for me. I appreciate their feedback.

Because you miss your mother so much, peace can be harder to find. It's the emptiness you feel without having her in your life. You can find peace of mind when you've had a good relationship with her. You will cherish those memories. It's the good things you remember. These are what gives you hope. This will keep you going. You can continue with your life by handling it better.

You can have peace when you have no worries, without intentions or ideas, but, when you think your mattress is swallowing you, you may not have the freedom you desire. Nightmares can develop into bad thoughts and feelings. Fears are overwhelming. Your fear will go away when you start thinking good thoughts about yourself.

I enjoyed reading your story. I hope you are blessed with good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I reviewed your article "5 Healthcare Industry Trends for 2024. I am not a professional reviewer, but, I am happy to give you feedback on how your article impacted me.

Thank You for sharing such a wonderful article. Finally, we can get better healthcare. We can see decreased spending on our healthcare bills thanks to AI, high-speed internet connection, and advanced smartphones.

I am happy to have read your article. Finding more information on better healthcare was informative, direct, and helpful.

I encourage you to keep writing. The information you provided is good enough for all of us. Keep up the good work. I am still learning about AI. AI is wonderful for me as an author. It interprets the things I write most awesomely. I see things in a new light.

I enjoyed your article. I hope you are blessed with good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
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