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Review of The Call  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review on your story "The Call". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

Your story was interesting. The part I found to be a part of your life is as follows:

In hindsight it feels like that was my turning point. Since then I feel like I've been lost not sure where to go with my life. I've tried everything, The Police, and EMS Academy, CDL School. I even tried a second run at UNT. But I find myself where I am now. Looking not only for a job but for a purpose. So, I've come back to the drawing board, a place where I once felt safe, writing. It's been a while since I've written anything meaningful. Even now as I type these words, I wonder if they have anything of value. I was an avid reader in my teens. I could sit for hours immersed in a world of my making.
It was my escape from the world, a place where all the worries and tribulations would fade as I made a world from a blank eight by eleven piece of paper. I felt as if the world I built rivaled that of Inception, a place where I was God.

I suggest you find a professional editor to view your work. It helps to make your story even better.

I encourage you to keep writing. I'm happy you got the courage to share your story in public.

I hope for the best for you in friendships, good health, love, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I am doing this review entitled, "Dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's"... I am not a professional reviewer. I can offer feedback on how your story impacted me.

I can relate to your story since my mother had dementia. She never let a day go by without
her saying how much she loved me. She also shook her finger at me when she said, "Now, Anna, don't you ever let anyone tell you that you didn't help me, because you did". I can still see that visual in my head.

People with these diseases need to know how much they are loved. Showing you care goes a long way for them. We don't need to be known as a disease. They need love and attention just like we do. They love to be hugged. When a person feels unloved, they feel like giving up. My mother was a good person. I loved to hear her sing songs and do a little wiggle for a dance.

Dealing with dementia is sad. My mother cried sometimes, thinking no one cared about her. There's so much to learn about this disease. I gave my mom hugs every day.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with smiles and happy thoughts. I hope good health lasts a long time.

I encourage you to keep writing. The information you shared was very informative.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of "A"  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review for you on your story "A". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

You did amazingly well on writing both paragraphs all using the letter A. You are in good hands. My first name also starts with the letter A. I tried doing this once and succeeded at doing it. I forgot what letter it was.

This was a challenge. I know it was with me. How long did it take you to come up with this?

I encourage you to keep writing. You inspired me to try another challenge like this. I am usually up to a good challenge.

I hope you have many friendships, good health, love, and happiness surrounding you daily.

Overall, I am impressed with the small and bigger words used in your writing. Sometimes as writers, we get frustrated when our minds go out of focus. It helps to take a break and then come back to what we've written and proceed onward.

I will do something for you starting with the letter w.

We will watch wisely, while weathering conditions
wake woeful waterfall warnings, with wishful worms
wondering where walking waterbugs withheld wasteful
water workers windful wretchedness.

What do you think of this? Might be a bit silly; it's kind of like a play on words.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of choke  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I am doing a review for you on "Choke". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your writing has impacted me.

Yes, I have a sister who has suffocated me with holding on to the past. She won't let go of it. I can feel the emotion you've expressed in your prose. The one thing I've found working for me is forgiveness. Once you can put a hurt behind you, healing begins. Don't let bitterness destroy your chance for happiness. You will find a tremendous load being lifted from your heart. Don't let one man affect you to the point of not liking any man. There are good ones out there.

It takes courage to share your innermost feelings with the public. I admire you for taking that step. I encourage you to write. Writing is therapeutic. It's important to get your feelings out there rather than holding them inside of you.

I hope you will have many friends to support you. I hope you will let the bitterness go, and experience the joy you deserve.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Summertime  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I am doing a review on "Summertime". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your poetry impacted me.

It's good to have a poem out about summer. Summertime should be filled with warmth. I ended with an allergy in the spring, now I have a cold in the summer. I have allergies to the Elm tree and there happens to be many around here in Washington State.

I enjoyed reading your poem. The rhymes are flowing well. Yes, children are happy in the summertime. The flowers are in bloom. They bring beauty all around. My moods are better when I see the sunshine and a smile on people's faces.

I encourage you to keep on writing. You have a delightful way with words. You have brightened my day with gladness.

I hope many fabulous times come up for you daily. Let showers of blessings come down upon you. May the joy of summertime be with you. Let many friendships come your way.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of I Love The Rain  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I reviewed "I Love the Rain" for you. I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your poetry has impacted me.

I like your second stanza a lot. It says the following:

I love the rain.
It's a kind of peace on the roof.
Keeps you calm in your room.
The pane it drips on makes it cool,
For instance when you plant it makes it bloom.

In the poem, there are two corrections to be made. These are minor. They are as follows:

It should read on the third line: It keeps you calm in your room.
On the fifth line, there should be a comma after instance,

I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you.

Review of biograph  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review of "Biograph". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I noticed that the last two verses of your poem repeated itself. The words are as follows:

I gave up all my sanity so I can be alone.
I gave up all my sanity so I can be alone.

I am concerned about this. It sounds like you are dealing with isolation. There are, however, times when I get in a mood like this. It's nice to mingle with people but it's hard at other times. Are you experiencing depression? I find myself thinking I can do so much better. Staying on my medication helps me. Taking Abilify (Name Brand) and Wellbutrin (Name Brand) are like a miracle drug for me. I am taking the generic brand for these two. Aripiprazole and Bupropion are the generic names for these. If you're not taking these, ask your doctor if you can take the above medications.

I have a schizoaffective disorder. I isolate but focus a lot of my time on writing. Writing is good therapy. It takes courage to share what you're going through. I admire the fact that you've taken that step.

I hope you're feeling better. I would like for you to smile again. It's important to keep our sanity.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Spring Time  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I did a review of "Spring Time" for you. I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

Your poetry describes Spring perfectly. Sounds like you were happy when you wrote this. Now we are into Summer. It would be nice to write about summer. I woke up with a cold this morning; I hope it goes away soon. It's hard to believe someone can get a cold in the summertime. The flowers are in bloom, the sky is blue, and the clouds are a beautiful white. It doesn't make sense.

I wrote a poem about Spring called "I Welcome Spring"
 I Welcome Spring  (13+)
Senior Center Forum Contest
#2270827 by Anna Marie Carlson
. Feel free to read it whenever you have the time.

I enjoyed reading your poem. I like the last verse of your poem that goes as follows:

How much I love spring,
Yes, it's in the air,
not here, nor there, but everywhere.

I look forward to the warmth of Spring and Summer. It puts me in a good mood for writing. It's harder for me to write in the winter when it's dark longer and the days and nights are colder.

I encourage you to keep writing. You have a nice way with words.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of The Gifted Girl  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I just reviewed your story "The Gifted Girl". While I am not a professional reviewer, I can give you feedback on how wonderful your story is.

This story is about a gifted girl named Brenda. She had an IQ of 200 and around 500. Her intelligence was far above the average human. She also could bring dead humans or animals back to life and take them back to heaven. One day she noticed a spacecraft that she was curious about. Finally, an alien emerged from the spacecraft. The alien was there to protect her and be her friend. It would teach her how to use her special gifts. The second time she saw a little boy. This little boy was also an alien. She found out he was dead. She told him she was going to save him. He said he didn't need saving, but was there to protect her and be her friend.

The alien's purpose was to be her friend and protect her. Brenda was fortunate to have both aliens as her special friends. To have friends who understood her must have made her feel special. The average human being doesn't have her kind of intelligence.

I encourage you to keep writing. Your story was fascinating and enjoyable to read.

Let many blessings of hope, friendships, good health, love, and happiness surround you daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing your story about "The Pilot Fish: A Joe Barrett Series". This non-fiction story is very well-written. I am not a professional reviewer. What I can do is give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I enjoyed reading it. Your story happens to be a non-fiction one. Is this a true story about yourself? This introduction to your story makes me want to read further.

I encourage you to continue forward with your writing. I'm sure there will be others who will enjoy reading this story also.

I pray for many blessings of good friendships, good health, love, and happiness to surround you daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing your poem "Act of Being Unprejudiced", for you. I am not a professional reviewer. What I can do is give you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

Your poem has a nice rhythm and rhyme to it. You're right. It's not our place to do the judging on people. We have not walked in their shoes. We do not know their personal story. We are here for a purpose. We need to respect others, not disrespect them. We do our best to survive. We can be a tool to help others deal with whatever they are going through. We need to encourage them with compassion and empathy.

Your story is well-written. I want to encourage you to keep up with your writing. We all need to learn not to be quick to judge people for their actions.

I pray you will have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness to surround you daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of She:Sea  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am doing a review for you on your chapter "She: Sea". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your chapter impacted me.

The chapter of your story has a nice comparison: She: Sea. It was nice to read your chapter. I don't think I would have thought of comparing the two. I have a creative imagination. I come up with things I am hoping for, but, in reality, it's an impossibility.

In your chapter it says the following:

I know I'm a sinner who doesn't deserve any forgiveness yet I'm sorry! I miss you'll wish your free now, up there. You'll always be my first and the ultimate love, Noah.

I want to say even when we think we deserve no forgiveness we all can be forgiven. We need to give it to the Lord in prayer.

I have a suggestion for you. I would like for you to request a professional reviewer to go over your story with some corrections.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. This chapter will be good to continue.

I hope you have blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness surrounding you each day.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I reviewed your story "(383) Bubble and Droplet Preview #1". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I enjoyed reading your story. The last paragraph reads as follows:

After trudging along the sewers for hours, Bubble and Droplet were completely exhausted and needed to take a break. They sat down and talked for a bit. "Hey Droplet, what do you think the outside world is like?" Bubble asked. "I don't know," Droplet replied, "But if I were to guess I would say that it is full of animals beyond what we could ever imagine. There might be a whole race of water droplet creatures out there, and we have no way to tell." Droplet gazed meaningfully at Bubble, "Maybe the lightning strike wasn't an accident, what if that's just how our kind are born."

I have two suggestions for changes. Try omitting the word completely before the word exhausted on the first line. On the fifth line, try omitting the word whole before race. I hope this helps.

I thought it fascinating in the last line. Droplet gazed meaningfully at Bubble, "Maybe the lightning strike wasn't an accident, what if that's just how our kind are born."

Animals are precious and they love unconditionally. Perhaps, if we were born to be animals, then we would have a more peaceful world.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. It was well written.

I hope you have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness to surround you daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Pretend  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am doing a review of your poem "Pretend". I am not a professional reviewer. I can offer you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

You are right. People do pretend to be something they are not. We tend to put on a fake smile when we're feeling terrible inside We do this because we are told to do so. Perhaps, when we pretend to be happy, it could rub off on us to genuinely be happy.

Your poem was interesting to me. I encourage you to keep on writing. I'm sure others will agree with you too.

I hope you have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness surrounding you each day.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I did a review for you on your story "Journey After Marriage". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

Congratulations on ten years of married life together! I am happy for both of you. You have been blessed to have traveled to visit other spiritual places by several spiritual people. I hope you can continue your journey together in visiting other spiritual places.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. Your story was interesting to read. I found it to be enjoyable.

I hope many blessings surround your life with friendships, good health, love, and happiness daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review for you on your poem "Success Over Hardship". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

Your poem inspired me. It encouraged me to remember the Lord during hard times and the good times. Sometimes I get discouraged when I find it hard to get through the trials of life sometimes, especially when you're older and most of the people in my life have passed away. I encourage you to keep writing.

Thank You for your poem today. I was feeling a bit down.

I hope you have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness to surround you daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Behind The Glaze  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am doing a review of "Behind the Glaze". I am not a professional reviewer but I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I'm sorry you haven't been able to get the rest of your story back because it somehow got lost. When I write, I write it down on paper. This way I can have a backup of what I've written. Another thing I do is buy a flash drive to back up my work. I hope this helps you.

Your story was a sad one. I know life is hard, especially when something happens that was memorable to you and ended up destroyed. To remember the good times with your wife and having to take her back to the same scene where your office was damaged is painful.

Your writing was very descriptive. I can understand where you're coming from. I have been through traumas that will stay with me during my lifetime. I was told to get past them and move on. This isn't an easy thing to do. I have been told to get over it because they have happened so long ago. Medication helps, but they still linger in my brain.

I encourage you to write. Writing down how you feel is good therapy. Even though it's a bit dark, it's important to get it out.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, love, and happiness daily. I hope the rest of your story will turn up.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Escape  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review of your poem "Escape". I am not a professional reviewer but can give feedback on how your poetry impacted me.

I enjoyed reading your poem. The last two lines are as follows:

And just like the great Ferdinand Magellan,
I knew I was going to make it through the great depression.

My impression from those two lines is that no matter how hard times are, I can make it through when I'm in love.

I encourage you to write. Your poetry is inspiring and positive.

I hope blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness will follow you daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am doing a review for you on your story "The Secret of the Eternal Bloom". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I am impressed. Your story was beautifully written. I agree with you. Your dreams can come true with determination, compassion, and a bit of magic. I enjoy your creativity. I have a creative imagination also. Healing is a good thing. It would be nice if everyone could be healed from all ailments.

I encourage you to keep writing. It's not often you hear positive messages from others. This would be a good story for children to read.

I hope you have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I reviewed your poem about pets "A Poem I Wrote To My Pet Bird Friends". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give feedback on how your poem impacted me.

Taken from the King James Version of the Bible is remarkable. This is the best book, in my opinion ever written. I liked the last part of your poem that says:

These gentlest of God's creatures, we have welcomed into our home.
Hand-fed, nurtured, tamed and taught. Trained by patience without end,
To treat us with their tricks, to say, this is "My Bird", this is my friend.
And God saw it was good.
(Adopted from the King James Bible)

I managed to train someone's dog once by doing something different. I asked the dog if it had any new tricks to show me today. To my amazement, it worked! When it showed me something good, I rewarded it with a treat. I was so proud of myself.

I encourage you to keep writing. You made my day today.

I hope you have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I did a review for you on your essay in the news "Hunter Biden's Trial Nears End". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your essay impacted me.

Thank You for the information about what's going on in the news. It was very informative. I am not one to say much about political things since it's so mind-boggling; I don't understand it; it's so confusing. It scares me to no end that our freedom could be taken away from us and we would be living under a dictatorship. This is very scary to me. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought our world could change so drastically.

I am 67 years old and scared of going to the hospital. I would be afraid that once I was admitted, I would not be able to leave. Most of my relatives have passed away. Except for my mom and dad, I didn't feel accepted by them; I never felt I would ever live up to their expectations of what I should be.

I encourage you to write. Your information would be helpful to people

I hope you're blessed with friends, good health, love, and happiness. You are deserving of that.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of To Live is Christ  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I am doing a review for you on "To Live is Christ". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give feedback on how your story has impacted my life.

Your story is well-written. Everything you said is true. I am a Christian, and I try to be as much like him as I possibly can. I do have my struggles and have done some mistakes. I know that Jesus Christ loves me and will never fail me. Things aren't going right in this world we live in, but I am an optimistic person. I know it's hard to have any kind of optimism the way it's going, however, I am hopeful. I haven't been going to church because I have been hurt in churches. I should not use this as an excuse but it's hard for me to go back. Keep me in your prayers. One day I hope to find the right church.

I encourage you to keep writing. I say that I have a heart for God.

I hope you are surrounded with many blessings, good health, friendships, love, and happiness each day.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Calling  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I am doing a review for you on your poem "Calling". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give feedback on how your poem had impacted me.

I was able to feel the emotion involved in your writing. It's difficult to feel like you've broken someone and yet can't stop from thinking about him. The part of your poetry went as follows:

He calls to me.
I hear him everywhere I go.
I see him in the crowds of people that surround me.
The ache in his heart.
He broke me.
I broke him to save myself.
To be better for the little girls who look to me for life's answers.
I see the hurt in his eyes at drop off.
The oldest looks just like him, acts like we used to when we were young.
I will never be completely free of him.
Now I look forward to her face when I wake up.
Our wedding just 96 days away
He still calls to me.
I choose to hear the calm of a faraway forest.
There, you can scream, and no one will hear.
One day I'll hear nothing, not a sound.
His heart will mend.
He will stop calling.

Your poem was so good that I wrote down the whole thing. The day he stops calling will be a tragedy. Be glad for the mending and healing of his heart.

I hope you are surrounded by many blessings, good health, love, and happiness each new day and night.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good afternoon to you!

I am doing a review for you on "Understanding a Sailor". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your writing has affected me.

You have done a fantastic job of writing your story. I talked with a sailor down by our city pier one day. His story was very interesting. I wrote a poem about him and give it to him. He enjoyed reading it and thanked me for giving it to him. My story "The Owl, The Best Day"
 The Owl, The Best Day  (E)
Both of these were prompts from my writing class; I combined both of them together.
#2247629 by Anna Marie Carlson
is a good one. If you have time in your busy schedule to read it, I'm pretty sure who'd enjoy it. Feel free to read any of my writings.

I am honored you have served in the navy and also the other people who have served in other branches of service. The sad part for me is when our servicemen have to lose their lives. I end up crying inside when I think about that. I am thrilled that you have done your duty to serve our country. You should be proud. Your story says it all.

I encourage you to keep writing. Your story is educational and an inspiration to us all.

I hope you have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness each day.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good Morning to you!

I am doing a review for you on your environmental poem "Mountain and Hills." I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

I like how you expressed yourself in this poem. I enjoyed the part that went as follows:

As time went by.
Flowers followed her.
As she moved from east to west.
Separating the known from the new.
Joyful are those whom saw her.
As she rose from the debt of the ocean.
Agony struck to those whom saw her nap.
Between the two vast hills.

I would like to point out two things. On the fifth line, whom should be replaced by who and on the seventh line, whom should be replaced by who. I hope it was okay to correct you on those.

I encourage you to keep writing. I can feel the emotion as I was reading it.

I hope you have happy days surrounding you each day and I hope your health will be good also.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

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