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Review of Erase  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just finished reading your poem "Erase." I will gladly do a review for you. It helps a writer to become a better writer from the feedback. I am not a professional reviewer, however, I can give you feedback on how your poem has affected me.

It is hard when someone has to move on and start over. I'm in a relationship now that I'm trying to figure out. I fell in love with him and now he wants to leave the area. He said we can be snowbirds like we discussed, but, I have this feeling inside of me that feels -that once he leaves, I won't see him again.

Love can hurt sometimes. When the other person in the relationship doesn't want to talk to you, you know something is up, like they want to move on.

I want to encourage you to write. I can feel the emotion in your poem; it hit me hard by the words you expressed. I wrote a poem "Cold-hearted" that puts a lot of emotion out there.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just finished reading "The Pie, The Pie, and Oh That Smell!". It is such a delight to do a review for you on this children's book. I am not a professional reviewer, I do, however, give feedback on how a story has impacted me.

Your book sounds exciting to me! It talks about a child's valuable lessons while sparking joy and imagination. From what you wrote, this book takes a child on many adventures. It sounds like a good book that I would like to read.

I encourage you to write. I have a creative imagination and hope to get everything together to self-publish some books. This is a dream of mine to do this. I have a lot of material together; I don't know how to get a manuscript together.

Feel free to read any of my writings when you have the time.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just finished reading your short story "Dream and Challenge." I am going to give you a review. I believe that reviews are important because they help us improve our writing. I am not a professional reviewer but when given feedback on how your story has impacted me, it could be helpful for you.

I am delighted with your short story. I love the inspiration behind it. It shows how a person can achieve their dreams when they don't give up. Even though his parents didn't feel that he didn't make the right decision regarding his career, in the end, they saw how much he enjoyed his profession and couldn't help but come around. Persistence pays off on what one needs to do to accomplish their dreams. Don't let anyone deter you from your dreams.

I encourage you to keep writing. I was impressed and inspired by your short story. I'm sure others would get a confidence booster after reading your story.

I hope you will find my review enlightening. Good friendships, health, and happiness are the things I envision for you always.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just finished reading your poem "I Can Smell The Rain." I am going to give you a review. I am not a professional reviewer. I am giving you feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

I enjoyed reading your poem. It was beautifully written. I could feel the emotion and the rhythm. I felt great after reading it. I have been battling with allergies for about five weeks now. I was informed that if we could get some rain here, the tree pollen would clear itself up; and the pollen count would be less. I should get some relief if that were to happen. I sure hope that they're right.

I want to encourage you to keep writing. Your attention to detail felt like you put a lot of work into writing it.

I hope miracles of healing, friendships, and happiness surround you.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just finished reading fiction story "The Abandoned Mansion." I am going to do a review for you. Reviews are important for a writer; they help you to become a better writer. I am not a professional reviewer, but my feedback can be helpful to you. I will tell you how much your story impacted me.

Your story terrifies me because it talks about an arachnid. I am afraid of spiders; they give me a chill.

The last paragraph of your story is as follows:

Suddenly, the room plunged into darkness. Panic gripped me, and I fumbled for my flashlight. With a click, the beam revealed an unsettling -- a massive arachnid perched on the mirror's edge. All I saw was its spidery long legs, reaching out like twisted branches. Paralyzed, I watched in horror as it scuttled towards me, weaving shadows into a sinister dance. The whisper returned, revealing the mansion's secret: a spectral arachnid guardian, ancient and hungry for trespassers.

I would definitely get out of harm's way when it comes to being faced with an arachnid. They give me the creeps. One time when I was doing dishes, I saw a spider in the sink. I began talking to the spider. I said, "I am going to leave the room now, and when I come back, I expect you to be gone. When I came back, it was gone. I was certainly relieved after that.

I encourage you to keep writing. This was a good horror story. I hope my review was helpful to you.

I hope your day comes with many friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I finished reading your story of fiction "Keeper of Forgotten Tales." After I finished reading it, getting a nice review would be a nice thing to do. I am not a professional reviewer. I can offer feedback on how your story impacted me. Getting reviews are important; they help you to become a better writer.

I enjoyed the whole story. The following lines were interesting:

"I seek understanding," I finally replied, "of the realms unseen, the stories untold. I wish to grasp the essence of existence and unravel the mysteries that elude mortal comprehension."

A special smile played across his lips, revealing teeth like ivory needles. "Understanding is a precarious pursuit, for the more one seeks, the more entangled they become in the cosmic dance. But fear not, for in your quest, you may find truths that transcend the boundaries of mortal understanding."

With that, the man released my hand, and his eyes, like portals to a forgotten era, closed once more. The wind carried his whispering words, bidding me to continue my journey into the unknown.

As I left the shadowy enclave beneath the colossal oak tree, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had brushed against something ancient and profound - something that lingered at the edges of perception, waiting for those daring enough to peer beyond the veil.

I have a few minor corrections for you. The line that starts With that, should read as follows:

With that, the man released my hand, and his eyes were like portals to a forgotten era, closed once more. I hope the above correction will help you.

I encourage you to write. I wanted to know more.

I hope your days are filled with blessings of many friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Colorado Moon  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I finished reading "Colorado Moon." I am not a professional reviewer but giving you feedback on how your story impacted me would be something I could offer you.

I like the first stanza in your story that talks about nature. It reads as follows:

Colorado nights are cold
And the Wyoming winds blows through my bones
But there is a Georgia moon in the Colorado sky
And she warms me with her smile.

There is one minor thing that I would like to point out. The second line should be as follows:
And the Wyoming winds blow through my bones rather than blows through my bones.

I enjoyed the last line, And she warms me with her smile.

Even though the Wyoming winds are cold, the Georgia moon in the Colorado sky gives you warmth from her smile. This is so beautiful.

I encourage you to write. You have done a swell job!

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just finished reading your opinion story "ELECTION IN INDIA 2024." After reading it, I wanted to give you a review. I am not a professional reviewer. I can offer you feedback on how your story impacted me.

Your story was very detailed and well-written. Thank You for giving an update on how the election process works in India; it was a good history lesson for me. Thank you for your opinion.

I want to encourage you to write. Your story was well-written. I learned something today.

I hope your day is blessed with friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Tingling Thoughts  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just finished reading your poem entitled, "Tingling Thoughts." I am giving you a gift by doing a review for you. I am not a professional reviewer but getting reviews, in my opinion, from another writer is important. I learn from my reviews; they help me to become a better writer. I can give you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

This was a short poem. You stated in your poem that sugar was a tingling sweet thing. Oh, the joys of having a rush of sugar enter your veins. Having cookies, cake, and ice cream is known for that, yet we continue to absorb them in our bodies. You explained things well. I encourage you to keep writing. Others will benefit from this information.

I hope you will have blessings of friendship, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of The Great Unknown  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I have done a review of your article entitled, "The Great Unknown." I am not a professional reviewer but sharing how your article has impacted me may be helpful.

I enjoyed reading your article. I agree with you. Teaching the next generation about respect wouldn't be a bad thing for them to learn. I am 67 years old and was taught about having respect for older people. Older people have more wisdom due to the experiences they've gone through. It scares me that the youth of today are instilling violence. This makes me very sad. I am an optimist; even though things look bad right now, I believe, with all my heart, we can turn it around for the better.

My parents were 18 years different in age.
Review of Love for poetry  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I am not a professional reviewer but I do my best to inform you how much your poetry has impacted me. Reviews are important to me as a writer because it helps me to become a better writer.

I finished your poem entitled, "Love for Poetry." What I liked most about your poem was the part that said at the beginning:

I was only the poet
But I too wanted to be a poem.
All these words that I use
I too wanted to be arranged like them.

Just the simple words
To make sentences so beautiful
I wonder how would I be
if I were to become a poem too.

I also like the following:

My poems only contained the words
But that's not only what I wanted to write
With each word I wrote
I wish to write emotions as well alongside.

It's not only me but the whole world
That admires the beauty of poetry
Though everyone feels the same
Only a poet writes it down beautifully.

It's just not the beauty alone
But emotions that we feel as well
I wanted others to feel what I felt
Everytime I wrote down a poem.

There are a few minor corrections I would like to point out:

The second stanza should read: I wonder how I would be rather than I wonder how would I be.

In the fifth stanza, a comma should be added after: With each word I wrote, rather than omitting it. In the line below that should be: I wish to write emotions as well along the side rather than I wish to write emotions as well alongside.

In the last stanza, on the last line should read: Every time I wrote down a poem rather than Everytime I wrote down a poem.

The whole poem was beautiful. I encourage you to do more writing. I hope that making the few minor corrections didn't deter you away from any writing. I only wanted to help you.

I hope you will have many friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I looked at your poetry entitled, "The Value of Kindness", and I believe a review for you would be nice. I look forward to reviews because they help me learn to grow as a writer. I am not a professional reviewer but letting you know how your poetry impacted me would be something you would like.

The title of your poem said it all. The poem was short and sweet. The words said how much the value of kindness is. I encourage you to keep writing. I believe you're on the way to becoming a good author. You gave it the attention to detail it needed.

I hope your days are filled with blessings of friendships, good health, and happiness.

Please feel free to read any of my writings.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of To live abroad  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I just finished reviewing your article "To Live Abroad". and was excited about doing a review for you. I am not a professional reviewer but reviews are important to a writer. I can give you feedback on how your article has impacted me.

It sounds like you were looking to go abroad for a long time. Meeting new people in a different land and getting to know their culture sounds fun.
As for me, I would like to see what it's like to live in a different country, but, the way things are, I would be afraid to do that. Not knowing the language, I don't think I would do well. If I got the last part of your article right, having friends and family at home doesn't make you feel like a foreigner.

I encourage you to do more with your writing. You probably have lots of adventures you
would like to share.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just finished reading your poem "Dear Lord, Give Me A New Start." Getting reviews is important, so I decided to give you one. I am not a professional reviewer but knowing how your poem has impacted me would be good for you to know.

I have been down in places like this where I knew God was a forgiving God and yet I thought my sin was too much for God to handle. It was nothing major but, at the time, it seemed major to me. I was struggling with depression at the time. People were telling me to do things for other people and my depression would go away. When the depression didn't go away, I felt like I was a failure.

We are never failures in God's eyes. I am glad He loves us with all His heart, mind, and soul. He will never leave us nor forsake us. I took my depression to the Lord in prayer. When I got done praying, my depression lifted. I knew then that everything would be okay.

I encourage you to keep writing. You expressed in detail the feelings that were felt. I could feel the emotions behind that.

I hope your days are filled with blessings, friendships, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of The Weaver's Tale  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just finishing reading your short story entitled, "The Weaver's Tale", and I would like to give you a review. I am not a professional reviewer but I know that reviews are important to me as I hope it is to you, too. Reviews help you to be a better writer.

I enjoyed the following lines:

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the lush valleys of India, there lived a skilled weaver named Raj. He was known far and wide for his intricate designs and colorful tapestries.

One day, Raj received a special request from the king himself. The king wanted a tapestry depicting the beauty of the kingdom and its people. Excited for the opportunity to showcase his talent to royalty, Raj eagerly began his work.

Overjoyed by the kings praise, Raj returned to his humble abode, grateful for the opportunity to share his art with the world. And as he looked out over the village that had inspired him, he knew that his legacy would live on through the threads of his tapestry, weaving together the stories of his people for generations to come.

Leaving out the word there, before lived would make the story sound better. Then, The king wanted a tapestry that would depict the beauty of the kingdom and its people, rather than the word depicting. Then, Excited to showcase his talent to royalty, Raj eagerly began his work, rather than Excited for the opportunity to showcase his talent to royalty, Raj eagerly began his work. Overjoyed by the kings' or king's praise, Raj returned to his humble abode. Either one of kings' or king's can be used. Also, leaving the word And out from And as he looked out over the village that had inspired him, he knew that his legacy would live on through the threads of his tapestry. It should read, As he looked out over the village that had inspired him, he knew that his legacy would live on through the threads of his tapestry. This would help your story to flow better. I hope you don't mind me pointing those out to you.

I encourage you to keep writing. I enjoyed reading your story. It made me smile today.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Promise and Hope  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I finished reading your poem "Promise and Hope.", and I want to do a review for you. I am not a professional reviewer but I want to let you know what an impact your poem has on me. To me reviews are important; they help me to grow as a writer.

Yes, I agree, the world is in a mess. I like how you wrote the last paragraph, which is as follows:

Alas, times ahead may become too difficult for us to cope,
Yet I still hold onto that bright glimmer of promise & hope.
To you oh lord, I owe my all for your son who you unselfishly sacrificed.
The truth, way, & life I shall always trust in is my savior, Jesus Christ.

Bringing hope to those who don't know Jesus is the best gift anyone can have. Jesus is the strength that gets me through each day. Even though the world tries to get rid of any optimism I have, I still have that glimmer of hope.

I encourage you to keep on writing. Your writing inspired me and others should get inspired too.

I hope you are blessed with many friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Bitter  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I finished reading your poem "Bitter" and I decided to do a review for you. Getting reviews is important because they help you grow as a writer. I learn from them. I am not a professional reviewer but I can share how much your poem made me feel after I read it.

I wrote a poem entitled "Cold-Hearted", which was also about a broken relationship. I liked how you ended your poem (I don't hate you). This is the way I write. The emotional reaction to a broken relationship runs deep; they hurt but it's important not to hate the person for what they did. This is the way we can heal.

I encourage you to keep writing. Your poem had a good flow to it.

I hope that you are blessed with friendships, health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Guiding Light  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I have finished reading your poem "Guiding Light.", and I decided to give you a review. I am not a professional reviewer but getting a review from another writer is important to me, and I'm hoping it's important to you.

I encourage you to keep writing. Yes, you can get out of the darkness and into the light when you become a Christian. I hit rock bottom; it wasn't because of cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. My husband, at the time, was a heavy chain smoker and he smoked inside the house. I noticed my legs were getting stiff; I could hardly move. My back was also stiff. I decided to pray to God to help get me out of the depression I was in. I got on my knees and made a bargain with God. I said to him, "Lord, I am very depressed, and most people, when they feel this way want to end their life. I said, I know there is a reason why I am here, but I can't get out of my depression on my own; I need your help. I want to live. As soon as I said my prayer, the depression lifted. I couldn't thank God enough.

I hope you are blessed with good thoughts, health, and happiness. I hope my review brought a smile to your face.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you, Victor!

I read your animal story about cats "Memories in a Toothbrush", and I decided that I am going to give you a review. Reviews are important to a writer. I am not a professional reviewer but my feedback to your story will show how much I was impacted by it.

I would have never thought about how a toothbrush rubbing down its back would be like having a memory of its mother. The last cat you experimented with was violent but when you did the toothbrush thing, it calmed him down a bit. I appreciate that you took it upon yourself to try the toothbrush on the cats and came up with this conclusion.

I encourage you to write. You are a good writer. I enjoyed reading your story and believe that others will too.

I hope you are blessed with good friendships, health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Intro  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I read your short piece "Intro.", and I decided to give you a review. I am not a professional reviewer but to me feedback is important to the writer. I appreciate feedback because it helps me grow as a writer.

I am impressed that you have written four novels. I'm sorry that your publisher has been unhelpful to you. Have you thought of self-publishing? This is what I am going to do if I can. It may take a little while yet before I get my book out there for everyone to read; I'm hoping it won't be long.

It took courage to ask if you should hire an agent. An agent could be expensive. Take time to research different publishers before you make a decision. I encourage you to keep writing. Don't give up on writing science fiction if this is what you like to do. I read that writers get rejected a lot. This should not keep you from writing; it takes time to find the right publisher for you.

I hope that my review was helpful.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your poem "Unfair Expectations" and I decided to give you a review. I am not a professional reviewer but I know getting feedback is important to a writer. I can offer feedback on how your poem impacted me.

Your poem had questions about how you can do something when you can't do something. I had the same questions when I was asked to do something. I lacked confidence in myself because I didn't feel capable, or experienced enough, to answer them. Later in life, when I got older, I felt like I should, give it a go. I discovered that I could do some things, even though it was challenging. Sometimes taking the plunge (or risk) is the first step to gaining confidence. I felt better about doing it after that. The more I did it, the better I became at doing it.

I encourage you to keep writing. Your poem was well-written. It took courage to write this and I'm happy that you did.

I hope you are found to have good friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I just read your poem "If For A Moment I Were Meant For You", and I decided to give you a review. I am not a professional reviewer but feedback is important to a writer. I can give you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

Your poem is beautiful. In relationships, there are a lot of times when the one we love doesn't phone us anymore or returns messages, and we often wonder what happened. We started to think that it was something we might have done. Sometimes, we won't know the answer to that question. It was a heartfelt message you wrote in the poem for the person that you loved. Who knows, perhaps you will find the answer to that question one day. Many times in my life there was a special someone, a dear friend, whom I phoned and, for whatever reason, my messages were not returned and my phone calls weren't answered. I took care of my mom when she needed help from having dementia, amongst other physical ailments, when, out of the blue, a special friend, who I used to date, phoned me and we would talk to each other for quite a while. He had since passed away, but we were able to get answers to questions we were wondering about. This was a healing point for me.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I read your short story "How I Am Just Like My Mother", and have decided to give you a review because it's so important in developing good writing skills. I am not a professional writer but I can provide feedback on how your short story impacted me.

First, I would suggest breaking up your story into paragraphs instead of one big long one. This would make it easier to read.
I enjoyed reading your short story. I can relate to the similarities between my mother and I. I used to be a big people pleaser but not so much anymore, although I sometimes fall back into that trap. My mother was a people pleaser. For example: My mother liked to participate in family discussions about business matters even though she didn't know much about it. She wanted people to be happy. My mother worried about things a lot and I still do that even though I try not to.

My mother had to put up with pain sometimes more than most people because she couldn't express what was truly going on with her. She was a tough woman and I sincerely believe that I have inherited some of her traits.

I encourage you to write. Thank You for sharing about the similarities between you and your mother.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your poem "Love's Dancing Petals" and I decided to give you a review. I am not a professional reviewer but giving feedback is important.

I enjoyed reading your poem. I liked the rhythm and beats to it. It flowed well. I encourage you to keep writing. You have the potential for it.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Star  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good morning to you!

I read your poem "Star" and I decided to do a review for you. I am not a professional reviewer but feedback on what an author has written is important. I can let you know how your poem has impacted me.

The last stanza of your poem reads as follows:

Their true nature will be revealed
Their cracks from the journey healed
No longer a star from the sky
but a geode
a crystal tear from God's eye.

I like the part: No longer a star from the sky
but a geode
a crystal tear from God's eye.

I haven't heard that God's eye had a crystal tear. I found this interesting. I'm sure that God has cried and a tear in the form of a crystal is a nice way of saying that we will be healed after the cracks from our journey have been revealed.

I enjoyed reading your poem and I encourage you to keep writing.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

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