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Review Requests: ON
556 Public Reviews Given
562 Total Reviews Given
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Overall impression, likes, suggestions, positive closing. I am honored to do reviews upon request, usually on the first day 2023 Quill Winner 2023 BEST REVIEWER
I'm good at...
...emphasizing positive things in addition to at least one suggestion2023 Quill Winner 2023 BEST REVIEWER
Favorite Genres
Biography, short stories, all styles of poetry.
Least Favorite Genres
Horror, Dark because I am not fond of voluntarily being scared.
Favorite Item Types
True stories and experiences
Least Favorite Item Types
Anything that scares me
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I will review anything. I have reviewed books, however, they take a lot of time, the turnaround is longer than 3 days.
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In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Sum1,

I am reviewing your memory story, "Learning to Play the French Horn." I have a few thoughts to share with you which are the views of just one reader. I hope they will resonate with you.

This true story is delightful. A happy reading experience. The way you came to play the instrument, and why it was a lesser known one, being based on having a girl crush sounds par for a person of that age. Being in the school band is hard work. I was not in one but my daughter played the flute her Freshman year of high school. I perceived her group of band friends to have the closeness and comradery of a family. The band director of hers was strict when it was time to perform, but aware of the importance of group activities off the field. Learning to march with precision each week during football season took a lot of dedication to attend early morning practices. I am sure you understand how that goes.

Your narrative is informative and reveals some hopes and dreams as you progressed through high school. I play piano so band was not to be for me. I particularly liked your forthrightness in telling us reasons your French horn days were over. Playing an instrument is a great joy but can steal more time away from you than is available.

The piece is mechanically perfect. Great job on both the success of the story as well as how well it is written grammatically.

Thanks for sharing your story. Time permitting, I want to read more memories. Truth is often better than fiction.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna

*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Come ride with us!

Hi Jeff,

I am reviewing your flash fiction story "Clandestine Services" as part of a requirement for the Tour de Ports activity. Before I review the story, I commend you for the way you have organized your writing. Your action saved me a good half an hour it would take to find something to review. I wanted something recent, so this April story is just right. The following thoughts I will share of mine alone. I hope they will resonate with you.

First impression: The genres gave me a clue what I would be reading. I zoned in on comedy. The recent reviews completed were serious so you can imagine my delight when I saw comedy. The characters were performing an activity that held an element of mystery that had me guessing the ending midway. (No, I did not figure it out).

Content: The narrative was believable. The dialogue seemed fitting for two guys to be doing something clandestine. We knew just enough about the seasoned pro and the newbie to let our imaginations fill in details such as what they looked like and who they were. Burglars of the white color kind was my guess. Everything was clear, who what where when how, except the why. The why was unexpected, clever, and fit all the actions I surmised differently.

Suggestion: I think the genre Adventure would be a better fit to attract readers than the genre Activity.

This is an outstanding example of flash fiction that tells a complete story in just under the 300 word limit. I like it was 298 words making the maximum use of the words allowed. Great job!

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*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Come ride with us!

Hello Olivia,

Welcome to WdC. I am glad you are a part of our community. I found you poem in a section we call "READ A NEWBIE." My review is part of a challenge I am participating in which is why you see the activity "Tour de Ports" at the start. I have some thoughts to share with you that I hope you will find useful.

First impression: Non-fiction stories reveal how lives are touched by the people in them and/or their environment. When the first two sentences rhymed, I thought it would be a rhyming poem. Reading further it is free verse. I noticed it was single spaced with punctuation to advise me when to pause.

Content: Your poignant poem touched me. How discouraging to feel like a pawn in a game. The ones you rely upon for basic food, shelter, and housing are also the ones you turn to for love and nurturing. I read the poem a second time and noticed the line "Trying to fit me into their new families and lives" gave me the impression you were adopted.

Suggestion: I think the piece would have more impact with double spaced breaks every two lines. It could have helped me process the impact of each successive, dark characteristic revealed. Repeating "I can't remember" made your situation feel more dark and gloomy.

Overall it is a wonderfully constructed poem about a not so wonderful life experiences. As I close, I am not sure again if these were parents who thought so much of each other, having children was something to show and tell. It may have been to fit in with their friends or get acceptance from the family.

I am sorry for what you went through. I hope you have been able to reconcile in your mind so you know that it was them and not you. As a child you are not responsible for the parents' treatment of you. I know there are parents out there from reading about them and I am sad that yours were one of this kind. Thank you for sharing such a hurtful childhood memory. Keep writing and we will keep reading.

Write on!
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*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Monkey Business  
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In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Come ride with us!

Hi Ned,

Your story "Monkey Business" appeared on Read & Review. I have some thoughts to share that I hope will resonate with you.

First impression: Your cover art, bright primary colored balloons, brightened the page and drew ne into the tory. The larger text and font style were wonderful as it was easy to read.

What a talented storyteller you are! I related to the monkey because it reminded me of the monkey in the movie "Heidi." The antics you described were planned as part of the all important act. As you pointed out, the monkey was part of the how. He was not harmed in the process of entertaining children. "Who doesn't love a playful, little monkey?" The best line was the Animal Welfare guys lacking "finesse."

I suggestion you take a moment replace the genre contest entry and change it to one where additional readers may find it. Another genre may also have your piece as a source for an editor's pick in a newsletter.

Reading the story with the underlying message if it ain't broke, don't fix it was time well spent for me on a Saturday afternoon. If I was a teacher, the grade on your story would be an A+. The maximum here is 5 stars which is deserving with your flawless piece. Bravo!

Write on!
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Monkey Business  
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In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ned,

Your story “Monkey Business” appeared in Read & Review. I am pleased to review this delightful story. I hope my thoughts resonate with you.

First Impression: Your cover art, bright primary colored balloons, brightened the page and the picture drew me in.
The large text size and font style all invited me to relax and jump in for the ride.

What a talented storyteller you are! The monkey I related to was the one in the movie “Heidi.” The monkey’s business was to put on an act as part of a polished duo. He was not harmed. In fact, the positive reactions of the audience would do a lot to contribute to his self-esteem and self-worth. The pinnacle of the underlying theme came when the Animal Welfare guys showed a lack of “Finesse.”

Mechanically, your piece is flawless. May I suggest now that the contest has concluded, replace the genre from contest entry to another for more readers to find “Monkey Business.” I enjoyed it immensely.

Write on!
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Review of From The Cats  
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In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Storymaster,

I am here to review your cNote shop in response to my participation in the Tour de Ports activity. I have some thoughts about your shop that I would like to share with you. They are solely my thoughts and I hope you will find them useful.

Overall impression: Every one of the cNotes is terrific. Being a cat person, I do look for cNotes picturing cats. I like your instructions provided first which members can read either for a first time person, or to refresh the memory of the rest.

Further impressions: The ordering process is standard for cNote shop orders. Your cats are quite photogenic. Creating cNote with the images of your cats, who probably worked for you pro bono, was a unique idea. It gives everyone a good feeling to catch a glimpse of your very own fur babies. We are WdC family.

Suggestions: Your description is perfect. I conducted a search for your shop in our community tab, using key word cNote in the Search provided at the top left directly under the The concern I have is for the genre selection of "other." It is advisable to select all three of the genre choices. "Other" does not convey anything specific. I would take the opportunity for more shop exposure to our community. One other thing that would be nice to see, is to say thank you for visiting your shop somewhere on the page.

Thank you for establishing the "From the Cats" cNote shop. I have added it to my personal reference list of shops.

Write on!
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Review of Writing.Com 101  
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In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

Greetings StoryMistress,

Landing once again on this home page for your Writing.Com 101 site gave me pause today to write a review. I was looking for the process to create a crossword puzzle. This is the second puzzle I will make. I just can't remember how to get started. I will forward you a link to the finished product also because it is a new forum for which I am group leader with the majority of content and help from dLspiritwriter .

I can not say enough good things about this item containing everything you need to know about our wonderful community. The people who contributed to writing portions are to be commended. Each topic I have researched gives clear instructions and guidelines.

I recommend a committee be formed to increase the number of keywords. I appreciate the information, however, it appears to me the words you enter in search are limited requiring a most specific title search. For example, I searched where to find a suggestion box. I entered "suggestion" and came up empty.

Thank you for all your hard work leading this important reference material for WdC. I try to recommend to any newbies I meet as well as share information I may already know with friends and other WdC members. I am writing this on a Saturday morning so will wish you a great weekend!

Write on!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Image #2056440 over display limit. -?-
Review of The Angel Army  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Greetings Angel Army,

I am taking this opportunity to review the information page about the WdC Angel Army group. As a member, I was not aware of this item. Framed like a business report or newspaper article for the group, every member should read this item.

Overall impression: This item for the Angel Army is a stunning example of good writing. The style is appealing to the eye as it is laid out symmetrically. I liked the member poetry the best. Congratulations to those poets.

The Angel Army continues to be a vibrant group producing quality reviews, the monthly total usually at least second place of all the groups. I am proud to be a member. I recommend it in my welcome to new members in their WdC notebooks.

Write on and right on!


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Review of "A"  
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In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello HDC,

Welcome to writing.com which we abbreviate WdC. I noticed your new account and came to welcome you. In addition to noting your notebook, I browsed your portfolio and read your entry "A." What a clever, original idea. One I have not seen in all my time here.

The title alone had me curious. It is a great hook to engage a reader. In addition, your description of using letters exclusively starting with the letter A had my interest. I know there are a lot of words starting with A, the way you arranged them to write a brief definition of agendas with aplomb. Nice work!

Genre selection is used so people interested in nonsense, for example, will be directed to work of this genre choice. I recommend you take advantage of selecting all three choices you can note. That will give you more exposure. My suggestions would be educational and satire.

It appears to be a flawless work which I thought was brilliant. It made me think of long ago vocabulary tests in school. Adjudication was one of those words back then and when you think about it is a wonderful word to pronounce. I thoroughly enjoyed reading "A." How about a sequel using the letter B?

Write on!

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The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama-It's a Party!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Such As We Are  
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In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Rafa,

Welcome to WdC. I found your work in the side panel of "Newbie" pieces. I had a few thoughts about your essay "Such as We Are." I hope you find them useful. They are my opinions alone. You are welcome to take the parts that resonate with you and discard the rest.

Overall impression: Your genre selection of Philosophy is the ideal one for you essay. The genres are used by readers who select the genre they want to read. It is also a way that editors of newsletters find their editor's picks. I suggest you add two more genres to give it more exposure to various readers. I suggest "opinion" and "cultural." While reading, I had a concern about the paragraphs not being double space. It made it crowded a bit and did not give me the opportunity to process the concepts you put forward.

Congratulations on expressing your philosophy in a well written logical manner. The content makes points that are thought provoking. I liked that a lot. Keep on writing. As time permits I will come back to read more.

Write on!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Image #2056440 over display limit. -?-

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi foxtale,

I saw your story "On the Fast Track" on Newsfeed. I have some thoughts to share with you which I hope will be of value to you.

Overall impression: Your story presentation is terrific. I felt welcome to read a larger text size in bold font. Your personal experience had elements of humor that had me laughing. I stopped laughing when another set of tracks were contemplated by your scouts. You selected exact genres to gain the best audience.

What I liked: I liked the opening hook that had me involved in your tale right away. I correctly surmised you are a seasoned Scoutmaster. I like that you had the training you would need to camp out, investigate tracks and other phenomenon, an give the scouts a well rounded experience. I liked the narrative. The paragraphs flowed one to the next effortlessly. The inclusion of those elusive gators added another dimension which I enjoyed.

Your piece is flawless. I would like to have seen cover art. I did not notice until I was midway writing this review the publishing history of your story. I would have snapped this story up if I had been the publisher in receipt of your manuscript. Thank you for conjuring up my scouting days. Great job on all fronts! I appreciate the stories you tell. I will keep my eyes out for your next one.

Write on!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Image #2056440 over display limit. -?-

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Tim,

Your poem "The Transportation Analyst" appeared on Read & Review. I have a few thoughts to share with you after reading it. They are the opinions of one person which I hope will resonate with you.

Overall impression: The poem title sounded interesting. I did not know what a transportation analyst did. The description revealed it was loss of your job. The first line hook revealed how you felt about what happened to you. The free verse was the ideal style to use to tell your story.

I was glad you told all the details to know it had nothing to do with you. Describing what you wore at work reminded me of so many places having dress codes like that one. My favorite line is "This mind-numbing, somewhat slow, yet functioning workweek."

The presentation of your poem without any stanza breaks was difficult to absorb and process. I am sure you have reasons to do it that way. I needed time to follow the feelings and events as they happened. With no punctuation giving permission to pause, it necessitates reading straight through.

I appreciate you sharing your story. I hope you continue to enjoy writing and reviewing here on WdC.

Write on!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of God's Mistake  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

Hello Taylor,

This review is being provided at your individual request. I am honored to give you my thoughts about "God's Mistake." These are my opinions, as one reader of your poem. May my words resonate and be useful to you.

Overall impression: Your poem's presentation is pleasing to the eye. There are clearly defined stanzas. The genres prepare me for something that has happened to you personally, which is always a privilege to read. Your first two lines form an engaging hook, urging me to read on to find out more.

I like the rhyming within the free form verse, with the added enjoyment of the four lines repetition of the promise of knowing in the end, all will be revealed to you. Those words are the glue that tied the story together and impetus to move the story along. I felt the attention to thoughts of ending a life told me to pay close attention.

Mechanically sound, without error, I feel compelled to comment on the single comma within the poem. It gave me one small chance to pause and process all that I had been reading. Punctuation is entirely up to you. From my reading experience, it would have helped me process your profound words regarding death with more commas and periods.

Thank you for writing a poem that shares deep personal thoughts brought upon by your feelings about your life and the quest similar to mine involving the meaning of a life and its worth. I appreciate your request for my ideas about your poem. It was my pleasure. I encourage you to keep writing and sharing your gifts of writing and shared introspection. Have a great Sunday.

Write on!

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of What is love?  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

Hi Kevster,

I selected "What is love?" to review for you from your many portfolio items. You have produced a lot of work in a little over six months. Congratulations! I have a few thoughts to share with you that I hope will be useful. This is just the opinion of one person. Hold on to what parts resonates and help.

Overall impression: The title of a story can be the most difficult element of a story to choose and finalize. For me, stating the title as a question never fails to get my attention. I like reading stories with a title in the form of a question. You know the author intends to answer the question in the course of their story. The trick is to ask a question that is of interest to draw in multiple readers. It took a couple of opening statements that got me engage. The genre type "philosophy" is one that keeps me interested and reading. Your descriptive words regarding emotions and the state of mind of a person who is addicted to love fulfilled my wish to experience what they were feeling. Nice work!

You went into great detail educating on the types of love and the attributes connected to each kind. I learned a lot about the information provided. The topic kept my interest. There are a few typographical errors that slowed me down. For example, in the sixth paragraph, "But, what is love? The world has been used..." The word 'world' should be 'word.'

Visually, the typing is crowded. I had a difficult time moving my eyes along then dropping down exactly to the next line. The way to resolve that is with double spacing. The line spacing icon is close to the middle displaying a vertical arrow with a tip on each end and horizontal lines on the right. Click it and select 2.0 for line spacing.

The piece is categorized an article, reading more like an essay. The research studies the article refers to in several places should have citations to support the conclusions. Another concern I have is the high percentage, 75%, of the work of AI detected. When you use the AI, you need to disclose that. Relying so heavily on words that are not your own takes away individual creativity and possibly accuracy.

Thanks for writing about the question, "What is Love?" The article is summed up for me here: "True love, as defined like selflessness, in the most selfish way, places the happiness and well-being of the loved one above all." It is one of the most precious emotions life has to offer us.

Write on!

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Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Image #2056440 over display limit. -?-
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jake!

My solution to the whole shebang is to hydrate and hibernate. So far it is working. You have a marvelous way of summarizing the most aggregious issues. It is a real writing talent who feels the pulse of the country and states it clearly and succinctly. The form is free and engaging. I enjoyed giving my neck a workout nodding as I was greedily reading, wanting more after the last word. I gather the bolder words are required for this contest piece prefaced “Winner.”

Mechanically flawless, your thoughtful and thought-provoking words reminded me of the high level of expertise we enjoy here. Thanks for the link on our Newsfeed. A great way to start my Friday morning.

Write on!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Image #2034185 over display limit. -?-

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Congratulations on your WdC Anniversary.

Hi Smee,

Happy 18th WdC Anniversary! I hope you check in to enjoy the attention over your special day. I selected your story "Highschool Reunion" because I did not go to any of mine. I did get a memory book from the 50th. Your 25th graduation should be coming up now I would guess. Here are a few thoughts about your story.

Your story is terrific. I sneered at your bullies. What they said and how things progressed will probably remain a mystery. I hope by now you have met someone if that was your desire. The way you told the story, from the invite to the arrival flowed well. I followed the preparation and night as it built up to the surprise ending. You told just enough for me to picture the event. I could almost see people nibbling on vacant calories and the few people on the fringes looking on. What a cool move by your English Lit teacher, though. It had to make you feel special even though it drew unwanted attention to you.

I did not detect any mechanical concerns. You are an experience storyteller. I enjoyed the read immensely. Let me know how you are getting along!

Write on!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jake,

I am reviewing your poem "In the year 2025 the world ended" you wrote for writer's cramp. What is disconcerting about the idea is that it is so plausible. As history will serve up the process would not take long. What a mess things would be. Do you think young people would stop having offspring? Would the world be annihilated by a nuclear bomb or bombs? My mind was stimulated to think of the censorship today which has already done much damage. I was glad to read your piece as science fiction!

Write on!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Image #2056440 over display limit. -?-
Review of Jessica's Purpose  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Foxtrot Victor,

Your story Jessica's Purpose came up in Read & Review. I have some thoughts to share with you that I hope will resonate with you.

Overall impression: I was hooked on the genre ghost because I had not read one for a while and most I had read were incredibly long and detailed. Yours, I noticed, looked like mostly dialogue which moves at a good pace.

It was not until I got into the story that I became emotionally involved. The clues were there as I tried to figure out what was happening. You showed the story through the conversation between the mother, I mean professor, and Jessica. You brought up serious issues that stimulated thought and I was left wanting more. All the elements of a great story. The best part was writing in the first person which, in my view, is the most difficult point of view.

There are no mechanical errors. I would suggest, for the sake of exposure, to change the one genre "other" for another specific one.

This is an original and unique way of presenting a ghost that everyone in the class could see and hear. I would have loved to attend one of the lectures and have seen Jessica. Great story skillfully written. Bravo!

Write on!

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Angel,

Welcome to WdC, the way we abbreviate our community site. "Everyone will know, I was never afraid" came up on Read & Review which you can access on the left side of your page. I have a few thoughts to share with you. Since they are only the thoughts of one person, I hope some will resonate and be helpful to you.

This is a deeply personal piece dealing with strong emotions. You expressed them very well. I empathize with your plight. It appears to still need to be edited which you can do later.

I look forward to more writing from you. Keep it up!
Write on!
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Review of Crushes  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jacky,

Your story "Crushes" came up on Read & Review. I like flash fiction. It takes a skilled writer to tell a complete story. Your story about Andrew's plight was done very well. The first two sentences made an effective hook that engaged me. Matters of the heart at such a tender age seem like it is a matter of life and death to the young man. It was further fun as it gave you a way to experience some fond memories of your own. It is a rite of passage to pursue or be pursued. I liked the way you used dialogue to tell us what the boy was thinking. The suggestion that ignoring the problem would result in its going away was ideal. There are a lot of times nothing bad will happen if you just don't acknowledge it exists. I found no mechanical errors. The presentation on the page with nice spacing and text size facilitated a very good reading experience for me. Thanks for showing your writing talent. I look forward to reading more as time permits.

Write on!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Grief  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Karmagenie,

Welcome to WdC. Your story appeared on the Read a Newbie list. This is one of the most polished stories I have read in a long time! You are a gifted storyteller. I related to Andy's cigarette addiction and mental illness. This was a tribute not only to Andy but also to your parents who made it possible for an idyllic childhood. The descriptions throughout gave a clear vision of what was occurring on the farm. "The rabbit warrens of his diseased mind and croquet was a contact sport" are examples.

One word may be a typo in this sentence, " Add my father, a devote Catholic." Devote should be devoted, or you could substitute devoit.

Thank you for writing about Andy, your parents, and your siblings. One point about corporal punishment gave me pause to think of my personal beliefs. I look forward to reading more as time permits.

Write on!

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#1300305 by Maryann

On share for group members
Review of Ferry  
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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

Hello SamiJoe,

Welcome to WdC! That is the way we abbreviate our website name. Thank you for requesting a review of "Ferry." I have read it and have some thoughts to share with you. These are solely the thoughts of one person. Please take from my review what helps and resonates with you.

Overall impression: What an original idea! I liked that very much because it kept me guessing how it would end. Writing in the first person is difficult. You wrote it beautifully. The opening sentence, your hook, had me engaged in your story immediately. Good job!

I think the length was just enough to tell a story having all the elements of a good short story. The dialogue moved the story along at a nice pace. Your characters are memorable. The unique drama of the coin kept my attention from start to finish. Grabbing and keeping the attention of a reader is key to great storytelling.

Another edit is needed to catch some things that need to be corrected. Most important are spelling errors. For example, "franticly" is spelled frantically. "Defeted" should be defeated. "Disapears" should be disappears. I recommend you use an application such as Grammarly which could catch some of the errors. Other things to look for are things like, "You're coin ma'am" should be your coin. "The echo's of him" should be echos or echoes, which is more commonly used. These things detract from the writing.

As far as selecting genres, which I know are new to you, you want to have three genres. Death is a good one. "Other" does not tell you what it is about, and it is recommended you don't use it on any of your pieces. The genres are used by people to look for topics they like to read. I recommend "drama" and "fantasy” but will leave that up to you.

I am thrilled you found our community. There are so many things to participate in. If you have any questions, please ask. Thank you for the privilege of reviewing your story. You have a terrific storytelling style. The thing to work on is the mechanical aspects. Take care and keep on writing!

Write on!

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I found you interesting poem on Read & Review. I am happy to give you my thoughts and impressions. I hope they will be useful.

Overall impression: At first glance, I see the nice larger than the default text size which is wonderful. I read the poem first. The first line was an expression I had not heard before. Here are eight lines of a poetry style I am not familiar with. My next step was to research the elements of a double dactyl poem. I looked first at the emails sent by Dave at the Poets Place, as I am a member. I did not see it immediately so proceeded to the internet.

Things I liked: I like the cover art picture of Charles Dickens. The first line put a huge smile on my face. Calling him Charlie set me up for a lighthearted poem. I confirmed my suspicion when the author "dashed off" his work that was "so good." I could imagine a great author like Charlie writing quickly, perhaps without needing to edit. Your poem set my mind thinking about how poems are structured. It influences the number of words, to rhyme or not, and other considerations during the creative process.

I was puzzled by the hyphen here, "Regular-installments." Again I looked into it and found it was indeed correct. My conclusion: Mine is not to doubt a doctor of phoolishness.

Thank you for writing this light poem. Dickens is a fine writer.

Write on!
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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "This Is A Vacation?
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

Hi JimD,

Thanks for writing about your vacation. It is a pleasure to review your piece about your trip. I hope my opinions resonate with you.

Overall impression: It was a wonderful relaxing piece of writing. Even with the long drive, it still seemed like you enjoyed your trip. You travel so much that I could have pictured you on what nowadays I understand is called a Staycation. Instead, I see you driving for days to get to a spot to relax. The fact that it was crowded and so busy did not seem unusual since it is known as a popular vacation spot. I liked you staying in a Hampton Inn. I like to stay at a Hampton in. I imagine they had the free buffet breakfasts.

I should review your actual writing now. You are a good storyteller. I read your "You Know You Love Them" entries every day. I admit I have not read anything else in your portfolio that I can recall. It was a treat to read the way you write in a conversational style. I felt like you were sitting in a group of us telling us how your vacation went. It was in chronological order and, therefore easy to follow. Your comments about the attributes of places such as the restaurant with home cooking including what you had to eat. Pointing out the Honors points and process showed me what a good planner you are. That, of course, goes with the vast experience you have with traveling for work. I like watching dog shows and thought the story of your Akita was neat.

Your work was mechanically flawless. I appreciate that a lot because I don't get stopped cold with an error. I am glad you linked this piece in our newsfeed tonight. I did not have to examine a plot or fictitious character development. You did have a hook, though, starting out with the comment that this sojourn was unusual for you. Thanks for writing this piece. I think vacations are a ton of work and the fact you came home so beat tells me you put all your efforts into it. I am sure you took some photos and will have fond memories to look back on.

Write on!

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Some Guy,

Welcome to Writing.com which we call WdC for short. I read your free verse poem. Your words are expressing how you are feeling. It is an excellent genres to tell your story in verse that has a lot of symbolism. I am not sure what is going on but I hope it does improve and you find your heart open to new emotions. I have confidence that will happen. Take care and keep writing.

Write on!
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