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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, Angel
This is a Simply Positive Review! *CarY*

*AsteriskP* I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator.

*Owl3* I applaud you on this very comprehensive review of the novel, "All the Light we Cannot See." I had seen that being circulated on the Rising Stars' Candidates' book list, to receive points. The brief description made me think I might want to read the book, too! As you may know, I am Schnujo's Sponsor. *Bigsmile*

*SeahorseB* However, after reading your book review, I am even more interested in downloading this book on my Kindle. *Smile*


What I liked about this book is how it shows the slow journey the characters through Hitler's time in control, whether french or any other nationality.
This is stated a little awkwardly.

*Idea*TRY: I liked this book because it showed the journey of the characters, whether French or other nationalities, went through, during Hitler's time in control.
It's tighter and makes the same point. *Wink*

*Reading* This story portrays the interesting lives of these two characters following the death of the father. An amazing view through a blind girl's eyes from your point of view as the reviewer of this book.

Well done, indeed!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello there, ♥Hooves♥
This is a Simply Positive Review! *PawPrints*

*SuitSpade* I found this little beauty, while perusing the Poetry Genre page.

*TulipR* What a find this is! My heart burst with so many emotions. I love the pictures forming in my mind of a field or garden, filled with the gorgeous colors of tulips. It also make me a little sad, for I will be returning North later this year, and will miss seeing my own blooms.

*TulipB* However, your lovely Haiku string, with a taste of a lyrical sonnet woven in, made me live the moment of the tulips proud blooms of spring. It is well deserving of the lovely ribbon adorning it!

*TulipO* There was also the heartache of knowing that the tulips were a reminder of the dad who had left them behind for his children to enjoy. It is a bittersweet time of year because it reminds the daughter that her dad has passed away, yet she will always have him in her memory each time a tulip blooms. It is his spirit dancing freely, each spring, even if for only a short time.

*TulipY* I couldn't think of anything to add to this poem. It is perfection as is, and leaves me with such warm and colorful images that will carry me through my own missing of the tulips blooming in my garden.

Lovely! *TulipB**TulipV**TulipY*

Until next time--write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Heavenly Throne  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, Tim Chiu
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Sun*

*BowlingPin* I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Random Review generator.

*Vignette2* This was such a lovely poem about the strength we can get when we count on our faith in our Heavenly Father. I felt the joy and truth within your words.

*TulipY* There was a serenity to reading the words, which also make a reader pause and take a moment to reflect upon the lines. You make the reader believe that you are a very spiritual person who does believe and receives the strength that you have woven into this poem within each line.

*Vignette2* This is a very inspirational free verse -- almost a whisper of a prayer of thanks can be felt from reading it. The flow for the most part was smooth and easy in its rhythm. Structured rhyme was not a factor, thus the free verse inference.

My favorite part:

"The fruitful clock ticks
Each precious and solitary moment
With mesmerizing depth and quality,
As folks proceed on this fateful and inspiring journey"

Beautiful! *ButterflyO*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, 🌕 HuntersMoon
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Hotair4*

*Pot* I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering!

*Devilish* Word count, "666" I detect something evilishly Punny about the story I am about to read. Yes, my foresight was indeed true - Pun pun, punny, Ken! *RollEyes*

*Ha* Funny situational comedy with a real Punster as the husband and a more than irritated wife, sick to death of his one-liners. However, I do love how she got "even" at the end of the story.

It's a fine job of fitting in nice and cozy within the April prompt. You always manage to come through with the humor. I love how you view the world -- sort of reminds me of me.

I had just made a Mayflower pun a couple days ago -- Web-Lock was caught off guard and it hit him perfectly as he laughed then guffawed at my pun. So, I did expect that pun to slip its way into this item following the April Showers line. *Rolling*

*Tackb* Thanks again for entering, and good luck with the contest!

Until next time--Pun on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, Jeannie
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Tackg*

*Mug* I am also reviewing this item because it popped up on the Random Review generator.

*PointRight* Wow, this was quite a beautiful tribute to Ms Austen. I have either learned new tidbits about her life or have been reminded of those things that I studied so many years ago, I've almost forgotten. So thank you for jolting my memory back to this special author.

*ButterflyG* I loved how you described her family life and her parents' devotion to their children's learning and the art of writing.


"Pride and Prejudice, Austen's most successful novel in her own lifetime went through two editions during her own life." *Down*

*Idea* Suggestion: This fact should probably be in the first paragraph where you first mention that it is her most highly praised novel, to eliminate the repetitive aspect of it. Then you may want to split that first paragraph after inserting this above part.

Janes [Jane's] letters had wittiness, amusing descriptions of the social life of town and country.

Further Observation:

You have a spacing issue in the third paragraph you may want to tighten up. *Wink*

*MailP* Thank you for sharing this biographical writing about Jane Austen. I enjoyed it very much. I think it is so sad that the bulk of her letters were destroyed by her sister. What a shame that they are not around to be included with a library of her writings.

Wonderful job! *Wolf*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello there, Tim Chiu
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Teddy*

*Baseball* I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator.

*UmbrellaV* The mood of this poem was intense, for I felt all the emotions of a planned symbiotic path portrayed with a couple who are truly devoted to one another.

*Target* At least, from the perspective of the narrator, the reader is introduced to one's soul mate -- for life. It is a beautiful thing to see, as each verse builds upon the other. It is obvious that this person takes the relationship seriously and with heartfelt spirit. He paints a picture of them still in love, bonded together in their golden years of life.

*Leaf2R* This is such a precious image, as I imagine it would be. When someone does find their soul mate, all of life's road ahead, is seen as never being traveled upon alone.

*Cool* My favorite part:

"I truly fell, the day we met,
Love’s visions, gifts ignored –
Her beauty, grace, and loveliness,
Are memories still stored."

*Shuffle* Indeed, this poem represents the embracing of not merely the body, but of the souls, as well.

*PaintBrush* Beautiful, well constructed, smooth rhythm and rhyme, with lovely imagery.

Good job! *BurstB*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*
Review of Forever  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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Hello there, ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Penw*

*Pin* I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Random Review generator.

*Trident* This was quite a nightmarish scenario to live within the mind's eye, yet it was that vivid. It brings the readers into the warped mind of a very sick person.

*BareTree3* I am always on guard when reading about an escaped mental patient type of story. It brings me back to my youth and all those slasher movies -- predominately "Halloween." Now who could ever forget Michael Meyers?

*Necklace2* The story held my attention. There was a certain creepiness that gave me chills, while I imagined his tone of voice, his resolve and strength of will to do what he believed needed to be done.


a tiny tinge of fear crept into her eyes. "Tinge" is sufficient. No need to place tiny in front, the reader gets that it was slight fear at this moment.

"I lost my medication. The prescription ran out, and I just couldn’t go and get any more." I think either one or the other sentence would have worked fine, here. Either he lost his medication OR the prescription ran out, but not both lines are necessary.

Further Observation:
(Writing tighter)

*UmbrellaV* I think it is unnecessary to have him reveal his mental condition to her. It would be better to just mention he lost his medication and he has an important gift to share with her, that of everlasting life together, and then do the knife plunge and breaking in by the police. The reader will get the rest of the story at the end when the staff discusses his mental condition. They could say, " How was this paranoid schizophrenic ever allowed to escape the institution?" Then the condition is revealed as well as the twisted ending about what happened to the victim and what was going through his mind.

Otherwise, super creepy and well done! *Web2*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hallo there, Harry
This is a Simply Positive Review! *StarfishP*

*Witchlegs2* I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Random Review generator.

*Film* Seeing the battles of war through the foot soldier's perspective, pulls the readers onto the battlefield and holds them captive until the end.

*Salute* Your soldier gives us readers a birds eye view of the soldiers; the friends and foe, both appear in the mix as well as the emotions and heartbreak of death falling before them. It hits the reader with the tough reality of such suffering and struggle and the deep fear experienced by the young warriors on the battlefield. The imagery was quite intense!

*FishO* I am not a fan of poetry with too much rhyme -- just my personal taste I suppose, probably because I lean toward free verse. However, this poem painted such vivid scenes which unfolded within my mind's eye, I could actually place a face on the soldier and see both comrades and enemies appearing around him.

Well done, Harry! *BurstR*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Holiday at Home  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, Bob retired
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Hotair4*

*AntR* I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Random Review generator.

*MushroomR* This was an amusing tale to read, as told in poetic form. I could picture the kids coming back home from college and getting bored there and deciding to go on an adventure. I pictured their mother leaving her job to help make life easier at home and more comfortable for everyone.

*RollEyes* Such is life, because the kids left, Mom had to go off to take care of her mom, and the dad took some holiday time on his own to do those things he had not done in a long time -- like fishing! I love to fish, as well. *Wink*

*Cat2* I love the buildup, the imagery and the winding down of the poem. The whole deal with the cat having her kittens in the wheel barrow -- priceless!

*CheckY* The poetry for the most part had a good rhyme and rhythm. There were a few bumps in flow here and there, as some lines seemed a bit wordier than others. But, all in all, well done!

I loved the final scene of the barrow in the kitchen with all the kittens around the dad, keeping him company.

Quite amusing, indeed! *Ha*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ebb and Flow  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, Newbie! Welcome to WDC. *Tophat*
This is a Simply Positive Review!

*Fox* I found your item while perusing the "Read a Newbie" page.

*Gear* I love the visual production passing through my mind's eye. The ocean and all of its majesty, does make a great backdrop to many sentiments one is feeling or trying to share with the reader.

*Wave1* I think we all can associate the rolling waves, crashing, splashing and ebbing and flowing with life in general. For it is true, we all go through those highs and lows on life's path.


"The waters tossed to and fro"
I think "tossing" would be a better word here, as the extra syllable helps the flow. The line quoted below has "soothing" in it and it's just one line away from the refrain following the line above.
"Soothing sounds of seaside songs,"
Thus "tossing would work better in the line quoted above. Just my opinion, of course.

*PaintBrush* I think there were a couple spots where more uncommon words could have been used for emphasis, but in general, it is lovely in its own way. I love the metaphorical use, and how the wrongs we do in life will affect us, and we will carry it forever -- endlessly, like the movement of the sea.

Nice job, and worth a slight upgrade in its rating than what is currently there. *DragonflyO*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello there, mgmiles
This is a Simply Positive Review! *FishB*

*Paw* I am also reviewing this item because it popped up on the Random Review generator

*Vignette7* This was such a heartwarming, beautiful tribute to a beloved friend who has passed on.

*DropB* It is so difficult to get all our feelings together when doing a tribute to a loved one, because we always double-guess ourselves wondering if the memorial does the person's memory, justice. This was lovely!


"With fond memories she will always be alive in our hearts.
As we often wonder why she had to so quickly and suddenly depart"

*PenBl* The lines were a little wordy, here, thus the little chopping of words.

"Remember the good times and all that she enjoyed, and always keep her wrapped close in your hearts.
Nothing left behind to hold her down, she moved on into that great void."

*DragonflyY* Here's another spot where the lines could use a bit of shortening. Or, I suggest breaking them up into a couple lines. A quatrain is not the end all and be all of poetry. Perhaps end the first lines at the commas, then the remaining lines could be placed below those. Just my opinion, though.

*Cross2* Otherwise well done and a lovely tribute that she would certainly be proud to have been in memory of her.

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Molena  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Hello there, Singaya
This is a Simply Positive Review! *BagR*

*Sneaker3* I was perusing the Comedy Genre page looking for a travel story, and found this little gem.

*Rolling* Oh, my stars, what a hilarious story this was. I swear, you captured the inconvenience passengers suffer when they are seated next to a real talker.

*Writing* You were brilliant with the imagery and the side-bar-thoughts of different scenes as you perceived them. That character was absolutely convincing as the gregarious and very loquacious passenger.

*CheckY* The descriptions of her brought clear images to my mind. Also, the sickly sweet scent of her body lotion made my nasal cavities burn while my eyes watered.

*Plane* The Macarena movements, the chat about the four daughters that turned into seven children, and back to four again, the displayed gallbladder stone, all hit the funny bone. I left this page chuckling. Also, I think I may know who that lady is.

*InfoB* And, since you did make me laugh out loud, I am highlighting this story in the April 19th, Comedy Newsletter.

Thanks for the laughs! *Ha*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shadows  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Hello there, sindbad
This is a Simply Positive Review! *FlipFlops2*

*ShirtB* I am also reviewing this item because it popped up on the Random Review generator.

*Anchor* Wow, I absolutely loved the intensity of this poem. You created a rich tapestry of imagery for my mind's eye to envision.

*Puzzle4* I loved the rugged twists and turns that pull the reader along at a good pace and make her keep alert -- attentive.

There are such grey areas of life that can interpreted out of the most normal of days. It happens when clouds shape into something troublesome lying deep beneath the surface.


*Glasses* I could see this poem must have been written for a contest, as there were words in bold print, probably the necessary prompt words to use. I think you did an excellent job placing them into the lines so that they didn't appear awkward.

*Witchlegs2* However ... there was a line that did hit the awkward feel radar in my mind at least.

"only crisp shadows from spent summers and coffee pot -"

*Soccer* Oh, my, what to do with the nasty words "coffee pot?" With such an intense poem, it does not seem to fit just above the last line. I wish I could think of where those prompts could have been dumped, earlier on in the poem, perhaps, thus building toward a poetic crescendo without the nagging words.

*Police* I have a sneaky suspicion those words bothered you, as well. I know I would have struggled to dump them in a less noticeable spot. *Laugh* Or, perhaps it's just my opinion.

I loved this part:

"I watch the dogs drink our stories like ash on derelict walls.

the moon sings a soft song - a place beyond stillborn children,

crying in our soiled shoes,"

Wow! *Shock2*

*BoxCheckB* I really enjoyed this free verse poetry!

Well done! *Pin*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Heat  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello there, Have a sunshiny day!
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Squirrel*

*PointRight* I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Random Review generator.

*TeaB* So this is a Nonet, as described in the Author's note at then end of the poem. I like the form. I also like that it could be a rhyming poem or non-rhyming. This opens up great possibilities to those of us who enjoy writing free verse. I have really not studied many of the various form poetry offerings because I was always more interested in writing stories -- until I got a fondness for free verse.

*Sun* I loved the imagery in your poem. I do detect a rhyme scheme until the second to last line -- but it works great! The "baconlike road" and "blood orange ball," painted vivid pictures in my mind of the hot sun, lingering so long out West. I do remember living in the "setting sun" part of the country --absolutely beautiful sunsets!

*UmbrellaBr* I did not find a spot that seemed of in any way. You just grabbed my attention with some very well chosen words, and wove them into the lines splendidly.

Deserving of the beautiful ribbon donning it -- good job! *BurstY*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Steps  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello there, Blue Moon
This is a Simply Positive Review!*PenG*

*PoseyB* I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review click.

*Cry* Oh my goodness, this was such a heartbreaking image that you created within your poem. I could feel such sadness weighing upon that little girl who was waiting and hoping her daddy would arrive soon and pick her up for his visitation with her.

*Owl1* You paint a vivid picture of the problem happening with many broken families. It is a terrible representation of the lack of taking fatherhood seriously for some men. Here, the father did not want his plans to be spoiled by having a kid around to throw a monkey wrench into the situation. It's a horrible realization that this type of behavior does happen, and the child feels an abandonment by one parent that will linger throughout her life.


"For someone one she wants to forgive" Perhaps "one" was meant to be the word "who?"

*FishP* This was a prose-type poem, where a disturbing story was woven within the lines. There was no particular rhyme-patterned or form poetry spotted. It is a free verse and has a huge impact on the reader as the emotions painting within could be felt.

*Tack* The picture is haunting, but the realism of the poem is even more so. The fact that it is based on a personal experience makes it more egregious.

Well done! *Shark2*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Being Mom  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Hello there, Whiskerfaceschoolsout!
This is a Simply Positive Review!*ScallopY*

*Bird* I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator.

*Cheshire* I am so happy this story presented itself to me, because I can't agree more with what you have stated about raising children.

*Wave3* Before I get into that, I just want to remark that it had to be especially tough going through pregnancy twice with epileptic seizures returning after so many years. One of my daughters also has epilepsy, but unfortunately, was never able to carry a child through a pregnancy.

*Paperdoll* Now, as for being an active parent, at home, with books and crayons and play Doh, around our house -- I totally understand what you are talking about. I also talked to my babies, using regular and even complex words. I figured they would master "baby-talk" easily on their own, since it is the babbling stage they go through when trying to repeat your words. *Laugh* My kids were all talking before they were a year old -- and I don't mean a few words, I mean complete sentences. However, I do tend to talk a lot, thus they had no choice but to catch on quickly if they intended on getting a word in edgewise! *Rolleyes*

*AsteriskW* I believe parents can supply sufficient entertainment and learning skills for their children, without all the expensive groups/clubs you've mentioned above. I even home-schooled my last born. He turned out fine.

*TeaB* The return of good old fashioned parenting is long overdue! I'm with you, kiddo.


*Bullet* You have an orphaned "tag" in the first line, that you may want to edit out.

Otherwise, I found this article to be spot on! *Hotair4*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dumpster Bunny  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, T.L.Finch
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Rr*

*PoseyO* I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review click.

*Trash* Wow, this poem took my breath away. I could picture the very hungry woman looking through the dumpsters to find a morsel of edible food. Though there be much food disposed of each day, some of those toss-aways can be dangerous. And one thing's for sure, when you don't get enough proper nutrition, losing more through food borne illness can be deadly.

*Sun* The rhythm and rhyme moved along at a fine pace. If there's one spot that I thought could use a little change, it is the spot quoted below:


"in a restaurant colored rust."

"Restaurant" is a 3 syllable word, thus pushing the rhythm off a tad with its rhyme line.


*Idea* Perhaps replacing restaurant with diner, a two syllable word, it would recapture that fluid flow. Just my opinion, though.

Loved this part:

"I found a wristwatch yesterday
with Rolex on the face,
when I wiped it on my sleeve
a Timex took its place."

*Cry* Wouldn't that be the case? Of course it would, for when one's luck is down, the chances of the watch being a Rolex would be miraculous.

Well done! *SuitClub*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello there, 💙 Carly
This is a Simply Positive Review! *FlipFlops1*

*Tackb* I am also reviewing this item because it popped-up on the Random Review click. (Although I may not finish it within the required time, as my internet is spotty at the moment.) *Laugh*

*Hourglass* I love the Rondeau, with its magical twining and and returning of a line that adds emphasis in just the right way.

*Fleurdelis* You followed all the basics of an English Rondeau with the seriousness and the tetrameter.

*PointRight* I found it a very smooth read. Also, this type of poetry form paints brilliant imagery in the reader's mind. I am not a huge fan of rhyming poetry that is just simple rhyme, especially when common words are more than overused for each rhyme word.

*CheckG* However, this was not one of those. Plus, I must add, I am impressed! Why? Because I can clearly see this was created for a contest, and also that certain prompt words had to be used. The fact that you were able to weave in words such as :irascible, prevail, arcane -- did impress me. Not an easy task trying to keep the rhythm and keeping the them of following your heart.

Nicely done! *UmbrellaP*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

Review of No Net  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello there, Newbie! Welcome to WDC. *Police*
This is a Simply Positive Review!

*Facebook* Yes, the old Facebook, take this test or that test request. They are usually forwarded by a person who claims to be in the top percentile of whatever the test is. Who wants to follow that act?!!! *Laugh*

*Toy* This story was amusing and brought some humorous imagery, if not painful pictures to this reader's mind's eye. Ten feet up and into the drywall -- not a pretty picture, and not easy to reverse the action. *Shock2*


"and more (or) less the same size and shape as my feet."

" So, I picked flying.
And now I can. It’s not as much fun as one would think. Do you remember the old TV series, “Greatest American Hero”"
You have an spacing issue in the formatting after the line ending in "flying."

*Monkey* Fine fantasy story that made me chuckle. I also found it educational because I learned a new way to "fly." A witch can't be too careful whenever air currents are concerned. *Witch**Wind*

Well done! *CoffeeT*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Undeserved Prize  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, Fhionnuisce
This is a Simply Positive Review! *PoseyV*

*Web3* I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Random Review click.

*PenG* I really enjoyed this particular style of poetry. There is a repeat of the last word of each line, which begins the next line. I find that quite melodious in its flow.

*EggR* It is also a great way to supply emphasis to catch the reader's attention. I see that in the brief description, you call it a variation of Chain Verse. I am not studied in the various types of form poetry, thus I will have to look-up the non-variation of a Chain Verse. I lean mostly toward free verse when I do write poetry. However, I enjoy a rhyming verse when it is more than the common rhyming that can become monotonous if the rhyme words aren't carefully chosen. Too many times, rhymes sound forced.

The good news?

*Fox* Yours didn't sound forced at all. Perhaps because it was a mix of free verse in the first stanza and then into a rhyme form of every other line having its rhyme partner.

*Sneaker3* Thus, my question is -- do the usual Chain Verse forms have a first stanza of non-rhyme? I guess this is the only thing that stood out differently in the poem that made me pause when I returned to read it a second time. You did say it was a variation, though.

*Vignette6* Again, I'm no huge fan of rhyme. I did like your poem for the free style of its presentation, yet the return of the end word in the beginning of the next line gave it a grandeur that made me take notice.

Well done! *DragonflyR*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello there, lezismore-moreislez
This is a Simply Positive Review!

*Fan* I am a big fan of comedy, thus I found your item while searching for a bit of humor to read.

*Laugh* This was funny. I could picture the youngster trying to correct his mother on her bus-ride math. Hey, it sounded quite reasonable to me! However, everyone knows that WebWitch doesn't do math.


"Around that (time) I was trying to get my head around fractions."

"After much thought I concluded that “Sections” must (be) some sort of mathematical term for something I did not understand"

"maths" "math" when abbreviated (no "s" at the end) OR write out the word mathematics.

Further Observations:

*Thought* I think the introduction could be separated as an author's note, or eliminated completely. It adds unnecessary words to an item that is obviously for a contest with a tight word count. You could start the story saying: "This story involves an incident that happened to me when I was about eight or nine years old ..."


*Shovel* You have rid yourself of all the explanations about writing and deleting stories to make room, and forgetting which site you entered the story into. This really has nothing to do with the story itself, thus is added filler. Writing tighter, especially for word count entries, leaves room for a few more lines of humor to be added that directly pertain to math issues.

*CheckB* This was a fun read. I love knowing that I am not the only one who finds that math should be left to experts -- such as bus drivers!

Good job! *Hotair*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello there, Newbie! Welcome to WDC. *Owl2*
This is a Simply Positive Review!

*PenP* I am also reviewing this item because it popped-up on the Random Review tool.

*UmbrellaY* You know something? I liked this short, poem about one finding where they belong or fit in, in this life.

*PaintBrush* You paint a picture of the divide between where we are at one moment and either wish to be or are split between two-worlds where our physical presence is working through the daily chores and our spiritual being is yearning to be somewhere else. The country versus city, the castle or the cottage.

*Gear* It is very philosophical brain food for the reader. I had to read it a couple times to see what other interpretations I could come up with. And then, a light hit my dark spot and let me see that it really doesn't matter how I see it, because another will see it in a totally different way. Yet it may not even be what was crossing your mind while creating this poem.

*Thinker* Poetry is subjective!


"A part of them twain"

Twain in old English means "two." It doesn't seem to fit the way it's phrased in this prose/poem. Did you mean "twine" which means twist two or more strands together. It's more of a joining. Maybe this is the word you meant? *Confused*

*Hotair2* However, other than that pause over the word, I found this to be unique and interesting.

*BoxCheckR* I think this free verse was rated unfairly low, so I am boosting the rating a bit to bring it closer to what it is deserved. Although I would have given this a 4.5, I'm giving it a 5 star rating to bring it up a bit more, because I appreciate free verse and philosophy.

Well done!*Tackb*
Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hello there, 🌕 HuntersMoon
This is a Simply Positive Review! *Moon*

*Shark* I am also reviewing this item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering!

*DoorGr* I loved the story you told through this Irish folklore of the Banshee, coming to reap his soul.

*Rabbit2* You never cease to amaze me, Ken. *Ha* You managed to put this poem together within a couple days of the contest's deadline. Not only that, the poem itself is beautiful. Not that dealing with a Banshee is a beautiful thing, but you manage to draw the reader in, and watch as she played her song which would entrap him.

*Wind* The words woven had a serene melody for one's ears, should it be read or even whispered out loud.


*Sheriff* Were all the lines perfection to the ear? Well, perhaps not, but quite close.

"The mists hang heavy o’er the hills
that caress the sea;
the quiet darkness spreads its chills
as legends are set free."

*Magnify* I found the second line in this, your concluding paragraph, to be slightly out of sync with the rest of the verse. And I read it every which way a witch can! *Witchhat*

*Jamming* Yet, I must say, that on the whole, I so loved this poem. It conjured some interesting images in my mind. And believe me, my mind does have a vivid imagination tied to it. *Laugh*

Good job, Ken! *Turtle1*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello there, Fairport
This is a Simply Positive Review! *CoffeeY*

*Owl1* I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review click.

*Sun* There is something so serene, so melodious about this poem that fills the heart and spirit. I loved the idea of seed being planted among thistle and weed. A young sprout could fare well under a thistles prickly protection.

*Vine1* The essence of the garden developed within my mind's eyes. I pictured it, I felt the soil, detected a scent in the air -- there is something so calming about soil and seed and the effort that goes into it to produce a thing of beauty.

*Bird* This poem moved along so smoothly and the rhythm almost perfect. If there is one stanza that slowed down my pace it would be this one:

"“You’re the reason you belong” the whisper said
“To carry on so endlessly
The Gardener who sows wide the span
Does not want you here so free"

*UmbrellaR* I think the first line is a little word heavy compared to the rest of them. Even so, there is a simplicity of beauty woven into it. I realize the "whisper" was demanding to be released to show its importance in the whole life-cycle within the garden and at the hands of the gardener. I guess it seemed a tad out of place in the lengthy line when one takes into consideration the rhythm of all the rest of the verses. Just my opinion, though.

*PointRight* However, I still loved this poetic offering so much more than that particular part, which made me take a step back. It is lovely and quite picturesque.

Kudos! *ButterflyR*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello there, Newbie! Welcome to WDC. *Grasshopper*
This is a Simply Positive Review!

*Lightning3* I found your item while perusing the Poetry Genre page. I must say, I'm very happy I spotted this one.

*Star* Your title pulled me into reading your poem. I had the vision of Orion amid the celestial bodies of sparkle and glow. I love peering at the night sky, there is so much wonder splashed across the heavens for our viewing pleasure. Amazing to watch -- never boring!

*Saturn* Your poem describes the strength of the hunter and warrior, god, Orion. It could also be metaphorically, a beloved person in one's life who has passed on, yet will be thought of each time the body of stars are gazed. It is protective and powerful, and very beautiful.

*Vignette6* Try as I might, I could not find anything that I did not like with this poem. I am a fan of well-written free verse that paints vivid images in my mind. This is one of them.

Well done! *SuitClub*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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