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Review of Oblique  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*I found your item on the Psychology Genre page.

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed the inner thought s of a teenager, and the feelings he experienced during that volatile time of life. I could feel how emotional it had to be for him. His own words actually made it clear.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I like how the adult you, has put forth this vision of your life as a youth, thus you can view the changes that aging has brought to you.

What made me pause and say Huh?

I felt the sadness and the inner loneliness this youth endured. It's a difficult time to not have a way to express the inner turmoil, to feel it won't be understood, or that makes the youth, somewhat different -- odd, in comparison to other kids his age.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I see that your poetry switches from three lines to four and repeats for two more verses. It has a rhyme line in each.

My favorite rhymes were the use of the words: "Speak" and "oblique." Those words used are a cut above the usual rhyme word choices. I am not a big fan of rhyming poetry, but this wasn't over-rhyming.

Parting thoughts ...

I think your author's note at the end has beauty in its own poetic right.

Great way to end the poem!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Fifty  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh* I found your item on the Genealogy genre page.

What Did I Enjoy?

I loved the mood of this free verse poem. You bring your reader into the starting verse. I enjoy the description of the stars viewing your life: "My fifty turns around the sun?" That line is a potent description, weaving nature, the universe, in fact, and a calendar age, of half a century. Great opening!

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

You take your reader on a voyage through this half a century. The mother you've only known to hsve existed for three years, as she was the mother who carried you in her womb, and had to let another mother raise you. So many emotions could be felt, right here.

What made me pause and say Huh?

The picture of her grave in the Berkshires. Found, and never known during life -- how very sad, made my eyes tear up. Yet, you made it beautiful. The Bershire;s are lovely, and a resting place such as there, would bring her spirit close. It's like God's country up there. I live in Central Mass. I certainly hope you were able to communicate some in those three years upon discovering who she was.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I was pleased to know you have daughters and understand a mother's love. For it is true, your birth mother loved you more than you could ever imagine by giving you to a mother who was well equipped and prepared to raise a child. That is one of the most unselfish sacrifices a mother can make. Especially fifty years ago, when unwed mothers were not very welcomed in the community. Things have changes so much since then.

Parting thoughts ...

I loved your free verse as is. This is so personal, and you made the reader feel that deeply.

Wonderful job, and a great tribute to the mother who gave you life. *Smile*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Memory Fades  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*

What Did I Enjoy?

I loved the title. It drew me in, although I didn't know what to expect when I got there.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I love that this is not just a romance type of poem, but it's also spiritual. Love and romance is a beautiful thing. However, if there is no spirituality, the souls won't mesh in that perfect understanding of who the other person really is.

What made me pause and say Huh?

I thought of the philosophical aspect of this poem. Words can mean everything and also, they can mean nothing. However, not asking what one means, can leave the other out in the white snow of the heart, alone, and trying to remember when it all changed.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?
I think I would have loved to know why he was different. However, to know that is needing words where the idea of this poem is to try to remember how easily the memory fades away from something or someone, when we do not follow through or follow the words that were said, or meant to be said.

Parting thoughts ...

This is a free verse poem, which I am very fond of. But in its succinct package, it contains lessons of a lifetime, mistakes made, losses, and unanswered questions. "Different." It is a word that will make a person see another with a new pair of eyes. It may not be explainable, but the one experiencing it judt knows something has changed, and feelings will never be the same again.

I enjoyed the words: "blizzard a white out." It shows how words fade into the whiteness and cannot be recovered within the mind, to try to find what they meant when they were said. Great brain teaser, that fired-up my synapses.

Wow! *Shock2*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Jealousy  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*

What Did I Enjoy?

I liked the title and brief description. I had my head wrapped this young man working to claim his future. I just didn't know how he intended to get there, missing the galactic student's ride to school. *Ha*

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I see this student is serious about his future but it just seems that someone, is jealous of his potential, and does all he can to make him look like a fool. I'm thinking Jedrick's his brother?

What made me pause and say Huh?

"His mother was going [to] throw a fit when she found out, but he knew a few a promises and a hug would smooth down her temper."

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?
I think you have the beginning of a full story. However, there are so many parts that need filling in, and characters who need fleshing out. I am reading this as first draft, and that you have a full plot in your mind of what is happening to this young man, and why he has an important future.

I think as the story stands, it is more of an outline of events that will be really good to read when it all meshes together.

Parting thoughts ...

I suggest you keep working on this story. It has some very interesting potential, plus I need to know how he was to become Emperor someday. Now the reader is curious. *Bigsmile*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Visitation  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoy mysterious visitors in the middle of the night, to get my blood flowing and curl up for a fun ride, in this Sci-Fi comedy.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I enjoyed the innocuous appearance of the hound dog, barely raising an ear when the stranger knocked on the door at night. Frightful for a woman living alone with her dog, usually. Yest she waddles to the door to answer it anyway. Now I'm picturing a woman, not very fit, not very capable of protecting herself from what lurks behind the door.

What made me pause and say Huh?

"Sensing things had taken a turn for the worse, the alien turn and fled."
turned and fled.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

You gave the reader plenty of surprises at teh end of the story to dispell everything that was preconceived about the woman and her seemingly lazy dog. But Fido, did manage to get his treat for all the bother he had to endure. *Laugh*

Parting thoughts ...

You did a fine job setting up your reader, making her think something terrible was going to happened to the woman who waddles, and pulled a surprise ending out of the hat to make a reader both chuckle and cheer!

Good job!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Cottingley Woods  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh* *BalloonV* Bash, bay-beeee!

What Did I Enjoy?

I was curious about the title. I love those British places. "Cottingley" sounds so cool and woodsy.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?
Supernatural happenings in your local area? I am all over this poem just for its brief description.

What made me pause and say Huh?

Again, for me, it is the thick-tongued, meter that makes me pause and stumble through the poem. My brain is trying to rearrange words and the tempo of the poem. Although, I enjoyed the story it told about the Fay and the gentleman.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I'm happy that I've enjoyed so many of your fantasy poems today, because, this one was done when you were a Newbie, and you've come a long way with your story-type poems. I think this is one of your lesser poetic offerings, but it's great to see how much you've grown and how you've reached some real complexities of poetic form that frankly, I never seem to have time or willingness to learn. Kudos!

Parting thoughts ...

I think this is a good measurement of how talented you have become. Just go back to some of these earlier poems and then you can remind yourself that you indeed are a poet worth reading.

Nice job! *ConfettiGR*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wiccan Queen  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*

What Did I Enjoy?

Hells bells, Bill, this is chilling indeed.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

The leathered breast, the yellowed dragon teeth, it all stirred up my emotions, plus a little bile on the side at the thought of it. I like that by the way! It is impressive how you can twist those words and still keep poetic meter going smoothly. Good rhythm and rhyme, great emphasis where needed.

What made me pause and say Huh?

The title, I noticed it on the newsfeed and thought, this guy's smart for knowing today's genre is in the Gothic poetry genre. Cool, bean, Bill.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

Nothing! This was a whirlwind of Gothic wonder!

"Beneath soot filled skies and pallid moon,"

Fabulous opening line. It enticed me to read on.
Love the words used, soot and pallid. Nice!

"Fevered lightning cracks the purpled sky
briefly lighting up the ink-like pitch,"

Again, great use of words that add impact. *Cool*

Parting thoughts ...

I'm thrilled I spotted this gem on the newsfeed tonight. I enjoyed it, I cringed and I always know when I see your case, I'm in for a good ride on the dark roller coaster ride. I was not disappointed. In fact it is deserving of the rating I'm giving. *Smirk*

Great job--fun read!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed the feel of desperation the man and his dog felt while trapped in the snowbound cabin. Yes, the dog had thoughts, too! *Laugh* It was live or both die. Harsh situation to be in. However terrible it sounded, though, I kept in mind that this indeed was a comedy piece. I waited with bated breath to find out how both of them could make it out alive.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

Poor Blue, oh my stars. I'm watching this hound eating sofa stuffing to feel full. And then, he moves onto shoes. Pitiful situation.

What made me pause and say Huh?

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

There's not much to be added since it is a Flash Fiction story with a low word count allowance. There could have been a couple spots for one liners, but you'd have to cut out some of the wordiness of the story to fit them in.

The character sends out a weak yell, at Blue, to stop eating the shoe, because if they ever got out alive, he'd have no foot protection in the icy weather.
That was the other thing, this dude was so -- well, not intelligent, as he sacrificed all the furniture and shoes to avoid what?!!! You know what, and I know what. And seriously funny -- I think he made the right choice in waiting before opening the cupboard.

Parting thoughts ...

I will not spoil the surprise ending, but it was a hoot!!

Good job!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*I found your item on the comedy genre page. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?
Well let's face it, your title is intriguing!

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I think you covered mostly everything that can turn off a person expecting a date with the intended list writer. I must say, I couldn't agree more, with the stuff on the list. But I do like X-Files, and no, not the whole Star Trek fashions.

What made me pause and say Huh?

"You get more excited about your car then you do me." than

There are a few spots which sound repetitive. A tighter, to the point list would be better, plus internal comments off the list about the particular number quoted on that line, would be better if in italics, so the reader can see the interaction between the narrated list and the internal dialogue. *Wink* It would add to the humor.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

Basically those few points mentioned. However, I laughed over some of those things on the list. *Laugh*

Parting thoughts ...

This was a very creative story and list of how to dump an unwanted partner. It just needs a little tightening up to give it a crisp fresh look, cutting some of the repeating issues, also adding some emphasis within the narrator's responses.

Otherwise, well done!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ice Cream Sundays  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh* I found your item on the comedy genre page, *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed the vivid pictures of children on a Sunday drive to some place very special.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I love seeing the innocence through the yes of a child, and how humorous they can be, without even trying, or noticing they said something so adorable and cutely hysterical.

I enjoyed the title and knew I would be in for a "treat." *Wink*

What made me pause and say Huh?

"So it was, with a tight little smile which betrayed a chuckling sense of vengeance provided by his new found key to his release from the youngsters insistent tormenting," [youngsters']

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

Nothing, I was all over the imagery of a loving family on a Sunday outing to the ice cream parlor. What a precious little cherub was the youngest sibling, not privy to the planned trip, that her brother's knew would take them where they wished to be. he wife's part of the plot was also a good part of keeping it surprising.

Parting thoughts ...

You painted some vivid imagery surrounding a car full of kiddies doing on a fun family day. I pictured it as if I was reliving those years my my kids were little. Wonderful moments like that are cherished memories for their parents.

Good job--very humorous!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
I found your item on the comedy genre page. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I love family comedy stories. Having a Mom whose cooking skills are sub-par does make dinner time a little scary for kids.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

The description of the spaghetti made me change my mind about making some for supper, because I'll keep seeing the gooey stuff in front of my eyes thinking back on this story. And I like pasta! Some things you just can't unsee.

What made me pause and say Huh?

"She did everything that the book told her*Right* [to] do."

You also have a formatting-spacing issue here:

"Mom has a habit of trying to fool us into eating whatever it is she cooks. One of her favorite things to do is to add food coloring to our dinner so that we will eat it. *Left*
We have red mash potatoes."

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I think you covered teh humorous enjoyment part.

Now the rainbow suppers did make me stand to attention. I suppose if you want to get young children to eat something -- make it colorful! I must ask if it helped the actually appetite any? *Think*

Parting thoughts ...

You did a wonderful job telling this story. It will be one children will enjoy to read, because I think so many of them have had issues with what was placed on their plates for dinner.

There were only those couple spots that are an easy fix to make this comedy perfection.

well done! *Witch*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
I found your item on the comedy genre page. *Bigsmile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I love Boo stories!I also have a soft spot for Basset Hounds. They are adorable with those long ears and sad looking eyes.

I also enjoyed the dialogue between Boos parents. The poop of the day conversation that is as common as please pass the pepper, dear.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

Not quite a hook, but stones and aluminum?! Frightful experience foe any parent to realize their youngin' whether human or man's best friends, swallowed something that is potentially harmful. so happy it all came out okay for Boo, with less boo-boos.

What made me pause and say Huh?

The mysterious missing foil -- sorry Mom and Pop, foiled again! *Laugh* Evidently the metal didn't make it through the system. Boo probably spit it out as it didn't have flavor and crunch, enough.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I was so pleased that this story had so much sweet and panicky humor, and was written without need for me to pull out a blue bag and pick up some messy pieces. I found no grammar errors jumping out at me, so I'd say a perfect ending with this read!

Parting thoughts ...

Fun read and well written!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
I founf your story on teh Comedy genre page.

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed the realism so much, I swear my eyes were bleeding from the Scent-sation of this character. Talk about adding to the senses of the reader. Ever heard of smell-o-vision? You do capture the reader's imagination.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I can't imagine this husband had not found an over the counter gas-aid before this. If I was his wife, I would have purchased a drug store aisle full of those little aids. *Laugh*

What made me pause and say Huh?

The story flowed smoothly, perhaps with a couple more spots where some gastric unpleasantness would have kicked-in a few more chuckles -- but word count sort of puts a halt to that, unless, of course, you tighten up the story a bit. Less dialogue between the husband and wife, and a couple instances of other people's reactions --but keeping the reader guessing about the gassing. *Laugh*

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

A gas mask -- because I think I could pick up that character's scent from way over here!

Parting thoughts ...

Good job, Winnie -- fun read and I did get a chuckle out of it, which I needed this afternoon. *Wink*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
I found your item on the Medical genre page. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I was amazed at the fortitude you portrayed, even through the utter frustrations of being under the control of beepers and warnings from friends and family to take it easy.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I somehow understand those feelings you described. My mother, her mother, sister, and my brother all suffer/ed with diabetes. I remembered my grandmother giving herself shots every morning when I spent time at her house. It's so amazing to a kid to see that somebody other than doctors give shots-- and would even want to do that to themselves. I heard the word diabetes, but didn''t understand it then.

What made me pause and say Huh?

The fact that you do have a right to lose your temper, yell, bitch and moan -- like everybody else, without someone cautioning you against it-- or saying go check your blood sugar. I believe it is more stressful to hold something inside when a simple shout out could ease the pressure building up.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

You did a fine job of describing diabetes, the blood checks, the blood stains from the pierced finger, the hunger and the wondering what to eat without doing math each time. Poetically, rhythm was on key, and I see nothing to change. This is a medical issue and it is written through the eyes of one who suffers it.

Parting thoughts ...


Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Your item popped-up on the Random Review generator. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed the story of a child and a dog/ aka best friend -- however, what took place after they ventured out in the dusty storm, was beyond horrible.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

The frightening scenes unfolding where another dog, a vicious dog was tearing at the youngster's arm, drawing blood.

The character of the youngster brought images to my mind. I could picture the child feel the emotions and observe the terrible attack.

What made me pause and say Huh?

That Mr Johnson would do that to a child's pet. It was done out of revenge since Buddy attacked the angry Shepherd because it was attacking his master. To think a farmer with a long arm gun, thought to kill Buddy in front of the kid would be a lesson, and eye for an eye sort of lesson, shows a person without character.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

\If Buddy could've made it out of that terrible nightmare of a day.

Parting thoughts ...

This story is well written, very vivid for the reader to imagine, and it shows that children can easily become victims of sadistic adults. Thankfully the child made it home safely. The reader wishes that man Johnson was arrested and punished for the cruelty done not only to a dog but to a youngster's psyche.

Well done!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Skies  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Your item popped-up in the random review generator. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

Welcome to WDC, Newbie! I found this poem oddly interesting. I was expecting a waxing poetic appetizer served up about the great expansive skies, the day and night attires, and such usual things as we awaken or go to sleep by. But this was different.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

The idea that before this narrator's mind's eys, the sky had shown images of the past -- the past is dark matter, gone, never to return. However, the future is where all secrets lie and where nothing is guaranteed.

What made me pause and say Huh?

The morning firnament firmament I believe this is the word you meant to use in your line. I have no idea what the other word is, unless a typo -- so the correction is noted per chance you'd like to change it.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I think you could have done even more with this poem to add some impact. It's an amazing idea having the future open to the light in the sky and it showing her her future.

Parting thoughts ...

I found this piece to be a curious piece and I was pulled into it when I saw the brief description. I wanted to know what skies would portray about this woman's past and future.

Nicely done, succinct and much to ponder while reading through it.

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Vicarious Living  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Your item popped-up on the Random Review generator. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

It must be reality night, because I seem to be pulling up a whole lot of it. Actually I could say baseball is reality TV because it's really happening in front of me and it's their reality to be playing. One thing about attending games to watch live reality -- it's way to expensive. Thus, sitting at home and watching others do their jobs, is comforting.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

Yes, Dangerous and Deaadly Catches, I want my crab claws to be in the fish market awaiting my grasp. And river Monsters? I can only say that I sometimes place alligators in my reality when out in the swamplands taking photos. I know, it's not for everyone. *Laugh*

What made me pause and say Huh?

I paused only to flash a movie in my head about all those reality shows you mentioned.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I think it was fine fun and ahumorous take on reality shows and the mind of the human clicking the channels to find the right mood reality for that evening. I also think action related thems are much more fun than rich-snobby themes of reality. It's like whose reality is that? *RollEyes*

Parting thoughts ...

Nicely done! *Witch*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Linda's Tomatoes  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war!

Your item pipped up in the Random Review generator. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed the love of gardening. I enjoy one who works with soil and seed, and produces a beautiful fruit of the vine. Tomatoes are a beloved fruit.veggie, that is incorporated is so many Italian dishes besides just in salads and sandwiches. It is versatile and who can resist all that licopene? *Bigsmile*

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I got the biggest kick out of having conversations and arguments with a tomato plant. Talking to inanimate objects is a rather common thing, so an object of nourishment is even better, I suppose. I also converse with my plants, tell my herbs how proud I am of them. Of course, when I am in a nasty mood, I do say words that are unfit for tomato consumption.

What made me pause and say Huh?

"Working in the greenhouse early this morning. I come in early in the summer because it gets really hot in here."
These two lines are your opening sentences. It doesn't really grab the reader and hook her into the story. The number of times the word "in" is used in the two opening sentence is four times. Writing tighter and not using so many crutch words by combining thoughts, is a good way around all the "ins."

*Idea* TRY: I enter my greenhouse early in the morning, because the summer sun is unbearably penetrating if I show up later. This is a quick rewrite with only one "in." But it gives you an idea. of writing tighter for flash fictions.

"Even now I my forehead is getting damp and it’s barely seven. I love the quiet work.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

A little tighter writing as explained above, Nothing too serious, though. You brought me to a place I could visualize, and wish I had a greenhouse of my own.

Parting thoughts ...

Nice job! And those tomatoes sound delicious! *Bigsmile*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Your item popped up on the Random Review Generator. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?
I enjoyed this vintage Joy, way back when on WDC before I ever knew it existed.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I saw mention of Stories dot com -- yes, the name of the site before Writing.com was renamed and revamped into such a fabulous community.

What made me pause and say Huh?

Again, I feel this is a Joy back in the time machine, spreading her wings while poetically praising the birthday of the site.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

Nothing, it was quite inclusive in its tribute. I loved the mention of the Master and Mistress and their love for each other. Putting this together took strong love between the two, plus a passion for reading and writing and all things creative,which add to the marvelous site it has grown into. How lucky are you, that you lived those earlier days of its birth and growing pains and successes. I jumped on on '07, and after changing colors and watching those precious babies coming into the story family -- it was so much like a family environment.

Parting thoughts ...

Beautiful tribute to this wonderful site. I had such a spark of the mood of its celebration those many years ago. You showed the enthusiasm and gave thanks for the SMS continued devotion to WDC. We are all grateful that it has blossomed into these proportions and find so much enjoyment in our home away from home.

Good job! *Witch*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Your item popped-up on the Random Review generator. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoy those unexpected surprises that can appear in someone's life, just by doing a good deed for another. Just like the WDC community, paying it forward, especially when nothing is expected in return, could change a person's whole outlook on that very day, and it carries over.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

I enjoyed that we can all touch another life in a positive way. This character was proud, yet not too proud to place himself out in front of the public view, which could have gotten him nasty remarks and sneers.He did it anyway. His life, had worth and he understood that, and wanted to see if anyone else noticed.

What made me pause and say Huh?

The envelop left behind was a wonderful thank you note to the fine couple who took him into their house and gave him the royal treatment. I guess, he had to leave without saying goodbye, because to stay around would be akin to wanting to be thanked for the gift he left. That would not be a gift of thanks if he were there -- it would have been a gift of self satisfaction and pride.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

It hit the heart chords with the welling of tears in my eyes. The poetic prose flowed smoothly for the most part. I did stumble over a line or two and reread them, however, the beauty of the story made that feeling disappear.

Parting thoughts ...

Good job, deserving of the beautiful ribbon! I will remember this poem for a long, long time.


Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Obsession  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Your item popped-up on the Random Review generator.

What Did I Enjoy?

I'm not quite sure about what part I really enjoyed. It was more like being sucked-into a surreal world being orchestrated in the mind of an emotional vampire.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

The description of Jenna, hers self love, her narcissistic ways, all jumped out at me. Even in the quiet tone of the narration, the reader is disturbed by her character.

What made me pause and say Huh?

Ah, the introduction of Shaun. What is Shaun, who is he? In my mind, he is a part of her -- her vivid imagination, her need to control the situation with one who would never question her. He is almost a non-person. He is a belonging to her, thus I concluded that she is he and the other way around. I know, I have a warped and twisted brain! *Laugh*

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

Understanding the party aspect, more. The need, absolute hunger to attend each day, a party. We know not what others think about her and or Shaun, but I weave them as one part of a whole person, each having the submissive and the dominant character to pull through the work day and then do what is most craved.

Again, reread the above part about my twisted mind. *Smirk*

Parting thoughts ...

Interesting as it made me stop and think and then try to put a puzzle together.

Well done!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*

Your item popped up on the Random Review generator. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed meeting this couple for the first time. I see it is a part two, but I have been introduced to Adam and Miranda.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

There is just something very mysterious about this Miranda. I wonder what made her appear when he was feeling so low about how things were going along in the economy -- the fact that there weren't enough people to cover the workforce. It sort of is opposite today's market in many cases.

What made me pause and say Huh?

" He didn't feel any animosity towards his coworkers but hoped they'd soon recover because he was simply worn out, getting dangerously close to his why's end." Why is end?Perhaps I misunderstood.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

It seemed more like an introduction. I guess having the characters developed more.

Parting thoughts ...

The title is intriguing, because of its implications in something dark. I am imagining some sort of catastrophic occurrence happened which upset the balance of nature in the human world, at least.

You get the reader's attention, so that is a good hook for further additions to this story.

Well done!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Destiny  
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Your item popped-up on the Random Review generator. *Bigsmile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed this particular form of poetry. There is a certain cadence hitting my chords as I read through the poem. Your author's note is very helpful in its description of a Sestina.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

What hit my like a lightning bolt was the way you wove those prompt words within the lines, to fit smoothly and not to detract from the imagery forming in my mind.

What made me pause and say Huh?

"The stars twirl with complexity,
like motes of dust, their movements free
as dancing waves upon the sea."

Beautiful use of well chosen words interwoven to the prompt word "dust." You are a master of spinning these poetic forms. I snuggle close to my comfort zone -- free verse, so kudos to you, Ken!

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I was totally pleased. I love the sea -- I love even more the idea of a "velvet sea." Using the vast sea as a metaphor for ones destiny, is brilliant!

Parting thoughts ...

I can only say, Wow! This poem flooded me with a tide of emotions and images that was awe inspiring. The flow, which also ebbs, within each line, was masterful.

Great job!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Your item popped up on the Random Review generator. *Smile*

What Did I Enjoy?

I enjoyed the spirituality of this poem. It is uplifting and allows one to pause for a moment and absorb the beauty in the message.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

Loved this part:

"I once heard someone say the world breaks everyone. The good, the kind, the gentle, the faithful."

Interesting way to put it so readers can identify with it. It's true, too!

What made me pause and say Huh?

"I ponder the what's and the why's and Ask God's forgiveness for the sins in my life" Whats and whys, or else it would mean, what is and why is.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

I think if this prose-poem was formatted in stanza form, rather than prose form, it would read better for the viewer. My opinion, of course. *Smile* But I think it would stand out more, look a little neater to the eyes, since it's listed as poetry, and perhaps get the attention of more readers who enjoy poetry. It tends to look like a wall of words upon first glance.And that might turn a reader away, thinking the spacing is off and thus there might not be an important message within.

Parting thoughts ...

Beautiful, inspirational prose that offers spiritual food for the soul.

Well done!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Image Witch's Garden
I am The Ice Witch of the White Walkers -- A "The Witch's House Team! Welcome to the biggest Reviews' War on WDC -- "Game of Thrones

What brought me to your item?
I'm in the Throes of the Game of Thrones, and this is war! *Laugh*
Action/Adventure is the genre of the day, so when I saw this little gem, I jumped right on it!

What Did I Enjoy?

I always enjoy the Moovelous journeys of a hero bull, and his travels about the Irish hills and meadows.

What stuck the Hook into my Icy Flesh?

Your story within a poem hits a deep chord of what is happening in society, these days. So much social media, and snobbery is evident. It's as if we are a world of little clicks, where each finds a spot that they fit in.

Thus, doors are closed, feelings are hurt, and the person cast aside knows not why he doesn't fit into this part of his world. Nasty stuff can happen, because news or false news travels fast -- it's all at the click of ones fingertips, these days.

What made me pause and say Huh?

The poem wove a fine story for the reader to imagine. A bull at the door? Moo-larious! However, as stated above, the reception was not quite as expected.

One spot--typo:

"As last he found a castle," I wonder if you meant to say "at last." I could have misunderstood the intent, thus I am not reducing the rating on this poem.

What could have Added to my reading pleasure?

Nothing! I was totally pleased with the results of Finnegan's visit. One never knows what a visitor can bring into their lives and help during some times of hardship.

Yay for the princess with a brain! As a White Walker, we are not partial to royalty -- however, this princess gets a free pass! *Wink*

Parting thoughts ...

Wonderful job! *CastleB*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch ... Ice Witch of the White Walkers *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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