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In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello there, ~Camrin~
Welcome to WDC *WDC*

This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!

I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Random Review generator.

*HeartBroken* Oh, my, the heartbreak of a friendship torn apart is woven throughout this poem. It definitely appeared to be a one-sided trust-relationship between your two. That's a pretty tough thing to realize. I belive one would feel used and betrayed in that situation.

*Turtle2* You do not end on a bitter note, though. Instead, you think of something about that friend that you really miss --humor. Humor is one of those things that make a bond between people.

*Quill*Your poem itself is written as a free verse, thus no particular rhyming scheme or certain meter is used.


"I was constantly carrying the weight of your issues, dragging them with my ankles." I would suggest splitting this long line in two. It will balance the look and help as a pause point between lines for the reader to absorb the seriousness of the situation.

"You dragged me."
Since you used the word "dragging" in a line above, I think it is better to replace this word with another word that would fit well.

TRY: "You tugged me down" Or another synonym appropriate to sentiment to remove the repetitious word.

Otherwise, well done! *StarfishV*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello their 🌕 HuntersMoon
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!
Review! *WitchHat*

I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator. *Ha*

*Snow2* Well, I can totally commiserate with having to drive the snow-ladened roads. However, my experience is in New England, not D.C. That place is a nightmare to drive anywhere near it, any type of weather. *Laugh*

*Snowboarder* I loved the smooth flow, the imagery you painted in my mind with your words and the fact that I no longer with winters as I am a snowbird. So that alone made me appreciate your poem more.


I knew there'd be a traffic jam
but I knew all the back roadways

Repeat of "I knew" in consecutive lines. You know better than that, Ken. *Laugh*

Cars were abandoned in the road
I would think "on" the road rather than "in," unless your car has dipped into a sinkhole. *Think*

All in all, I really enjoyed this amusing poem, albeit not so amusing if you have to travel in the snow and get to work on time.

Good job! *CupcakeY*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Your NanoCounter  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello there, Jeff
It is I, WebWitch with a Witchy-Angel Review. *Angelic*

Honestly? I didn't go broom-riding over to your portfolio searching through folders, until I found this item. Nope, you can blame the WDC Random Review generator for this spot where I currently park my broom. *Witchhat*

*Ha* I didn't know that! I have not participated in one NaNo, although I have been a GPs supporter while others struggled through the month. November is a tough month for me, as I am getting settled-in at the Florida residence, escaping New England winters. However, I digress. *RollEyes*

*CheckGr* Your article is well written, easy to understand, plus, I learned there is a special NaNo tool -- the Counter. I understand this would be a fantastic help to those participants.

*MugR* You are clear, concise and give the reader visuals to go along with it. Hey, I may join in just to get to use one of these tools. *Think*

Good job, Jeff -- as usual! *StarfishB*

Until next time--write on, count on ...

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Sunset Melody  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there, 🌕 HuntersMoon
This is a "The Witch's House Review! *WitchHat*

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
JULY: Best of the Losers Wins!
#981150 by StephBee
. Thank you for entering! *Bigsmile*

I love it! I enjoy the melody --the refrain, the hypnotic scenes that envelop my brain as I picture places that I have been -- they remind me of these words that you sing.

The lines flowed smoothly, rhythm and rhyme shine with a perfect melding for the senses. I had the feeling of someplace out West. It sort of reminded me of a cowboy, strumming his guitar at the end of the day, and watching a big, beautiful Western sunset. For me, I thought of my time spent living in Wyoming. For some reason, this song, these lyrics took me there. *Horse*

Simply beautiful! *BoxCheckB*

Brief Observation:

The T.V. blares across the room; TV, it is not necessary to place a period following the letters. Television is one word, after all, and just plain TV is the generally used -- well mostly always used without the periods following the letters. However, I digress, as I described this as a "brief observation." *Rolleyes* I just wanted to interject that the little faux pas did not take away from the beauty of the lyrics, thus no rating down for it.

Excellent work! *StarfishY*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of What's the Time?  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello there, THANKFUL SONALI Now What?
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!

I am also reviewing your item as a judge for "The Bard's Hall Contest. Thank you for entering!

*Shock* Oh, yeah, fine -- blame it on Webbie, and Ken. We are the WDC instigators of "dare you to enter" whatever contest happens to be of interest. *Laugh* But you did it, Sonali -- you took the bait and entered the contest.

You can write lyrics! Yessss, you not only wrote lyrics, you gave your reader a bit of language history with words from your native tongue. I like that! *Cool*

*CheckY* The translation worked perfectly into the lines. The song has a sense of urgency as time is involved. It also had the sensation of time standing still, as when one is bored, it seems the hourglass gets clogged-up and doesn't drop a grain of sand. *Hourglass*

This was a fun read and it had humor laced within it. *Delight*

Thank you for joining in on the fun at the May Bard's Hall. Now I know who to call next time I need more entries ... Ken, he'll get you to enter. *Laugh*

Well done, kiddo! And, good luck with the contest! *GoLucky*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)

Hello there, ♥Hooves♥
This is a "The Witch's House Review!

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
JULY: Best of the Losers Wins!
#981150 by StephBee
. Thank you for entering! *Bigsmile*

*Guitar* You always maange to take your this reader right into the destination of beauty, love, laughing, dreams and romance, in this perfect backdrop for it all to happen gloriously! I've never been to Ireland, but I feel as though I've visited parts of it through your stories and poetry, and yes, lyrics.

*Music2* This is a catchy tune for the mind to imagine. I placed myself in the midst of the mist, the cobblestone pathways, personable pubs, and a cozy inn. Ahh, the scents and sounds do jump out at me.

The big picture? Romance is alive and well with passion. It's a beautiful image of Christmas approaching and the joy attached to the season. The church and choir made it ever so sweet, as my ears heard the hymns of the season being sung by angelic voices. *HeartG*

Love these lines:

Scones have been baked
The ghostly voiced choirs
Irish stars in the moonlight

You bring a taste of Ireland and its countryside, along with the local pubs, gorgeous scenery and romance. It's all woven within these beautiful lyrics.

Impressive, indeed! *Shamrock*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Song of May  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello there, Prosperous Snow celebrating
This is a "The Witch's House Review! *WitchHat*

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
JULY: Best of the Losers Wins!
#981150 by StephBee
. Thank you for entering! *Bigsmile*

I love the way you paint the month of May with your lyrics. The serenity oozes throughout the lyrics.

*CheckP* Fine rhythm and rhyme within each verse.


"The joy of may to enhance," "May," capitalized for the name of the month as used in this context.

Loved these lines:

"The month of laughing winds,
Temperate and pleasant days,"

*Wind* Beautiful way to describe the winds, "laughing." The sounds made by breezes can indeed sound like laughing when pushing through blades of grass, leaves of trees, hills or echoing valleys. The imagination runs wild with fertility for an awakening muse. May is the awakening of so much of nature, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere. Albeit a delayed spring in New England. *Think*

I also loved the "temperate and pleasant" as it is an enjoyable time, not stifling hot or too cold. Wonderful! *Bigsmile*

Good job bringing May alive with all its glory! *Music1*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

Review of Amazing Ken  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello there, Christopher Roy Denton
This is a "The Witch's House Review!

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
JULY: Best of the Losers Wins!
#981150 by StephBee
. Thank you for entering! *Bigsmile*

*Rolling* I swear, you two guys are a fencing match of fun and humor. I think it's wonderful you took a comedic look at your friendship with Ken. Yes, everything you say about him is true. *RollEyes*

Good timing, funny bone tickling and even had music offered for the reader to hum the words along to it. *Angelic*

What can I say? You took a tune, added humor and described a bond that is familiar to so many of us WDCers, who know and love Ken. If not ... *Shock2* Then, can't we all just Ken-along? *Laugh*

Well done!

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, there, Sarah, Welcome to WDC! *ButterflyV*
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!

I enjoyed the self-confidence and the commitment shown within the lines of your poem.

Sometimes love becomes a habit. One person loves the other more and is the one who makes the sacrifices, is more forgiving, and allows one's own feelings to await -- on standby, so-to-speak.

But it's the truth once realized -- one cannot love with conviction unless one loves oneself. Self-respect is an absolute.


"Because I loved you,
I'll let you go; Tense change: TRY: I let you go

"Because I loved me, Better: Because I love me You should still love yourself now as well as then, thus use the present tense.
I am setting myself free from you;"

Quite a lesson in love and letting go. *AwarenessY*

Nicely done! *StarfishB*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello there, Travid Welcome to WDC! *Helicopter*
This is an Angel Army Review!

I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the random review generator.

*BackpackBl* Thank you for sharing this heart-felt poem, and thank you for your service! You bring the reader into the mind and heart of a soldier being deployed, missing his family and describing all that he misses while away.

*Vine2* The reader can feel the loneliness, the heartbreak of leaving loved ones behind and not knowing if or when you'll all be together again.

*GlassesY* The poem itself, did not appear to have a particular rhyming form, although there was some rhyme woven within. I see this poem as a free verse. I am quite the fan of free verse, myself.

There are a couple wordier lines that tend to interrupt the rhythm. However, all the whole, it is a fine poem dealing with some harsh realities.

Hopefully you are safe and back in the loving arms of your family. *Salute*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Adventures at Sea  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there, jonblair Welcome to WDC!
Yhis is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!

I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the random review generator. *Smile*

*Salute* Wow, I so loved being in a front row seat during this mishap at sea. We at home do not realize all the dangers surrounded by just handling these missiles and the danger they pose from a fall.

The problem is, we depend on people like you to know how to protect and defend and, although we know about the dangers of battle, we don't quite think about these mishaps aboard a ship.

*Shark2* I want to thank you so much for your service to our country. You are not thanked enough for the sacrifices made. Thank God that missile fell in a way which did not detonate it. *Shock*

God bless! He was certainly there for you and the rest of the crew. *CheckGr*

I found your short story to be fascinating, and a real attention grabber. I love the non-fiction action stories that also teach us what goes on behind the scenes.

Excellent! *Witchlegs2*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Sum1 Is Home!
I came across this poem when I clicked on the Read & Review option. *Smile*

I got such a kick out of reading the poem with the emoticons woven within. It was a clever poem when I stop to think about the difficulty of being able to not only write a decent poem, but also choose the proper emoticon to replace for words.

Your beautiful poem flowed well even with the images. I loved the vision in my mind's eye of an escape from winter to a sunny beach where it's warm and inviting. I spend winters in Florida, myself. *Beach*

Well done, Jim! Is that contest still around? Why have I not come across this? *Ha*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!

Review of Uncertainty  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (3.5)

Hello there, Wordy, welcome to WDC!*BowR*
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!

I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator. *Smile*

*Sleepy* It's lovely to dream and try to see ahead into the future. It is also wise to live in the present and enjoy each moment before it becomes the past. Your poem makes me think about.


*PenG* There are a few places where a different choice of word would work better within this poem. These are merely my thoughts and suggestions. *Wink*

We have so beautiful dreams in mind,

We think like one step ahead than[of] the future.

"Because we [had them first than the future.]" TRY: ( Because we lived them in the present)

*Wand* The future may be uncertain, but living life the best way one can to help make those dreams come true is the best way to the future hoped for.

Nice job! *FlipFlops4*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Questions.  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
my review sig

Hello there, Lostindifferentiation. Welcome to WDC! *Sun*

I am reviewing your item because it popped-up on the random review generator.

*Shuffle* You know something? I was pulled right into this prose-like poem. It is food for thought indeed. I love the philosophical voice given to it and the outcome of events should one part of individualism be lost.

*AwarenessR* It is true that we have gifts given to us from God and may choose to use them, advance our positions in life, our views and most importantly be able to think for ourselves. We are not one huge blob of communal thoughts, acts and words, we are unique and bring our own ideas to the table to be considered.


"And let God bring the divine plans he (is) has? enticed (the) to? provide for us." *QuestionGr*

I am a little confused with the awkward wording of this line.

*Puzzle3* Otherwise, this poem hit home with so many events taking place now and how each individual must learn to think for himself or herself. There is not just one formulated plan for all in this world, but rather unique individuals who must find the knowledge needed to succeed.

I think the fluidity of the poem worked well with this subject matter. It brings a tone of urgency without a panicky feeling. You wove your thoughts splendidly and kept my interest right to the end. *Vignette3*

Well done! *Fox*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Reaching Gateway  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Graham B. ,
I am reviewing your story as a judge for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support
Thank you for entering!

I felt as if I were pulled into The Matrix when I began reading the story, and especially the part about their synthetic-type of protein they had for meals. *Laugh* But then, I really liked "The Matrix."

You made your character very intriguing because she remained silent and kept her head down and did what she did best, work the code.

Fine Sci-Fi futuristic story with some good action and tension woven in to keep the reader's interest.


"Tell then [them] to send the lander."

"Joanne snatched the masked [mask] and put it on, taking a deep breath of the canned air."

I enjoyed the excitement toward the end of the story and how Joanne was able to save the "Hawking" from further breach and damage. Of course Kai had to make a sacrifice with his own body getting bruised-up to protect hers.

Nice action and adventure and perhaps a slice of futuristic romance. *Telescope*

Until next time--write on! And good luck with the contest. *Bigsmile*

This is a "The Witch's House Review *Witchhat*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello there, PureSciFiPlus

I am reviewing your story as a judge for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support
Thank you for entering! *Bigsmile*

Jealousy is indeed a troublesome trait that has the tendency to cause many problems in a relationship. You worked the prompt around the protagonist quite well. It was the flaw that got him in trouble with the woman he really cared about. It also helped to solve an ongoing investigation. Good sub-story revolving around Thomas and Jessica, who happened to be a police officer. She certainly knew how to take care of herself. However, Thomas went from being an irritable character to one who became slightly lovable. The reader could feel his emotions and could almost see them on his sleeve as he attempted to get something on his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.


”It give [gives] me a lot more freedom to do what I need to do.”

"He smiled when he sees the name on it." It would be either "smiles when he sees." (present tense.) Or, "smiled when he saw." (past tense)

"Thomas checked the last door at the end of that hall and was about the [to] check the closed door that faced it when he stopped himself."

This And That:*Wink*

Repeated use of the word "that." Here are a few spots, though not all the sentences that over use that crutch word "that." Catch that one? *Laugh* Anyway, I am guilty of throwing a few thats around -- that's for sure!

"Thomas got up from the chair he had been seated in and started walking around that [the]room.

That can’t be his big secret.” Thomas looked shocked again as he saw Christopher give that female a peck on her lips.

"When Thomas entered that restaurant he suddenly stopped."

See what I mean about the superfluous use of that pesky word.

Otherwise, this was quite a character in action. *ThumbsUpR*

Well done! *CoffeeO*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

This is a "The Witch's House Review *Witchhat*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello there, Quick-Quill

I am reviewing your story as a judge for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Thank you for entering!

*FishP* Good character development. Cyndi sounds like the hyper-vigilant worker who simply cannot say no to anyone who needs her help. Not a bad character trait, however, one with that trait may be used and taken advantage of. Nevertheless, she was a likeable person to envision, at least in my mind's eye.

*Choco* I used to live close to a Sees candy store. Thankfully, I do not crave sweets. However, every once and a while, I do partake of a piece of very dark chocolate.*Wink*


"I typed in the event into my hourly calendar for the next day." "In is an unnecessary word. You want to write tighter, especially when entering word count contests.

*MedicalBlack* Formatting issues in regards to spacing between paragraphs. Choose to either indent for a new paragraph, or use the easier to read method on WDC, double space between new paragraphs. It breaks-up the wall of words and is easier on the eyes. *Glasses*

*Shock* "The man now thrusting me away glared at me under thick, bushy, black eyebrows." Don't know if you meant to use the word "thrusting," but, it sounds like Cyndi has a good reason to file a complaint against this brute of a boss. "Thrusting, the motion of pushing or lunging suddenly or violently." She could sue him for battery. Just sayin'...she sounds like she would like to leave that job. *Whistle*

"Sandwiched between a stale smoker and sweat smell, I shook my head in despair," A little awkward, could be constructed better.

TRY: Sandwiched between the stench of sweat and a stale smoke ...

Well done, and kudos for entering the contest and taking on this very challenging prompt! *Cool*

Until next time--write on! And, good luck with the contest! *Bigsmile*

This is "The Witch's House Review!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wicked Harbor  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello there, ♥Hooves♥!
This is
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest Thank you for entering!

*Reading* I must have read this sonnet at least five times over. Something about it seems so haunting. It's deeply layered within the lyrical lines and it pulled me right in.

*SeahorseB* I love the romantic twinings and youthful hopes and dreams -- such a melody of the young at heart. I envisioned a young man beckoned by the lass, to travel across the Irish sea to be with her, a promise made. His heart led before his mind as he would eventually realized.

*TulipR* The sonnet's flow: Magnificent! Nothing mechanically wrong that I could tell.In fact, the beauty of it was rich, the moral of the story ever present, a lesson earned and learned. I see no lines out of place or anywhere that disappoints. Strong words are woven through adding emphasis exactly where needed. In my opinion it is perfection.

Beautifully penned! *ButterflyG*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of "The Lady Doth"  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello there, Tinker
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!
Review! *Witchlegs1*

*Gavel* I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest Thank you for entering!

You wove your Shakespearean prompt around the present day exposure of the very powerful men who have preyed upon women who were in their employ or otherwise had to deal with them in their business. It was about letting go of shame and demanding to be heard and believed. Exposure does make their dirty little secrets public.

*CheckGr* Also, it is true that not all victims are women. I believe there is more fear of humiliation for a man who was abused as a child and used by some powerful politician or Hollywood career maker or breaker. Thus, they probably tend to hide it more. I imagine there are more stories out there to be brought to light when the feeling of being stigmatized fades away.

I found the two lines below to be a little weaker than the rest of the sonnet. I think the word "snake" at the end of the second line leaves me to think it was put there to rhyme, yet, there may have been a way to manipulate these lines so as to not end with that particular rhyme. Another thought, "fake" might fit in its place. Don't know why the "snake" felt out of place, but it did, at least in my opinion.

The line is drawn but not to bring one fame.
A compliment can be just that, no snake.

*Dolphin* That aside, you rocked it with the last two lines. Great way to wrap it up nice and tight with good impact!

Good job! *DragonflyP*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Hello there, Mastiff
This is an "The WDC Angel Army Review!

I am also reviewing your item as a judge at "The Bard's Hall Contest Thank you for entering!:=D

This was an amusing story. I love the man and his dog, going West to find a new adventure in life. *Dog2*

*Quill* You wove into this story the Shakespearean aspect through giving tribute to a former English teacher, who had made the students learn a very difficult subject matter -- Shakespeare, as well as Old English language understanding. That is pretty important to understanding much of his works.

*Peace* You brought your characters to life as I pictured a young man and Ol' Yellow, his trusty dog who could maneuver through the wooded areas with ease while his human followed, so as not to trip over rough and ragged pathways.

*Music1* The Rush song wormed its way into my head as I pictured you singing it.


"I may have a good memory, but not for things I read once or twice a decade ago … especially when you've had a beer or two." You change point of view, here, and in another place or two in this story. You speak of your experience and use the pronoun "I." However, you qualify the drinking of a beer or two using third person point of view. Now, I understand trying to make beer drinking all inclusive and that we may understand that situation well -- which of course most of us probably do. However, I say stick to using the "I" in this part making it more personal.*Thumbsup*

" ... be sure to tip your wait staff, and goodnight!"

*Web1* I do enjoy humorous stories. You did a great job with the stage performance. Quite a learned student of Barsky of Central High. He would have been so proud of you, and this is a fine tribute to his memory. *Smile*

*Ha* Loved the ending and the imagery of seeing the dog take off, leaving you behind to face the embarrassing situation while trying to catch up to your loyal pet. In his defense, he did wait a ways-in so you wouldn't have to maneuver your way home through the wooded area alone. Good boy! *Dog1*

Well done, good use of the prompt, and a fun read! *Grasshopper*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The perfect face  
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello there, Newbie! Welcome to WDC.
This is a
The Witch's House  (13+)
Webbie's Home for Witchy MBs and the Bank for TheWitch's Garden!
#444444 by Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA!
Review! *Witchlegs1*

I am also reviewing your item because it popped up on the Read & Review random generator.

Interesting build-up that grabs the reader's attention. *Smile*

I also think there is a longer story being planned, here. It sort of ends abruptly, leaving the reader wanting for more. (That's a good thing, the wanting more part.) I am envisioning that this woman is not all she appears to be. And, anything that ends with dingy streets and stealthily following, sounds quite mysterious. *Shock2*

I am reviewing this on the assumption that this is still a work in progress, as it should be because there are so many unanswered questions.


*NoteY* There are some grammatical errors here. I don't know if you were using a computer keyboard or created this story via smartphone, but it appears that the space following the punctuation marks is missing.

*Sneaker3* The story could also use a couple clicks of the "enter" key, so there is a break in the thoughts. Otherwise it looks like one wall of words, which tends to be off-putting for potential readers/reviewers.

*Lizard* There needs to be more development of characters and plot.

What I liked?

*Check*I liked the mystery surrounding this woman.
*CheckG* I also enjoyed the fact that this lucky man has a boss who calls a day a holiday at his own whim. *Laugh*
*CheckO* I like that it made me curious and wondering what was in store for this character.

*PointRight* This is a fine start, kind of an outline of where to go with your characters.

Keep working on this story, making it shine brightly while building the plot you have imagined in your mind's eye. *WitchHat*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Day 16 Aerosmith  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Hello there, Whiskerfaceschoolsout!
This is an "The WDC Angel Army review!

I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator.

*InLove2* I love Aerosmith. I was older than you when they were rocking the radio-waves, so understood the nuances woven into the song. *Smirk* That one particular song would get stuck in my head often.

*BurstG* This was a short bio-type item and obviously a "Soundtrackers"blog/contest entry. Commenting on the brief entry with a biographical account, I could fine no errors, spelling or grammatical. Also, though succinct it speaks volumes to the reader as she could picture the eight year age difference and just how cool the music would appeal to the teen and how the beat of the music appealed to the younger sister. Thank goodness you couldn't understand the lyrics that went along with the music. *Blush* Your mother would have to wash your mind out with soap! *Laugh* It's amazing how years later in life we really sit and listen to the lyrics of certain songs, not just the cadence of the music and the melody lines that we only seem to remember.

*DragonflyG* Well done, and paused on a line that will give any reader an idea of where the lyrics were going in the song.

Steven Tyler rocks it, eh? *Bigsmile*

Well done! *Tackr*

Until next time--rock on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Snow  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
my review sig


Hello there, Freezinq. Welcome to WDC!
This is a Simply Positive Review! *SuitDiamond*

I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator.

*Devil* This story indeed lives up to its genre or paranormal as well as horror. I had the dreadful feeling something was not going to be right when the woman found the little girl lying on the ground in the snow.

*Thought* I thought of that saying, "No good deed goes unpunished." Gee, talk about an act of kindness gone awry!


I didn't think much of it, it was probably children playing joyfully, until the cry came out louder. I slowed to a stop, silently gazing around, until my eyes landed on an alleyway. You repeat the word "until" within these two consecutive sentences. Perhaps use the word then to replace the second "until."

*PawPrints* There are a couple more places where the paragraphs could be tighter by using only the words necessary to paint the picture. This would be especially important in contests where there are strict word count requirements.

"but not without the claws of the dreadful beast dig [digging] its claws into my stomach,"

I also had to change the rating of this item, as the more than moderate violent content as well as some graphic descriptions take it out of the 13+ rating. (please refer to "Content Rating System (CRS) for more information on the site's rating system.)

Otherwise, this is quite the piece of horror that will stay with the reader long after she leaves the page. *Shock2*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bitter feud  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
my review sig


Hello there Newbie! Welcome to WDC *Wave1*
This is a Simply Positive Review!

I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator.

*Target2* Oh my goodness, this is such a sad thing to read. After seeing your brief description, I realized the feud is about your relationship with your father. It's quite difficult when a parent and child do not get along, or have never been able to mend fences as the years go on. There is such hurt and stubbornness that takes over and it makes any reuniting that much more impossible.


"Old hunting hunting grounds we return," I don't know if you meant to repeat the word "hunting" twice in a row or if it's a typo. However, if meant to be used twice for emphasis, a dash between the two words would help to show that fact better,

"in the end nobody won." [nobody's/nobody has won]

I had to change the rating of this item to 13+ due to the cursing.

*PaintBrush* The message woven within this poem is a strong one and one that paints a vivid picture to the reader without going into detail about how the troubled relationship started. I hope there is a way for the feud to lessen, and hearts to soften and forgiveness to blossom.

Well done! *Shark2*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of "HE IS"  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
my review sig


Hello there, Netty Welcome to WDC!*Rabbit*
This is a Simply Positive Review!

I am also reviewing your item because it popped-up on the Random Review generator.

*Egg6* I loved the simplicity of your poem and the fact that it is done as a free verse poem. When one wants to show the power and glory of the Lord, it sometimes hits the reader harder when it is a way of showing how important He is in our everyday lives.

*Bird* He is there in prayer, in our dreams and hopes, so long as we believe, we know He will be there for He has a plan for each and every one of us.


"He's in hearts of men with love who can receive peace
upon this earthly land." (Perhaps a little awkwardly stated?)

Suggestion: His love resides in hearts of men
who receive peace upon this earthly land.

*Thinker* This, I believe, shows God's place in the hearts of those who have faith, and they will therefore live in peace. Just my humble opinion, though.

*Clouds* This is a beautiful message -- so spiritual and so true!

God bless! *Angel*

Until next time--write on!

WebWitch *Witch*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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