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Review of Surreal  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I have read your poem "Surreal", and I will give you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

It appears to me that you may have been depressed when you wrote this poem. You were dreaming of a well-dressed man with a pocket watch. You feared the pocket watch was a dream also. It sounded like something wasn't right. It must have been a dark or cloudy night since you mentioned dark clouds filling the leaden sky. It wasn't just a dream, it was a nightmare. Black crows were also hovering there.

You weren't clear of the meaning of this dream, but, sometimes it takes a while before it becomes clear to you. I suggest you write down your dreams as soon as you have them since they will go away, soon to be forgotten. You can write a story about it. Once you have done this, you will see the dark clouds lifting, meaning you will have a better day. You can become a writer for enjoyment. It will be helpful to other people. I commend you for the courage to bring your writing to the public. This is a huge step and I am proud of you for taking it.

I encourage you to keep writing. You expressed your words well.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Lucky For You.  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I have read your poem "Lucky for You.", and I will give you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your poem impacted me.

You put a lot of feelings into your poem. I can relate to your poem and can feel the emotions that are in it.

From my own personal experience, I have had a lot of verbal abuse in both of my marriages. I walked out of both of my marriage after years of verbal abuse. I felt I was to be in my marriages for better and for worse. Growing up in a church, this was what I was taught. In my second marriage, I felt I should walk out, because if I hadn't, I may of not been here today.

It's tough when you do the best you can to support your spouse. For a while it was working, things were going great. Then, all of a sudden the spouse turns on you until you can hardly take it any more.

In your case, you packed up her stuff, pen in hand, and told her to leave. Since things weren't getting any better, you had done the smart thing. I am proud of you.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. You used your words well.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Visine  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your poem "Visine", and I will give you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide you with feedback on how your poetry has impacted me.

You described the fact you hide behind your tears by applying a bit of makeup.

Your poem reads as follows:

I need the tears to fall in my eyes
instead of falling out
So I can stop the burning
and hide all my doubts.
I'll apply a little makeup
and since I don't want it to smear
I know my secret is safe
Because I will not shed a tear
a few eyedrops
I'm as good as new

I'm sure others can read your poem and can relate to it. It is very well-written.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. Sometimes, you can get away from your pain by covering it up with makeup. Even though your tears are hidden, the pain is still there.

I made a few corrections to your poem. Read it over and see what you think.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Parents  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your poem "Parents" and I will give you a review. I know I am not a review professional, but I can provide feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

Your poem is a wonderful tribute to parents. My parents have passed away. They were eighteen years different in age. They taught me to have good values, and I am thankful that I learned this from them. My dad always encouraged me by saying I could accomplish anything I set my heart out to do. I miss them a whole lot. I am truly grateful I had them all through my growing-up years.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. I'm sure others would enjoy what you have written. Your poem is very relatable. You did a wonderful job paying tribute to your parents.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Wise Man.  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I read your poem "Wise Man", and I will give you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide you with feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

You have used some wise words. Your poem was a sad one.

Your poem reads as follows:

A wise man once said,
Why do you live
when you can't follow?
Why do you live
when you can't agree?
Why do you live
when you can't love?
Because when you can't do any of this,The wall of doubt
you simply
cannot live.

When depression in your life hits, things begin to happen. It's true, why live because of all this? We are all valuable in God's eyes and in His Son Jesus's eyes. We're all unique. Sometimes in life we need some help. When we get a little boost of caring, sometimes that's all we need to feel better about ourselves. The wall of doubt seems to overwhelm us at times, and we find it hard to love. Don't give up on a person because they're struggling. Instead, give them encouragement. Encouragement can bring a person out of the wall of doubt. Give a person a smile; you will find a brand new individual grateful for the fact someone cared.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. You have succeeded in describing your feelings in this poem.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Phantom Echoes  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I have read your poem "Phantom Echoes", and I will do a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your poem had an impact on me.

The last stanza of your poem reads as follows:

With dawn's first light, the crimson field lies bare,
The ghostly chorus vanished into the air.
Thier echoes linger, intertwined with pain,
Where heroes fought, and spirits rose again.

You wrote your story with great emotion. I could feel the emotions as I read every word. War is a terrible thing. Your writing here feels like the dead are still and pain, and the heroes rose again. Saying that the heroes rose again brings hope to those who have to fight in this war. They will see the heroes who have so bravely fought.

The first stanza reads as follows:

A pall of dread hangs heavy in the air,
The ramparts creak, a fortress in despair.
The churchyard stirs, where weathered tombstones weep,
Disturbed from rest, forgotten spirits creep.

It sounds like the forgotten spirits are still creeping in the churchyard where weathered tombstones weep. It feels like the pain of the forgotten ones are wanting to be remembered. They've seen terrible things, and the tombstones don't stop crying.

I was in silent tears as I read your poem. My hope is that we will never have to go to war again. This is wishful thinking, but, it a miracle were to happen, this would be it.

I want to encourage you in your writing. You have brought out the emotions of the heroes and the forgotten ones. You did well.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

I want to say that I had four uncles who served in the military. When I asked them about the war, they said they couldn't talk about it.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I am reviewing "Week 1: Market Exercise Part 4." Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your story has impacted me.

Even though I don't fully comprehend what is taking place in this assignment, it sounds like there are some magical animals. What kind of animals might they be? Dragons, Unicorns, etc.

Part of your assignment reads as follows:

While a powerhouse, Virteria relies heavily on natural imports of natural resources, food, rare magical ingredients, and cultural goods. They bring specialized labor, exotic knowledge, and luxury items to maintain high living standards and cutting-edge advancement. It remains a global leader while staying connected to the world around it.

I made a few corrections to make your story sound better in the above paragraph.

What kind of magical ingredients does Virteria import?

Your assignment sounded interesting. I encourage you to keep up with your writing.

There seems to be a lot of potential for your assignment. Keep up the good work.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I read your assignment and activity project you're working on "Week 1: Hometown Exercise, Part. 3." Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your project has impacted me.

I must confess. I am not much of an expert on what you're trying to say. I know it has to do with the following part of your assignment:

As for Medicinal Alchemy and healing, their sector stands out. Other nations rely once more on their healing equipment, magical potions, magical treatments, and medical devices.

I made a few corrections for you to make it sound better. Read it over and see how you like it.

I don't know about the magical parts of what Virteria is all about. Perhaps you can fill me in on what you're trying to say. I got lost.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Question  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your flash fiction story "Question". I will give you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your story made me feel.

I enjoyed your story. As I was reading your story, it took me back to the time I was going to school. Everyone, it seemed had their hand raised when the teacher asked if someone knew the answer to the question we were asked, I was embarrassed, because, even when I knew the answer, I was too shy to raise my hand. I didn't feel I was as smart as the rest of my classmates. I was afraid of getting the answer wrong. One day I answered a question and nearly all the students were laughing. I was even more shy after the incident happened. I remember feeling sad when that happened.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. Your story was well-written. Your story was one that everyone reading it could relate to.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, and good morning to you!

I read your story "Lillian at Fourteen (1908 - 1922)", and I will do a review for you. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your story impacted me.

This was fourteen days of rough travel and a cold day during April. I heard life stories about how life was during the Depression Era. I was told it was the farm that saved our family from the depression. I had older parents. My dad was 56, almost 57, and my mom was 39 when I was born. It was the hardest birth for my mom when I was born, and the doctors told her that I wasn't expected to live. She had a tumor in her uterus throughout her whole pregnancy and I was a breech baby.

Back in the year when people were traveling in wagons, it was tough for the women, especially if they were pregnant. I don't know how they did it. Many lost their lives or the lives of their baby.

Lillian had doctors pray for her. Lillian didn't have a long life. Her struggles were many. It was an undecided April.

Part of your story read as follows:

The night whistled with frosty breath and dropped icy tears. My horse snorted disapproval, but I was glad of an excuse for the water trail on my check.

I became full-grown the year that the cold crawled into Daddy's lungs. And I became the man, the farmer, the father to Lillian and the little ones. But at seventeen, to have her life in my hands?

Mama, I prayed every prayer and every word I could remember from Sunday services. The doctor prayed too. Though I couldn't understand the words, I saw his hands making the cross.

Skilled hands, but too late; the poisoned organ burst before it could be excised - precious time the road had taken from us.

It was hard to travel, fourteen miles through the snow that, ashamed of herself, April had thrown down to cover what she'd done. Fourteen miles back alone, back to the farm, back to the little ones.

Fourteen miles back to plowing and planning, with Lillian already gone home.

When I typed your story, I made a few corrections. Please take a look at it and tell me what you think.

I enjoyed reading your true story. I encourage you to keep up with your writing. The stories from the past need to be told to the future generations.

I hope you are filled with blessings of good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I read your assignment "Week 1: Key Tension Exercise, Prt. 6." Although I am not a professional reviewer, I can provide feedback on how your writing assignment impacted me.

The third paragraph of your assignment reads as follows:

Class conflicting and rebellion against social disparity is at a high time high in the present storyline. Economic inequality had reached a chronic critical point that can no longer be ignored nor set aside. Radical groups have begun to emerge and have attempted multiple times and continue to create fear and rage directed at the government's social standards. This manifests from social conflict and that the elite class is hoarding the magical and tech advancements for themselves making the lower suffer.

Class conflict and rebellion against social disparity are at a high time in the present storyline. Economic inequality has reached a critical point that can no longer be ignored or set aside. Radical groups have begun to emerge and have attempted multiple times to continue to create fear and rage directed at the government's social standards. This manifests from social conflict and that the elite class is hoarding the magical and tech advancements for themselves making the lower suffer.

I have made a few corrections in the above paragraph from what you wrote to make it sound better. Please take a look at it and see what you think.

I agree with you. Everything is directed at the government's social standards. You can't seem to go anywhere without seeing a conflict of arise. The lower, such as myself, is finding it hard to keep going in society because of all the pressure that is out there in the world today.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Monday, September 9, 2024

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your outline for "Love LeSizain Hetrerometique", and I will give you a review. Even though I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your outline impacted me.

I love the outline for your French poem. It is six lines but it says a lot about romance.

Your poem reads as follows:

For eight years I dreamt of her
Then she came into my life
Became my wife
She came to me on that date
Just operation of fate

I have a minor suggestion for you. The last line should read: "Just an operation of fate."

I am tired this afternoon; I was nodding off as I was writing. I encourage you to keep on with your writing. I enjoyed reading this.
I am looking forward to reading more of your writings.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, love, and friendships throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Dear Electra  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am giving you a review for your poem "Dear Electra". I am not a review professional. I can provide feedback on how your poem impacted me.

Your poem reads as follows:

you see
your ethics
cause a problem
for all moral men
as you do desire to
conquer them in such a way
that renders those men senseless and
euphoric from what you'd do to them
at which point I would say I don't know you.

You have an interesting pattern here. This looks like a poem I submitted to the Busy Bee Contest. This is where you have ten lines and the first line you start with has one syllable, the second line has two syllables, and so on down the line with the 10th line having ten syllables. It was easy for me to do. I came up with something almost right away when I did it.

I encourage you to write. Don't give up. Keep on trucking. It was sad at the end of your poem when you said you didn't know that person anymore.

I hope you have blessings of good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I read your letter Dear Me "Miles and Miles of Naught". I am giving you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your letter has impacted me.

It was interesting how you portrayed having a bucket list. I admire your views on this subject. I am 67 years old. Things are beginning to change for the better for me. Writing is a passion of mine, and it's starting to come around. I am feeling more confident about my writing.

You said you want to make new friends and keep your old ones. I hope I can be one of your friends.

I wasn't concerned about aging until I heard that people don't seem to care about you any longer when you're older. My parents have passed away, as well as most of my relatives. I don't know who would stand up for me if I had to go to the hospital. I have to confess; this is scary to me. My relatives didn't think I amounted to anything since I don't work. I have been there and done that. It has been difficult having a mental disability. I have a schizoaffective disorder. I hear people saying constantly "Get to Work". I hope to self-publish a book or books. I believe I can help people to accept a disability of this nature. I want them to believe in themself. It has been a long road for me, and am still have some trouble dealing with the day-to-day realities of life. I want to be remembered for doing something good. I have overcome a lot of obstacles. My parents encouraged me a lot, however, my relatives did not encourage me that much.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. I am glad your roommate/boyfriend is good for you. I wish you well in your future.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Delta  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I read your poem "Delta". I will do a review for you. Although I am not a professional reviewer, I can provide feedback on how your poem impacted me.

Your poem reads as follows:

to participate in life

We were mere droplets
brought together in clouds
that shrouded mountains.
We fell from grace,
gaining speed in rivulets,
joining to cascade
in waterfalls and rapids.
We became complacent
as land flattened out,
meandering as if --
as if there were no tomorrow.
Now we have entered the delta,
spread apart by time and distance,
still yearning for each other.
Soon our journey ends,
united again by the water's edge,
perhaps to rejoin the clouds.

Your poem sounds like you had a good relationship with this person. It is a nice remembrance of a life that no longer is, but both of you will be reunited again in the clouds. I could feel the emotions behind your writing. I could picture you having a wonderful life together.

Your poem was beautifully written. I encourage you to keep up with your writing. You have a beautiful way with words.

I look forward to reading more of your poetry.

I hope you have blessings of good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Trading Races  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good morning to you!

I read your fictitious story "Trading Races", and I am ready to give you a review. Even though I am not a review professional, I can give feedback on how your story has impacted me.

This is a fictitious story. The story sounded like it could have been based on a true story. Your story was well-written. I could feel the emotions, as Cordaravius wanted the best for his wife and daughter. Although I haven't had any kids, I know the pain when it comes to seeing your daughter turn a different color as well as his wife. It's quite a shock when they see someone change before their eyes. There is a feeling of hopelessness when you feel there's nothing you can do about the situation. I know the feeling. When my mother had to go into the hospital for surgery, it seemed like ages before I was able to see her. I prayed for her recovery. My mother is no longer with me, but the way things are now, I don't believe that she would've been able to handle the tension and pressure that comes with it.

It takes a great deal of dedication to write a story. I admire your courage. I encourage you to keep up with your writing. I learned something from reading it.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your writing "Mystery Science Theatre 3000 anagramtime", and am excited about giving you a review. Even through I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your writing has impacted me.

I was intrigued by your writing where it said 0 and o is a sign of perfection and the Center of God is perfection. That is an interesting way to go about it. There is 3 letters in Yoda and to stay neutral allows one to smile and see some light. God has 3 letters and there can be only one choice, therefore 2 is "He" and only one choice. We've now covered our abc's now O is perfection, as 1 is far too many when making mistakes thru life's journey's of 1, 2, and 3. h2o - something valuable for life as well as oxygen, so why ask why and "who" is "thou" as "thou" shall "not" and I was referring to all as a unit.

Everyone has a method of doing things, and if this works for you, then why not do it. Life is a learning experience, and I have learned something today. Even though it was a bit confusing, I do get it.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. Writing gives meaning from its author, therefore, it is meaningful to you, and that is all that matters.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and good afternoon to you!

I read your poem "Pray From Your Heart" (A Ghazal), and I am giving you a review. Even though I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

There are some words that I didn't know what the definition of, but I enjoyed reading your poem. Perhaps, if you have the time, you could provide the meaning of the words you've chosen in your story. It would help me to understand your poem better. What is a Ghazal? I haven't heard that word before. I have compassion when it comes to learning new words. It increases my vocabulary. It fascinates me. I play a lot of word games. It's a lot of fun! I look words up in the dictionary and try to write a story using that word.

You have expressed your thoughts in detail. A lot of meaning went into this story when you wrote it. It gave me a different perspective of seeing things in a different light. Thank You for sharing. It takes courage to write down your story. I admire you for that.

I encourage you to continue with your writing. It was interesting to read.

I hope you will have blessings of good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I read your short story "The New Neighbors WC 276", and I am writing you a review. Even through I am not a review professional, I can provide you feedback on how your short story has impacted me.

Your story managed to give me a chuckle and a laugh today. I needed this today. It's amazing how someone could want somebody watched for doing something that they weren't doing, just by the tone of their voice. It might have been a good thing that you didn't listen to your wife. You would have called the police on your new neighbors for nothing. This would have been a disaster.

Oh! you gave your wife some sarsaparilla. I won't tell anybody. That is your secret. Your wife was much calmer after that I believe.

Being married for forty-seven years is quite an accomplishment. My parents were married for 46 years. You learn to adapt to each other's little quirks being married that long. I love the fact that you're sticking with her.

I encourage you to continue on with your writing. I feel it will make others laugh too. They could relate to your story.

I hope your days are filled with blessings of good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Tough Decisions.  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your poem "Tough Decisions", and am giving you a review. I am not a review professional, however, I can provide feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

Passion or Money, that's the question. In a world where people want you to work hard for your money, that's what they expect from you. If you don't meet their expectations, then it's tough luck. If you don't work hard enough, you don't get paid, therefore, you'll lose money. If you have a passion for writing, like I do, working hard to make my stories interesting to read, is important to me; it's what I enjoy. Not everyone has that kind of passion.

A person shouldn't have to work several jobs to make ends meet. It leaves you feeling stressed out and tired. It's important to enjoy what you do.

Your writing was good. It expressed your feelings quite well.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Thank You  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I have read your letter "Thank You", and I am giving you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your letter has impacted me.

Your letter was well-written. Writing.Com means a lot to me. It's like a family I didn't know I had. They welcomed me in with open arms. Their contests have challenged me with my writing. The more I write, the better I'm getting. The support from the community has been a wonderful experience. I don't give up. I learn from the reviews I get back from other authors.

I agree with you. I don't believe any other sites allow you to interact with the community.

I have earned the Preferred Author status by working hard. I just got someone who anonymously paid for a Premium Membership. This made me very happy.

I welcome you to Writing.Com. I am happy you like the site.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing, and whenever you struggle with something to do with your writing, ask the support team to help you. Don't give up.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I reviewed your poem "Trust Resonates In Light", and I will give you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

I can fully relate to your poem about lights and trust. It's true; you can always change a lightbulb, but, once trust has been broken, it's hard to rebuild it back. I know from personal experience what it feels like when trust is shattered. I became very skeptical of this person when I was betrayed. It is hard to forgive someone who has broken your trust. I know that when you forgive someone, praying about it helps tremendously. Unforgiveness leaves you miserable; it puts a bitter seed into your heart.

I encourage you to keep up with your writing. Your poem vividly tells how trust can be broken and what it feels like. I am glad you shared your poem. Writing is good therapy. Getting it out on paper is a huge step in the right direction.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of The Home Sampler  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and good morning to you!

I read your poem "The Home Sampler" and am giving you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

Your poem accurately portrays someone who is affected by Bipolar Disorder. I can relate, from my own experience, having been married to someone with a mental disorder. When he was on medication, he was doing great. When he was off of his medication, it seemed like everything was going haywire. He would do a lot of gibberish talking, yelling, and door slamming. I have a schizoaffective disorder, and I do well by keeping on my medications. I take Aripiprazole (Generic for Abilify) and Bupropion (Generic for Wellbutrin). Abilify is like a miracle drug for me. After exhausting all the medications I was taking beforehand, a friend mentioned a new drug at the time that worked wonders for him. I decided to give it a try, and it worked!

My ex-husband, who had passed away, had three bad addictions. He took alcohol, and drugs, and was a chain smoker. It was difficult to live with him having these addictions. I finally had to leave him because of the verbal abuse that took place. We were married for nineteen years before my divorce.

It would be great if the person you're living with would take their medication.

I appreciate the courage it took you to share your story. I encourage you to keep up with your writing. Sharing your story can help others dealing with the same situation.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to last throughout your lifetime. Everyone is deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I read your story "Hero from the Void" Full Chapter One, and I am going to give you a review. Although I am not a review professional, I can provide feedback on how your story has impacted me.

I enjoyed reading your story from beginning to end. I would highly recommend that other people would read it too.

Anti was a evil-minded person who wanted nothing more than to destroy the world. It makes me happy that I'm not stuck in the void.

The characters were well-developed; it must have taken you a long time to think of the names for the characters. Sometimes, it takes me a while longer to think up a name for a character, and, at other times it will come to me faster.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Keep up with your writing. You are an excellent writer. Your story was easy to read. I didn't see any mistakes of spelling or grammar.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, and good afternoon to you!

I read you horror story "Two Minds Think Alike", and I will give you a review. Even though I am not a review professional, I can provide you with feedback on how your story has impacted me.

Although I am not a huge fan of horror stories, I have to say that your story was well-written. I can see you've put a lot of thought into writing this story. Your attention to detail was spot on. I could definitely feel the emotions from the victim as her life was coming to an end.

If you enjoy writing horror stories, I encourage you to write more. There are times when I do appreciate a good detective story. Solving crimes is good for me. I was a victim of a crime, and it's hard to relive that scene when I see or hear other crimes being committed. I still see images in my head of what had occurred on that night.

I hope you are blessed with good memories, good health, friendships, love, and happiness to surround you for your lifetime. Everyone deserves to have this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
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