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Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Anita 13,

I saw your piece in Laurencia's Newbies NL.

I enjoyed readin your piece on Venice. Especially as I was born and live in Venice. I love Venice with all my heart, even if from the age of 3 till 23 I lived in London and went to school there as my parents were working there.

Your description was very detailed and I can tell you've been doing your research well on Venice, tradition and culture.

The only suggestion I have, is perhaps when you talk about a movie star or the name of a film to illustrate it better and not just carry on writing in the sentence. The same with particular ways of saying in Italian e.g ''Acqua Alta''.

Apart from that I fell you used imagination and did a good job of it.

Well done and take care,
Auntynelly *Smile*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved the wide selection of Cat sigs.

They were all sooooooo cute .......

Well done and compliments to the artists.

Anto *Smile*
Review of Bad Hair Day  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (5.0)
How funny! *Laugh*
Bet that never happened to you again! LOL

Ciao Anto *Bigsmile*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Well done. Congratulations for winning 3rd place in the competition.

Well, here in Italy they say that spiders bring wealth,
money that is. So you shouldn't really kill them .

I don't usually kill them, but they make me feel a bit creepy. yuck!

Take care,
Anto *Smile*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thank you for touching the strings of my heart.

Loved reading these important and sad pieces of your life.

You have matured earlier than your time, but have grown into a wonderful and responsible woman.

Take care,
Anto *Smile*
Review of Damaged  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Awwwwwww! Nikki,

What a sad experience. I really feel for you.
I really hope life has started to treat you better, the way you deserve.

It's very difficult for me to believe that a mother could be so terrible to a daughter, blood of her blood!

I can't imagine it at all, my mother is an angel and all her life she dedicated to me . my brother and dad.
Now that dad's paased away to heavenly bliss, she helps her elder sisters and her brother in law who are old and need help. sHE HAS A HEART OF GOLD. i DON'T KNOW where she gets the energy sometimes!

Than you for sharing such a personal experience which filled me with emotion and sadness and touched the bottom of my heart.

Much love and future happiness,
Anto *Kiss*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Nikki,

Sure sounds like you had a rough time in your school days.

Glad your present is much rosier.

I couldn't help smiling about your haircut. It reminded me of when I was about 23 and I went to a really trendy hairdresser in venice. Paid lots for the cut too.

They cut my fringe really short, almost like a monk. LOL
That evening I was supposed to go to a birthday party and I looked really digusting.

I got to the party and was very embarassed. One of my male friends laughed and told me I looked like william tell without the apple on his head, whatever that meant. LOL I laugh about it now but I was so embarassed at the time.

Thanks for sharing,
Love Anto *Heart*
Review of The Shy Butterfly  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (5.0)
Snap! I know just how you feel, only I'm opposite to you I'm fine with friends and family , even fun to be with. People say I make them crack up.

The problem is when I'm alone with a guy I like.
Sometimes I just haven't got the courage to speak.

They must think I'm a different person, because they perhaps meet me with my friends and I seem outgoing and then they find a different person. *Frown*
A bit like Mr Jekyl and Doctor Hyde LOL *Smile*

Speak soon,
Anto *Kiss*
Review of The War At Home  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Nikki,

I'm glad things turned out in the end.
I'm sorry you had to pass such a negative experience in your adolescence days.

To make you feel better I'd like to tell you that even though mum loved and loves me to bits I always got the blame as I was the oldest of two. My brother Roberto was 5 years younger than me , so I was always getting told that I should know better.

I think the oldest child always get the blame somehow.

But the cutest thing was that if either of my parents told me off my sweet brother would stick up for me.

I remember with some amusement the first times I would go to the discos in my teens, I would get home later than I promised and my parents would be fuming.

My brother would be looking outside the window , waiting for me to arrive and he'd go to my parents and say ' Don't trell her off, ' cause I've already told her off'!

My parents would just laugh so he got me out of trouble most times. I love him to bits.

Even now that he has a 16 year old son and separated , we get on like a house on fire.

Thanks for sharing your difficult chilhood.
I'm so happy that you never lost your smile on the way!

Anto *Heart*
Review of Kindred Spirits  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I loved reading both your items in the Family Ties folder.

Thanks for sharing,
Review of Grandpa Tom  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thanks for sharing such a personal experience about your grandfather. He sounds quite a character.

Would you believe me if I told you he reminded me of my father?

Another great character ...... If you feel like it and you have time, I've written about him in my highlighted items.

Take care,
Anto *Heart**Smile*
Review of Loving A Friend  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'm not an expert in Shakesperian sonnets but I liked reading this poem very much.

Very emotional and romantic, your words portray a fear of losing a loved one.

Well written with good rhyming and display.
The colour red gives it a more passionate effect.

Well done and take care,
AuntyNelly *Smile*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Nikki,

You certainly have a wide selection of great poems here. I hope many readers will take my advice and give you a port raid.

Take care,
Anto *Smile*
Review of Just A Cat  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (4.5)
Well done, I can certainly tell you love cats.

Congratulations for winning 4th prize in the competition. The graphic was cute too.

Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A sad and deeply emotional piece.

Well written and your words portrayed how such a loss influences the life of the remaining memebers of the family.

Unfortunately I have experienced the loss of my father , therefore I can imagine in first person how devasting the situation can be.

take care and God bless,
AuntyNelly *Smile*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Sayan,

I really enjoyed reading your story.
Very emotional and sad at the same time.

I felt sorry for Omar. It's sad that even nowadays fixed marriages still exist. True love is not always the case and Omar's experience is evidence.

I love reading about India. This November I visited and travelled throughout Rajistan. Loved it and would like to return and see the south the next time.

Well done and take care,
AuntyNelly *Smile*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Thanks for the warm welcome!

Take care and God bless,
AuntyNelly *Smile*
Review of Story Maker  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi DiscoChic06,

I found this piece in Puditat's NL.
i enjoyed reading it very much.

It flows well and has a bouncy ,lively, cheerfulness about it. Brings back memories of my old days too!
I guess I must be about your mother's age.

Well done and take care,
AuntyNelly *Smile*
Review of Baby's Breath  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really enjoyed this poem in free verse.
It was well writtena and with good layout.
In some parts I felt it didn't flow very well.
E.g the last verse I feel it is broken up by too many commas and it doesn't flow very well.

Apart from this I found the piece full of emotion,
sadness and describes the experience of the difficulty of growing up.

Well done and take care,
AuntyNelly *Smile*

P.s I saw this piece in Puditat's Newbies NL.

Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Susannah,

I found this piece in Diane's short stories NL.
I enjoyed reading it very much.
It was well written and the story flowed well.

It was sad and emotional and finding Rudy at home
changed the twist of it.
Very sad ending too.

Good job, well done.
AuntyNelly *Smile*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
It's a great idea.

I've got too much on at the moment to participate though.

Good luck and take care,
AuntyNelly *Smile*
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you for this spiritual tour which took me in a magical , mystical plunge into life.-

It was perfectly written and explained fully.
Your words flowed well and made me feel as if I was
in now where land with all these threads of life surrounding me.

Self-awareness is a precious circumstance and a blessing for those who reach it.

Congratulations for winning the Grand prize in Jessie's contest. I know you won it some time ago, but I just happened to look at the Authors Jessie gifted with an awardicon, and found your piece there.

Take care and speak soon,
AuntieNelly *Smile*
Review of Thanks Dad  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (5.0)
I can understand your feelings. How is your relations ship now with your father?

I think perhaps if you tried talking to your father frankly, showing him your own personality and character, he could get to know you better.

Maybe your relationship could improve and these resentments you have for him chould change.
Sometimes even small misunderstandings can cause tragic wars.
I think he should meet you half way though and try to understand that your another person and haven't got his ambitions and hobbies.

Thanks for sharing,
Take care,

AuntieNelly *Smile*

Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: E | (4.5)
Congratulations for winning the Grand prize in Just Jessie's cometition.

I enjoyed reading this piece.
It was well written with good rhyming ,flow and display.

The feeling it gave me was of hope.
Well done and take care,

I saw this piece when I was reading the Authors that Jesssie awarded Awardicons.

AuntyNelly *Smile*
Review of She is  
Review by AuntyNelly
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Matt,

I saw your piece in Mavis Moogs short story NL.
Well done and congratulations for being put in her pick of the week.

I enjoyed reading this short story and agree with Mavis, that even though short is quite strong and has a twist at the end.
I wonder if that'He' she's waiting for is her brother, her father or an animal? I'll keep my suspense until you answer me.

Well done and take care,
AuntyNelly *Smile*

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