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Review of After the Rain  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Thank you for participating!
"Invalid Item
You chose the Grey Short Story Prompt
Your item must be inspired by this image *Down*
"Invalid Item

Hiya, Writer_Mike !

Prompt Relevance

You did a very nice job of showing how this image inspired you. A very nice story. *Smile* Your entry was well below the allowable word count, as well! *Thumbsup*

My Thoughts

This was a beautiful, emotional story. The gentle tone was set right from the beginning, allowing the reader to feel her emotions as the story unfolded. I really enjoyed the opening paragraph. I found that telling the reader what most people would see intrigued me because I knew it would be much deeper than what could be seen. The last sentence on that paragraph was perfect. It pulled me in hook, line, and sinker. Well done.

The narrative flowed effortlessly through her memory of her dad telling her about Mary Ann, and I had no trouble following as the story progressed. I found that her thoughts felt very natural, and I found I could feel her loss. The use of symbolism with the rain and then the double rainbow was wonderful. It left me with the sense that though she would grieve, she would be alright.


*Bullet*Anyone watching would only have seen a girl barely into her teens tiptoeing barefoot through the shallow pond...
I have two suggestions for this opening sentence to heighten the impact. First, consider removing 'only'. I stumbled over it and ended up having to read the sentence twice for some reason. Also, I think placing 'barely into her teens' could be surrounded by commas because it is an added element to the main sentence.

*Bullet*My only other suggestion is about Mattie playing with her favorite dolls. If she is 12 or 13, chances are that she has outgrown the doll phase. At least, in my house.*Wink* Something for you to consider, at any rate.

*Star* Overall *Star*

An excellent read. Thank you so much for entering and allowing me to read and review your work. Good luck!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Thank you for participating!
"Invalid Item
You chose the Violet Short Story Prompt
Your item must be inspired by this image *Down*
"Invalid Item

Prompt Relevance

Quite an original take on the prompt! Nice work. *Smile* Your entry was within the allowable word count, as well. *Thumbsup*

My Thoughts

What an interesting story! I would love to see what happens with Maria after this. *Wink* I'm just crazy that way. Once I get into a story, I never want it to end. *Laugh*

The tone in this piece reflected Maria's emotions well. I could sense her confusion and despair over always feeling everyone's emotions, and the fact that those emotions were negative didn't help any. I felt like I could feel the cacophony of emotions, and then when the man touched her, I felt calm overtake them all. Nicely done. I also liked how you used the darker image of the storm to complement the tone. It worked well to create an overall mood.

Your use of wording in the narrative was excellent to reflect her age. I was fairly certain of her age even before you stated it, and that shows me how well you managed to get inside her head and mimic the sentence structure common with children. I found that everything she noticed was what a child would notice, as well. Nice work!

The story flowed well from beginning to end, and the ending left me feeling good about Maria's future. *Smile*


*Bullet*Usually she would not come out of the bedroom,
Consider a comma after 'Usually' because it is a disjunctive adverb.

*Bullet*Soon hateful energy pounded against her again...
Consider a comma after 'Soon' to show that it's an introductory word.

*Bullet* When she tried to explain it to her parents the best she could come up with was calling it an intense pressure...
Consider a comma after 'parents' because 'When she tried to explain it to her parents' in an introductory adverbial phrase.

*Bullet*Curiously, in the next house Maria felt a very strong presence...
Consider a comma after 'house' because 'in the next house' is an introductory phrase.

*Bullet*Surely psychopaths wear black, though. White was for good guys.
I think 'wear' should be 'wore' in order to maintain the tense.

*Star* Overall *Star*

An entertaining read! I found the story line very interesting. Thank you for entering and allowing me to read and review your work. *Smile* Good luck with the contest!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Thank you for participating!
"Invalid Item
You chose the Red Short Story Prompt
Your item must include the following title *Down*
"A Beautiful Nightmare"

Prompt Relevance

You used the title given, and your word count came in at just under the allowable limit. Great work! *Thumbsup* You took it a step further and created a story that suited the title very well.

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed this story. I think you came up with an original story from this title, and I have to admit, I was left wanting to know more about these characters. To me, that's a very good sign.

You did a great job at making the characters feel real to me through the use of memories and realistic dialogue, as well as a believable conflict. The main character, Vannessa, was conflicted in more ways than one. She had a dark past lived in slavery, suffered the loss of her friends and family, and had fallen in love with someone who was more of a nightmare than a daydream. You portrayed Joshua in a romanticized light, allowing the reader to know from her thoughts what he had done and what he was capable of, but making the reader love him anyway because of the way that Vannessa was attached to him. Also, he showed true emotion when he looked at her, and for me, that gave me hope that perhaps he would not always be so lost to her.

The flow of the story was great from beginning to end. I had no trouble with the transition to the dream and back again, and I found the narrative active and compelling. Nice work.


*Bullet*The punctuation around the dialogue is just a bit off. Here is a great link   helped me out with this area quite a bit.

*Bullet*Her short scarlet red hair...
The words 'scarlet red' could be hyphenated to show they are one thought, like so: scarlet-red. Also, consider a comma after 'short' to show that 'short' and 'scarlet-red' are equal adjectives.

*Bullet*No matter how desolate the situation seemed right now, she knew that her friends back at the lighthouse were facing worse.
The use of 'right now' seems redundant to me since the reader already knows the time frame. Consider removing those two words to produce a more vivid sentence.

*Bullet*She was angry; angry at the guards, for turning Joshua crazy. Angry at herself for not stopping Joshua.
A semicolon should only be used to separate two independent clauses. Since the second part of the first sentence is not independent, consider a dash instead. Also, I think you could get a much smoother flow by combining the above sections a little differently. For example: She was angry--at the guards for turning Joshua crazy, and at herself for not stopping him. See what you think.

*Bullet* Ironically, they would get barely any of the plump vegetables and fruits they were harvesting now to stay alive.
The present tense in this part should be past in order to maintain the flow. For example: Ironically, they received barely any of the plump vegetables and fruits they harvested in order to live.

*Bullet*"I remember, when Allison stole one and we all shared it after dinner.
The comma after 'remember' isn't necessary. It seems to disrupt the flow of his speech.

*Bullet*The sheer calm and the peacefulness that she found when she was with him was the most magical and soothing.
The words 'the most' don't seem to fit with the rest of the sentence.

*Note* Remember not to edit before the judging is complete. *Wink*

*Star* Overall *Star*

All in all, a very good read. The characterization was very well done, and the internal conflict that Vannessa suffered felt very real. I think a bit of editing would polish this story up nicely. *Smile*

Good luck with the contest!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Green Prompt  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Thank you for participating!
"Invalid Item
You chose the Green Story Prompt
Your item must be inspired by this quote *Down*
"Though jealousy be produced by love, as ashes are by fire,
yet jealousy extinguishes love as ashes smother the flame."
+Margaret of Navarre+

Hiya, Pearl !

Prompt Relevance

I think you did a good job here showing how jealousy can push away those you love, and I think that theme fits the prompt well.

Your story came in under the word count limit as well. *Thumbsup*

My Thoughts

I really like the premise of this story, and I think it has tons of potential. You did a great job delving into these characters and making the reader feel as though they were real. I have personally been involved in situations much like this, and I feel that Kyle, especially, acted realistically for the angry, jealous boyfriend.

The story elements flowed pretty well from beginning to end, but I did wonder at the way that Anne was portrayed a little bit. I think because I didn't get a chance to get to know her personality, I wondered at her sincerity, especially with how fast she accepted that Craig was in love with her and that she loved him in return. I got the feeling that they had been best friends for years, actually, I think you stated that outright, but it didn't feel like it was explained well enough to seem realistic. I would have liked to view the world from Anne's perspective right from the beginning. The very first section with the couple kissing worked well to set the tense mood, but I don't think it was really necessary to the story. Instead, consider starting the scene in the club with Anne having fun, watching for Kyle. It would start it off on a light note, showing the reader that she was innocently having fun with her friend as she waited for her boyfriend. For me, it would also show that she was a bit more sincere when she was arguing with Kyle over her intentions.

The dialogue between her and Kyle was great. I have to say, when he slammed her by the throat, I gasped and started reading faster. It was a great climax for his anger. Nice work.


*Right* My first suggestion is to work on the formatting. I found the solid block of writing a little hard to read, especially on a computer screen. Online, it works much better if you place a line of white space in between each paragraph. Also, with dialogue, it is quite hard to keep track of who is talking when it's all bunched together. Consider using a new paragraph for each line of dialogue from another speaker, as well as their actions. For example, you wrote:

“Get out of here now Craig before you can’t walk out by yourself.” Kyle sneered vehemently. “You can’t talk to him like that! We’ve been best friends since grade school!" , screamed Anne. “I’m tired of you always being jealous when I’ve NEVER given you a reason to be!” “You’re dancing with another guy while waiting for me! You’re trying to drive me crazy!” shouted Kyle back at Anne.

My suggestion:

“Get out of here now Craig before you can’t walk out by yourself.” Kyle sneered vehemently.

“You can’t talk to him like that! We’ve been best friends since grade school!" , screamed Anne. “I’m tired of you always being jealous when I’ve NEVER given you a reason to be!”

“You’re dancing with another guy while waiting for me! You’re trying to drive me crazy!” shouted Kyle back at Anne.

It is much easier to see who is talking and follow the conversation.

*Right* The punctuation around the dialogue is just a bit off. When you use a dialogue tag such as 'she said, he screamed' etc. a comma should end the dialogue, rather than a period. The dialogue tag should then be in lower case. Here is a great link   that helped me out in this area.

*Right*Consider reading through to fish out areas of tense confusion. I found several spots that were in past tense rather than the present tense that the story starts out in. If you would like examples of this, just let me know.

*Star* Overall *Star*

All in all, I think you did a great job thinking of a story to show the message of the prompt, and I think it has a lot of potential to be a tense, emotional read. A bit of work with editing and formatting will help make this story shine. *Bigsmile*

Thank you for entering and allowing me to read your work. Good luck with the contest!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Thank you for participating!
"Invalid Item
You chose the Grey Poetry Prompt
Your item must include the following words in bold *Down*

Hiya, Cait !

Prompt Relevance

You managed to include the 5 necessary words in a way that felt smooth and natural. Nicely done!

You did not include the line count in your item, though, and as far as I could tell, the syllable count was not consistent at 11 syllables per line as required in the rules of the contest.

My Thoughts

This was a cute little piece. I enjoyed the images you created for me by describing who was at the park and what they were doing. I was impressed with how you managed to get the word 'politics' in there without damaging the gentle tone. Well done.

I really liked how you showed different kinds of people from different walks of life. It allowed for me to see the scene at the park in detail, and I enjoyed watching them all do their own thing while still being a part of the whole.

The rhyme scheme you used with the first and third line of each stanza rhyming worked well to grant rhythm for the piece.


For me, the flow was a bit off as I read it out loud, and I think it was because of the large differences in syllable count with the lines. I think if you could get them to be fairly close in count to each other, you could promote a much smoother flow.

*Bullet* And, asocial thinkers seek truth at times inopportune
I don't think you need the comma after 'And'. It seemed to cause me to stumble on the line. Also, I think a period at the end is needed in order to maintain consistency with the other stanzas.

*Star* Overall *Star*

All in all, this was a delightful look at the people at the park. I think a bit of work on word flow would enhance it well and grant a smoother read. Keep up the good work! *Bigsmile*

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Minute Acrostic  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hiya, iluvhorses !

This review is being made on behalf of Showering Acts of Joy. We hope you are enjoying your shower!

I am more than happy to offer my reactions and suggestions for your work. Please keep in mind these are my opinions, so feel free to disagree.

My Personal Impression

What a sweet little acrostic! I mean that in the best way possible. Just the visual representation of it is 'little' and then you implement short, declarative lines that merge well into one thought to produce a great flow. Great work! It all works together to create an awesome effect.

Tone & Mood

The tone was soft and nostalgic. I could sense a desire to revisit the past through memories, and a sense of thankfulness for all the experiences that go together to create our lives. I'm really impressed at how well you set the mood with so few words.

Emotional Impact

There is an awesome theme through this piece. I love how you refer to past memories as 'miniature moments'. It was a thought provoking way to look at it for me. It made me really think about how the little moments in time, the ones that so many overlook, are the very ones that go together to take us down the road of life, whether we realize it or not.

Rhyme, Form, and Flow

I didn't notice a rhyming sequence in this, but it sure didn't need it in order to be smooth and vivid. I just love acrostics that flow as one whole thought rather than a series of disconnected statements. The use of alliteration worked really well to enhance the rhythm as I read out loud, as well as to draw attention to the meaning of those words. Very well done. My favorite spot was:

T imeless tableau of
E motional endearments

I like this part the best because it shows the reader just how the narrator feels about the memories, the 'miniature moments', and it leaves the reader feeling content. Good work!


I have no suggestions for this piece. *Thumbsup*

*Star*In Conclusion*Star*

An awesome acrostic using the word minute with a great message. I look forward to reading your work again soon. *Smile*

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hiya, Carol St.Ann !

This review is being made on behalf of Showering Acts of Joy. We hope you are enjoying your shower! *Bigsmile*

My Personal Impression

What a beautiful piece! The image at the top didn't come up for me (my computer has been fighting with me all day *Wink*), but I really don't think I need to see it in order to see this gorgeous, angelic fairy. From the wording in this, I got the impression that she is both a fairy and an angel, and I think that's just an awesome combination. What could be more magical? Nice work.


The tone you used in this was light, fun, and expressive. I found myself uplifted as I was reading, feeling so full of wonderment and love as the narrator experienced this wonderful being.

The rhythm was flawless, and I have to tell you, this piece sounded so wonderful when I read it out loud. I don't know the name of the form you used, but the rhyme sequence was both intriguing and fluid. I loved how the first two lines rhymed, followed by the third and sixth, and then the fourth and fifth. I found it gave a sense of unity to each stanza, allowing each one to feel complete in their own way while still contributing to the whole.

The use of punctuation in this heightened the flow by allowing me to see the pauses as I read. I didn't stumble once. The words flowed effortlessly.

One thing I really liked was the use of archaic type language. I think it added a real sense of romanticism to the piece by setting it in a time where anything seemed possible. *Wink*

My Favorite Part

I'd love to just say the whole thing, but I did find one area I just loved.

Your Ladyship,
I've lost my grip.
A mirage is what you are.
You can't be real!
And, yet, I feel
You've loved me from afar.

This part was my favorite because of the emotion I could feel coming from it. I could sense his wonderment at seeing her, the sense that she couldn't be real even though he could feel that she'd always been there. Wonderful!


I have no suggestions for you, my dear. This is an amazing read. *Thumbsup*

*Star*In Conclusion*Star*

An beautiful, emotional piece of work. One of these days, I am going to have to figure out how you manage to create such flawless poetry. *Wink*

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Party With Alice  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Thank you for participating!
"Invalid Item
You chose the Blue Poetry Prompt
Your item must be inspired by this image *Down*
"Invalid Item

Hiya, Writer_Mike !

Prompt Relevance

You maintained the 11 syllables per line and brought the poem in at 24 lines which is well within the limit of 30 lines. Good work! *Thumbsup*

I do kind of wonder at the title of the piece, though, since the content doesn't seem to reflect a party with Alice, but more the meeting with Alice. After the judging is complete, you may consider changing it to better reflect the poem's content. Just a thought for you to ponder.

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed reading this poem. I love how you used dialogue in poetry format to tell the story of the hare meeting Alice. Your word choices were fresh and fun, and I found the situations presented in a vivid fashion through dialogue. Nicely done. The tone was light-hearted and casual, allowing the reader to read through with ease.

The use of the consistent syllable count worked well to produce an even rhythm, and I loved your rhyming sequence. I think you did a wonderful job of choosing words that felt natural and flowed well with the meaning of the poem. Also, the type of language you used supported the situation and the characters, reminding me of several different forms of the Alice in Wonderland story. Good work.

I was impressed with the use of proper punctuation in this. It increased the flow and allowed for me to read it out loud without effort.


I don't think I have any suggestions other than to work on the title after the judging is finished so that it better reflects the story told. *Smile*

*Star* Overall *Star*

A fun, energetic, well-written entry. I had a great time reading through it. Good luck with the contest! *Bigsmile*

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Beest  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya, debbie !

This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. This is part of the package you won in Sherri's Auction!

My Personal Impression

I loved reading this story. I laughed, I cringed, I read eagerly throughout, and at the end, you delivered a great message without having to say a word. Excellent work.


The narrative tone in this piece was casual and honest, and I think it worked very well to give the reader a sense of what Maggie's personality was like right from the beginning. It suited her character as it developed, becoming her 'voice' quite effortlessly on the reader's part. Well done. I also think you did a great job at phrasing the sentences in a way that seemed natural to be coming from her mind, and it gave great insight to her thoughts because it allowed a look at the 'real her'. Her character was revealed little by little as the piece progressed, the narrative flowing as easily as her thoughts from a first person perspective. I loved how her thoughts flowed naturally, stray thoughts jumping in and seeming completely disjointed only to have them make complete sense only a sentence later. Nice work. It made for an intriguing read. Her actions spoke louder than words a few times, and I loved how you allowed for the subtext in her actions and dialogue to tell the reader the things she couldn't.

The flow of the story was great from beginning to end. I found the scene transitions very smooth, and while there wasn't a whole lot of extra description of her surroundings, the descriptions of the people and her accompanying thoughts worked perfectly to give the reader the full picture. I had no difficulty imagining any of the scenes.

The theme in this story becomes clear at the very end, and I have to say, I loved it. You 'showed' how unwilling Maggie was to change her mind about anything throughout the story, how fast she was to walk away from something if it didn't fit her idea of what it should have been. The fact that she called Michael at the end was great because it showed that she finally found the courage and will to make a change for the better. It doesn't even matter to me if they get together or not because that wasn't the point. The point was for her to learn a lesson about herself, and she did. *Smile*

My Favorite Parts

The characterization in this piece was my favorite part. It has been a long time since I could sense a character as well as I did Maggie. Following are two of my favorite parts because of that fact.

Then Michael Brown turns to me and asks me for my phone number.
I know this may seem like a strange favorite part, but I love it because it gave me a shock of nerves as soon as I read it. It was at the end of a very 'ordinary' part, just when I was wondering what the heck he wanted, and because of the excellent characterization of the main character, I felt her reaction. Great stuff!

I am still rolling down the highway in a crummy old truck, thigh to thigh with Michael Brown, with a box of condoms rattling around on the floorboards near my feet.
Oh my goodness! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Perfectly timed!

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

The following suggestions are all what I call 'fine-tuning' suggestions regarding comma usage, etc. I hope you find them helpful. The main thing I noticed was that you don't use a comma before a coordinating conjunction that is joining two independent clauses. If you are interested, this link   explains it in a way that made the difference for me. *Wink*

Please click here for suggestions in this area

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, a fun, entertaining, and meaningful read. I really enjoyed it, and I am sure you will do well with the contest. *Bigsmile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Love's Touch  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hiya, Carol St.Ann !

This review is being made on behalf of Showering Acts of Joy. We hope you are enjoying your shower!

Also, I wanted to wish you a...

*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

My Personal Impression

This was a wonderful bitter sweet tale of lost love, Carol. The emotions come through so clearly from the word choices, allowing the reader to 'feel' first the contentment of 'sleeping in the arms of the smile that I hold', then the bitter disappointment of the line, 'Enter the kitchen where reality, so cold' as the character realizes that dreams fade leaving them to once again pick up the pieces and move forward. Excellent.

Love is such a hard thing to lose, especially when the circumstances are not something we can do anything about. It makes us feel hopeless and lost, and I think you showed that in this piece as well, but the thing I like the best is that you bring it back around, showing that even though the pain doesn't go away, it is possible to continue on. A strong message!

Poetic Conventions

The first thing I noticed in this piece was the effective use of tone and mood to bring the reader in on an emotional level. By using figurative language, you gave the reader the tools to associate the emotions to everyday things, and I think that was just brilliant. The first line was especially effective in this regard. I could only imagine what being wrapped up in a smile would feel like... I would imagine a sense of completeness and contentment, and that brings the reader on to the feeling the loss of the third and fourth lines.

The line, 'A walk in the morn, donning your coat and your glove' is another place where I could really associate with the concept, of how doing this would make her feel closer to him in some way. It made me think of scent and how strong it can be when associated with memories. Nicely done.

The use of rhyme in this piece was wonderful. I'm not completely sure on the correct terminology for it, but each stanza rhymed within itself, granting each one a sense of unity unto itself, being apart from the rest just enough to create a smooth progression from emotion to emotion.

The meter was beautiful. I noticed that the first two lines were a slightly different syllable count than the rest, but I think that actually increased their effectiveness. When I read this out loud, it flowed without effort off of my tongue, and I found it very appealing to the senses.

*Star*In Conclusion*Star*

An exceptional, emotional poem. I am sure that each and every person who reads it will feel it in their own way, but the point is that they will definitely feel it. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with me. I am very thankful for the time of reflection that this piece has brought me today. *Smile*

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of AT THE TOP  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hiya, Itchy Water~fictionandverse !

This review is being made on behalf of Showering Acts of Joy. We hope you are enjoying your shower!

I am more than happy to offer my reactions and suggestions for your work. Please keep in mind these are my opinions, so feel free to disagree.

My Personal Impression

Ah, a very deep poem. I love pieces like this because depending on what's happening in the life of the reader at the time, it can mean different things to different people, and yet another thing entirely to the author. I think poetry that can be seen in so many different lights is superb because it allows us all to be who we are and see what we need to see. Kind of cryptic, I guess. I hope you know what I mean. *Wink*

Tone & Mood

I found the tone to be soft but determined. It was easy to see that the narrator was trying to make the reader see how reaching the 'top' is not always what it seems it will be, but I also detected a hint of being fed up, like the narrator was shaking his/her head at the stupidity of man for not being able to see it. It worked well to make the reader really think about the content, to take it past just the words and associate it to their own life.

Rhyme, Form, and Flow

I'm no expert, but I didn't detect a specific form as I read through this piece, and I didn't note any rhyming sequence. I don't think it needed such strict conventions in order to be effective, and if anything, I found it more effective because the form matched the tone and mood by showing the human 'non-perfected' element.

I did notice a few things that stood out to me which I think enhanced the flow. First, I noticed the repetition of the statement that man doesn't understand. I really liked how it evolved each time, changing just slightly to flow with the content. I also noticed a fairly consistent syllable count, and I think it allowed for it to be a bit smoother when read out loud. Normally, I suggest punctuation, but with the way the lines are set up in this piece, I didn't struggle at all to see where the needed pauses should be.


Honestly, I really like this piece the way it is. If it was perfectly counted and rhymed, I think it would lose the effect of speaking to the reader on a personal level.

*Star*In Conclusion*Star*

A thought provoking poem with a great message and a smooth flow. Keep up the good work!

Happy Writing!

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Check out these awesome raffles! "Invalid Item & "Invalid Item

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hiya, cside123 !

I am reviewing your story, {item:} as a fellow competitor in the "Invalid Item. I hope you find my comments encouraging and helpful. If you disagree with me, no worries!

My Personal Impression

Did you follow the contest rules?

Does the scene show all 25 elements?

To be honest, I couldn't find very many of the aspects in this piece. My suggestion is to go over the list of 25 necessary elements and work on including them. I noticed that her shirt was wet, but the reader doesn't find out why, the lizard man wearing a mask was missing, as was the line at security, and the lizard men themselves.

Does the scene use all five senses?

I noticed only the senses of touch, sight, and hearing used in this. Consider adding taste and smell.

Does the author use third person limited point of view?

For the most part, the point of view remains consistent. I found some discrepancy in tense, but only a few times as noted below.

Does the word count fit the allowable 1,500 words?

There was no word count on the item, but my word program showed it to be approximately 500 words. That leaves quite a large margin of room for the additional needed elements to be used.

Dialogue & Character Development

The only dialogue in this is internal thoughts and a few statements from Ruby as she struggles against the cold. Both types of dialogue work well to show Ruby's emotion and state of mind as she wonders what will happen to her. Nicely done.

Setting & Staging

The setting is in a cold, dark chamber of some sort. I found the area described well to give the reader a sense of her hopeless predicament, and the scene flowed well. I am not sure that it will fit into the necessary requirements for the contest, however, since there is only one scene in the room where she is locked up.

Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, etc.

*Bullet* She laughs, "Why do I always laugh when I'm nervous?"
Since the laughing isn't technically a dialogue tag, consider using a period instead of a comma directly after it.

*Bullet*why there might be cameras lookin at her right now!"
The quote marks at the end of this are not necessary. Also, you could consider using internal dialogue in this area with the use of first person and italics to increase the effect on the reader. See what you think.

*Bullet*"Maybe those reptile men don't feel the cold" she thought.
Just missing the end punctuation before the quotations. Also, the words 'she thought' are past tense, and since this is written in present tense, they cause tense confusion.

*Bullet*She had to keep moving, Ruby remembered her brother telling her that...
Consider a period in place of the comma to show that these are two separate independent sentences.

*Bullet*Hey, they did it in jail cells and on the bathroom stall walls,
I think you could say 'stalls' rather than 'stall walls'.

*Bullet*There were no windows, no lights that she could see, in the room and yet,
I think the comma before 'no lights' could be removed to smooth the flow.

*Bullet*Were the walls themselves emitting light? or was it the frost?
The punctuation here is just a bit off. Consider: Were the walls themselves emitting light, or was it the frost?

*Bullet*"Interesting, they're giving me a choice," she smiled, "I can have light, or I can be warm."
First off, the 'she smiled' is an action, so it should be a separate sentence by changing the comma after 'choice' to a period, capitalizing the 'She' and using a period after 'smiled'. I am confused, though, over where the choice came from? Why did she think they were giving her a choice?

*Bullet*At lease she had air,
The word 'lease' should be 'least'.

*Bullet*"All I wanted was a job! A blinking job! Somewhere to go during the day, to help her meet new people and get over that cheating boyfriend, to give her a paycheck, and mostly to let her feel useful again."
The point of view changes within this thought from first person to third.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, I think you did a good job on showing Ruby's character, but I think some time needs to be spent on the main bulk of the story elements being used. If you decide to edit this before the due date, let me know, and I would be glad to come back for another read and review. *Smile*

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Ruby Shows  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hiya, SeverinR !

I am reviewing your story, "Ruby Shows as a fellow competitor in the "Invalid Item. I hope you find my comments encouraging and helpful. If you disagree with me, no worries!

My Personal Impression

I think you've done a good job of creating an original scene with the list of necessary events that we were given for this contest. I especially loved the ending. The use of the 's' sound on the words really added another level of mystery and suspense, and it was a great way to show that the lizard-man wasn't actually a figment of her imagination. Nicely done.

Rules & Regulations

I have used the Judging and Reviewing Criteria to comment on this area. I figured that we have to make sure we have followed all the rules! *Wink*

Does the scene show all 25 elements?

I believe it does. The only thing I wonder about is that there is a mention of an elder lady that isn't in the contest scenario. I'm not sure if they will consider as though that is adding a character or not. One other character I noticed was the receptionist she spoke to. As far as I can see, she was not included as one of the available characters. Think about it and see what you think.

Does the scene use all five senses?

I noticed sight, hearing, and touch, but I didn't notice anything for taste or smell.

Is the word count within the limit of 1,500 words?

Your item states that it is 1500 words, but my program said 1,386. If mine is right, you still have some words you can play around with if you want to. *Wink*

Did the author use third person limited point of view?

Yes, you did a nice job of keeping the perspective in that of Ruby without any interference from other characters or author intrusion. *Thumbsup*

Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

As I read through, I noticed some areas you may want to look at.

*Bullet*Ruby puts down the want ads glancing at the clock in the street sign, she curses under her breath.
The first sentence of a story is very important in pulling the reader in. That said, I think this sentence could be tweaked a little bit to increase the flow. Consider breaking it up into two sentences. For example: Ruby puts down the want ads and glances at the clock on the street sign. She curses under her breath.

*Bullet* “Can’t trust the buses.” She grumbles to the disinterested cabbie.
When a dialogue tag is used following speech, a comma is needed rather than a period. For example: "Can't trust the buses," she grumbles to the... There are several areas in this where the comma is needed rather than a period in this situation.

*Bullet*“Where to?” He asks impatiently tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
Two quick suggestions here. Consider using lower case for 'he asks' since it's a dialogue tag. Also, a comma after 'asks' will show that he is impatiently tapping his fingers, rather than impatiently asking.

*Bullet* “I need to go to the Homeland security building on main”
Just missing the end punctuation on this sentence.

*Bullet* “Looking down at her shirt, with coffee stains on it. She curses softly thinking of the careless jerk that bumped into her earlier at the diner where she had lunch.
The opening quote mark here isn't needed. Also, consider placing the second sentence in with the first for a smoother flow. For example: Looking down at her shirt with coffee stains on it, she curses softly, thinking of the careless jerk...

*Bullet*Consider placing internal thoughts in italics by placing {i} before the thoughts and {/i} after the thoughts to show that they are not regular narrative.

*Bullet*The blast of a horn from behind prompts the cabbie uses the traditional sign of caring in big city traffic.
Read this sentence out loud and see if you can smooth it out a bit. As it is, I don't quite understand what you are saying. I think he's fingering the one who blew the horn, but I'm not sure.

*Bullet*Handing the money to the cabbie through the window, she looks up; her eyes wide and her mouth open slightly.
The semicolon here isn't quite proper. A semicolon should only be used to separate two clauses that can stand alone. I don't think 'her eyes wide and her mouth open slightly' can stand alone. Consider a comma instead.

*Bullet*Behind the metal counter sits a balding plump gentleman...
Because 'plump' and 'balding' are both adjectives to describe the man, consider a comma between them.

*Bullet*Grabbing her purse and as it emerges from the bowels of the machine. She rushes after the suits that pushed past her as they wait at the elevator.
Consider a comma instead of a period to fuse the two sentences for a smoother flow.

*Bullet*Not human, more lizard like. She decides stepping aside as the elevator opens.
The sentence structure here is a bit off. Consider: Not human, more lizard like, she decides, stepping aside as the elevator opens.

*Bullet*“Maam, you can go on in.
I think 'Maam' should be 'Ma'am'.

*Bullet* She turns towards the door, her purse drops to the floor as she lunges for the door handle, grabbing the knob it doesn’t turn.
Consider placing 'It doesn't turn' in its own sentence to increase the dramatic effect.

Suggestions to improve 'show'

*Bullet*She is lost in thought while the cabbie drives until the cab screeches to a halt in front of a building.
For me, this is a lot like saying she was here and then she was there. Consider rewording to create a smoother flow, and maybe including some of her thoughts as they drive. Perhaps something like: Lost in thought along the drive, she yelps as the cabbie screeches to a halt.

*Bullet*The seemingly endless glass wall towers above her.
This is a great spot to allow the reader to see the tower, however, the use of 'seemingly' casts the shadow of 'tell' because it is a 'maybe' kind of word. Consider removing the word for a clearer image.

*Bullet*Slowly the restless sheep are herded through the machine, as their purses and bags disappear into the dark void of the machine.
Ooooh! Another great spot of showing. In order to increase the effectiveness, consider a comma after 'slowly'. Also, the use of 'machine' twice is repetitive, so maybe cancel one or the other out. For a quick example: The restless sheep are herded through the metal detector as their purses and bags disappear into its dark depths.

*Bullet*Shifting her position, as a gray haired woman in a bright dress leans over to talk to the guard.
Consider rephrasing this a bit so it is clear who shifts. For example: Shifting her position, she watches as a...

*Bullet*“What was that?” She yells at the security guard, realizing she just asked a question, “Never mind.”
The 'she yells' should be in lower case. Also, I think 'realizing' should be the beginning of a new sentence. One last thing, consider adding, 'she adds,' before "Never min."

*Bullet*None of them seem to notice her, or her question.
I wonder how she knows that they don't seem to notice her or her question. This is a great spot to 'show' the reader their disinterest. Do they fail to acknowledge her, or maybe one turns and rolls his eyes, then turns away as though he doesn't care.

*Bullet*as she sees a snout or some kind of reptile’s nose behind the mask.
Showing needs to be decisive, so the use of 'some kind of reptile's nose' creates the act of 'telling'. Consider adding a description of color or shape.

Dialogue & Characterization

The dialogue in this flowed well and seemed natural for the characters speaking. Ruby's internal dialogue worked well to allow the reader a look at her personality, and it enhanced her reactions such as worry, irritation, and fear. Nicely done. I do suggest you use italics for her internal thoughts in order to reduce the chance of the reader becoming confused that it is narration, but that is minor. *Smile*

As far as physical characterization, I didn't feel as though I could see Ruby very well. There was information regarding her clothes, but I wonder about her appearance? Did she oversleep and appear rough around the edges in terms of make-up and hair, etc. or did she manage to get herself looking 100%?(minus the coffee spill, of course!)

Setting & Staging

I was impressed in this area. I could easily follow along as the story progressed, and the areas she went through were described just enough to show me them without taking over the narrative. You may consider using a bit more 'scenery' of the interior of the building while she is waiting, but again, that is just a minor thought for you to ponder.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

A good story, for sure. A little work on editing for punctuation and grammar, as well as a bit of sentence structure would definitely increase the smooth flow of the read. If you decide to edit before the deadline of September 19th, feel free to let me know, and I will swing back around to re-rate the piece accordingly. *Bigsmile*

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Devotion  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Unofficial Erotica Newsletter ...  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I am more than happy to read and review your writing. Please keep in mind that my suggestions are my own opinion, and if you don't agree, no worries!

My Thoughts

What a gorgeous, loving scene. Wow. You did such a good job at filling this piece with warm emotions and sensual wording. I know it's different for you to write like this, but darn are you ever good at it!

The scene moved from beginning to end in a very smooth manner. The pacing was just right to show the couple's feelings for one another both before and during their encounter. The wording supported the content and increased the effect of their coupling by involving soft emotions, granting the reader a sense of true love. So sweet!

The dialogue worked well to move the scene along, as well as show the personalities of both characters. They were young, but much more sophisticated in their love making than most young people, especially Shane. He was the kind of guy most young women long for. *Wink*

Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*Freeing his hand he jumped easily onto the deck...
Consider a comma after 'hand' to show the introductory phrase.

*Bullet*A large vase of emerald and white carnations graced the recessed headboard and petals were strewn over the round beds down coverlet.
Consider a comma before 'and petals' because the conjunction is combining two independent clauses. Also, I think 'beds' should be 'bed's' because it is possessive of the down coverlet.

*Bullet*She has made him wait long enough.
I think 'has' should be 'had' to maintain tense.

In Conclusion

Very nice work with this story. You delved into an area that you rarely make the focal point of your erotica, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Good luck with the contest this week!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This review is being made on behalf of Showering Acts of Joy. We hope you are enjoying your shower!

I am more than happy to offer my reactions and suggestions for your work. Please keep in mind these are my opinions, so feel free to disagree.

My Personal Impression

I am not in the least surprised that you took first place with this piece. It's a fantastic read from beginning to end. In fact, if you didn't get it awarded, I had already planned to make sure it got a beautiful ribbon. I have read it through several times, but each time, ended up with not enough time to review it. I am thrilled to finally get the time to do so today. I just can't get over how wonderful it is. Excellent work, my dear! Now, I get to tell you why I loved it so much! *Wink*

Poetic Conventions

This piece is just ripe with poetic conventions such as assonance, alliteration, and figurative language, and I just love how all of these things go together to create a balance of sound, visual stimulation, and emotional impact. This piece focuses on a transformation, and while I have often seen author's express the downside of being a werewolf, you have taken it in the opposite direction, showing how much better the animal form is. Wonderful!

The rhyming scheme in this was spot on. Your word choices flowed beautifully for both content, reaction, and auditory perception. Another thing I noted was that you managed to create a completely perfect meter of 8 syllables per line. How did you manage to fit all of that in to this? I have no clue, honestly, but I absolutely loved reaping the benefits of it.

Favorite Parts

This is a hard part for me to fill in for this piece because I would love to just copy and paste the entire piece. However, I did manage to pick out a few spots I thought were especially effective.

In full moon's glow, I'm blessed to know
True pleasure at nature's own hand.
It grieves me so to have to go,
For, on two legs, I'm cursed to stand.

I love the internal rhyme you used in this section. The rhyming of 'glow' and 'know', and then on to 'so' and 'go' really made this section pop out and take hold of me as I read.

Oh, woeful morn, I do so scorn
Your seemingly glorious wake.
To some the rose, to me the thorn,
As once more, hid'ous form I take.

Another great showing of internal rhyme in this stanza, but even more than that, what caught me was the third line. What a creative way to show the differences that are felt between the two forms.


*Bullet*When echoed call of lonely howl
Replaces the longcase's chime
Enchanted hooting of the owl,
Cues emancipated time.
Since you used proper punctuation through this, I thought I would mention this. The first two lines are an adverbial introductory phrase, so I think a comma after 'chime' would be appropriate.

*Star*In Conclusion*Star*

An excellent read, for sure. Not only did I love the content of this piece, but the way you brought it to life with creative wording, immaculate rhythm and rhyme, as well as several poetic conventions created a piece that pleased each of the five senses and took me to a whole knew world. Thank you! *Bigsmile*
Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Companionship  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hiya, Untucoi !

This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Personal Impression

This was a fun read, and I enjoyed it very much. The characters came through well, and I found that I liked them both right away. To be honest, humorous fantasy is one of my favorite things to settle down with at the end of a long day, and you did a great job with it. Humor is a hard thing to incorporate while still developing a believable fantasy world around the characters, and I think you have managed to do just that.


I enjoyed the banter between Thanor and Raneor. It allowed for a light-hearted, casual tone to show the characters in a personal light. Nicely done. Also, the introductory paragraph was interesting, and the mention of Raneor's power made me want to know more about it. The dialogue also served its purpose well by revealing the personalities of both characters and making them likable to the reader. I also liked that you used actions around the dialogue instead of just using all dialogue tags. It helps the visual and creates the scene in the reader's mind.

Excellent use of figurative language in this to 'show' the reader. Likening Thanor's color to that of a bejeweled trinket was my favorite one, I think. Very clever. *Smile*

The scene progressed well from beginning to end. The pacing was right on, allowing for the reader to enjoy the dialogue between the characters even as they were attacked by the monster.

I liked how you ended this with a note of humor. It brought the piece to a close well and left a smile on my face. Nice work.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.
Please click on 'View Suggestions' below to see the content of this area.
View Suggestions

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, a very enjoyable read. A bit of work on punctuation and sentence structure here and there, and it will be a first class fantasy short. *Smile* I do have to tell you though, that these characters definitely have enough spunk to create a much longer work with them at the helm. *Wink*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hiya, Itchy Water~fictionandverse !

This review is being made on behalf of Showering Acts of Joy. We hope you are enjoying your shower!

My Personal Impression

Now this is a thought provoking poem. In three lines, you have created something that can be interpreted in many different ways, and I must admit, I love that. For some, it could be from the perspective of the 'one on the side' in a relationship, or it could be someone in his life who is close enough to see how he treats his family such as a co-worker. For me, it was definitely from the perspective of a woman who had been with a married man when I first read it. Part of me thought, "Why would you care?" since they were cheating anyway which is disgraceful all in itself, but then I realized that it could have been from the perspective of just about anyone, and what was important was the message it sent. Like I said, thought provoking! *Wink*


The form you used, the Senryu, isn't as easy as it sounds. While it is only three lines long, the words must be chosen so carefully to make sure the theme of an emotion or human nature comes through clearly for the reader. To be honest, I find the shorter the poem, the harder it is to express emotion. Well done! Also, the required meter of 5/7/5 was perfectly executed.

The tone in this was set well with the choice of words. I found a sense of disappointment came through very clearly, granting a darker mood. The fact that there was no rhyming sequence fit well with the form, and it certainly didn't need it in order to maintain a smooth rhythm from the first line to the last.


The only suggestion I have is very small. I think adding proper punctuation in this would enhance the flow just a bit by showing the reader how the sentence should be spoken. If it was me, I would add a comma after 'kids' to show the introductory phrase, and a period at the end. Just something for you to consider. *Wink*

*Star*In Conclusion*Star*

All in all, a wonderful Senryu! You took the subject of disgrace and showed it in a very palpable fashion, allowing for the reader to think about it and draw their own conclusions. Excellent work! I look forward to reading more from your portfolio. *Smile*

Thank you for allowing me to read and review your work. If you don't agree with me, no worries!

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Wishes  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya, fyn !

*Fire* Here's one of the reviews from "Invalid Item! Enjoy! *Fire*

My Personal Reaction

What an awesome children's story! I enjoyed reading this. The message in this came through crystal clear, and what an important message it is. My daughter is 10, and how 'beautiful' she is comes up often. She always wishes to be prettier. This story did a great job at showing how beauty isn't all about what you look like, but also how you act and react. Nicely done!


The tone in this piece was gentle and reassuring. It worked well to grant the reader a sense of genuine help as the Elven king talked to her about her looks and how being beautiful on the inside was what mattered the most.

Cari's emotions came across well, and I think many children will be able to relate to how she felt. The dialogue between the two of them flowed naturally, and it worked well to develop the story line, as well as to establish their individual voices. While it may seem like a small thing, it helps for the reader to 'see' them on a more personal level, and that can only be a good thing! *Wink*

The story flowed well from beginning to end. I think the pacing was smooth, and the ending left me with a very good feeling about how Cari's life would improve for her.

General Suggestions

*Right*Consider adding a bit more active voice to this. Considering that it is for children, there needs to be a certain level of telling to it for easier understanding, but I think there were a few spots where the active voice would increase the effect of the story. For a really quick example:

*Bullet*Her eyes were sparkling and she was smiling.
Some small changes to this such as 'Her eyes sparkled' could give the child a bit of help to picture it.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

A couple of very minor things:

*Bullet*"The kids would like me if I were beautiful and they'd all be jealous of my wings.
Just missing the end quotation mark on this sentence.

*Bullet*"No, I most certainly am not! Fairy...bah! The tiny king snorted, then continued.
Just missing the end quotation mark after 'bah!'

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, this was a very good children's story with a wonderful message. Just the kind of stories I love for my daughter to read. *Smile* I look forward to reading more of your work!

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Dropoff  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya, Paradoxical !

*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

My Personal Impression

I love these kind of moments in time, and you have done an exceptional job of granting the reader a very intimate look at this one. A very enjoyable read, for sure.


I loved the tone you used in this. I found it gentle and lulling while allowing for the mood to increase in anticipation. Nice work!

Your use of wording and imagery in this was wonderful. Considering that this is a fairly short piece, I didn't expect to lose myself in the rhythm of the words and sensations. You have managed to create emotion strong enough for the reader to feel and recognize as they read, as well as the route for them to 'feel' it as the characters do. Excellent!

The flow in this piece was smooth in an effortless kind of way. As I read through, I found the cadence almost poetic, rising and falling as the sensations did. Nice work!

The progression from beginning to end was quite smooth. There was only one part where I stopped reading to figure it out, and I have noted it below, but it may be that I was just being kind of slow. *Blush*

Things to Consider

I have a question. I found myself confused within the first two paragraphs, and I am going to try to show you why. It may be the way I am reading it is off, so that's why I'm asking. *Wink*

Lines of deep footprints lead up the steep incline behind, tracing their weary path. The part 'lead up the steep incline behind' tells me that they are at the bottom of the mountain, seeing the rising of the mountain behind them. Then the following section, But up there, they are free. Only pure, clear air lies ahead, stretching for miles. tells me that they are at the top. I think you used this as a transition, but on the first couple of reads, I just found it confusing. I wonder, if I'm right about this, if you might want to make the differences a little bit more clear. Just a thought, for sure, and like I said, I could be way off base. *Wink*

My Favorite Parts

Beyond a doubt, the imagery in this created a very compelling tone, and I wanted to highlight a few of my favorite spots. *Smile*

Beyond that people pack and bustle, herded like cattle between low metal fences, pushing just to hold position.
I loved the figurative language here. It granted me a view of the spectators instantly.

Weight shifts, and motion is established, flowing onwards in gracious arcs. Spray catches the eyes and cools the skin, drawing exhilerated gasps.
I could almost feel the spray on my skin. Very nice choice of wording here.

The slope begins to ease, and body with it, strain leaking from every muscle.
Again, I could feel the release in this sentence as the anticipation and exhilaration eased.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet* Below them the ground dips steeply away,...
The words 'dips steeply' tend to tell rather than show because 'dip' is a gentle word, but when combined with 'steeply' it tells the reader that it is a large dip. Consider a more active word to increase the image, perhaps something like 'plunges'.

*Bullet*A fringe of trees marks the foot, with the road just beyond.
I believe the comma here is unnecessary because 'with' is acting as a subordinating conjunction.

*Bullet*Feet release, and step deeper than before.
Consider removing this comma. I think the sentence would flow a little cleaner without it.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, a compelling, vivid, and exhilarating read. I look forward to reading more of your work!

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!

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Looking for reviews? Request a review here! "Review Me List for WDC Power -ON HIATUS [E] or for items over 10 kb, try "Invalid Item.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya, Marcia~I'm Home :) !

This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Personal Impression

Wow. You know how to give a girl chills, don't you? Not the scary kind, either. As I read this, I felt chills from the pure emotion and understanding that reflected from each and every word. This was an amazing story of love and patience, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.


First, I loved that you used your own voice in this piece. I could almost 'hear' you as I read this, and it felt so much like sitting down over a cup of coffee and talking among friends. A very inviting atmosphere for the reader to lose themselves in. Nicely done.

The theme in this piece came through loud and clear. We go through many hardships in life, whether they are financial, physical, or emotional, and you have shown here how these situations can be dealt with through love, understanding, and patience. Your son made the right choice because you were a strong mother and gave him the space and encouragement he needed to make his decision, and of course, the proper upbringing to begin with! This piece shows well how life can give you exactly what you need, even when you think something has gone awfully wrong. *Smile*

My Favorite Parts

Brandon has taught his daddy something I couldn't. I tried, but it took Brandon coming into his life for my son to learn the real meaning of unconditional love.

This was the pivotal moment for the theme in this story. Tears welled in my eyes as I read this. Children are so powerful, and they don't even know it!

General Suggestions

My only main suggestion here is to change the item type. This is listed as a "Short Story" but is really a piece of non-fiction. I think if you labelled it non-fiction, you would find a whole new range of reviewers and reviews. Many members here love non-fiction stories and essays, and these reviewers would not be as likely to read this labelled as a short story. Does that make sense?

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

I noticed a few small things for you to consider. *Smile*

*Bullet* I should have known just from the day he was born,...
The word 'just' made me stumble here a bit. It is a passive word, and I don't think you need it to get the point across. Honestly, it is a much stronger sentence without it.

*Bullet*I got on my hands and knees and asked, “Heavenly Father, how I should handle this since I have been mom and dad to Andrew since he was born.”
Since you use quotation marks here, consider printing this as the question it would have been when you asked it. For example: "Heavenly Father, how should I handle this since I have been mom and dad to Andrew since he was born?"

*Bullet*Consider a small line break after the first section where you explain what the story is going to be about. It makes a separation between your voice and your author's voice. Some asterisks would do the trick. *Wink*

*Bullet*"No, Mom! I’m going near there!"
I think you're missing a 'not' after 'I'm'. It doesn't quite make sense otherwise.

*Bullet*but I’m telling you she won't talk to me." Andrew replied.
When following speech with a dialogue tag that explains 'how' they spoke, the period at the end of the dialogue should be a comma.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, a thought provoking, emotional read. This is definitely something others should read and experience, even if they can't relate to it because it shows so well how love can endure and triumph.

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of I Can't Believe  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya, ~WhoMe???~ !

This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Personal Impression

I'm so glad I got the chance to drop by your portfolio before your shower was finished. I have been working on dialogue only for a little while now, so I was thrilled to find a dialogue only story to read. *Smile* This piece deals with an important issue, or at least, brings the issue to light for the reader to think about. I found it thought provoking to say the least. After I finished reading, I thought about my own son and just how easily something like this could happen anywhere and to anyone.


Dialogue only is a very hard thing to pull off, and you have done a great job of it here. You gave each character a distinctive voice, allowing the reader to sense the difference between the lines of speech from the way they spoke, as well as the personality behind the words. While I don't yet understand how it works, I could sense that Tim was a serious kind of person at heart, the kind of man that thinks things through very well before making a decision, while his wife, Marge, seemed to be a bit more laid back.

Their speech felt realistic and natural for the situation, and their sentences were short enough to be believable. I felt that they would have spoken just the same way in real life. Great work!

My Favorite Parts

"Jail...what on earth are you talking about? Nobody went to jail. It was a stupid prank. You can be so dramatic sometimes."

This set of dialogue from Marge showed both personalities nicely. Her last sentence made me smile. My husband has said that to me with rolled eyes so many times I don't think I could count them if I wanted to! *Wink*

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

The only thing I noticed was that there were no commas before the names when used as direct addresses. Otherwise, I found this piece to be very well written. *Thumbsup*

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, I think you did a fantastic job at a dialogue-only story. Not only did you follow the prompt well, you managed to add a meaningful message to make people think about the world around them. I look forward to visiting your port again soon!

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hiya, ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams !

I am more than happy to stop by with a review for your story "Moon Face (HM Twisted Tales Contest). I hope you find my comments useful. *Smile*

My Personal Impression

This story has wonderful potential. Wow. I just loved the foggy, dream-like atmosphere of the narrative as the reader follows Blondie through the years of her life when Moon Face always seemed to be just where she needed him to be. The theme came through clear and strong, and what a great theme! To make the realization that each and every wrong turn becomes a lesson in the road of life to teach us what we need to know. The supernatural element in this worked well. The way she could see, hear, and feel the other lives that came before her was compelling. Nicely done.

Tone/Mood, Tense & Point of View

The tense and point of view were both consistent throughout the story. The use of the first-person narrative worked nicely to pull the reader into the story on a personal and emotional level, allowing the reader to 'feel' what she felt as the story progressed. It made all of her experiences that much more distinct and believable. Nicely done.

The tone came across as tense and suspenseful right from the beginning. I could feel her sense of being lost in the world, as though no-one could understand her. It allowed a sense of dream-like wonder to paint each experience, both good and bad, bringing the reader that much closer to the action. It also worked well to compel me to keep reading.


The story progressed well from beginning to end. The information was revealed at an even pace, allowing the reader to understand the importance of each situation as the story moved along. I liked that you added her age at each interval, as well. It made it much easier to comprehend the passage of time. As I said above, the theme came through clearly. Nice work.

Characterization, Imagery, & Setting

The characterization of Blondie was accomplished through dialogue, narrative, and internal thoughts, as well as her reactions to the world around her. She loved to explore, even though the discoveries she made often threatened to drown her in sensation, and it seemed that she almost had no fear for the other worldly events that happened to her. From her interaction with others, I could sense her shyness, but not in the sense that she was scared to interact with others, but more as though she had no wish to. It produced a complex and vivid character in my mind. Her physical description came through a piece at a time, her hair color, size, etc. and it created a full picture in my mind without me even realizing it.

The imagery and setting were much less important in this story than the character. In a character driven story, the setting takes a back seat, and to be honest, I found it worked well. I found the descriptions to be just enough to give me a basic image without slowing down the pace of the action.


I found this story quite compelling. The only thing that slowed down the effect of grabbing and holding me without question was the use of passive phrases. I have included some suggestions on this below. I think creating a more active voice by removing passive verbs and replacing them with active ones would really enhance the enchantment of this piece. Don't get me wrong, it's good as it is, but I think you could take it to the next level with a bit of work. *Wink* one other quick suggestion is to reduce the size of some of the paragraphs. There were a few long ones that I think could be made into a few smaller ones to make it a bit easier on the reader.


*Bullet* I believe that higher forces and the good spirits gave me these special moments where I had to make a choice and I followed my heart - most of the times.
I had to read this twice to get the impact of it. I think you could increase the impact by using a bit different punctuation. Try ending the first sentence after 'choice'. Then start a new one with 'I followed my heart...'. I think doing that would give the reader the time to digest the importance of this section. Also, consider making 'time' singular.

*Bullet* I should have done something more, something else and I didn’t but I learned that mistakes are stepping stones to an evolving life.
Consider a comma before 'but' to show that this is a compound sentence. By that, I mean that the conjunction combines two independent clauses into one sentence.

*Bullet*Was it about holding books in your hands all the time that make others dislike you?
Consider making this first-person by using 'me'. For example, 'Was it holding books in my hands all the time that made others dislike me?'

*Bullet*a transparent crystal clear blue and I felt nausea.
Consdier, 'I felt nauseous'.

*Bullet*There was the spirit of a little girls who died in one of the houses.
Consider eliminating the 's' on 'girls'. I believe it should be singular.

*Bullet*One thing I noticed as I read this was that you use quite a bit of passive phrasing. Since the atmosphere is tense, I think you could really emphasize that and entrance the reader through more active wording. I have a few examples to show you what I mean. The main thing is to have the character drive the action, rather than the other way around. Using words such as 'was', 'were', etc. tends to 'tell' the reader, while eliminating them can help to 'show' the reader. For example,

It was so hot I couldn’t breathe when I came out of the air-conditioned car.
My suggestion: The heat scorched my lungs as I stepped out of the air-conditioned car. I couldn't breathe.

I was surrounded by children my age but they were skeletal looking, impatient and pale.
My suggestion: Skeletal children, impatient and pale, surrounded me.

I was suffocating. I was having a panic attack. I was lost in this mystifying archaeological place. I was forever lost in this ageless wisdom.
My suggestion: Air caught in my throat, denying me its life giving essence. My heart beat erratically as a panic attack gripped me. Lost, forever in the ageless wisdom of this mystifying archaeological place.

I hope you see what I mean. It allows the reader to more thoroughly experience it by 'seeing' it and 'experiencing' it rather than being told it happened.

*Bullet* While I walked down he dark little streets...
The word 'he' should be 'the'.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, a very good read. I found it compelling, emotional, and intriguing. The thought provoking theme came through very well, and as a reader, it made me really think about how everything that happens in our life makes us into what we are, and how we have the power to control our decisions if we just take the time. If you decide to revise or edit, feel free to let me know. I would love to come back and re-rate accordingly.

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Silent Witness  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hiya, Shelly !

This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Personal Impression

Wow, what a heavy story! I enjoyed reading this piece. The emotional impact was huge, and in more ways than one. Well done.


The tone in this piece was solemn right from the beginning. I found myself wondering where it would go right away because the effective use of tone left me feeling loss and sadness before it hit full force. I loved how the tone deepened as the piece progressed, pulling the reader further into the emotion with each new development. Very well done.

The relationship between the two girls was non-existent, but there was just enough of a connection for the reader to understand why the main character felt so badly about how Terry was treated. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be at that age to decide what the right thing to do would be. On one hand, she knew what she should do, but she walked such a thin line of acceptance in the social system of her school that to stand up for Terry would have definitely brought her all the way down. At her age, I found it very realistic that she was too scared to take that leap.

The progression of the story was smooth from beginning to end. I was a touch confused in the beginning before I realized it was written in first-person, but I think that was my fault. I found the tense and point of view consistent throughout, and I think it was quite effective to allow the reader to see the world through the main character's eyes. It allowed the reader to see the impact of what happened to Terry a bit more than a third-person would have.

The ending was very well done. The emotion that came through Dana's outburst was compelling and vivid.

My Favorite Part

Her long unkempt hair served as a compassionate veil against the relentless teasing from the popular girls.

I really liked this description because it combined visual details for the reader as well as necessary information for the plot line without the reader really noticing it. Nicely done.

General Suggestions

*Bullet*Terry stuttered. “I… I’m sorry Mrs. Timbrook. It won’t happen again, I… I promise.”
Consider removing the tag here. Since the ellipses in the dialog shows that she is stuttering, the use of 'Terry stuttered' only adds telling to something that is already shown.

*Bullet* It was common practice for the class to hold their noses when she sat down and today had no exceptions.
Consider replacing the word 'had' with 'held' to give this a more active feel to it.

*Bullet*When two independent clauses are joined into one sentence with a coordinating conjunction such as 'and, but, for, so, yet, nor, or', a comma should precede the conjunction. Here is an example:

I began to sweat and I felt my face become flush.
Since both parts of this sentence could stand alone on their own, they are independent clauses. When combined with the conjunction 'and' they become a compound sentence. In such cases, a comma before 'and' would be appropriate.

*Bullet* Consider going through this to check for passive voice. I found a lot of uses of 'was', 'were', 'had', etc. These words tend to make a piece feel like it is being 'told' to the reader, rather than the reader experiencing it for themselves. I know some of it is necessary due to the fact that this was written in past tense, but many of the sentences could be rephrased to use more active verbs instead. Here is a great link that can describe it a whole lot better than I can. *Wink*


Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*Sitting at her desk, in the classroom, she kept her face down.
I think taking out the first comma would grant this sentence a smoother flow. The section 'in the classroom' is an essential part of the sentence, so I think the first one could be taken out and remain grammatically correct.

*Bullet*Her long unkempt hair served...
Consider placing a comma after 'long' since 'long' and 'unkempt' are coordinate adjective.

*Bullet*I tried as she did; to think of what I would write.
I have two suggestions here. First, consider starting a new paragraph with this sentence. Next, the use of the semicolon here isn't correct because the second part isn't an independent clause.

*Bullet*I wondered… why does she put herself through this…why won’t she just get here on time.
Consider using a question mark at the end of this sentence.

*Bullet*“You're late again Terry. This is starting to happen more times than not.”
When a name is used as a direct address, a comma should precede the name. There are a few spots like this.

*Bullet*...for being able to get thru this moment that has been given to her.
I believe 'has' should be 'had' because this is in past tense, and I wonder if 'through' would be more appropriate than 'thru'.

*Bullet*It’s antiquated grandeur and fortitude would be...
The word 'It's' should be 'Its'.

*Bullet*Once it’s spiraling path is ascended,...
Same thing here. The word 'it's' should be 'its'.

*Bullet*Then, an out-spoken mean girl giggled and said. "Great we will be reading about...
The period after 'said' should be a comma since it is a dialog tag. Also, consider a comma after 'Great' to show that it is being used as an expression.

*Bullet*Dana was one the branded undesirables...
I think adding 'of' before 'the branded' would be appropriate here.

*Bullet*I walked that tight rope, for many years to follow. She was never given the chance, at least not in her short-lived years on this earth.
Consider removing 'at least not in her short-lived years on this earth' because it gives away the ending. Without that section, it would hint, but not tell. See what you think. I think the ending impact would be heightened just that much more without it.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, this was a good read. The characters, plot line, and emotional connection for the reader were all very well done. I think a bit of editing and work on adding active verbs would help polish this up nicely. *Smile* If you decide to edit, please feel free to let me know. I would be more than happy to come back to re-rate it accordingly.

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Red Letter  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hiya, Jake Heraty !

*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

My Personal Impression

This was an interesting first half of this story. After reading this far, I have to admit that I am curious to know what it said. *Wink*


You used an intense tone to create suspense around the boy as he made his trip to the principals office. It came across clearly that he was the type of child to get into trouble often, so it intrigued me that everyone was so confused about the reason for him to be called there for a letter. The fact that he didn't open the letter before he got home showed that while he might have gotten in trouble at school on a regular basis, he was a pretty good kid. My twelve-year-old is a good kid, but I think even he would have opened it before he got it home to me! *Laugh*

The progression of the story was quite smooth, but since there is no ending, I can only comment on the build up. You ending was a great hook to make the reader want to know more. It left off at the height of the tension because the reader knows that his mom now knows what it's about, but both the boy and the reader are left clueless. I think it was even worse because she didn't show anything through the tone of her voice or facial expression.

General Suggestions

I would have liked to see a bit more as the story moved along. The sense of anticipation and suspense comes through well, but I found the descriptions a bit lacking in detail. Placing in a bit of detail about what the office looked like while he was waiting would help to show the progression of time without having to do the 'and then this happened, and then that happened' kind of thing. Here is a link that helped me to understand the concept of 'showing vs. telling'. Give it a read and see what you think. *Wink*


Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*“Zach, your attendance is need at the office.” Said Mr. Houston straight faced.
I think 'need' was meant to be 'needed'. Also, when a dialog tag such as 's/he said' follows dialog, it would be appropriate to use a comma and have the word 'said' in lower case. For example: "Zach, your attendance is needed at the office," said Mr. Houston...

*Bullet*Mr. Houston looked down at his pencil before the response.
Consider 'before responding' to give it a more natural flow.

*Bullet*He was thinking of an answer even my twelve year old mind could wrap that around.
I stumbled on this sentence a bit. Consider rewording for a smoother flow. Consider this: Even at twelve years old I could tell he was trying to think up an answer.

*Bullet*He was now staring at me smiling at me apologetically,
“I do not know Mr. Williams.”
This sentence is a bit passive due to the use of was. Consider flipping it around with an active verb to give the reader the ability to 'see' it. For example: He stared at me, smiling apologetically. "I do not know, Mr. Williams." I also added a comma before 'Mr. Williams' because any time a direct address is used, the name should be preceded by a comma.

*Bullet*I unfortunately hit the office quicker than I needed.
I wonder if 'intended' would suit this sentence better than 'needed'. See what you think.

*Bullet*He looked up at me and gave a fake smile,
“ How can I help you, son?”
When an action precedes or follows dialog, a period should separate them rather than a comma.

*Bullet*I believe the use of the word 'principle' is a little off here. I think the spelling you are looking for is 'principal' when indicating the principal of a school.

*Bullet*In Mr. Shaltin’s hand was a white envelope with in bold lettering:
The flow of this sentence is a bit off. Consider: In Mr. Shaltin's hand was a white envelope, and on the front in bold lettering, it read:

*Bullet*Mr. Shaltin put the letter on his desk and slid it across the desk to me.
Using the word 'desk' twice in this sentence is a bit repetitive. I don't think it's necessary to say he slid it across the desk since the reader will already know it was across the desk from the previous use of the word. Consider: Mr. Shaltin put the letter on his desk and slid it toward me.

*Bullet*The bell rang I ran out first through the gates...
Consider adding an 'and' before 'I ran out first'.

*Bullet* I was about to open it but my better judgment I stopped.
Consider 'but my better judgement stopped me'.

*Bullet*“Do you what it’s about exactly?”
I think there is a missing word here. Consider adding 'know' after 'you'.

*Bullet*She took it in her hands and took the scissors that she was using for clipping coupons and flipped the letter over. She then took the scissors and slid them open and sliced the back of the envelope open.
This seems like a lot of words to do a simple task. Consider trimming it down a little for a smoother flow. For example:

She picked it up and used the scissors to slice the back of the envelope open.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

This was a good start to a mysterious story. I am on my way to read the second part now so that I can put this one mystery to rest for the night. *Smile* I think a bit of editing and additional descriptive details would really make this piece shine. I look forward to reading more of your work. Happy WdC Anniversary! *Bigsmile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Red Phone  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hiya, LuisPadilla !

I have stopped by your port today because I saw your review request posted in "Newbie Help & Support Writer's Hideaway. I hope you find my comments helpful and encouraging. *Bigsmile*

My Personal Impression

I enjoyed reading this. I found it a whole new take on 'selling your soul'. The gradual increase of suspense worked well to keep me hooked and make me need to know what the end result would be. I also liked how you used the T.V. to show the character his past scene by scene.It enhanced the pacing well.


The tone you used in this was intense and abrupt, letting the author know right from the beginning that a happily-ever-after was not in the cards for Dan. It worked well to trap me in the beginning by making me wonder what the man wanted. Dan's confusion only heightened the need for me to keep reading. If he didn't even know, then I figured it had to be something really big.

You did a good job of laying clues throughout the progression of the piece. Each scene served a purpose in the setting of the plot line, and as I look back over it, the progression was steady and smooth. It's one of those stories where the hints become clear as soon as the mystery is solved, yet the hints were abstract enough that I didn't put it all together too soon. Good work.

I feel that I got to know Dan's character quite well. His reactions to the man in the T.V were realistic. He felt terror, confusion, suspense, and even resignation a few times as he realizes that no matter how much he would love to go back to bed and forget everything, he had no choice but to see the situation through. His physical reactions seemed realistic too, but I wonder if perhaps moving around a bit more would heighten the increasing tension by showing his discomfort. He stays in the bed for the most part, but I think if it was me, I would have been jumping off to try and turn the T.V off manually, or maybe even cover it with a blanket. Not very reasonable, no, but I don't know that the reaction would be reasonable, especially considering that the man does things that aren't 'humanly' possible. For a regular guy, I think that would be very disturbing. Something for you to ponder on. *Wink*

I have to say, I loved the ending. You did a great job at delivering the final blow in a way that gave me that 'aha' moment. The last sentence left me knowing exactly what would happen next. Well done.

My Favorite Parts

As the teen returned on the screen, I realized the awful truth. Tonight my TV would not be fighting the terror of the dark. No, tonight it would be supplying it.

This was a great mood setter. It took the atmosphere from confused to eerie by providing a smooth transition for the reader. It also hinted at the fact that he suffered from mistakes he made in his past. Very effective.

The man returned on the screen only this time his hair was disheveled, his grin seemed more forced than usual, and his eyes were showing hints of redness.

This section worked very well to show the gradual changes in the man himself as the story progressed. He began completely composed, but as the story moved along, he became more and more unstable, showing the reader who or what he may be. Well done.

General Suggestions

My main suggestion for you is to do a slow reading of this out loud to yourself. Many of the errors I found below would be noticed if your eyes slowed down a bit when reading through. The thing is that as writers, we read our own work so many times while we edit that we often miss small errors because we are scanning more than reading. Believe me, I do it all the time! One other suggestion I have for you is to reduce the passive voice in this piece. Even though much of it is based on past events, the use of words such as 'was, were, had, could' etc. don't need to be used in order to set the tense, and they can often be replaced with active verbs which bring the scene to life for the reader. Here is a link to an article which explains it a bit better than I could if you are interested:


Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

Like I said above, many of these points are simple typos, so don't be discouraged by the list. *Wink*

*Bullet*...as I saw no base in which it connected too.
I believe the word 'too' should be 'to'.

*Bullet*I listened intently expecting to hear a response.
Consider a comma after 'intently' to smooth the flow of the sentence.

*Bullet* So I brought my eyes back to The TV.
The words 'brought my eyes back' are a bit passive. Since you are trying to build the suspense, I would suggest a more active verb than 'brought'. Perhaps something like: My eyes darted back to the TV.

*Bullet*...a reality based film per say.
The words 'per say' should be 'per se'. However, consider using 'if you will'. It seems to fit the sentence a bit better from my perspective.

*Bullet*My eyes were wide in terror.
Because this sentence is meant to instill suspense in the reader, consider reducing the passive 'were wide'. Consider: My eyes widened in terror. It is a bit more active, allowing the reader to 'see' it happen.

*Bullet*His hands were now stretched out. Both of his pointer fingers were pointing at the camera. Pointing at me!
You're going to get sick of me and passive voice, but these two sentences could give a much bigger impact if they were less passive. Consider: His hands stretched out and he pointed at the camera. At me.

*Bullet*“This is no dream Dan,”
When using a name as a direct address, a comma should precede the name.

*Bullet*“Oh you know me, and if you don’t. You will.”
Consider a comma in place of the period so the momentum of the sentence isn't interrupted.

*Bullet*“Oh your comedy won’t get you far,...
Consider a comma after 'Oh' to show that it is an expression.

*Bullet*Besides I’m not the star of this film, you are.”
Consider a comma after 'Besides' to show that it is a transitory word.

*Bullet* I would have shaved Ten minutes...
The word 'ten' doesn't need to be capitalized.

*Bullet* I would most likely come Into contact with other kids.
The capitalization of 'Into' isn't necessary.

*Bullet*And who can blame them?
Consider using 'could' instead of 'can' in order to maintain the past tense.

*Bullet*My white rebook sneakers where littered...
I think the word 'where' should be 'were'.

*Bullet*“Wow what a rush huh?
Consider some punctuation to make this more dramatic. For example: Wow, what a rush, huh?

*Bullet*“Oh come on Dan, your killing me here…
The word 'your' should be 'you're' which stands for 'you are'.

*Bullet*“Oh, it’s fun one Dan.
Consider adding 'a' before 'fun'.

*Bullet*As he placed his hands behind his head and plopped his feet onto his desk; the red phone floated by his right ear.
This semicolon should be a comma because the first part of the sentence is dependent.

*Bullet*I watched as my drunken walked into my room.
I'm not sure I understand this sentence. Do you mean he was drunk when he walked into the room? Perhaps you mean, 'my drunken self'?

*Bullet*“Your right, this all does seem a bit contrived.
The word 'your' should be 'you're'.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, I enjoyed reading this story. You have a very good handle on story elements and character development, as well as intriguing and holding on to the reader. I believe that some careful editing and a bit more 'showing' would take this from good to great with little effort. If you decide to edit or revise, feel free to let me know. I would be more than happy to come back and re-rate it accordingly. *Bigsmile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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