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Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a bit belated but congratulations on your first grandchild. This is a beautiful limerick that conveys the news nicely. I follows the format of a limerick very well with birth, girth and fourth (approximately) complementing each other and the couplet of here and clear in between. There are some fun word choices in this limerick such as girth and the 4 syllabled powerhouse of abundantly. It came out very nicely.

I was left wondering while reading this when some parts of this were highlighted in bold. Was it to showcase words within words? In any case great writing. *Smile*

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
It is awesome that you are doing a Naruto story. I like the premise where you are giving the contributors a chance to create a new ninja / kunoichi in the Naruto world. I think there is a nice initial setup where writers are given the chance to choose the characters alignment being good, neutral or evil. There are some nice chapters with familiar Naruto characters that people have contributed to this story initially. It should be very interesting to see this story develop in the future. In term of improvements, it is not serious but a few grammar and spelling mistakes scattered throughout the story. You may just want to run some of the chapters through spellcheck when editing. Other than that great writing and good luck with your story.

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Review of Brain Hack  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a creative idea for a campfire story. The idea of hacking someone's brain seems like it could have a lot of potential as there are so many directions the story could take. There story seems like like it could vary both with the people getting their brain hacked as well as the activities the hacker could make its victim perform. When I think of Brain hacking I think of the Matrix film where the lead is able to download programs into his brain to instantly learn any skill needed. I'm excited to see which direction this story will go in. Best of luck with your writing!

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.
Review of Pink Ghostie  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Cool Animated ghost. *Ghost* It reminds me of the Pac-man one
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great Image! *Lion*
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Nice image. I have never been there before. It seems like an interesting place. *CountryUS*
Review of Minnesota Winter  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow chilly *Snow4*
for entry "Influencers
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is a nice blog entry that looks at how both positive and negative interactions can influence a person. I connect with the experiences shared involving positive role models as I feel that a lot of mentors such as my parents and some of the bosses I have worked with have influenced me in a similar fashion. I also really like the approach of using negative experiences encountered as guidelines for what not to do when interacting with others. It is a really great mentality to have. I am glad that you are using these influences in you life in a positive way. This entry really does a great of answering the questions in the prompt. Than you very much for sharing your insights.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Chocolate Cake  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
That is a tasty looking cake *Cake2*
for entry "Shoes
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is a nice blog entry. I like the setup where the prompt is expanded. The blog entry is set up well and it is easy to follow the train of thought. The reader a little bit of insight into your background and experience with shoes as you answer the prompted question. I am in a similar situation where I tend to work remotely most of the time and dress casually very often. Added onto that I have a very limited knowledge on fashion. It is the first time I have heard of hybrid footwear. That sounds like an interesting type of shoe to try though there is a lot of sticker shock with the example given. In any case very interesting entry. Thank you very much for sharing it.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of October prep sig  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very cool. I like the cheerleading Pikachu. *GameBuddy*
Review of Newt  
Review by KingsSideCastle
Rated: E | (5.0)
That's a good one. *Laugh* Have to remember it for the future. *Lizard*
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I was trying to find violet cases to review as part of the Tour De Ports event and remembered this group. I really enjoyed participating in this blogging challenge a few months back and loved seeing the variety of music shared. I love the setup and how music is shared in the form of playlists for each participant. They really helped to contribute to my own playlists and I loved reading others blogs on why they chose certain songs.

The one suggestion that I really recommend is there should be some location where you store the playlists from previous years as they are fun to go back to and listen to. It really is a cool to have a variety of music and opinions on it archived and available.

Thank you so much creating this group/challenge and I lot forward to attempting it again next year. *Biking*

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I been reviewing all work and I wanted to make one of my last reviews give a note of appreciation to the ultimate Contest Challenge. This really was a spectacular piece of work that must took a lot of time work and effort and spans years of hard work. It really is very impressive and I really like how it inspires writers to create and participate in the contest on the site.

Eventhough it is a Herculean task to attempt to fully catch up at this point. I still really enjoy participating in it whenever I can.

If there is one thing that I wish could be incorporated in this, it would be that there was a walkthrough of the exact contests to participate providing a path for users to attempt full completion in addition to what contests are available in the months to catch up on as some months I'm unsure how to attempt catching up.

Thank you so much for creating and running this Schnujo's in Georgia *Biking*

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a great poll. I love transformation type of stories so it is fun to see all the classic options available in this (Gender, Size, Animal etc). As a giantess fan... I have to go with size transformation as my favorite but animal and inanimate objects transformations are fun to play with as well. It is very interesting to see how other people voted so it is a fun poll not only to take but seet the results for. It is a surprise to see that inanimate object took the top spot. I am glad to see they are gaining popularity.

One thing I recommend for you since you are giving this poll and mentioning your interactive is to share the link for it in the poll as well. It is a good opportunity to plug your own story.

Thank you very much for creating this. *Biking*

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Nice poll. I think from visitors coming to this site and taking this poll results are going to definitely be skewed towards a positive. I love this site myself. This poll provides a good opportunity to share that. I'm happy to a lot of people took their opportunity to share that feeling as well. It is neat that poll was first created in 2000 and the site has come a long way in 24 years. I joined the site midway around 2007 and I really enjoy it very much.

It would be fascinating to see a look back at how much has changed m and what features were added and when over the years. It might be something interesting to share in upcoming 25th birthday and I think it would really be fun to see.

In any case. Thank you very much for creating this poll and the site as well.

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice poll. My own preference is a combination of the sensual and spicy. Although I imagine that I probably hit on all sides of the spectrum depending on a particular day. I wound choosing Spicy at this particular moment in time. Which turned out to be the top choice currently. It is interesting to see what other people are choosing for this. I like that you provided descriptions for each of the choices used giving readers an idea of what each choice represented. I also really like the cover image for this it

This is good as is but you might consider adding some movie examples / ratings for each of the choices. I think it provides the poll taker with a clear frame of reference. Otherwise they could wonder what exactly would be considered explicit.

Great poll... Thank you very much for making it.

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a nice CNote shop. Not only does it share cards, it cards come with an added gift of a Cnote included. Definitely an added enticement to send one. I like the choices available as there are ones for Christmas plus a dragon themed one and nano themed one. For me my favorite is the Christmas one. It love the color and ornaments. The dragon one is is also good with a nice mountain landscape.

There was one thing that I was curious about. A couple of the cards seems duplicated in the store. Are there differences between them? Some of them seem to have different prices. It might be helpful to share what the variations are in descriptions for them.

In any case. Great store. Thank you for creating it and sharing these trinkets. *Biking*

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Review of Rate Yourself!  
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Cool poll. It is a challenge having to give yourself a critique. It is interesting I also voted with the Majority as well for this. It also give an interesting look at people's psychology. I think that a lot of use would feel pretty modest and even the strong writers are aware that there is always room for improvements. It makes sense that the mid options would acquire the most votes.

I like that you updated the description providing feedback based on the reviews. I agree that you don't need to include the half star choices. Poll wise this is a great question and I enjoyed seeing how people on the site critique themselves.

Notes/Recommendations: I wouldn't change the poll at all but I do recommend updating the description a bit in terms of fonts and size to make it easier on the eyes. Also recommend spacing out the blue font from the stars as it appears a little jammed together.

Great poll! Thank you for creating it. *Biking*

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Nice. I really like the Angel series and you picked some really good episodes to choose from. You set up the poll really well providing the summaries for each episode as a refresher.

With limited choices, surprisingly my favorite episode made the list. I love the storyline with Orpheus where Angel went bad and Faith was needed to help stop him and bring him back. It really was a great redemption arc for her character who is one of my favorites from Buffy.

Recommedations/Notes: One thing that I noticed is that when I selected my option is that Smile Time and Orpheus wound up getting placed together as a choice. I am not sure if the poll has enough free slots but it would be good to separate the two.

I'm impressed that no ones used the Other option for this yet though you really provided an excellent selection of the best episodes to choose from. I think the only additional choice I would add for this if I was making my own list would be Doyle's last episode. It was a really touching one.

Great work! *Biking*

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Review of Favourite Pokemon  
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good choices of Pokemon. This is not an easy poll to make as Writing.com as there is limit the number of options that a person can create however you managed to include a lot of peoples favorites. My pick for this is Mew. There were a lot of great legendaries on the list and Pikachu. I wonder if people also found this challenging. Currently the poll is still gaining traction hopefully we will see more people share their opinions.

It feels like there are a lot of options that had no choice but to be left out (Starters like Charizard and Squirtle absence is notable). You might expanding this one maybe creating a sequel poll for non legendaries. There are also some offsite options like Poll Maker that might allow for a larger range of choiches.

In any case. Really fun poll. Thank you for creating it. *GameBuddy**Biking*

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Review of Rock or Pop?  
Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice poll. You are putting two of my favorite genres of music into this with Rock and Pop like that. You can probably guess the option I voted for (I choose both). This poll combines two questions at once making it more challenging "Which music type is better? and which music type is better for children to listen to. I don't know if my answer is the same for each. I think I picked more based on my person opinion on the better of the two. For children I would probably pick Pop as my primary choice since it seems a little bit safer. Rock and Roll at its most hardcore can be associated with Sex and drugs though there are a lot of relative safe rock and roll songs as well "Rock around the Clock" seems to immediately come to mind.

This was a great poll to take. If I had any suggestions, it would be to incorporate more types of music in it to give the poll taker more to think about. There are a lot of fun varieties of music i.e. salsa, reggae, classical that would really make users think trying to decide. This could be created as a separate poll though and the two choices got me thinking enough on my own as well.

Great work and Rock on! *Guitar**Biking*

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I like Shrinking and Giantess type of polls so this poll was make for. I think I am with the majority on this one. If given the option, I would think that lilliputian to doll size would probably be the most fun. I picked the later choice just because it seems like the right size to get toyed with. You set up this poll really nicely having a variety of size choices for the reader to choose from. I also liked the names to accompany each of the sizes (i.e. Munchkin, Toddler, Dwarf, Doll and Liliputian). They are all sizes we can visualize. The size ranges were also helped the poll taker picture the exact scenario.

The options for this poll was perfect and I really enjoyed taking it. If I had a slight recommendation, it would be to in the description describing the scenario just to make it a little more active i.e. "If you could be shrunk, what size range would you like to be reduced to?

It was still really awesome to take. Thank you very much for creating this. *Biking*

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a really fun C-note shop create for an enjoyable event. I hope that we get to see it on the site again soon. In the middle of summer I find myself longing for winter. I love the variety of fun cartoons used to graphically reveal the impending hit coming up. It is very difficult to tell which one is my favorite (probably either the Reindeer looking liking ultra cool with sunglasses or the Snowball cannon) but all of them rocked. The were some hard hitting messages to go along with the attack i.e. "Gotcha" and the ever so sneaky "so you thought you could get away?".

I do have one recommendation for an additional card if this activity winds up being done again. It would be really cool to see a card the snowball is flying at you from a first person perspective. It could even have a fun sound onomatopoeia to accompany it i.e. splotch. It would be hilarious!

Great shop! Thank you very much for making it. *Biking*

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Review by KingsSideCastle
In affiliation with Tour de Ports Registered Cycli...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a really fun poll. I really enjoy the Fantasy setting choices and the character class options provided. Depending on what the poll is being used for, my answer would probably vary for this. If it was who would I like to go up against personally I would probably choose Amazon or Giantess. Win or lose, at least it would be a little bit fun having a match against one of them. If I was designing a video game and picking a character boss for my players to go up against, I would probably pick Black knight just because I love the King Arthur Characters / Knights of Camelot type of stories. The Black Knight sounds like an awesome villain to face

One fantasy choice I'm surprised that was not used for this poll was a Mage. It seems like it would fun addition as Magic always makes for some interesting possibilities.

Great poll. Thank you very much for making it. *Biking*

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