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Review of Introduction  
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION:I am thrilled to see your third book on Writing.Com! It was my pleasure to read the first two...I remember how excited I was to receive my very first copy in the mail from cafe press. I know that anything you write is terrific, so I am REALLY looking forward to reading book three. *Delight*

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Oh it's so good to read all of these familiar names again...Sally, Pat...Elisha. This introduction is a terrific 'hook' of great things yet to come, especially to someone like me who read your first works in Circulate and can anticipate more. *Smile*

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't find any errors in this very creative introduction.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: ...Clearance codes...dairy entries...Circulators...Calculators...This is all so exciting and I can hardly wait to read book three!

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

A 'colorful' sig for WDC Power Group to use in their reviews
Review of Ponderings...  
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This review is being done for "Simply Positive Review Forum .

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: I thought this poem had the perfect title...Ponderings. It seemed to be a collection of thoughts about how things are, how things were, and how things might be.

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't find any errors.

*Star*FAVORITE PART:I liked how you succeeded in putting in writing the thoughts that we all experience at one time or another. We look at our lives and think about our past. We cherish those memories that we loved with feelings of proud accomplishment. Other memories we keep in mind to learn from. If we can learn from our mistakes, there is indeed hope to make the future better. That's what your poem meant to me, as in this line example: "A realization comes over me.../the Past cannot be changed,/but it needs to be remembered."

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

Nre Simply Positive Reviewer Signature.
Review of Letting Go  
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This poem is being reviewed for "Simply Positive Review Forum .

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS:Ah Elizabeth this poem is so sweet! You expressed delicate emotion in a tenderly poetic way. *Delight*

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't find any errors.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: This is my absolute favorite part: "A soft breeze comforts me/ I feel at peace with myself..." How often do we bottle up painful emotions to the point of bitter hurt and stress. You showed in your inspirational poem that it is possible to let go of those dark places in our heart, and feel the 'crystal sheen' of peace. *Delight*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

Nre Simply Positive Reviewer Signature.
Review of I Was A Tiger  
Review by Maryann
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Interesting poem because it is written as though through the mind of a zoo tiger.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Gosh, I was there at the zoo not too long after the tragedy. I had heard the story on the news, but I didn't even realize that it was the same zoo that I was visiting until I saw the story on the news a few days after my visit.

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't find any errors.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: Yes, I could understand the tiger's ideas that she was annoyed at having to be confined to a zoo exhibit instead of a jungle. This tiger in particular had a nasty temperament as it was because there had been trouble with her in the past. ...And yes, being confined probably only made it worse.

Just as it's true with people, or dogs and other animals, some always seem to be quick tempered and grumpier than others. I could only imagine how this tiger felt to have those mischievous teens throw pinecones and sticks at her. She probably thought she was being attacked and wanted to defend herself. I think I remember reading a story when I was a kid about a boy who poked a dog with a stick until the dog finally bit him.

Still, those teens parents probably thought their kids were safe at the zoo. If the zoos are going to keep animals, they should make absolutely sure that the animals can't get out. ...And they should have more attendants to make sure that the people aren't hurting the animals either.

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1418985 Unavailable **
Review by Maryann
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: A fun story to read of a most embarrassing moment.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Well, we can laugh at our embarrassing moments now, but at the time they're happening we can't! I bet your face was more red then any sunburn you might have had. Gosh, especially at 18 with all your friends around...And a guy who was looking to date you! I can imagine how you felt. *Shock*

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't see any errors in your story. Nice writing. *Smile*

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I enjoyed reading this story about fun, old times, and embarrassing moments! You had great friends who quickly helped you. I remember seeing teens playing 'keep away' or whatever with their friends shoes and stuff. It would have been bad if you had those types of friends who wouldn't give your top back!

Thanks for sharing your story. It's good to know that we all have embarrassing moments. *Delight*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1427198 Unavailable **
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (4.5)
Thanks for your entry in " The Group of Talkers's contest:
 Group Contest Forum  [13+]
Ongoing contests for The Group of Talkers
by Maryann

Oh this brought back memories! Football is big in my house, especially when my two sons are around. One of my sons loves that Oklahoma team...He and his wife spend all their money to even go out to Texas and Oklahoma to see the games.

My other son has a few favorites, but he is just happy to watch a good game on TV.

My husband and I used to make trips to the college that my daughter went to because she was in the football band, but now we just watch one on TV every now and then. We NEVER miss the superbowl, but I guess no one does. LOL

Yes, your poem shows fun times with friends and family. It's all good, especially when the team that you're rooting for wins. *Delight*

Here, I would change 'look' to 'looks' for it to sound better: "Look like you're washing dishes now"

I like the way that you wrote how one would tease the other if their team didn't win. There's lots of fun and good times there. It's always good to write about things that you enjoy. *Delight*

** Image ID #1418985 Unavailable **
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This is a great assortment of really nice cNotes.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: How did I miss these all this time! LOL These are terrific! I just sent the beautiful rose..."A rose for you." I could have sent any one of them because they are all so cute. *Delight*

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't see any errors in the set up of these great cNotes. You are the 'image hero' of our site! *Bigsmile*

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I LOVE the cute doggie cNote. I will have to remember that one when someone tells me that they are having a bad day. The announcement might come in handy, as will the thinking of you and supportive ones. I didn't know that you had one for a NEW BABY! You know who I would have used that one for. *Wink*

These cNotes are a terrific price too, which is not too easy to fine these days.

I'm adding these to 'my favorites' as soon as I finish this review. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1427198 Unavailable **
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (4.5)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This is a Star Trek type Nursery Rhyme.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Thank you for entering this cute Klingon Nursery Rhyme in " The Group of Talkers's contest,
 Group Contest Forum  [13+]
Ongoing contests for The Group of Talkers
by Maryann

*Star*FAVORITE PART: This poem really has a 'nursery rhyme' feel to it, because it's a take off of the Little Old Woman in the shoe. I like the way that you changed it to fit the Star Trek theme. Very nice! *Delight*

*Idea*SUGGESTIONS: I think that your poem would get noticed more often if you filled in the three 'genre' spots. You might put 'sci-fi', 'comedy', 'young adult', 'fan-fiction', or anything so that it appears in more places on our site. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1427198 Unavailable **
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This is a funny Klingon Nursery Rhyme. *Smile*

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Thank you for entering this fun to read poem in " The Group of Talkers's contest:
 Group Contest Forum  [13+]
Ongoing contests for The Group of Talkers
by Maryann

*Star*FAVORITE PART: LOL I guess even mighty Klingons have trouble house-breaking their pets sometimes! *Laugh*

I loved the way it rhymed so smoothly. To me, it read like a limerick, which was very pleasant to read.

Didn't B'Elanna Torres have a stuffed animal targ named Toby?

I had fun reading this great poem.

*Idea*SUGGESTIONS: I noticed that you had a low rating already. I guess some WDC members didn't really understand your funny poem. This means that it would probably be good to add a notation at the end of your poem to explain a targ. You might write something like, "A Targ might be compared as a large mean-looking wild boar with spikes on his back. Klingons sometimes keep these as pets."...Or something along those lines. ...Or you can just say that a Targ is a monster dog! LOL*Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1427198 Unavailable **
Review of An Ode To Worf  
Review by Maryann
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This is a humorous story poem, recapping worf's life and why he is so mean.

Thank you for entering this fun to read item in " The Group of Talkers's contest,
 Group Contest Forum  [13+]
Ongoing contests for The Group of Talkers
by Maryann

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: LOL Oh I didn't realize all that Worf has been through until you pointed it out! *Bigsmile*

It's all so true, though, and it was fun to reminisce. *Delight*

*Star*FAVORITE PART: Worf had a discommendation. He had a son who refused to be a warrior. He was made head of security because Tasha was turned into tar. (LOL Yar in tar!) He has to stand all day! I loved every bit of your funny poem story. *Laugh*

*Idea*SUGGESTIONS: When you made this item, you filled out the three 'genre' sections. You filled in 'fan fiction' and 'sci-fi'. That's perfect, but instead of 'other' for the third, I would add 'comedy'. This poem is so funny! People who are just a little familiar with Star Trek would enjoy reading this poem for the comedy. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1427198 Unavailable **
Review of The Dream  
Review by Maryann
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION:This is the story of a nightmare that almost came true.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: I guess I get it...She knew to run to the creek before the tragedy happened because it felt like something familiar in her dream. That was indeed a very creative and chilling story! This is the type of story that someone like Stephen King might write. Nice work in putting this one together. *Delight*

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't notice any errors.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I liked how you didn't make it known that it was a dream until after the first few paragraphs. It was great to start the action right away. Nice suspense there. *Smile*

I'm glad that your story had a sweet and happy ending. Gosh, I'm glad that you didn't have the boy vanish under the water! *Shock*
Nice suspenseful story. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1427198 Unavailable **
Review by Maryann
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This is a cute 'Halloween' type story.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: LOL I saw that ending coming a mile away...But it was still done well. This story had a cute type theme...Like the way that the movie 'Hocus Pocus' does.

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't see any errors in your story.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I liked the idea of a pixy themed villain. It seemed like a fresh and new idea. I also liked the way that you included vampires in your story, and brought the two together. Nice job. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1427198 Unavailable **
Review of Wedding Confusion  
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Nicely written story filled with culture, family and humor. Thanks for entering it in " The Group of Talkers's contest:
 Group Contest Forum  [13+]
Ongoing contests for The Group of Talkers
by Maryann

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Oooh! Your story was fun to read...Plus, educational at the same time! I learned a lot that I never knew before. I like how there are different words in India for 'sister in law'. In America, it always gets confusing because we have to add, "This is my sister in law, my brother's wife." ...Or people have to awkwardly ask, "Is she your brother's wife?" In India, the word itself will explain. Once one knows the words, the rest is easier. *Smile*

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't see any errors.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I enjoyed reading the story of such a friendly family and setting. You showed the many personalities of the family characters. You did that so well, that your readers will feel as though they know them! *Delight*

The happy children and the funny shoe part was a pleasure to read. Great job in writing this. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

This is a member sig for The Group of Talkers
Review of For I love  
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This is a very inspirational piece about 911, and our feelings today.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Gosh that brought back memories. We all remember that day all over the world. People like myself were teary eyed and astonished as our eyes were glued to the TV. We couldn't believe what we were seeing...Those crumbling buildings were shown over and over again.

I had a guy at my house doing work on my pool. He was upset when the first building fell because his cousins worked there. I had to call him in and tell him that the second tower fell. It was such a helpless feeling.

My 'adopt a newbie' works in New York. She made an item in her port that included pictures of the WTC today. It's still hard to believe that it all actually happened.

*Check2*ERRORS: No errors were found in this well written piece.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: Your poem is indeed an inspiration. It makes us smile in the face of horror. Instead of a 911 story that makes us sad, this one offers us hope and a feeling of warmth.

I like this line the very best because it says it all: "For I love how the wind is soaring inside/ the song of the tide, at the beginning of this new day." Life went on. We still love. We still build. We still hope.

Great job in writing this piece. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1418985 Unavailable **
Review of Please Choose Me  
Review by Maryann
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Very well written story about a little boy who hopes to be adopted.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Did Mariana adopt Jeremy? Is this a 'to be continued' story? I loved this story, but you leave the reader wanting to read more. *Bigsmile*

*Check2*ERRORS: No errors...This is like a polished piece about to be published. *Smile*

*Star*FAVORITE PART: You had a fantastic hook right from the beginning paragraph. The little boy is waiting on the stairs, anticipating the arrival of someone. Your readers are compelled to keep reading to find out who this mystery person is, and what will happen next.

LOL The cute things that kids say...I thought it was really sweet for Jeremy to burst into the office to announce that he can clean and he likes animals! You really gave this boy a personality. Nice writing! *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1418985 Unavailable **
Review of Creative Comments  
Review by Maryann
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Very funny 'fun' time cNotes.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: LOL I give you five *Star*'s and five *Laugh*'s for this one! I was just stopping by to say hello during my group's raid, but I should have known that each one of your items are really special! I think after the "I started to review your work, but I nodded off", there should be a "I was reviewing and nodding off, but then I woke up when I came across your port!" Funny stuff! *Delight*

*Star*FAVORITE PART: These are very unusual cNotes indeed. I love the horse cNote! Thanks, once again, for making my day. *Delight*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

A 'colorful' sig for WDC Power Group to use in their reviews
Review of Time To Write  
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Interesting poll about how much time our members spend on their writing.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: I voted for a couple of hours a day, as did most people who voted in your poll. Your poll didn't specify if the writing that isn't 'story writing' can be included in the time. As a reviewer, I am constantly 'writing', though they are just reviews. On our writing site, I think that any writing is a good practice. (If nothing else, we all get better at typing! LOL) *Bigsmile*

In addition to reviews, I have made lots of friends here on our site that I email often. Sometimes those emails are very long. ...And then there are the forums.

Of course, I do actually write 'story-type' writing now and then. For example, my son and I are currently writing a novel together. I also add things to my WDC port on occasion.

*Idea*SUGGESTIONS: The link that you added in the heading of your poll is saying, "** #581449 Not An Image **". An image would be a nice touch in your poll, so maybe it's time to add a new one in there.

Great idea for a poll. Thanks for putting it together. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

A 'book' sig for the Power Group members to use in their reviews
Review of Quotable  
Review by Maryann
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: This is a huge list of quotes.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Wow! That's a never-ending list! I enjoyed the nostalgia of your list. You included quotes from Stories.Com members...I remember when writing.com was called stories.com! *Delight*

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I enjoyed reading all the different quotes from singers and their songs, like this one: "I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter. I had to fall and loose it all but in the end it doesn't even matter.~~Linkn Park ~ in the end

You also had unique things to quote, like theme songs from TV shows. This is a really fun list to read. I hope you plan on keeping it updated. *Smile*

*Idea*SUGGESTIONS:One of you {/center} links needs to be closed. It's in this one: Don: You know that little one./ Janet: You mean Christine./ yet another time my boss forgot my name ~ though he never does it when I'm there - I think he just likes calling me 'that little one' {/center

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

A group name sig for WDC Power to use in their reviews
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Heartwarming story about a very special pet.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Aw, this story is so cute! I absolutely loved the humor of it all, although the ending is very sad. I think your story could be featured in a magazine because it is really very entertaining.

*Check2*ERRORS: No errors here...this is great work.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I liked the tale about how Spike ran from window to window to bark at the people passing by. LOL I could picture him warning off the UPS guys who dared to enter the driveway. *Laugh*

What a brave and courageous dog in a pint sized body. (...And a very unique look from his picture!) He would save his puppies, even if it meant that he had to fight off a snake.

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

A 'supergirl' sig for the Power Group members to use in their reviews
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh this is a beautiful picture! Is Lake Arcadia a big lake? It looks big. I like the way the moon seems to give off an orange glow. It's stunning.

My husband has some relatives in Broken Arrow, and my daughter-in-law is from Norman, so I was glad to come across some pictures in your port of what Oklahoma looks like. I was only there once, just briefly, for my son's wedding. We didn't get to see very much, but there's something enchanting about it. ...As in this beautiful picture in your port.


 WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum  [E]
Join our group to help. :-)
by Maryann

This 'fire' sig is much smaller than our other review sigs
Review of Malice Intended  
Review by Maryann
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Crime mystery with a twist ending.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Oh, you had me Joy...I didn't see that ending coming at all! Wow! That certainly was a twist ending. I don't read mysteries too often, so I'm always amazed at how easily people seem to make it look to write them. You did a great job with this one...I know it can't be all that easy to write a mystery!

*Check2*ERRORS: There are no errors.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I enjoyed the light humor that was smoothly included in your story. The tiny hallway they called, 'the lobby', is an example that I had to chuckle over. I could picture reading a newspaper in that setting!

This is another funny line: "This hotel needed a complete face-lift together with its employees." LOL Gone are the days of those Mickey Mouse smiles. *Laugh*

Your story is an entertaining and enjoyable read. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

A 'colorful' sig for WDC Power Group to use in their reviews
Review of From The Cats  
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Thumbsup*Reviewed by Maryann *Thumbsup*

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Really cute photos of cats in these cNotes.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Oh how adorable! I love cats, and these cNotes show their humorous side...And the creativity of their owner. *Smile*

*Star*FAVORITE PART: The dark cat made himself right at home on daddy's arms while daddy was trying to type! LOL ...And I thought it was hard to type while petting a dog! *Laugh*

The gray tabby cat made himself comfortable right on the keyboard! LOL Isn't he sweet! *Delight*

...But there's nothing like curling up next to a few good books after a long day. *Laugh*

I had fun looking through these sweet cNotes. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

This 'fire' sig is much smaller than our other review sigs
Review of My Love For You  
Review by Maryann
Rated: E | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: A poem of true love.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: I can see why your poem has a beautiful awardicon on it. This poem is very well done. I like how it reminds us of what true love is. You really succeeded in expressing sincere feelings for your special man.

*Check2*ERRORS: There are no errors that I can see in this fantastic poem.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: True love and poetry always seem to go together so magically. Yours is a very lovely poem. I enjoy reading poems that rhyme, and yours rhymed so smoothly. It was very pleasant to read. Nice job in writing this one. *Smile*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1418985 Unavailable **
Review of Dream Catcher.  
Review by Maryann
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Sweet prose of love, sadness, and dreams.

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Oh, this is so pretty. A bitter sweet love story of prose. It's so touching. You did a fantastic job with it.

*Check2*ERRORS: No errors.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I really loved the 'surprise' ending...The Dream Catcher! All hopes are lost, and the heart is filled with sorrow...Then the dream catcher brings a glimpse of hope about happy dreams.

I liked the way this flowed so effortlessly to tell a tender and beautiful story. Nice writing! *Delight*

*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1418985 Unavailable **
Review by Maryann
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

From Maryann

*Note4* FIRST IMPRESSION: Very 'fast and furious' suspense story!

*Exclaim* THOUGHTS: Oh man! Wow! That was a wild ride! That was one of the most suspenseful stories that I ever read! Gosh, my heart is still pounding!

*Check2*ERRORS: I didn't find any errors.

*Star*FAVORITE PART: I'm glad you put this in the suspense/thriller category, because that defines it perfectly. The descriptions you used added to the thrilling feel, right down to the 'white-knuckled' grip on the wheel. What a dream! Great job in writing this. *Smile*


*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

** Image ID #1418985 Unavailable **
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