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Review of Remember  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello The Clique,
A sentimental journey for a child watching both parents suffer in different ways.
Very touching story behind the poetry.
My suggestion
"all she see's"
"she only see's one"
Please delete the apostrophe in the word sees
Thank you for sharing "Remember"
Review of Never Denied  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Taizia,
The story behind the poetry is sentimental.
The poem that expresses how great is a mother's love.
My suggestion:
"A relflection of her raisning"
Please change it to:
A reflection of her raising
"Over coming sense of pride"
Please make the words over coming into one word.
Overcoming sense of pride
Thank you for sharing "Never Denied"
Review of Who am I?  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Si,
This is a beautiful poetry.
The questioning soul.
Biographical and I admire the chosen words that completed this work.
This is well written and well-presented.
I have a suggestion, very minimal:
"Who I am I ?"
Please change it to :
Who am I ?
Thank you for sharing.
Review of fart attack  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ayesha,
You brighten my day....
Poor Ayesha, no time to play......hahhhahhahhaha
To answer the question :
"Now what should I do ?"
Drink plenty of ginger tea, drink it warm.
Hhahhahhhaha !
You are really you are. FUN !
Thank you for the laughters.
Keep writing and keep posting.
Review of myself  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ayesha,
A poem from the heart of a nine-year old..
Fascinating work.
A free-verse poetry that described your personality and the physical and wonderful traits that you inherited from
your parents including the grandma.
I did not notice any error at all and it is written with all sincerity.
The last two lines are most meaningful.
Thank you for sharing "myself"
Keep writing and keep posting.
Review of The Answers  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Rhyanna,
This is a very meaningful and touching work.
I admire each line that completed this poetry.
Very true, and the poetry offers warmth and making life goes on with ease.
The last four lines are my favorite lines of "The Answers"
Great work.
Review of Friendship  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings to you nealumina,
A short poem and so very inspiring and so meaningful.
Each line expresses an assurance that there is always someone to turn to in whatever situation.
Yes....I agree...
The power of friendship and family is very strong.
Thank you for sharing your talent.
Keep writing and keep posting.
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Richard,
Yes, nature and laughter must always go together. Nature for the humankind to enjoy and explore and laughter to spread
around as in a way to brightens the day.
Life would be monotonous if we are always too serious. I admire your joyful spirit.
This is how I read your works.
Talented ...yes ... you are truly blessed.
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again Richard,
A poet with a wide knowledge of the forms and styles of poetry.
I consider every reading a pleasure as well as a great lesson for me to learn in writing poems from
the heart.
Thank you for sharing.
See you again.
Keep writing and keep posting.
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello pukishapyo,
The title is very captivating reading it as foreign words, Spanish language ?
I am studying this language and at the moment I learned a few words, thus making me unable to comprehend
fully what was written.
My suggestion:
If possible, an English translation so all of us can fully admire your talent. Possibly a summary will do.
Thank you for sharing your work.
Keep writing and keep posting.
Review of Grandpas' Prayer  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello angel,
A tribute to a loving grandpa.
A poem from the heart of a child who always cherish the beautiful moments shared with the loving grandpa.
A relationship bonded with a prayer and the love and respect remains forever.
I admire the great message of your work.
Thank you for sharing the deepest sentiments of your heart through "Grandpa's Prayer"
Review of THE PLAGUE  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello trynity,
An interesting beginning of a novel.
A suspense/thriller....I believe so.
Good luck for the continuation.
My suggestion:
"diseased with with the plague.
Please change it to :
disease with the plague.
"children, man and women"
Please change it to :
children, men and women
Please change it to : quarantine
Thank you for the read.
Keep writing and keep posting.
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello cackalacky,
I admire the title. It is so powerful.
A strong affirmation to do something real good.
The lines are very meaningful and inspiring too.
The last four lines said it all.
I have nothing to correct.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful work.
Review of FAMILY  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello sallyphena,
A beautiful poetry that gives importance to the basic unit of society "FAMILY"
Very creative and thoughtful.
My suggestion:
"an clean all day"
Please change this to :
and clean all day
"we have enddevored to continue this race"
Please change the word enddevored to....endeavored
Thank you for sharing your talent.
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Paige,
This is fascinating.
Written with all candidness and I find it amusing.
I love giving reviews as much as I love to read and write.
This is a community of different personalities and I always assume that I can not please everybody.
When I receive a positive review like telling me you did a very good job and yet the rate is 3.5 so be it.
What can I do ? Hhahahhaha...If ever the rate given is perfect it means the job is really well-done and appealing
to the reviewers mind and eyes. But for me if the rating is very low it must be justified WHY ? So it can give us the idea where to improve the work. But like I said I cannot please everybody.
So what I am doing is to keep reading and reviewing because in every reading that I do, I learn something , in
every review that I give, I share something and in both ways it gives me an additonal knowledge to enhance my
writings. There are a lot of achievers here, the Moderators for example, I read their works because I believe that
I learned a lot from them, the Newbies, I also read their works because even if they are new they have wonderful
talents to be discovered and enjoyed, my wish is for me to have more time in the world because I love to read and give reviews to all the authors in this awesome community, that makes my moments very special. I feel like
I am exploring the most beautiful and the biggest bookstore in the world.
Of course that includes YOU.
"Aww....shucks. I love reviews ."
I admire your conclusion. I find it very entertaining.
So let us all rejoice and keep on reading, keep on writing, keep on reviewing and keep on enjoying.
Have a beautiful Sunday !
Review of Need  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Aashna,
A sad ballad from the heart. So lonely.
The chosen words are emotional.
So full of pain and frustrations.
It has a good flow and the story behind the song makes me wonder why ?
The questioning conclusion..
Thank you for sharing "Need"
I have nothing to correct.
Keep wriitng and keep posting.
Review of Ode to the Sea  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello kartic,
Very creative. Possibly you love the sea and here is a tribute to this wonderful creation.
Thoughtful with a questioning heart.
My suggestion:
"Should i likewise be in sorrow....."
Please capitalize the letter I
Thank you for sahring your talent.
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dreamingbeauty,
Interesting Poll.
This works for others but for me, it is not the relationship that I like and I welcome and embrace in my life.
Even to my children's children in the future. I always pray for them not to have a long distance relationship.
Thank you for sharing this poll and for me to have a chance to voice out my opinion .
Review of Papa's Gone...  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello airgirl,
The true sentiments of the heart when your father died and you pour it out through poetry.
Yes, very true, life would never be the same again when a special person in our lives dies but life
goes on. They live in our hearts and in our memories forever more.
Thank you for sharing this emotional piece"Papa's Gone"
Keep writing and keep posting.
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am very happy for this boy, the character of this poem.
He has a haven of peace and contentment.
The person who has found this haven has also found great happiness.
I love your style of writing from the heart.
Very inspiring, very positive.
It's full of warmth and loveliness.
I admire your talent.
Review of My Brother 2  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again ,
These are very touching words that described your brother.
This poem reminds me of the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, "Wind Beneath My Wings"
Your brother, your hero, your best friend.
Wow !
You are a blessing to each other.
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Bojak,
This is a wonderful song.
Each word is meaningful and brilliant.
My suggestion is about the presentation of the song.

"The lines I choose to use already placed
Among knowledgeable resource
Plain to the untrained eye
Catastrophic with realities mind. "

(Then you can go on and on following this format)

Thank you for sharing.

Review of The Pipe's Cry  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Fairport,
Sad and lonely.
The poetry that serves as a tribute to the dearly departed.
The poem has a good flow and no error at all.
Sentimental journey of souls.
The chosen lines fit for the given title.
Thank you for sharing "The Pipe's Cry"
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Bandit's Mama,
Whew ! Fiction or non-fiction you are a very convincing writer.
You made me very angry and at the same time pity the character of Molly.The storms or the hurricanes in her life
were so much and "The Society" oh.....Molly is one in a million or one in billion.
A situation that is most difficult for a wife but she bear all the pain.
A happy ending.
Very talented writer. Dramatic....
Wonderful conclusion.
Review of The Mirage  
Review by tsurtidogni
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Bananafish,
This is deeply emotional. Sentimental in every sense.
A poetry so full of longings to a dearest father. yes, situations like these do happen and I can relate.
It is about my late brother. In a very busy mall, I saw a man who was having the same built and wearing
the same clothing and I saw his back and he was in the escalator. My heart was beating so fast and I ran to him only to find out he's not here.
When he was alive we always bumped each other at the mall and we eventually joined together drinking
coffee with light conversations. So possibly his soul was there at that moment.
Oh...the best thing for us the living to is to pray for our dearly departed and deep in our hearts they stay forever.
Thank you for sharing your story through this poem "The Mirage"
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