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Rated: GC · Book · Adult · #825102
Transparent to the naive eye, bare, naked to the world...evil lurks.
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A bitch that viciously turns on her owner must have been provoked. Betrayed by the one she loved, trusted, needed...her thoughts have become perilous and her actions follow in the full suit many refer to as insane.

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March 25, 2006 at 5:07am
March 25, 2006 at 5:07am
Don't you just hate people that manipulate your convesations to fit their own egotistical perversion? I was so happy to hear from a long time 'friend' that I had not spoken with since I left the small town I was raised in. I thought we had wonderful, intelligiable conversations only to find out that he would pick and choose specifics of a topic and relay them back to another long-lost friend from the same town.

Ironically, long lost is where they should have stayed. Why must we play these types of games? Is there a danger zone to watch out for people that manipulate conversations like this? Could this person be a danger to society? Maybe that person is dealing with illusions brought on by loneliness and the inability to scocialize under normal circumstances.

Oh well, what ever the case may be, I surely will pray for him and them and anyone else afflicted with such vendictiveness.
June 28, 2005 at 12:06am
June 28, 2005 at 12:06am
I was really trippin' on that last blog, btw. Just wanted to let you know that I know this. I have no idea what was on my mind. Obviously I thought that I could have been feeling some sort of passionate feelings for this man that I've befriended as of late. Hmmm. Those feelings aren't so strong today. Maybe it was that fruity drink that my sister poured in the mixer and then into my glass about five more times that made me feel like that???

The only problem is, my sister wasn't here and she didn't pour me anything. I can think of a million excuses why I'd prefer it not to be the truth that I could be feeling some romantic thingies for that man. Not that he's not a good catch, for sure. Oh well, I'm going to sleep right now so that I can have a clear mind for his smart, sharp ass. My goodness he knows everything.

That's a wonderful attribute but it sure does make my conversation feel weak. LOL. That's probably cause I've been spending too much of my time with an idiot named Twelve that was certainly not a conversationalist. Ha!

Oh well, good night and thanks for stopping by. I know you thought you'd get some good stuff to read tonight. Well, there's nothing good and juicy to let these finger loose on, yet.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. While at my family reunion, I met a really cute and sexy young man. He came off as thuggish ruggish initially but as the conversation grown as drinking adult would have it, it became a bit more challenging than the vague intro and small chit chatting.

By the end of the evening, I was feeling like I wanted to walk on the lakeshore holding his hand and/or even wrapped up in his arms with my head on his shoulder gazing into the moonlit water. I almost wanted to kiss his smiling lips as his eyes searched mine wondering whether or not I was feeling what he was feeling. I was but my heart and cold feet wouldn't let me let him on in. I was afraid but now I am sorta missing what I could have shared with him.

Maybe I was too scared that my 'hungry ass' would eat from the wrong head in the quest of 'food for thought.'

June 21, 2005 at 1:20am
June 21, 2005 at 1:20am
A man that is 'supposed' to be considered by me and he is gone to a fundraiser a few states away. I can feel my heart actually missing him. Is this some sorta strange side effects of the beginning of love. I feel like calling him now but I aint gonna do it! I feel him when I'm sleep...sorta like his arms are around me but he's not really here...but when I open my eyes he's on my mind or better yet, he calls just as I begin to think of him.

We've been spending lots of time together. We talk several times per day...we talk only too. Hmmm. I don't really get a vibe from him but I sure do get one from hot mamma me. Is it just because it's been so long in that department (yeah, yeah, that one dammit) that I feel like this.

NO, of course not! It's because he's a decent loving and caring kind of man that you need and want in your life. Maybe he's the one God chose that's finally found his way home, where his heart can rest on those bossums so many lusting ass men try to get to with nothing else to offer other than their filthy tongues trying to lapp up some milky titty honey that aint there no damned mo' anyhow;....
June 16, 2005 at 12:21am
June 16, 2005 at 12:21am
Whew, I'm taking a Network class right now and am really tired of reading and re-reading but guess what? I love it!

I've been sooo busy lately that I have not had time to Blog. This class really takes a toll on the eyes as well as the brain. That's fine with me though. Especially since my last encounter with the Twelve idiot. His conversations lend no food for thought nor fruitful are they. I wont complain too much about that thoough. Twelve did serve his due purpose.

Actually, I'm sorta into someone else now but I can't seem to get a romantic vibe out of him. Well, outside of the statement he clearly made, "Let's not ruin our friendship." I can dig that. Actually, it makes things a bit more comfy. Another exception to his rule; it doesn't change what I've felt for him. Maybe someday I'll be the apple he wants to bite. Who knows. My question in this situation is this, what makes him think that he is the one that has the say so? Is it his status in the community? His graceful charming ways? His good spirited nature that shine so bright that it almost comes off as fake? Hmmm.

There's something else I'm wondering about this one. Are his plans to introduce me to his cousin a derogatory ploy to 'mate' me with 'like mind?' Not to say that his cousin is an idiot or anything near it, yet. Never met him. However, his cousin works for someone else property as a manager. The possible match-maker is a . Does he think by our conversations that 'I' need to be with this type? Or, does he think he's Mr. Too Damned Good to be with a lady that makes under a certain income? Hmmm.

I've comformed to these female folk around here, I think. I've heard it said many a time that men don't like their women 'smart.' So, I've started shutting my mouth and waiting
June 6, 2005 at 2:11am
June 6, 2005 at 2:11am
Right this minute, the reason that stress is so deadly is very clear to me. I truly understand how and why poverty is so devastating to our health. One worry after another w/o adequate compensation, those worries turn into sores on the edges of our nerves. That just can't be healthy.

Lately, I've been tired when I awake. The very first thing on my mind is how I'm going to make it thru my daughter's graduation, financilly, that is. I'd prepared for this day but shit happens and you use the savings accordingly. Well, here I sit with zero for such a wonderful, one-time event. Either I pay the utilities or they will be shut off.

If I don't pay them and buy my daughter the pretty dress and take her out to celebrate, when we get home, all of our good times will be over with depression and darkness for having no lights and gas. What a crock of dooty.

*If you're reading this post to my blog and you're excessively rich, please feel my need and ask me if you can contribute to this wonderful cause in a great young lady's life. I'm not begging here but I'm not beyond it at this point. I just want this day to be special WITH utilites.
May 28, 2005 at 3:36am
May 28, 2005 at 3:36am
I'm laughing cause I just read my last post. Cute. I sure wish I could remember who that was I was talking about. In love? Me? Yeah, right. Well, not saying that I'm incapable of loving anyone, but I don't think he's here, yet. I do want him to reveal himself so that this loving thing that must folk seek and destroy so quickly can go ahead and come and go...Go? Well, maybe not go but at least it can be with someone that I give a damned about working whatever 'situation' that arises out like grown ass adults that love and respect each other. I would like to love someone that I remember the next week, next month, year...forever, till death do us part. I'm not talking that 'death do us part' cause this f$*W%*ker has pushed me to some outrageous point of no return and I don't give a damned that it's just passion and I end up committing a crime in the name of passion either.

Good night.
May 15, 2005 at 8:04pm
May 15, 2005 at 8:04pm
I think I'm in love. Yes, love, not lust, this time. He's sweet, cool, calm, very intellegent, handsome...hmmm. What's wrong with him? Hell, what's wrong with me?

Granted his imperfections aren't extremely perverted or insane (totally?), I can deal with him cause God knows I've got issues myself. Will mine be too much for him is what I should be wondering. Well, I'm not. I've been through alot but God can attest to the fact that I've worked on me, of course, with His Loving Arms.

Sometimes I sit and wonder what, when and how it will be when he finally decides to notice me. I wonder when he will make the phone call that invites me into his arms, forever. I wonder about him period. I actually knew that he was the one the first time that I encountered him. I was feeling low, self-doubting and many other negative emotions so he probably didn't understand that I am the woman for him.

Now that I'm feeling much better, we've been out a couple of times. It was awkward for a while. I wonder if even I shared too much about me with 'he.' Don't get me wrong here, there are some things that need to be shared right up front in order for that skeleton not to sneak his creepy ole' self out later. Yes, I gave it to him.

If you want to know what skeleton I revealed (hot one too) you've got to real it in my portfolio.

Good evening to you, my dearest reader.
May 15, 2005 at 7:52pm
May 15, 2005 at 7:52pm
Bliss? Yeah, pure, unadulterated, x-rated pure bliss. What a damned thing to have since it's also called lust in which is sinful- a sin. What does one do when their body defeats what the 'good' in them has spoken aloud, loud and very clear that that lusty encounter that will drive yo ass up the wall and back down with goose pimples and salivation like a retard....dammm, what does one do?

Next time I'll try harder not to want to have 'bliss'? Will I really try? Or, will I attempt to get even more the next time?
May 13, 2005 at 7:15am
May 13, 2005 at 7:15am
OMG, he is here, laying in my bed and I cant go into the room, my room and give in to him. I love him too much to give me away. I just only wish that he could understand my broken heart. I wish that he knew how much I love and need him
May 13, 2005 at 3:08am
May 13, 2005 at 3:08am

Damned baby, you said something else when you were busted with her. You said that she was just 'something' that happened. Here we are eight years later, same woman, scenario and same ole' stupid ass me, gettting fucked by you and lovin' it cause my sick ass in love mind wants to believe that you love me back. Love me back outside of the sack, that is.

If you love me at all, why wont you just release my dumb ass, tell me to go on about my business cause you willl never leave as long as you can have your cake and eat that mothafucka too? Why wont I just go because I'm intelligent enough to know that you will continue your behavior as long as you dog ass can?

But, not right now. Can, will or when will we be back in the sack so that I can scream yo name out loud...?

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