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Review of the perfect me  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Impressions of; The Perfect Me

My favorite lines; the perfect me doesn't exist
because maybe perfect isn't made for me
and just me is who I'm meant to be

This is only one opinion; Nice flow. short, sweet and simple. Other people's perceptions of us often Lead us in that direction forgetting who we really are.
Suggestions ; No Suggestions
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review of Dear Ann Coulter  
Review by Joseph
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Dear Ann Culter

Clarity; Well written.
Style; Political, Humorous
Originality; Original, Well written, Made your point

My favorite lines; Politics is prostitution. It is clear to me from your new publication
Ann Coulter you are both.

I couldn't help but like this one; Thank you and always use a condom with lube

This is only one opinion; Reads well. I like it, short and simple straight to the point. I get the impression you don't like Anne Culter
Suggestions ; No Suggestions
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review of Rope  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; Rope

Clarity; Well written.
Style; Emotional, Short, simple, makes your point.
Originality; Original, Well written

My favorite lines; pull until the it's sting turns to blood
I wonder why they don't pull back

*Begging for them to pull me back
But their shadows fade each day
And my grip loosens that little bit more*

This is only one opinion; Structured nicely. Reads well.
Suggestions ; No Suggestions
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review of Waiting for me  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (3.5)
My Impressions of; Waiting For Me

Clarity; Well written.
Style; Emotional, Strong
Originality; Original, Well written

My favorite line; With promises of pretty things and then,

This is only one opinion; well worded, Nice flow, reads well.
Suggestions ; No Suggestions
Reads well. Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review of What We Fight For  
Review by Joseph
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
My Impressions of; What We Fight For- Chapter one

Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style; Reads like a true life Adventure
Originality; Original idea well written Good description and strong characters.

My favorite lines; Oleksander listened intently for any noise or indication as to what was going on. He strained to hear anything as his ears engorged with blood, pulsing with every heartbeat.

This is only one opinion; Realistic, Well Written and structured with a nice flow. Very Descriptive details.
Suggestions ; Looks good, can't think of any suggestions.
Well done. Write On!
Review of The Dark...  
Review by Joseph
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
My Impressions of; The Dark

Well written poem with a good flow. points out that your situation could be worse.
My favorite lines; So don't think your love life is really that tough
Try being in my skin ... so wooden, so rough!

This is only one opinion; Well Done.Short sweet and Makes a point.
Suggestions ; No suggestions
Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Fireberry Chronicles 1-14 more to come

Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style; Fantasy.
Originality; Original, Consistent structure.

My favorite lines; *"It is fate that is asking, my reluctant warrior." Her hair darkened, even the scattered white hairs turned black, and a black stain formed on the old lady's skin. *

*Stiff as a board, Veria whispered, "I will not have you burning me alive over some ridiculous superstition!" *

A flickering candle lit the fat, wrinkled, cheeks of the haughty innkeeper in the moonless night. Only the dancing of the tiny flame hinted at any doubt behind his bourgeois arrogance.*

*As I said." He shrugged and flashed her a smile. "To be a questioner is to be thus, more monster than human. That is why, to me, you are comrade, not questioner."*

*Milos laid his hand on Lebarac's shoulder, causing him to flinch before submitting. "I understand why you're confused. You are a good man caught between witchery and civilization." *

This is only one opinion; Great detailed descriptions And dialogue. Good structure and Flow.
Suggestions ; Consider opening with the dream. Add More twists, unexpected Actions to catch the reader off guard. A few Cliffhanger ending Chronicles. Of the opening lines I found chronicle# five to be the strongest. I am no expert. Just a suggestion.

My final thoughts; I liked the Chronicles. Great idea and descriptions. Strong characters. Well done. Write On!
Review of Song of an Age  
Review by Joseph
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Song of an Age

Clarity; Well written. Short but makes its point
Style; Nice flow
Originality; Original idea.

My favorite line; He who loves from his heart dies too,
but its beat holds the song of an Age.

This is only one opinion; Reads well. Short, Sweet straight to the point. A nice flow.
Suggestions ;No suggestions.
Unique, Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; Myrtle Armentrout

Clarity; Well written.
Style; Nice flow
Originality; Original idea.

My favorite line; In a nutshell? I kick people out of their homes in Esther Falls, Nebraska. I know. It seems like that would be a very dull eight-hour day.

This is only one opinion; Reads well. a nice flow.
Suggestions ;No suggestions.
Unique, Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review of Attraction  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; Attraction

Clarity; Well written. As Title suggest.
Style; Nice flow
Originality; Original idea, Well written.Emotional.

My favorite lines;
The rules of attraction
Should be written on the wall

This is only one opinion; Reads well with a nice flow.
Suggestions ;No suggestions.
Unique, Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review of Minions  
Review by Joseph
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Minions

Clarity; Well written. Realistic story about the relationship between kids and parents.
Style; Nice flow, realistic dialog between characters
Originality; Original idea, Well written. I like the twist at the end.

My favorite lines; How he hated them sometimes. They think they know everything. Why can’t I do as I like? Who are they to tell me what I can or can’t do?

He pattered on bare feet to his parent’s room and listened outside the door before gently opening it to discover no one there. Nothing except an empty bloodstained bed.

This is only one opinion; Reads well very realistic dialogue shows the relationship between kids and parents at times. Nice twist at the end.
Suggestions'; No suggestions.
Unique idea, reads well With a good flow. Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Impressions of; An incredible Experience

Clarity; Well written. As Title suggest.
Style; Nice flow, realistic dialog
Originality; Original idea, we'll told experience, Well-worded

My favorite lines; He’s done this before with the two, so they knew what was happening. They shrunk down to child’s height, then a baby’s height, then a doll’s height and even more. When Mark stopped it, they were all one inch tall, the perfect size for sneaking.

“Don’t get it though. If you wanna kiss a giant girl’s body, wouldn’t the up above be better?” George questioned, as Mark simply shrugged. He waited for a long while, until he realised something, there was more step

And due to the clothes he was wearing,. George could see right in. Holy s*** did he like what he was viewing, her massive cleavage. Pushed up against the bed, and welcoming him in. He dropped to his knees to this unaware girl, not knowing how to continue.

He could not take off the smile, even if he wanted to. He got stuck there, relaxing right now and loving it. He even moved around, and scaled his way up, like rock climbing but with sexy rocks.

He started to walk inside, grabbing his privates ad taking off his clothes, throwing them over the edge. Probably would of been smart doing it when they were bigger, therefore easy to find later, but he was not thinking that clear at the moment.

This is only one opinion; Unique idea, well worded, very detailed. Nice flow, reads well.
Suggestions; Proof for typos', I think I saw a couple like the one above.
Unique idea, reads well. Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review of Despair  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; Despair

Clarity; Well written. As Title suggest.
Style; Poem.
Originality; Well-worded short straight to the point.

My favorite lines; Life is like a wild ride
with tragedy, struggle, and malevolence
being its constant dark side

This is only one opinion; Worded and structured well.Nice flow, reads well.
Suggestions ; No suggestions.
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Impressions of; How many ounces in 3 liters?

Clarity; Well written. As Title suggest.
Style; Research Paper.
Originality; Explained well.

My favorite lines; Knowing how to convert between liters and ounces can be helpful in many situations

This is only one opinion; Explained well.
Suggestions; How many liters in a gallon?
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
My Impressions of; Chapter 1(Lost in Starlight)

Clarity; Well written. Well described scenes and characters.
Style; Starts realistic And then unexpected fantasy.
Originality; Good idea, reads well with a nice flow. Nice twist at the end Leaving the reader to want to know more.

My favorite lines; A slithering, scaley, and a creepy reptile always associated with evil and treason.

This is only one opinion; Nicely written, Keeps the Reader's attention. Good twist at the end making the Reader want to turn the page and see what happened.
Suggestions ; No suggestions.
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Impressions of; An Omnibus Adventure

Clarity; Well written as Title suggests . Well described scenes and characters.
Style; Nice realistic story set in modern times.
Originality; Good idea, reads well with a nice flow. Nice twist at the end, Revealing that the girl was bluffing.

My favorite lines; “Shoot and you’ll scare him into making you a eunuch,” she said loudly and quickly at his horrified face

This is only one opinion; Nicely written realistic and humorous
Suggestions ; No suggestions.
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review of the wise tree  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; The Wise Tree
Clarity; Well written as Title suggests .
Style; A good Story from the Wise Tree’s outlook.
Originality; Good idea, reads well with a nice flow.

My favorite lines; From its lofty height, the tree had a unique perspective on life, and it often pondered the meaning of existence.

As the years passed, the tree grew older and wiser.

This is only one opinion;
Suggestions ; A stronger opening line.
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (3.5)
My Impressions of; Edgar Allen Poe's "Tell Tale Heart" Review of short story

Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style; A good take. familiar with the story
Originality; Original review

My favorite lines; I felt more than one theme while reading the story. I felt, Death, friendship, and good vs evil.

Suggestions ; NoSuggestions.
This is only one opinion; Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
My Impressions of; Part 4: Song Of Songs
Clarity; Well written. Good structure grammar and punctuation. Good Dialogue between characters
Style; A good flow that reads well. A lot of detailed Description.
Originality; Unique idea, Good description slowly drawing the reader in.

My favorite lines; "Oh, Bell." August chuckled softly. "If God had a destiny for everyone, he wouldn't have given us free will."

"So... Let me get this straight," August rubbed his face. "You're THE Whore of Babylon, but didn't know until today, and your guardian... demon? Didn't tell you because he wanted to prevent the End of Days and got punished for it. I just don't understand the logic. If you are unwilling to become the... you-know-what, why are things escalating? Shouldn't it start AFTER you accept the mantle and not before?"

Only my opinion; For me it seemed to start out kind of slow gaining momentum from the middle to end.
Suggestions ; Maybe arrange some of the context from the end to the beginning.
This is only one opinion; Nicely written. Good idea and content Read’s well, A good story. Great job. Write On!
Review of A Girl  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (3.5)
My Impressions of; A Girl
Clarity; Clear, well defined, Reads as the title suggests.
Style; a good flow that reads well
Originality; Unique idea

My favorite lines; no fortune but Oh how rich I am with tears'
This, she said with a blue heaven above
she kept looking at with a face this heart tears

Suggestions ; No suggestions
This is only one opinion; Nicely written. Good idea and content Read’s well, A good poem. Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (3.5)
My Impressions of; The Secret Life of flowers
Clarity; Clear, well defined, Reads as the title suggests.
Style; a good flow that reads well
Originality; Expressions of springtime.

My favorite lines; Morning winds whisper their canorous tunes
as each blossom moves in a rhythmic sway
inscribing its secret in nature's runes,
in praise of the start of another day

Suggestions ; No suggestions
This is only one opinion; Nicely written. Good idea and content Read’s well, A good poem. Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; Poem - Superstition Mountains
Flows well, Nicely written leading the reader toward the mystery.

My favorite lines;
The River Peoples fear your mountains
Native warriors are your faithful protectors
the Jesuit and Conquistadors drew some golden blood
until grisly Death frightened them away

Good idea and content
Suggestions ; No suggestions
This is only one opinion; Read’s well, A good poem. I love the way you ended it.
Great job. Write On!
Review of Moments  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; Poem - Moments
Flows well, Nicely written emotional poem.
I like all the lines here are 2 my favorites
My favorite lines; 1- We try to forgive those who have wronged in the past,
2- Hopefully letting it go so that new memories may last.

Good idea and content
Suggestions ; No suggestions
This is only one opinion; Read’s well, A good poem. Reminds me of human nature.
Good job. Write On!
Review of Ask One To Be One  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; Poem - Ask One To Be One
Good idea and content. Nice Flow

My favorite lines;
Pillars of society, pillars from history
Nothing is easy, nothing is free
Someone always pays in some way

acred trust built from their actions
Leaders, poets, singers our spiritual glue
Some are red, some are blue
Simply: “Ask One To Be One.”

Suggestions ; No suggestions
This is only one opinion; Read’s well, A good poem expressed well. Good job.
Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Poem #4: Life of an Exiled Poet
Flows well, Good idea and content.

My favorite lines;
Wandering here and there
Just searching for my lost life
Wondering where my life
Has gone so terribly wrong
And why I am on this path

Suggestions ; No suggestions
This is only one opinion; Read’s well, A good poem expressed well. Good job.
Write On!
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