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Review by Joseph
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
My impressions of: Wardrobe Malfunction

Clarity: Exactly as the title suggests.
Style: Realistic poetry
Originality: Realistic poem of a real event
My favorite lines: Now she had to pass the test
Be a young lady at her demure best.
She had to impress the movers and shakers
She had to catch the eye of the MATCHMAKERS!!

This is only one opinion: Well done reads well. Nicely worded and described realistic events told in a humorous way. No suggestions for this masterpiece.
Well done, Write On!
Joseph WdCSuper Powers Reviewing Group writing.com
Review of A Christmas Carol  
Review by Joseph
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nicely written has a nice flow and rhythm and well done.
Thank you very much for allowing me to review this l really enjoyed it.
Good job with a unique style for this origonal poem from A Christmas Carroll. Well Done Write On! Keep it up! God Bless.
Joseph---WdC Superpowers Reviewers Group

Review of SANTA IS A PILOT?  
Review by Joseph
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
My impressions of:SANTA IS A PILOT. Nicely written with a good flow. Thanks for allowing me to read this,I truely enjoyed it.
Unique idea followed up with a funny Chtistmas clasic.I am sure Mrs Clause enjoyed the ride. Great job with ACE PILOT.
WELL Done, Write On! God Bless.
Joseph Writing.com Superpower reviewers group

Review by Joseph
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
My impressions of; A Place A Time A Dream
Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style: Poetry 8 lines
Originality: Unique, Nice dedication to Edgar Allan Poe. Very good rhyming

My favorite line: Time does fly out the window

This is only one opinion:Well written And structured poem with rhymes. has a nice flow. short, simple I like it.
Well Done - Write On! Thanks, I enjoyed reading this.
Review of Love Eternal  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of: Love Eternal

Clarity: As title suggest
Style: poetry Emotional spiritual
Originality: Beautiful

My favorite lines: Writers are we
Our souls embrace
We sought a love
That’s forever

This is only one opinion: Awesome poem.Well written, Kudos! I like the imagery too.Short and sweet yet very strong. Well Done.

No Suggestions Well Done. Write On!
Review of The Wallet  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; The Wallet

Clarity: Little brown wallet missing 5-20s
Style; Personal real life
Originality; Good descriptions realistic characters

My favorite lines; Victoria was an up-and-coming star performer at a major charge card company. She was on the fast track after creating a successful marketing campaign. Profits jumped off the charts.

A dozen hours later, she was tired and cold. Thinking a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops did not bode well in mid-March, she pulled into the next rest stop. Finding a parking spot between two sedans, she no sooner turned off the engine than she was asleep.

This is only one opinion; Well written, Good descriptions of settings, strong characters.Well told I feel like I’ve met Victoria, Miss Sunshine too. Well written ironic ending.
Suggestions;Reads great.I like the opening line however I Might consider opening with Victoria was an- up- and coming star… Then compare to see if it sounds stronger.
Well Done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; A Star Trek Poem (TOS)

Clarity; As Title Suggest
Style; Fanfiction Poem, humorous
Originality; Unique idea and style

My favorite lines; McCoys involved, I cannot lie, we can't get in the way
Damn it Spock, I love that Girl, I don't know what to do
Doc's a Doctor, not a killer, perhaps it won't come true

This is only one opinion; Well written and structured, good rhyming. Nice job Using lines from the original Star Trek series.I had to read this one being a Trekie too. Good flow, I enjoyed reading this.
Well Done. Write On!
Review of Beholder's Bloom  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (3.5)
My Impressions of; Beholders Bloom

Clarity; Strong Title
Style; poem
Originality; Unique idea

My favorite lines; a delicate one
so fragile and clean
Its leaves soft… lively
and resonating violet blush

This is only one opinion; Well written, good descriptions
Suggestions; Consider opening with the line above. Editing out most of the ands and Buts. Then listen to each. I am no expert and this is only a suggestion.

Well done. Write On!
Review of Dance  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; Primroses Pinnacles

Clarity; As Title Suggest
Style; Poetry
Originality; Unique idea and Style

My favorite lines;
The world of unknown that we walk on where there is no logic yet logical a happiness it is. As fragile as a rose's petal which in itself indicates a dangerous path.

If dance is madness then all the dancing trees and lavishing primroses must have gone mad long before people existed.

This is only one opinion; Well written and structured. Reads well.

Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Impressions of;The Earl of Orange and the Mine council

Clarity; As Title Suggest
Style; fantasy
Originality; Unique Descriptive Style

My favorite lines; GORDO and ARTUR watch from inside the tent as the crowd swarms the veranda in confusion and growing excitement. Unicorns tap horns and look optimistically at the fairies flitting about overhead.

This is only one opinion; Very descriptive Style does a good job painting the setting for the reader to visualize. Nice twist casting the Earl into an Enchanted world. Reads well and has a good flow.
Seems like a chapter from a larger work.
Suggestions; A stronger opening line to catch the attention of browsers.

Well done. Write On!
Review of Old Friend  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; Old Friend

Clarity; As Title Suggest
Style; Poem
Originality; Unique, Revisiting old acquaintance

My favorite lines; Is it that freedom that offends?
that lack of sturdy instruction
that lack of social rigor

This is only one opinion; Nicely written reads well has a good flow
unique idea and style. Time goes by, people change.

Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Impressions of; The Sacrifice For Freedom: Love and Glory
Clarity; As Title Suggest
Style; Spiritual Poem
Originality; Unique idea, Thankful for sacrifices

My favorite lines;God bless the families
And compatriots
Who to this day avow a saddened,
Yet holy presence
In our nation’s history…

This is only one opinion; Nicely done well written poem
Praises for our troops
Well done. Write On!
Review of Magnus  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; Magnus
Clarity; Fairy tale
Style; Delightful children's story
Originality; Unique idea Well told

My favorite lines;Edgar was the ring bearer and Gladys kept her promise and never even took a nibble out of him.

This is only one opinion; Nicely done well written children's story with strong characters And description plus a happy ending.

Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; A Soul's Place; The Sacrifice
Clarity; As title suggest
Style; Spiritual poem
Originality; Unique idea strong emotional

My favorite lines; So long to be forgiven for your fruitless sins and deeds,
Giving strength and patience for others’ desperate needs

The mighty speak of sacrifices some aren’t going to make,
But forgiveness holds the key to finding love, for Heaven’s sake!

This is only one opinion; Reads well, Nicely written and structured poem. Strong and spiritual warrior preparing for eternity.

Well done. Write On!
Review of Just Dance  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Just Dance

My favorite lines; In whatever Heaven there to be
or wherever gone that soul of me

This is only one opinion; Nicely written and structured poem. A good flow, short and simple letting the reader take what he wants from it.

Well done. Write On!
Review of The Greatest Gift  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; The Greatest Gift
This is only one opinion; Well written short sweet straight to the point. These days especially, I feel most of the world has the wrong idea about Americans due to our government's policies. The average citizen does not necessarily share these views. We have a sense of Duty and loyalty To our people and their future. Most would give their life helping a neighbor or friend.

Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (3.0)
My Impressions of; Truth About A Tooth
This is only one opinion; appears to be an unfinished work. Well written and structured. We never realize the true importance of our teeth until problems start to arise.
Suggestions ; Finish it, end it or use it in another work.
Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
My Impressions of; Back to the past: Jane Austen 26

Clarity; Well written. screenplay
Style; Romance fanfiction
Originality; Realistic descriptions and Characters

My favorite lines; Can you come back tomorrow? I don't feel well today." Megan felt so guilty as did Jennifer. DANG GYPSY MEN!

"Megan, are we ladies of the night? Did we sleep with them?"

This is only one opinion; Realistic Dialogue, Good descriptions and strong characters. Reads sort of like a screenplay. Good job you left the Reader wanting more. Curious about Jane Austen?
Suggestions ; A hint of what's next at the end.
Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; Some People are Worth Waiting For !

Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style; Poetry emotional
Originality; Beautiful Poem! Unique idea. well structured

My favorite lines; Days past, weeks, months then years
It was only just a dream
Going about my repetitive daily routine

For the fates kept you busy
Chasing your dreams down with whiskey
Thinking of your love filled dreams

This is only one opinion; Strong emotional poem very well written with a nice flow. Life, love and the one that got away.
Suggestions ;None
Awsome! Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Under super girls feet chapter 2

Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style; fantasy
Originality;Unique idea. well structured

This is only one opinion; Very original and unique story written well flows nicely. Excellent job. Ironic that's Luther in Super Girls shoe. Great description almost like I was in her shoe, well done.
Suggestions ;None
Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Fear on a Mountain Ridge-true story

Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style; True story
Originality; Great description and details

My favorite line: "There are a lot of unusual creatures God has placed on this earth." He paused, "Especially the orange-eyed coyotes and bobcats on the high ridges of the Appalachian Mountains."

This is only one opinion; Good story with a nice flow. Well written and structured reads well. Brings back a lot of memories about the Appalachians. Well told, great descriptions making the reader feel as if he were there with you.

Suggestions ;None
Well done. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (2.5)
My Impressions of; Me myself and I am 2023

Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style; diary?
Originality; Unique idea

This is only one opinion; Interesting, Not sure where you're going with this. Good grammar and punctuation.
Suggestions ; A time traveler bouncing Through Time lands on each of these days. He makes a diary entry while he tries to find his way back to his time.
Well done. Write On!
Review of Vicissitudes  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Vicissitudes

Clarity; Well written. As the title suggests.
Style; personal fantasy
Originality; Unique idea

My favorite lines; The vicissitudes made him ponder whether it was a mere coincidence. He got the answer in his dream. He saw the faint image of a mystical man with a huge beard and concocting a spell with herbs and foaming froth. Suddenly a mist emanating from the mixture cascaded around the room. He then heard a gruff voice,"Son, the trinket is my gift for you. Preserve it with care.It will bring you good luck."

This is only one opinion; Well written and structured reads well with a good flow. Great idea, I am an amateur archaeologist and I have been looking for that trinket for some time.
Suggestions ; None
Well done. Write On!
Review of The Bus Ride  
Review by Joseph
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Impressions of; The Bus Ride

Clarity; Well written. As title suggest
Style; humorous
Originality; Original idea

My Favorite Lines; I'm in no hurry to get to class
but I make my entrance in time

This is only one opinion; Nicely written, nice flow. Brings back memories of the School Bus. well done. I enjoyed reading it, Thanks.
Suggestions ; No Suggestions
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
Review by Joseph
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
My Impressions of; Chapter 2 (Dreaded Happenings)

Clarity; Well written. Good descriptions.
Style; Fantasy
Originality; Original, Well written, Realistic Dialog,


The kids screamed at the top of their lungs and scurried down to her homes. The kid on top of the little girl was too caught off guard, when without realizing it, with all of her remaining force, she headbutted the boy as blood trickled from his forehead onto her face.

She went back to sleep so if it's all a dream, she wished for it to end sooner....... or maybe not.

This is only one opinion; Nicely written, strong characters, strong opening line and ending, leaving the reader wanting more.
Suggestions ; No Suggestions
Nicely written, Great job. Write On!
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