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Review of Tempest  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon
Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame. You were nominated to receive the Ebb Love package. I am here to give you the final FAN-ATIC review you will receive from me as part of your package. *Smile*

I love the cheek which can be found in many of your items. They always make me laugh and keep me thoroughly entertained and this item is no exception.
The content is very misleading. You manipulate the reader into believing you are speaking of a thunderstorm only for us to find out this has been based on something entirely different. I won't divulge too much information because I do not want to ruin the twist for others.

The rhyme featured in the opening stanza was fantastic and I was hooked by the time I reached the second line. *Thumbsup*

Tip- Remove the period at the end of the 1st line of the 2nd stanza and replace it with a comma.

Remove the capitalization of the 1st letter featured on the 2nd line of the second stanza and remove the comma at the end of the line and replace it with a period.

All suggestions and comments are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Well done and thanks for the laugh!

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Ink Blot Hall of Fame  (E)
Recognizing talent all across WDC!
#1522315 by Riot
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello 💟Crissy~Hijacked
I am here to give you a "Invalid Item folder review.

Woah...there is a little bit of everything hiding within this folder. There are 23 items of Poetry in total displayed within here at this precise moment and they all cover different subjects, themes and genres. The only thing one can be certain of reading when entering here is Poetry. *Laugh*

Well done Crissy. I appreciate a well organized folder.
Write on.

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Review of BiPolar Poetry  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello 💟Crissy~Hijacked
I am here to give you a "Invalid Item folder review.

This is a treasure of a folder. Nestled within are many different items pertaining to Bipolar disorder.
This folder is full of writings which are emotional on many different levels and informative for those who do not have knowledge of this illness. I found some of the items on display within this folder very encouraging too, especially for fellow sufferers who feel they are alone in their battle.

Way to go! This is an A class folder. *Thumbsup*
Well done and write on.

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Review of Bloody Valentine  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello Ariella
I am here to give you a "Invalid Item review.

This is an interesting story and I love that it is so closely related to the traditional story but fused with modern elements which put your own unique spin on it. *Thumbsup*
I think your story is a fantastic starting point for something which can be made more in-depth with some extra attention.

I have a few suggestions for improvement but by no means do you have to take them onboard.

I feel your characters need some more personality. There is minimal mention of Blanche and as a result, her fate at the end of the story has no significant impact upon the reader because we did not know her to sustain that connection.

Giles is also an important character within the story because his presence marks a pivotol element in the relationship between Margo and Blanche and yet we have no description of him. We are told the two women are feuding over him but we are given no visual nor reason as to why.

I loved the ending. It was a nice twist in your item and enforced margo's sadistic nature. *Thumbsup*

There are no visible errors in your item and suggestions for improvement have been made.
Well done and write on!

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Review of Within a Dream  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello mARi☠StressedAtWork
Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame. You were nominated by "Invalid Item and stacylynn71 for the Maya Angelou package. I am here to give you the first of 2 FAN-ATIC reviews you will receive from me as part of your package.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Poem. There is an abundance of flamboyant color and imagery incorporated into the item and this captured and held my attention.
The rhyme is great. It is solid and consistent through the entire duration of the Poem.

There are a few lines I would focus some extra attention upon because they feel forced and out of place. One example of this can be seen on the last line of the 2nd stanza. Whilst it fits the rhyme, it does not really have any significant impact as the other lines do. I would suggest a re-work of this line to raise the quality to the same standard as the rest of the Poem.

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Well done and write on.

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Ink Blot Hall of Fame  (E)
Recognizing talent all across WDC!
#1522315 by Riot
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Kim Ashby
Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame. You were nominated by a secret fan to receive the Sylvia Plath package. I am here to give you the first of two FAN-ATIC reviews you will receive from me as part of your package. *Smile*

Wow, that was a very detailed introduction of the woman behind the words. I reached the section at the end of the item where you offered if anyone has anything else they would like to know about you, just ask and I thought no, it has all been covered and then some. This is a fabulous item which gives us insight into the real persona of the writer and what makes you the person you are. *Thumbsup*

I loved everything about this item. The snippets of cheeky personality which kept shining through, the spirit within the content which kept my attention glued to the item and the whole take me as I am or not at all theme, the item generally has. *Thumbsup*

There are no visible errors and my only suggestion is to increase the font size. It was a little tricky to read.

Well done and write on!

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Ink Blot Hall of Fame  (E)
Recognizing talent all across WDC!
#1522315 by Riot

Review of Let Go  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your thoughts on this subject are interesting and creative. It is a subject which calls for much debate so it is always stimulating to read/listen to the thoughts and beliefs of others in regards to this topic.

The mechanics of your Poem need some extra attention. While it has been set out well and presented to the reader in a neat and tidy fashion, there is a lack of punctuation, which is needed.
The first line of your Poem does not read smoothly and I feel it would, if it were worded properly. My suggestion is to keep the same theme for this line but write it a different way such as: At the beginning there was an end. Of course this is just an example. *Smile*

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard what you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Well done and write on.

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Review of A Tale of Pennies  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello LdyPhoenix
Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame. You were nominated by "Invalid Item and stacylynn71 for the Maya Angelou package. I am here to give you the last review you will receive from me as part of this package. *Smile*

This is such a moving story. Both characters deliver a story of pain, suffering and inspiration in a powerful fashion. I am actually amazed how significantly the characters were able to affect me, considering the limited size of the content. *Smile*

There is nothing about this I would suggest requires alteration. All elements of your story are working hand-in-hand and there are no areas which are lacking in strength.

Tip- (its) on line 9 should read as (it's).

There are no other visible errors and no further suggestions are required.

Well done and write on!

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Ink Blot Hall of Fame  (E)
Recognizing talent all across WDC!
#1522315 by Riot
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello LdyPhoenix
Congratulations on your nomination into the "Ink Blot Hall of Fame. You were nominated by "Invalid Item and stacylynn71 for the Maya Angelou package. I am here to give you the first of two reviews you will receive from me as part of this package. *Smile*

This story is well written considering the limitations of no word repetitions. You tackled the challenge well and I believe you conquered it. *Thumbsup*

The story itself, is one which piques the curiosity of the reader and holds their attention because we 'want' to know why this woman is in the state she is in.
The imagery which has been used, especially in the opening paragraph raised the quality of the item for me. Brief stories do not have to necessarily be flat as some think. If hard work is invested into them, the shortest of stories can still have a very powerful impact upon the reader. It is obvious you have given yourself to this. *Thumbsup*

There is a pause in the 2nd line when I reached 'harshly across face...'. If this item were not detailed that there were to be no repetitions then this is definitely something I would urge you to correct but as I have been made aware the action is justified.

There are no visible errors in your content and suggestions for improvement are not required.

Best of luck to you in the Ink Blot monthly draw.
Well done and write on, shiny star. *Smile*

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Ink Blot Hall of Fame  (E)
Recognizing talent all across WDC!
#1522315 by Riot
Review of PLAYER  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I am here to give you the last review you will receive from me as part of your number 5 cNote package from "Invalid Item that you won in the Rainbow Ribbon Auction. *Smile*

This is a fantastic Poem and one which echoes with so much truth. You clearly depict the effect players have upon their innocent victims. Psychic vampires such as these are not worth the time of day, afterall who can love someone who so obviously does not love or respect themselves?

I found your item to be inspirational because the character is aware of what is happening and intends to put a stop to it. Many people do not have this advanatge and some who do, turn a blind eye to their misgivings. The character in this Poem is standing strong and is prepared to tackle this manipulator head on. *Thumbsup*

It was a great write and one I would urge all members of WDC to read and review.
Well done and write on.

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Review of I CRY  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is review number 2 of 3 you will receive as part of the number 5 cNote package you won in the rainbow Ribbon Auction from "Invalid Item.

This is a poem based on empathy. The main character is not only feeling the pain of their own trials and tribulations they are also feeling the pain of others too. The Poem is expressed and delivered gently to the reader.

My only suggestion is to incorporate (i) into the content. It feels as though the lines are not forming properly because this reference has not been made. The Poem would read much smoother if you were to consider adding it.

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Well done!

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Review of I WALK ALONE  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I am here to give you the first of three reviews you will receive from me as part of the number 5 cNote package from "Invalid Item, you won in the Rainbow Ribbon Auction. *Smile*

This Poem is truly expressed beautifully. The loneliness and depression of the main character is potently visible through out the entire content and these feelings are ejected onto the reader in a strong manner.

I am not usually a fan of repetition and try to encourage others to stray from it but it is has been used elegantly in this Poem. The line you chose to repeat in the content is one of the most powerful lines featured in the Poem and I feel this line is actually what creates such a fierce emotional impact.

The presentation is perfect and there is nothing about this Poem I would change.

There are no visible errors and suggestions for improvement are not required.

Well done and write on!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Shannon

You have so many different cNote shops and they are all great! I feel like a kid in a candy store and don't know which ones to buy. *Laugh*
All of the images are of great quality and they have all been to reasonable prices.

I am thrilled I have found one specific portal which will take me to a wonderland full of images to suit my personal needs.

Well done and thank you!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
I am here to give you the last review you will receive from me as part of your win at the Rainbow Ribbon. *Smile*

This is a very sad Poem centrally based on the emotions felt when one is forced to let go of something they would rather hold on to. It has been delivered nicely to the reader and with enough potency for the viewer to be moved by the words.
I like that you have written this item in free verse and with simplicity. It shows the reader the raw emotions and thoughts of the character the item is centered upon.

Again, my only tip is to incorporate some punctuation. I feel this is required more from a presentation perspective than an improvement mechanism in this poem.

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Well done and write on.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
I am here to give you review number 2 of 3 you will receive from me as part of your win at the Rainbow Ribbon. *Smile*

Your Poem is centrally based on someone experiencing so much hurt, that they have been left with no other alternative than to shut themselves off completely. Sadly, this is a defense mechanism which is used often by people who have experienced these constant blows.

I feel the item reads well but needs some slight adjusting to read perfectly. (I) should be incoroprated into the first stanza of your Poem to make the sufficent connection between the reader and the item. It allows the reader to see an intimacy within the content of the main character.
Also a slight sprinkling of punctuation will do wonders for your item. Nothing major, just a few elements of it here and there to spruce up your flow and pace. *Smile*

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Well done and write on.

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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I am here to give you the first of three reviews you will receive from me as part of your auction win at the Rainbow Ribbon. *Smile*

There has been a huge amount of emotion captured within this small Poem. The emotion captured is not one in particular but many different ones all weaved together. There is a detection of remorse, regret, sadness, anger but also a sense of freedom of being released from something which was a fruitless venture.

Tip- Line 4 of the first stanza requires a period at the end of the line.

Well done and write on.

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Review of Teenage Crushes  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello suser:kiyasama}
Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame. You were nominated by the Affected By Abuse Group and stacylynn71 for the Maya Angelou package. I am here to give you the first of two reviews you will receive from me as part of this package. *Smile*

I think you did a fantastic job in creating a very vivid and in depth scene with the use of dialogue only.
You depict a story of a woman who is visiting the grave of the man she loves. She has something very important to tell him and is experiencing regret she was unable to do it before it was too late.

You delve even deeper into the item by showing the reader, through the conversation, how it was these two people became a couple to begin with. I am quite literally in awe of the fact you were able to construct a story so brilliantly without anything other than dialogue to express it. *Thumbsup*

There are no visible errors and suggestions for improvement are not required.
*Fantastic job*
Well done and write on.

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Ink Blot Hall of Fame  (E)
Recognizing talent all across WDC!
#1522315 by Riot
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Daizy May
Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame. You were nominated by a secret fan to receive the Sylvia Plath package. I am here to give you one FAN-ATIC review of 9 you will receive in total from the gifters. *Smile*

I enjoyed reading this Poem. Although the Poem is centered on someone receiving some peace and relaxation from the calming aura of nature, the item had the same effect upon me and I found the content to be hypnotic and entirely soothing.

Many of your lines seem to fuse into one another. There are many sections where the line has been dropped mid-way to follow on to another line where most people would keep the two seperate for a smoother reading experience. I feel that what you have done is great because it is different and the rhythm and timing of the item are spiced up by this action but in order for it to generally work, punctuation must be added to guide the reader accurately through these zones.

Tip- Title featured as the header requires a space inserted between 'Words' and 'To'.

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Best of luck to you in the Ink Blot monthly draw.
Well done and write on.

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Ink Blot Hall of Fame  (E)
Recognizing talent all across WDC!
#1522315 by Riot
Review of Bennett  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello KarenDFW
I am stopping by to give you a review. *Smile*

I like the warm emotions within your item. They are gentle and reach out to touch the reader.
The pact between mother and son is visible in the item and this was essentially the highlight for me.
I feel there is some room for improvement within your item. Clarity and depth needs to be fused into your item. The story within the Poem is a scratch upon the surface and you are not really giving the reader anything to sink their teeth into. Some of the lines are very large in length and your presentation would benefit if you were to tidy it up by trimming some of them down.

There are no visible errors and suggestions for improvement have been made.
Thanks for the read. Well done and write on.

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Review of Death  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Ledan
I am stopping by to give you a review. *Smile*

I love the storyline. I appreciated the fact that although the item was centrally based upon the unnamed man and unnamed woman, a personal experience of the Grim Reaper unfolded at the end. It was great to read two different situations fused together.

My only suggestion for you in regards to do with improvement is to name one of the main characters. The use of 'he' and 'she' is abundant within your item and this needs to be eliminated to smooth out the story.
Line 2- A space needs to be inserted after the period at the end of must.

Thanks for a good read and I look forward to reading more of your writing.
Well done and write on.

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Review of My Second Chance  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello AJD
I am stopping by to review your item. *Smile*

I am a dark poet by nature and preference but I do occassionally like to read items which concentrate on positive emotions being felt by the main character. It is great to read of moments like these which make ones heart race, palms sweat from nerves and those relentless butterflies in the stomach when we are in the presence of someone we feel is significant.

You have captured all of these positive energies in your Poem very well. There are only two areas which are in need of improvement and these are punctuation and certain sections of your rhyme.

For the most part, the rhyme is consistent but there are a few small sections which feel false and forced into position such as the rhyme on line 12. After reading the entire Poem a few times it is effortless to see that this rhyme has no place in that part of the Poem.

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Best of luck. Write on.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Another Washington Writer
I am stopping by to give you a review. *Smile*

You have captured a fabulous rhythm in your Poem. Majority of all aspects which make up a good Poem have been covered. There is good, descriptive wordplay, excellent imagery, pace, rhythm, flow, and the mood of the Poem is light and upbeat.
My only suggestion is to punctuate your item. There is nothing else lacking in your Poem and it seems a shame to leave one aspect absent.

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to use what you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Well done and write on.

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Review of Remorseless Time  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello JoyceFox
I am stopping by to give you a review. *Smile*

The title is great. It captured my attention immediately and encouraged me to read your item.
The content is dark and foreboding and as I am a dark writer, I was completely taken with it. Biased? Yes, but dark writing is my passion. *Smile*

I have only one suggestion for improvement to offer you.
The Poem has a furious pace because you have refrained from using punctuation. Your item would benefit if you were to either, add the punctuation and leave it in its original presentation or create some divisions to help slow down the pace. A dark item such as this, requires a rhythm which is slow and lulling to draw the reader into the depths of your dark words.

All comments and suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Well done and write on!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
After visiting this shop to puchase cNotes for my friends many times, I promised myself to come back and give it a review when I was able and I finally made it. *Smile*

The images are wonderful. The quality is of the upmost and the colors are vibrant and cheerful.
Your collection covers almost every occasion I have needed at any time.

I feel the prices are very reasonable due to the selection and quality and I am pleased to see the shop has been awarded and received some much deserved recognition. Thank you for allowing us to have such a fantastic shop which meets our personal needs.

Great job.

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Review of help me  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello Princess Peach

Your Poem is centrally based upon the overwhelming emotions of someone who is struggling with change.
The emotions being expressed in this item are ones of desperation, defeat and pure fright. These are all potent and are ejected onto the reader with ease. The viewer is left reeling in a state of anxiety as they work their way through your item.

I like where you were going with this but the item itself did not quite get over the finish line for me.
All mechanical aspects of your item are in need of attention. Your starting Points have not been capitalized as required. The only punctuation noted in your item comes in the form of elipses which have been positioned incorrectly and there are a handful of lines which are in need of a re-write for better formation.

All suggestions and comments are offered in the spirit of helping you. Feel free to take onboard anything you deem is helpful and discard the rest at will.

Write on.

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