a somewhat weathered artist sketchbook containing drawings, . . .
Consider, a somewhat weathered artist's sketchbook . . .

“About the boat”.
Since this is meant to be a leading comment, consider, "About the boat . . ."

show a half dozen of these retrofit craft stationed at small outposts around Inman's Island.
I think craft should be crafts.

It dam near killed me, . . .
The word dam should be damn.

They’re ultra private, password protected, encrypted discussion forums, geeky stuff I know.” He shrugged. “Guess that’s my big secret for the day."
Consider, They're ultra private, password protected, encrypted discussion forums. Geeky stuff, I know." He shrugged. "Guess that's my big secret for the day."

Just need a question mark before the end quotes.

my first encounter with the old women demon.
The word women should be woman since there was only one demon.

What the fuck Simene.”
Consider a comma before Simene because it's a direct address. Also, consider ending this with a question mark to give it more emphasis.

“Yeah—real world“
Just missing the end punctuation before the quote mark.

Understanding that a screaming, squirming, fear possessed five-year-old, meant no more birthdays . . .
Consider removing the comma before meant because it interrupts the flow of the sentence.

Fear is inherent in all life-forms, but in human's, it's especially disabling.
The word human's should be humans. The apostrophe indicates possession, while the absence of one indicates the word is plural.

"I am afraid Simene--but it will never control me."
Remember you need a comma before any direct address.

struggling to make sence . . .
Just a typo on sense.

When driving the masterpiece of engineering Merci could feel the road through the steering wheel, . . .
Consider a comma before Merci to show that When driving the masterpiece of engineering is an introductory phrase.

and onto Alaskan way,
If the name of the street is Alaskan Way then the way should be capitalized. The same goes for Rho's Green Lake condominium that comes later in this same sentence.

I lost tract of time. My bad.”
The word tract should be track.

“Rodger. You still there?”
Just a typo on his name.

and before you protest—here me out.”
The word here should be hear.

I met them years ago—there a bit strange, . . .
The word there should be they're.

."their not just astrologers Merci, their psychics, they interpret energy's, auras--they will have answers.”
The word their should be they're in both cases. Also, the word energy's should be energies to show a multiple rather than possession.

It wasn’t until she finally turned off the main highway and entered the back country, that a vague trepidation began to tickle the back of her neck.
The comma before that isn't needed. As a rule, the word that introduces necessary information and is rarely separated from the main sentence with a comma.

at the end of Rogers Google map,
This should be Roger's to show possession.

The girls were so unique and compelling, it made no sense.
I'm not sure I understand what it made no sense is referring to here. If it's a lead-in for her trusting them immediately, consider rephrasing.For example, The girls were so unique and compelling, and while it made no sense and she would probably never articulate a rational reason for her insight, she trusted them immediately.

Who--or what--had Merci on a leash, coaxing her toward an ever perplexing, ever deepening mystery.
Consider a question mark at the end of this sentence.