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Review of Gone  
In affiliation with The Writer's Cramp Judges ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm reviewing your entry as today's judge for "The Writer's Cramp celebrates WDC 24!"   by Sophy wishes WDC Happy 24! . Thanks for entering!

This is a nice melding of the excitement of graduation, the fear of an abuser, and the love this girl has for that same abuser.

The last caught me off guard. I would like to think that I'd have a feeling of relief and freedom. I do realize that many still have feelings for their abuser in spite of what is being done to them.

This is well written. There are a few bumps but nothing that can't be corrected. I like the way you ended this piece. It lets your readers ponder what happens next in Eve's life, what decisions she will make now.

Nice work!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Broccoli Trials  
In affiliation with The Writer's Cramp Judges ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm reviewing your entry as today's judge for "The Writer's Cramp celebrates WDC 24!"   by Sophy wishes WDC Happy 24! . Thanks for entering!

Love the final line! It's also nice to see a parent relent because they understand. I think most of us had this kind of battle with our own parents over some food.

This flowed nicely and was fun to read!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Hunter McGee  
In affiliation with The Writer's Cramp Judges ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm reviewing your entry as today's judge for "The Writer's Cramp celebrates WDC 24!"   by Sophy wishes WDC Happy 24! . Thanks for entering!

I enjoyed this! The rhythm is fun and addictive.

The poem itself reminds me of Robert Service. He was a poet that my dad loved and would read to me as a young girl. I still have the book.*Smile*

As I said, fun! It flows well. I love your word choices. They bring it to life for your readers.



*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of John, Doe  
In affiliation with The Writer's Cramp Judges ...  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as today's judge for "The Writer's Cramp celebrates WDC 24!"   by Sophy wishes WDC Happy 24! . Thanks for entering!

I get the impression that this is the first draft of your story. It is very choppy and does need work.

There are numerous misspellings. Some spots don't make sense. It definitely needs work.

On the plus side, I like where this is going. You have some great description here and I loved the ending.

I think if you put some work into this piece, it can be a great story! Keep writing!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Writer's Cramp Judges ...  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as today's judge for "The Writer's Cramp celebrates WDC 24!"   by Sophy wishes WDC Happy 24! . Thanks for entering!

You have a really good story here. I like the tale you are weaving.

It does need work. There are misspelled words and partial sentences throughout. This is an easy fix.*Smile*

I also feel that there is more here to tell. I know there is a word count for this contest. Now that it has been judged, you could go wild with this! Add more details. Make your readers' senses come alive. Go into more detail about the cultures of the two main characters (even the grandmother!). Have fun with it!

These are things that all writers deal with on a daily basis.

Keep writing!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of What The...?  
In affiliation with The Writer's Cramp Judges ...  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as today's judge for "The Writer's Cramp celebrates WDC 24!"   by Sophy wishes WDC Happy 24! . Thanks for entering!

This is a wonderfully written piece!

The dialogue and actions between the siblings is so natural. They are believable.

Your flow is great. You lead your readers through the tale with no hiccups.

I love the humor and love felt as I read.

I found no errors. A nice, solid story!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Writer's Cramp Judges ...  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as today's judge for "The Writer's Cramp celebrates WDC 24!"   by Sophy wishes WDC Happy 24! . Thanks for entering!

What a creative way to get kids to eat healthier! I would think it would be fun for mom and dad too.

I like the way you give examples of the things tried. This gives your readers a sense of being in the moment.

I Can't Believe It's Not Butter should be in caps since it's a brand name.

Leave a space between paragraphs. It will make it easier on your readers.



*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Painter of Dreams  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

Wow! This is a great story! It flows well and the storyline itself is wonderful.

I felt for Maya and wondered myself what her mystery was. It was heartbreaking that she couldn't see the same beauty that the doctors and scientists could. It was also sad to me that they were studying her as a subject rather than a person. The ending, Maya's ending, was tragic as well.

Nice work!

Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

I really like this! You weave quite a tale here.

I love Sato's active imagination. Much like a writer's in how he conjures stories about the place and the people in it.
You also caught me by surprise. I wasn't expecting your story to take the twist that it did. Nice!

You slipped into first person in one sentence. Also, in a few places, you changed verb tenses.
Otherwise, a wonderful piece!

Review of Rendering  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

What an enchanting, and slightly dark, story!
I would love for serendipity to take me where it wanted. How fun ife would be!

I love your description. Spring is making its presence felt here and your description of flowers and plants made me want to work outside in my own yard. I could envision the setting so well.

And the dark element of Emily's mysterious stalker was a nice touch. I was left wondering who he was and about her special talents. In this case it works. I gives your readers something to ponder over.

Nice! I enjoyed reading this!

Review of Willow Wonderland  
Rated: E | (3.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

I love your description! You bring your settings to life with the words you chose.

There are good bones for a story here. It does need some work.

You switched from first to third person. This confuses your readers. They aren't sure whose point of view the story is in.

There are spelling errors and it is choppy and unclear at times. Try reading your work aloud. This can help you catch these things.

Keep writing!

Review of Dragonflies  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm reviewing your entry as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

I love how you wound the rituals of the dragonflies into your story, relating one to the other.

My mother was much like Robert in that she had that perfect mold that she expected me to fit into. It shaped our relationship much like your main characters.

This flows nicely. The emotion behind the narrator is believable. Your word choice is wonderful.


Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I'm reviewing your entry as a judge for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

This brought back fond memories of fishing with my own father. Your description took me back to those days.*Smile*

I love the dialogue between Lily and her dad. It was so real. And I often have wondered about that early worm!

In spite of the tragedy of losing a loved one, this had a feel good vibe to it.

Nice work!

Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

I am reviewing your story as one of the judges for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

You have good bones for a story here. It does need a lot of polish. Don't let this discourage you. It's something every writer has to endure.

There are a lot of incorrectly spelled words. Some of your word choices don't make sense. Watch using the same word too many times too closely together.

The story itself is a tragic one. I felt for Robert and his loss. It is truly tragic to lose someone loved so dearly at a time that should be joyful.

I liked your dialogue. It rang true.

Keep writing!

Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I am reviewing your story as one of the judges for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

Nice job leading your readers through the chase to the final result. It flowed well, never giving too much away too soon.

You changed the way you spelled boneyard, from one word to two. Choose one or the other.

This cemetary reminded me of an old one where I grew up. Full of ghost stories and yes, the above ground crypt. I was picturing it while I read.

Nice work!

Review of A Victim's Story  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

I'm reviewing your story as one of the judges for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

Nice! While the two creeps at the bar reinforce my adversion to the whole speed dating thing, as well as bars in general, they served their purpose. I honestly thought they would save the day. Then again, I imagine the title of the story made that point moot. I do think they know more and even perhaps who is committing these crimes.

The dialogue is wonderful and the characters believable. Your story flowed nicely.

Nice work!

Rated: E | (4.0)

I am reviewing your story as one of the judges for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

This is a twisty story. While I was confused at some points, it all became clear in the end. I truly thought that Roger was losing his mind. Or was he? While the obvious is that he did indeed have a family and a life, he could have been slipping into madness. I love that there is room for reflection on the true nature of his mental condition.

Nicely done!

Review of Nonna's Story  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I am reviewing your story as one of the judges for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

This is a wonderfully written story! I felt drawn in and kept interested throughout. I wanted to know the fate of Angela.

What a terrible, tragic story! Times were different then and very difficult.

Your description, dialogue and characters are well written and believable.


Review of Free Fall  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I am reviewing your story as one of the judges for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

What a beautiful, tragic story! My wish is that Jinn learns from this and uses her life to help those of others.

Your beginning took my breath away! I'm crazy terrified of heights and flying. I thought for a moment that Jinn had pushed her luck and died. The truth was so much more powerful.

The setting of Scotland speaks to me. I've Scottish roots and the country is one of beauty.

Your dialogue made the location more true to your readers.

Wonderful story!

Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I am reviewing your story as one of the judges for "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

I have to admit that I'm burned out on zombie stories. But, I love this one!

It's very nicely written. I feel like I'm living this ordeal with Devin. His journal and his thoughts make him real to your readers. I like that he not only discusses how to survive but also those human things he misses that we take for granted.

Very nice!

Review of The Chair  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I am reveiwing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

Love, love this! Nearing the end, I had guessed where the narrator was. Still, it was a fun trip getting there!

The descriptive telling of this story is what grabs your readers and keeps us captive until the end. I was almost having a panic attack myself!

One thing, since your readers don't know that your narrator knows her tormentor, after he removes her glasses, you mention the detail of his white eyebrows. To keep the suspense, you might want to omit that. We aren't supposed to know who he is untill all is revealed at the end.*Wink*

I really enjoyed this story! Best of luck!

Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

I have to admit that this story was very predictable...until the last sentence. I did not see that coming! Great job in taking me by surprise.

Perhaps I found it predictable because this is the kind of television program I like and books that I read.

You do write well and your description is great. That very thing helps your readers feel the story.

Watch spelling. I saw a few errors. Also plurals and possessives. Minor things that rewrites take care of.

Thanks again for entering and best of luck!

Review of Desolate  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

Wow! This story wound and twisted right until the end. Very nice job!

I loved Trace. Poor guy trying so hard to do right in a changing and confusing world.

I sympathized with Erin, at first of course. One question--how did she know her name when she couldn't remember anything concrete? Just a thought.

You did a great job of keeping your readers in the dark, teasing them along, feeding them nibbles of information. I like how you brought the story to a complete conclusion right at the very last.

I enjoyed reading! Best of luck!

Review of Vegas, Anyone?  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am reviewing your entry as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

This is a very well written piece! Even though I chose not to have children of my own, I often look around and ask myself these same questions. There seems to be no set and right answer on parenting well adjusted children who become productive adults. There are so many factors that come into play.

You raise these issues in a clear manner, even pondering on them. The ultimate question is "why."

Well done! Best of luck and thanks again for entering!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I am reviewing your entry as a judge for "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest"   by Writing.Com Support . Thanks for entering!

I love this piece! When I learned that I was a judge for the genre contest and the subject was parenting, I was a bit worried. Having no human children of my own, I wasn't sure I was qualified. Now dog parenting I understand. I have three furbabies of my own.

Even though I am a single parent, I often have these kinds of conversations with myself. Your writing and subject are so relatable. Of course I love the humor that is sprinkled throughout. Great work!

Thanks again for entering! Best of luck and give Boo a pat for me.*Smile*

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