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Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

He sat there looking at what he had done. Everyone there felt they couldn't stand to look at him. There minds were on her and her life.
She tried to make him listen but you can't reason with a person when they are drunk.
So now, he feels anger against God and himself.
He will pay for his bad decision. Of all times in his life; why couldn't he listen to her?

Things shouldn't have been this way.
The author reminds us of the horror that drinking can bring. It's not a joke. It just takes ones mistake and lives change and sometimes are taken.

Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for putting this topic in such a real feeling piece.
Hopefully others will think twice before getting behind the wheel.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

It only takes a minute and life changes forever. Here we find a parent turning away, for just a minute, while the toddle is near the water.
Looking back, the horrible realization hits the parent.
That moment can't be taken back or changed.
Another child lost and it happens so quickly.

Thank you for sharing the sad piece.
I only hope it is merely a story and not real.

Review of Fear Comes Home  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

He is coming and she knows it. Seeing him out the window,she has no alternative except to answer the door. She begins to feel a sense of dread and knows that this day will,more than likely, be like the rest.

It doesn't take much for him to explode into anger. All directed at her. This time it's the unwashed dishes. What will it be next time?
To many times this happens and unfortunately one time might be the last for her.

She can't leave from fear. She can stay from fear. She may loose her life because of his abuse.

Thank you for sharing.
Good job getting inside this emotional roller coaster and helping others know that they aren't the only ones living in the h-ll.

Review of Sunrise  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Some people like to watch their lover sleep.
It's dawn and as the lover wakes the sun shines in their sleepy eyes. So precious and serene.

There are whispers like 'good morning, I love you'. Maybe the early morning breeze moves the curtains and carries those words around the room.

Then the smile that greets you when there is still a bit of starlight in the darkened room.

Then comes the kiss and the fire of passion awakes in both of you.

This is pretty.
It is the kind of piece that allows the readers mind to wander and maybe be a bit envious.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Sometimes when you love someone, you just have to put it in words.
This is a lovely piece and romantic.
A man has given to his love all that he can possibly give. Those things only he can offer. His heart, soul and body.
Then he goes on to say he would, if he could, give her every element of beauty one could imagine.
He would give the earth, sky, ocean and most of all the moon above.
Isn't that pretty?
To love someone that much.
Feeling that what he has isn't quite good enough and would give the moon if it were his to give.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

This is a very interesting piece. We have a creative person who not only writes but attempts another medium. Drawing and expressing inner thoughts.

Using every available space to create these drawings to me shows a realization of conservation.

The fact that so many eyes are the topic of many of the drawings, leads me to believe that being aware of the immediate surroundings is a need.

There are also creative designs, shapes etc.
These to me represent the desire to change things within the environment.

Just my personal thoughts.

Interesting indeed.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Always  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author uses the word always to make us ponder a bit this afternoon.

At first our character accepts responsibility for negative feelings and events.

Then the character finds another way to deal by blaming others for the misfortunes. After all, one person couldn't start a war.

Then it becomes easy to accept no responsibility which leaves nothing but loneliness.

So after being negative, without fault and then terribly lonely; there is a sudden change of heart.

Could it just be that our character might have been wrong from the get-go?

Finally recognizing the truth, finding love is the answer and prayer is the path and 'ALWAYS' is the way to go.

Thank you for sharing.
Interesting piece indeed.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Sometimes relationships don't work out.
Love is a gamble and there are winners and losers.
Now, as our author shares thoughts on the end, we have some choices to make.
We might cry and not understand.
We might long for things to go back as before.
We might be glad it's over and look to the future.
The main point of the piece is not to give up on love. Don't shut your heart away out of fear of more hurt.
Most of all don't give up on hope. Think to yourself there will be someone out there to love me.

I like the way this was written.
The imagery of the opening and closing of doors.
Don't build yourself an environment without doors where you are closed off.
In that lonely place could you see the scared night or the blessed day with limitless possibilities?

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Ancient Majesty  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

The author brings us a piece about the Sphinx.
Is it standing guard in all it's majesty?
Does it strike visitors by it's size?
What of those that built this gigantic testament to human accomplishment?

The people would worship it for a good harvest.
It is indeed a majestic structure that commands respect by it's longevity and presence.
What if the fact that it is part man and part lion implies that man and beast must coexist.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our character has spent a pretty average summer until now.
The raspberry jam smell penetrated to the heart.
She would be there but finding a way to see her might be a challenge.
Kids are resourceful.
An old crate strategically placed would bring about a victory.

Countless hours pass and our character is one 'happy camper'.

Thank you for sharing.
Makes me hungry for raspberry jam and peanut butter.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author remind us how there are seasons in our life.
We go along at a fast pace; as the piece suggests. Taking on every twist and turn and never tiring.
We have a family and with it, the love to make us go on.

Then comes the winter of our life. No matter how positive we try to be; the winter is cold and reminds us how short our time is.
We keep going because we are still loved. We still take the turns, maybe a bit slower, but we do anyway. We can't fight this season but we can make the best of it.

Thank you for sharing.
Like you imagery.

Review of Bully  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Unfortunately this world has bullies.
They usually want to pick on someone that isn't perfect and have flaws.
In this case we have a beautiful person still being picked at.
Instead of it being a case of the bully thinking that they are better, they are jealous.

Just be yourself. Forget those flapping jaws.
Their words mean nothing and are only destructive garbage.
Those hurtful words should be put out along the curb on trash day.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of A Simple Plan  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author brings us a creepy piece about fear.
The character is afraid of the unknown noise coming from the other side. Turning off the lights and hiding under the covers; isn't helping.
Finally a plan; get up and go look.
Will he actually do that or will he let fear keep him hostage.

Sometimes when we are in our homes and all alone; we might hear a sound that makes us uneasy.
We might just hope it goes away.
But what if the noise kept going on and on?
Then what?

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Wondering  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author offers us a piece about the complexities of life.
We hear different theories; should we believe in those words simply written from the human mind?
Do we wonder about the validity of such words?

Then we wonder about our choices and whether we make the right ones. Will our choices to stay steadfast result in our down fall or rising above all else?

Each day we wonder and question things we see.
Are they reality or wishful thinking.
Could they be a dream or hope.

If everything was certain; think how boring life would be. Would we be able to create goals for ourselves or would the zest for life be gone?

Interesting piece indeed.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of The Watercourse  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Two young people lost in a strange place are trying to find their mother.
The girl remembers about colors but that memory is falling away.
The boy doesn't remember colors at all.
The sky is gray and the water is almost black.
There are dead people floating in the water.
The children are frightened.
Where could this place be?
How did they get there?
Could there be some type of radiation affecting their memories?
So many possibilities.

The author shares this part of his book now published on Amazon.

Thank you for sharing.
Good luck with the book.

Review of In Appreciation  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author brings us a piece about WDC.
He honors this community and how it is run. Making each member feel welcome and offers help when needed.
This is such a diverse community. Member from all over the world help to bring about brotherhood.
We all should take the time to thank those who created this site as our author does.

Thank you for sharing this uplifting piece.

Review of Time Travel  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Here we have a motivational piece.
The author reminds us to give our all to life.
We have limited time to do it in; so make it count.
Cherish your family and friends.
Be thankful for the love that came your way.
Be thankful for all the blessings God has given to you.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Don't we all like surprises?
I know I do.
This lady had a friend who felt the impulse to give her a lovely ornament for the holidays.
This is a thank you note.

I like the three stars.
Representing the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.

Thanks for sharing.

Review of Husbands  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Husbands sometimes don't fit the bill. They think a 'sweet talken' fellow can write his on ticket.
Our character won't give up though. She knows there is going to be one out there. She asks God this time to please send the right guy this time.
He does. She is finally with someone that will make it work. She won't feel empty and will feel loved.
Isn't that all what we want?
Someone to love us and mean it.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Don't Tell Me  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Have you ever been grieving and someone comes over with all the answers?
Well, they might mean well but it just doesn't help.
There is no quick fix for this type of pain.
It just won't be turned off like a light switch.
The bonds that were built will crumble but the memories will linger.
Think before you speak to someone hurting so badly. Maybe it would be better to just be there or even better to just listen. Don't offer any advice, just be a compassionate friend who listens with their heart.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Bad Day at Work  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

She is tired of the every day grind of work.
Who among us can't relate to that?
Watching the clock and daydreaming. She pictures a desert beach.
She creates, who knows what, with paper clips as therapy.
Her mind drifts from books to butterflies.
Wanting tea but facing a mountain of mail.
What can help this poor woman?
The end of the work day, is what?
Get her out of there before her mind turns to mush.
Too much is too much.
Freedom, sweet sweet freedom is just outside her office door.

Thank you for sharing.
The emoticons work well here.

Review of Separated  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Lets say this is written by a friend.
Watching a family fall apart is heart breaking.
The friend apparently thinks it's a mistake because they love each other.
Time will come between them and they won't see each other.
Being apart will become easier and easier.
Throwing away what they invested in is sad indeed.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

There are different ways of doing things and being understood.
One man happens to be a loud mouth. Until he makes his point, he won't shut up. The lack of respect given to his listeners is beyond comprehension.

Now, lets look at another man who thinks before he speaks. He goes over the material and with certainty makes his point. Quiet works for him.

Which of the two men is wise and deserves respect. The loud mouth or the one who shows credibility with every word.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

They were young.
She was afraid to say things.
Then he came into her life. A special friend to bring her comfort and strength. He had her back and helped her though those tough times.
There were some tears but when he came around they no longer flowed.

What a wonderful feeling to know she can count on him. She does the same for him. Friends indeed that turned to love. This turned into something good.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Trapped  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Lets suppose we have a character trapped in deep depression by things that have hurt her badly.
She is afraid of every move she makes. What will happen if she were to try to escape this pit of despair? Will there be someone to help her or will those offering help just make matters worse?
When someone looses faith in those around them; they don't really believe they offer help. They are just trying to get inside her misery to inflict more.
It's like she is a caged bird; tormented by seeds just out of read. Hungry for compassion. Hungry for freedom. Most of all hungry for someone to tell the truth.

Thank you for sharing.

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