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Review of My Star  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
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I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author brings us a tribute to a friend. Not just any friend but one that means more than words could ever say. This one particular day, apparently, it was necessary to try to capture just exactly what this person means and has impacted our authors life.

To find a special friend to give compassion when needed. To be there when needed. To always feel safe and secure. To fill the emptiness one might be feeling inside.

The quiet sincerity is truly a blessing and should be regarded as such.

This is a lovely piece. Heartwarming and touching.
Don't we all need someone to come into our life that means so much to us.

Many friends come and go but a real friend will never go.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Hairshorts  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

We have a man who intends on making a fashion statement. He may never end up on the cat walk in Paris but that's not his goal.
He wants to wear hairy pants. Not fur but his own hair collected and strategically applied to cover and yet allow freedom from the heat.
Of course winter might pose a problem but he has that figured out as well.

Will this fashion trend catch on?
Will wives approve of their husbands dressing similar to cave men?
Only time will tell.

Thank you for the laughs.
As you read this try to picture him walking down Pennsylvania Avenue about to give his acceptance piece for President. Ha!

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Lint Suck  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author brings us a piece regarding unexplained naval lint color. It isn't so much the lint but the color.

Could this be one of those happenings like the missing sock in the dryer? Perhaps missing car keys etc.
Then, just maybe, it could be the characters electric personality after walking across the rug a few times. After all being fully charged with static might be a way to go with the research.
Could it be from aliens? Perhaps the blue lint is small magnetic signals back to the mother ship.

Interesting piece indeed.
Cute and lighthearted piece.
Does make one think though.
An unsolved mystery for sure.

Review of 52 Candles  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

I began reading this piece and it seemed a bit like it would be a celebration. With that mood in mind, I continued reading. Only to find out the ending came as a complete surprise.
Sadness is felt here.
Missed time for memories to be made.
How many lonely years did this character have to live with this realization.
Determined to be stronger and find forgiveness for herself.

Thank you for sharing heartbreaking piece.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

A little boy looses his nightlight. He cries night after night. His stuffed dog tries to comfort him but it isn't working. Finally the stuffed dog, dressed as a wizard, travels to the moon.
The moon loves children and sends back some moon light to the boy.

Here we find sadness
Determination and friendship
A cute childrens story.
And The Man in the MOON's generosity

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Do we ever really say goodbye to those that mean so much to us?
After they pass we go through stages of grief and loss. Then we must remember to keep them with us.
As our author explains; look for the good stuff. The good memories that will keep them alive inside. Maybe one has a special smile. Maybe one was there at he birth of one of your babies and cried a bit. Who could forget that sincerity?
Some might have moved away and while distance separated death came. We can still grab hold of them from our heart. We have a special place for all our friends as close as a heartbeat away.
The same God that made a place for you and me made one for our loved ones too.
Remember they are walking those golden streets and loving us as before.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Dictating  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author takes us through the advances in writing. Beginning with pen and paper and now depending on dictating to get the words out.
Some say that dictating is a freeing source.
Say, for instance, you have a story on your mind. You can freely and quickly express those thoughts while dictating. Writing them, you might miss some train of thought and some important words.

Think of a shrink and how he uses dictating to capture the entire patient visit. He might take notes during the session but later, in his quite time, he will go into more depth about the visit.

Thank you for sharing this.

Review of Beauty in a Smile  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author reminds us what a smile can do. How much effort does it take to smile at someone? Think of what it might bring to them. Perhaps a bit of sunshine on a rainy day. Perhaps a relief of pain on a painful day. Smiles seems to fly from one person to another.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of pain  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

A young woman lets her feelings be known in this piece.
She examines love and how it can transform from magic to disaster in a short time.
Love comes in the form of an illusion in this piece. An illusion that becomes a source of betrayal.
There is pain felt here.
Questions as to why are hidden between the lines.
The fact that she could be so easily replaced is devastating.
Was she that easy to forget?
Most of us have felt that way before.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of The Stacks  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

A young couple sneak away to the top floor of the library. The girl is ready to get a big kiss and surprises her boyfriend when she makes the first move.
They hugged for a while and kissed again.
They thought they were hidden far enough away and no one would know.
Well, there is always someone around.

Their secret isn't a secret any longer.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of I love you  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

A couple find each other. One is in love and the other is going through the motions. Our character soon realizes that the lover is playing a part. A sad time comes when all hope is gone and the end is coming. Questions are abundant. Sadness is apparent. Longing for a different outcome is obvious.
Sometimes love just doesn't work out. There always seems to be a winner and a looser.
Our character will be stronger after this and will be more careful next time.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Here we have an 8 year old child dealing with the death of her uncle. It was sudden and she understands things will change. She thinks to herself about how much he was part of her life. How he made her smile just by speaking.
All it took was a phone call to change her life.
She needs to talk it out with her parents. She needs to be able to cry; as of yet only one tear has she shed.
She must understand it's ok to cry and that it is part of the circle of life. It is hard to talk to children about death. This child sounds like she knows the basic sense of loss but she needs some reassurance that her uncle is in a better place. The love he felt for her didn't stop that day and neither should the love she felt for him. Remind her to keep remembering him and the good times they shared.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

The little green guy felt defeated.
His brew was not truly completed.
Oh to survive, he sent it to ST. LOO
Without a kick to be had too.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Loy's Faux Pas  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

I am so glad I came across this silly thing this morning. I needed a good laugh and thanks to the author I found one.
We have a lady dancing and not having enough room. There would be consequences. The lake she be waiting. Our character didn't contemplate her fate. Dripping from head to toe. Madder than a hornet. Reaching a angry realm some can relate to. I know I have reach that more than once.
I must make a note of that {new to me word} that covers so much ground.

Thank you for sharing and a grammar lesson.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

A man reflects on his life and how he has always known there is a God. There may have been days that tested him but he accepted them as a way to assume the wisdom put in front of him. Others looking on might feel he is withdrawn and doesn't think in the heavenly realm.
But he is one of those people that are certain there is a higher being. Does he complain about a bump here or there? No.
His life hasn't been easy but to him it has been a learning experience. A way to find out what he is made of. A way to give thanks in his own way to God. Knowing, full well, there is a place made ready for him.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of The Pit  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

She awakes to a new day and finds herself in a dark place. A place that might be called despair. Or perhaps another word overwhelmed with things that must be taken care of. Is there enough of her to carry through with them all? As time passes the knowledge she must complete so many things, almost consumes her very existence. She ends the day feeling trapped.

Come the next morning and she isn't so overwhelmed she begins to try to pull herself up from this darkness. She hears others talking and needing her. The harder she tries to climb to help them the less they help her.
They take advantage of her. They know her so well and that she can fix anything from anywhere. Instead of releasing her from this frantic darkness they let her fall once they are through with her.

Now she feels abandoned and forgotten until the next time they need her.

Sad isn't it? Trying so hard to help others but rarely is the concern returned.

She is unselfish to her own ruin.
Taken for granted to the extreme.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Hog Heaven  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author takes us along on a trip in the country. Just west on Rt 46 is a place to find some old fashion down home cookin. It might not be fancy but it probably is known for miles around. The waitress has been there for a long time and must serve some regulars. It actually has a screen door. Inside it needs work but we find the smell of the food inviting indeed.
We soon enjoy a bowl of tasty okra and taters. Then the best part is the rack of ribs with home made sauce. Probably been cookin in the smoker for hours.

Boy, this brings back memories.
Too bad we can't linger.
Thanks for the dinner invite.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

He was obsessed with the noise within the walls.
He tried and tried to exorcise it.
His wife took off the more 'off the wall' he became.
Soon he came after the thing with a bulldozer.
Needless to say; people became disturbed by these actions.

He is now safely behind padded walls.
The only thing is that annoying scratching has apparently followed him here.

Review of The Thread Box  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Here we have a woman making sure her children know about their family.
A memory box that says more than words can say. Given at the birth of a little angel.
So many times we forget to tell our children about how are family came to be and those that made it special.

The history involved, the changes that have come about and will again.

Thank you for sharing this touching piece.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

This is sad.
A dog waits for his master that's not coming home. Of course the dog doesn't understand and keeps looking and hoping for his buddy to play with.
He watches another dog playing with his master.
By the shore he waits, promises to be a better dog; yet he remains alone.

Good job with this showing the love for the master by the dog.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Sometimes we think about our life and what we might have done differently.
Here we have our author feeling more time should have been spent with siblings and parents. Being closer to them with good memories.
Then comes education and then where to pursue teaching. There were options available. The desire to learn several languages is a nagging issue.
Some self talk about how to be a better teacher. Maybe even marry again.

Don't we all do this type of thing from time to time.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of The Gift  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author brings us a thought to ponder this new day. So many times we look for acceptance and, to a degree, feel we are loved by that acceptance.
Do we really need validation from others to know what we are made of? Do we need a pat on the back every time we do something? Can't we think to ourselves that we have the right stuff to do that particular thing. We don't need 'JOE' from down the street to say 'good job'. We know we did a good job and will do it again.
In the same train of thought; what if we fail? Do we take that knock and or do we worry about what other people might think. If you spend your life trying to please others; what time to you have to please yourself or to grow as an individual.
Look in the mirror; do you like what you see?

Thank you for sharing.

Review of SILVER WATER  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author takes us along to a place where moonbeams dance upon the water.
A mountain lake to offer us a bit of serenity.
There is beauty; much more than one could hope to find.
To thank her with the right words would be truly hard to find.
We wish we could linger a bit in the heavenly place.
Like her we can only dream but know it's there if we look within our hearts.

Thank you for sharing this lovely piece.

Review of ENOUGH FOR ME  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

What a lovely way to start my day.
Coming across this touching, expressive thankful piece.
A woman expresses how her life has been blessed with things, some might call simple. To her they are enough.
She has felt and seen all of His glory given to us to see and feel.
Her memories are shared with us today but dwell in her contented heart always.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Sometimes relationships are rocky. The two people decide to call it quits. Then one decides it might be worth another try. The other is a bit hesitant but they give it another shot.

Well, this poor guy has tried and fallen for those same lies over and over again.
There won't be another time. Enough is enough.
The words are worthless along with the promises.
Letting go won't be so hard after all.

Thank you for sharing.

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