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Review of Book Reviews  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am rating this folder on its future potential. At the moment there are only two things in it, but two things that give someone going through your portfolio a good look at your reviewing style. Cover of the books visible in both reviews, the thumbs up, and wonderfully written reviews make this something you should expand and guide people to books you have read. This is something that can make your port a must stop to see recommended books. I was exceptionally pleased with this folder and cannot wait for it to grow and grab all of its potential.

Keep up the good work.
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You address the concerns I had in the other review in this one. You let me know what to expect from the book and told me that I would be wrapped up in the characters. This review gives me the puch to take a look at the book and see what I think.

Your review board is beautiful. I get to see your ratings, the author's name, a good story outline, a reference to a previous book in the series, how the book came across to you, and your likes and dislikes. This review is wonderful. It is things such as this that lead a reader to at least take a look.

Very well done.
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is a very well written review. The inclusion of your likes and dislikes is always a plus. As a reader, you let me now of how the book made you feel and include a brief outline detailing what we can expect. Good job at relating back to other books in the series and giving the reader of your review other options.

I was a little diapppointed in the fact that I do not know anything about the book other than what you give us in the outline. I would have liked to have seen something about the character development or if the intrigue comes across predictibly or has a strong pull for the reader. I see the book as a whole and from your personal views of it, but would like to know if I will connect well with the characters or if I am going to be wrapped up in the events.

Great review and my thoughts are opinion only with no disrespect in any way. I appreciate the look at your review and think you did a pretty throrough job. Well done.
Review of "Secret Sister"  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This was a well written poem in regard to a very serious offense. I think you deliver the lines nicely and give needed strength to those that are still staying away from the light after such an occurence. You bring important thoughts into the lines and it travels well across the entire poem. The meaning is clear and I can see the emotion behind such a deed. The abused side of the deed. Very rough subject and you did a good job with this.
Review of I Needed Him!  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow! This poem is a beautiful expression of love and loss. As I read through your lines, I could feel the emotions drowning me. The poem has such a somber feel to it that It forced me to sit back and absorb all I had just read.

The flow of this is slow, almost draining. I believe it becomes slow due to the sentences and words you use to pour the heart into what is being read. I actually shook my head when I had finished. Each l line is strong and weaves powerful verses with a darkening feel. You did a very good job it putting such sense to this.

"Standing, surrounded by love"
"But feeling none..."

These two lines hurt. I just wanted to say that. They actually hurt.

I hope you do not mind, but I have included a link to this poem in my own file "My collection of authors on WDC. Poetry".
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (3.5)
Well defined piece on what you see in the music or through the music. It lets the reader see through your thoughts and is very personal. The piece flows well and had simple lines that bring power to what you are giving us. Overall: this was a very good indication of what you think and how you feel toward music.
Review of Cat Commandments  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a cute idea that any cat lover will find endearing. I enjoyed the fact that you kept to the real life events of the typical cat. It makes this have the humor I think you were looking for. It was an enjoyable read. I may have liked to have seen in in biblical verse though. That would make it have that little extra zip. Good work.
Review of We are england  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am rating this solely on appeal. Nothing being said about structure or lines or anything of the such. Nice and easy read and I get it. It has a decent feel to it and I enjoyed reading about what England is. Far from me, but a nice take on being the middle.
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wow, this poem certainly holds a lot of emotion. I am impressed with the strength you wrote the words here and expressed yourself. This is a picture into a rough thing and I read through it twice to make sure I was not missing anything.
The poems flow is a little jagged, though I assume that is due to the point you are making. You wrote it in simple terms that allow such an easy read. Each line holds true power, direct on point and giving the reader the essence of you. I was pleased to have read this, though not with what is behind it and I feel for the emotion here. Very nicely handled. Such a tough thing to have done.
Review of Unbroken  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This was a beautifully written poem. As I read it and the words absorbed me, the rest of the room I am in went silent. I am not an author with a background in poetry, but I am well aware of when I find something that strikes against me so deeply.
Each verse holds a seperate idea that together fulfill the meaning of the poem. It feels soft, but comes through with real power. First, you show that they stand together in strength, then suddenly there is gentle pulling at what they have, not the war and storms they feared, but something a bit more subtle. Everything they were aware of had no chance but the smaller things are what begins causing the destruction. I think you did a great job showing the reader how the strength weakens and yet, something there still remains. The final verse is extremely sound. You did such a beautiful job in pulling the emotion and the yearning together in a sense that there is always something remaining.
Overall: The poem's flow is brilliant. The lines are strong and change their tempo, causing the reader to feel the movement of the piece. The words are simple, nothing brash or over the top to take the focus away. The feel to this is simply amazing and the poem is so easy to read. This one is a plus.
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nicely done. This was not at all what I was expecting, but I enjoyed the story. It has some real life feel to it, a pull from emotions most of us experience. You did a great job in putting this to words.
Overall: The character development is good, maybe a little more from what they were within themselves is needed, but still good. The story has a feel good feel to it, but I think you could lebgthen and show some kind of conflict overcome through love. I really enjoyed taking a read and hope you keep my above thoughts during any future edits. This is something that you could lengthen and add so much pure power to it. There is still more potential underneath what you have written. It takes reworking over time, but there is definitely more here.


1) I would make sure to seperate the dailogue out of the paragraph. Very little dialogue, but it does need to stand on its own outside a paragraph.

Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem holds up well to the thoughts you are wanting to bring out. Each line is on point and paints your feelings nicely.
Overall: The poem has a good flow and several wonderful lines. It feels a little lighter than I thought it should, but has some very powerful potential in its current makeup. This is a good job of the author expressing their feelings and I believe it has some strength that is left untapped. A good job in its current form and I would recommend just a little tweaking to bring out its untapped power. Good job.


1) "The one that broke the mold" I love the thought in this line, but the sentence structure made me jump out of the poem's natural flow. I am not certain how to rearrange to make the flow improve and keep the exact same meaning of this line. Good idea here with what you say in this line though.
Review of My True Love  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem hold well to the idea behind it. You deliver your thoughts in strong lines and it has a nice, easy flow that does not take away from the reading. A few of the rhymes feel a little forced, but they work.
Overall: I would like to see a little more strength to let this poem have the full potential I can see in it free. Personal feelings are always hard to bring out and let loose, but you have managed to do so quite passionately. Again, I would like to see just a bit more and would be happy to reread at any time. Keep up the good work.


1) "And to me (so) very precious" This line jogged out of flow and I think if you removed the word 'so' it would hold its meaning and fix the flow. Only a thought.

2) "'til I'm taken to above" This line seemed a bit out of place in its set up for some reason.

My thoughts are only personal opinions and I would never attempt to infringe upon anyone's style. I only attempt to let other authors know of my thoughts during my read.
Review of My Dear Mari  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (4.0)
To start, I was a little uncomfortable in my reading with the way the poem is set up. I sat back and reread it, however, and came to see how this form may work in your presentation. The poem reads as a letter would. Once I seperated conventional structure from what you seem to be doing here, it feels better and I actually like the idea. Different from the line by line poem, but still there in a letterish form. Very appealing when I sat back and thought it over.
The lines use easy words and is simple to follow. The poem has a steady flow and a warm rhythm that is definitely needed for a love poem. Good job in bringing out your feelings and defining them well within this piece. It is direct, well meant, and shows the love you have set it here to show.
Overall: The poem has a bit of a sexual egde in the reading, but does not turn into something provocative. It comes across as the feelings of one lover to another. What is behind the lines is clear and the author did a great job in promoting the love he intended.
Review of Crayon  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (3.5)
I enjoyed the read, and think that you have a wonderful ability to paint such beautiful images. I have seen it in some of your other things. I think the whole crayon take is brilliant, but would have liked a little more to make it bloom as large as I fell this poem should. This one has some undiscovered potential and I believe this could become such a very powerful piece if you chose to extend the thoughts some. Nice job.
Review of Jackson's Funeral  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (5.0)
I do not have much to say about this poem. Actually, my heart was caught in my throat and that is so very rare to me. I have no desire to judge on flow, or rhythm, or structure, or strength of line. My rating today will be purely on its appeal to me. Regardless of how correct the poem's makeup truly is, this touched me and I want you to know that I found it to be beautiful. Reviewers, give this one a read.
Review of My Bracelet  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This poem is very well written. It has a sad, lonely feel to it and I can see the emotion that drives it. You present a serious issue in sauch a soft way that it drives it into the thoughts of the reader. I favor the easy wording you use to bring this subject out so boldly within this poem. You did a good job with this piece and I am glad that I took a look.
Review of Thoughts of You  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (4.5)
A good use of the staggered flow to set the distress that this poem pronounces. I could feel the loss in the way you distributed the lines in your poem. The feeling is evident as one reads through this; loss, regret, and sorrow.
Overall: I found this poem to have some very powerful emotion woven through its lines. The lines are strong, words that are easy to read and chosen to fit where they due to show what is being felt. I do not have much to say other than, I am sorry and you did a great job with putting your emotion into words.
Review of Eraser  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I had to sit back and think this one over for a few minutes after I read it. It is a poem that causes someone to pause for thought. It is a lovely piece you have written here and I could feel some of the emotion that rose up from your words. There seems to be so much more to it that just what it is saying. We all get impressions from what we read and I liked what you have done with this poem.
This has an easy flow and a good rhythm that held through my read. The imagery is wonderful and adds so much to the words you have set down in very strong lines. I hope that you do not mind, but I have included a link to your poem in my own file "My collection of authors on WDC. Poetry". If you are uncomfortable with this, please let me know.
I really enjoyed reading this poem.
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is a great collection of horror based stories. They all stand on their own and, in this folder, we get to see how you personally handle the genre. I read all the stories, "Ruthy" and "Stripping Death" being my favorites, but I only reviewed one or two. I was afraid to mistep in my critique of this genre as it is not amongst my favorites. All that being said. I enjoyed taking a look at these, think this folder is a wonderful home for the collection, and at least rated everything.
Review of Stripping Death  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This was a very interesting and quite appealing short. It was lighter than expected with something concerning death, but the reasons took hold as I read through it. I have read a few things on the reaper, all with some twist, but I found this one attractive. The only thing I am concerned with is, how did he get it? If I am to wonder for the rest of my day today, it is going to kill me.
You did great in your development of death. I like the fact that he dislikes someone and that he hates the job, only taking it for fanily following. It holds up nicely with your interpreetation. The story is a good read and has a satisfactory ending to it.
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This was a folder well worth the visit. I did not read the incomplete novel, due to my own OCD issues, but I did read all the shorts. I was pleased with what I saw in here. Each of these stories stood out on their own and you did not fall back to same old/same old with anything. I am looking forward to checking back one day and seeing any new additions to this folder.
Review of Tin Heart  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (4.5)
DANG. The appeal of what I read here is monsterous. You did a very good job writing this piece, and I still feel bad about its conclusion. Always horrible when the reader's hopes are dashed. That being said, this is one of my favorite stories I have read of yours. There is one other that I liked more, but I am reviewing this one.
You really show the reader what love is here. As I read this, and hoped, I could feel the emotion driving the story. I agree fully with you being given an awardicon. It was deserved. This one is a must for readers looking for something good. The end image is crushing my brain however. That, I will never forgive you for.
Review of To Be Young Again  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am writing this review to let others know about the appeal of this short. It is well worth the read and I am not going to belittle how I feel about what I read by checking the grammer, or structure, or any of the usual things. This story made me smile. I love the development of your characters and the presentation between the two. I believe I got it correct in the end, but it was a little staggered in my complete understanding. If I did get it correct, and I am sure I did, you concluded it with such a powerful swing. I would recommend this to the authors on WDC. Give it a read. It is quick, easy, and to the point.
I hope that you do not mind, I have chosen to include a link to this in my own file "My collection of authors on WDC. Shorts". If you would like me to remove it, please let me know. It was a true pleasure. That is my personal opinion.
Review of Left Hanging  
Review by teihzbael
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
You did an exceptional job following the description you were suposed to use in the creation of this story. I would have liked to have felt the tension a little better, I didn't feel enough of it. You developed the characters well enough, had good plot direction, and I absolutely love the way you concluded this piece. I think that any man enjoys when a woman overblows something and realizes she did. It is so very rare when it happens. (Smiling here as it is a personal thought)
Again, I wanted more of the tension, but think you came through so strong with her anger. The whole argument, with each speaking their side, is a good work of dialogue. This is a pleasing short that I would reccomend to anyone wishing to read something most of us can associate with. Great.
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